The Ben Maynard Program

EP. 63 Friday Night Live: WITHOUT WARNING! Legendary Albums, and Rock Band Revelations!


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What's it like to navigate the dating scene in today's world? You'll find out as we catch up with Christina and her latest adventures. Also, ever struggled with ranking a legendary band's discography? Join us for a lively debate on Foreigner's studio albums, where we also give a special shoutout to listener JC Storm 76 for his unique take. Our journey doesn't stop there—let's celebrate the milestone of our 63rd episode and our exciting upgrade to 1080p video quality for a better viewing experience.

Feeling nostalgic? We are too, especially when talking about REO Speedwagon. With Neil Daughty stepping back from touring and Bruce Hall recovering from back surgery, we ponder what the future holds for this iconic band. Will they return under a new name? Inspired by Eddie Trunk's insights, we break down the band's evolution and the often-hidden conflicts that have shaped their history. Despite the challenges, our commitment to delivering top-notch music content remains strong.

Ready for a trip down memory lane? Dust off your vinyl collection as we explore classic albums from Fleetwood Mac, Jackson Browne, Dan Fogelberg, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. From the tumultuous creation of Fleetwood Mac's "Rumors" to Jackson Browne’s collaboration with Toto's Jeff Porcaro, we highlight the connections and stories behind these timeless records. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that bridges the past and present, offering a rich tapestry of music history and personal anecdotes.#tellyourstory #familymatters #thebenmaynardprogram #podcast #malort #californiasound #fridaynightlive

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Speaker 1:

Whoops. Hey there, everyone, it's been a while. Welcome into the Ben Maynard program. Thanks for being here. Yeah, into the Ben Maynard program. Thanks for being here. Yeah, it's been a couple weeks.

Speaker 1:

I think I know better how to get this show started. Sorry about making you sit through that whole 30-second countdown, oh gosh. Anyway, it's Friday night, right? Yeah, it's Friday night and we're live. Yeah, loving it. Let's hit that right there for the moment. Yeah, we're live, so let's take care of some housekeeping first.

Speaker 1:

As you know, this podcast is available on just about every streaming platform there is. Okay, so I'm not going to go through all of them, but just search the Ben Maynard program and you'll have a ton of options to choose from. So just go with the one that suits you best. All right, but if you are here tonight, friday night, you are watching this live on YouTube, and so that means you can't get enough of this right here. So if you are watching, thank you so much. The only thing I ask is that you subscribe to the channel, give me a thumbs up and come on, get involved with the program. Let's comment. Come on, let's do on. Let's get some comments going tonight, all right. Last but not least follow me on Instagram. All one word Ben Maynard Program. So plenty of ways to take in this show for your dancing and listening pleasure. And with that, yes, we are live.

Speaker 1:

It's Friday night. It's been a couple of weeks, as you can tell, because I don't even know how to operate things and get them going in the right sequence Stupid, anyway. So how is everyone? I will say this let's do this. We know we're live. Okay, hold on one second. Let me get to the comments. All right, there Now. Comments are open, in case anyone wants to leave one. So little recap of what's been going on lately. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

A couple three weeks ago I think it was the last time we did Friday Night Live. That was when Christina came in studio. Yeah, I was just up here doing my thing and Christina came up here, a good friend of ours and a young single lady, very pretty lady, and we just talked about her single life a little bit and and all the, uh, some of the adventures that she has had dating, yeah, the, the trouble that she's been going through, and, uh, we touched on that a little bit, had some fun. And then, uh, I think it was the following week, I did the Foreigner Studio Albums rank. That's right, yeah, yeah, I ranked those from nine to one and it was tough. It was tough. I had a good time putting it together. As a matter of fact, hold on here a second. Hold on one moment. I'm going to go look for something.

Speaker 1:

You guys need to watch that episode. Okay, there aren't very many views on it. Okay, I'll tell you something. First, let me see, let's stop this right here. Nope, stop that and hit that, okay. First, let me see, let's stop this right here. Nope, stop that and hit that, okay. So, um, oops, boom, there we go. Uh it, it was a lot of fun, it was a good episode. It was, uh tough.

Speaker 1:

You would think it wouldn't be so tough to just rank nine albums, but it was very tough, but I enjoyed it. I got a really nice comment from let me put my glasses on here JC Storm 76. And he ranked his and I'll go from nine up number nine, mr Moonlight At number eight, unusual Heat. Number seven, can't Slow Down. Number six, agent Provocator. Number five, insight Information. Number four, double Vision. Number three, the debut album. Number two, foreigner Four, foreigner 4, and his number one album was Head Games. And then he left that list and he said to me, surprised how low you had Head Games at 6,.

Speaker 1:

But we all hear things differently and he's absolutely correct. I guess most people wouldn't put it first either and I would say to that he's probably right because, um it it is. I mean it's a great album and I like it. But, um, a lot of people kind of skip over that one for some reason, I don't know. It kind of gets it gets a little bit lost for some reason, I don't know it kind of gets it gets a little bit lost. Uh, let me see it normally comes in about third or fourth.

Speaker 1:

In other ranking videos I've seen Um but up but up but up but uh, inside information is underrated. I agree, I know Lou doesn't sing on, can't slow down, but it is a definite step up from the previous two albums in my opinion. I may be a little biased, however, as I saw them on that tour Love your passion, man, and yeah. So I thanked him for that comment. It was a great comment and it was just nice that he participated in it. It's wonderful and that's the fun part about putting these lists together is that you know you do it for the participation from you, the audience out there. I want you guys to partake in this, put some thought into it. We're all music lovers, otherwise you wouldn't be watching. Well, you might watch this podcast for other reasons, but yeah, that was just a great comment and he's right in a couple of those. You know a couple of statements that he made, but it's a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

And, just to give you a heads up, there's a couple of a couple of shows coming up that I'm really looking forward to. What's today? Today's September 28th or, I'm sorry, september 27th, and so we're just about out of the month of September, and next month, I believe it's October 19th. That's the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. So I'm putting together a couple of episodes to kind of celebrate it a little bit. I'm looking at the calendar. We're going to work it out. My buddy Spaz is coming back. Yes, he is. He's going to him and I. We're both going to put together our foreigner top 20 songs. So look for that coming up and it probably going to be.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, like I said, I have to look at the calendar first and one get on his schedule and then we'll hammer it out and then, returning to the program is Deep Cut Dennis. Now you have to go all the way back to the beginning of this show to see Deep Cut Dennis. I don't remember what episode number he was on, but he is a just. I mean, he is just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to music. And so we talked I think it was two weeks ago and I asked him about coming back on the program and talking about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We can talk about some of the acts that are going in. We can talk about acts that are already in, but we're going to talk about some music and we'll focus it around the rock and roll hall of fame. So that's kind of what's coming up a little bit, and I've got some good stuff planned around veterans day. So I know that's still another six weeks or so off.

Speaker 1:

You just want to stay tuned to that. You really do. You really want to make sure you're involved in that. It's going to be just. I'm so looking forward to this. It's going to be great, it's absolutely going to be great.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, today is Friday night, we are live and let's see. Oh, pop, hey, hey, hey, I see you there. I also got a text. Let me read it. I think it was from. I think it was from. Let's see, it was always from Tony Spouse's daughter, his oldest. She says hey, uncle Ben, watching you before I Oops, shut it off, before I go work on some clients tonight. Yeah, she's going to go out there and rough them up a little bit, I'll bet. Love you. Well, I love you too. Thank you, tony, appreciate that. Yeah, so again, it's Friday night. We are live. Happy Friday to you too. We are live. Happy Friday to you too. Happy Friday to everybody out there.

Speaker 1:

And yesterday, so bummed out, so bummed out, oh my gosh, so bummed out. Yesterday was National Pancake Day, so I got home a little too late to have pancakes for dinner. Yeah, I was really looking forward to it. So Catherine, being the wonderful wife that she is, she made me pancakes for dinner tonight. So I got to celebrate National Pancake Day a little bit late, but nonetheless I got to do it. And come on, who doesn't love breakfast for dinner? You know what I'm saying? Everybody loves. Well, I would say everybody loves breakfast for dinner. Who doesn't? It's great.

Speaker 1:

Then I noticed this is what I'm so angry about it's National Chocolate Milk Day today, come on. And I love chocolate milk. Oh my gosh, I love chocolate milk so much. I'm sorry, I hope this is all right. I know I'm pounding on the windscreen here, but it sounds like I'm getting a buzz. I hope I'm not getting a buzz, as I get a little into that microphone, but for me it sounds like I'm getting it. You know, I should probably do this show with headphones on. I just don't want to. I don't want to mess up my hair. Oh, boo, right, I know how vain. I didn't even do my hair, didn't even do my hair before the show. Give me a break, seriously. So yeah, national Chocolate Milk Day. Oh, I saw that and I was like you got to be kidding me and I don't have any chocolate milk here at the house. I'll tell you what.

Speaker 1:

Now, for those of you here in Southern California, you might know this. For those of you outside of Southern California, forget about it. You won't even know. But there's a dairy, a local dairy, in Montebello, which is a suburb of LA it's like eight miles east of LA and it's called Brogier's Dairy. Now, when I bought my first house back in 1987, I lived very close to the dairy and that's where I would get my milk. I would get all my milk there, of course, my chocolate milk, eggnog, because they had their own recipe for everything. They had their own recipe for their chocolate milk, for their eggnog, and they put it in glass bottles. There's nothing better than milk in glass bottles and for many, many, many years that's what I drank. I would I even hear from from Chino Hills I would make a trek to Montebello to go get my milk. It's that good. So when I saw it was National Chocolate Milk Day, I just I just about fell out. I was so bummed I thought, oh my gosh, it'd be tremendous to have some BroGear's chocolate milk best chocolate milk ever, ever in the history of ever, and I would drink it right here on the show. So good, so good.

Speaker 1:

Well, speaking of the show, because it's Friday night and we're live tonight, we'll have all the usual stuff going on. We will have the Malort challenge, which means if you call into the program, I'm not taking comments. In fact, if you call in, let me do this, let me do this. Change it from Friday Night Live to that. There you go. Now you actually can call in because there's the phone number. So if you call into the program, then I've got to take a drink of this fabulous stuff right here, this fabulously nasty tasting, the absolute worst tasting liquor ever Malort Okay, tasting the absolute worst tasting liquor ever Malort Okay. So I've got to take a drink of that in my Mr Spock shot glass, which has stayed in the studio since the lovely, talented Catherine washed it, but it's remained in the studio since. So it does have a tiny bit of funk in it, and we'll also play Stump the Chump, which means if you call in, call in, not comment, you can comment all you want, but those don't count With your music trivia and you stump me, gotta take a drink.

Speaker 1:

So two ways to get Ben to drink. It's not a drinking show, not even a drunk show, although I'm still feeling the effects right here in this shoulder. Oh, I should have called Tony and told her to come over here. Oh, my gosh in this neck from I don't know almost three months ago when Catherine and Jim got me gosh, got me drunk on the show. Nine shots, nine shots in an hour 20. That was terrible. I woke up, I was just crooked and my neck hasn't been the same sense. So it's not a drunk show, it's not. So we're going to do that. Then, yeah, we've got, oh, someone's texting. Who's texting? Why do they text? Don't text. Ah, there, you have. Wait, wait, it's from Tony. Again You've been saying that, yeah, you're right, you busted me. I have been saying that. I have been saying that, you know, got to get it done, Just shut up and get it done, right. So we got that Malort stump the chump and we're kind of set.

Speaker 1:

How's everybody's week been? I know for me it's been tough, long week, a lot of hours. I did like I said. I did get home in time to have my pancakes for dinner tonight, so that was delicious. But I didn't have any time for show prep, and usually with Friday Night Live there's not a ton of show prep, but at least I scratch out some notes and some things that I want to discuss. I don't have anything, although this is episode 63. Yeah, I mean it's kind of cool, but then, because of what's been going on this summer, like I have explained a little bit previously, we're having a lot of work done on the house, around the house, and then of course Cisco is killing me. So I haven't had a lot of time to do any show prep for Friday Night Live or even write a show.

Speaker 1:

I was shocked that I was able to squeeze in the Forner episode. You know that I. You know I got that one done, but I just haven't had a lot of time, which it stinks because it obviously makes the show suffer. I think it does. Maybe you don't, and that's good. If you don't, that means I'm doing okay anyway, but yeah. So by this point we should have probably been at least at 70 episodes, but we're at 63. Tonight's 63. That's okay, I'll take it. It's more than one episode a week because we started the podcast I think it was God, I have to go back and look, but it was in October of last year. So we're about 11 months maybe yeah, about 11 months into this and we've done more than one episode a week. So that's great.

Speaker 1:

But I was hoping for more. I was hoping to you know, be closer to you know 75 at this point. That would be great if I could hit 100 episodes before the first of the year. Oh man, that's going to be a goal. I don't know. That's a lot. That's 37 episodes, that's 37 to go. So we'll see. We'll see when you make that happen. Be nice.

Speaker 1:

It'd also be nice to have about 200 subscribers to the channel. I think I'm at 109. So if you're watching and you haven't subscribed, if you're listening and you haven't subscribed, please just subscribe. Just subscribe to the channel. Okay, you know, it doesn't cost you anything. You don't have to do anything except hit that subscribe button, you know. But that's okay, that's all right. So let me back up for a second about the foreigner episode. For those who have seen it, I need to apologize and I'll tell you why in a second. For those who haven't go watch it, because it's good stuff. It really is. Of course I did it. I mean, of course I did it. I mean, come on, why wouldn't it be good? But I think I've said this in the past I usually do not watch the show.

Speaker 1:

I usually do not watch the podcast. After I record it, after I publish it and all that, I don't watch it. There's very few episodes that I've actually gone and all that I don't watch it. There's very few episodes that I've actually gone and watched afterwards. Really, I mean 62 before tonight and maybe five. Maybe I've watched five.

Speaker 1:

I do listen to a lot of them. I haven't listened to most of them. I haven't listened to all of them. I should say I've listened to a lot of them. I haven't listened to most of them, I haven't listened to all of them. I should say I listen to a lot of them, probably more than half. And the reason why I do this look, I know what it looks like. I can see myself right here. Okay, so I know what it looks like, but I'll go and listen to it on Buzzsprout because I want to hear what it sounds like. But getting back to the Foreigner episode, the studio albums ranked.

Speaker 1:

I watched it about gosh, it might have been a week after I did it and I couldn't believe how bad it was. Not the content, but it kept stopping. The audio would play through but the video would stop, and it did it quite a few times and I thought wait a minute. Normally, you know that normally if, as I'm recording, I can see if the if, if there's a problem with the video, and it would stop. But none of that happened while I was recording the episode. So to see it kind of jump a little bit or or, or pause or freeze up, um, that was a little disturbing. So for those who have seen it I apologize. At least the audio just played all the way through, um, but yeah, I thought that was kind of. I was a little upset about that one.

Speaker 1:

Now, I don't know if you've noticed, I know I don't think I have, but then again I I see myself, but it's fuzzy because I am in my glasses we all, they're just readers. But it's fuzzy because I am in my glasses we all, they're just readers. But it's fuzzy from here. So I can't tell. But I'm supposed to be recording or broadcasting this show in 10, 80, p, h, d, baby. Yeah, I know it used to be seven, 20. And that was just due to my my. Yeah, I know it used to be 720. And that was just due to the subscription I use on my Buzzsprout account or not Buzzsprout, I'm sorry. Streamyard, that's the video service that I use and my membership or subscription only allowed me to record or broadcast in 720. Well, for whatever reason, they kind of upgraded everything and now it's 1080.

Speaker 1:

So awesome, although my camera's 4K. Big difference, but that's okay. So if it looks a little bit better, I hope it does. I hope it looks a little sharper and maybe a little more crisp, I don't know, maybe not. Maybe then you can see the bags under my eyes or the wrinkles or whatever, I don't know. Maybe we don't need that, but yeah, so I just whatever. I can't even tell the difference. Anyway, who cares? Right? Just thought I would share that.

Speaker 1:

So now, okay, as everybody knows, I'm a huge music lover and I'm pretty sure most of you out there are, you know, tremendous lovers of music as well, and we're probably all around the same genre. Let me take a drink here. I'm getting a little dry throat. Okay, that's my. What am I drinking there? Um, classic rock music, you know, and with some of the artists. And the reason why I don't know all the particulars is because I've been working 14 hours every day and I don't get time to come home and check out this stuff and read up on this. I just hear little blurbs here and there. But, um, as you know, I'm a huge journey fan, love journey, favorite band. As you know, I'm a huge Journey fan, love Journey, favorite band, all that good stuff. But if you haven't heard, they just recently did a show in Chile, I think it was last weekend.

Speaker 1:

So apparently R&L did not sound all that good. Now I've heard some things that there was trouble with the sound or the sound guy. He was having problems with his in-ears, things of that nature, and he just, yeah, it was horrible. I haven't seen any video footage. I haven't gone on YouTube to watch anything, I haven't listened to anything, but apparently he was really getting it from a lot of fans, so much so that he went.

Speaker 1:

I think it was on his Twitter account. He had a poll on his Twitter account. He addressed the fans, said if you want me out of the band, say go. If you want me to stay, say stay. I mean, wow, I mean, who does that? You know well, apparently the consensus was for Arnell to stay and I did read something from gosh who should? I should see, because there's not enough hours for me to do this due to work. Gosh, I got to retire. Huh Got to retire. Make more time for this show, um, but I don't recall the name of the person. Uh, but it was another musician and he had a big long post on Facebook and and he was just talking about hey, people, you know, leave the guy alone.

Speaker 1:

He's actually stepping in and trying to fill the shoes of, you know, steve Perry, which is a near impossible feat, and he's right. He's right, even as great as Steve Jerry is and was when, when he was in the band. It's still just an impossible feat. And Arnell, you know he's been in the band now 16, 17 years and you know it's it takes its toll, it it does, it just takes its toll. I've talked about it many times before.

Speaker 1:

You know, I honestly don't think Steve Perry could do this, certainly not at the level that Journey tours, you know. Could he do you know, 15, 20 shows a year, kind of spread out? Oh, I have no doubt that he could do that. But is he going to be the Steve Perry perry of you know, 1983, 1986, even 1996? No, come on, um, it's just, he painted himself in a corner. I mean, when you sing stuff like you know, just love and touch and squeeze and uh, really, just some tremendous songs, homemade love, and I'm bringing up some stuff, that songs that maybe you're not even familiar with, only because I think of these songs and he's just in the, he's just in another stratosphere when he sings these songs, lay it down off of escape, and you know, just stuff like that. There's no possible way that he'd ever, he could ever do that, not like he did then.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, let me get back to Arnell. So apparently the consensus was no, arnell stay, so he's staying. And I just thought that was, I mean, bizarre, bizarre. I mean, as much as I'm not an appreciator of I shouldn't say an appreciator, no, appreciator is probably the proper term as much as I'm not an appreciator of what Arnell does, he has been a tremendous, he's been a tremendous singer in the band, and you know so. Why would you know? And you know so, why would you know? Why would he leave? Why should he leave and why should he allow anyone to determine his future? You know so. But it was kind of for lack of a better word it was kind of ballsy on his part to do that, you know, just to see maybe how people were going to react to it or not. But he won out. Right, right, arnell, you won out. So you're still there. Good on you, yeah. And then, oh my gosh, okay, reo Speedwagon.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how many of you are fans of REO Speedwagon. I'm a fan of REO Speedwagon. They're a great band and they have been a great band for many, many, many years. I mean going back. I think the band started in like 71 or 72. Well, right now, currently, the band consists of absolutely no original members, absolutely no original members now, um, kevin Cronin.

Speaker 1:

Well, now, from the, the classic lineup, you had Kevin Cronin, you had, uh uh, bruce Hall and you had Neil Dowdy. Now, uh, neil bowed out. Now, neil was the lone original member in the band. I don't, you know it was a five-piece band when they first started. I don't remember all of the original members by name, but I know Neil was an original member. Gary Richrath and Alan Gratzer, the drummer, they were three of the original members. I know Bruce came in around 1970, 75, 76, 77, somewhere around there, and Kevin Cronin had come in the band, had left, had come back to the band very early on. But even Kevin was not an original member, even though he was there for all of their basically their greatest material, which includes, of course, their biggest selling album, high Infidelity. But, but, um, you know, neil bowed out, uh, from touring, not as a like a member of the band, an official member or voting member of the band, but so neil still partakes in that. But you know, you get, these guys are all in their 70s, okay, and then come on, they've been road dogs forever, especially the last 20 years.

Speaker 1:

Reo has been touring like nonstop every single summer. So so Neil bowed out from touring. Like I said, it would be two, two years ago, three years ago. It was two years ago Cause I saw them. I remember seeing. I remember seeing REO it was it was on a bill with lover boy sticks and seeing REO it was, uh, it was on a bill with Loverboy Styx and and REO. Yeah, cause Styx and REO were co -headlining that tour. That was in 22. So so it was, after that tour Neil bowed out. So now you had a band with no original members at all.

Speaker 1:

Okay, where I'm going with this is that Bruce had back surgery. I think it was late last year or early this year, and so when, when REO started their tour this year, he was not up to it. He hadn't recovered and, you know, not recovered enough to go out and tour the way these guys do Three, four shows a week. But now he's at the point to where he wants to come back and he's basically being told no. So I don't know all the ins and outs on it. It's just really odd to me.

Speaker 1:

But now, all of a sudden, reo put out a statement last week saying at the end of this year, reo Speedwagon is done as a touring entity, we're done, and whatever shows. I think Kevin just had a short illness just within the last couple of weeks as well and it just got released from the hospital, I think it was. That might've even been sometime this week. So they had to cancel a couple of shows and they were like we're not making up the cancel shows, we're going to move forward with these ones here and these are the ones that we're done, we're doing, and then you know when the last show is over in December were doing, and then you know when the last show is over in December, boom, we're done as a January 1st 2025, reo Speedwagon will no longer be a touring band, something to that effect.

Speaker 1:

And I thought, okay, I mean, what's really the? And I haven't investigated it enough, I just haven't haven't had the time, just like I hadn't had the time to go through all the journey stuff, I haven't had time to go through all the REO stuff. But I think it's fascinating. If somebody out there knows, call in text in, leave a comment, if you kind of know what's happening with this and you've got more details than I'm giving. But I was listening to. I was listening to Eddie Trunk today. You guys know, I'm a great fan of Eddie Trunk and so I listen to him all the time.

Speaker 1:

And he made a comment on it and he thought and it's true to what he says here he says look, no band retires, no band, it doesn't matter how many times they say, oh, we're on our farewell tour, blah, blah, blah, no band retires. And he's 100% right. Okay, and we can talk about that sometime. Who knows, we can talk about it tonight. But he said you know that something is going to, something's going to give. Come next year, reo will be back. Will it be under the REO Speedwagon banner? Will it be Kevin Cronin's REO Speedwagon? Who knows? Whatever it's going to be, it'll be something different, a slight name change, but enough to where it's recognizable, and so that's REO Speedwagon. So I think he's right.

Speaker 1:

I mean you don't just abruptly say, oh, we're done, we're done, but anyway, just silly stuff. I mean the wars that go on over band names and stuff like that. And just, you know, you think that your favorite bands, they all get along, they all just brotherly love. Yeah, one for all, all for one. Blah, blah, blah, most of them. If you were to actually be around them away from the stage, you'd see that they stay in separate hotels, they drive in separate limos, they have separate managers and they have their own dressing rooms because they can't stand each other and just stuff like that, just silly stuff.

Speaker 1:

And most of it is due to the second part of this term music business. It's really what it's about. It's about the business side of it, you know which. A lot of it has to do with money and ego and you know recognition and that type of stuff. It's not music friends, it's music business. Whatever, right, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Let me take one more sip here. It's been a long one and the throat's getting dry. So, oh yeah, better, better, better, Um, so what is on your turntable? Hmm, nah, how do we say that? No, let's say something better, let's call something else. How about if we look through your stacks of wax? Yeah, stacks of wax. What's in your stacks of wax? What does that mean? Your stack of albums? They used to be called wax, vinyl, all kinds of different terms for acetate, that kind of stuff. So let's look through your stacks of wax. How's that? I have a stack right here and they're not mine. I shared with you all a long time ago. If you're new, I'm sharing it with you again. It's all great.

Speaker 1:

I love albums. I'm an old guy. I grew up listening to 12-inch vinyl. You put it on the turntable, drop the needle and you sit, you know, leaning up against your bed, staring at that album cover, reading the liner notes, just diving into it, really absorbing it. You listen to song one through, however many on the first side, flip it over and do the same thing. That's how I listen to music. That's how I grew up listening to music. That's how my generation did it. Okay, um, but when I was about 18 years old 17, 18 years old I sold most of my albums to my favorite record store, levels in uptown Whittier Still there to this day. That's awesome. Um, sold them to levels and, uh, so I, I, I, I mean I literally sold almost all of my, my albums at the time. And then I vinyl was kind of on its way out. It was this was like 1983 when I did this Vinyl was not quite on its way out, but it was headed that direction.

Speaker 1:

So I picked up some vinyl here and there along the way, but not to the numbers that I had previously, and so I have some. I'm pointing at them right here on the on the bookshelf. I have some, but I had asked brother Jim. He was telling me one time he had this stack of albums in his closet. Bring him over, let's check him out, whatever you know. So he brings him over. I think I asked him to bring him over a couple weeks ago and so he did so. I've got him right here in the studio.

Speaker 1:

It's I don't know. There's probably about I don't know 30 of them or so. Probably not all of his albums, because I I know that there's a few of them missing that I'm aware of. But I just thought you know what? Let's go through your stacks of wax, let's see what you got here, okay. So I, I just got him sitting, know what? Let's go through your stacks of wax, let's see what you got here, okay. So I just got up sitting on this chair here and I'm going to pick up the first one. And I have to say this first that, well, let me show you this first one.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to show you the album cover. Some of you will recognize it and some of you may not. Yes, I'm covering up my face will recognize it and some of you may not. Yes, I'm covering up my face. That is David Bowie. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and Spiders from Mars, one of Bowie's landmark albums.

Speaker 1:

What I dig about the cover is there's a right there, that's he's standing in front of a, stand in front of a, like a brick or a Brownstone building, and I don't know if it's supposed to be a recording studio, radio station or what, but that little right here, this little yellow, it's a, it's a sign and it's a lighted sign. It says k west on it. I thought that was really cool because we here in socal used to have a rock station, went by those call letters k west. So I thought that was. I don't know if that's what that means, especially because this was what, 1972, I think, two or something like that. Yeah, 1972, when this came out, what's this one got on here Five years, soul love, moonage daydream.

Speaker 1:

I'm not familiar with those. Starman, it ain't easy. Lady Stardust, star, hang on to yourself. Ziggy Stardust, suffragette city. Okay, so I'm familiar with those two Rock and Roll Suicide and this is what see, this is what I'm getting at.

Speaker 1:

You put your album on and, oh, hold on a second here. Hold on, I'm going to take a call live on the air. Okay, hold on a second. What's up, troy? How you doing, troy, I'm good, but I feel bad. I saw that you called like three days ago. Oh, that's okay, no worries. Hey, listen, I hope you don't mind, but you're live on the air right now. Oh, oh, oh, oh, let me let you go. You don't have to let me go. I don't want to be live on the air, you. You don't have to let me go. I don't want to be live on the air. You don't want to be live on the air. Oh man, no, you go, do your thing. Let me go live and watch you. You can do that. I'm going to see you tomorrow, though. Right, call me when it's over. I'm going to go live and watch you. I'll call you when the show's over. All right, bye.

Speaker 1:

I knew he wasn't calling to be on this show. That's my friend Troy. That's my friend Troy Silva. Him and his wife Debbie are just some awesome people. I'm going to get them on the show. I am. I'll talk to him. I'm going to see him tomorrow. I'm going to talk to him and Debbie about getting just the two of them on the show. They're high school sweethearts. They were going together in high school. They've been. Yeah, they were going together in high school and they're, you know, been married forever and ever and, and yeah, so I think they have a tremendous story. So we're going to do that, all right.

Speaker 1:

So let's get back. Let's get back to Bowie. So, oh, I know, I was looking at, I was going to look at the back here, like I said, we always put the albums on and then we sit on the floor and we read the album cover and so on the back, it says the musicians are David Bowie guitar, sax and vocals. Okay, mick Ronson guitar, piano and vocals. All right, this is what I thought was cool and I already knew this, but I think it's cool. So I'm pointing it out to you Trevor Boulder on bass. And you all are saying who is Trevor Boulder?

Speaker 1:

Trevor Boulder, after he left Bowie's band, joined one of my other favorite all-time bands, uriah Heep. He joined and he was in Uriah Heep oh my gosh, up until he passed. When did he? He died of cancer and I think like 10 years ago, in 2014. So, yeah, so, trevor Boulder. So I don't want to bring that up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, remember, these are my brother Jim's albums. They are in terrible shape. I'm going to give him so much crap for this. Yeah, the album covers, they're just all wore out, not because they're old, but because he had them laying on top of one another.

Speaker 1:

So this one here, linda Ronstadt, greatest Hits. You are going to see a pattern here as we go through these. You're going to see a pattern here and if you need a, okay, you're going to see a pattern here. And if you need a little help, I'll explain what that pattern is. But this one here, oh, sticky stuff. Yeah, this is the greatest hits Gatefold. What's it got on here? You're no Good. Let me just point out the songs. Well, she did a cover of desperado which I think everybody knows. The eagles basically were her backing band before. The eagles were the eagles. Uh, when will I be loved? Everybody knows that one. But by heat wave, we know that one.

Speaker 1:

Tracks of my Tears oh, smokey Robinson. Oh, speaking of Linda Ronstadt, oh, my buddy, bob, you have not met Childhood friend. His cousin, elvin, was a musician and he actually played in Linda Ronstadt's band in the 70s for a short time. Cut an album. Cut an album with her and it was great when Elvin had passed away. I don't know, it's probably been seven, eight years ago, bob and I were cleaning out all of his stuff and Bob was pointing this stuff out to me. He's like, oh yeah, no, look at this album, elvin was on it and, sure enough, elvin drums right there. So I just thought that was cool and I wasn't even thinking about that until I broke the album out right now. So okay, next, one Huge album, one of the biggest selling albums of all time.

Speaker 1:

Fleetwood Mac Rumors. Everybody knows that one, this one, was recorded as the band was. Well, let's put it this way, they were all on drugs and booze and cocaine and everything else, and this one was sleeping with that one and that one was sleeping with this one over here, and it was just one big orgy during the recording of this album here, the writing and recording. But how crazy is it Out of that? They put this album together.

Speaker 1:

One of the greatest albums, one of the greatest, well, one of the greatest albums, but one of the greatest albums. One of the greatest, well, one of the greatest albums, but one of the greatest selling albums of all time as well. The biggest selling albums. Crazy, crazy, yeah, okay, what do we have here?

Speaker 1:

Jackson Brown, the pretender, what I think? I, uh, do we have here? Jackson Brown the Pretender? I'm not going to go through the whole track list, but I do see they've got a lot of credits on the back of the album next to the songs. It's got a lot of credits, the musicians and all that kind of stuff. And the one thing I'm seeing on here Jeff Piccaro. Jeff Piccaro from Toto, one of the most sought after session musicians and, of course, a tremendous drummer in Toto for many, many years. Yeah, but I see his name here on, I think, just about every track on this album, and the only one that I recognize as far as the name, song name is the title track, the Pretender.

Speaker 1:

Okay, brother Jim, what's up next? Dan Fogelberg Souvenirs what do we have on here? Anything that I recognize? No, I do not recognize anything on here, probably because this is from 1974. That's maybe why I don't recognize anything. Now, maybe if I drop the needle on this I might recognize a song or two, but by song titles I don't recognize anything. Now, maybe if I drop the needle on this I might recognize a song or two, but by song titles I don't recognize anything. So I do see on the back of it that Joe Walsh from the Eagles produced it.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, if you're not picking up on it, there's a little bit of a pattern here. Okay, crosby, stills, nash, young, what's, what is this one? Oh, four Way Street. That must mean that it's a double album, and it is. I don't know if I recognize any of these. Oh yeah, I do recognize some of them.

Speaker 1:

Let me get this out here. It's got a list of the songs. Let's see. Love, the One You're With, we all know that one. What else? Southern man yeah, we know that one. Ohio, we know that one. And Carry On, so we know some of those.

Speaker 1:

When did this one come out? When was this one released? I have to kind of open things up and look around. Usually the release dates are on the back cover, but some of these covers are in such bad shape, brother Jim, I'm going to give you so much crap that I can't read them. When did it come out? Oh, geez, like 1971. Wow, okay, are we picking up on the pattern yet? I'm going to go through one more. Nope, I'm going to go through two more because I see what's underneath this one. And then, if you haven't picked it up yet, nope, somebody can text, somebody can call, somebody can comment, then I'm going to tell you the pattern that you should be looking for here. This one here Nicolette, was it Nicolette Larson? Yeah, self-titled Nicolette. A lot of love, that's the only one I recognize on here. You know, gonna take a lot of love. That one I probably shouldn't be singing, although I am a singer of songs Produced by Ted Templeman.

Speaker 1:

Where do we know Ted Templeman from? Ted Templeman produced, I think, every Van Halen album, from the first one through 1984. So the first six albums Ted Templeman produced. The Doobie Brothers yeah, world-renowned producer.

Speaker 1:

The Eagles, or just Eagles, one of these Nights, we all know that one. So there's the title track. Let's see what else is on here. Take it to the limit. Lion eyes, lion eyes, god, great song, great song, great song. Um, yeah, those are the three that I. I know, I mean you hear the eagles all the time, every 20 minutes on classic rock. So I'm sure I've heard most of these songs, but I've never owned this album.

Speaker 1:

So what's the pattern? The pattern is my brother loves the California sound, or that West Coast sound. The Eagles, linda Ronstadt, cross nash and young um, dan fo, well, dan folgerberg, rosie wood, california sound, um, what was the other one I was thinking about, uh, oh, jackson brown, so all kind of known and and um, categorized under that California sound. Yeah, kind of sort of I don't want to say easy listening, but you know the Eagles, you know Jackson Browne, you know those acts, and so there you go, the California sound, and I didn't pick up on it. Well, of course I didn't pick up on it because I didn't know what albums were in the stack until I started.

Speaker 1:

Actually, before the show started, I took a dust rag. I'm dusting all these up. They were filthy. Actually, even after I've dusted them off, my hands are still. I got to go wash them again. I'm going to give my brother so much crap. I'm going to give my brother so much crap. Sorry, jim, just the way it is.

Speaker 1:

Let's see, what else do we have here? I don't care about that one. I don't care about this one. Oh, I do. Let's see, right here, everybody who's in this demographic should recognize Ricky Lee Jones. Yeah, chuck E's in love. That's the big song off of it, and I think I'm looking, I'm looking at the track list here on the back. Yeah, I think that's the big one off of here released. I think it was released in 1978. I think it was 79, 79, I think it was 79. 79. Who produced this one? California Sound, again, lenny Waronker. I'm not familiar. So, yeah, you know fun stuff.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'll leave the rest of it alone, because you know what we may have to do this again, we may have to see your stack of wax, you know, yeah. So, oh, okay, we're gonna start wrapping it up here, but I wanna mention this. I think everyone knows that my dear friend, eddie, who was on the podcast, um, last year, and if you saw the episode that he was on, then you know he, uh, at that time he was in the middle of, uh, uh, what ended up being almost actually a two and a half year fight with cancer and, um, he was, he was like, oh, I think he was like 20 months into it at that time. Yeah, that's right, um, and Eddie and I we go way back and if you haven't seen the episode, go back and watch, cause it's really good. It's really good. But I honestly I don't know because I haven't been able to keep track of everything, but I don't think I did mention this, but Eddie passed away on August the 19th.

Speaker 1:

Eddie passed away on August the 19th and tomorrow is his celebration of life, and I don't want to say a memorial service, because that's not what he wanted it to be. He purposely wants it and wanted it to be called a celebration of life, and so that, so it's tomorrow. And, um, you know, even though we're going to celebrate him a lot, it's, it's still sad, you know. I, I miss him, I miss him. It's been. Uh, by by the time we get to tomorrow it'll be, you know, five weeks, just over five weeks since he passed, and um, just over five weeks since he passed. And God bless his brother Hob, and his family, nana, his mom, and Elizabeth, his sister-in-law, his brother David, his nephew David. God bless the Sanchez family. I'll see them tomorrow. I'm going to get to wrap my arms around him, you know, give him a big old hug.

Speaker 1:

But a month before Eddie passed, we were I think we've talked about it before we had these high school alumni luncheons. They're not reunions, it's a luncheon once a month. And troy who called? Uh, we have it at his restaurant. He, him and him and his wife debbie, just like I told you, amazing people. They open up their restaurant to us. They say do your thing, they love it. They welcome us there. So the one we had in july we had in July. We were all there hanging out, everybody just kind of mingles and goes from one table to the next and blah, blah, blah, and Eddie walks up to me and he points right at me and he says you're giving my eulogy and I was whoa taken aback. So that's what I'm doing tomorrow I'm going to eulogize my friend Eddie. And another reason why I haven't.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that's taken time away from preparing a show, but it's worth it, eddie was worth it. I just finished it last night. I have to type it out because I just finished scratching it all out. But I've got to type it all out and get it printed by tomorrow so that I can actually see it. And you know, boy, talk about pressure. Now I, I, now I'm sure that you can probably figure out if I'm, if I'm, doing a podcast here. I'm not afraid of talking. So that's not the problem. And I'm not afraid of talking to millions of people because there are so many people out there watching and listening to this right now. Yeah, right. But the pressure of the person you're eulogizing coming up to you and saying, saying you're doing it, you're giving my eulogy, yo. So it's taken me all this time to actually put it together because I wanted to make sure that I did it right and I did Eddie proud and I am able to express to the people that are celebrating him just like I will be the kind of person that he truly was. And another thing that's coming up in a couple of weeks we will be we're looking to, if everything works out, if I get the equipment to work and we get a good wifi signal, if I get the equipment to work and we get a good Wi-Fi signal, we're going to be doing a live stream from Troy and Debbie's Place of Business and it will be a show dedicated to Eddie and everybody that's there. If they want, they can have their time to come up and tell stories about Eddie and whatever it is. We're going to do it and it's going to be all for Eddie. So just stay tuned to that and stay tuned to everything else that's coming up.

Speaker 1:

I again, this is like I don't know. Well, no, I shouldn't say I got away without drinking because when Christina was in, I poured a shot even though I got the question to the. I got the music trivia question right. So when we played Stump the Chump, I got it right, but I'd already poured it, so I figured whatever. So, anyway, I got out of drinking, though tonight you guys didn't make it happen, so good for me.

Speaker 1:

So let's wrap it okay, and with that, I'll remind you all that this program is available anywhere. You listen to podcasts anywhere and everywhere. Just search the Ben Maynard program and you'll find a ton of options. Okay, however, if you are watching on YouTube and this is Friday night and we are live, so if you're watching, you are watching on YouTube then please subscribe to the channel, give me a thumbs up and leave a comment. I love your comments. I reply to all your comments. Last but not least, follow me Instagram. All one word Ben Maynard Program. So that is it, folks, for Friday Night Live. It was a little mellow, but it was good. I enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it too. And just listening to this old guy. Yap, but we got through it. We did it. It's all good. Everyone, go enjoy your weekend, have a great one, okay, take care of each other and we'll see you next week. Okay, this is the Ben Maynard Program. Tell a friend.