Holistic Health Heroes
The Holistic Health Heroes Podcast is for health seekers who know it’s time to become your own health advocate!
Together, we will strive to answer the question, “How will you maintain your health in an increasingly toxic world?”
From superfoods and supplements to gadgets and lifestyle hacks, we’ll explore a full spectrum of holistic health modalities.
Sharing stories from natural product founders, and service providers, we aim to find and research holistic methods to help you save time in finding real solutions that may help you feel better naturally.
Host, Kery Knutson is certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Wellcoach and Yoga Teacher. She's worked in marketing for most of her career, so she loves storytelling. As co-owner of her family’s health food store, Nature’s Garden of Naples, creating a podcast to have conversations on all-things holistic health is a perfect fit!
Holistic Health Heroes
67: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Symptoms, Controversy, Holistic Approaches and Why I say Ditch Your Fragrances! (BONUS episode)
Did you know the products you use in your daily life could be contributing to your downfall? Or cause others around you to experience some serious health symptoms?
Things like perfume/cologne, laundry detergent, air fresheners, cleaning products and other personal care products have dangerous chemicals (i.e. parabens, phthalates) in them.
Some have a gene mutation that makes smelling these chemicals more than a slight annoyance but rather they experience debilitating symptoms.
Join me as I dig into the topic of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), explore causes, tips to stay healthy and what supplements may support your efforts to stay well.
Here are links mentioned in this episode:
The Gupta Program: http://guptaprogram.com
A True Air Freshener: https://ngvitamins.com/product/p2-probiotic-allergy-asthma-sinus/
My favorite Air Purifier: https://www.vollara.com/productdetail/SurfaceProPlus/?u=naturesgarden
14 Non-Toxic and Phthalate-Free Perfume & Fragrance Brands: https://thefiltery.com/clean-natural-non-toxic-perfume-brands/
INSIDER PROGRAM: https://ngvitamins.com/insider
Shop Vollara® Air & Surface Pro+ with us at Nature's Garden here: https://www.vollara.com/order/Air02/?u=naturesgarden OR call Tony at the store at: 239-643-4959
Join my community at: http://ngvitamins.com/insider
NOTE: This information contained is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health professional if you do have a medical condition. The information on this podcast represents the opinions of the hosts and guests.