Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Love Island All Stars Predictions…will Scott return? 🤣 - Season 2, Episode 1

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off Season 2 by teasing the first ever season of Love Island All Stars!! We’ll be sharing our thoughts on the announced season cast members, doing a bit of trivia to get to know the bunch, and sharing our predictions for the upcoming LI season. 

Listen in for the latest updates, intriguing discussions, and our predictions for the upcoming season. Subscribe now to Proper Chat to ensure you don't miss a single moment of our Love Island journey!

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We're back. Welcome to season two of proper chat. Yeah. If you followed us from the first season, welcome back. And if you're new here, welcome, welcome. We are four friends with very different perspectives that love to talk about Love Island. And we're super excited to kick off a new season of the podcast. This time we're chatting about the winter season of Love Island All Stars, which is coming up on January 15th. They recently announced the initial cast, so we're gonna talk about that today, but before we do, I wanted to connect with the girlies and see how everyone's doing. How was everyone's break? Hi everyone. I'm Brana. And my break was good. I got sick. That was not good. Got the flu. No bueno. Then Christmas and all the holidays were good. Hanukkah was great. My sister made a delightful brisket. Proud of her. And here we are. It's January 10th and Happy New Year everyone. 2024. You know the thing that's getting us Christmas. Through January is knowing Love Island is coming up. It's true. It's true. I'm Lange. I watched a bajillion holiday movies. And I think they were really nice because this was the, I spent the holidays with my boyfriend and his three kids, which was really fun. I think Christmas is very, it's very, it's like a little different when there's children involved in gift giving. So that's like super fun. So I really enjoyed that. Oh, I love that. In your stepmom era. So cute. I love it. My name is Gabby. And my holiday was really fun. My husband's family or my extended family was here visiting for about a month. So we did a lot of really fun things. We went to, Tahoe a couple times, and it was really fun. I came to the realization, and I think this is gonna come as a shock to you guys, but I had decided that I want a dog get out. Yes. Yes. Yo, for the last. You know, a few weeks or so, I have been on all the adoption sites, just taking a look at every single dog. We want a puppy, we want kind of like a border collie mix. And we're just really excited because this has been a big deal for us. Like we've been in the making for a long time. I'll buy you a dog mom cab. Aw, thank you. Yeah, so this is kind of a big deal, and I've been wanting to share that with you guys. But it's honestly, like, we've gotten super close with adopting a puppy, and then it's like, they just go so fast in California. Everybody, which is, which is great. You know, I love that all dogs are getting adopted, or most of them are. But yeah, we really want to adopt, so I'm just, like, taking a look at all the sites, and hopefully one perfect little puppy. He comes our way. So I'm excited about that. So excited. We're very excited to welcome a puppy into the Proper Chat crew. Otis is going to hate this, but anyway, he's like, like no longer center of attention. We have, yeah. So we have two proper puppies, your dogs Langa, Otis and Molly, and then we have a proper kitty. I was like a proper cat. Proper cat. Proper cat on the proper chat. Oh my god. Oh, that's so good. That's so good. Well, also just to wrap it up, hi everyone, I'm Nicole. My break was pretty chill too, we were like two hours away in Monterey, took the niece and nephew to the aquarium, saw a bunch of sea otters, hung out by the beach, my dad made a bunch of crab, which was really fun, so it was a very, very California Christmas, and our first like as a whole big family, so that was really nice, but back to work now, and it's, yeah, it's It's stressful, you guys. I'm very much looking forward to the season of Love Island to escape. All right, so we saw the cast. We saw some people we were expecting. Some people that we thought would be there that aren't there. What was everyone's reactions, thoughts? I think there's a lot of people I don't know and I'm excited to get to know and we were chatting about this, but there's a lot of people that I don't know. I just didn't remember them anymore. And so I'm excited to have them back. I just thought there was a couple of members that we just saw in games that I felt it was too soon to see again. So that was a little surprising. Mm hmm. Definitely. Yeah. Langa, you have thoughts? Yes, I feel like I know half of them, but I obviously like maybe half I don't know, especially the ones from like season one, and I know at least like two, about the two or three of them are from that season. And then obviously, I mean if you watch. Season one of our proper chat pod, you know that I wasn't happy to see Toby in that portion of the exercise. So knowing that he's like managed to kind of like, worm himself in this season as well. I'm not really happy to, I'm not that happy about it. I mean, I wish Ovi was probably in Toby's spot, you know, if we had to really have anybody in. 100%. And also, obviously, just like, backing what Gabby said, it's just like, I love Lib and I think she's super great. But I also am like, we did just see her. It's a little too soon to be seeing the same person again. And also just being like, I'm not sure how much it's like, not saying you change that quick, you can't change in that quick, but it's just like, in my opinion, it's like, we've seen you and I just want to see somebody else. And even if it's an all star, just like a fresh all star, because I mean, at this point, it's like gonna, like, Scott's going to come back again. It's like, are we just going to be watching the same people? It's basically, we're just watching like a telenovela, like, you know what I mean? We're just watching days of our lives at this point. Totally. So I actually thought that Mitch. I'm like too soon to see Mitch again, but I don't ever need to see him again. Messy Mitch. Messy Mitch. But yeah, I would say Mitch and Toby are my main people. It's like too soon, even though Mitch is like, we've had a break, but I feel like I just saw him. And then Liberty, I just feel like she was on Friendship Island for so long that it was kind of like, Oh, I just. I don't know, maybe she'll find love this time around, and it'll be great, and it'll be super fun. And said this before too, her ex is on, so that's a spicy little detail, and I think the producers wanted at least one element of that, like bringing history in to the villa, but you're right, I think like, I hope she finds someone and actually gets that, but also at the same time, love her as she is. But I also hope it's not Jake. I do hope it's not Jake. It's not like, reminding her of being like, Oh yeah, I remember from like years ago. I hope she does not go back to him. No, no, no. The one thing that I did appreciate and, you know, it was fun going through the cast again. So actually I watched season one. As my first introduction to Love Island, and I watched it, like, way after it aired, so, like, I remember some of the folks from season one. And so it was cool to see, a mix of folks all the way through, the Love Island sort of, seasons. So, some of the cast members coming in are in their 30s now, which is interesting. Some of them are still pretty young. I think Mitch is probably the youngest. He's still a baby. I think it'll be nice to have like some 30 year olds in the villa and I'm at least grateful for that. Oh, funny. It's actually so funny that you say that because I actually feel kind of the opposite because I always feel like for me, Love Island feels like a very young show. And I know I'm in my 30s, but I was, I'm like, I just, in my mind, in a perfect world, no one's like old in Love Island. So seeing people come back and being 30, I'm like, no, I literally was just having the conversation with Jeremy being like, I don't want them to be this old. Like I need that because it's also just kind of like generally in a regular season, you know, the show is like two months and you kind of like, if you are looking for long term, like what's a 33 old guy, what job are you just saying? Like, Hey, I'm gone for two months. So it's just for me, my brain is just more like, I guess maybe I'm also just projecting based on like how I would feel. Cause I'm obviously not on the show, but I just am like, I do like them. I prefer in my mind, Love Island is just. For younger people. So like seeing them older, I'm kind of like, no, maybe you transition to the bachelor. Yeah. You were, you're projecting a little bit. You're like, if I was 30 years old, can you imagine? Like, and like also same girl, like I would not be wearing those bikinis like that. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah, no. But one person we did actually, we spoke about someone coming back, which we also, I mean, early on we discussed with Gabby saying like Georgia, like I said that the one people coming back I think I'm more okay with coming back so soon is actually Georgia S. Because I feel like she was like on the show for a very short time so I don't think she had like a true experience during Love Island Games. So the fact that she's come back again, I don't, it's not giving me too soon compared to like Toby and Liberty and Mitch. Yeah, and we've had it's kind of interesting because we've had two shows now back to back with just old cast members. And it's kind of weird because we're at this point, we would be watching new cast members. I think games was an off season type of thing, but this should be winter, right? So we should be seeing new people. And it's like, we're seeing all the old cast. So it's kind of just an interesting strategy, I think new format should be interesting how they play it. And it's almost like They almost felt like maybe all the other shows were following their lead, and now they're trying to do stuff in a different, more innovative way. Like, Games was different, and now I'm seeing, like, Bachelor is starting to do different things. So, they're definitely taking the lead, I think, in terms of, like, innovation in the reality of shows. Yeah, I definitely agree. I think this season definitely might be like some sort of experiment. I mean, given the fact that also, I don't know if this is a spoiler to people listening, is that there will also be no Casa Amor. So also knowing that, like, that's very pivotal to the show, especially if couples are secure, Casa Amor always comes in that point to kind of shake things up. So it's. Saying that like, I guess it also, Casa Amor does take a lot of episodes and knowing that this might only be a couple of weeks and just being like, I'm, I'm very intrigued as to like, what's going to replace Casa Amor because obviously it's like, you need to keep the show dynamic and the fact that this is no longer games, it will be back to them, obviously like lounging, which is what I love, but it's also like, I wonder what the like, the kind of thing that will shake the villa will be. Are they going to do the heart race challenge? We have no clue. All of these things that we're excited about. We'll see. So guys, The Bachelor started the paradise when Love Island kind of became, I think, when it became like really popular. Everybody was like loving that format. So then they did Paradise. And it felt like a little closer to this format. And then now it's like, and by the way, the, the Paradise was kind of bringing in the old contestant. Yes. Yes. So then And so then this was felt fresh, like Love Island felt so fresh. It felt like it hadn't been seen before and it almost felt like the Badger franchise was copying them. And then now it's like now we're seeing Paradise kind of like merging into Love Island. So I'm wondering how they're going to make it fresh and different so that they can like completely, you know, stay separate. Yeah. I did read an article that I guess this season is an experimental obviously trying to like, maybe all stars will be the winter series but does that mean that we'll only get like once a year like the full like months like two months long love island and then when we see the South African edition is that what's going to be all stars, but then is it just going to be. I guess same like Bachelor in Paradise where at some point they're like they were bringing like the same people back to the island. So you can't just see, you know what I mean? And that kind of gets exhausting as well. Like Messy Mitch is always going to be messy. Like, are we going to see him coming back? Like, exactly. It's like Scott's coming back again. Totally, yeah. Right. The problematic men will continue to be problematic. Honestly, Adam will be Adam will come back and he'll claim to have changed, like Yeah. Yeah, they'll need to find a way to have, like, fresh meat even if it's all old old all stars. But yeah, it'll be interesting. I mean, I'm excited because I feel like I don't know a lot of the people, too, because I only started watching the show and, like 2022. So I'm, I'm like excited for all these people that, that I don't know. Okay. So, like Brana said, we have varying degrees of folks who know the past cast, so I dug up Fun facts about every single one of the cast members and we're gonna go around in the circle and we're gonna ask who they think it is from the group and then I have like little discussion points so we can chat about them after. But let's see, who wants to go first? I'll go first because I know nothing. So this Love Islander got their first ever relationship from the show. Oh, I think I know this one. Oh god, I'm just gonna guess Liberty. She's incorrect. Okay, go ahead you guys. Toby. Toby's correct. Good job. Yes, Toby came in a little fresh faced bean and ended up leaving the villa and dating Chloe for a couple years after, until they had a very harsh breakup. But that's not to be said, he didn't have a fun time in the villa, he like, definitely, yeah, he had too much fun, we'll see if second relationships come from this, or if he'll settle down. Like he was briefly coupled up with Kaz at some point, who's Briefly coupled up with Kaz, briefly coupled up with another girl so. Okay Gabby, this is a fun one for you. Ready? Okay. This Love Islander was famously known for his mum shaving his bum. Is it Jake? That is incorrect, but you're very close. Like, the copy version of that. Go ahead. Me? Blanca? Anton. Yes, correct. So You know those scenes in the beginning where they like, chat about like, fun things about them? He like, slips in that his mom like, is very close to him and like, shaves his butt for him? Yeah. And then they were like, teasing, saying, is that like, what is the girl that's gonna date him have to do? Exactly. Exactly. Swipe left. Oh gosh, I would understand, like, wax, because you just rip it and go, but shaving, that's really close and intimate and red flag. They should have had Love Island as a subject at school. If my teachers are listening to this, they'll be like, Langa never raised her hand one time at school. We're like, ooh, ooh, ooh. Well, let's, let's see if you get this one, because it's a little bit trickier. Okay, I probably won't. Okay, let's see. This all star made a big name for herself in entertainment, including being contestants on several reality shows before and after, and being the subject of a documentary. I'm gonna guess Georgia H. Correct. Landa has one point, Gabby has one point. Good job, you guys. Zero. No, I have two points. I did Anton and Georgette. True, true. Okay. Two points. So before she was on Love Island, she was actually on a show called The Only Way is Essex. And then, weirdly, the documentary that she was in was called Georgia vs. Bear. And it was Trigger warning. Trigger warning, by the way. It was basically a court case, court documentary about her being a victim of revenge porn from her ex. Oh my god! And yeah. And basically he went to jail and she got a settlement, which, gay for her, but like, I This girl's coming in with some, some trauma. Let's just say that. He like recorded with her without knowing over like CCTV. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. Oh my gosh. That's, wow. Yeah. Crazy. But yay for me for winning though. Yeah. Wow. That's for you. Well, okay. The next one I have, it's a little bit lighter. Okay. It's a different series. And Linga, you'll probably know this, so I'm going back. Okay. So leave it to the other. Okay. Yeah. So before appearing on Love Island, she was best known for being a playboy bunny. It has to be Hannah. Correct. Yes. Yep. She's got the look. She's got the look, you guys. Especially the picture we have. We'll post it on our social. We'll post it on our social. Right? Yeah. Yeah. It was interesting watching her because I came in and watched her season, the first season, and weirdly enough she was definitely like out there, but she coupled up with the guy like pretty early on and they were together the entire season. They even got engaged after, but like, it fizzled out. But yeah, she was, she's very much like blonde bombshell. She's got the look for sure. Okay Gabby, are you next? This Love Island star left with his partner when the season ended. They were together for three years and became parents to the first ever Love Island baby. What? I know. Oh, shoot. It has to be someone I don't know. So it's gonna be, I would say Chris. Incorrect. Lunga? Lunga? I don't know how you pronounce his name. Is it Louis or Louis? I don't know how you pronounce it. I think it's Louis. Yeah. Yeah, him. Yep, correct. And actually, I heard a, I heard a rumor that, okay, so they got together, they had a baby, they were engaged, they broke up I also heard a rumor he has two kids. With someone else. So, he's he's one of the all stars going in as a daddy, which I don't think we have that many. Yeah, I think it's actually probably, I mean, maybe one that we know up front of, because I mean, Johnny you know. I think it's been confirmed, though, about Johnny, because I stalked his Instagram. Oh, so it has been? Oh, so he has, so he is expecting a baby? He had a baby. Oh, the baby's come. The baby has come. But anyway, we'll see how he does in the villa. I guess the, the breakup with his partner didn't go well, basically they were like cheating claims. So could be, could be interesting to have a dad in the villa or it could be messy. We'll see. I mean, as a person dating a dad, it can be great. It can be great. Exactly. Who knows? Who knows? I wouldn't be as concerned about that if there's like women here that don't want kids and then they may, you know, they're okay with like them having kids. That's fine. It's more about the scandal of his ex and why that happened. Yeah. Yeah. Seems like a troublemaker. I know, we'll see. Oh yeah, that's true. Okay, who's, who's next? Me! Okay, this one's interesting. Okay. So, after her mom noticed a lump on her neck as she was watching her in the villa, this Love Islander was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. But after getting it checked out, she went under surgery and they removed the lump. Oh my god. This is crazy. I know you guys. This is wild. Bron, I feel like you know this on set. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You can say it longer. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The reason why we're laughing is that I I just texted it to her. Pop the answer in the chat. Blanco also didn't participate in school and also was a cheater. Pass the answer to her best friend. So we'll give her that. Demi is the answer. Oh, dang. It's actually very interesting, but I think actually like, Demi is actually I think the second Love Island star that like when somebody's actually seen them on TV. That they've actually been, they've diagnosed them with like, Hey, I think I've noticed that something's wrong because I think a few seasons before that was, I think Shauna, she was diagnosed. Somebody was like, Hey Shauna, I've noticed you have like your legs are very swollen. So somebody mentioned that they think that she has some sort of like. I don't think it's, I don't know if condition is the right word, but basically it turns out that she actually had like this condition where like a lot of like water retention stays in your legs that's crazy. I know the same thing happened to, like, Sammy, right? Remember Tom and Sammy, and she had a lump in her, but, like, it ended up being benign, and it was fine, but, like, crazy. Fans notice, like, the most interesting things. Wow. Wow. Well, I have a hardball one. It's London's turn, right? Mm hmm. Okay. I'm gonna try to give you one that I don't think okay We'll see. Alright, so when she appeared on the show for the first time Love Island fans on Twitter hold their investigator hats on and discovered that this love islander is a member of BTS ARMY, which is basically like the fan group for BTS. BTS, like the K pop group. I don't know, I'm gonna probably, and it's a woman. I mean, I'm gonna probably say the one that I most like unlikely think it is, and I'm just gonna say Kez. No, I think it is Kez! That's correct! Yeah! That's great. Seriously. She like, apparently she made a social post with one of their songs in it, and then When she came out of the villa, or like, when they were doing the season finale with her and Tyler, she requested a BTS song for her, like, walk up, so. Cute! Cute, we love it. I'm also a K pop stan and member of BTS ARMY, so, has. Welcome, we will take all members. Honestly, this is the best test I've ever passed. You have an A so far. I'm failing. Rana's failing. No, you can have a C because I think I have like a B right now. Yeah. I think you're getting most of them actually. And you, you guessed Kaz, which is it your turn next Gabby? Yeah. Okay. So this love Island boy might've manifested his dream job by mentioning it on the show. So he mentioned during the heartbeat challenge that. He would love to be part of the stripping dance troupe, Dream Boys. And after the series ended, the producers reached out to him. Oh. Okay, so I guess my guess is Jake. Correct! Okay. Nice. So they, they reached out. They liked his cheeky, choppy look. And he did, I guess, a couple, like, performances and had a great time, so. I do remember he had a good performance. During, I do remember that now, he made like a strip tease type thing. Yeah, I remember that. I do too. Weirdly. Yeah, weirdly. There are a few heart race challenges that we remember and Jake is one of them and Mal is the other. Oh, I love that. No, and what about from last season? Oh, yes. Imani. Imani. Imani. Imani. It was fabulous. You're right. Yes. Okay. Brana, this one's perfect for you. Okay. Great. This former late in the season bombshell made an appearance as one of the Kens in the Barbie movie. This one's so good. It's gotta be Chris. Correct! Basically, the story is that he went to a premiere with some of the other Love Islanders, and as you know, Margot Robbie is a huge fan of the show, and she wanted to chat with them, she invited them to the after party, and two years later he got an email that was like, would you like to audition, and Okay! Yeah, I guess Margo is that big of a fan. We love her. Yeah. Well, Margo, we're also available for future projects. Exactly. That's funny. Gabby's turn. Yeah. No, me. Oh yeah, it's Lenga's turn now. I was like, yeah. Okay, I want to leave Lenga to last. Lenga was like, me again. No, it was Rhonda's turn like two times ago, and I was like, yeah, it's my turn. Well, I want to leave Lenga last, because the last one that I have is like, Chef's Kiss, and I don't think you'll get it, hopefully. I'm ready. I'm still on A though. Yes, you're doing great. Okay, so this Love Islander shared her story in a documentary about how she was scammed out of thousands of dollars by a man nicknamed the footballer fraudster. Has to be Lib. Incorrect. Oh. It was Georgia S. Georgia. Oh, Georgia. Damn. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, so apparently this guy like, has been like scamming women out of a thing and basically like met her at a nightclub, claimed he didn't like recognize her from Love Island. And so she thought it was like very charming that she didn't, he didn't know her and like he didn't have social. Apparently he stole, like, money to, like, buy things for her, and, like, into his own investments, and, yeah. Ginger Swindler! Yeah, seriously. Huge catfish. Wow. Okay, and then this is the, this is the lighter one that I don't think Langev's gonna get, hopefully. I think, well, there's one girl left. No, don't, don't, we don't know who it is. Don't say anything. I actually don't know any, I don't know. Okay, who knows? So, before Love Island fame, this Love Islander worked as a hostess at the restaurant Nando's. My favorite! Your favorite, Nando's! Kevvie's giving me nudes. But I think I've just caught out that I love Nando's so much, so I'm so glad this is my question. Nando's, I hope you'll be one of our sponsors anytime. I actually, I feel like I'm just going to say Liberty because that's what Gabby told me. That's correct. Yay! Yay! We love her. But also we'll never forget that she got six A's. And her A will never win to me. That's true. Hey! Johnny was like, what are you saying, girl? Oh gosh, Johnny. Not a 4. 0 student, Johnny. I got like six A's. And he was like, what's that? And he's like, how do you even spell that? And it was so embarrassing because he's American. So it was like, he was like, what? What are you saying? Ah, well, that was fun, you guys. Shall we move on to the next? Yeah. Okay. So we have a section where we're going to talk about the predictions of the other cast members that we feel will be joining the island over the next few weeks. So is everyone, I mean, it's Nicole, Gabby, and Bronwyn, I'm really only interested in one extra person joining the villa, and so I'm manifesting just one person, because I just want him to be on the TV, and that is Ovi. I hope he comes back. I think he's amazing. I think he's a great Islander. I think it would be so great to see him on our screens again. And I also think he's also just, I think he's also just You know, like there for the right reasons. I mean, again, it's like, who's even on Love Island for the right reasons these days anyway, but I generally do feel like when he was on our screens. And actually it's funny because I think he actually was in Love Island when the winter version as well. So I guess it's like, why not take another trip to sunny South Africa and grace us on our screens. Yeah, and I don't think there's anyone from that season in this cast so far. Oh, except for Chris. Chris was the only guy. I think that came from that season, but he was so late and was Anton as well or no? Oh, you're right. You're right. Maybe Anton. Cause this is all Molly Mays season. So Anton was on Molly Mays, I think as well as Morris. Yes. I don't think she'll make it back, but we'd love, we'd love Moira, I'd love maybe Faye. Maybe Faye. Faye would be interesting to see. I want Faye so bad. I think we definitely need like, more fiery context. I feel like every season really does like, I feel like there's nothing. Nothing we need, but I just feel like a fiery contestant is always really nice on the show. And I think you know, like every season generally has one and like Faye is definitely, I mean, again, I'm not saying she's still the same person, but she was, she came in hot. I mean, also she came in hot, but also I also, in my opinion, she did also have like a very, in my opinion, one of the most, like, uncomfortable Love Island episodes, because I guess just the way that she treated her partner on that episode, I don't think I condone it, because I feel like she had to apologize after her behavior. So I'm hoping if she does come in fiery hot, I'm hoping it's more on the, like, a little less hot and a little, what am I trying to say? We need, we need someone to kick off. But like productively kickoff, like put people in their place, right? Yes. Not like verbal abuse, not saying that's, I mean, again, it's just, it was a lot. So just not that crazy. So, I mean, you know, not to call a woman crazy, but just not that hot. I honestly cannot remember what all she did but I did watch that season and I do remember her being very fiery and I think the thing that I remember the most about her is her insecurities like she fell inside multiple times during that season that like she wasn't the prettiest like she wasn't it almost felt like she wasn't comfortable and now like looking at her now versus like how she looked then it's almost like I think then she was super uncomfortable with who she was. I don't think she I mean, she might have done work on herself now. I don't, I'm not really sure, but I think just she's more confident. So she looks a lot brighter and like, she looks like she has like a presence, like a lot different than what it was in that season. In that season, she was very reserved. I just remember her being very, very insecure. So I think that's what drove probably like the craziness. You know, I like the total opposite of Faye would be Courtney, but I don't think we're going to see Courtney. Courtney. American Courtney. Yeah, like Kourtney with, you know, the Kourtney we just saw. Girl's not coming back. Yeah. Unless they do an, unless they do an American crossover. Yeah. Yeah. True. Which they do because, I mean, didn't Lucinda just go to, like, Love Island, Australia? Yeah, she did. You're right. Well, yeah. Maybe they will bring people back. God's been everywhere, so. Yeah. Oh my god, I totally forgot about Scott. Is Scott American? No way. But he went. He went to US. He had to get his own citizenship. Yeah, I think he went, but he also went, but he also went to Australia as well, no? Oh, Fiji. He was in Fiji. Whatever gets shot in Fiji, he was there too. Yeah, he went everywhere. Yeah, I think he was in games and pop, like, something else. And US. Yeah. I guess that's in Fiji. I'm like, are we going to see him again? I mean, if he hasn't signed a lease, then he probably hasn't. Exactly. Has he signed a lease? Does he have a job, a real job, that he hasn't, hasn't, hasn't occurred in Fiji before yet? Some fan theories though are, remember that one you sent around that was predicting Scott was coming in with Oh my god, what was her name? Catherine? Catherine, both of them. I was gonna say, I was like maybe Catherine, I was also thinking maybe Catherine could come back because I also think she's great on the show. Obviously, I, she's obviously single post leaving, but I do think like she's got like a cool vibe to be on the show. And, you know, whether she goes with Scott or not, that's fine, but I think having Catherine back on would be kind of nice. I think Catherine and Scott, I still think that they're just such a good mix. I know for a fact that they have something, something's up with them. It feels like every time they hang out, she puts them in the, in the right place. And I don't, it's like, so interesting to see like I've seen so many TikToks and stuff where they're kind of talking in the background and you can tell Scott's like following her like give me some attention and then Catherine's like, just, you know, fans love them. I've seen so many edits of them together. So I think if the producers were smart, they would Put them both on again, just for the fans. If I had to see Scott again, I would love to see Catherine in there. Like that's such a good, I would love to see that. You guys, I've mentioned this before, but I really want to see Mal again. I just, like, miss her, like, silly, chaotic. Her and Lydia. Her and Lydia. Oh, right, our same person. I know she was cussing more, Lydia. But, like, we would love, Lydia, we'd love to see you. Oh, we're such Lydia fans. We love Lydia. I'm like, follow her on Instagram still obsessed with her looks and everything. She's one of the prettiest people I've ever seen except for obviously, well, no, you know, alongside Maya and all the girls we love. It's just, she's just gorgeous. I worry though. I worry though she is dating one of the like Casaboys from that season. I think, oh, gotcha. She's very openly dating. Remember the hot, the hot redhead? Oh yes! I remember! We were so excited, I think when we saw, I remember that. Okay, okay, they can stay. I mean that's, that's beautiful. They can stay in their love bubble if they're together. But if they're not, we'd love to have them back. If, yeah, if they're not together, I would love to have them both back. In the island. Oh, I wonder, oh my gosh, actually coming to say that, like, imagine they did a love island for Casa Mall people. Oh my gosh, that is such a good idea. Yeah, because I think that's like people like you just like, you kind of knew them, but you didn't really know them. Do you know what I'm trying to say? Also, like, or like the sassy Casa Mall, I mean, ITV call me. Yeah, well, Chris, Chris was like a really late bombshell. I actually don't know if. Has any of the, the cast in this one been in CASA? I don't think so. Oh, meaning there were bombshells from CASA? I can't recall. I know Chris was a bombshell. I don't know about the rest of the crew. I think a lot of them were OGs. Well, we'll do a little homework and then discuss. We can bring it on next episode. But yeah, I think that's such a good idea. Maybe that's what they'll do. They'll just like spin in the CASA crew halfway through the season. Or like a whole, or a whole, or a whole new season. Like it just, yeah, just a season. Especially if they're changing things up and trying new formulas. Well, we're always here to talk about ideas. ITV, if you need some consulting. So, if you haven't already followed us, go check out our Instagram and TikTok. We're posting every single day on our socials. And we will be on our socials 24 7 to engage with you. And also, it's going to be really juicy because we'll be reporting on All of our favorite Islanders drama and just real time updates. So we'll also have a fun segment here in the podcast featuring the juicy details of the week. So I'm really excited for that. Tune in to Instagram and TikTok. All right, everyone. Thank you for joining us for our first episode of Season 2 Proper Chat. We will be back next Thursday to recap the first few episodes of Love Island All Stars. If you're excited to hear our thoughts for this season, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify so you don't miss our future episodes. Your rating really, really, really matters to us and it keeps us excited to continue making content. And like Gabby mentioned, make sure to follow us at Proper Chat Pod on both Instagram and TikTok so you can keep up with all of our fire content that we will be posting every single day. And definitely let us know what content you are enjoying from us. Until next time. Stay proper and stay chatty.

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