Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

From strength to strength - Love Island All Stars, Ep 24-31

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 6

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We’re kicking off the fifth and final week of Love Island All Stars, with loads of drama from the heart race challenge and a Valentine’s Day date! Join us as we discuss the top moments from the week, play our classic ranking game, and share the gossip from all around social media about Love Island All Stars. 

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a podcast all about our favorite show, Love Island. I'm Nicole, here with my three other hosts to discuss all things Love Island All Stars. We are kicking off this week talking about episodes 24 through 31, which ends with the Valentine's Day episode. We're going to go through the heart rate challenge, we're going to give our predictions for who's going to win, and we're doing a section at the end where we're going to talk through the scoop on the streets. So what's going on in social? But before we dive in, I want to check in with my hosts. How are you all doing? What was your high and low from the week?


Hi everyone, I'm Brauna. This last week was a mixed bag. I got sick right after a recording last week and I had a very annoying cold, but then thankfully I just rested, did nothing last Saturday, watched Love on the Spectrum and Queer Eye, so it was a great day, and then I felt a lot better, which was Really the goal because I got to go to Lange and her boyfriend's Super Bowl party on Sunday, which was really fun.




I'm not, I don't know anything about sports, so I was really there for the incredible snacks that they prepared for us, and, to see Taylor Swift on the screen, so that's what I was there for, and it was 10 so can't wait for


Love that.


Oh, thank you. That's so nice of you to say that. I'm


oh my


guys, I'm glad you had fun


we were fed.






Yeah, I think we were like it's just, we're clearly feeders. Cause we were just like we were just like, we want to make sure no one leaves here hungry. That was our thought process. We're like, we're not here. It's we're like the Superbowl, but like the food version in the sports. Cause we're not a sports. We're only Oilers fans. So hi everyone. My name is Langa. My, my highlight of the week was my favorite holiday was this week, which is Valentine's Day. It's it's my favorite out of all the holidays that exist. So I had a lot of fun and it ended with my partner surprising me with South African wines and South African food. And and then we got a whole bunch of roses. So like our house looks so romantic right now. So yeah, it's been, yeah, it's been super, super great. So no complaints and I guess no low because it's Valentine's Day this week. And also obviously we will sit through our food. My partner and I threw our first event where we did it together and invited our friends and I hope




had a good time.




It sounds like it was lovely, and I would definitely want to see more pictures of that night, the Super


I have a, like a few that a friend of Jeremy's, Petra took a few, like a very, just like more like spatial and it's not,'cause she had, she also brought her baby. So we had a baby at the party, which was Otis. My dog apparently isn't a fan of babies taking the attention.


He's getting


Really? Oh, okay, I'm not surprised by that.


Yeah. He


There's a video




Oh my gosh, like I said, but yeah, so my name is Gabby same theme, Galentines the girls here in the town, the little town that I live in we did a little Galentines which was really cute it was at my friend's, it was at my friend Addie's. house, which you guys know and it was just so lovely and we hung out with her dog and you guys know how much I Love her dog. And The only bad thing was that I've been in this health journey For the last two months or ever since the start of January Trying to get back into shape, so I've been counting macros and like doing, honestly, the most when it comes to health. Trying to tick off all the boxes really just being on goal setting every day, it's like a whole freaking journey. So anyway, I was like, there and couldn't have, I'm doing no drinking for as long as, until I feel good about myself. And, yeah, so I didn't have champagne, I didn't have any of the treats that she had. But other than that, it was really good. And I loved it. It was fun hanging out. What about you, Nicole? Woo


Yeah, I had a pretty chill week. It was like rainy here and cold. But on Tuesday night we have like trivia at our local bar and sometimes we go, sometimes we don't, but my friend went and it was like less packed and she was like, Hey, you guys should come. There's not going to be much competition. You should show up. We show up and we had low expectations. We've never won trivia before, you guys. We're very bad. Somehow, again, you guys, the theme of the night was also beer, which we don't know anything about




somehow, we pulled a win, you guys. We


Just the three of you.


There was, like, two other people who were with us. So we, we took some of their ideas, there was like a whole section where instead of giving the correct answer, we just threw in a bunch of jokes, and the guy who hosts trivia liked our jokes and gave us extra points, so that's how we ended up winning,




what you gotta do.


yeah, that's how we pulled the win.


love that. All right. So we're going to get into the big moments from this last week on the show. I'm gonna kick it off with talking about how our pals Joanna and Chris both got dumped from the island. I guess Joe did as well, but we didn't even know him, so




forgot he was in, he was out,


know, for a second.


Yeah, barely learned his name. But Chris getting dumped was like the biggest, the biggest moment I would say, because obviously he was like a character. person from the first, the very first episode from the season. And first Joanna and Joe get eliminated because, the Islanders have to decide who, who has to get sent home. And after Joanna and Chris and and Joe get kicked off, Chris is like, so bitter. And he just really annoyed me with his toot. I was like, buddy, gotta go. He was just like, I just felt like he was acting like an adult toddler. Having a a temper tantrum, and I was just like, I've had toot a loo.


I hear you. I hear you. I also didn't see the two people who left leaving like I thought that it was going to be like some of the newer girls. I, again, Chris definitely was like, harumphing around and not cool, but I see his perspective of there's nothing here for me, and I'm here for love, and the girl who I had something with is gone, and then everyone else was you're a big personality, we're gonna miss you, but anyway, it was like two conflicting interests. And they like diverged and then Chris had a little tantrum and he got his wish he left


Literally. I was like, okay. See ya.


Yeah, I was done with him. Also like the fact that he didn't even thank everyone for keeping him there that he was just upset the whole time. Like they just kept you here. That's so nice of them to do to fight for you.




Yeah, and I just feel okay, so I got a little bit more perspective as to why he was so upset, I guess he's been trying to pursue Joanna for a while, even before the show, which didn't feel like it from the show, it felt like Joanna didn't even know who he was,




And it felt like he had a different thought on how the relationship went than what she thought, it felt like he still wants to pursue something, I don't know. I think it's all an act for the show. He was done. He knew he wasn't gonna win. So it's I stay longer. I've already stayed




do you guys think it you think after the show he'll like to try to pursue anything Do you think there's anything there between him and Joanna just throwing it


don't think I probably for Joe and I probably think not because she was already not loving what most of the girls don't like is that he's always joking. So I feel like it's just we've spoken about this like couple of weeks as well as Demi was also saying from the jump the girls were like. Chris like funny how we get it but like now that like we're here and like cool jokes aside let's get to know each other like properly no and then also, and I also feel like with him is like he just goes oh that's why he's oh I want I hate to be vulnerable, but he has the likes of Toby being like. Dude, this is the place where and also time is limited. So it's obviously you have to be vulnerable. And it's either Chris is either joking or he's pissed off. Cause he did the same thing with Arabella. It's it was like, so you can only be serious when you're being an asshole.


Yeah, let's not forget to like when he first came in the villa all the girls were like picking him remember and


Oh my gosh.


immediately when they decided like, Oh, actually he's funny. He sets a good impression. But he's not giving me like layers in this onion. He's just like a one note kind of guy. And I think that turns off a lot of girls. Mhmm.


you can


yeah, I was gonna say, I don't do well with people that just switch from one extreme to the other, so that really bothers me when people are like that, like I don't surround myself with people that have tendencies to do that, I feel like I surround myself with people that are like more calm level and like more, more around okay, maybe you do get angry, but there's That period of most of the time you're like level headed, but him, it feels like it's very extreme, and I just don't think that I would even get along with him. I don't think I would even want to be around the villa with him. It's just too much. It's too happy, too oh, jokey and


Oh, like high highs and low lows, if


Yeah, like when he was feeling super down in the dumps, like he was literally on the couch laying down, just down in the dumps, ignore me. And then even like when the girl left, Joanna left, was in the bed the whole day. And it's just okay, like that's how you handle situations like that. It just feels too extreme. I'm not going to be the one going over there and like consulting, or, making him feel


Yeah, I think also, I think what's confusing with Chris was like, as much as he was like, Oh, I was really into Joanna, but he also said the same thing about Sophie. Remember when he told




I want to get to know Sophie. I've had a crush on her for ages. So it's I guess then you've had this crushes on everyone for ages. It's like now, like I'd make it's just, it's also fine. I get it. Maybe you have many crushes, but I feel like for him, it was like, how many more declarations? It's dog this is a very short season. And I know you want to have a Test all your crushes and also like Joanna also was like wanting to know Josh and so for her I'm sure on the outside. She's just I guess You know moving on I really don't see who like I would be surprised if she Maybe actually gave Chris anything besides like a friendship.


I think another highlight for this week was the heart rate challenge, which I feel like we all really love. It's one of my favorite challenges. There's a few points that happened. A few like things that happened that really stood out. I think one of the first ones is Molly and Callum raising each other's heart rate, which I think, you guys know how I feel about this I think and hope that they get together. At the same time I like keep trying to be respectful because I'm like, shoot, Tom has really shown such a good character that I don't want to be like, oh, they should get back together when there seems to be a relationship there. But honestly, I just don't see Molly and Tom in the same way that Callum and Molly show up. Obviously they've had three years ahead of them so it feels right. I just honestly couldn't believe that in a challenge like Molly actually went up to Callum and did her dance. I genuinely thought that she was gonna skip him just out of like


which would have happened sometimes with pettiness on the season. I agree


seen it. Really surprised that she even did that. Because it's that's a lot of history. Yeah, him going up to her. It wasn't like it wasn't that intense, but her dance was like there. What were you gonna say?


Oh, yeah. I think I mean you're not the only one with it with that sentiment I feel like anytime I like read comments on Instagram and everything Everyone's just Molly and Callum, like


The whole public wants them together, yeah.


them back and another thing that I thought was really funny was like after that happened and you know then like Tom and was like, oh, is there anything I need to be worried about, and had that talk, and it was just, I just thought it was really hilarious that later that night when they were going to sleep, and Tom was like, trying to talk to Molly, and I was, and it's just so funny, because we've talked about this before the man is, he's a man of few words.




and like now in the middle of the night he's like, good, I just, I thought it was just so funny. I was like, Oh, now you're talking like


I think now when it's threatened, he's okay, actually, cause then for him, he also was like, I didn't really like Georgia, but I think for him, he's maybe he is really falling for her. Then it's also just being like, did I miss something? Are you joking? Because of, or are you mad? Because I think he was very concerned that she was upset about the whole like Georgia thing. So I guess I'm glad he cares, but I'm also still I think. I'm with you of I like that Callum and Molly. I think they're the same like chilled vibe. And I think like Tom is like super great, like fine in the house, but like outside the villa, Tom is for the streets. I don't think Molly is not a, it's not for the streets. I feel like Molly is like definitely a homebody. Callum is also. A homebody and I also feel like even though like as much as like Georgia is like, oh, I want to like a relationship I feel like George s is also very mean girly Regina george and also still for the streets because for her to pick a guy like toby you're not looking for You're not like you're not you know like I feel and I feel like molly and callum like again total same vibe seem very low key And I think it's like they like just the easygoing people even though there's drama. It's like It's not, it's it's because it's come to a head and they're not just like causing random drama. And I feel like I'm like, I think Georgia is and Toby, that's why I think they just obsessed with each other. Cause they're like, you love chaos. I like chaos. You're like,


Mm hmm.


for the streets. Let's fuck this shit up.




and I think Tom is the same way. I just think he, again, it's just he's still going to want to go on like vacations and be sucking girls toes on, on boats. And I just feel like it's


I forgot about that. Oh gosh. I, okay I want to say my piece because I think I'm in the minority in this group and that I don't know if I see a way for Molly and Callum to come back together. Definitely not in this season, but like maybe in the future down the line, right now, I'm like actually like shipping Molly and Tom in my head, but that's only because I'm seeing the moments like the one you mentioned, Brana, where they're in the bed. And. He's being very perceptive and like picks up that something is wrong and doesn't want to repair it. I think he's like Completely smitten with her. I don't know how long it'll last but like right now they really do feel like a genuine couple who's obsessed with each other and again, I think Things could change, but right now I'm like, oh, they're going so well, and it's nice to see Molly be like fall totally obsessed over, by Tom, because she went through a phase where she was like, I just want him to like me and give me his energy. And anyway that's my two cents.


I think if Callum wasn't on this show, I would be head over heels for them. I would be like, wow, so cute. So lovely. But the thing is he's there and we just keep getting glimpses of their old relationships on social all you know social media and they just it just like grabs you by the heart to see all that like three full years and then you see them playing and stuff around the villa and


And then they made the break and remember the breakfast they made and evil Jess, whichever one of the twins that is still around, but like how they were like, Oh, actually we will make, they were like, Oh, we were making this breakfast for you. And then Tom being like, Oh, really? Cause again, I think it probably plays on what Nicole saying is like, Tom is like. I'm so used to being this cool guy, but like now seeing how playful they are, like you see him like lingering in the kitchen and kind of being like, Oh, are they making because obviously they're like making the paint the things together where you can tell this is obviously something they've done in their household together. And, but again, I was going to think, and I think. Tom and Molly are good in the villa. Don't get me wrong. I think whatever's going on. I do think is real I think i'm just thinking I can i'm still shipping them outside the villa like in the villa I think whatever's going on because I also think that Callum actually is having a surprisingly good time with


Jess. Yeah,


I keep wanting to call it Eve. But yeah, so


Don't worry I called her Eve. On


so good. Has the villa. Yeah.


so I feel like, so I feel like he is having a good time. Because he even says to her I'm so surprised, like, how much I'm getting to know you. But I also feel, in my opinion, This happened in a season where the twins were in the villa and one went home. It's easier to get there to know them and then to open up once there's only one. And I think that's what happened in the season that they were on. When they're there together, it's very hard to get to know them because they just like, At the hip. But I think now that the sister's gone, I do think it's like she's more like obviously comfortable opening up and talking to someone, which I think is great. But I guess I've also not seen enough of their particular conversation to see if that's like a real thing that would like work outside.


Another interesting thing is Sophie and Josh raising each other's hearts. I thought that was really cute, but I personally, we can talk about what we think about them as a couple, during our tier ranking, but I wasn't like excited about them winning that it was just,






cool. Cool.




for you guys?






so the next topic that I thought was really interesting is Georgia H's performance. I really didn't expect that. She came out really strong in her little outfit and then threw petals at the boys. And, when I was watching it, I was like, The fire pit. And I was thinking like, oh


I was like, what if I has it?


fire! Yeah!


I didn't even


okay, fire hazard. I was like, okay, fire hazard.


it felt like she threw so many roses, it was like, pew! Like a whole tornado of roses but yeah, later we found out that it has to do with, her background and, what she dealt with her ex and how her ex put content online of


Oh yes, the revenge porn. Oh yes, I


Yeah, and her documentation called, I think her document that, a show or that video is called, Oh, I don't remember


It was a


I think it is called


Yes. But it was it was revenge porn. I think now that you say that I recall that when she, it was revenge porn because he released it and then she had to go through like a whole, he even and stuff.


Yeah he actually went to prison, I believe. I've been seeing a lot of stuff about him coming out of prison, and it wasn't that long. It was like eight months or so in prison. But I thought that was really interesting because all the boys and they must have had a chat about it because they definitely expected it. Everybody really respected her opinion and I totally understand where she was coming from because after having all, so much time dealing with content like that online when you didn't want it to be online imagine dealing with that and then. showing up in this show like being all sexy it's doesn't go so i'm really happy that she decided to do that and because at the in the moment i was really confused i was like why is she doing that i wonder not that i didn't expect her for it but i was like shoot we didn't really see her be fun and funny and like cute and or hot or like whatever it is she took on yeah so it was really interesting


Yeah. Good for her. Yeah. I don't, I agree. Like it probably she has some existing trauma that she didn't want to bring up and like more respect for her for like setting boundaries there and for all of the guys like being respectful of her. So


And for this show giving her like the idea like, hey, you should throw the pedals and that'll be cute and move on. I'm always really surprised how she wasn't the least the couple that raised their heart the least. Maybe they took her out of that ranking because that was Molly and Tom, the couple who raised their heart the least. I would have thought that it was Georgia and Anton just because she didn't partake in that. But maybe they did take her out of that.


Yeah. Good.


Anton's heart rate just raised so much even just watching her walk down,




The boy's heart, IMOG,


he is for real








respected her even more without context. He probably was like, Oh, she's just saving it for me.


Could, yeah. Okay, I want to mention one thing about the heart rate challenge that I think people don't talk about enough in the show. They always talk about when your heart races for someone that, meaning you like them or you're attracted to them. But with the whole Molly and Callum situation, and some of the other unmatched pairs, I'm like, what if their heart is just racing because it's awkward or they're


Yeah, totally.


They are just like, oh my god, please don't mess up or please don't, and they never mention that in the show. I'm like, no one, has no one thought of


Cause sometimes you're just in shock cause you're like, Oh, I didn't want to see you do that. Cause I think sometimes when someone's just like licking your neck and you're like, Oh, so I




your brain is more like in more like panicky, like ill stop. But I guess like it's part of it, but I agree.


Or this is


Or Georgia,


up to you and he's what is he gonna do? Oh my gosh, I'm nervous. What,






or what Georgia said about her heart, we getting raised because she was cheering Mo Molly, like when Tom was up there dancing, it wasn't Tom who raised her heart. She was literally like cheering to Molly on woo-hoo. Like hyping them up. And that's why her heart was raised, not because she was like. liked Tom or thought that Tom was fit, that was probably part of it, but I don't know.


feel but I feel like the heart rate challenge again. I don't know how unrigged it is because I also feel like at the end of the day is like of all the seasons we've watched it I mean even I remember like the season where Katie has was like her first season there was so much drama from their heart rate challenge and like just the drama that came afterwards was like You It was like, so I think heart rate challenge, whether it's rigged or not, I think the purpose of it is not for anyone to really be happy. And I think I don't know whether it was true or not, having Callum and Molly be like, obviously the obvious Xs, be like the highest and then Molly and the new guy be the lowest. I am also like it's not lost on me in terms of the interference. Cause at the end of the day, it's not like we see the heart rate monitor live on television. It's not what's the proof. And I


Wish we did.


Yeah, it is for the fall. So like season over season, I'm just like fine this time around, maybe they let more people match up, but they probably were like fine. If we had to steal the pot somewhere, what would we pick? So I feel like that also is just not lost when I watch it because I'm like, of course, no one's ever had the heart rate monitor and everyone's been like, wow, this was fun. We should do this again. Because when they were getting ready for it, they all were like, remember guys, it's a game. And they were like, oh, we say this now, but when we get there, people are going to be upset because that's just it is what it is.


Yeah. And speaking of challenges were in the beginning, they're like, Oh no, we'll just be unbiased and have no feelings. Should we talk about the ranking couple


Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. So the second like biggest moment in the week, in my opinion, was when all of the couples had to rank each other in different categories. Most likely to cheat game playing there was like smartest there was










I am.


And I think it's so funny to watch the progression like in the beginning, they were like, Oh, it's okay if it's a negative opinion one, we'll just go up there like Toby and Georgia were basically like carrying each other like up to the front because The public perception was there, but as the time went on with that game, it got more and more chaotic and the game playing one or most likely to cheat, I think, were the most intense.




I think like speaking of Toby and Georgia is, I think for them I think initially they thought like it was a joke and it was funny. Ha. Cause they were like, okay, this is one or two times, but I think it became less funny because again, I think they both care a lot about, cause again, they've been on love Island before they know, like they care about their image, their like personal kind of like brand. And I feel like. I feel as the game was going on and then finding out that cause remember they were like, refusing to stand in first place. Cause I think the egos just couldn't take it. Cause they were like, what do you mean? Like they voted as for the worst of the worst kind of items. So I think for them, they just were like. What do you mean? And I like, you know what I mean? Being like, but we really care for each other and like whatever, but I think they can't just, they couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that like the public is just so over them. And I think it just was funny in the beginning, but as time went on, I think in their minds and their egos were like, what?




Yeah. They couldn't handle that.


I have a I was thinking about something while watching this game. It felt like they were so adamant about getting it right, like getting the first place the second place Place right. It almost felt okay, the cuppers were going there and they were no, you're the first place. You're the second place. And I had to rewind, actually, because I was thinking they must have said, if you, if all the islanders get this right then they get a party or something. I thought that's, that was why. But they were, it was just so interesting. A lot of the times every boat, everybody was there. And they're, like, arguing here on this side as to why someone should be, Take switch like no, you're number two. It's what do you like? They're already there You already argued about them being their first second and third. What's the difference? So that was like pretty interesting to me and like even when they when that lap, Nicole you mentioned like that it gets tense, you know They're talking about who would cheat and all that there was a moment where one Couple it was georgia and tom were in second place and there everybody was like You guys are first place and they were like, we're already here. We're already standing here. What does it matter




Georgia and Toby?




Yeah, Georgia and Toby Yeah, exactly. Sorry. I meant them but yeah they were sitting in the second place and then it was almost like everybody was like wanting them to go to the first place and it's Like I'm already here just someone go up there


But also, no one wanted to take first place, and I think they were, like, standing down on principle you guys, no one's going to want to take first place, and Yeah, you're right. I feel like that was the moment of tension where everyone was like, we've already taken so many hits who's gonna take the last one? And no one wanted to do it. And Stubborn about it. And Josh was the one who was like, this is the correct way. Everyone knows that this is the opinion. He was trying to get everyone sorted. He was like, very much trying to put Georgia and Anton up there. And they got upset as well.


Yeah, it was weird for Josh to be so chatty, because I was like, Josh, no one particularly likes you. Obviously there's a little bit more people, more controversial, but I don't think, if there was a fourth place, I feel like Josh and Sophie would have been a lot more. Because I feel like, compared to a lot of people, it's obvious people love Tom and Molly, but it's Josh and Sophie, it's if they were like what do you think is even more one sided, it's still and Josh is finally like Sophie, but it's Does he cause as Tom has to give him a pip talk every day to be like, dog, be vulnerable. But like Tom's the guy telling you, be vulnerable. Like neither of you, you're like, what is happening right now? So I think like Josh, for him being like the spokesperson of. Who should go anyway? It's dude this could have been you. You're just lucky maybe Arabella came third for most of it, because her and her man are new, and the other two are a little bit more chaotic. But it's you and Sophie had a high chance.


Totally. I also was just like, that was the most he's also spoken of this entire season. I was like, Oh, okay. Yeah, I was just shocked. He was so like, vocal. And then his whole drama too, with Georgia and Anton. I was like, Whoa y'all are getting really heated. And Josh yeah, I literally heard you barely heard you speak this whole time.


yeah. But also speaking of Anton, Anton also going on a press tour of him constantly defending why him and George, it's like Anton


Oh my


Oh, God. You guys, I had to write this down because the amount of times that. Anton said, we went from strengths to strength,


Strength to strength.


from strength to strength.


Every time he had to have a speech, every time it's like Anton Dogg just take it with your chest and just


I know,


like he had to defend the whole time and it's Again like it obviously doesn't feel nice and I'm sure them playing the game in reality versus what we see with the editing must have been like way longer and I'm sure patient and it gets cold in Cape Town at night gets windy you can even see the guys like trying to warm up their partners like I get the frustration because also towards the end you know everyone's let's just end the game like again we're not winning anything this is just to I guess preserve our whatever's left of our egos.


Whatever is left. and the fallout was for sure there. They basically spent the rest of the night in recovery mode with each other, and like with Anton in Georgia, and gathering everyone by the fire pit, and, ugh, that was dramatic.


That was a lot. I think that's the thing. I think, I feel like with Anton and Georgia, it's like, as much as I feel like it, I don't know, like I, it's it has a slither in of a slither of being real, but I think but like the production of it all is what's making people like not believe that it is like the whole like, let's call everyone to come and speak out peace at the fire pit and explain why we're real. Where it's like, the end of the day, it's if it's real, it's real, like you don't have to like, it doesn't matter, honestly,


It doesn't matter.


It doesn't.




Lunga, you also, the fallout, too, is interesting seeing Toby's reaction, and I think you pointed this out about him reacting to the whole cheating couple ranking.


Yes, that was interesting because obviously a little bit early on in the season this Georgia H asked him about obviously what happened between him and To I mean him and Chloe and he was very tight lipped about it and then I guess obviously like we're now in this game and then obviously this is the time where I guess the challenge probably got the best of him because also I also think like maybe everyone's at their wit's end and maybe you just like emotions are like raw and at that point he's like I would never cheat which probably again is Maybe a misconception. I'm just saying misconception because I don't know, but I'm saying misconception about Toby is maybe you think like he is the wrong, the person in the wrong and relationships generally. So I think for him to want to defend himself and be like, actually I wanted to stay in the relationship or wasn't up to me. It's because of like Chloe, he's basically saying I would never do any of the cheating. And then obviously insinuating that probably Chloe was the reason was the person




pretty shocking for, I was shocked.


Yeah it's interesting you mentioned that, too, because I feel like there's this difference in perception of what he shows on Love Island, which, He isn't someone who necessarily cheats, but loves to shop around, and very quickly and easily changes his decision about who he wants to be with,


which is fine because he does say we're not exclusive like we get it like he says this all the time,


which is, which But it comes off as a similar behavior as someone who, in their mind, makes and rationalizes that cheating is okay. And for him to have a very vulnerable moment where he breaks down and he says I've been cheating on, I would never do that to someone, I think is a different, it's a different side of him that we're seeing. And also, it adds, I think, I don't know, it adds a little bit of layer of Toby, I'm not saying that. I like him more, but I'm just saying it was, like, good to see him in that vulnerable


but let's not forget Chloe was his first girlfriend, I'm not saying because, I'm just saying I'm like, fine, not that I'm, I'm not, I get it. This happened to him, but who knows what he does with these situations? Maybe he doesn't count it as cheating because there's situationships. I think that with Toby, there's just so much of like gray areas with him. And so as much as he'd be like, Oh, I've never cheated because didn't he get into a little like tough with Arabella? Was it Arabella? Cause he was like, really Toby? And he was like, we weren't even official. So I think this, with Toby, I think his grey lines and his like, what definition of cheating is. I'm sure what Toby does is, if that's true, if it's true, that's his truth. But I feel like, for Arabella to be like, that's not true. But I think, you know what I'm trying to say, so everyone has like different. I don't know. Ideas of what the wrong thing was.


I think with Arabella, it's yeah, sure, you were with her. But he it's The game of the show. It's a, it's what


Oh no, I think she meant in real, I think she meant like in the outside.


I don't think so.


Oh really?


said really Toby because she is so hurt about how he left her and pursued Georgia. That's just the impression that I got. And also I think A lot of, I, I did see a lot of people comment on that online. They were like thinking, okay, Georgia really held on to that moment. I feel like it was washed over and we didn't really think too much of Georgia's or of Arabella's like feelings in that moment. But she really felt excited about Toby and felt hurt, which is something she always brings up, is how hurt she felt during that moment. So I think that's what she was saying during that question of really you don't cheat, but you like basically cheated on me. And it was like, no, he, I don't know if he did. This is a show and it's part of the game of the show, which is like you, you stand in the fire pit and announce who you want to couple up with. now is the time for the tier ranking game, where we rank all of our favorite Islanders on where we think they fit in these categories. We've changed it up this week, obviously, because it's, we're nearing the end of the show. So the three categories, or really the two categories that will be moving these Islanders is, one is who we think we're gonna, are gonna make it to the finale, and then who we think are gonna leave in the next week. Starting with all the people that have already left, is there anything you guys want to say about these people? It's Joanna, it's Eve, Chris, we've already talked about Casey,


Oh, yeah.


The Joe stuff I actually thought was really funny because remember they spoke about how Joe loves being on the red carpet. I thought that was very,


Yeah. We didn't learn a lot about him while he was in the villa, but we learned that the man loves the red carpet.


I've never even seen him anywhere, but we will see him there, yeah. What do you guys have to say about Casey? I feel like he had a very, like a short time on the show. Yeah,


Yeah, and he ended things with Eve pretty soon before he left, so I don't know if there's any discussion about him staying in a couple after the villa.


I do think probably the person, sorry to interrupt, but I do think if Casey would stay with someone, I feel like it's just, he's one of those people where his person, That will actually ground him as a person not from the show. I just think anyone he's just too much of he just he, it's it's, he's not going to take anyone, industry people like seriously. So I feel like if he wants to be serious and settle down, it's not in this kind of setting, in my opinion.


I agree, and I don't even think he's in the time of his life where he wants to settle down. It seemed like he


That's what


to the villa to hang out and have fun.






I know it's almost like he's trying to convince like, Oh, my girl, my next girlfriend's not here. But it's you don't show up in, in a way that's like looking for a serious relationship. Yeah.


he's like, where's my next girlfriend? Actually, I have to keep looking.




Where? Where could she be? Oh, yeah, exactly. What did you guys think about Eve being so upset by that? I felt like she was really heartbroken, leaving that kind of like salty during the Maya discussion.


Weird way, her sister and Sophie, which are an interesting pair of three, I didn't know they were besties before this episode, but they really hyped her up. They were like, he did this and you got to


they told her the wrong thing too, because they said he doesn't see it on the outside, but that's not the conversation.


what they said. They like made it seem a big deal. And so she felt like I have to like, Give him a talking to and yeah, I think it was like way more heated than it needed to be. I think the girls were like, Oh my God, you have to talk to him. And it was like whole come on the balcony, leave the balcony,


Yeah. It was weird. It was also weird that we heard Sophie speak for the first time. Josh and Sophie this was like their week, because Sophie the only Something with the editing, but it was so weird of like Sophie, like pulling Georgia. I feel like she was just doing a lot. Like she went, sat down with Callum and then next thing, like sat with Georgia and then found out like information. I feel like Sophie's was just like, I don't know if she was bored in the village. She's you know what? I'm about to start some shit this week. It's the last week. Let me start. Call some drama.'cause I just found that was just so unnecessary because I also, just being like, oh, he doesn't feel this way. Where it's like not using it verbatim and being like okay, cool. I guess I'm the messenger where it's no, you're not the real, you are like, you are the messenger. They should shoot because you're like playing broke telephone and you're just like, fucking shit up.


I agree.


Use the


and the moment when she left, it was like, I think her sister was so upset, which I understand, but it's girl, you're gonna see her in a week. It's not the end of the world.




I just learned that they live together, they pretty much do everything together, which is sweet. But it was just a little much for that


agreed. Agreed.


What about, so we've already talked about Chris, anything you guys want to share? Share about Chris. Yeah, I feel like we talked about and




Yeah, enjoy the outside, sir.


I'm really bummed that Joanna we didn't see Joanna more on the show I feel like she had so there's been snippets of Little clips that they do in between their day to day lives at the island yeah, and at the villa and Sometimes they post them on tik tok. It's like Love Island or sometimes it's you know I don't know, it's like a vendor, like Coca Cola will sponsor something, and I did see her and Georgia do like a little thing together, and it was really cute but other than that, it's I don't think we really got to see much of her besides her thinking Oh, Chris isn't my guy, but to me, it made sense why he wasn't her guy to me, it


Oh, yeah.




Yeah, I would have been interested to see what would have happened if she did crack on with Callum and something There, and if he would have turned his head away from Jess. I think she's a lovely girl and has a great personality, too, so I think I was bummed to see her go for sure.


Yeah, definitely wouldn't have worked out with Josh because it literally would just been as like a different childish version of Chris, so it just would be like, no, but oh,


needs a man like Callum, I think, which is why maybe I could have seen something happening there.


Let's not forget Callum and six ones, whatever that


You're right. Let's not forget his boyhood.


Yeah, let's not forget that. And also maybe honestly, now that we bring that up is I'm like I brought it up and we bring it up is that I also think one of the reasons why hypothetically if Molly was thinking of getting back together with Callum, that number of women would be a very thing, hard thing to overcome should


Oh, yeah.


So it's not as seamless because they'd have to have a full conversation about that little era, even though he was single, but it's that's a lot, my guy.


Yeah. All right. Now we can probably talk about the people who we think are going to make it to the finale, I feel like Toby and Georgia are gonna make it. What do you guys think?


Tell us why, Gabby. I'm curious.


They've already had all this scandal. They've already we've already seen this whole thing about how they believe in each other, how Toby's not gonna cheat. The whole public already has this brand new perception. perspective of who they are and so much buzz around Georgia. She's been there from the start. I feel like if the show didn't keep her to the finale, they'd be like, who are they going to be talking about? Like how who are, who's clipping anything about the current contestants if they're not in there? Are they going to be clipping things about Sophie and Josh? There's nothing to see there.


Yeah, I hear you. They have a really interesting story arc that I think bodes well for winning or for giving a perception to the public. I don't know if they're gonna win, but it would be interesting, I think, from a public perspective to keep them


definitely don't think they're gonna win. Definitely


definitely not. But I also, I don't, if it's up to the public on whether or not they make it to the finale, I also could see them not making it to the finale because People on the internet do not like Georgia, so if it's up to like public voting on who should make it to the finale, I could easily see them not making it because people are like so done with her on the internet, like the comments are not very nice, so it's a matter of how much the producers have a hand in who's in the finale versus the public voting,


I understand that 100%. And I think for me I think about this being very producer heavy, like I if it wasn't for the producers I don't think the public would have them in. But I think that they're gonna put in a spin. Have you guys noticed how there's no previews of what the next week will be like? like they're literally going at this show day by day like what is it that we can pull like pulling all the juice in the last minute people working overtime probably pulling these clips together there's this specific season was like just not there's


can tell it's an experiment. You can definitely tell this is an experiment, like the like the format, the things they do. Yeah.


Yeah, they're pivoting as they go. They're deciding where the path of the show is. It's, I think the producers have to play a role on who's going to go in that finale. Because if not, the public's going to choose like, all the gentle couples. And that's just not exciting to see. We want to see Georgia say one more thing that's That we're gonna see on social media. Yeah.


totally. In terms of public image, I feel like the couples that have a good perception right now are definitely Molly and Tom. I


Mm hmm. Oh,


going to the


can see them winning. I can see them like winning.




They're winning. For


I want them to win, but I feel like they're going to win.


you guys want to hear my


One hundred percent.


for who I think's gonna win, though?






Callum and this new girl Jess are gonna


No! Yeah.


Hear me out first. First thing is, I think there's a lot of good positive feelings toward Callum in general online. I feel like people really like him. I think he's a genuine guy. Besides the whole 16 girls in 6 months thing, he's been like a very gentlemanly type character. Okay, and then, this is just another anecdote or thing that I saw online that I think leads me to believe this. But they did vote for your favorite Valentine from the night before poll on social. And this couple overwhelmingly got a public that got the vote that everyone liked their date first. So I don't know what it was in their date or like what about it like sparked their interest, but like the public. Really liked them as a match and liked their little moment. And so that's my wild card. I think it would be interesting and. And also sometimes people vote for just one part of the couple over the entirety of the couple, and I can see them doing that with,


I understand. Because I also think Molly and Tom, as much as they make out in bed, I just feel like I don't, I generally don't see like natural chemistry, like it just seems Yeah. Flat for me where I feel like maybe actually Callum and Jess actually have I feel like when they talk and they get to know each other, they're Oh, I didn't know this about you, even though I knew you a while, turns out I knew nothing about you. And then even Callum is I'm surprisingly really enjoying getting to know her. So I feel like I understand, I can understand like that part. Cause I also feel like Callum's giving me a little bit more attentive then. Tom's also just like rides on his good looks and five words.




I don't understand men with a few words. Because I personally don't have just a couple words it really bothers me when I have to keep something in. My personality, I cannot imagine being with someone that says two words and then they're okay. Can you guys? I feel like


No, because we


two words in a


we, Ronna


That's it. Branagh,




Yeah, it would be just, it would be very, it would be very frustrating because I just have to imagine him in a point of conflict, he'll say three things.




never get it. I know. Yeah. Who do we think is going to be the fourth?


Branagh, I was gonna say who do you think is gonna win? I


So I, I also wouldn't be surprised if Georgia H and Anton win, because I feel like people love Anton




though like them as a couple, it's like obviously a controversial thing, but I feel like. The world has a soft spot for they're like


Oh, for sure.




I don't know. You guys, you know how I told you guys that my biggest prediction was that they're gonna win? I started getting into this Reddit hole and people did not like Anton. They were


Oh no.


I loved Anton before, but now he's just annoying. Now he's just a pushover. Now he's just like all these things. It's okay, bro if you're talking that much about a girl, this is what the public in that thread said, but there was a lot of people in that thread that were like on this train. They were just she's showing you the hints, she's letting you know but you're not, you're pushing through it and you're basically just that's not who you should be with. We don't want to see you with someone like that. Like you, you deserve more type of thing. But they weren't necessarily hyping him up. They were like we're done hearing about how much you like her, like how much you are trying to convince yourself that this is like we're done with that.


get that. I'm, it's almost like we're done with delusional Anton. We need the real man


I think, I do think he did have a bit of a moment in the villa this week where he actually did say, didn't really end up making sense because I also think he wasn't willing to be like 100 percent honest with the situation where he was like talking about like his life languages and saying he's frustrated and he's actually Yeah. What's it called? Like he's being worn out.'cause at the end of the day it's as much as he's oh, I like personal touch. But then it's also for him being like, as much as I'm giving George all the space she wants, but I also have needs in this circumstance and being like, like Georgia's net, net not really filling my cup, but I'm constantly like abiding to her boundaries. We do like the meditation, which he's obviously, he says he likes and then he also, but then I think for him being like, but at the end of the day, it's like my li my language of someone who's into me is like personal touch. And I get she's. I'm not crazy into it, but I wish he would do it like a little bit and you see him getting a little frustrated from that. But I also feel like he does it a little bit but then he's also just like catches himself to be like, okay, don't feel too much because I also still want to win the


Don't rock the


and keep convincing myself she's into me so like I feel like in his core, in his mind something's telling him something, you know what I'm trying to say, but I feel like he's also just hoping that's not what it is.


Totally. Totally.


I don't agree with the public on that thread or that the group on that thread with how Anton is showing up. I think he's over the length of the show. I think he's shown up very, he's shown a lot of growth. I feel like. I think he thinks about things in ways that are, like, very original or new to me in ways that I don't think I would personally think of, and I appreciate that in, in seeing, seeing how he tackles problems and stuff and, like, how he


I think he's a great, I think he's a great friend, one thousand percent.


yeah, I think so too I think he's gonna be a great partner too. Yeah. Go


Not with anyone in the villa though.


Yeah, I, yeah, I guess we'll see. I agree, Gabby. I think he has had a lot of growth in the season and even the way that was a little chaotic, the way that he handled the whole everyone gather around the fire pit. Let's talk about mine and Georgia's relationship. The way that he then diffused it with Josh and had a conversation with him, I think, was really mature he was, like, whatever, he they bonded really well and diffused it very nicely, versus Georgia, when she was talking with Sophie, there was


Oh gosh.


tension there, and I think that comes mostly from Georgia still feeling defensive because she, Is stubbornly deciding that this is the couple that she's in, even though we're not convinced.


I actually think that Georgia H was like waiting a lot of the, to hear Sophie's opinion. Sophie was just saying I'm backing him up for these reasons. And she was listening the most of the time. But it did sound I feel like Sophie came in. Sophie was the one that came in a lot stronger in that conversation. That's just my Perspective perception of that moment. It was like she like came in really strong And then georgia was trying to diffuse it and was trying to stay just You know quiet. But I can I guess I can see that to being georgia the one that's like


Yeah, don't get me


way around. Yeah


was very defensive too, but I think they were both. At a standstill in a weird way and eventually they diffused it and it was fine, but it was not as smooth as the whole Anton Josh combo for


I really appreciate when someone can say, can think about how they might, how the other person might have felt during that moment. I feel like that's a quality that I really appreciate in a person. And I think Anton did that. He was like, Hey, like I have gotten heated up in this villa before. It's easy to do that. Don't worry. And I thought that was like really cool to see, and it made the conversation go smoother because of that. Like he put himself in and I want to like, yeah, he put himself in his shoes and then started with that. So then it was like smooth sailing from there, but guys, we have four. in the finale and four are actually in the finale, right? And then two leave in the next week. So what do you guys think about the couples that we have here? And is there anyone that you want to change around?


I think it's tricky. I agree with where Sophie and Josh are like, I feel like they're not gonna make it to the finale just'cause I'm not totally convinced of them yet. But it's interesting, Arabella and Adam have this crazy chemistry that I don't know because they've gotten a lot of airtime because Adam has just caught in. If the public's gonna be. Happy to keep them on again. I could swap out Anton and Georgia for them, but like I'm not fully convinced. So Do you guys think?


I'm in the same boat. I feel like Yeah. It could, they


I'm torn


swapped. Yeah.


About let's keep it then and we'll see




that Molly and Tom are gonna win just FYI for the record. I think they're gonna win, but I do see the point of them winning because Public does love Cal so much, but I just don't think that we get so much of Jess, so I think the Public's gonna be like I don't know if she deserves to, to win that. Another thing, you guys I was, I saw this TikTok of Josh when he was last on Josh, on Love Island. It was incredible. He looked so good you guys It's like night and day Yeah


Send it


He looked yeah, i'll send it over. I'll look


on the


send it over I'll share on the socials. Yeah, I actually did. I think I reposted it. It was incredible like he looks so Different like when I look at this josh, maybe I just didn't get that much from him So like personality didn't really shine through but yeah He had a certain vibe the first time around that. I don't think we got this time around yeah. That concludes our game here. We'll see who wins and if you have any comments on who you think is going to make it to the finale or not, leave it in the socials. We'll post this chart therE.


Okay. It's time for the social chatter section where we speak about what's happening on socials. So all over social media, on other podcasts, and basically we're just finding out on what's the scoop on the streets. Nicole, I feel like you've been, you've had your head to the, your ear to the ground mostly this week. And what have you been hearing about


My ears to the ground just being, spending too much time on TikTok, really.


your eyes to the phone? Oh my God. Of


Okay. So what's fun about this era right now is all of the couples and all of the people that are outside of the villa, spilling the tea on what's going on inside the villa, one of them was a sit down with Mitch where Mitch basically. Sort of shared who in the villa likes to smoke and who likes to vape He's a smoker himself, and he vapes as well, but Another one of the villa mates that I was surprised by that also vapes is Georgia S. And apparently she is very into vaping and will run to get into the line. But cuts the line so that she can vape ahead of everyone else. Very princess diva behavior. The other one, and This one I feel so bad about. It was actually in The Sun. It was a report about Lewis and we all know this. He has two kids with two separate women. Basically, both of the women came together and shared some news with The Sun and said, Hey, Lewis is not a good dad. He's not a supportive father. He's actually been on 10 episodes and that's 10 days that my son has never had with him. So if my son watched the episodes of up Island, they would see him more on the show than they had in real life. So they're painting a very bad picture of Lewis as a dad, which is harsh, and I actually haven't seen. Lewis in any of the clips or like any of the press materials. So I think he's maintaining silence.


I saw something similar to that, but it was more related to a little bit early on the show. Cause obviously when he came on and he was like, I'm such a good dad. Apparently when that episode aired, not apparently cause it did happen. The moms basically both separate baby mamas. Basically posted like one of them had like maybe a side I like full time mom or one of them were like, and I think even friends were like, here's a picture of the mom and dad of this child. So even their friends, like after the first episode came out, actually went on like Instagram and were basically saying he is not like present at all and being like, he's such a great dad and they're like, although like the baby moms like separately basically made comments on that. So again, obviously going to the sun being like, absolutely not, which. I think that they should because I think it's also just very dangerous of him to like act. That it's just not, it's for the next person who's going to believe he's a great dad or whatever, I think it's sometimes a little bit be like, no, he's not, he's just he's just lying. And I think that's cause again, it's obviously the first woman fall pregnant and then obviously then he did with the, obviously the second one must've fallen for whatever the tricks are where it's next time, maybe like the next goal, like maybe he should just keep the condom on. Pull out,


anyway, interesting that all of this is happening now and he's quiet. Another thing that I feel like is fun about this era of social is that we're seeing like a lot of clips from all of the all stars like past and apparently Callum is a wonderful chef. I think we saw the clip of him making the French toast in the villa, but like he also has videos. social where he like does instructional cooking and the man can cook and




people are like making little thirst traps Like this man does everything and he can cook like people Wait,


He was in Bali. I wonder if he had a cook, he cooked for them in there.


He cooked breakfast. He cooked lunch. He cooked dinner. Three separate cooks.


got a safe bed.


So I was listening to the Suns, podcast and they had a Sammy who won with Jess a couple of seasons ago. He did have a explain, like how, for example, like in the heart rate challenge, like you actually don't get to pick your song that you often like just find your song out, like the moment you're like, pushed out the door. So if you ever see any awkwardness in the beginning or slight confusion, it's also a mixture of who picked this song slash like, what is this song? I guess I'm going to, especially like if it, cause he also did say generally obviously the favorites get like the best songs and obviously the rest are like the ones that was just like this is all the songs we've got. Like the copyright probably approving from like the rest of you are getting this song.


Okay. I can actually put my, when we're doing projects at work I guess my take is I usually try to prep beforehand, but there's Not everything you can prep for right there's a call that you might just jump in a few minutes before and you just don't know I can you just don't know what it's, what its purpose is like someone just pulls you in it I can imagine it's like very similar in that way where it's like a lot of moving pieces a lot of people and they're like, wait, did someone like Pick the songs and then someone's yep, got the songs and then the communication of the songs doesn't go there. It's just not, I can imagine it's not as smooth as we think it is. Oh, this show, it's orchestrated. I don't think it's like that. I think it's literally like four girls on a call saying okay, Nicole, did you get the songs? Okay, send them over. Got them. I'll


So my playlist would be fire. So


us, we'll pick the songs.




no, I


else is okay, signing,


I totally get what you're saying. It's we think it's thought out, but like behind the scenes, they're like literally making an episode per day. There's gotta be so much chaos behind the scenes.


Yeah, especially on the times where not that much happens because you can watch an episode and be like, okay, cool. That was not like, like a real episode. And then another thing that I read on the internet was There was like, there was just speculation as maybe like as much as we like, fine, we did speak early about how Toby was like vulnerable about like the whole like cheating thing with Chloe, but people thought that maybe did Toby bring decide to bring it up now knowing that like he was running out of time and then maybe this was a great time to get like Pity votes to be like, like as Nicole said Oh we'll humanize it. I'm not, he's a human obviously, but it's we're seeing like another side of Toby and maybe people being like, Oh, shame. Like maybe he's blah, blah, blah. So people were just saying maybe as much as maybe Chloe did cheat on him but him playing his cards the way that he did. Could, again, it could be true emotion or could it him just be playing the game as to be like I guess this is a good time to use my real pain to see how far it can get me. This is what I read. It's not my opinion, but I wonder what you guys think. Yeah.


it's hard because I think Toby can act, we've seen him in situations where he's played a little bit, but I don't know if he's that good of an actor in terms of okay now I need to pull my emotions together and like really show the public how I feel about this. So I don't know, I'm conflicted. I actually did feel for him during that moment. But I don't know, I don't know the guy, so I don't know




genuine he is.


part of me was really confused because the first time that he brought it up, he didn't want to talk about it. So we, I assume okay, there's more to the story. And then it's almost it was probably like in his mind a lot. And then, going through this show, and then he thought, you know what, I'm going to like actually say what happened or like actually say. Put it, put up front explain myself a little bit more. So I feel like I learned a little bit more about him. Over the time that we've seen him my perception of him has changed so much. It's like up and down rollercoaster with him. It's you see this young character that's like more of a kid has never had a relationship really young. Then he like goes and gets a relationship and it's like all over the place jumping around from girl to girl during the Love Island show. And then they're finally there. And then apparently she cheats on him. It's that's sad. And then he goes back on the show and like with Georgia, that whole thing, it's I don't know. We've seen him shipped around. We've never really thought about his. how he shows up though. Like it almost feels like we've always thought of okay, what we're on the girl's side a little bit more like with Chloe. I've always been like, Oh, it's I love Chloe. Like I've been on her side, but I've never really thought Oh, I wonder what really did happen or, how he could feel. And I think it's because he comes off a little bit like young and a little bit immature. So it's easier to just assume Oh, he's just like doing these little dances and like just playing and like going to clubs and doing the things and oh, he fits in this bucket of like chaos. Whereas like other people, we might move into the bucket of like more mature like Anton, for example, like he fits in a bucket of like maturity, like family guy, like that sort of thing. Yeah, I don't know. I think there's more to him just because he is so young and he comes off a certain way like on social media so playful and all that like it's hard to take him seriously a little bit.


I think the real telling factor would be, will be, how long and sustained the Georgia situation is outside of the


Totally. Totally.


agree. If they break up right after that'll just tell us something.


Yeah. And speaking of Georgia, her little segment from last week, her I'm grateful for my long hair moment went so viral, I, there were all of the past Islanders were making their own videos about their, just making fun of it. And I just thought it was really funny because they were all like, Mel and Ella and Ty.


so good.


funny. It's I,


must look it up a bit more. I haven't seen so much


Oh, guys, we should make one.


We should,


should. I want to see her, I would love to see her reaction when she gets out of the villa and sees, like, how viral that was.




or just all the other videos of hers that have been exposed. I'm just like, everyone's they've been bringing up like ones from her youth. And also not in a good way. I think it's just basically being exposing her, like being like, this girl's been annoying. Like from the womb.


Yeah, dude, I, and remember how viral her I'm loyal babe moment was and how she hates that, that she's attributed to that? So now coming out and her being like, I'm grateful for my long hair I think she's gonna hate it.


She's gonna absolutely hate


that, you know how she was like, so loyal, about her loyalty and stuff? There was a clip of her where they ask her, blatantly, Were you loyal to Sam? I don't know who Sam was. I


Oh yes. I saw


she was Were you loyal to Sam? And she's no, I wasn't. And then she's oh hold on. Let me think about it. Yes, I was actually, and then she goes back and say, and because everybody starts laughing in the background and she's actually no, I wasn't. I was young and that relationship was just not my priority. She says that and I'm just like, what? You're going from one story to the next. Loyalty, there's a yes or no to that question.


So funny, she's like talking, she like says things so confidently, but you can tell deep down she's just making it up.


Oh, 100%. She has, she's very confident. She, and she's able to come across confident without, and then it's without actually being. I'm like, I need to learn how to be a little bit more like sometimes. And then the other moment that I saw this week, which was like so sad. So after Liberty got out of the villa and she did a bunch of like interviews and press and she got her hair done fresh and things like that. And she then posted on her socials. I was saw on Tik TOK this video where she basically was like. saying that people are being so mean to her in the comments of, those interviews being like, Oh, like you gained weight and you look and all just


Oh, gosh,


conversation. And she was like, straight up Hey, yeah, I have been like eating. But ever since I came out of the villa, and I've been enjoying myself. So Who cares? And B stop being cyber bullies. And she was just like, I'm gonna say something about this because on behalf of everyone who has ever been, like, cyber bullied and fat shamed and stuff, she just was like, I'm not standing for it and do better. And yeah, I was just like, that's so sad. Yeah. I


That hurts me.






That hurts me because when I see her, I'm like, Oh, she does it. She got her hair done. She looks so cute. She's like doing her little question and answer type So cute. She looks like she's thriving. That's so sad to hear that.


Yeah. Trolls.




hundred percent,


It's hard to see that. And I feel like people take advantage of someone who's comes off as sweet and they like to pick on people who maybe have that sort of like vulnerability, but I'm glad she stood up for herself. That's. Yeah. And she had the confidence to do that. Good for her.


That girl is genuinely sweet, though. Genuinely a nice person. You can tell she doesn't really talk about anybody. You can tell she has good bones. Good foundation. She's a good girl. It hurts me so much to hear that people are mean to her. Especially we've seen so much of her Nothing she's done online shows up in a negative way. Can't we support her? Like I know so much is coming out for all the other Contestants and like we see like some of them's like true colors in so many ways, you




Put, put that energy to dragging Lewis.




put it on Liberty,


Right like with lewis We could probably if the public united maybe he would change his character, maybe he'd realize oh, shoot, I, maybe I need to see my son more, maybe I need to make an effort. It changes people you how you give someone feedback it actually matters. If you're giving someone feedback negatively towards their image, like, why do that to someone? It really matters


Yeah, not Louis though. Louis is striking me as someone who just cares about himself. Cause if he has the time to go on a show, but has no time to meet to see his kids already, it shows like his priorities are definitely not


Lewis, do better.


Do better and trolls do better.


Maybe go


But also Lewis, if you'd like to come on the pod, you're more than welcome to, but also if you have any scoop on the street, Lewis or anybody else please comment and maybe just like slide into our DMs on socials. And we'd love, we always love to know what's happening on the streets and we always like to have the scoop. Yeah. Thank you.


Thank you.


All right. Thank you so much for joining us on proper chat. We'll be back next week to recap the next several episodes of love violent all stars, including the finale. Make sure to follow us at proper chat pod on both Instagram let us know what content you are enjoying from us. If you've enjoyed this episode, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. So you don't miss our future episodes. Your rating really matters to us and it keeps us excited to keep making content until next time. Stay proper and stay chatting.


Thank you.



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