Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

16 Girls in 6 months - Love Island All Stars, Ep 10-16

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 4

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off the third week of Love Island All Stars, with loads of drama from dinner dates to all the Callum/Molly/Georgia/Tom drama! Join us as we discuss the top moments from the week, play our classic ranking game, and share the gossip from all around social media about Love Island All Stars. 

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Welcome to season two of Proper Chat. We are four friends with very different perspectives that love to talk about all things Love Island. We are diving into Love Island All Stars this season, and we're covering episodes 10 through 16 in this podcast. So if you haven't watched those episodes, go back, watch them, then come back and listen to our episode. We're going to share some of the biggest moments from the past week. We're going to play a little tier ranking game, and then we're going to dive into some social chatter and things that people are talking about with Love Island this week. But before we do, we're going to do something a little different this week. We're going to do a quick round of Snog, Mary, and Pie. In honor of that happening this week on Love Island. Brauna, you want to start?


Hi everyone. I'm Verona and for my snog, I will snog Tom because, he's hottie. I will marry Hannah because she just seems like the nicest person. I feel like she just would be so lovely to be in a relationship with. Love, love her like a sister. And I'm gonna pie Chris because he deserves a pie, I




had enough of him, I had enough of him. He was so mean to Arabella, we'll get into it, but yeah




I'll go next. Hi, I am Langa. I would Snog Callum, I would marry Tom and then I would py Tobi, obviously




I know he's been a great friend to cad, but terrible to Georgia. So Toby


Yeah, at least you're consistent here.


Yeah, we're all on brand. Hi, I'm Gabby. I'm gonna snog. Oh, I'm married, so I'm snogging just the cutie of the group. The best looking guy, I think, of the villa at the moment, Tom. Like I said, I'm married, but I'll marry Anton, because I thought he was just Oh my gosh, from the start of the show to now, I am like a huge Anton fan I just can't believe how awesome he is. And then, pie, I'll pie Chris, because yeah, I just, I, I haven't liked Chris since the beginning, so nothing new.




Yeah. I am going to be predictable here. I'm going to go ahead and snog Tom because not only is he like the most attractive, I feel like he's so smooth. He, I don't know what it is about him. He just has an aura.


Wow. We all agree


here. I'm going to marry Kaz just because that girl is so consistently a friend with everyone in the villa and brings good vibes. I think. She deserves a partner in life. And I think we would treat her well.




And I'm gonna go ahead and pie Mitch, cause that man continues to be messy, and I know it's a cop out that everyone pied him this season, but I'm, I think he deserves it.




Yeah, definitely.


All right, so let's get into our top moments of the week. Who wants to go first?


I'll do mine, because it happened pretty early on during the week. We had two really awesome bombshells that came in early on in the week, and it was Tom and Sophie. And both of them, I feel like, are like smoking hot, so it was like a perfect time for them to come in. And obviously, heads were turning. And they were the lucky two that got the dinner dates, which I always think is fun I'm always curious about what the people are gonna make for their first course, second course, and dessert. I'm always curious about who's actually a good cook. Sophie ended up picking Chris, Toby, and Josh. And Tom picked Arabella, Molly, and Georgia. And I feel like Sophie's dates were a lot of fun. She had a lot of chat with all the different guys, but like the last one with Josh, where they were sharing the strawberry and getting really close, like sparks were flying. It was really sweet. What did you all think of the, those dinner dates?


thought they were cute.


Yeah, Very cute.


Yeah, I felt like right away, you could see the chemistry.


Yeah, we got to see a little bit of Josh doing his thing. I feel like he gives girls so much space so they they can do whatever. I just think that when he couples up with them, it feels like he's not the type of guy that's, like, all over them. And I've, we've seen that with Sophie. He's really given her space and allowed her to really choose him. So I thought it was cute. I obviously didn't like to see Chris. And what came from that after this


Yeah. Yeah, we'll get, we should get, definitely get more into that later.


I, I don't know about the Josh thing, I feel that he like giving Sophie space, but I think it's just a way to keep these options open. I think he fine. He likes her, but I do feel like he's still everyone's open, but I feel like he's not really you know what I mean? Like he can say Oh no, I want you to want me. And so not be in this triangle, but it's just easy for him to be like when the next person comes in, I can be full on with them. But you know what I'm trying to say? I feel like he's, I feel like he's fine hanging out with the guys. You know what I mean?


Totally, yeah. He also isn't very good at verbally telling someone where he is with his feelings. And he's very flirty, so




I'm sure


feel like that's just, yeah, it feels yeah, it feels like he, besides like sexual or like being like flirtatious on it doesn't feel like he has like that much depth when it comes to being like, Oh, so tell me why you like her, he'll just be like, nice hair, brown eyes, yeah,




He doesn't have much to


He's a man of few words,


agree with




Yeah, so is Callum though.




seems to be like




but I do feel like he does genuinely like Georgia. I think he has he's also just like more of I don't know. He does want to spend more time with the pulls who like, you can, I feel like he has, he makes up for it in physical, it's not like physical touch or even like time spent quality






Josh. You're like, I don't know what, there's him and Sophie have like the deepest chats at night.


That we don't see. Yeah. Totally.


I genuinely, we haven't really gotten that much from Josh. That was the most we got from Josh, is this little interaction. Even afterwards Aside, I can't think of


And being


aside from, spreading the rumor. That's what I was going to say. Spreading not the rumor, but the information that was said about Cal.


Yeah. and I think that the chemistry really showed, too, in the Tom dates with Arabella, Molly, and Georgia. I feel like Arabella, it was just like they two friends chatting they used to hook up they're just being, like, polite to each other. Then it was, like, Molly, and you could tell there was, like, a spark there something came out of it. But then Georgia came, and it was just He, she sat on his lap, people were like, talking from the roof, and I heard Georgia Age, she said, he's smooth as the outside of a lychee, and I was like, dying, laughing. That's so true. He was just like, he's so smooth. I don't know what it is about Tom. He's just got that


I also think he's also really big on eye contact. So I think I feel like he's very strong looking. He's just looks at you and looks at you and I think it just makes the girls melt. And they'll just say a thousand things, but all he does is smile and eye contact. Cause that's what he does with Georgia Ace. She says a thousand things and he just stares at her and then she's Oh, he feels the same way. But he's but he's I didn't say anything.


He stares into your soul, and then you're like we're matched.


that's his shtick, which is fine.


Yeah, she definitely had such a big, oh shit moment when he walked in. She was like, la da, everything's fine, Callum's great, and then it was like, oh, yeah.


Gabby, what was your best moment?


yeah, my favorite moment was It's Anton standing up against Messy Mitch. Anton in general, throughout this whole week, he just, he really made it for us. I feel like he gave us some drama with Mitch, which at some point we keep hearing people don't like Mitch the boys obviously don't like him, you, everybody can read through how he's coming off he's just being very dramatic and trying to get clout and just trying to get attention all the time. People can read through that, but Anton just. The way that he explained himself in that clip when Mitch rea when he addresses the situation with him, I felt like it was really clear and level headed, and you can tell that the maturity levels are just way off. And, Mitch is like, what's bro code what are you doing? And then Anton is I am just telling people my opinion. If they ask for my opinion, it's my opinion and I totally love that he said that because I feel like you should be able to express the opinion and what is bro code like is bro code the type of thing that If someone is taught if someone's seeing bad behavior, you just have to be like okay with it Just because the bro code like it doesn't make sense. They're not going to be friends outside of the villa so I really like that and just in general like I feel like a lot of the girls like really talked about anton in Such like a great way and it gave me like this week. I just got a Perspective that I hadn't gotten before of Anton, and I just think he's so sweet and lovely, honestly, so much


yeah. Handled the Georgia H situation well and then like he's been like almost like the big brother figure for a lot of folks and I agree like I think you're allowed to not deal with bro code when one of the girls is coming to you for advice because they respect you like I think you're allowed to share your opinion there. So


yeah. I think that's the thing with Anton is, in my opinion, I do think he's a good friend, and I feel like when he's a friend it comes really naturally, but I feel like when he's liking a girl, there's something But I don't know what it's not because he's not a nice guy, but I just feel like there's something like that is like he's not like fully comfortable and the girl can read it or he's like a kind of unknowingly like putting on like a weird show like you know, like smug Mary Pi with George and then he ends up like falling in the pool where he like he has to like, be where it's dude, you can just relax, treat her as if as if you would approach like a friend. And I think that's probably the goals can feel like that vibe and why he's consistently just put in the friend zone.




Yeah I can tell that he's just the type of guy that doesn't naturally have riz, or any sort of natural, Good sex appeal. Yeah, like Tom, Tom is smooth. He's been smooth. Like he just has it


But it's also, does he say anything interesting? Tom? Not really.


not really.


Not really. Yeah. And I do feel like I know a lot of people that just are like Anton where they just got Ask for, ask girls for feedback. Hey, what am I doing wrong? What? I can tell he's that type of person. He asked for feedback. He constantly wants to take it, when he was talking to Georgia and she was telling him like to dial it back and he was like, okay, so I need to just dial it back. And he was just like repeating back and like understanding where she was coming from. Something about that to


Like he basically molds himself


he doesn't naturally, yeah. See, I don't know if it's that for me. I just think that you just listen to someone's thoughts if someone's telling me, you're full on don't come at me, he doesn't take it in like a negative way. He just like listens to it and tries to understand where they're coming from. That's the, that's what I have gotten from it. I, like I said, I don't think he naturally, he's just not naturally


That kind of


a sexy type person. So it's just


I think he's definitely a slow burner or he's like a lover, like his trope is friends to lovers. If he was in a romantic book, he would be definitely friends to lovers, like long best friend from his town. And then now they're obviously together because he's definitely not say, again, he's a nice guy. But again, it's just, I think you just have to understand like the way he is. And then obviously then you start falling for other things because I'm assuming like with Tom, it's maybe he's just surface level hot, even though I did say I'd marry him. But you would think, but again, I don't know what his true personality is because all we've ever seen him as boy on tour or just the guy who's like flirting with everyone. We actually don't know Tom's like personality really.


No, not at all.


Totally. Yeah. But it's so weird to see a guy who's so confident in his friendships and his opinions about things. And then when he has like a hint that a girl likes him, he becomes a little less confident of himself. He's really flustered, but I hope he can find the one.


Yeah. Who is very confident with girls. is Callum because he had sex with 16 girls in six months.


That's crazy.


What are our thoughts?


I have a thought initial thought is


for him.


exactly. And my second thought is why? Yeah, I loved Anton for stirring the pot again bringing in the things we needed him to




To the table. Ruthless Anton. Right there.


I was, I texted you guys this. During the week, I was like, I really wish that we all had recorded ourselves watching that clip for the first time because of the way my mouth dropped when he said that. I was, I just, I was shook. I thought he was going to say if I was had to guess, it was like four to six would have been my guess, but 16. Oh my God.


He was


Yeah good for you, I hope we, are safe and healthy and all of that, but I was,


just found, did you not find it funny how Tom, he just looks over and he's opens his


I also think that the guys also were a mix of shock that he actually told the truth. Cause I think I think the shock was like, again, I'm like great that he did. Cause he was like, you know what, if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it. And also hypothetically of him and Molly end up together, let's say at the end of this, at least this is one less. The thing that Daryl has to defend. He can just be like, Hey, this was out. And then we can work through it if they want to get back together and not have another hurdle kind of thing come out like late, right? So I, but I feel like most people would just like, Oh my gosh. Like I can't believe you say that. Also, cause the guys probably can be like, damn, I knew it was a lot. But also I can't believe you actually said the true number, which again, we have to be like, and at least thank you for your honesty. Calum.






Oh, I do have one thing to say about this. So after that, he says the number, Molly, she takes it negatively. She pulls him aside later on. And then I think this interaction is really weird. She says, I don't know verbatim what she said, but something along the lines of, Hey, you should have said it like this. Respectfully, I, it's been six months, respectfully, blah, blah. Someone on TikTok put this together, and Took the clip that Molly said, what you should have said, and Alan verbatim said the same thing that Molly said on air that he should have said. So I feel like he was being respectful. He said exactly, he said it exactly the way that Molly would have said it. Because Callum was trying to understand how could I have handled this better? What could I have said to make you feel comfortable? And Molly tells him what he could have said. And people have gone back to the clip and he said exactly what Molly said.


I didn't even pick up that he ended up saying that. That's interesting that someone went back and recorded that. I also don't think there's any good way to say that, literally her complaint wasn't like, you should have said it like this,


I think she was more like, maybe it sounded like he was bragging. I think she, I think in her opinion, his tone was braggy. And for him, he was like, maybe for him, his tone was like, I just, I was like, I have to tell the truth. And whatever the tone that comes out of my mouth and the truth is this what am I going to do? It's a decision that I made. Okay. I think everyone's big of big moments. I'm not big of big moments of the week was this relationship square we have going on where it's Molly, Tom, Georgia, and Callum. That's just been very interesting. It went from a triangle sort of to now a square. What do you guys think about this


yeah, I think, with the last episode, yesterday's episode number 16, where Georgia and Molly had the big, like hashing out of everything during the day party. I just thought that Georgia was in the wrong in this situation. And I think she was so defensive when Molly was And she kept going back to Oh no. It's just because you actually, you've always had something, against me ever since I got together with Callum. And Molly's girl, you're not hearing me. Like it has nothing to do with that. It's the fact that you keep pulling Tom for chats. And we know she has, and we know this whole time she's been like. He's sneaky and has even said to Tom oh, I don't wanna, I feel so bad. I took her ex and now I'm talking to you like she knew she was being sneaky. That's why she kept trying to be sneaky. She didn't want any of this to get out. And then the second it did, she got so defensive. And I was like, girl, you're in the wrong, just own up to it. And yeah, I was like, It was just, yeah, not cool. Really not cool.




like the way that they talk through that issue was really horrible.




It was it gave me stress, to be honest. I can't imagine being put in that situation and then not hearing someone out or someone not hearing me out. And it was, and it's so chaotic. And that's just stressful to me. I can't imagine it. Going through that and then someone's yelling at you, trying to talk over you.


Yeah. I think, yeah, I feel like Georgia, as much as I love her and everything, I think she definitely was trying to catch as many straws to make it seem like she was not in the wrong based on what was happening. Because I think for her, she was like we were mates in the beginning when we were like, she's we had history. So we were catching up in the beginning. So she was trying to validate a few. You have the pulled reason why she pulled him because she was like, we were catching up and we have a history. So of course we're going to talk. And Molly was like, I'm not saying I did Molly was like, I was fine when you guys were friends talking, but now to find out that actually it was more than that's the issue. And then also, and then obviously then Georgia kicks off when Molly's wow, I thought you were more of a girl's girl. And then George was like, I am a girl's girl. And then she gets upset about that. But it's like. Girl, that's really the issue. That's like the issue. The issue right now is the fact that like you like also like again, like Molly's doesn't care about the Callum thing right now. She's got a good thing happening with Tom. And also even if she does care, she's focused on Tom. She's not pulling Callum for talks while you guys are talking. So I feel like she's focusing on Tom. And then obviously George was like at the end of the day, it's I'm right. You're wrong. I'm out of here.


Dude I was thinking about this today, and I would love it if there was a movie night about this whole situation, because




way that Georgia underplayed her conversations with Tom she wasn't saying, I fancy you the most,




and giving him eyes like she wants to kiss him


Was undressing


literally more than just kiss him.


I know, she totally underplayed that whole moment and didn't validate Molly's feelings and


but I also she


would be wild to see what actually, what the other people saw get them to see that moment would be wild.


night. Movie


Cause even she, I also think she also played down how she was talking to Callum. Cause she was like jumbling the timeline a little bit. Cause he was like, okay, when did it happen? Today? Yesterday? Cause also he's saying, I guess he's concerned as to like whether it happened like after, before the hideaway. But I'm like, dog. Regardless of when it happened, this was a really small amount of time and that she was like, she even was like after the Hideaway still was like, I'm into Tom. So I feel like she's like again on movie night, I don't know how long the Clipse can be, but like at the end of the day it was like showing that Georgia like continuously was like, Callum's fine. But I think the way she vote, like the way she told Callum, she basically was like, no. That's when I was in my confused state where I'm like, girl, don't lie. Like I


She is still in her confused


And then Callum was like, yeah, I forgot about it. Don't worry about it. But I just think like she downplayed it. And I guess like she knew how to get away with it. Cause like Callum was like, it's dead to me. I don't care. So I think,


understand why Callum was so easy to forgive and


has, he's, because he is so into her that I feel like it's he just has a fog in his eyes to it. And he like, he didn't, I feel like he didn't want this thing to be the thing that like ends them or puts them in a bad place.


Even though he knows.


Yeah, when she said something that he was like such an easy pill for him to swallow and he's okay, yeah, that makes sense now back to where we were because he really liked where they were right before he heard that statement. Yeah.


was hurtful! Can you imagine someone saying that to you?


Yeah, she told him what he wanted to hear.


yes. And then she also changed it to be like that's what I thought at that time, but I was like, I feel like we're so much closer now. So I think for him he's cause also it's the same way like on like, how like Molly got pied by Josh, because he was like, you said you were a slow burner when actually we all knew very well that she just didn't like him, but I think that's the, I think that's how Callum was reading and being like, Oh, I understand why yesterday you weren't into me because like you did, we weren't really that close. Now we're super close. You must want to. So I feel like he was just able to put that together and just be like, I'm, and also he also knows that like they have those, like he, she had pulled him. There were multiple chatting. He commented about it, but he still was like ignorance is bliss. I'm just going to hope that's not the case.


Who did Callum kiss that said that Callum was the worst kiss? Was it


Arabella. She said because he didn't open his mouth. So she was like, how am I supposed to kiss you if you're not even gonna give, you're not actually like kissing with tongue and stuff. That was her comment.


So that is the reason that he wasn't my snog during the snog meet. I can't un Because




opening your mouth and his lips are a bit smaller. So I was just like, is he a bad kisser? Did he give Arabella and then Georgia also saying about the weird thing she said, can't, she couldn't imagine sleeping with him. I was


But I feel like she couldn't imagine until Tom came. Because I


Oh, yeah,


Georgia's demeanor in general. Change because at the end of the day, it's like also Joshua, I feel like no shame in her. She can like as many people or have things with as many people, but I feel like with Tom coming in and even just like with Toby and like with like with how she was with Toby and how she was with Callum was so different as how she's with Tom, because I feel like with Toby and Callum, she's oh, I'm looking for like my future husband. I'm looking for what time she's I'm going to pretend I'm looking to get married, but honestly, I just want to go to the hideaway with you.


hundred percent. She kept saying, being like, with Tom, it's it's


Rar! Yeah! Yeah!


kept being like, like she, she just wants to take his clothes off. Yeah.


which is fine, but I also think it's just so different for her with, which is, it's just so different with Tom. And I think for her, I feel like if Tom had given her an opener to be like, I'm down with you, she would happily have kicked Callum to the curb. But because Tom, I think is definitely like. The Toby esque, unfortunately saying Hey, I knew her from the outside kind of tested the goods. I'm more willing to any, like they know the game and they know the messiness of trying to do two things rather let me go sample the goods that I haven't sampled before. And I think that's also, as much as I don't know if Tom likes Georgia or not, but I think for him, it's like. I want to try Molly. I haven't gone out with her, I like getting to know her, we're on the same vibe, or whether or not, whatever he feels for her, I think for him it's Georgia, I know that you're there, so I don't know if I need to like, jeopardize this new thing right now. Pursue. Cause they say pursue. That's what kills mE.


So now's the time for the tier ranking game where we ranked our favorite Islanders in the categories we think they fit in. Are they here for love? OK. Or clout or will they be stuck in friendship island or go home? Why are they even here? Let's discuss starting with the people who have left the island, I guess liberty and mitch i'm putting them down Thank goodness because i'm done talking about how much mitch wants clout. Goodbye


is so


Bye. It's giving messy.


Yeah, Messy Mitch needs to go. It's time.


I've said this before, but I think whoever likes Liberty is somewhere on the outside. I don't think the stereotypical guy who comes into Love Island goes for Liberty, unfortunately. But there is a guy watching the show or like friends of a friend who watches the show who's Oh, I know about this girl, Liberty. And immediately falls in love with her and she's gonna meet him on the outside and they're gonna have many big babies and have a great time, so that's what I'm manifesting for her.


Can't wait.


Yeah. Do you think she's gonna come in any other shows here or do you think this is she's


feel like this is the end of our journey.


They had a time. Yeah.


Yeah. Okay, so there's two people that we rated that they'll find love that I think need to go down. Who are those people? You guys know exactly who I'm talking about.


instance, Arabella, geez, did we come around with that?


Oh my god, literally a week ago, we're like, that's so insane! And then one week, the next day, it was like, chaos, shots fired,


Literal shots fired.


It's so funny.


fired, shutting down. It was crazy. Her and Chris even just in terms of argument style, very different. Cause obviously, she's more the fiery. Direct talking in the moment. He's more like that. I don't like kind of drama but also then I also maybe that also just shows a part of his personality that he hides behind with the joking Because it also just means that maybe we would like it. Maybe he just doesn't like To be confronted like that or he, do you understand what I mean? I feel like maybe that's just a part of his side. We don't know.


Yeah, he's so unserious that he can't even have a serious conversation and be respectful like He like shut her down, and it was very disrespectful. I was like not cool Chris.




yeah. I thought Arabella handled the situation well when he basically turned her down, and I think it highlighted some of his bad behaviors, like going cold all of a sudden when he couldn't handle something, and I saw this somewhere else, but he dropped his funny mask. And it's creepy, like he was funny all of a sudden we like all were going along with It was cool. And then the minute that he got uncomfortable, it was just like creepy like whoa,


just like really angry. Yeah.


like chill Yeah, that's how I felt. At this point, I don't know about you guys, but because of, I don't, I would put him in the Klaus category, or forever stuck in Friendship Island, but


I didn't even think friendship island. Yeah. Except to, I think he's a good friend to Kaz. Thanks to Toby. Cause like Toby was like, Hey, take care of Kaz. So friend by proxy, but that's, I would say probably more clout, cause he probably was like, I was in the Barbie movie and obviously that wore off very quickly.


I agree with that I feel






And what about Arabella?


I feel like


like she's


stuck in Friendship Island right now.


yeah, but she's also like making out with everyone and flirting a lot So it's like it's giving friendship, but also like I want to have a fun time Yeah, and also why?




Yeah, I would say why are you here, Bucket, for sure, because I feel like she does probably is likely looking for a relationship, because I did some research of, like, when last she dated someone and who her previous partner was, and, and also I know for who, as well as Georgia, they were saying oh, they're a specific age, and they want to be they want to have boyfriends, but also, again, not to say Anything bad about it, but also I think like she does like I feel like the fame and the clout and stuff because I mean she was hanging out with Leonardo DiCaprio and stuff like during the summer. So I think it's well not just not only one on one with him but maybe his group of people like she was like on his yacht and stuff like that. And I feel like it's for me and my brain I'm like, she should be while you hear because I don't know is I don't want to say it's clouds because it also just might not.




yeah, I think


also think she was oh, sorry, Nicole. Go ahead.


No, I think she's just in this place where she's having a really good time and being flirty and making out with Toby and flirting with Josh. But I don't think she actually looks at those guys and is I want something more from this. So until a guy comes in that I feel like she sees that from them, then she'll be in the, like, why are you here?


Yeah I think she kept saying how she wanted something serious and then when Toby picked her She was totally okay with being with him, but it almost feels like she's not sure


Yeah. I feel like they're just in a friendship couple.


That make out. Friends that make


Yeah. Friends with benefits.






What about, what do you guys think of Calum and Georgia having gone through everything they've gone through this week? We still, we had them in the We'll Find Love.


It's tough. I feel like, yeah, I know, I have two theories. I feel like ever since all of the drama and the way that Callum handled all of what he heard this past week. I feel like Georgia is either going to double down and be like, okay, I'm committing to this relationship. And I really have had a little thing with Tom and now I'm like down to settle, or she's going to have a moment where she's oh shit. If I can be turned this easily by Tom, is this going to be like something long term? And I think it's probably going to end up being the first, but I don't know. I guess we'll see. What are your thoughts?


I think she can stay and will find love. Sorry, Bronnie, you can go. I was going to say she probably will find love. Will it be Callum? Will it be Tom? I don't really know because I do feel that she's like a woman with a plan. So I do. So I feel like for me, it's whether it's Tom, whether it's Callum, whether it's even who knows even Toby I just feel like she is I have a house. I have a, so she, I think she's just one of those women that are like, okay, my next. Plan is to have the next boyfriend. And she even said which I also don't know how healthy that is, but she literally was like, the next guy I date is going to be like the guy that I will fight, like no matter what, fight for, or whatever problems where I'm like, okay, that's not really like how you can't be like, the next one's going to be my right. The one till I die, no matter what, I'm going to stick around. I'm like, I don't know if that's like the best thing.


I'm good to keep them there for now.


Yeah, I


Yeah. Stay. Why not? Who do you guys think is up there moving up with them on the We'll Find Love? I feel like no one else.


yeah, I could see Molly,


Oh, yeah.


And Tom potentially yeah.


With each other or with the people in the square.


exactly. Yeah, it, there could be, these four could easily flip flop. Almost.


be in a, or be in a square.


And an open, polyamorous quadrant. That's fine too.




And another thing we just saw in this last episode was Hannah like breaking things off romantically with


with Tyler. Yeah.


So I almost think she's gonna be stuck in Friendship Island.


Yeah. Same with Tyler


still why are you here? I


an answer for Tyler. I honestly think Tyler is here for like just the clout and just to be here. I feel like he's also just like free holiday vibes, which also Hannah gives me free holiday vibes as well. Also this on the streets have been saying like, even past contestants have also said that they just feel like Hannah just needed the holiday from her kid and was like, I guess I'm going to come on love island. I think, I feel like that could be it, but also I'm not saying she's definitely not open, but I feel like Tyler, he's such like an opportunist because he did exactly, basically he's playing the game plan he did in the season with Kaz. Kaz was a favorite, he chose to be with Kaz, and I generally don't even think he really even liked her. I like Kaz a lot. And then obviously with Hannah, he was like, okay, who's the one that no one's really paying attention to? Let me go pay attention to who. Cause I, that's why I just, because also, I also thought it was also weird that like when he went to the boys and he was like, Oh yeah, Hannah said that like we were like, we were going to be friends. And he was like, yeah, but it was like a mutual conversation. I'm like, don't lie. You would have written out to to win if needed. So I just thought he's not willing to be, he's just not willing, he wasn't even he, if he really liked her, he could have just been like, wow, she said we're going to be friends, like that kind of sucks, but what can I do? He was just like, oh no, we both decided. So it's saying interesting.


Yeah. That's a good point. I like him there.


yeah, I was going to say Hannah in that situation was the one that raised the problem, which is why I think she could have just. There's no potential. There's no person there for her. So it's like she could have just stayed in that couple to just ride it out and be on the show for longer. But I feel like she was like, she didn't see potential there romantically so I think she's stuck on Friendship Island and it's not necessarily like in the show for Clout. But I do agree she's probably loving that. Island, like the vacation.


Yeah, nice break from parenting. I'm


Yeah, 100%.


and I never saw Any compatibility between Tyler and Hannah. I don't know.


I didn't really get it


I don't know if I'm honest, I actually fast forwarded their date because I was like, I just can't. But then, but when I looked online, people were saying they were annoyed at Hannah because of what she did. And I was like, what did she do? So I guess like on the date that what the food that they were eating, so I had to bring this up because as a South African, I was like, this is very important. So I guess on the date they I think he offered her to eat something and I think she said it was disgusting. So I think I saw in the car, like people were commenting online saying Hannah, you don't go to another country and say they stuff's disgusting. But when I look read up what the thing was, I was like, I must know. And then when I saw it was built on, I was like, are you kidding? I was like, that's like the best, most delicious. It's basically like a South African version of like jokey.


I knew


so I don't know which, which like cut they got. Cause you can get it in different versions. Like you can get it as sliced meat or you can get it as sliced dried, or you can get it as like a kind of like the tube kind of thing. So when I thought built on, I was like, yeah, so you can have it as the stick, but also it's not for everyone. That's why there's like a variety. So I was going to say as the resident South African, built on is like the best, even America has like. I was trying to make biltong a thing. No, there's even like in in Whole Foods, like you'll see there's companies, U. S. companies that have tried to, because it's like high protein. It's it's the same thing, but it's it's just made really differently. But I feel like biltong's done best in South Africa. So I will say biltong's the best and I come, and again, sucks that she said that, but happy I missed the date.


Figured it wasn't that crazy. Honestly, for me, if I was trying new foods, I even if I didn't prefer the taste, I wouldn't be that crazy of and to create that emotion about the food just because it's like someone else's food. I


It was dried meat. That's all


It literally was right me.




If I could bring some to you guys, I can't, cause you actually can't bring it over based on like American laws because of the meat cause it's like meat. So I would, I, yeah. But if I could send some, if I wish I could be eating some right now.


would fit in my macros. Yeah.


Honestly, it's so good.


I'd love to try it.


I would love to try it actually when we're in South Africa




We'll go on tour.


What about Kaz I feel like she's stuck in Friendship Island


Yeah. Poor girl. yeah She's still there.


She isn't, she's currently there.


Oh, man, I'm so bummed because I think Anton is stuck in Friendship Island, but I don't want him to be. I want him to find love. I just don't


We'll see.




think him and Lib sometimes remind me like that, but I do feel, and I'll talk about my next speculation on Anton's prospects


And I know the speculation. I'm excited to talk


But as of right, but as of right now, it is unfortunate. This is still like an exercise of like nice guys finish last, which I hope is not the case.


I thought it was really funny on Unseen Bits. I actually saw that, this week's Unseen Bits. And it, they, Hannah starts poking around through his stuff, or They show his stuff and it's super clean and tidy and perfect. I'm like, oh man, one more point for Anton


No wonder. No wonder. You're like, Oh my God, how tidy.


I was like, wow, that's amazing. He can, I can't even, wow, that's incredible. So he starts taking out and he has all his like stuff just super nice and he starts doing her eyebrows. I was like, wow, that is That's


Anton is, yeah, he's next level husband material.


Yeah, and he's just shown a


To hit the people with husbands.


We know it and we see it. Yeah.


Another thing about Kaz though that I forgot to bring up is she had a moment of vulnerability in the show where she was like really upset because she's having to put up this front, like super excited when Tyler and Hannah go on their date. And I felt. for that because it felt bad like it almost felt oh my gosh like she's just like having to like smile and she's always everybody's hype girl when she has any issues and it doesn't seem like anyone's there for her she's like


Yeah. Or advice.


to her I'm just like, why is Toby right next to her? I loved seeing that side of Toby, listening to her and stepping up, but, and that gave him a little, a few more points this week. Because he was, like, so concerned and then talks to Chris later on to just keep an eye on her. I thought that was, like, really sweet. Toby. Good job. But yeah, it made me really sad that she had to go through that.


Definitely. But, unfortunately, I feel like Toby's still in Why Are You Here? He's just




Why are you here, dude? Yeah, I,


But what about Georgia? She was interested in Mitch all of a sudden. You guys think it was weird?






I was thrilled when that was. I was like,


don't understand. I think for her, I think I would also be, why are you here? I think just that move is confusing because for her wanting Mitch after everything that




and Hannah, even being like, girl, you are going from like a man to a boy, but I also am just like, cause I'm also just Georgia, you saw like everything. And I know she was like I also want to make sure that I'm still being a girl's girl and a friend to live, which is great. But also at the end of the day, it's also but still, we also not seeing why you think this is worth it. Cause it's I understand like maybe there's no guys he particularly likes and she's I guess I'm going to try out Mitch. But I also think, cause also he showed interest of the quite at the beginning. And he was in awe when he got to sit and talk to her. And I guess maybe she was like, I'm, cause. Nothing's happening with Josh, but I do think for who I'm very confused why she's here. I also did not watch her season, so I can't do like a, I don't know much about like a TV character. So I actually have no idea. Oh, I'm fine. I would like. Who and why are you here if you guys don't mind?




Yeah, I think that's a great place for her.


How do we feel about Josh and his new relationship with Sophie? Where do we feel like they belong?


I don't, do they have to belong in the same place?


They don't no.






I don't like, I don't trust Josh, so I think he's here for Klout. I don't think he's here for, I think, I just, yeah, I think he, as much as he's oh, he grew up since season, because he's from season one and he was pretty young. And then obviously now still pretty young. But I feel like he's, I do still think he's like a, I don't, it's either while you hear or clouds, cause I feel like he's not that dedicated to Sophie. And I think he's just wanting to keep like his options open while pretending as if he's allowing her to explore the rest of the villa.


You mentioned that she, that he was from season one. It's almost like he needed like a fresh new start


It's interesting watching him, he moved from person to person in the villa quite quickly it was, like, Georgia H, and then it was Molly, and then it was Arabella for a second, and then now that one girl is okay, I'm more into you, I think he's Settling a little bit, but I don't think that instinct has gone away. I think he's still just excited to be there and explore options.


Yes. Speaking of Sophie,


I don't know how I, feel about her.


Yeah. I think she, she's in a why are you here for me at the


Yeah. She's cute though.


She's cute, yeah. I just don't get her yet, and maybe we need more time. I also didn't watch her original season, so I don't know her sort of arc, but. Yeah, she seems like interested in Josh, but not like overly excited about him, but then also was like excited about Chris hitting on her, and then all of a sudden she was okay with the way that Josh was behaving, and closed the doors with Chris, it was just like, some of the things aren't adding up.


I was gonna say like she told him something. She like, told him something that Georgia s I told her about Kyle, and Georgia not wanting to sleep or not imagining sleeping with Cal and I just thought it was weird like he just Josh just immediately took that information and sent it off which adds to why I think he's here for clout because he really wanted that move that moment on tv you know he knew what he was doing and he took Chris up to the terrace to talk about it, then he took, he went downstairs to talk about it, it was like, okay I can see what you're doing here, and also I also can see why Sophie told him, because she was just like, okay, I need to tell someone, because this is a little crazy,


this late night chats.


yeah, exactly if someone told me hey, I don't know if I could sleep with this guy I would be like, oh, I need to tell somebody that I don't know if I can keep that in.


In confidence to your partner. Yeah. it should be like Kept under wraps and it's funny that both of those guys started the drama and that we both put them in the cloud because they love to spread that


I like Sophie because I actually, I watched her season. So I think she's really, I think she's really sweet, but I also think she's got like a very shy ish demeanor on her. So I think like the persona you see she's very laid back, very chilled and also like I think in her season she didn't last for like very long. So I feel like maybe it was just only a couple of days, I can't recall but then, but she does have a type. So the fact that she's likes Josh. The guy that she ended up leaving the villa with has a very similar look to Josh, where it's like not the tall, like Chris, it's the more like shortish look with the hair and the teeth. Cause that's what the guy that she liked on the island looked like last time.


Yeah. And then, who do we think is going to get kicked off in tonight's episode? Because we know that the Islanders are going to kick off


I think


think Hannah


I was just gonna say that, Hannah's for sure, I think, gonna be out, and same with Tyler, I think they both had their little moment and realized they're friends and don't really have any potential, so if the group is trying to be diplomatic, they're gonna kick out the people who don't have any connections. We'll see.


let's see.




That wraps up our game. Let us know on our socials what you think. Comment on our social medias, on our TikTok Instagram, and our YouTube.


Okay, it's time for social chatter. This is the section where we get the scoop on the streets and to hear what we've seen that's been happening with the Islanders according to the internet. I have you, and I feel like now that we've gotten into the show, I feel like we've got there's a lot more going on and there's a lot more behind the scenes, so I feel like it's like revving up and just like people have like opinions, people have thoughts. And I just think it's like really, it's such an exciting times to have the internet


Agreed. Yeah, there's a lot happening. The first thing that I saw on the internet this week, and I don't know if this adds to like the full context of the whole Molly Callum situation. I think it did a little bit for me. I think there was a source that They asked some of Molly's friends what was really the reason behind the breakup. And some folks said that it was because Callum didn't want to put a ring on it, and Molly was getting impatient, which is






way bigger


years is a long time.


After a year, you should know at least if you're gonna be committed to somebody.


Yeah, the only issue I have with this though is also that if that's the case with Callum, and him trying to get into a serious relationship now is that genuine? How is that going to follow through if they end up getting serious with Georgia? So I don't know.


I feel like not knowing if you wanted to put a ring on it or not having done that at that point. Not that everybody has to get a ring, not that everybody has to go through the traditional route, but after three years, you don't know and the girl wants to get married. I feel like that's a no. He, I'm not


were living and they were living together. So they had a full life. So it's not three years and we weren't living together, which also just maybe just means he was like, now that I saw living with you and he still was like, I'm not sure. She, that already like


Yeah. Yeah.


but also they also could get, but they also could get back together.


We don't know.


We'll see.


I can't imagine that.


They can, could be seeing each other with other people. And then now being like, actually.


He just needed to get through 16 girls and now he's going to want to put a ring on it.


But I feel like that's another conversation Georgia would also have with Callum being like, like what was the what was, I know you were like heartbroken, but also






Really? If it's true, it would be interesting.


And I'm sure also for Molly, it wouldn't be that easy for him to take Callum back to because she also vocalized in the show that like Callum wouldn't compliment to which obviously she, if she brings that up means that's very important to her and knowing that him being like, Oh, you look nice tonight. And for her being like, I didn't really get that in our relationship. I feel like that's another thing that probably have to work through because it's obviously something she wants.




I think another thing I saw on the internet was how sometimes the producers can apparently, allegedly, the producers can sometimes maybe try get the islanders to pick a specific partner, even though while we're watching, we're like, Oh, why did they pick this person? I think it's because sometimes like they're They might know what the challenge is going to be by the end of the day and they probably want to make like maybe the favorites not on the chopping block. So they put you in a position where like they're just like okay no if you guys on this couple you're likely to stay on the show, which I think can be very interesting, because again it is a produced show and it is what it is and I'm sure there'll be favorites and. We've never, we've honestly never really, as a group, ever watched Love Island and loved who the winner was. So it's obviously it's not shocking that there's producer input or chess play in the show.


Yeah. And in the, it makes sense from like a strategic standpoint for them to do it too. Like It, they have to come through and mesh and understand, who's gonna work together, who's gonna great, create good TV I totally got a weird vibe when Tyler came in and was like, I want to go with cats I feel like the producers had a hand in that as well. So I think there's. I think I would appreciate if they didn't, but some of that has to happen,


and it happens all the time in the Bachelor franchise, they in the, we've heard so many I've heard so many contestants go on that show and talk about how the producers played a huge role and who they picked, talking about talking through each one in even in the order that they pick them, all




something that I can imagine seeing play out in this show as well. This isn't a theory, but if you all can recall Millie and Liam, I think that was the first season that I watched of Love Island. I loved them. They have been dating for forever. I don't even know how many years at this point, maybe two years, maybe longer. Yeah, two years, I think, because Watching and yeah, they broke up for a little while, and it was devastating for everybody, because they had been together for so long, and I was just reading in a blog post, so this isn't really a theory, but someone just This one funny thing that they were like, imagine like a million Liam watching this show being like, cause this is basically an ex show. Like all the exes that have come in here and are reconciling and they're probably watching wondering shoot, we should have just waited to get together on this show, got more followers and then been happily ever after. But,




And money, yeah.




yeah, they all get paid. And I would have loved to see it, oh my gosh, I love them both. Millie and Liam. Liam was my favorite.


Liam after Casamore, didn't he have the whole drama? Didn't they have all


no. Looks wise. He was like,


I was like, wait.


was no, not character wise. He didn't say much. There was not much up above, but I did think that he was like a cutie. And so was Millie. She was such a cutie, too.


She's mine and my, I love


They make a good




Oh man, she is so beautiful,


I like that she's gone brown. Is it brunette? Is


Yeah, sorry. Renet. Yeah, she looks awesome. Yeah.


One of the things that I guess like a lot of, I guess maybe because Demi just recently gone out, have gone out to like where she's just like on the internet and I've heard that she's had a bit of like commentary about certain islanders. So for example, she spoke about, spoke on one podcast where she said that her and the girls like would talk about like how unserious Chris was, which is crazy because obviously at the beginning of the season, he was literally like the guy, all the girls basically lined up to say they want to be coupled up with him. And then right now he's not really like that coveted. Cause the girls have just realized that like he. Just he's all about the jokes and nobody wants, to quote India, I think she said nobody wants to be with the class clown. So I feel like that's why I was to think with that's how I guess what I was convinced that maybe he is here just for the clout and just for riding on the fact that he was on Barbie. It's like, how can he do this thing and then make. After the show, he'll be serious about wanting to be with someone like, who knows? And then another thing I, which I thought I really would kind of ship this is that Demi was a guest at some podcast called Heat Under the Duvet and Demi spoke about Anton and Kaz and how Within the house and I guess we don't constantly see edits, these edits, but like Anton and Kaz apparently have like crazy sexual chemistry and they're like very affectionate in a way, but I think and then, but then they were like, but the problem is like when you, when the girls would approach Kaz and be like, Hey, like we see you and Anton vibing, Kaz would like, her response is no, like this, we're just a friendship with sexual chemistry.


Yeah, I saw this too, and everyone in the podcast was like, no way because the idea of our two unproblematic faves.




getting together. That's what the people want to see. If we could just text Kaz right now and just be like, give it a shot, girl. Please. Let's see what happens.


Yeah, it's like the nicest to get to know each other. I just, I really don't think that's a bad thing.




think so




us that.


Especially if there's sexual chemistry. Because if you don't have that with Anton, I think then it could be problematic. But they're saying the chemistry's there. You got to explore that, please.


but it's also so unfortunate that if it does exist that we're not being shown that edit because I feel like if we're like if we're constantly being shown specific kind of characters and specific edits it sucks that like maybe like other relationships are happening and they just like focusing on like things that don't really matter like a play that doesn't really matter.




And also people that are actually into each other versus like Friend Island,


I wonder


I actually, go


If Tyler does get kicked off and, Georgia H. Or I guess she's already left Anton to the side, if there is a potential there maybe they will chat each other up, fingers crossed.


I hope so. I would love to see it. I guess we did see them make out, I think


Because that was interesting, doing that game.


interesting. That was interesting. I didn't expect them to be like that. But then they were juicy.


Yes. So that's why I was like, I feel like we've been missing something. Because I'm like, that was also just like such a random makeup and it's Kaz could have been like, I'm gonna go make up with my friend Toby as just a friend makeup, right? And she was like might as well since everyone's making out with everyone. But I was like, it just felt so different. And then now when I read this, I was like, and then I was going to say another thing that I actually read on Reddit, which I'm like, actually, probably could be happening is that I feel like this might end up, the winner might end up being like Friendship Island, because I feel like a lot of people, they have just so much history that it's like People aren't really committing as they would, and as much as like fine we have Tom and Molly, like maybe they'll win, but I feel like it just feels like maybe this could be like a Friendship Island season is what people are saying.


Which is interesting, because it's like, people coming back to actually find love, but




eating from the same pot, maybe. They need to mix it up, potentially.


It was an interesting strategy with the Xs coming in.


I agree with that.


called it. She was like, I have a feeling and I was like, no, but apparently we're on X on the beach at the moment.


Maybe they'll learn for next All Stars. the feedback. No more of these exes, bring in the fresh people, stir the pot a little bit.


Yeah. Cause I know that this was supposed to be like, obviously the winter supposed, this was an experiment, but I feel like I don't love this experiment. And obviously understanding why there's no Casa Amor, cause again, it's okay, Casa Amor with the same people, it's


right now?


It's just they're gonna just be at another house partying or it's like someone's ex, and it's just gonna be too much drama. Cause if there was Casamore, then it's oh no, now you're gonna know that your ex, it's, it would be crazy.


How some more is just Toby on a holiday.


be Yeah! It would be so great for these people to have fresh new people come in.


If they do it that way, yeah. If they did it that way with fresh new people for Casamore and seeing how much you really wanna get back together with your ex, total different thing.




That concludes the social chatter. Send us a message if you have any tea or thoughts on any of the juicy details we shared todaY.


All right. Thanks everyone for joining us for this week's episode of proper chat. We will be back again next Thursday to recap the next several episodes. Of love Island, all stars, make sure to follow us at proper chat pod on both Instagram and Tik TOK. Let us know what content you're enjoying from us. Please. Don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify and YouTube, of course. So you don't miss our future seasons and your radio rating really matters to us. So it keeps us so excited to keep making content until next time. Stay proper and stay chatting.



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