Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

"I'm grateful for my natural long hair." - Love Island All Stars, Ep. 17-23

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 5

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off the fourth week of Love Island All Stars, with loads of drama from a dramatic recoupling and the PDA awards! Join us as we discuss the top moments from the week, play our classic ranking game, and share the gossip from all around social media about Love Island All Stars. 

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Hello and welcome to proper chat, a podcast, all about your favorite show. Love Island. I'm Nicole here with my other three amazing hosts to discuss this season of love island All Stars. We are kicking it off with episodes 17 through 23. So if you haven't watched those episodes yet, go back, watch them, and then dig into this podcast with us. We have a great episode today. We're going to talk about some big moments. We're going to do our classic tier ranking game, and then we're going to talk about some social gossip that's happening online this week. Anyway, before we start, I want to check in with the hosts. How's everyone's week been? What's your high low from the week? Yay!


and this week was pretty good. It was on my birthday on Monday.




Yay! Yeah, it was fun. Had a fun weekend. Went to Vegas with my sister and a couple of friends. My sister won 175 on the penny slots, which


Boring. Fun.


win, but it was like, I'd never seen that happen before. So it was fun. And yeah, saw one of my favorite podcasters show. Heather McMahon had her comedy show on Saturday night. So yeah, it was a good week.


Hi everyone. My name is Lange. I would say my low of the week is we didn't by we, my partner and I didn't watch the Oilers game as I don't know if you, everybody knows is that we're like the biggest Edmonton Oilers fan as per maybe five minutes ago, but




at least like the games of 2024 and they lost Which is unfortunate because it's funny because Bronner was in Vegas. They actually played the Vegas team. So that's actually funny that I'm next. But unfortunately that means that like they had like a winning streak. And so they ended up being one game short of basically being part of the NHL, like world record of games. One in a row, I think they were going to tie with someone, but obviously, unfortunately, they didn't get to. I think it was game 17. So I guess they may be tied for second.




My name is Gabby and one, I have two highs. One of'em was this weekend I went to Sedona and it was super fun and I really enjoyed it. And my second high was that we got another. Another one of our TikToks went viral. It was really exciting. Like as viral as we've had it, it's like a hundred thousand views, which that's pretty good.


We'll take it. We'll take it.


Yeah. Super exciting.


My week was chill. It rained a lot this week, so kept it pretty low key. Made some cookies, but I did have a lot of great friend time. I went to Brana's birthday dinner and went dancing this weekend, which was a vibe. Overall, a great weekend for me.


That actually just made me realize how much I've seen you, Nicole. I forgot about the weekend


We've been hanging out a lot and dancing a lot, which is great.


All right. So we are going to hop in to talk about the biggest moments that happened in the last week. I think I'll kick it off with talking about, obviously, the biggest thing was Hobie choosing Georgia S. in the recoupling last week, and that was just so shocking. But then I also have been thinking about it, I'm like, was it as out of left field as we thought? Or, we all know the producers and editors cut things out. We don't always see the full picture and were there conversations that we just have not been privy to because it, it made it seem they coupled up in the beginning, then they cut things off and have as if they haven't spoken a word to each other since. And then all of a sudden that day they have a conversation and he picks her. So it just felt a little too like fishy to just be like, He just had this, like, all of a sudden, he just had these googly eyes for Georgia S. It felt like there was like a little nudge there coming maybe from the


Could be. Could be. I also, I saw a clip on social that was a side by side of Toby from his first season, and Toby from this season, and he did the same thing with Chloe left her high and dry for a really long time, and coupled up with yeah. Girls that he was, like, getting to know and kissing in bed and obviously not a friendship couple. And then all of a sudden, I saw the clip back to back, too, and it was the same thing. He basically pulled some people aside and said, but I keep feeling like I'm gravitating back towards Chloe. We feel like I'm gravitating back towards Georgia. It could be that they're not playing it up as much in this, in the show for the drama effect. It could also be that he Loves to repeat this pattern of she's the one for me, and then, oops, now that I've had a little fun time, I make a big realization, and I'm back to her that could be a potential there too.


Oh, totally. Yeah.


I think he got bored of Georgia and was like, at the beginning, he thought things were going way too fast and wanted to explore more connections and the moment that he was, he realized like, oh shoot, I don't really like Arabella that much. I, he probably did start like flirting with Georgia and started seeing where things went, but also during that conversation when Georgia mentions that she will never, she will always have a spot for him in her heart. Except for when she's married, but it like, I felt like that was really deep.




you that they will always have a spot for you in their heart, that's pretty intense. So to take that and then take, five, ten minutes later, maybe, or no, actually, it's recoupling happens. I feel like it's not that crazy. He was already thinking of it and the producers totally had a say in that. I think they were probably like pushing him forward to do that because they've already gotten the clip. They already know exactly what conversation they had and they know what type, they know that him and Arabella weren't that close.




I'm shocked about Arabella being so blindsided by that.


I think maybe her reaction was less about oh, we were actually genuinely having a connection, and more about a very public, rejection in front of the whole group. And I would probably have that reaction too I think she, her feelings are totally justified, but I think you're right, maybe she was, like, reading it a little too deep, the way that she was describing it to the group, but, yeah.


I think her reactions made so much sense when she's standing there and is being rejected at the beginning. She's thinking that he's talking about her and all that. How painful was that to watch him choose her? Georgia. It was really painful. I fell for Arabella. At that moment I was like, shoot, that really sucks because at the beginning she knew she was, she thought she was going to get picked. That's I'm talking about later, when they're talking, discussing about it, and she's talking about how she, how she thought that they were, like, really close and all that. It's discussions that happen way later, where she's talking with Georgia. I felt like that was, like, wow, really? Was she really that far along with Toby? Did Toby misguide her that much where she thought she was further along with him? That's what was surprising to me.


yeah, I thought she had even to herself already established that this is like a physical connection, but not anything long term. So yeah, I totally get what you're saying.


and maybe she just like also just felt used too. Like even, yeah, just like how embarrassing to just even feel like She was just, he was still like having his cake and eating it too with her.'cause they weren't just a friendship couple, they were still like being affectionate and all of that.


I was gonna say, I think the betrayal for me is if they have a friendship, I think that's even worse, because it's it's as a friend, wouldn't you tell your friend, being like, hey, I know we're just friends, friendship couple, maybe you care about my feelings more than your fleeting feelings for someone else. It's maybe you could have told me and been like, Hey, Gabby. Just to give me a heads up. So I don't look like an idiot and I won't tell anyone, but I'm, but again, it should just be like, thank you for letting me know there's nothing I can do really, but I just feel like that would have probably been nice. Again, cause I feel like they also were like, they've done bits in the villa, whatever that means. Cause I think that also came up in one of the games. So I think for her being like, so what was the point of you wanting to do the things that, whatever they did or like the way they got to know each other, I think it's valid for her to be like. But what was the point? But again, it is still hurtful that if the point was just passing the time, I think that's what makes it even more painful. That's why I think a lot of the people have ended up, even when they have discussions about Georgia's like Georgia or Georgia and Toby sudden attention for Toby, they're not buying it. They're like. Toby's just interested now who knows where he's gonna be distracted. So I think, no, and then the thing is, people are just like I guess I hope it's worth it for Georgia to just throw something that was meaningful because Callum's I'm not waiting around for


Yeah. Gosh. And I was thinking about how funny it was last episode on the podcast when we were talking about Toby. We're like, Oh, he hasn't had much screen time. He's


I know.


then all of a sudden this week.


Yeah. I'm definitely not shocked. I'm definitely not shocked by the Toby and Georgia thing. Cause then I think in my mind, I was like, I knew that like for situation was going to be like muddled in some way. And I was like, I wouldn't be shocked if it was Toby, but also I think just like something about that was just too comfortable. So I was like, I feel like I knew something was going to like. Implode. Or co


I think my only confusion was with that little part, thinking oh my gosh Toby must have really misled her, for her to feel so different than what Toby felt. It felt like Toby was, like, way out here, and then she was, like, talking about how close they were. That was my only moment of what? That's so confusing. But I also understand Arabella feeling a little bit upset with Georgia, because even though Georgia says that she had nothing to do with that picking, like obviously later we noticed that she did play a little bit into that. Like you said, Brana, there's probably like something, stuff that went off. Off scenes, like looks can go a long way, like Flirtiness and all that stuff. Like I think Georgia played a bigger role in Toby picking her than she wants to admit.


Yeah, and even if you think of her tone, how she discussed how she spoke with Toby and Callum, let's just say for Callum, she was constantly in defensive mode, there was never a time that she actually was like, you know what, I know that this is terrible for you, she didn't consider his feelings once, she never said I know this is crazy, and I'm so sorry you feel this way, she was just constantly Being like, oh my gosh, Callum, whatever, but then to Toby, I feel like she was just more, she was like, as much as he did, he's the reason why she's in this situation, I feel like she was much kinder to him, and still being like, hey Toby, what the hell, you ruined something good. She was giving him like a very easy.


then of defending him to other people, too. People were like, she was like, imagine how hard it would have been to you say your feelings like that. So I have to take that into consideration. And she did not once say, imagine how hard it would have been to be Callum sitting Dealing with all this drama. I think. We saw really early on who she chose. Like she made it seem like it was a hard decision, but it was not






kept, I'm so confused, con that if I had a dollar for every time she said she was confused in these last few episodes.


Yeah. I just think either Chloe or s if you listen to our podcast, please let us know. What is it about Toby that has your riding or dying for this man? What? What is it like I am, it's like I do not understand. Please send us a message. We're dying to know


Even the girls, even the bombshells that come in and kiss him, I'm like, why, but why? The man is not that cute? He's not


Yeah. Guys, that video that I posted that I reposted


with the dancing. That's


my god, someone on TikTok posted a a old video of Tobi dancing, those cringy old TikTok dances that


a Willow Smith alternative kind of song.


Oh my God.


It was cute, everybody knows that song, and it was so bad and cringy, and I just sat there thinking oh my god, I can't unsee this.


do these women see in this Men? We'll never know. What about this, the PDAs? Should we. Talk about that situation.




Glad they did. I'm glad as much as this season is short, I do love that they brought me Movie Night because I do think Movie Night is a very as much as we're not doing Castle on the Wall, Movie Night's really important just as a Great component to keep on the show and I glad they call it the PDAs doesn't really matter. It's still the same thing, but I saw movie night But I do think in this way. We also it was like more Different because obviously this time you didn't get to just choose the wine clip. They basically said, okay No, man, the nominations are so I think that's what made it a little bit more spicy because No one, even if you didn't win, they exposed three or four people, like it's so I think that I think was a little bit more like more interesting to see more clips versus just like the one




I thought it was funny to, okay, so there's three main moments that we jot down as some of those big moments in the PDAs which, first of all, why was it named PDA? I know that it's a play on GMAs, but


I don't know.


Thought, like, how is it PDA? That was my biggest con


and help


maybe the play on like the VMAs. I don't know. We saw it again. Maybe not. It might not even be that, so just watch. I




Actually, that makes more sense. But yeah, the three main parts was one Georgia sneaky moment, which I thought was interesting. We've already seen it was Tom and her and the terrorists. Being sneaky. Molly was super pissed about that. She was like, really pissed about having seen that. But, come on the day that he comes in, he can't have a little chat with a girl he used to be part of. He shut it down. Immediately. And then, Hey! What do you think? Who said


think he shut it down. I think when, but initially when she was doing the talking thing, he didn't do a lot of talking, but he didn't do a lot of shutting down, because


just sat there.


he but he gave her eye contact and smiled and giggled, and I feel like that is A little bit of encouragement. He didn't say anything, but I do feel like when he was, but also when they played that truth or dare card game, that was the thing they did. He fully participated in that, but obviously he wasn't as hot, but I don't think he was as, came in as hot as Georgia did, but I do think that Molly being like, But why were you playing separate games from the rest of us? Cause that's gives it the wrong, that's gives like the wrong message. And so I know he wasn't saying I like you more, but she was like, why were you asking in the first place? Like, why were you playing these kinds of games? But also she was also mad being like, fine. You play this games. You had a chance to tell me, Hey, actually, maybe they're like, I did play along in the beginning, but I actually do like you. And I think Molly was saying like. You could have told me then and I would have been fine, but you just was withheld. And now I'm seeing this stuff for the first time,


but it's day one and day two! Not even day three,


but knowing that things come out.


Yeah. And the way he told her about it he told about it to her when all of the stuff started coming out. And he told her, oh, we pulled each other for chats, and we talked as friends. He didn't clarify oh, she was really flirtatious to me, and I didn't shut it down. He didn't say that so seeing the clip, I can totally get why she was upset, because, man, him and the eye contact, you can't that is his way of flirting, so you can


yeah, that's true. And can you imagine watching that and being like, oh, you do those, you do eye contact with


with, yeah, to me, that's how you stare at me.


Yeah. Yeah, I totally get that. And then the next part of the PDA is Toby and Georgia, their special recognition. So that was the part when she says, How can Callum compete with our history Tobes? I felt like that was like, we've already seen it, obviously it almost feels like all these things like we just saw. I don't know if that's how you guys felt like, Oh, yeah. It felt so it felt like it had just happened two episodes


Because it did. Yeah.


I guess they wanted to show, but I guess they wanted to show the


Yeah. Totally. Yeah. Yeah.


sometimes I wish that we could see juicy things we haven't seen before in these show, in these clips. It's like stuff we have not seen before that they've held on to and then they reveal


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The real unseen bits.


Yeah, the good unseen bits, not the stuff that we skip.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not like someone shaving each other's armpits. Yeah. We don't care about that. Show


Ew, yeah.


Yeah. Exactly. Totally.


and then the last part was Molly, after Georgia, they have this back and forth moment where she's talking about how no one understands her, how she has had history with Toby, and no one can understand. And then Molly's I literally was in a three year relationship with living with Cal and I stepped away and she stormed out and cried and I thought that was I don't know that was like a really intense moment after the whole freaking show and then she has a very intense cry afterwards like I feel bad because a lot of people online, they're like, Ooh, we want to see them together. And part of me is does one of them mean a certain way? Would Molly go back with Callum if she, if he would have shown more interest? I think so. Yeah. Like she feels hurt. I feel like that was like one of the biggest indicators. Oh my gosh, like I stepped to the side. Like I let you. I let him talk to


I don't think the ship has sailed.


know. I think they're gonna get back together after the show.


Cause I don't see, no, I'm not gonna lie, I also don't know, Molly and Tom, I just can't see it. I feel like he's, I feel like his personality, like the most we see of his personality is when he's like talking to Casey. Like other than that,


really the winners.


like all he's ever telling, or anytime he's talking to Molly is either he's defending herself or I feel like telling her what she wants to hear based on his feelings. But I just feel you remember how like he was like loose here, like when he was with Sammy, I just feel like it's just, and again, maybe Molly's at a point where she's just this, we're not going to be here any longer. Let me just see how far like me and Tom can take, because again, we are firm favorites I just, I feel, and again, Callum is now free ish, and I feel, and also just being like, maybe his test has gone, and then maybe, who knows? I just feel like I don't think that, in my opinion, I don't think it it's passed for them.


Interesting. I haven't totally picked up on that yet, and I actually am rooting for Molly and Tom right now, so I, maybe I am will be corrected later on in the series


Or you're correct.


Or I'm correct.


Or you could be correct.


yeah, I think when I saw the most recent recoupling with Tom and the speech that he gave to Molly and then everyone was talking about how Callum was looking at Tom like smiling at him and genuinely happy for Molly and their connection and that to me just shows, and I think it aligns with what Molly was saying earlier we had so much time and respect and love for each other, three years is a long time. Why do you treat that like it's nothing? I think that's a valid thing to say. I don't know if she's saying it because she still has feelings for Callum. I think it's just a. I don't know, there's obviously some genuine love and respect for each other that's


They did have that conversation as friends. Remember, they did have a proper hey, do you imagine we would be friends? Again, maybe that's their thing. Because again, like, why go backwards? And you don't want to circle the block twice. But if they do, that's fine as well.


Yeah, I forgot about that moment. Branagh, what were you gonna say?


yeah. I was just thinking, too. I felt like a part of Molly's intense emotions after that conversation. I feel like even one percent of it could have also been She had just a few days before that had that big blowout too with georgia s so she's still not happy with the girl So it's also one of those things when like when someone who's pissed you off says another thing that pisses you off that actually you know is Affecting you again. You're just like you I feel like she that was like another nail in the coffin or she's just like This girl,


and she got protect and she got protective on Callum because she did say like at least like respect the guy, you know So I think for her being like, Georgia like I know and also maybe also she could just be I don't know like maybe somewhat frustrated and maybe like Georgia being like the main goal. Everyone's always worried about her emotions. And it's also just being like, girl, when, like, when are you going to worry about what you're like, everyone's emotions are at like, because of you. It's like, when are you going to take responsibility for one of the reasons why many people are upset right now?


True. That moment was, now after talking about it, I feel like that moment was more about what Georgia said about her and her relationship, a little less on what her feelings were towards Cal, even though I do think that in the future they will get back together. I hold that, I hold on to that. But maybe this is a good chance, I Personally, I don't see Tom and Molly working out, but I also struggle seeing more of Molly to begin with. But I think she does struggle like finding the depth in conversations and maybe we just don't get a glimpse of that,


and Tom's not the one who's going to be pulling out the depth out of her because he just wants to sit there and look pretty.


100%, which while not complaining, but




I, yeah, I'm, my moment of that we discussed it in my household was just the. The relationship between Georgia H and Anton. It's for, it's obviously the fact is like Anton is like Georgia since like day one. Like he's been like you, yes. Even like Snog, Mary, Pie, yes. Like throughout. And he was like, I can be your friend zone me, I can creep, I don't know the friend zone, anything. And then obviously she's had like moments of yes, no, mostly no. Yes, I'll try.


Anton says Georgia H.


H. Yes. That's what I think my brain, maybe I think my brain also says like H. Yeah, so I think, so what I think for me is like with Georgia, it's very confusing, Georgia H, H, is that I think for her it's like very, it's very confusing. I find, I feel like she can like Anton, because again, like I think because, and she's tried to friendzone him and he's you know what, I'll be whatever you need me to be until you're ready for us to be more. But I think with her, we went through so many people, she tried out. She even tried out like Mitch before he left. So I feel like that being a thing, it's like like being like Anton, no, like she even wanted to be with Missy Mitch. And then obviously now she's gotten to know him. And I guess she's I don't know, maybe it's she's convinced herself she likes him, but I think my downfall is for Georgia. It's I think I would prefer if she was like a little bit honest and she was like, Oh, I find you so sexy. I'm like, you didn't find him sexy. How did this turn up? Because I feel like you can like, like someone from the inside. I feel like maybe you can be like, I've. For I've gotten to know you, I'm more attracted to you. I'm more like sexually attracted to you just based on getting to know you. But I don't like the fact of her going, like when she does the speeches being like, Oh, you're the sexy man. It's like, when did we get you


Okay on a scale of one to ten, how much do you think Georgia H. actually likes Anton? I'm


more than a friend


as more than a friend. I'm like, she's at a two.




was going to be generous and give her a five out of ten, but that's,


was gonna say maybe a three. Just because she likes that she, that he likes her.




what she likes.


And I


likes that he likes her spirituality.


stuff because Casey was like upset about the


Casey's no, I'm not dealing with


That was hilarious, by the way. That scene made me die laughing, like the whole grandma, oh god. One of the most


that was so good. Yes which also like good for Casey for bringing that up, because honestly, that you're giving you this is information that you don't typically get from men when after you start dating them it's like why made you stop liking me he was freaking honest he said you know all the spirituality craziness that she's doing is too crazy for him you'll find the guy that likes




also turns out that he also didn't ghost her, which I'm like, stop saying he ghosted you, which I think that was another thing. Yeah. It was like, I didn't ghost you. I just said we shouldn't talk for and she just was like, you should drink when they played the game. It's girl, no,


They both agreed that they weren't gonna talk and then she reached out again and because they both agreed, he decided not to respond. That's not ghosting, girl.




And he was like, ghosting. You're talking to my great my grandfather. You're talking like, enough. Speaking of ghosts.




that's so funny yeah


yeah, George is just so interesting because yeah, I just feel like, again, do I think maybe the slow burner now who knows like what we miss him like I think maybe she could like him, because obviously the bad boys she's liked in the past haven't worked out, and maybe like Anton but I feel like obviously Anton is such a nice guy that I, I guess he, he shouldn't want to settle with someone who just like settles for him. Yeah. But I do also think in the other 50%, I also do think that maybe unfortunately, Georgia might have very toxic dating habits. And maybe it has taken the time where she's just assuming just based on the myth, we've seen her chasing the villain and also her being like what would it be like if I actually just didn't go for the same guy that I always go for? And I think obviously it took her some time because again, we are watching Love Island and people tend to go each other for looks.




But I do think that maybe she does like Anton, but I also, I'm just like, she should also just be very honest on that as well.


I think she likes the idea of Anton, but not, is not attracted to him. And I think if you have initial attraction right away, and then you slowly start to learn more about each other, then that's only gonna grow. But because the initial attraction wasn't there in the beginning, I don't know if they can grow into it. I think she can grow into liking the idea of him. But I don't know, he deserves someone who's


All about him.


I fucking love you, Anton, you're so hot, and actually genuinely means it, and not because he's just a nice guy.




he's like a good looking guy. It's not like he's not, I feel like I've seen or I've, we've might have witnessed people talk about Oh, my, I can think of a few relationships with people are like, Oh, I didn't pay attention to him at first. Of friends that I can think of even here in this area, like, where they were like, the guys were pushing and pushing like like really flirty and wanting to date the girl and then the girls are like i didn't like him at first but then later like he kept at it and then we like I started liking him, but I feel like with the Georgia situation, like I agree with everyone. It just feels like a friendship is being pushed to being a romantic relationship and there's a clear it's so clear because when everyone picks in their recoupling who they're going to couple up with, they kiss them right away and she never kisses him. She gives him this like weird side hug and it's or like hug that just makes me feel so uncomfortable because It feels like, oh man, this is poor guy, like poor Anton, like he's pouring his heart out and he,


It's she has to like mentally prepare for like their physical interactions.


she's like


To the point where she's hold on, I need a little bit of time, can you add the breath spray


Yes. Yes. Yes. I think that's the thing. I think she just anytime he's trying to be spontaneous, she's no, that's not part of the script. No.




She's pause. Yeah, I don't think I think that doesn't it doesn't show that it's coming natural and I do feel like with that love in general, like attraction is really important at the start, like Nicole, you were saying, and it's not natural. I don't know could it grow into something? Yes, there's plenty of relationships. But what I just wish that someone came in for her and was like, Oh, I really have liked you. But I don't think that's gonna happen, so we'll see, what, how they play out.


I, before we move on, I will say I saw a clip of Mel, our girl we love. She did one of those TikToks that was like, I'm Mel, of course I'm like the most chaotic dancer on Love Island. But she said, I'm Mel, of course I would go for Anton in the villa. And I was like, Oh my God, send her in.




send her


ship it.


We ship, I was shipping it so hard. And that's. That's what I'm rooting for. So hopefully, if the universe is on their side, that would be really great.


Mm. Yes.


Okay, now it's time for the tier ranking game, where we rank our favorite islanders in the categories we think they fit in. Are they here for love? Will they find followers and clout? Are they stuck in Friendship Island? Why are they here? And move the islanders that have left the island. Who left the island. Where do we start? We can start with the islanders who have left the island. Kaz,


I hate to see


one. How did you guys feel about her leaving? I know you have some thoughts here.


Not good.


Yeah I love this girl. I think she deserves the world. I think. I have two, I had two reactions to her leaving, oh damn they really didn't give her a shot in the villa, like they, no one sent her in someone for her, or besides Tyler, who was for like, a second, and the second reaction I had was, you know what, maybe she's like too mature for the villa, like maybe she's grown up and is above this drama and knows what she's looking for and the villa can't offer that to her. So


she was,


those were the two feelings I was having. For not just cracking on with a bunch of hot guys and knowing what, who she likes. But also disappointed in the show for not helping her out and giving her actual prospects.


she didn't give the Casey thing a chance for five minutes, which I was really, I really was into that until she was like, maybe not because Casey.


No, I think she felt like Casey. My thoughts was that she felt like Casey was just a friend. And she felt like she might have coupled, he might have coupled up with her because it was like the easier way to stay in. I don't know. I feel like she felt that. It almost felt like she, I don't know.


I think in an interview with Maya, she said that as much as Casey showed interest, she did say that he only kissed her in a challenge, and she said that, obviously, maybe the indicator for who, maybe that would have shown an additional interest outside of a challenge would have been kissing her outside, and I think maybe that was an indicator for who, because, again, obviously, in the Love Island, there's also various things you do on that show that are very I don't know it's like up on the terrace, and, Someone's making out. So I think for her, she was like, that's an indicator. But also no one was sent for her. I really don't think anyone was because again, I feel like guys like as much as like Toby, he's mixed race. And I think I saw her that Lewis is mixed race as well. And they also have a dating history that tend to not actually date black woman. So I think that's like unfortunate, like even the producers even seeing fine, they put yeah, Black guys or, and being like, Oh, but like they date and also mixed race guys and knowing that their history isn't really something that's, they're interested is wouldn't their love interest wouldn't be cause I also think that's not great.




one of,


and it was,


of the girls, sorry, Nicole, that follows us, she said, she did comment on our post, I mentioned this earlier, but she said, only two Black people out of 19. Yikes.




And I felt it wasn't just that there was, Every single person that has come in has said, even Casey, that their background or the people that they typically are blondes. And they bring in two blonde girls, they bring in another blonde guy, fake blonde, but he's still blonde. And it's just, I don't know, it just felt like everyone that's coming in is looking the same. And I'm not sure if there's like much to pick from right now. Besides personalities, I don't want that to get taken the wrong way, but I just feel like it's one type of vibe.


Yeah, I agree because I think because if you look at the people who have come in, some people have been like main character people from this season, but I also think some people were like bombshells from like Casa Amor. So I was like, you know what, if we're gonna do that and bring I know bringing in Molly, she was a Casa Amor, but obviously ended up being with Callum Fine, but I feel like bringing in the girl who just come in like Joanna, she was a Casa Amor slash like leaving was like, but I also am like. Why couldn't they bring someone who was Kaz's type, like a, I'm not saying she's only into black men, but whatever, she's a type. Why couldn't they have brought in a wine cassa more guy? I don't understand like why they couldn't have just been like, Hey, here's the, cause maybe, unfortunately Ovi isn't coming back, but like, how about we try one more time with somebody that's like her type and at least. Let's ship it. But then they Oh, wow. Okay. We're not going to do that anymore because we just got the drama. What we just did, like the X's thing. And now we're just going to wait for her to float out until she's no longer like part of the contestants. Cause basically it's who's left like Sophie, but isn't Sophie mixed race as well. So it's Oh, there's Oh is it just, does Love Island just want you to be black only when you're mixed race, but when you're just black, they're like, no.


Yeah, and it's not like they didn't have the options there were so many other amazing cast members that they could pick from, it's just, yeah, I agree, it's disappointing that this is the first All Stars, and this is the way that they decided to play things.




I was really disappointed, especially because Kaz feel, it feels like everyone really likes her and it's almost like everybody was like waiting for someone to come for her because they were wanted to have her around. And we've seen this happen in other seasons where everyone like just loves these people and they want to keep them around. But for Kaz, it almost felt Toby was crying. And so was Chris. She has had, she has really strong relationships


Even Callum was like, I'm gonna miss you. Everyone was like, you brought, even Georgia H. Kaz helped so many of them out talk through their feelings. And the show couldn't at least bring her one person. She held emotions on her back on her shoulders is that the sole purpose of her, she helped so many people, especially tell the truth. She was always saying go tell them that's how you feel. Do you know what I'm trying to say?




was, she gave really good advice. And back to Nicole's point,


Just not to liberty,


mature. I think, yeah, not to Liberty, yeah, that's right. But she did come off very mature and put together and, yeah, there's just not the right person came in for her, which is unfortunate. So two people that we've already talked about Molly and Tom, we brought up a few points earlier today that Tom might be that they might not be here for each other or, I know Nicole is really you're thinking that they are here to find love and that they're going to leave here. These are a couple. Do we still want to keep them in? We'll find love. Or what do you guys think?


If not with each other, then with their, someone else in the villa, I think. I think I'm happy to leave them there just because I like them as a couple. But if they don't stay together as a couple, I think they're here for love.


but what about Callum?


is here for clout. I think that he's here for clout because I genuinely feel like Him and I don't see the molly and him connection. But I mean we did see a very sweet speech that he gave but to me he almost feels like he's writing it out and at this point we have mentioned this already but like almost she feels oh it's too far late in the game to recouple I don't know I just feel like they're here just to write it out but let's leave them for we'll find love I do think that they're like good looking people that will likely find love


I am with you on Will fight Ka. I'm with you on looking Will Fi looking for clouds. Only because mine is also based on how his, I don't know, again, maybe he didn't word himself, but it didn't bring himself the way he wanted to. But the way he basically, when Casey was like, I wanna get to know Molly, he literally was like, go on Doug.


you go.


yeah. Enjoy he had no I thought that scene, I was just like. Wow. Okay. You're about to just give the girl like he didn't. And again, it's I don't know if he was like, Oh, I want it to be cool. But also just the way he said it he was like, you didn't even have to ask me where it's like, what?


It's, it was just it was just like him being, like, if you were like, Brunna can I go use your bathroom?


Go for it


was just very, yeah not, didn't think twice.


I think the reason why that was, though, I think it's because Tom's still he's You know, George has mentioned this a couple times as, as like a little dig on him, but I think if they are to break up, it would be because Tom isn't ready necessarily to have a mature relationship and to like, understand how to like, navigate it. You don't tell your bestie to crack on. Yeah that's a no brainer.


Yeah. And I think Molly wants, like, commitment and to find the one.


Yeah, I think so too. Okay, let's, should we put them in clout then? Just.


Yeah, move him over.


Move them over. Let's do it.


All right. All right. We'll move him over. Molly can stay. I do feel like Molly's here for love. She, and like I said, I think these two are going to be together in the future. Callum and her in the future. So I'm happy with it there. What do you guys think? There's so much to say about Georgia. She really had a lot of moments this week in the villa. But would you guys think she's here? To find, or will she find love here?


I don't think so anymore.


I, okay, I think she has found love in her head. Has she found long term love with Toby? No. Respectfully, no. But, I think to her, she's over head over heels with Toby.


For the next five minutes.


But I also do think that she does know that her choices risk that he's going to hurt her because she knows it like she knows it and I think unfortunately if that's a risk she's willing to take good luck to her but I feel like she's like it's very front of mind but I guess she's hoping for the best like she's hoping it's not but also knows that if there's a possibility.


Oh, I forgot Hannah left. Let's move her down. How did you guys feel about Hannah leaving?


It was her time.


Yeah. It was your time. Same with Tyler T


Yeah, I'm


So back to Georgia. Do we think, do we keep her and we'll find love? Or do we move her down?


Let's leave her there. Bring Toby up. They can stay in their little love bubble for however long


I still feel like, I feel like Toby still. Why are you here?


with you.






just don't know.


what are you doing? You're just, he's just like being bored and dumb. I feel


And just clearly like doing the same old tricks, he's okay, keeping everybody on their toes and speaks like with such conviction and you're like okay, maybe he's speaking truth. And then you're just like, no, he's just like an F boy and just F boy, like just fucking around.


All right. Maybe bring her down with Toby because that's where they are now.


All right. That sounds good to me.


I think you can, I would also low key put Georgia, why are you here? Because I feel like it is very confusing as much as she can say like she's here for love. I feel like, I don't know if she's also very self aware because also I'm like, I understand she's oh, I love this guy. Oh, I liked this person. I feel like that, I feel like she was like, oh, but I liked. I didn't know about the feelings for Toby, but it's also Arabella being like, girl, you can't say your feelings didn't exist. But now when he spoke to you one moment, I feel like she doesn't even understand like her big feelings. At some point I was trying to figure out what's her star sign. Cause I feel I just, I'm like, maybe she's experienced these massive, like really big feelings and she doesn't know how to process like the different feelings she has for each person. Cause I feel like, like with Tom, it was like. So like this, it was like with Callum, it was a different way, five minutes later. And then with Toby. So I feel like for who it's like, girl and I know she'll be like, Oh, I'm loyal and get upset. And it's we believe you, but also like your actions in a very short amount of time also like contradictory to the person that you've said that you are from the moment we've seen you.




Guys, a couple that I thought was interesting this week. Josh and Sophie.


I hate Josh. God.


You hate Josh.


It's just


You guys think Josh is just playing the game just to stay in the show?




You think so? Yeah.


I don't think he looks because also the way he switched from Joanna to Sophie made like no sense. Having spoken on the terrace like it made no sense. I think the only reason why he chose Sophie is because he didn't want to be in another triangle. Joanna still was happily to get to know Chris. Josh didn't want to be in another triangle, Sophie's all in, even though she was like playing hard to get, like she does the lip where I'm gonna ignore you. And then five seconds later, she's still okay, you're so funny. What? Oh, I'm like, Sophie, I'm like, I'm just I think even her, like I feel, I think she is looking for the right thing, but I don't know girl, no. And now also Kaz isn't around for her to bounce off ideas because now it's like she has to make like big decisions on her own.






I'm happy to keep them where they are then, because that makes sense to me.


What are you


do we feel about Joanna? Where she belongs and her stuff with Chris? What's going on there? What do you guys think?


I feel like maybe she's, why are you here? We don't know.


Crystal and Cloud.


pretty safe. I think she went safe with chris She really wanted josh But Josh, it was a whole mess. Josh wanted Joanna. Joanna was like, shoot, Josh is already with Sophie. Sophie was like, confused this whole time. She was like, talking to other people. And open the doors, close the doors, then open the doors and close the doors. It's just been very confusing. I think right now they're closed off. But I think more than anything, I'm wondering like, Josh, we're putting him here for clout. Where are we putting Sophie? Because I feel like Sophie has been a little confusing from the start as well.


yeah. I think she still belongs in Why Are You Here? because she's not played the game in a way that shows that she wants clout but she's not really good at committing to her feelings and


Yes, because exactly, I agree. She's just very confusing, and the little screen time she does get, it's very confusing. She's upset for five seconds, then she's allowing the new guy to get to know her, then the next three minutes later, she changes her mind. So it is very weird, but I also think I do think Chris is an actor and I do think he's just doing the same thing. So I think he's here for Cloud because I do think he's just like playing this game. Cause I know he knows he can be romantic. He also plays that lost boy act. Oh my gosh, my feelings. Like, when I say this, I'm such a geek. I'm such a nerd for saying this. We've it's just, I feel like it's just an act for me. I just, I'm not. Cause also what happened to, cause I feel like for me, it's he was like, Remember, he was really interested in sophie. And remember, he was like, oh, I've got a massive crush on Sophie. Remember that's what he told Arabella, massive crush. And then remember Sophie kissed Chris, I think in the game. And then Chris's comment was like, ah, Sophie, that ship's long sailed. Where it's if my crush, even if like I'm having something with someone brand new, him being like, wow, I didn't know like that kind of thing is like around. So it's Chris, I'm just like. Also, I feel like you're just like big, like a showman and I just, I don't believe it.


to me it's so clear Chris is there for Cloud. Like it's so clear. And I feel bad for Joanna now, but also at the same time, she could have chose Josh if she was here for love because she, I could tell that she was leaning towards


But also Joanna, she seems pretty smart. I feel like she has, I feel like she is approaching the smart because remember she even was like, we'll have a conversation and be like, Hey, I'm not, I don't want things to kick off, but. I know that things are good with Sophie and Josh, and I know that things come out in this villa. Should I tell her that early on today we did the scariest thing? Because Ik and Sue will tell you, nothing stays hidden it's not a secret. And people will find out somehow. Because also maybe you might tell someone three days later, but if it comes up rather have it said now.


She's at least like honest with what's happening and what's going on, because she does know the number one rule in the villa, which is everything's going to come out, because they, That's what they talk about. I'm like happy to leave her and why are you here? But I also I'm interested to see if we'll see a different side of her when she either casts his feelings actually, or when we see her kind of like playing along just for the game. She might end up in clout depending on how she's gonna play the rest of the season. We'll see.


What do you guys think of Anton and Georgia H?


I think I'm


he's here for love, but


Poor guy.


in French and Bond.


he's stuck.


He's just stuck. Yeah, I just can't imagine. I think, but guys, I have a feeling. But they're gonna win. I don't know why I just feel like the whole story is gonna be like, oh, we started out with friends. Wow. I've never knew a life without I never knew a life that you could provide me and they're gonna be like, wow, Anton is this like King, which, he's very respectable guy, but they're gonna create this storyline of wow, my knight and charming, armor and they're gonna play that and I think Georgia H that's why she's playing into it a little bit of towards what we were talking about earlier today. It's I think she's being a little strategic because we're so far in the game that I don't think she feels like she's gonna find anything. So at this point, I think she's. I am like 80 percent sure that they are gonna win. That's my biggest prediction.


I don't,


heard it here first.


yeah, I,


that because Anton has made such a switch, I feel like he's gotten a lot of supporters. And people are really hyping him up. And then, Georgia, she's playing this little thing of wow, I've never been treated like that before. It's just, it doesn't sound like a perfect story


it does,


Oh, totally


if we're picking up, but if we're picking up that we're not seeing the chemistry, I think maybe the public might also be picking up on it too.




I hear you, I think it is a sweet story, and I think everyone's been rooting for Anton for, yeah, for a really long time, but I don't know, I'd be interested to see how they, if they fool the public this way, because I'm not fooled. At least I, it doesn't seem like it to me.


I do feel sometimes the UK public do sometimes actually vote for their one favorite. I don't think sometimes they like,'cause I think like Amber won who season and I think people just enjoyed who as like a person. And then the guy she won with was like a guy she coupled up with that


Two weeks,


So you, yeah. So I think like maybe this could be the case where honestly it's also similar to when Sammy won with Jess. I feel like everyone with people who voted for Jess, not Sammy.'cause I think Jess was also just so fun. But be great in the house and also not like the stick thin look that they constantly have in the house. And so I think people would just like probably being okay. Love Island. Like we like seeing variety. We like seeing you know what I'm trying to say? So I'm like, I get made if they win. I do think maybe it was just the basis on people's just loving Anton. And I guess George is just the lucky person. I'm not saying they're going to win, but I'm like, if they do, I feel like George is just like this hanging on, to be like, because Anton is the one carrying.


Yeah, totally. That should definitely be the case.


of me wants to move Georgia H in Stuck in Friendship Island because I feel like they're both gonna be stuck in Friendship Island and then get to the top together.


Anton's stuck in Friendship Island and doesn't know it.


Yeah, and


I feel like Georgia H is stuck in Friendship Island because she chose to be on Friendship Island, but she's faking some love.


Well wouldn't you say that she might be doing that for the cloud then? Because that's where I would put her,


But the thing is, I felt like she came in wanting to rekindle these relationships. She was like her, with Casey leaving her hot and dry, and she was like,


She was with Josh too.


I agree. I think she came in with the attention to actually find a partner, but now that Anton's oh, I'm here for you. She's let me ride this out, because I'm enjoying being in the villa and people's attention. She might switch next week. She might find another bombshell that she's into,


that's a good point, Nicole. Are we thinking?


Yeah, you guys can decide. I'm happy to put her in either.


Yeah. I'm good with her there.


Yeah. We have four new people and then the last person that's been there is Arabella, was recently chose to recouple with Joe. we think about that couple?


I I feel like she's stuck in Friendship Island.




And then him, I feel like for him and the twins, it's like, why are you here? We don't know.


I agree.






And Casey, I don't know. What do you guys think? I feel like he's here for followers and clout.




He's here to hang out with Tom.


Yeah, exactly.


He's here to be his chummy buddy and get more likes on social media and then come out and have another round of girls to flirt with.


A hundred percent. Yeah.


thought it was, I thought it was really funny when he chose, when he was talking about picking Molly doing the PDAs. He was like, that was a mistake and I knew it right after.


Yeah. It was so awkward.


Oh gosh, those guys.


Yeah. That wraps up our tier ranking game. Tune in, give us your comments on what you think on these couples and we'd love to hear it on our podcast. Either our TikTok, our Instagram, or anywhere you can send us a message.


Okay, we've gotten to the social chatter aka scoop on the street section of our programming. I guess this is the part of the show where we discuss what we've seen online, like it's people's opinions, it's rumors and Nicole, how about you tell us about the rumor or like this, something you've heard on the streets about Joanna and Georgia?


Yeah, so this one's interesting. A lot of the Love Island fans have been following Georgia for a really long time. This is Georgia Steele, by the way. And her and Joanna were besties for a really long time. They actually posted on social together. They They did a bunch of TikToks, they like, went on vacation, and then all of a sudden Georgia and her were sto like, stopped posting together. They even unfollowed each other for a little while. And there was all these rumors and speculations about what the reason was, but anyway, it never came out. And then Joanna comes and walks in the Love Island All Stars Villa. And no mention of it, there was like a whole moment where they were like, Does anyone know Joanna? And Georgia didn't say anything. Anyway, I've been like watching them and seeing how they like, deal with each other as the time goes on. And it seems like they're like, fine now. They're Being very cordial and friendly to each other. But it was never addressed. There's something happening behind the scenes there. Some friend's drama. Who knows?


I did notice that when they were talking, now that you say that there was a time where, you know, where Georgia's crying, and Joanna is being talking her through her feelings, having a you can they have some kind of rapport. Because even when Georgia has And J. J.'s set was like shunned a bit, Joanna was always, is always part of the Georgia part. Cause sometimes the days like, with the broken off, like when everyone breaks up, I feel like Joanna tends to constantly be in whatever group Georgia's in.


Yeah, that was interesting that you mentioned that because in the beginning though they didn't seem like they were talking much when Joanna came in, but now they are. Like, maybe there was some sort of behind the scenes. Reconciliation, and they were like, okay, we'll be free here for each other in the villa again. Anyway, interesting. Yeah.


we don't see much of Joanna kind of chatting with the girls, right? It almost feels like she's chatting with the new people that she came with. Like maybe Sophie.


I think it was hard at some point because obviously with the Sophie situation when she was still talking to Josh, maybe she didn't feel as comfortable kiki ing with her as like with her and Kaz maybe knowing that like she was still having chats with her man. So maybe it will change knowing that maybe like she's chosen to be with Chris I was listening to, I was actually reading on the sun and I think the people who write for the sun have their own podcast. I think, I forgot what it's called now, but Basically, they interviewed in a Love Island old cast member named Marcel, and basically they just asked him just his general thoughts of Love Island, and then, on the season, and he basically spoke about how he feels that Georgia Steel and Toby might have some sort of a plan. To win all stars and then he, and he figured, and he feels like that they worked out the way to have a love stories of the series, because as Nicole said, and Marcel says, this is like the way that Toby played his first season is like how he's playing now where he like wanted to be with Chloe and then played the field and then back and then they made it to the final. So he's saying that like maybe that obviously that's just probably something that they're like re not like that they might be doing because they just we can just like ride on this history that no one's asking for more details because they're making it so deep where everyone's it's not that deep. So I think he was just saying maybe they're actually just like playing a game and maybe that's why they're like, ride or dying for each other at this point. So it could just be because like, they just were like, Hey, how do we win this thing?


Interesting. Yeah I can totally see After seeing all of the movie night content from Georgia I can see her playing the acting bit, and as we've seen her clips from her when she was a young actress, so she could be acting this whole entire time. We would, I would have no clue.


100%. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.


She's a snake! Oh my gosh. Hilarious.


Maybe she will be on, maybe she'll be on The Traitor season two, three.




Oh my God, that's so funny. But yeah, but he also did along with that conversation based on also spoke about like Kaz leaving. So he also said very basically saying obviously the producers didn't really set Kaz up for success. And I think that's what he was just saying. It's just unfortunate, but it is what it is.




Anything else anybody's been reading on the streets, Gabby?


Yeah! Out on the streets. Out on TikTok. I just saw a video today of Sammy. Sammy as in, oh man, what's his


Jess and Sammy?


That's insane. Is


and Sammy!




Is that released? He just posted a TikTok earlier today, wheeling around in the airport and he said, can't wait to get to South Africa. South Africa is nice this time of year.


he trolling us? Or is he back?




Is he?


Oh damn. Damn. All right. We'll see you next week. We'll


Yeah, you guys, I reposted it on our TikTok. I was shook, but I totally forgot about that.


Oh my god.


We'll see.


Thank you everybody for reading the internet and giving us the scoop on the street.


Thank you for joining us on proper chat. We'll be back next Friday to recap the next several episodes of Love Island All Stars. Make sure to follow us at Proper Chat Pod on both Instagram and TikTok and let us know what content you are enjoying from us. If you've enjoyed this episode, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on YouTube so you don't miss any of our future episodes. Your rating really matters to us and it keeps us excited to keep making content. Until next time, stay proper and stay chatting. Thank you.


Okay. Bye.

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