Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

"I don't hate the girl." - Love Island All Stars, Ep 1-2

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 2

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off the first ever season of Love Island All Stars with a bang!! Join us as we discuss the top 5 moments from the first episodes, play our classic ranking game, and share our predictions for the future of Love Island All Stars. 

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It is here. Love Island. All Stars has started this Monday and we're so, so excited to get started and kick off the episode and share all of our thoughts. Just as an FYI. We will be spoiling the first season of The Love Island All Stars episode one and two. So if you haven't listened to those or watched those op episodes yet, go back, watch them, and then come listen to the podcast. We'll be sharing our favorite moments, ranking our favorite couples so far, and talking through all the juicy gossip that's happening online since. Before I get started, let me introduce myself. Hi everyone, I'm Nicole. And I want to also introduce our lovely host for this week. Hi girls! How's life outside the villa for you all? Hello!


Hi everyone, I'm Brauna. And life outside the villa has been pretty good this week. My I'll start with my low of the week is that I cut my finger cooking dinner right before this recording I don't know if anyone else has one of those amazon like Veggie press things, they are lethal. You have to be very careful. So just a


warning, I'm traumatized. No, it was like the tiniest,


like it was clean. I was putting it away off my drying rack and like I just got one little corner and just like it. It's so sharp. So it's great. A great way to like quickly, you know, cut some onions and everything but. Gotta be careful. Watch your fingies.


One of my lingering nightmares is that I'm gonna get my hand stuck in one of those because my mother in law did that. Oh! Yeah, it was horrible. That's terrifying. So now that you've You've told me this. You might have triggered something, honestly. Oh,


I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, yeah, they're, they're just, you gotta be careful. Safety first. Safety




All right. What's your high? That was my low. Yeah. My high was I took a really fun dance class this


weekend. You still have to send us the video.


Oh yeah. Well, oh, I never showed it to you. And it was on Instagram stories. So it's gone now. But it was really fun. It was like a cool choreographer came, taught a class he was on, so you think you can dance season one? Which was like, very cool. And it's just like fun to like dance and pretend like I'm in like, you know, like a dancing movie for like, you're som like, I'm like, I'm step up for like 90 minutes, you know? Yeah. You're, you're the only one of this group that could tackle that kind of dancing. We would, we would struggle. Mm-Hmm. with friends. Hundred percent.


Okay. Hi, everyone. My name is Lanka. Life out the villa is good. My low is that this week that we're currently in is the last week before I start a new job and I rejoin corporate America. And then my high of the week is that this week is the first week post my period, which means like I'm hormonally stable and definitely feeling very energized.


Only stable. That's what we love to hear.


Hashtag goals.


Love that. Hi everyone. My name is Gabby. One of my highs for this week is I went skiing. And it was really fun. It was beautiful weather. Up in Dodge Ridge where I live. And just really beautiful, like 50 degree weather. So much fun, but I did feel like really, really bad at my last, my legs were just so, I don't know, spazzing out and I felt so hard and I had the courage to get myself up and then I felt again like planted guys on the green. And, and I had to walk all the way down because my legs were spazzing out so much that this guy came to help me because that was the only time my husband wasn't with me. Nick, we decided, Hey, I'm just going to go in the green one more time. And he was like, well, is it okay if I go to the blue? I was like, yes. I'm 100 percent ready at this point. It was the one time we were separated and I freaking planted. Anyway I don't know why that was my high. That should have been my low, but another low that I had was that I almost got a puppy. I almost got a puppy and very like last minute it fell through. So I'm still, I'm still looking though. It's okay. Maybe


next week, hopefully next week. Hopefully that'll be your high. Well, hi, everyone. Lastly, I'm Nicole I I don't really have much of a low. It was an overall okay week in general. We had like a lovely three day weekend and then back to work on Tuesday. So I guess back to work on Tuesday is the low. But the high was my husband had his birthday yesterday. And so we had lots of pie. We ate some really good food. We went out to see a show and Yeah. It was really fun. What show? This artist called C Rose, she's kind of like a guitar folk ambiance vibes, but like very technically good. And so Boris loves a technically good guitarist and loving people do like live stuff really well. So yeah, it was fun. I


think I saw a picture of a video and it looked really awesome.


Colorful vibes. Yeah.


Yeah. Oh, I love that. Oh, happy belated Boris. Yeah. Happy belated. The guy I'll music producer. So yes. Yes.


Husband slash music producer of the pod.


All right. So we're going to go through the top five moments from this week on Love Island. Obviously we're just recapping the first two episodes of the new season, but there was a lot that already happened. And so let's get


into it.


The first thing will be, we're just gonna talk about the very beginning, the step forward for the guy that you like on episode one. And it was, I don't know, it was kind of surprising. Yeah.


What did you guys think?


What was that for?


I know. I just didn't get the point. I think they were trying to like stir the pot. They were like, the public's actually gonna vote for who ends up together. But like, before we do that, let's just see if we can get the conversation started with people, right? But


I guess it was also an exercise to be very humbling for some of the guys who are used to being the hotshots looking at you, Toby. Yes.


I just wish that we would have seen from the other perspective as well, like the girls could have chosen and maybe they made the guys choose and then they gave us this plot. I


know, I know. I feel like that would have been cool to see. Would have been interesting to see if the guys stepped forward for the same people to yeah, like if they would have swerved But yeah, poor poor Toby like Georgia like went to him and then like was like swerve Yeah, that's kidding Anton


I mean, I think now that you mentioned like, what was the point of it? I, I'm not, I am actually thinking do, I'm like,'cause obviously I'm this season of love island. It seems like it's obviously a lot of like experimentation. So I'm hoping this is an example of them trying to experiment with like reinventing the wheel with everything, you know? So it's kind of like that actually made, that's a very good question. Being like some, sometimes there is a thing as too much change.




Yeah, what did we think about, like, Chris, too? He had, three ladies standing next to him. I'm confused. I'm very


confused. I don't even remember him from his season, and I watched it, so that's why I was like, I was even like, I don't even remember you at this point. So I think, I guess I'm, I guess, would it be he's just interesting based on maybe being in the Bobby movie, you know? Yeah. And, you know, maybe for some that was, like, the movie of the year, so you're just like, okay, I guess. Yeah, he might have that kinnergy in real life.


I think in this instance to like humor and like Getting people to like break the ice Goes a long way and like especially when you're making first impressions like Chris did a good job of being How's everyone doing like? Weird and like being a little silly and goofy. It's like getting people and like I think from a woman's perspective That's very attractive. So yes, not gonna lie. I would have stepped forward for Chris I


knew that you would Nicole because I feel like he's more your vibe. Yeah, but I just feel like For me, he was a little bit, well, this is not your, I'm not talking about your vibe at all, but him as a person and how he, how I saw him on camera, I felt like he was a little bit, like, feminine. And I was confused when all the women chose him because he almost felt a little bit just gentle and I feel like I don't typically go for that type of vibe. And I was very shocked that all the girls did.


Yeah, whereas like, Lewis is the very other end of the spectrum. Like, he seems very masculine and very like,


I mean, I think I would have probably stepped for Chris. I just think he's like, tall, tattooed, his body looks pretty great. So I'm like, I didn't love, I just don't, I don't like, I don't like his glasses. I think that's what I'm like. And also his hair style. Like, I feel like with a little makeover, I think I would have stood for like went forward, but like he's got like the bones, like the foundation, like, I just think like, he's like, you know,


I mean, having said that, I think all these people are, you know, this is something we say. At the start usually of every pod is these people are at the top of the top like they're so beautiful They're so like close to perfect. We're just kind of like being You know, I guess like mine looks like


far from


perfect Okay, not perfect. Okay, not perfect Yeah, they're all




Well, everyone has like a, I feel like everyone can pick from something because I think everyone's attracted to different things. Everyone likes different things. And I think you can find like, especially like a short King or you can find like a tall, dark and handsome, but your definition of tall, dark and handsome can be like something else. Like some people talk about the handsome is like, obviously more of like, A Caucasian guy where some people told they can handsome is actually a darker, darker and shade individual. Yeah, totally.


Yeah. Yeah. Should we move on to the actual coupling?


Yeah. Oh, yeah.


So the coupling was, and this is the public vote, Chris and Demi, Louis and Georgia H, Toby and Georgia S. Anton and Hannah, Jake and Liberty, which is that a game? Yeah. Mitch and Taz and then the sort of twist at the end was that Callum walked in and then his ex Molly walked in right behind him and they ended up coupling up.


Can I just say something about this? Please. There was like some people that I feel like were out of place and I would not have found a couple for them in this group. Yes. I felt like Jake was one of them and I felt like Mitch and Kaz. Yes, Mitch, Kaz, and Hanna. Yes. Hanna. I just feel like Hanna doesn't have her guy in there. No. Yes. I agree. I agree. No freaking chance, Kaz. This is another topic. I love Kaz. But, yeah, Jake. Hannah, Kaz, they just don't have their crew and they don't have their person in there. So it was really hard as I was like watching kind of like anticipating them to couple up. I was like, what am I gonna, I put them together. Like I was thinking, you know, either Lib or Jake or Lib or Louis. I don't know, I was just kind of like confused as to who they would couple up with.


It wasn't clear to me. I didn't like the Toby and Georgia is, I won't lie. Not because I, I don't, I mean, again, I, I said this last season, I'll live by it. I just, I, I just don't like Toby and I just don't want him back on the show again. So I, I just, I, especially because like, again, Georgia was like, as much as she can say, like she's changed and, but also she does have a history of, I mean, from being on Love Island. I mean, everyone's like, she's the one I was loyal and I know she hates that, but I'm like, I feel like. Probably that's probably like a pillow of like the kind of person she is in a relationship. And Toby has shown us multiple times that loyalty or like kind of having a partner's back is not even something he'll even consider, which we even learn in this episode, because I mean, he in the episodes, he'll be like, Oh, no, just because like I'm with Georgia, I don't want people to think like I'm off limits. And then he will also make excuses as to like, you know, like, people always say that I'm This this way that way because like, I keep my options always open, but it's also like, but you want to be chased, but, but then you want to keep your options open, you know, so it's kind of like, girls are going to be exhausted, they're going to be running marathons to get down. It's, it's too much. I'm tired.




know. I'm tired of watching it.


I, I also, like, was kind of pissed at him because he made her. I feel so bad for like swerving on him


and then yes, and he acted like he didn't care. So that's my thing. He acted like he didn't care because he was like, cause she was like, Oh, I feel so bad. He's like, why do you feel bad? But it's also like, if you wanted her as well and also, or also your ego was also kind of bruised that she didn't and she chose Anton. But then when she's like, you know what, actually I feel bad. And she's like up and actually showing her emotion. He's kind of being like, Oh my gosh. It's fine, like, there's nothing to see here. It's like, don't, don't lie.


I know. I also don't like the way he like phrases things. He's like, well, why do you feel bad? Not like, it's okay to feel bad we didn't have a conversation before to clarify what we were doing. Right. Well, he was like leading the witness. Yeah. Let's


help Toby. Let's help Toby. Let's


shake him up. Well, I guess it's also a way for him to be wanted. You know, because he wants you to say, I feel bad because I really, really, really like you. It's a


bit manipulative. Totally. Yeah. Yeah.


I think Toby just took a second and stepped back and said, okay, how could, how would she feel? Like he would better, he would just be able to better communicate. But he just is so quick to just be like, why, why do you feel bad? Like, no problem, no issues. And then he just kind of downplays everyone's emotions at all moments. Feels too much


and he's he's asks things for attention not for like understanding and empathy Yes,


and she because she knows him. She was like, I know how Toby is He wants a girl that is just all about him. That's so


true I forgot


she said that Yeah, because that's what she said. Yes, exactly. That is what and then it's true. But also we're also on Love Island and like if everyone's been on the show and knowing like sometimes being day one, it might not be the best especially for you because also like the person that you really really is your type on paper might show up like On like, I guess at this point, this was only five weeks. So I guess like week three or whatever. And you just like, I didn't want to like, and also like, I'm assuming they also don't want to purposely hurt each other's feelings. So it's kind of being like, how can I kind of still get to know you without actually you thinking like, this is like it for me you know, like, let me show some kindness, even though this is still going to be messy. Cause we all live together.


Totally. Yeah. Yeah. What did you guys think of the Jake and Liberty pairing? I feel like that was like very savage by the public and very, yeah, but predictable. At the same time, like,


you're gonna, you know, it was


boring. It was kind


of like kindergarten. Yeah. And especially because they were the first two in the house, like we get it. Like, I mean, meaning that we're among the first. of the groups to come in because obviously there were like two guys, two girls, surprise who the top two of them, you know what I mean? Like that, I was like, okay, awkward encounter, hopefully they can talk things out. But then again, being like, surprise, you're going to be like, right.


Like, the awkwardness between them was so palpable, like, you could literally see on Liberty's face, she was like this, and then they didn't have a conversation, and when they announced that they were coupled up, they like, stood like two feet apart


like and he's like, I don't hate the girl like so But I did think it was funny after When mitch and kaz got coupled up and mitch was like, well, I don't hate the girl like I know I like that. He like threw it back


Average phrase, but I get, I get what he was trying to say, but it definitely did not come off all yet. No, it's like,


oh, okay.




I actually like prior to thinking, like when it got to that point where it was like, obviously they're coupling'em up, but if I would've, from a non like kindergarten perspective, I actually could have easily seen Mitch and Liv getting coupled up. Yes. Like even before they, like, obviously then we saw them like interacting and actually like. Having chemistry, but even before that, I was like, Oh, I actually could have seen it just like, and then, and then it was like, cool, not cool. But you know what I mean? Like to see that, like, we're kind of right about that theory, because like you see them then just totally like getting on with each other. Like. You know, the first episode and the second episode and like having this like chemistry and banter. And I was like, wait, do I, do I like


this? Yeah, I literally wrote the same thing in my notes. I was like, I kind of like this. And I'm like, I make as much as I like it. And I'm not sure why is what I'm like, what's happening, but I kind of like it because I'm also like fine. And like, also maybe you're seeing like somebody kind of like bounce off liberty and like a genuine way and not in like a like. You know how like Callum, like last season's Callum, he was like, you could kind of tell from the jump, like, it was not it for him. And like, and even like Johnny pretending, like you can kind of see through that. But I feel like with Mitch, like it's kind of, I mean, I don't like, it just felt like a little bit like more real in terms of interaction with him.


Totally. I had a hard


time. I had a hard time with that because I don't trust that he. He's really there for like love. He just I honestly can't picture him with a girl that's there right now And he was so brutal to with the last girl that he was with and I don't know. I just don't trust that connection and when It felt like he was just trying to Trying to just be nice And when they played that game and they were saying who's the sexiest Islander, Islander, or Islander there. It just felt like he was a little wishy washy, like he wasn't too like, her. He was like, you all are beautiful in your own way huh, give me ten minutes, let me think about it. And then he chose Lib. I don't know. I don't know. I'm getting a little fishy.


I think they're also all trying not to keep their options closed. Because they've all been here before, right? So it's kind of like, if I kiss her immediately, what's it going to look like to my peers? No, you're right. I think, I mean, I understand what you're saying, Gabby. But I think unfortunately with all stars, they kind of know the game. So they kind of like, which we also saw in games. Was like, they were very, they kind of knew the game. They were very Concerned about everyone with their perception of everyone else. So then you can just tell like no one was like in the moment a hundred percent. Yeah,


I, I do agree with your point though Gabby, like something is like still fishy about Mitch. I think it is like our mistrust and seeing him from the last season and like how he like was so full on with every single girl that came in and liked him like an ounce, like he was like, you're the one and then like would pivot as soon as an other girl was like, I kind of like you, you know, like he was very full on. So it's hard to know when. His feelings are authentic. Although, I feel like Liberty is also full on, so like, if they did, like, connect in, an authentic way, wouldn't it match? I just don't know yet. Hey,


I'm rooting for it. I'm rooting for it. I'm not hating on it. I would love it to


work. Yeah. Especially for Lib, because damn, she's been through it. She has.


Yeah. Aw, I would love her. What do we think about the little champagne game and like, the, all of the kisses that were exchanged and all of the little challenges, what were our thoughts on that situation? My initial


thought was, why do they have to drink, I don't know, maybe it's because I have so many friends that don't drink, but I was like, why do they have to drink it and then look at the bottom of the cup, but maybe that's just because I do have so many friends that don't


drink. I think later on, the host what's his name, Ian, was like, The producers wanted me to tell you that they were drinking non alcoholic whatever. So, they're not actually drinking. They're not actually drinking. It's just like, a play on a drinking


game. I totally missed that. Okay, thank you.


No worries. Yeah, that, I thought that some of the questions they asked her were really spicy. One was like Who is the most boring Islander that George ever met? That was harsh. Yeah, but


I think what was more harsh was Anton's reaction when he was told he was the boring one because I think Hannah was the one answering and basically she had to like yawn in his face or something. And then his comment back at her was kind of like, oh, I think she need, well, she needed to put like maybe like mouthwash or like breath air freshener. And she was like, that's not true. And then she basically calls him back and calls him out and says like, that's very rude of you to say. And then she was like, this is the challenge. We were just joking and he was like, oh, I was joking too. And she's like, no, that was just rude. Which I think the same Mm-Hmm. because it's like, I agree. She had to choose someone. It's been five minutes and if in the five minutes you're the most boring. It doesn't mean that's who you are. Right.


That was, that was Georgia H though, not Hannah. Right? So it was Georgia H.


Yeah. Oh, my bad. That's


okay. I, yeah, I agree. I think it was kind of off brand. Like, if he had said something like, I don't know you either, so, or like, something to like, Right. bring it off, like, he would have come off cooler than be like, girl, get him in. Like, come on. That's such a low blow comment. 100%. I


hate when guys, Or girls are really defensive so fast. It really throws me off because I'm like, okay, if you're defensive that fast with people, how are you in a situation when, like, things get tough and you, you're like, in defense mode, how are you going to react then? Like, are you going to, like, really blow up on people? That's kind of what that made me


think of. Yeah, yeah, it gave me the echo. I'm not saying I was even into Anton, but I was just like, you can go. Even just as a human, human, 100 percent. 100, 1000 percent. He has the


hoods that I have. I see the hood. I acknowledge the people that have the hoods. Hood sees hood. For the


listeners here, Gabby apparently has a hooded


eye situation. Hooded eyes. And any of the machinity. Sheila


loves to bring it up. 99. 99 percent of the time. Let's see


what she's doing. And even if she does have it, we are a hooded, we are a pro hooded eye community.


Agreed. We're allies of the hooded eye.


Well, just to educate just for a second here, hooded eyes are when your lid, when your eyelid just goes a little bit over your eye. And when you put makeup on, if you're a girl or a man it just, you can't see it under. So what's the point of adding makeup under the hoods? So that's what happens to me. And that's how I know that my lids are hooded because there's just no space up there. Got it. So,


yeah. Thank you for sharing


with the community.




quick anatomy




Back to the, the champagne game. The other spicy moment that we wrote down was a Georgia Georgia H, correct? No, Georgia S picked up a cup that had something that said, who's the biggest game player? And she had to say who it was and she picked Lewis.


Yes, because she said that she knows one of his, her friends is his ex or something. Which I guess also very, if you, I guess he has like an interesting two baby mamas, which is fine. But I think it's also, I guess, just very interesting knowing that about him. Yeah. Yeah. So it's also like he, and it's also because the fact that like Kaz is so into him and like, she's also someone that like in her season was basically with the Neph boy. So like. Just wanting to be like, protect her at all costs, because being like, if that's what Louise is, I like, just take, steer clear from somebody like that. Because she already did it in her season, and like, you know.


Yeah, it's interesting seeing, like, some of the relationships of the islanders outside of the villa, like, come into play now. Like, I think that's part of, like, All Stars, right? Like, Georgia's already with Toby, because they had a little fling together. Was that on the show? Yes, it was on, it was on Games, but I don't, they haven't, like, talked about it in the All Stars, like, that seems like an intentional thing that they're not, like, talking about it much. They're just saying that they have history. Yeah, maybe there's something that happened off screen that we don't know about, like, I read a Reddit


thread and they said that somebody was, like, they think that, like, They might have slept together. Maybe that's like why their chemistry is like and maybe somehow I don't know where but then because people were just saying like, I just don't get it. And I'm like, so like, I don't get it. But also, but also, but also




When Chris brought that up at the beginning you were, Chris was like, who slept with who? Yeah, who slept


with who. And everyone looked around and they were like, Nope, we're not answering. Yeah. So I mean


it may be or, but maybe not. It was, maybe it could be like crush.'cause I also am just very confused'cause it's like fine, they were in games, but like Toby also was kind of, was silly. Like I, it's, I dunno, it was confusing there for me, but I mean, maybe we'll found out or maybe we won't.


The last thing that we talked about before, or that we think is a big thing that happened in the last two episodes, was at the second episode they sort of teased that Jake is leaving the villa, which is insane. We can handle the pressure, I guess.


Yeah. Or maybe not the pressure. I think he also could just maybe not be worth like the game because again, you also can like blame producers because sometimes, you know, producers want to produce a show and they don't really care about like people's feelings. And maybe for Jake where he's like, you know what, I can take a joke when it's like, find my exes here and like, we versus like, let's say Callum, Callum and Molly, he was like, okay, we. Choose for us to be together versus now for him, like, not only is my ex here, but like now suddenly, surprise, surprise, we're now like coupled together. And now we have to like sit next to each other. So for him, I'm assuming like being on the TV show is also very stressful and then maybe just like. Just being like, okay, now, like this Liberty thing, is this going to be like my brand the whole time on the show? And maybe he's just like, that's not why I came back to the show. Because again, they didn't tell everyone who's going to be on the show. And I know they were like, hypothetically, this would happen. But I'm assuming like, these people give up their lives and being like, okay, if I come back a second What's going to be my narrative? And maybe he was like, I don't want this to be my narrative. I guess, especially because the season is going to be short. So it's like five weeks. And if he's like a couple of days in, like, this is not even like what I want. I'd rather go. Totally.


I can see that sort of affecting you. It's almost like a cruel joke. If you're like back in there with your ex and you're like, everyone's like shipping you and pointing fingers at you. And you're like, this is what I asked for. Like, why would I want to be here for Yeah. And I was also thinking, like, you know, you're right, maybe the producers begged him for this whole sort of storyline with him and Liberty. I guess we'll find out some more in the next episode. We'll find ouT.


Okay. I'm really excited for this segment. We're going to play our classic proper chat tier ranking game. Basically, we'll place our Islanders in the categories that we feel are, they fit into. And then just a disclaimer before I share my screen. Don't hate us. If we place your favorite Islander in a category that you don't agree with, just let us know in Instagram. I think it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts. We


respect all opinions, but also these are


ours. This is our opinion. Yeah, and


the only reason I say that was because we did have some disagreeing thoughts last season and I think that it's great to hear everybody's thoughts. Yes. For a democracy. All right, so we can go ahead and get started. The categories that we have are first on the very top is we'll find love. Next is we'll find followers or clout. Next is stuck in friendship island. And this is the group of people that just linger around being everyone's friends. And then the next category is us like, why are you here? We're kind of confused. And then the last category will leave blank this time around because no one has left yet, but that'll be for later. So we can start with Anton. What do you guys think? I always feel like he's here to find clout and he'll maybe get followers and clout, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think. I think


he, to me, gives, like, earnest, I do wanna find the wifey vibe, but I think he might be stuck in Friendship Island for now. Like, I don't think George S. is about him. Yeah,


so I think he, yeah, I think he is here for love, but I'm worried, like, he was before he might be in Friend Island. Until I feel like somebody who is compatible with him in the next, in our opinion, shows up, then maybe he actually can land in the Wolf Island. But based on the first two episodes, I agree.




Yeah. Okay,


so we, we agree that he's stuck in Friendship Island for now. Mm hmm. What do we think about Chris?


I feel like he'll, at the very least, he'll find followers and clout because he's clearly already like, you know, he's a, he's a fan favorite amongst the group. So I feel like fans will be like, who is this guy? Oh, he was in Barbie. Like, I feel like that at the very least, but potentially to find love, I guess it's too early to say in the sense that like, Just because a lot of girls like him right now in the beginning doesn't necessarily mean like he will find love because he hasn't like in the first two episodes like really clicked on, you know, with someone but


that's I agree and I think he's a bit of a showman so I can't tell if he's actually there to find a girlfriend, partner, life partner, or if he's there just to like play the game and have a fun time. Yeah,


I think he told people right away that he was in the Barbie movie or people just knew but I find that a little




what do you guys think about Kaz? I love her Her




and her smile she it's just so pretty when I see her I'm like, wow She has such a beautiful Smile and eyes. I don't know. I don't know.


I think we're all in agreement that she's stuck in friendship island right now I don't know you guys can challenge me But yeah, I have a hunch that this time around that she will find love and I'm really really hoping that for her It's just yeah, we just need some good guys to come in cuz none of these guys are hitting it None of


these guys so yeah work So I think we can leave her in stuck in friendship island for this week and then we can reassess later. Yeah And then next is Mitch, her, which she's currently coupled up with, obviously. I'm not


sure. This man's in for a clout, for me. I think clout.


Linga, what do you think? I don't know. I think, I, I don't know. I feel, I mean, I don't know, because I think, is he here? I feel like he could find love. I, I guess maybe I'm just still being like, maybe him and Liberty will just ride or die to the end. But again, obviously it's like messy Mitch. But. I don't know. I'm going to just give the benefit of the doubt to Mitch to be like, hopefully he's changed. I'll give one of the guys one of my only benefit of the doubt cards because it won't go to Toby. Yeah, I, I don't know. I can't, I can't, I just feel like he's, he seems like he would be down for like the right person, I think. So I don't think he's like, I don't know. I don't know. You


guys do you think that


he's just here for because my thoughts on Mitch is like in the last episode or the last season he was like very much like a one liner type of guy who was like trying to get a lot of attention but I haven't gotten that impression this time around.


Yeah, I agree. I also think that, like, I, I think maybe he, yeah, maybe he's in the why are you here category because it's like. We, I actually think he either could find, he could find love. I don't necessarily think it's like, he'll find he's just here for like followers and clout because Yeah. Anyone who already knows him as messy, Mitch and like what? Like he already got the follow all. I feel like all the followers or clout that he could have gotten with his like Missy, Mitch character. Yeah. He play, you know, so it's like. It's not nothing new, kind of


thing, so. And he was just on, so it's not like his like hype died down. Right, exactly, it's been


five minutes.


Yeah, he's still riding this high of cloud already, but yeah, you're right. We're evaluating, I think this is a good place for him.


Yeah. Yeah, and what about Lib, his love interest at the moment?


I hope the girl finds love. Me too. I just want her


to find love. Me too. I think this is her season. I'm just gonna, let's like manifest that for her. Well could you


imagine, I mean I love Lib and everything and I think she's super nice. Imagine she actually just goes on these shows for like fun. But like, because like, but because she's, but because like, she's like cause think about it. With Scott, we were like, ugh, stop coming back with her. We're like, okay, I guess she's back. Welcome back, honey. I was like, what if, what if she like, you know what I'm trying to say? Like, what if she does like the internet counts and just likes, cause I mean, she also off the love Island went on like dancing on ice. So I mean, I'm just saying, I'm not saying she's not here for love, but I'm like, just that would be hilarious.


Yeah, if she came out of the season was like, gotcha, like, I'm not this cute and genuine.


She's actually really small. She got four A's. She's got four A's. She's playing




Yeah, that's an interesting point. I say we keep her at the very top just to manifest like Nicole was saying. What do you guys think of Demi? I think she was an interesting character.


I was actually


really cute. I hope she finds love. She's like the Me too. Her and Liberty have very similar character like I feel like based on their different seasons, they have the same like kinda like bubbly esque kind of Vibe, which is good. Ah Yeah, I


don't know I think a lot of guys will like her. She seems really likable and interesting and also cute So


yeah, and I think she also can also like hold like an actual conversation She isn't like, you know, usually they're like, oh, I'm good looking. Come talk to me She's more like, you know, it's like having like a cool fun kind of banter conversation. Oh, really?


Yeah and Louis You guys think he's here for to find love. I'm wondering


why this man is here. Yeah, I'm in the wire. I am.


So I yeah, especially because he yeah, I'm


yeah, but kind of like a derogatory. Why are you here? Like, unfortunately, like, the man has Two kids and like doesn't seem to be grafting so far like he doesn't seem like I'm here for my wifey And I'm really putting in the


effort. He's liking the He's loving the attention.


Oh, he you're right He is loving the attention and maybe that leads to like followers and clout, but I I don't know He doesn't seem like a showman, you know, like No, he's giving


like, well, he's the, he does the chilled like cool guy thing. That's what like, if boys go on it for Island, this is not the show for him. There's a show for him and it's not violent.


Yeah. Yeah. 100%. Totally. Okay. What about Georgia?


Oh, I like her. I hope she finds love. I, I just have a feeling it might be with Toby and we all, yeah, we've talked about this literally a million times. So.


I feel like we're just putting our favorite girls


at the


top. Hey, it's all


opinion. It is.


Okay, but any other guy that you guys think is here and that will find love? I


think Callum, just for my initial impression of him. Yeah. Because he, he still likes Molly and he seems like very invested in trying to get back with her.


I think he wants to get back together. I'm reading that as well because I think they break up, their breakup was very like they break up as they both said was like, Hey, like we actually didn't end like that badly. It was just the fact that like, cause I, cause basically the fact that like we lived together and obviously like, I guess with sometimes with long term relationships, like certain things kind of like, you know, the monotony of living together might've gotten in the way, but they were like, we had nothing, there was no angry fighting. It just was like, I guess this isn't working anymore. And also maybe like, this could be like. The thing that like sparks them remembering how they both so attractive. So kind of being like, Oh my gosh, actually, we are now I remember why like, you know, we both wanted because I think like Callum actually was my favorite guy in his season, just looks wise, but obviously he wasn't good, like in terms of like character wise, because he was with Sean, he was with Shauna and he basically went and Molly was who he dated. He got from Casa more. So I think that's that's like so technically like, that like start but I would say like and I was I was always like I don't know if this guy's really smart but I will say he definitely is growing and seems a little bit more smart this time around. It feels like he


needs closure. Sorry, sorry to cut you off. No, no, no, it's okay. No, no problem. I was just gonna say like he feels like he needs closure. It feels like he didn't let go of the relationship. You know, there's a thing about Some guys is that when they finish a relationship, they go a little wild and they go out in the, in the, you know, earth and they just like, do all the things they need to do to get over the relationship and then later they process and then they're like, shoot. What


happened? What did I have? That's a good point. Oh, so he's gone into the wild and realized, actually, I had it good at home? Yeah.


Yeah. I think that's what happened. Versus Molly. I think what happened was Molly was processing, was really hurt, was at home, was watching the situation, was watching him go out in the


wild. And he didn't handle it well based on what she


said. Yeah. And she's Already processed it because she moved, she had to process it quick because she saw him out in the wild and videos were sent to her with of him and other girls. But yeah, I think there's some rekindling here that could happen.


But he also might want to because all the guys want to. So I think Callum also might also be in the mixed of like, Obviously it's over but I think maybe he might be like oh my gosh maybe I'm interested because like if you know it's like wanting your like property not saying she's this property but I feel like you know that like weird territorial thing and he's just kind of like do I want to back but it's like I don't know but again like how I wonder how they can sit through that.


It's gonna depend on how he approaches it with her you know right like if he actually like takes a genuine effort to be like That's the why. I want to make this right and here's why and like I'm not, I'm not going to get to know other girls and like I really want to make this work. I think he can turn it around but like you're right if he just does it out of jealousy I think she'll be able to pick it up.


After three years of being with somebody going on this show it must be really hard. You're not seeing that person as a random person that's standing up there looking. insane. You're seeing them as like all the memories and I can just imagine that's really difficult to deal with. Yeah. So.


And they know each other so they can know when they're like flirting with someone else like you know someone's behavior so you'll know whether he's like generally what he's at what his vibe is so.


Yeah. Are we putting her in the we'll find love then? Well I'm not sure


I haven't really got much of a vibe from her I think. Callum really kind of threw his cards there because he had to choose. But what do you guys think about Molly then? Well, she's definitely not ever going to be stuck in Friendship Island and all the guys are like excited to talk to


her. I mean, if she wants, if she's looking for love, I think she'll get love. But if she wants clout and followers, I feel like she'll get those a lot of people in her DMs. So I think it's also not 100 percent clear what she wants because like right now I think she's again on the narrative of talking to Callum but also keeping her options open with the guys. But also it's like, is that what she wants? Or I mean, again, she did come on the show, but it's also like, I don't know. I can't say I can tell which of the two. I mean, in my opinion. Yeah.


What do you guys think about Jake? Do you, do we agree that he's just kind of stuck in Friendship Island for now?


Well, I think because we know that he's about to leave, I'm like, why


are you


here? Yeah. Like, do you think he initially came in to find love? Or he. You know what I mean? Like, I'm okay with putting him in, stuck in Friendship Island because it seems like where he is, but also, like,


I'm like, Well, since we know, like, honestly, that he's 92 percent gone, don't you want to just say lift the island? Because just based on the spoiler that they gave us, like, sorry, my guy. Guys!


I didn't realize that that was an actual thing. I, I think, I just didn't pay that much attention to the very, very, very last bit, and I just, I heard it, but I thought it was kind of like, he might leave. I didn't realize he actually was leaving, but I guess we'll have to see. Yeah. Yeah. What do you guys think about Toby? Why are you here? Why is he freaking here? Why are


you here? We have a lot of things to say about this man, but I've given him enough air


time. Yeah, what about


Georgia? I can't get a read on her. I can't tell if she's like genuinely like looking for love or like there for like a good time, you know? Like, I don't know if I would put her in the we'll find clout followers, but like


Yeah, I feel like she's why are you here as well. I agree. Yes, I agree. Cool.


That concludes our ranking game. And we'll post this chart on our social media. And like I was saying, if you disagree with us, comment on


our post.


So on this section, it's basically what we would use to say what everyone's saying about the Love Island contestants. They're currently on the show, but as well as what's going on socials with the love island contest instead of just generally been on the franchise. And that being said have you guys been seeing anything interesting or slash noteworthy that we should be discussing? Honestly?




Well, we have some things about our social feed, Gabby.


I was super happy today. We had, we posted a really cute video of how much we love Mal and Lydia and they're so sweet and they reacted so kindly and lovely. You know, they messaged, we messaged them, and then they messaged us back. They loved our stuff. They commented. They reposted. It was so sweet.


We love them. They love them.


I even planted the seeds on having them on the podcast, and Mal said, and I quote, Absolutely. So Queens,


when we get we'll fly. So at some point game recognizing game really at this point, Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. That would be very exciting to have, I mean, both of them or either of them join us and, you know, give us a little BTS what happens with Love Island and Absolutely. That would be very fun. And we'd be so honored because they're definitely. Definitely faves of ours. Yeah, and I think for me, I mean, most of my social I've been looking up is more like just like Reddit threads and just everyone's thoughts is onto like, for example, like the Georgia and Toby kind of friction because it's kind of like, I know they were coupled up for like four days or something, but like, The way she talks, she speaks about Toby. You're just like, did we miss something? So people are obviously just speculating as an, I'm sure something, maybe something might've happened, you know, that like we, we didn't see on the camera side. I feel like I'm very curious because I just feel like there's just something missing. And yeah. And also if you know anything, DM us, you know, just let us know.


Share the rumors, please. I will say the only fan theory that I have, and I think they're trying to like start as the producers were like building up the cast that I wanted to like sprinkle into your thoughts is, you know, I see a theme here right we see. Jake and Liberty coming in, and then Callum and Molly coming in. Like, it seems like they're bringing back exes. And I, my theory is that, I think there's gonna be more exes coming in this season.


So is this gonna be like Ex on the Beach? They already have that show. I'm bored! I don't


want exes!


I think they're trying to start drama with the exes, but I think in some ways it could be interesting, right? Like, for example, we're seeing Toby crack on with Georgia right now, in walks Chloe. She's gonna put him in his place. Like, that would be really spicy and interesting. Just a theory,


I don't know. Well, this is assuming ixes want to see each other. I don't, well, I'm not


assuming that they do at all. I'm assuming that the producers think that this is going to be the most drama and that's what they're doing. Oh, gotcha.




Again, I don't know if it'll be the best for the all stars season at all. I just think they're like. This seems to be an ongoing theme and they might bring some more exes back. That's my theory. I don't,


I don't want it. I'm good without it. I want fresh. And I know I can't get it with all stars. So let's get fresh relationships.


Yeah. I'm like excited for like two people to come in and like actually crack on in like a cute way. And we haven't really seen that yet. Like maybe Mitch and Liberty, but right. Who knows?


Yeah. Yeah. I guess another thing was I saw spoilers of that went with Jake leaving, that he actually has like, kind of like an Oprah style, like, sit down with Maya, so like, why he left. So I'm like, we're like two episodes in, like. Let him leave, like, what's that other, the girl who magically just disappeared off the games? And we're like, we don't know how she lives. No. It's like, okay, but it's like, bye. Like, you know what I mean? It's like, fine. You were there for like two seconds. I just, I don't know if we have to like have a whole like opinion piece. Like, no offense, but like. No, you know, it's not


attached yet. So we don't need


a whole, like, are you silent or


silence? That's hilarious. That's exactly what somebody actually said. I'm dead. That's




But also everyone to our listeners, please feel free to like submit your predictions or anything you see or hear on socials that we might be missing because like we love like example how like an example would also be how last season with like Johnny when we were like the whole speculating whether or not he was having a baby or not turns out the answer was yes. So we're all very interested to like We love M. A. S. S. and we love discussing it. So any, anything, you know, please let us know on proper chat pod. Yes. Yes. All


right, everyone. Thank you for joining us on proper chat. We'll be back next Thursday to recap the next several episodes of Love, Violent All Stars. Who knows what's going to happen by then. If you're excited to hear our thoughts for this season, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple podcasts or Spotify. So you don't miss our future episodes. Your rating really matters to us and it keeps us excited to continue making content. Make sure to follow us at Proper Chat Pod on both Instagram and TikTok, and let us know what content you are enjoying from us. Until next time, stay proper and stay chatting.

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