Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Case of the Ex - Love Island All Stars, Ep. 3-9

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 3

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off the second week of Love Island All Stars, with loads of drama from new bombshells to kissing on the terrace!! Join us as we discuss the top 5 moments, play our classic ranking game, and share our predictions for the future of Love Island All Stars. 

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and welcome to Proper Chat, a podcast all about your favorite show, Love Island. I'm Nicole with my three other lovely hosts here. We're here to talk about Love Island All Stars, and we're kicking off the last week to talk about some of the episodes. So we're on episodes three through eight, so if you haven't seen those episodes yet, go watch them, then come back and listen to this podcast. We're gonna give our top five favorite moments, we're gonna dive into our favorite tier ranking game, and then we'll end with some juicy rumors that we're seeing on social all about Love Island. Before I check in with the hosts, I wanted to say that we are officially live on YouTube. Woo hoo! So if you want to hear us in your ears and see our gorgeous faces, you can do that. Just search for Proper Chat Love Island Podcast and you'll find us. Alright, on to the hosts let's go around and say what our high and low for the week are.


Hi everyone. I'm Brauna and my high for the week was I had a fun little staycation with my sister and my friend over the weekend. I had a free hotel night that expired Saturday. So I was like, okay, Saturday, we're using the points. Yeah, we just stayed at like a cute little hotel in downtown and had a delicious dinner. We went to this Turkish restaurant that was really yummy. It's actually a sister restaurant of the the brunch place, Lakma, that I love going to. So it was like their like dinner format. It was really good. We should all go there sometime. And Lowe's, I don't feel like I had any Lowe's this week. It was pretty, pretty good week.


Love that.


I'll go next. Hi everyone. My name is Lange. I have no love, just like Brana. My high since we last recorded was, I think, quite a few highs. I actually went for a run with Nicole and then she, we went, cause she's training for marathons, so she needed assistance with someone to run the like short distance with her. And so we ran together and then she cooked us a very delicious dinner. I'm not even a tofu girly usually. And she made us a Korean stew, which was like kimchi. It was so good. And then my other high was this past weekend. I went to go see Lacey Mosley, like AKA scam goddess, like a live podcast recording. That was super great. And I got we were singing like in the second row. So it was like, it was so amazing. I, it was. So exciting to get to see her in person as well as because I took Jeremy along my partner too. And he had never heard of her by the time we left, he was like obsessed with her. So it


Aw. Good.


My name is Gabby. My high is that I'm in San Francisco this week for work. I guess for the next couple days or so. But that is making really, making it really hard for me to track my macros. And I don't know if you all know this, but I've been tracking my macros for a month now. I'm hitting a month and it's been really nice and helpful just to learn about like my nutrition and I've been trying to stay really good about meal preps and stuff like that so it's making it a little harder now that I'm at this in the city. Because, with work and everything, it's just hard to try to get a healthy meal. So that's my only low is that and then also because I'm so busy with work, I'll probably not be able to do much more than just be at the office. So it is a bummer. And I do feel like I'm not in my favorite part of the city right now. And it's so like drastic from all the parts that I typically go to. So it just doesn't feel like I'm in the city.


totally. Maybe that's mil low is that you're here, but we don't get to hang out, so


Yeah, I'm really bummed about that.




It's just so hectic.


Any last week though, Gabby, you said hello? Was that you didn't get a puppy? Any updates on the puppy front?


No updates. That's another load. Because I've been really excited about about looking and but yeah, I don't think so. And I think it's going to be a while because I've been really picky about what type of dog like meets our needs. So we'll see. Honestly, I just want a border collie. That's what I want.


Well, cool. Yeah. I was trying to think of what a high was, but yesterday and a couple of days ago Boris and I, my partner have been trying to get back in a more music routine and we. Actually got in a really great flow yesterday and started putting a song together, tBD on when that will come out, but music in the future, hopefully, yeah, that was fun. My only low is more of a cultural low. The Oscar nominations came out this week. I don't know if you saw, and some good news was that the company I work for, one of our films, was nominated for Best Documentary,






guys should watch. It's called Four Daughters. But, obviously the low was the lack of Greta Gerwig and the top directors nom upset about that. Also thinking about Chris through all of this he's in the villa part of the Barbie movie doesn't know about these nominations, Like a weird meta thought I had. I was like, he has no idea that Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie didn't get nominated.


All right. So now we're going to get into the top five moments from the week. All right. All right. Go through all the highlights and low lights and all of our favorite moments. So I'm going to do you want to kick it off?


Yes we as a group decided that possibly the the biggest moment of the week was just the unraveling after the Demi and Louis kiss. Because we feel like a lot of drama and like collateral damage and aftershock just continued to happen after the kiss. Especially for me, one of the things that stood out to me and I thought Kaz was like, it made her so amazing is that once at some point when she figured out that the kiss that happened and Mitch knew at the recoupling and the way that he was telling her to pick Lewis and then her realizing that, oh, it wasn't because he was actually supporting her because obviously they said that they're best mates in the villa. And obviously she's oh, this was just you being messy Mitch as we've constantly being learned that he that's his, that's just the resurgence of him is back, yeah. And the fact that she was like, oh and also another thing, Kaz being annoyed, being like, oh you actually just chose Lib as a second choice. So I think just Kaz kind of being like, cut the bullshit, Mitch. I see your game loud and clear and just be honest just be honest with what you did.




Yeah, I totally picked up on his ulterior motives, and I think when we were standing there and Mitch was like, go for a girl, it could have been like a really oh cute, he's like besties with her, he's telling her to stick up for herself, but because we knew behind the scenes who he was going for. Like I felt like Damn, this is Mitch just like egging people on and stirring the pot and yeah, and then it all came out in Villa, which I'm glad that Kaz finally found out.


Yeah, I was gonna say I didn't like how Demi handled the situation. I felt like when she had the opportunity to chat about it with Kaz and Lib, and I know that in, when she does end up leaving, she talks about this, she didn't want to be like catty or it be the type of girl that's like talking about it right away right after it happens oh guys like I went upstairs and kiss like the guy that you like and I understand that perspective but I don't know I feel like she's cut she's come off a little bit shady a few times


I think that's what killed me the most.


she was like hi


not going to tell them. Don't go sit with them. At least cause at least like she could have been like, she could have been like, Oh, I got awards. And then they called us for the recoupling, the fact that it happened and she sat there. And I feel like also the Love Island being on Love Island is things like move really fast and that's why like gossip moves really fast. Cause they've got nothing to do, but talk about each other. So it's being like, girl, like it's going to come out. You've been on the show before and it's just nip it in the back, like as soon as possible. And also who constantly saying, Oh, we're best friends. We're best. Friends and find you don't wanna hurt your feelings. Yeah. But then also being like, girl, like there's people talk in this place. Like you wanna make sure that you like are in front of your drama before, because then it's really hard to feel like credible.


I was going to say like part of me thinks that maybe it was a situation where the producers were like, okay, trying to get them to be in the same area. So they were like, Hey, we're about to have a moment around the fireplace. And then they made her go sit over there. And now and then they eventually did have that fireplace call. But they might have prematurely push the girls to that area just so that they could get that moment.


Yeah, I totally agree. I think it's crazy how, like, all of that came out later, and also how Lewis immediately picked up on Mitch, stirring all of it, and how he kicked off to Mitch that moment was so tense, he was yelling at him, I feel like Mitch had no idea where it was coming from, everyone else was what just happened, and it wasn't until later that everyone was like, oh, okay Yes, some of the, what you were saying, Louis, was like, valid, but also he did not have to kick off that hard that quickly. I think that was a little intense.


I'm guessing he already didn't like Mitch, to begin with. So it just gave him a reason to just be like, yeah, I knew


I think he was just super upset because he really wanted to be with Demi and in his head, he was like if you are playing it this way, then it's not gonna go my way. And he had no other connections really there for him because he had like already gotten rid of all the other connections. So I feel like he was upset because that happened.


Can I talk about my favorite moment from the villa? Okay, so it happened early on. I think this was before the Lewis stuff happened, but when Chris and Molly were chatting and Chris pulled Molly up to the terrace and They have this sort of moment where he's did you know that if you stare into someone's eyes, you can fall in love with them for two minutes or whatever. So he was like, we should stare into each other's eyes. And anyway, they're staring and it's so smooth. And then he just comes in for a kiss and it happens. And I thought Chris was like, Very smooth in that moment, and it was like, so gushy and silly to watch. But also, I feel like Molly was overtaken by his smoothness in that moment. I don't think she actually maybe wanted to have a situation with Chris, or she was still sussing out her feelings about it. I don't know if she would have actively been like, I want to kiss Chris. If it weren't for that moment that sort of she got caught up in, anyway, smooth moves, Chris.




Really? I didn't think it was that great. I thought it was a little creepy because they had just got, they're going through this argument and they're going back and forth you can obviously tell how bothered they are and they're like resurfacing issues that they had in their relationship and he's I have to have a call I need to talk to you right now and then


It was like bad timing.


Bad timing, I agree


takes advantage of the situation. It's just weird and I don't like Chris. He's, to me, I don't like his vibe.


Aw, I like him.


Something's off.


I think the bad timing, a hundred percent, I agree with Gabby because at the end of the day, it's Molly was fighting with her partner of four years. So this is like very serious. And I know like fine, Chris wants to be like the jokey guy, but I feel like. Because of like the serious conversation that we're having, which is obviously based on the reasons why they broke up. I don't know if like you being like, I'm just gonna sweep you up com. Like completely like random guy. It's no, like this is my real life. It isn't like crazy. But I agree. For me it's I think. We'll discuss this later, but I do think maybe we might see a better version of Chris now that he's coupled up with someone who's a little bit more direct and is not thinks he's funny, but is also I'm not, I didn't come here to make jokes, and so I think this might make him actually just stop cracking jokes or trying doing too much, so I'm hoping.


Yeah, I think Arabelle is a good match for him because she does cut through the jokes and be like, tell me how you actually feel,


Yes. But at the same time, she does still think he's funny. She's I do find you funny. Thank you. You've been funny. But I'm not looking for the guy to be funny.


but tell me how you feel.




why do you always need to be funny?


Yeah. She sees through his defense mechanism of the comedy and the constant jokes and, but also I want to know who you actually are because I think she sees something there. Yeah. Yeah, I I feel like I go back and forth with him. I think I like him even, I think I like him more with Arabella in this relationship. The fashion is like not for me.






and I'm sure Lange, you have opinions on that piece as well. But Yeah.


I've only been focused on Callum and his fashion because he's fine. But he always wears those Birkenstocks at night.


Oh, dude.


Oh man. Gabby, what was your favorite moment of the week?


I, oh, so it's not a favorite moment. I just cling to this moment when Arabella came in and Chris has already done this before where he just asked who slept with who? And then when Arabella comes in, Chris is like pressuring Toby, like pressuring him. Toby's ah, I don't want to talk about this man. And he like pressures him. I thought it was really strange. And he like kept asking him if he had slept with the girl. Just like very pushy And then he, Toby denied it and he was like no, I haven't. And then later on they show a scene where it's Georgia and Arabella, they're talking and then they basically, she says, hey, I had a one night stand with Toby. And then Georgia is like, what, you slept with him? And she was like, yeah. So it's like an interesting thing I do wonder if that happened, or not that it we have to know, but it was just like, interesting that they put both perspectives there, and I actually think it was good that Toby didn't open up like that if he didn't want to, I just thought it was really weird that he was, like, being pushed to that. He, no one needs to know that. That was my thought on that, and I just thought it was an interesting perspective from both sides.


And I don't think Georgia was like being pushy when she was asking her about she was like, Arabella was like girl to girl. Yeah, we slept together. Also, Georgia's response was like, I just didn't see that. I don't see that. I was like, Oh my god, she was like, She did not take that well. Let's just say that




Georgia didn't take a lot of things well this


true. Yeah, which kind of leads into I think my biggest moment of the week was just the whole Georgia Toby Callum Molly love square Situation where first it was like Georgia was up was upset because Toby and the whole drama of him Being more open and she said wait, I thought I didn't think we were open, and then coming to that realization where they were just not a thing, and then George and then me okay who am I gonna focus on now? Bam, Callum he's available, nobody besides Molly, and that's been a whole awkward, weird dynamic between the two. So then she talks to Callum, and he's into Georgia, because who wouldn't be into Georgia? Stunning. And, yeah, and then Molly is oh yeah, sure, but then as Georgia and Callum are like talking more and actually building a connection, I think Molly is having a big oh shit moment, of wait, I actually did think I want maybe to get back with him, and now he's getting on with another girl, and Yeah, and then in last night's episode we had the game and There was the whole kissing and then toby and molly shared some kisses during the game So it's is there going to be some something there? i'm sure toby will go for molly because she's also stunning and toby is available for all the ladies. So Yeah, it's just like very interesting. i'm so curious to see how this is all gonna pan out and like At the end, are Calum and Molly just gonna get back together? Or, is this gonna bring them closer? Or, I don't know, it's hard to say.


I agree because also I think in my opinion, I think like Georgia and Molly are like wanting similar things from like different guys because again, Georgia was just hoping Toby would choose her and Molly was hoping Kellen would choose her. And they're both like going for the same, like very similar guys who like clearly are not really the guys that are going to choose you. So I think it's just very interesting. They it's in my opinion, they going for guys are like, like very similar, I would say, but a minus maybe Toby listens more cause he remembers a little bit more, but like Callum, for example, not understanding where Molly was coming from, communication wise. Cause when they communicate, they clearly on different. Pages because he couldn't understand why she was like, Oh, no, I actually wanted you to chase me. And he's Oh, no, but you were kissing someone else. And she was like, I was doing that to see if you really wanted to be with me. So it's it's being on total different pages, so I feel like that was very interesting dynamic there. And then obviously then Georgia and Toby, where it's like. I think the problem with, I don't know, with women who go for Toby is it like, do they think that they're going to be like the one person to change Toby? So it's how George is like I wanted, she wanted to be close with Toby, but it's girl, we've seen Toby on TV. He's not going to be closed. Like he did in his own season in Love Island games, we saw it as well. Like he wants to play the field and if you push on it, he's going to make. You feel like you're crazy because he's going to be like, I didn't say we're together. I've been open from the jump. So I think it's just very confusing. But comes to my favorite moment, assuming Bronnie, you're finished with your moment. I think what I really liked was Molly telling Toby and being like, I'd like as much as there's it's very murky here and everyone's just doing the most, but she was saying that, Toby does have to take responsibility for his actions. Because as much as he's Oh, I didn't do anything to Georgia or I didn't blah, blah, blah. And she, Molly's actually if you really think about it, you know what you did. And I think that's really good because Toby mustn't think that he's just going to go for Molly and then she's going to be like, Oh my gosh, this guy's amazing. And I think there's also sheep. And then obviously it's up to her whether she's going to be into it.


I like that she called him out on his bullshit.'cause we've seen it on the screens. I think I like the public knows it, but everyone on the guy side of the villa, just as like Toby, whatever, and all the girls are like, hello? Commit for once, and yeah, I think she was right to go in and be a little cautious with him because, yeah. Who knows, the next bombshell could come in and his head could turn very easily.




Welcome everyone to our tier ranking game where we talk through our favorite islanders and rank them in our categories that we'll find love, we'll find followers or clout, stuck in friendship island, why are you here, and then put islanders in our categories. Where, when they've left the island. Things to keep in mind as we're playing this game is we'll post the results tonight, and you can let us know who, if you agree or disagree with who we put in these categories. So I'll start sharing my screen.


And again, this is our opinion.


Okay. So starting with the Islanders who we thought would, will find love in last week's episode or last week's We said Lib, Demi, Georgia, Callum, and then Molly. Have you all changed your opinion on Lib? Do you think that she's here, still here for a lob? Yeah,


she's stuck in Friendship




Unfortunately, I


I don't know if she's gonna find love


Especially since also having a conversation with Boris Knuckles partner the other day, I was like, as a guy, because we watch, just wondering so it's like a male perspective, like, why does she just Keep finding herself was again. She's exactly where she was in the games. And also Jake was like in her season, technically the only guy really vying for who, so I was also just always so curious, like, why don't they pick her? But and so I think my, but based on those conversations, I feel like it's stuck in friendship Island for based on, in my


I agree. Yeah.


I think,


Alcohol glasses, like goggles. She Behind his mess. And,


if, yeah, and any, yeah, any moment she's like even called him out on his shit this week as well, it's still, but then she calls him out and she comes in hot headed, but then, He still finds a way to get her to be like, okay, like he's


quickly. Which is so crazy. Cause I was like, for me, it gives, makes me cringe, but for her, she is giggly and laughs and moves on. We like, girl, you were just so upset. So that's so confusing. I think, especially like when she tries and has very serious conversations and she's I'm not second pick, blah, blah, blah. You get to see that goes one in one ear and goes out the other for niche. He's just Oh, anyway.


he smiles and then kisses her and it's fine again.


Totally. Yep.


And she says she's not going to talk to him. She always says, I'm going to wear my sexy outfit and then go out there and not talk to him. But does that even do anything? I don't think Mitch even cares. And last week, right before Messy Mitch was back, literally the day before we had our last episode, and we were so excited for Lib. We said, Oh. This is like a good pair. This is probably like a great match. And


we were so hopeful.


episode that was aired was messy. Mitch is back


I like to


like blasted


know that I was still skeptical of the mess. I wasn't sure about


like, yeah, you and I were skeptical. What about what about Mitch, you guys?


Oh. He can stay there.


her, he can say, why are you here? Yeah, we're like upset. I think Mitch is I just honestly don't, cannot picture someone with Mitch. I still cannot.


I'm okay


too immature Yeah,


I'm almost okay with putting him in the follower clout, potentially, too. Because I feel like more episodes that keep going on, the more I'm like, he's stirring the pot for the moments that he gets the airtime.


So you're saying he just likes being the villain and he's happy just to keep coming back and continuously being the villain?


yeah even in the game from last episode he said, what did he say? That


Is this controversial or it's going to be messy or


yeah, he just said something that,


He said Toby was the most loyal,


Oh, yes. And then Arabella was the most,


was the least loyal and everyone in the villa was like, excuse me, where did that come from? But


And being Toby. He's Toby's my friend. Toby's the least loyal.


Yeah, he is


a cloud.




he absolutely has a brand that he's trying to keep forward with and it's almost if he keeps up with that, he feels like the show is gonna want him back because he's creating this drama for the show. Like he's totally playing the game. So are you guys okay with putting him in the we'll find clout? Yeah. Demi left the island. How do you guys feel about that? I'll move her down since. She's left her






when Lewis left, I was like, sayonara. I just don't like him. So unfortunately Demi had to go with him because I feel like Demi's good but we did discuss that we did feel she was like semi shady ish you know depending where you were because yeah shady because she didn't handle the situation based on being in Love Island but also Lois Sayonara.


Sayonara. We didn't know you


Also, like, why?


I don't even need to know him.


it's fine.


I just don't understand why Demi even liked Louis. Like, maybe that's too mean of me to say.


Yeah, they didn't have enough time to dig into the personality. I think she might have found some flaws there.






Yeah. I guess there's a person for everybody, but I just thought Demi was so bubbly and she came off very happy and then Louis came off very like, draining. That's my opinion, at


Yeah. He's got two kids to go home to. Sayonara.


But that's what I said. The same thing. Cause I watched this episode of Jeremy and his daughter Claire, and they were like, Oh my God, so cutthroat. And I was like, no, he got kids to go home to,


Yeah, he's got responsibilities.


got things to do. Okay.


And I do wonder it's like sometimes I wonder if they even have conversations about their normal life on this show. Do, does Demi ever ask oh, what is his normal life like? Like none of that is, I can't imagine them having that conversation. I just don't know. If she was even like thinking about that, maybe she was, maybe she's like good with the kids and all that, but


But also he has




parents from two different kids though. So it's like, when does he have free time? I list his parenting days on the same day, like I'm dating someone with kids, but but I'm just, that's one from one parent, one woman, but it's like for him, it's like, what are his parenting kind of styles? Like, when would you guys even go on dates? Cause the kid's also pretty young. So it's like very, I would also be very interested to know what kind of conversations. They're


want to know those conversations. I feel like they omit a lot of those conversations because we want, they want like the public to be oblivious of it and us thinking oh, they're just like there for each other and like love and nothing else matters. I think sometimes they like take out that because we've never. seen them have conversations about


I think, but I also feel like the, as we said earlier, is that I also think sometimes like the producers or whoever makes the show kind of chooses who they want us to see and who to focus on. Because I think for example, we were like Kaz example, up until this week, like with the Tyler stuff we don't know what she's been doing all week. And even like in the past, other Islanders have always said that they've said Oh no don't be shocked that I was close with this person. We actually spent a lot of time, but it just didn't get a lot of screen time. So I think cause even that being said, it's we haven't got to them yet, but I'll forget it if I don't say it, but it like Chris and Arabella, brand new couple, and they got their first date in that episode. So I think for them, they were like the two attractive couples were giving them a date versus maybe like someone else. I feel like, I just felt like it was very strange that they got the first date and Arabella had just got there.


What about Georgia? I know that


I love her, we'll find




I hope she finds love.




my favorite. And


far, me too. But definitely not Toby. She had a triangle situation, but I think she let him go and is now focusing on Callum. So what do you guys think about Callum and Molly? I think we initially put them in the We'll Find Love, but now it's I'm not sure.




a little confusing to me.


I feel like Callum will find love whether it's with Molly or Georgia


I agree. I think he'll find love with someone.




I don't know if, I don't know if Molly will find love. If she doesn't find love with Callum, I don't know if she'll find love. She's not gonna find love with Toby. I'm gonna be Toby, so it'll




be like a new bombshell that comes in. In the meantime, I think she's, I think right now she's stuck in Friendship Island. Because Callum is focusing on Georgia, and she doesn't have anyone else at the moment.


Yeah. I agree. I think in a perfect world, at least for me, I would love to hear your thoughts. I don't know if Georgia's ready to take on a committed relationship like that in the villa. And I don't think that Callum is like the perfect match for her. I think there could be a guy. Potentially a bombshell that walks in very soon that would turn her head. And I think there's still some things that Molly and Callum have to sort out in order for him to come to Georgia. In my perfect scenario, they would end up back together and hopefully sort through their communication problems, but Georgia needs to find a good match because we love her.


Yeah, I agree.


Yeah, because if Georgia goes straight for Callum, in my opinion, as you've said from, Unfinished Business with Molly, it's you're like the rebound and sometimes rebound relationships work out. But I do think we're what we've been, what we're seeing is like, there's just a lot of left unsaid items. And I also am like. Georgia should actually just be with someone who's just as ready as she is, like a standalone person, if so I feel like Callum is still just so much baggage that he even has to work through. And just, yeah, I think also just communication wise, I think Callum's like absolutely terrible. How he was like, he barely even knows how to read Molly, a woman he dated for so long. That's crazy.


Talon confused me so much because part of me is like, Oh my gosh, he sounds like such a nice guy. It sounds like he's just stuck on Oh, I like, I really liked her. I'm trying to like make it work, but I just can't get through the communication. It just say something, talk to her, and not with other people. We've hardly ever seen them just talk one on one. It's really crazy that they're not even talking. I just don't know. I think it honestly with that relationship, it's almost like they just need to communicate about their real intentions. And then if their real intention is to find somebody like move on, I don't think it's them. I don't think that they can work through. Through this issue if they're not gonna be like really open But the thing that bothers me about what we've seen so far Is that it's like I think you were like, I think this is why we broke up I think this is what you think about me. I think it's like so many assumptions like Okay. Like why don't you just talk through it? My thought.


Totally, yeah. They're like talking across each other.


So I guess moving on to People that we thought were here for clout or people that we'll find followers clout. One of the guys was Chris, what do you guys think?


I feel like I could see him finding love with Arabella if things continue. I feel like they've got, so far they've got a really good thing going for him, for


a real believable chemistry


Yeah, I really do believe it. Yeah. Yeah.


find their chemistry to be very I don't know, it's I feel like Arabella and Toby's chemistry, not real chemistry, and they're like, oh, we bounce off banter, and I was like, this is dumb. And, but then I feel like Chris and, I feel like Chris and Arabella it just feels really real, I don't know I just feel like it's just the way they communicate, also just, they also suit each other I think they would make a fantastic


Yeah. I think they're more mature together versus like with Arabella and Toby. It's like a combination of she's more mature, but Toby's less mature in a relationship. Whereas Chris and Arabella just seem more like. On the same wavelength


Yeah they're around the same age too and Toby's still a little child.




I think you're totally right. I do think there is a little bit of a dynamic that they have is Nerdy guy, weird kind of guy, like hot model girl, and The more we see them together, I think the more we'll see it work, but I think they still need to like, like Chris needs to open up, Arabelle needs to get more silly, and I think it'll, I think you're right, I think maybe they'll vibe very well.


I was gonna say Arabella came in We'll just put her on we'll find love as well. What about Anton? I thought that when Anton and Hannah This week did the recoupling. I don't know. I thought it was cute I am starting to like hannah a lot more I feel like I wish she got a little bit more airtime and I feel like She doesn't really have anybody there that she's compatible with




which is so unfortunate


island so far.


She's still in Friendship


in Friendship Island.


But, I will




With with Anton he rekindled things with Georgia H this week, but I don't know, I, I'm getting like, I think he likes her a lot more than she liked him, vibes.


I know. It's


I think he's in Friendship Island.


I think so too as much as I like him, I think I like him as a friend I would have been like, me and Anton are buddies and I like that him and Hannah are besties they're really fun together, but yeah, I think this whole him Georgia situation is her waking up every day trying to convince herself that Anton's the right decision, and that's not how you want to start a relationship, you want to like, be like, excited about the person that you're with. Starting something with,


yeah. I


Yeah, it was so weird when he was


I, yeah, I feel like we could almost put Georgia in Friendship Island along with him, because I feel like they're both there.


What do you guys think about kaz?


I think she's also still in Friendship Island, unfortunately. I know, obviously, in the last few episodes, Tyler, her ex, came in, and that was a big surprise. I was like, finally, some air time for this girl.


Like, no, now Nicole was right, that there's this ex island, ex on the beach


Right now, the producers are bringing in the exes, and we're not sure about it


Why'd they do that?


I don't love


don't get why they keep doing that.


Especially and they're bringing like the ex that you never ever want to see. They're like, surprise! What the?


Yeah, they're like expecting them to be happy. You're not gonna they're not gonna be happy. They're and basically forcing them to pick them as if like they're rekindling things. We don't want to see that. We want to see fresh relationships form on this speech. I'm tired of seeing exes.


I can see it being smart with the Georgia Topey situation, cause it was always like, oh, will they, won't they? But bringing in your ex that you haven't talked to in two years, slash your ex you literally just broke up with those are the worst. situations ever. Ugh, terrible.


also one thing I really didn't was how Tyler after he chose Kaz, the way he spoke to her he was like, are we gonna do this now? Or just the rude I was like, this, I was like, Absolutely not. Cause I was like, he was like, so being like thank you so much for showing us how you treated her in your relationship. Cause he was like, how about you, do you want to do this now? And then you saw she got like timid in a way where I was just like, that's inappropriate, get the man off the show.




Like, immediately I was like, it's a no from me. And also I don't even I didn't like Tyler even in his season as well because he was just like a game player and Kaz was a favorite in her season and he knew it and he knew that if he like rides with her, there was likely a chance he would get to the finals. So I feel like I, again, him. And Toby and Lewis think Lewis R. I. P. to him off the show no.


I think, yeah. I think unfortunately


this as a black woman hating all the black men.




I agree with where you put him. I'm very confused by why he's a hair. What's his


he got there, he immediately was like, Cass, why did you pick Cass? It was like, he didn't even have a real reason.


Yes, it was a, yeah.


so freakin weird. I'm like, why did you just pick her? He said no, it doesn't matter. Or he, what did he say? Something like, even though there's so many beautiful people, beautiful women here, I'm still gonna pick Cass. I was like, what?


Yeah. Right. And when she was


She's beautiful as well.




Way to win her over. Good job. Like you couldn't find a better line, dude. Like


Even like Maya interjected when it was like, I think she was looking for a little more.


more. I




I think she was looking for a reason, and then he's yeah, it was just so confusing. Maya, thank you for trying to help, and then he still has nothing to say. It's like those people that, they're like, oh, I love you. There's people, and like, when you ask them oh, okay that's great. People just jump into saying I love you, and then you ask them why, it's like you're great. Just, you know that type of thing isn't going to work in the future. Yeah. We also had Toby in the Why Are You Here?


He can stay


think he's


do you guys?


Yeah. Leave him there.


Leave the man


Leave him there. And I think Josh is our last guy.


I'm also


go Why are you


why are you here? Cause he came in and was like, I'm looking for something serious. Immediately put it on Georgia. They were like, going in a good direction. Then was like, whoops, I have a thing for Molly, and she was like, I thought you were looking for something serious this time around, and yeah, but now he's been pushed to the side by Molly, which Serves him right.




Yeah, I thought it was really cute when he picked Hannah on to talk to her because they were on the same season. I thought it was cute. I knew it wasn't gonna work because he didn't seem that into her but I just thought it was cute to just hear them interact and reconnect.




wonder like what type of guy would work for Hannah.


I know, they're like bro and sis, and I'm ready for a man to come in that's excited about Hannah. It's been a lot of boys so far, and I don't think, they've seen her as a friend more than anything else, hey,


of the villa right


Yeah, and I also don't trust Tyler's intentions because again he obviously might have been watching and seeing okay she's the only one like apart from Kaz that's available. So I don't think his interest, I mean I just feel like for example random examples like how these guys think about kissing is like when Mitch was asked like did he kiss Lib in bed and he was like it was in bed like when I'm in bed I'm really cuddly so he basically was saying like they just like it's sometimes just not about the girl it's just about like how they feel like in the moment.




That was wild. Thanks for bringing that up. Yeah. Merci Mitch.


Big Yikes.


I think that's all you guys. And we'll post the results on our socials. Make sure you follow us on there to see, to comment and let us know your thoughtS.


Okay, so this is the portion of the episode. I don't know. I feel like I'm a show host.


You are a girl.


This is the mean, like I don't know, like on TV. Anyway, this is the part of the episode where we discuss what we've been seeing, especially, and I also think this is exciting this week because the section last week, we didn't have that much talking being spoken about. So this section is where we talk about what we've seen online. And we've seen what just like the gossip online as to who to expect in the villa or just people's reactions or people who know the Islanders and their reaction about everybody in the villa. Yeah, it's been great. Personally, I've been reading up and it's been interesting.


If we say spoilers, we should make sure to say, FYI, we're about to say a potential spoiler. Just so that people can fast forward a few seconds.


Yeah. Spoilers. And also a lot of these are rumors. So like we cannot confirm or deny if this is fact or fiction.




Yes, but people online have been saying these things, so we like to talk about it.




Cool. Nicole, would you like to tell us about your,


Yeah. This is an interesting TikTok that I saw about the Love Island all stars, right? So the difference between regular Love Island and Love Island all stars is these folks have already been on the show before. And a typical story of what happens when an original Love Islander comes on the show is that. They're the hottest in their group, and then they come in and they realize, oh shit I'm not the hottest one in my group, and I actually have to like, go out of my way to talk to people, and get in, with so and and actually assert myself, and also sometimes their egos are lost. This TikToker basically said, how do you build the, that same sort of like storyline? She was like, she is guessing that the producers reached out to all of these cast members and were like, people are asking for you. They're so excited for you to be on all stars. You are the top of your season. We need you back. Everyone's rooting for you. And that's how they got them to commit to come to the show. And now, there's all of this chaos happening, obviously, when they're realizing, there's a whole other selection of people who were, like, the favorite on their series or whatever. I thought that was an interesting analysis. It's still the same story arc. Their egos have to, Come down a little bit, but different kind of perception playing, and the producers stirring the pot a little bit.






I think a lot of the people that were like really that we would be excited to see, we have not seen. So I'm hearing that just alongside this rumor that They were like begging people to get to go. Anton to be the first, the, I don't think Anton was like a first pick. Sorry, Anton, if you're listening to this.


yeah, no let's face it, you're, I totally agree with what you're saying, because the people who are actually the Love Island favorites have so much going on that they're like, I don't need to do this again, like, why would they? They have to like, get people riled up and remind them that, they're Like important on the show again, the producers really do have to like build up the cast and try to bring them back on. So yeah, interesting point.


truth of this is that if they do come back and they were a fan favorite, it's like your image might change you might get potentially have bad edits or, content that you don't want and then your reputation changes. Or you might get like a refresh and you might get like a little bit more followers because people didn't see you back then but the odds are that if you're already doing well and you are actually people's favorites like you're not gonna be jumping like to be the first one on the show like they have to pay a lot and I don't think they pay like I don't think these people were paid that much to go here to you know they're just not that high up on everybody's radar.


Apparently one of the, I guess the bombshells that comes into the island, somebody saw her on a flight to South Africa and they were like, that can't be her because they found, they saw her in economies class, premium economy. So they were saying ITV couldn't even put them like in like first class or like in business class. So it was like the flight to Cape Town from like London. It's


That's far.


When it's also far, but it's also you don't have to, it's just one ticket. You don't have to like, there's a direct flight. So it's you guys couldn't even splurge for like people like to come out, but I don't know.


because they held on to the games contestants and they gave them a whole freaking resort experience, like all the games contestants were booted off and then they had to stay at the resort the whole freaking time to


Yeah. The budget went there. In Fiji, I mean to South Africa, flights to Fiji are more expensive than to, I'm assuming to South Africa because Fiji is also just a little bit like further to get to. But I think I agree I think with the getting everyone to come back because I think in my opinion is everyone, like all the people that were our favorites, I think for them is again, they all like hang out in the same circles is what we're seeing. Cause some of them, when a bot, like a new bombshell comes in, you see some of them into say Oh, nice to meet you. But some of them, they're excited to see each other. So I guess they're weighing the options of if only my friends or like people that I'm not even going to be interested come on the show, what am I going to get out of it? And if they think nothing, then I'm assuming they're not going to come back.




Yeah, the other thing that I saw is, and this is to be expected. All of the folks. Now in the villa are like they don't have their social media and like everyone that's a bombshell that comes in Also won't have social media So all of the fans are like stalking Other Love Island or social media to see when they post and Lunga, spoiler, unfortunately, Ovi has posted he posted something on X and then on Instagram. The man is unfortunately not coming on and same with Moira, but what we guessed that and


Yeah, Moira, I would have been shocked if she came back, but Ovi, devastated. Absolutely devastated. But I get it, but still devastated.


I know.


he explicitly tweet, like tweet or send out that message that he was not coming?


No, he didn't explicitly say that he wasn't coming, but he tweeted in that window of oh, they're starting Love Island and people aren't in that like separate area where they're not allowed to be on social. So that's what the fans are doing. They're basically seeing if people are posting at this point in time just to see if they're coming on or not.


That makes sense.


Got it.


Okay, so remember how in the preview episode we were talking about how people prescribe Love Islanders, and That's how Demi discovered her neck


Oh, yes.


oh my god Boris sent me this article, he was like, it's from The Sun, I don't know if you'll like this, and I was like, what is it, and he was like, apparently some dentist has been watching Lewis, And the way he talks and smiles, and he doesn't really show all of his teeth. He might be in pain or something. And, when he does smile, his gums look inflamed.


Oh my God.


Basically I think Lewis has gum disease, so he might be coming out of the villa finding out




Ew. So Demi better stop making out with


I know, that's pretty gross, too.


You'd be getting gingivitis from this man.


Oh my God.


anyway, I don't know if it's true, but I thought that was hilarious, that


Oh my god, that's hilarious.


then the whole,


I feel


I know, the whole season, the whole episodes, too, we were, like, watching his mouth, and he's like this, he smells like this.


Poor guy.




One of the things I noticed, speaking of The Sun, another reliable source of information, the Daily Mail, I, that's when I, this is where I read the article about them speaking about Chloe's Instagram posts, because apparently she posted like a Carousel, is that what it's called? A carousel of pictures and like I think it was like her like photo dump and I think like one of the pictures was like appears to look like her crying. So people were saying I, and also she I think posted that like the day of the episode where she, where Toby basically says that like maybe they broke up because like he cheated on her. And so it just shows her like sad and like tears on her face, even though the other pictures were like who I think on vacation in Australia, I can't recall. But obviously the final one was like, maybe if I don't know if that's the thing on social media. The last one is I don't know, a mic drop. I don't know. You guys will have to tell me. But


Yeah, I thought Georgia H was the one that kept pressing Toby right. During that discussion. So she was like, what happened? Why did you and Chloe break up? And he was like, oh, things didn't work out, blah, blah. Oh yeah. And then she was like what exactly, she was like, honing in what happened? What happened? And then eventually, like she. She like kept probing and was like what did she do? What did she post? Did she cheat? It was just so much I don't know. I feel like he, he should have just told me whenever he doesn't. I don't know what to say. He just freezes and says Yeah no. And then We just have to assume stuff. But then I think in that case, he did say that he did allude to her cheating, which is awful. I don't know. if it's actually true.


I think, sorry to technically talking to my next point is this is when it gets confusing is because another article was like, remember when Toby and when Arabella walked in and Toby was like, Oh yo, we did hook up and remember everyone was like, when did you guys do it? And I think they said 18 months ago. And according to people on the internet, they were like, if you do a little bit of math. That time when they could have set hypothetically hooked up, got to know each other, Toby was still dating Chloe. So everyone's make it make sense. So they're being like, so how were you guys together if Toby was supposed to be with his girlfriend? So I'm also Very convenient that Toby obviously has the stage and he can say whatever and all Chloe has is I guess Instagram. So I also was like that's very interesting and also Toby obviously strikes me as the kind of guy that like will throw anybody under the bus for him to end up on top. Sorry to interrupt you Gabby but I just wanted to just if you were thinking about it, it's being like. It's like a mess in general because it's like, what can we believe about what Toby's saying?


Yeah. Chloe, if you're listening to this or watching us, let us know what


wanna know the story.


us the


we wanna break the news.




And then I guess I have, this is just one more spoiler that I saw because I'm assuming by this time, if you're listening to this, you've gotten to the end of the episode where they showed the bombshells. And one of the bombshells is Going to be Tom, who also was a fine favorite of mine. So






be knowing that Obi's not coming back, but Tom will be back on our screens. But be that being said I think that we're trying to push for Sammy to come back and I think she's found out that he's coming back. And so she's decided apparently, allegedly, she might, she's not going to return to the villa. So I'm assuming they might be trying to stick to that, like X on the beach thing.


Good for her for finding that out and like realizing, hey, not for me.




And looking forward to seeing what Terrace Tom gets up to.


Oh my gosh, I forgot that nickname. Excited for him.


Imagine they bring Casey Bates.


A package deal.


The chaotic men.


Oh my god. But everyone out there, if you have any fan theories, speculations, gossips, if you're Chloe, slide into our DMs and just let us know what's happening and let us truly know we want to know what was Toby lying what, yeah, we just want to know the tea, that's exactly that. And also, if you know that Ovi is coming back, people in the universe, please let us know.


Haha. All right, everyone. Thank you for joining us on proper chat. We'll be back next Thursday to recap the next several episodes of Love Island. All stars, make sure to follow us on proper chat pod on both Instagram and tick tock and let us know what content you're enjoying from us. If you're enjoying our content, please don't forget to give us a five star rating, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube now so you don't miss all of our future episodes. Your rating really matters to us and it keeps us excited to continue making content. Until next time, stay proper and stay chatting.



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