Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

We've been on a journey - Love Island All Stars, finale + recap

Indie Movie Club Season 2 Episode 7

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are closing out the first season of Love Island All Stars, and our season 2. We share our thoughts on the winners, the drama from the final episodes, and what couples will last outside the villa.  

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a podcast all about our favorite show, Love Island. I'm Nicole, here with my three other hosts to discuss Love Island All Star, and we are at the end of our journey. We will be recapping the final three episodes, including the finale. We will also share our favorite moments from the season. We'll give you our predictions for couples that we think will break up in the villa after. So that'll be a fun little spicy thing to discuss at the end. But before we do, let's check in with the hosts. Hi, everyone. How was everyone's week?


I'm Bronna and week was pretty good. We had a nice long weekend. Most of us and yeah, it was pretty good. We got a facial on Saturday or Sunday, I don't even know what day it is anymore. Per Lambda's recommendation of a spa, which was very nice. And yeah, that was great. And then we all Nicole, Lunga and I watched the finale together earlier today, which was an extra treat. Cause I'm always watching solo on my phone. So yeah. All good. My only low is that I'm sad. It's


can't believe you watch on your phone.


I know.




I was like, that's the sad part.


That's the low.


Yeah. No, I'm sad that the season's over.


Yeah. Oh


won't, but yeah. And yeah, watching on my phone, how committed I am to Love Island.






Hello everybody, my name is Langa, this is assuming Bron is done with her weekend.


All done. Silence.


yeah, and also I guess this also the last, by the time this comes out, I will have started work even if finally but yeah, freedom is not, is ending tomorrow too, but


your last night with us. Yeah.


my last night as a free lady.


Hi, I'm Gabby. Yeah, I had a really good weekend. It wasn't as long as you guys. I had to work today. So that was a bummer. I texted my group earlier today, wishing Linga a happy first day of work, and then realized that everyone was hanging out and having a fun day. I'm glad you guys hung out though. That's cool. I watched, I don't know if you guys have ever seen, I think it's called A Killer's Paradox, or The Killer's Paradox.




It's like a Korean series. It's a very short series.




Maybe eight episodes on Netflix. It's really, it was really fun. I liked it.


I thought you were going to say eight seasons.


No, it's very short. And I watched it all like in two days.


Oh, wow.




back. Yeah,


well, thanks for the rec.


it was fun. Yeah. I don't want to, I don't want to spoil it. And honestly, anything I say about this, it's pretty much like spoiling it. But yeah, if you do watch it. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts. It's just very like a little bit more on the dramatic side. It's about this regular boy that's happens to kill someone and then it goes like spirals and under like from there. And I think it, and actually like the killing happens like pretty early on. So it's not like I'm spoiling anything,




it was good. I loved it. What about you, Nicole?


I also had a very chill weekend. It was rainy this weekend, so perfect excuse to chill and watch some shows. And I finished One Day on Netflix, the like mini series. I've


that a remake?


yeah. It's a remake of the movie.


that is a


That was a novel, which I haven't, actually I haven't read the book, but I've seen the movie and I knew like the plot points but yeah, a good one to binge for sure and I highly recommend it. It's basically will they, won't they for every episode for a really long time, but it's really cute and it's about building like a relationship, definitely get your tissue box out because it's a ride. Emotional ride. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But


much of a show crier, but I'll try it.


I am.


I cried. I


Yeah. Okay, good to know. Alright, so we're gonna get into all the top moments from the last few episodes and finale. I'll go first I guess. I'll talk about First, we had all the old Islanders coming back and they got to vote off one couple and I think the second that the Islanders that are already in the villa saw them coming in, they were like, Oh, shit this is going to be savage. They already had a bad feeling that, it's going to be tough. And they all went around and did their little voting and. It ended up being a tie between Georgia H and Anton and Arabella and Adam as being like the top two couples that were most likely going to get voted off and then of course Joe was the breaking vote and he voted off Arabella and Adam and yeah, I mean they saw it coming but curious what you guys thoughts were on that.


Yeah, I thought


thought it was, a little unfair.


The voting


no, the first of all, I was like, we've already seen it in games, all of them coming back. It didn't feel like the first time. We were like, oh yeah, they came back. And then the, them kind of picking Arabella and Adam, it just, It's like, why send in a bombshell in the last week or so? You know they're going to be voted off. Feel like they should have had something else to say outside of that.


I almost wish they would have instead of voting out what we assume the public opinion might already be, it was almost like a cop out. I would be curious if they had voted out people who they think were actually compatible or not, a lot of what they were saying when they were voting Arabella and Adam was that they haven't had much time or tests, which honestly, like I get and I probably would have done the same, but I would have been curious if they were like, I don't think this couple has much chemistry, which is why I almost appreciate when they gave the perspective on the whole Georgia and Anton thing and we're voting them. Out as well. Yeah, and the only two rogue ones were like, who did Lewis pick?


And Tom, which was like, get outta here.


I did read online that they feel that he did that just to have like his five seconds, just to get attention. Yeah, I read that the people speculate that he just wanted five seconds of like extra attention.


Saw that.


Oh, and then Jake voted for Toby


and Georgia, which I'm surprised more of them didn't actually.


Me too.


me too. And Anton left on bad terms. I feel like they were constantly arguing. So it made sense that Mitch voted for Anton in Georgia.


Yeah, and then so Arabella and Adam left the villa, which they had their little sit down with Maya. And I'm almost glad that they had their last little moment in the hideaway together because we did get to see them a little bit more. And I think the chemistry there is, it's interesting. What do you guys think on post villa? What do you think they're going to like? Continue on and get to know each other.


think if it were up to Arabella, yes.


Or we're not sure


I agree. I


she's, I don't know, I just feel like she's very into him and it's very clear. I think he's into her, but I think, but based on the two of them, I feel like she'd be very inclined, but I think he might be as well. And we also, while we were watching, I know it was about your husband, Nicole, mentioned that. He feels that maybe he was more calm, Adam was more calm because he just got there and maybe Arabella's coming off super keen because she'd tried out like three other guys prior to that and like finally the guy she's been waiting for had gotten so maybe she just was more excited that do you understand what I mean?


totally, yeah. She immediately latched on to him. And he did as well, to be fair. He coupled up with her. But he didn't have the same energy the way that she did.


Yeah, but he could also just be a laid back guy.




For sure. Yeah. And she was like, here you are, like, she was, she had been waiting this whole season for someone to come in and to be excited about them and even get the same amount of energy back that she got from him. So yeah, I hope they last, I thought they were, they seemed cute and both on the same, similar wavelength.


Thought that it was, she got a little too personal in every single game. I felt like she was really upset about every single comment against her. I can't imagine being her friend and having a different opinion than her personally. I just felt like she took things very personally.


Totally. And she came for liberty when liberty was like, I just feel like they haven't had any conflict and Arabella was like let me just say something back. And it was like, girl, she's being really nice and explaining her reasoning and like I don't know. You're right, Gabby. She totally always has like a thing to say back, almost like another someone we know in the villa, a. k. a. Georgia Steele.


yeah, because I also think even when she got upset at never went this week when she told Calum about what happened in the videos and how like she was like, Oh, let's not don't start a fight, but it's girl, you're the you're usually kicking off easy up in here. But like for you to be like, I think Molly's reaction is very. Valid because I mean you're her best friend, but like now you've gone and announced something that like she isn't has had not found Necessary or maybe just didn't want to talk about it in the moment You were like I just do you the favor that she didn't ask you for


What about Georgia and Anton's fight? Linga, I know you had thoughts on that.


It was just weird like the I guess like what they were fighting about maybe you could also just be based on the fact that maybe they've just like It's like when being with someone for meaning just being in the villa for a long time. And so I think I just thought it was just such a weird fight to have based on who kisses like the loudest. And maybe as again, it's just maybe they live together and it just was like being agitated by something and just, it just ended up making such a small thing. But I just was like, that's so random. And then him like being like, I am not sleeping in the bed, but it's just such a weird thing. I just found it very strange.


I agree. They had some pent up issues happening and then all of a sudden it like boiled up into this big thing. I actually in hindsight, watching that moment back, I felt like I couldn't tell if Georgia was Like, giving some bickering banter back, or if she was, like, really serious. So when she made her comment about him being judgmental, I was I almost took that as ooh, wow, that's harsh. And I might have reacted in the same way that Anton did, not that much, but I would have been a little hurt, too, and I would have wanted to talk it through. And she was, like, it's not a big deal. But at the same time I think they both had insecurities that just hit each other at the same time, and it was, like, way intense.


I know, and I just feel like this goes back to Anton trying so hard to make this work. It's instead of being in the moment as a newly wet, newly, those new feelings of dating somebody and feeling, like, all those feelings, you wouldn't hear the noises at that point. And I feel like she's oh, you're being so loud. And it's like you're Like, just enjoy


same thing. I also was like, it's very, I can't imagine really being into a kiss and hearing who's loud. We grown ass people it makes no sense for, but again, so I think maybe she was joking initially. So I, maybe she was, and I think she might have maybe was being playful, but again, maybe because Anton is feeling sensitive. I think as Nicole said, that sometimes obviously when you're feeling sensitive, especially seeing. If something's making you feel insecure, I'm sure like a joke like that is, I'm trying to, it's I'm sure he




actually is a job.


Jess brought it up to, I think she was talking to Georgia or someone else in the group and was like, Hey, Anton's also just a calm, chill dude. And he's so positive anywhere around the villa. We rarely get to see him actually upset or in a mood, and it's bound to happen in your couple, and, like, when you're spending that much time with people it's bound to happen that something kicks off and puts you in a bad mood, and anyway, I thought it was, like, very insightful for her to say that, I didn't get to see much of her, but it was like a nice moment where Jess was like very intuitive with what was going on in the villa and expressed that


Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, I feel like we didn't see much of Jess. If she would have come earlier on, I think we'd be more, on her. We would be more fans of her. Because I've heard really nice things about her personality, like I've heard she's like very easygoing, like she's very sweet girl, no bad bones in her body, like those type of things, like girls have said that about her and that's really sweet. Like anyone that gets described like that's just such a sweet, it sounds like a sweet person. So I wish we would have seen a little bit more of her. What about the finale, you guys, like the big finale? What did you guys think? I have so many thoughts. For me, it was like, I was trying to figure out like if our predictions were right from last week. And our first prediction was right. It was Arabella and,


And Adam.


But then the next person that we had predicted went to the finale. So that was like new. We thought that only four couples were going to go and then five couples ended up going. But yeah, so next was Georgia and Anton. We got that wrong. We thought that it would be Josh and Sophie, which actually ended up going a little bit further. What did you guys think about Georgia and Anton leaving next? I think for me it was like, made sense after seeing the last few episodes.


Yeah, I predicted definitely the, like until the final two, I think everyone else, they landed in the rest of the group. I had a feeling.


Yeah, and then, I think I thought that Toby and Georgia would be a little bit further because I thought that the producers had any say on all that, but it felt like They, they went next because it was probably the public had already seen, the public wasn't on their side for most of the season, so I'm surprised that they even made it to the finale, honestly. After having seen, like, how they did in all the other areas of


I think yeah, and I think the all of the clips from Georgia's past have been like brought up So I think more and more people are like, ooh, Georgia Like I thought Toby would bring be bringing them down but Georgia She had some history. She had some receipts that people pulled out




It was crazy!




We loved Georgia at the beginning. It was like a rollercoaster with her.


Right. Yeah, we were into


what a, Yeah, she came from being one of like a teenager, right? Like she was really young going into the show and then She go and then she did a complete like 180 and I don't know her personality, her vibe, like she was, she came off really different in the first episodes. And then I think right after Tilly and Georgia, there was Josh and Sophie, which personally, Josh and Sophie were like one of my least favorite couples. So what did you guys


Yeah, totally.




Yeah, and I felt like in the last, like in the, I feel like in the beginning and the middle, I was just meh and like whatever about them, and then I feel like towards the end with like the Anton and Josh and Georgia drama, that whole thing I feel like they just rubbed me the wrong way, because then Sophie was like getting so irritable, About the whole situation. I was like, okay, you guys are just like annoying me So I wasn't I was like third place like okay fine, but yeah, I


Fallen in love with them, but also like in the list I think they've had the least amount of drama compared to georgia and anton and toby in georgia So I think If we're to compare I understand why they got third but like in terms of like chemistry and like vibe and like interest in them Yeah, I didn't see them going all the way for sure Yeah


Reddit earlier that people were saying that I guess maybe it's UK based people or people like us with the VPN and want to watch like day of or moment of they were saying that they actually feel like. Josh and Sophie had fantastic TV chemistry. So I was reading it, people were saying like, they were like, they were robbed and that. And I feel like they actually did have like proper, like real chemistry slash and again, at least drama laid back. And obviously again, we didn't see a thousand that didn't get that much camera time. If you think about it compared to all the. Other Islanders, which again, it's like we, you only get, you only see who they really want to, cause we only really saw Anton and Georgia H when they were fighting and it's maybe they had other downtime, but again, we'll never know. They don't want to show it. We don't, that's not important for them to show. Cause I feel like at some point, like we got to see a lot of we got to see Georgia and Toby when they were in the very dramatic part, but once like their relationship was had stabled out, we barely


Mom's the word.


Yeah. So I just think, but I also think, but I, when I'm like, maybe Arabella was a strong favorite because she, every time she had an interest, the camera was very interested in what she was doing. So I feel like each guy she dated, we got a full fledge. Cause sometimes you're just like, wow, I didn't even know this was happening, but I feel like with her, they were like, yep, we're following her entire storyline.


I was just thinking about how Josh and sophie give me the same energy as Jess and Sammy from last season. They're both life of the party individually. They like to chat and be goofy and silly. But, like, when they come and actually talk together, it takes them a while to express their feelings and open up to each other. I don't, it's hard for me to Understand where, as a couple, they are and how far they'll actually go.


Maya was really was saying some really nice things about them. She was I think she said that They were her favorite couple. I believe she said I don't remember exactly word to word what


Yeah, she did say she was, she did say she was like you


She was rooting


that. She was, yeah.


yeah, she was she really liked her and also like she was like complimented Sophie Like I bet there's like a connection there with Sophie and Maya and because her sister was like on the show like her sister's like


Her sister's like a personality. Yeah, she is. She's like a British and also her sister's husband is also, they're like TV people.


So they're TV people. It seems like maybe that's why she has a little bit of buzz around her. And so does Arabella. Arabella seems to be in the public eye. She seems to be like, she dated a lot of people that were famous. She seems to be like, connected


like an it girl, right?


The summer with just with Leonardo DiCaprio.




lover, but with his crew.


No, this is lover.




maybe that we know. Yeah,




blonde and young.


like it feels like they're showing them on purpose. It's like they're people that are known in, in, by some people and like they're maybe they're, I don't know, I just felt like the season like was pretty, it was just, there isn't that many like fun moments. And the last final two. were so predictable, Callum and Jez. And then Tom and Molly, it was like, not even that it was predictable, because if it was predictable, but it was like, oh man, I was, I'm like rooting for them. I was dooting for them since the start. I would have been like, so happy, but it was just out of all the couples, like sure, they would have been my favorite, but What I have been more happy is Molly and Callum yeah,


We were like, what if it's a plot Twist.


yeah, it was, my gosh, you guys, like, when Callum and Jess did not win, Callum was like, oh, deserved he was so happy that Molly won


I guess if you win, you might have a contractual, you might have to stay together for the other stuff afterwards. Cause you also have to go on podcasts and then you also maybe you have to what do people are offering you? Like couple brand deals. So maybe for him to be like, okay, cool. At least like I'm slightly off the hook from whatever comes with winning. And maybe he was like, maybe not looking for something that serious with Jess.






Could be, yeah. I'm already seeing fan clips of Callum giving Molly a hug after




the winning thing, and everyone being like, why?


I'm, oh, I know, I saw that too, where people are like, what if they just, what if they just take the money and go back to the dogs? If long term, if they do ever get back together, then he's great, that's another 25, 000 in the bank.




I just thought it was like, like you could tell that Callum did not want to win. I hate to say that, but you could just tell that he was just I don't know. You could just tell he was ready to get off the stage and he felt so comfortable. Did you guys see when Josh and Sophie were sat down with Maya how nervous Josh was? It was incredible. It was, there's,


he seemed a little, like, all over the place with his responses for a little bit.


over the place. He didn't even, he was like, he just kept saying short things and then stopping and saying, Oh, you guys know what it goes, how it goes. Or I don't know. It was just really random and weird. But when Callum was talking, I just felt like it was so natural. I just felt like he was so okay with not winning. Like he


so composed, too. Yeah. Yeah.


just comfortable. Like it was either gonna be him or his ex. It's if it's him, he has to be with this girl. I feel so bad for Jess. I feel so bad for saying that. But maybe they'll shock us. And I hope they do. But at the same time, I honestly hope that Callum and Molly rekindle things. So


But also, it also could be like a kind of, but I think it also could be, also maybe like a time, not a time. And it was like, maybe they're not like whatever right now, like fine. They can still be friends. Like I can believe that. And maybe like over time, once Molly Tom goes away somewhere and then Molly's available and and then Callum, they can be like, Oh, actually, if we're single at the same time, kind of thing, like maybe they could be, what if they intersect again, maybe not right now, because again obviously we didn't get the full story of the complete breakup and it's just. Rumors. And even for Callum to be like, people want it to be so perfect, which I was like, actually, that's true. Cause we know nothing. And he's people want us to just have this fairy tale with fairy tale where we just see each other on a show and I'll hear together for weeks and get back together. Cause I'm pretty sure maybe there the breakup was obviously very well thought out considering they'd lived together, shared dogs. So so I think for him, then I was like, actually, that's very true.


Yeah. I think I'm in the minority here in that I hope Tom and Molly have their fairy tale, their version of a fairy tale. But I see the appeal of Callum and Molly because they're both individually amazing people. And I think


And it's what we know.


props to Callum, too, for just handling the whole situation well and Molly handling the whole situation. Graciously, I think they did a fabulous job of just handling all of that ups and downs of All of that. But yeah I think Tom, like, when he looks at Molly you see it in his eyes Oh my gosh, I want this girl and I want this to work out. I don't know if the whole situation with him being younger and the moving in and being, like, actually settled is gonna vibe with him, but I'm invested in seeing it hopefully happen.


No, I hear you.


Yeah, no, I was just gonna say I feel so all over the place because when you're saying that I'm like, I totally agree. I totally agree. Because I personally really like Tom and I think Molly's so cute and them together. They're so cute together. It feels like they should be together, but then Calum's in the picture. So it's almost yeah, I've said this before, but if he wasn't there, it's I wouldn't even have known any better. And it's just, it really is, for me, just the background TikToks, the whole You know, emotional rollercoaster. Yeah, social influence. That's all it is for me because you're, I think like Molly's right in saying like how, when Louis pointed out that he was voting for her, like he, she was like, but we haven't even talked and that's right. We haven't even seen moments where they're like, super lovey dovey, except for maybe like one glimpse of what they could have been when they were cooking for each other's partners. And I just think it's all like history like imagine if your ex and you had Instagram photos and then that all of that is surfaced just because you're on a show and it's like any, anything that they did together any like little challenge they did together all of that is just surfaced up.


And set to like romantic music.


I know.


people are making like


Pulling at our


fan videos. Yeah. With like cold play, and they're like,


That's true.


Yeah, and I wonder if we had You know, if things had gone differently and Callum actually did crack on with Georgia or Jess came in earlier and they had a more established relationship that we actually got to see, if we would have the same take because, we didn't get to see them enough to know okay, this is solid or something's there and we can be happy for Callum and we can be happy for Molly and separately in their own


Because if, yeah, because it feels like we, we are happy for Tom. Like he came early enough that we are happy and we're like, oh, it feels wrong to say like Callum and Molly. It feels wrong because I'm like but Tom has done a great job. Like he's done, he's like showing up for her and stuff. It's not like he hasn't. And he, they're like such a good couple, such a cute little couple, But I think it is what you're saying. It's we didn't see Jess enough. So then we're He's still lingering


Yeah. Yeah. He's still an option.


we're all secretly in love with Callum, too. We're all obsessed with him,


you are like, yeah. Whatever he wants. Yeah. We're like whatever he wants.


Jez, are you sure? Not me?


As the single one of the four of us, I, if Jess, if it doesn't work out with Jess, I will gladly move to England,


hit us up, Callum. Slip into the DMs, Verona is available.


I'm available.


Okay, so now we're going to talk about the favorite moments of the first season of What are your top moments about the season? Branagh, I know Casey and Georgia. That whole


Yeah, they showed a clip of it again in today's finale and it just is so funny of how Georgia H was talking to Casey's grandfather and in the abyss. And just how he was like, I, yeah things are going great. But then you said you talked to my dead grandfather and she obviously made, gave him the major ick and I just think it was so funny,


That was good.


Yeah, I just would love to know her thought process, too, behind telling him something like that, where she was, like, yeah, it was just, it was so funny, his reaction, and honestly after seeing that, it sealed the deal, and everyone was, like, yeah, they're not they're not a thing, and he didn't ghost her, because


Yeah, I totally understand like how that happened. So honestly, because I feel like I've been part of, you go to immersive experiences, and then you come out and you're this is a feeling like We've been, in college and stuff you go through like group and group stuff and it's that's all you care about and then you come out and that's all you talk about so I can imagine her being like all about it and then coming out and then she it's just so funny when she said and that's why they tell you not to text people about it or that's why they tell you not to call people


that was really funny. But I do think Georgia, like in those parts, she's funny. You know what I mean? Because she's just oh yeah,


Yeah. And she took it well, right? Yeah, she like, heard Casey out and she was like, okay, that's fair.




She cared about it though because she actually asked the girl that came in, the girl that called her during that call,


Oh, her friend Yeah.


her friend. She actually, Olivia. Yeah. She asked her, she was like, what'd you think about the whole Casey thing? So it's not like it wasn't top of mind. Like she knew that it had come up. It's made her feel maybe Oh, did I come off a little crazy? Yeah. No, it does add character though. Oh, totally. I think anything that is just a little quirky or anything that adds character to you I believe in that people should be as unique as possible. Just be your own self. That's my stance like in anything like I don't I feel like unique people are so interesting So the fact that she is like so unique in that way, like it really added a different like layer to her versus if she wouldn't have shown that spirituality or that peace like I feel like she would have just been like We wouldn't have gotten much of her. So it was like, cool to see that.


Yeah. For sure.


And Anton loves that about her.




And was doing the meditating with her in the morning every day.


Okay, so my favorite parts of the season I'll say this jokingly, but I just did not like, none, but it's like totally a joke because I did really enjoy this season in certain aspects, but at the same time, I just feel like Take me back to the OG. I'm done. I watch games. Now there's all stars. Just take me to the original thing that I really love. I want to go back to new, fresh relationships. I don't want exes. I don't want older people. I want young people.


Want young,


you said that.




I want, I don't, not even necessarily dumb. I just want The whole vibe that we used to have like games was like fine for its moment and then this was a nice little experiment but like I think what really got to me was the excess the amount of excess it just kept coming in It was just boring. Like I just hated that like I wanted I, another thing that I really hated about this season is like the lack of diversity that I felt, maybe it's just me, but I felt I just felt like there was like nobody for Kaz, and like for the longest time, I was just like waiting and waiting, it's is anybody gonna come? Are you just gonna bring exes here, and then you're like, not gonna bring anyone that's com Like, anyone that she could have noted 10 people at the beginning, they could have brought her, some, but I don't feel like they brought her any single person that she would have named off, so it's, like, why have her there if you're not going to bring someone that's, like that she would have really enjoyed, especially with it being all stars like they know each other. She for sure had a top five list. And you know that the producers had that list. So the fact that like they didn't bring that list I don't know, I just like not feeling too good about this season, to be honest I favorite person, Callum. Hannah was awesome. I really would love to see a podcast between her and Lib. I really enjoyed hearing them just lately talking about truthfully talking about their experiences. I feel like they're truthful. Hannah is so truthful. I really love her. And I think my, just to wrap up my least favorite part, I really didn't like when Lib said, When they were talking about how are your DMs doing? And she was like, dry as a Sahara desert. Like, why? Why? Why are her DMs like, I just don't get it. And also her, the whole, her whole journey there was just miserable. And then her after journey was just like, bad as well. I don't know. Something's fishy about this All Stars, and I'm not liking it too much. So I'm excited for summer to come around. To get to the good normal.




people. Yeah,


hundred percent.


I agree. Like the casting could have been a lot better for this all stars. At the same time, I think that they were testing out a lot of things, and their version of X Island was what they were really testing out, and I think, conceptually, I understand why, because What did we all do? We want, we were shipping the exes to get back together, especially Callum and Molly, but realistically, that didn't happen none of the exes actually ended up getting together actually there was, like, rehashed drama that came from it, and we didn't really see couples getting through that process and cracking on with new people until weeks later yeah, I think maybe since it's, They did this experiment of X Island, hopefully when they do All Stars next season, they'll do better casting and they'll be like, okay, we're done with the X experiment. Unless they're like, oh, we learned that people love Molly and Callum, let's do it again. Which would piss us off.


Yeah. I think if they do, it's keep it to one couple of exes. We don't need five of them. That's just boring.


Totally. It's just traumatic watching them like, walk through the door and then pan to the person and they're like, oh god.


It's just like they say


They love doing that. They did a lot in the finale all the time.


I will say my favorite moment, though, was all of the Toby, Georgia PDAs moment. Not favorite, but I think it was, like, the most dramatic. Two points in the entire season when Toby stood up there and recoupled like and I remember like our reactions after that We were like, oh my god I can't wait for you guys to finish this episode so we can talk about it because it was Moment and props to them for doing a version of movie night, whatever. It's called PDAs or whatever




that always gives us enough drama to last a couple episodes, so


They always go Yeah, remember, it's just a game. Because they always end up fighting. That and the heart rate challenge. Those are like, we're like, Oh, we're definitely fighting. As much as it's a joke, it's a joke, it's a joke, and then it's not.


totally. I hope they learn from that and bring it back, and I'm sure they will.


Yeah, I think they, I feel like even though this was an experiment, that the show did as much as they took us a while, but they did know the things that people like the heart rate challenge, because again, it also brings back drama, Snog, Mary, pie, drama. I feel like they knew the things to be, and movie, they've been able to definitely see the PDA Awards, but I feel like they just were, like I know it's not a long time, but we'll keep like certain things, but I'm hoping that obviously that it's not X Island. Cause they're really, there's already X on the beach. And also I actually was reading online that they having an X on the beach, like new season and actually a Love Island couple, like Finn and Finn and is it Paige? I think her name was Paige Tooley. They're coming back on there. So I'm like, if there's already a show for X's I don't think Love Island, we're not watching, we don't. There's already a show called X on the Beach. We don't need that.




and let's also remember that they took out the games from this series, which Added more time for us to watch the dynamics in the villa, which I appreciated that piece as well. Yeah.


when they lay around like I don't like I don't need we can watch the Olympics when it comes out this summer I don't need to watch it while I'm watching.


Yes. Agreed.


My, I won both the, I guess moments I enjoyed throughout the season was Kaz and Liberty. I feel like they are like the best type woman like to each other because I feel like they gave each other like the words, advice like you go babe, Tell him babe. Or pulled each other's purse and like how like Liberty's like pulling Tyler aside and being like, babe, I told you, with, they were just Hype people. But even though, as viewers, it was very clear that the people they were pursuing were not into them, but I love that they just had each other's back. And I was like, honestly, good for them.


Oh my gosh. It's so true. I can't believe they're a best piece like for this long That's really cute. Actually to have seen them like me in their first season and then to see it now That is so freaking cute. I agree. I really love that.


they can send more besties into the all stars we'd like that. No, no more exes, just send the


Cause it just seems to end up being really nice when it is besties because. Again, unfortunately not too many besties because they can be pretty kicky because you also don't want that because it can be like catty but I did think that, but I do think that there was the time where everyone could talk things through right like people were like easy like how Joanna And Georgia, you could see okay, there's something there. And maybe we're getting a little bit more dialogue and a conversation because like their friend is there, but also it could also come to that, but then it could also do the opposite with how, what happened with that event, Casey, like that broken telephone conversation was a disaster,


yeah, I, with the back to the besties thing in games when we saw Sally and Justine, it did feel really clicky there. It felt really clicky. It felt like no one, do you guys remember Imani? Imani was totally on the sideline because, and she was from the U. S., and it felt like everyone was sticking to their country and it felt like Selly and Justine were just too so close. before


Yeah, not a hundred percent.


it's like a play on some bring in some best friends but also have a moment oh i also you know have a moment of like group setting like you have to be willing to talk to everybody do you guys notice how this time around whenever it was very strategic in the morning who they placed to talk to like for example if someone was talking to someone they would not include They were fighting they would include like someone that they would feel comfortable with bring out You know the drama and stuff and then they would also add in like a boy to bring in that guy's perspective Notice that versus like before they've only done like girl groups like maybe two girl groups and two boy groups Maybe yeah, they had a really strategic thought process around the groups and the morning chats this time around


Yeah, and I liked that.


Me too.


Cause I also do think that, I think that was useful in a way because it gave like when there was a mixture of genders, I think it also gave like the guys when they were thinking something and somebody and or maybe it doesn't matter like each person like sometimes Anton would be a good sounding board on somebody else But as a guy's perspective and then obviously arabella I know gave some like someone advice as well Like maybe tell her now before going to the villa because once it leaves Yeah, so I think it definitely gave like each a little difference where it's instead of being just egged on by guys or egged on by girls, you felt like they would get these feeling, like maybe they were getting like, like a hint Hey, I feel like it's going to end this way. So I'd rather do this


Totally. Like the whole Anton helping Liberty be less de lulu about Mitch, and her, him being like, you, she asked my opinion, if she, if the boy's making the girl cry every day, I'm gonna give her my opinion. Props to


Which is fake.


Love that moment, actually. That was a good end time moment.


okay time for scoop on the streets So we thought we could do something actually really funny because this is I ran into a reddit post where they spoke about who do they think is going to break up on the show like and I thought that would be just Be funny, especially because it has been like five minutes and who knows, maybe some of the couples are only going to make it five minutes. So we're going to talk about we personally think, and then I might also bring up points as to what people on the internet are saying. So Nicole, what do you think?


Oh, this is so hard. I, okay, I'm actually speculating that the Anton, Georgia situation is gonna last longer than we expect, and the public expects, but mostly out of stubbornness. I don't know if they're gonna last. Because they're actually compatible, and I also don't know if the whole situation is gonna work out for the two of them, and the distance, and all of that, but I think Georgia's heard the public discourse, Anton's heard the public discourse. They're invested now, they're leaving the villa, they like, I know no one believes in us, let's just go and double down. So I think they're gonna last a bit longer. I would say maybe six ish months is my prediction. But, okay, the only thing that would change this, and this is another prediction, is I'm worried that Anton's mom's not gonna like Georgia. And


Oh, and you think


the man said it's a deal breaker!


Totally. Yes.


We'll see. That's my hot


months maximum.


interesting. I did speaking of Anton and I'm telling you what I read on the scoop of the streets that during the during the, like on the, cause I completely missed it. So I was like, oh I didn't get how deep that was. But apparently when they were sitting, obviously when they were announced, like they obviously didn't win. And I think they're basically sitting on the couch with Maya. I think they ended up talking to, and then Anton said something like cause obviously we're like, oh, your story has been different up and down. And then I think then Anton says something like, oh, like when. Georgia came into the villa, she was like heartbroken. And then obviously then, but then Georgia corrects him. Like I wasn't


She's like, why would you say that?


then obviously Maya and then Maya is Oh no, it was cool. It was something else. And then the internet is saying that they feel like Anton probably said that because Georgia's boyfriend came out of prison. During the time that she's been in there. So they, I guess like they obviously just, so that's him assuming that maybe she was like more, like very worried about that and not being like as present. And then Georgia being like, but that's why people were saying I don't think most people are just like, George is done with Anton. The moment he said that she's bye. So I don't know if that's true, but that's what I read.




she say exactly? She turned around and she said I wouldn't bring that up or something like that. It was


Yeah, also, yeah, so


you're on


she didn't, yes, it's, yeah, so


gonna have to re watch that.


I missed


Can you please? It was so short. It was like Maybe you shouldn't bring that up or something like that. Like


Because then Maya came in, yeah, because then Maya came in and literally was like, yo, it was something else, like she jumped in to let's


Don't worry about it.






Yeah let's bring it


it together, people.


Yeah, we're still on television.






Linga, thank you so much for bringing that up. That was so good. I totally forgot I forgot about that part. That was so juicy. It was like, girl pull yourself together. I think she could have said not really heartbroken. She could have said anything, but you're on live television. Why be that? Why be that rough with this man?


I think for her also, but also maybe she could also been like triggered being like, let's not give him like another pedestal. Like I might, you know what I'm trying to say? Maybe




just being like, I don't want him to as much because also she could be like, he could be watching right now. She's probably I've given enough in giving enough energy to this. And then now the fact that we're like saying that maybe the reason when I came on the show, I was upset. I think maybe she could just be like them. I could have just done without that.


I think another couple that I think will not be carrying on was Chris and Joanna when they had their little interview with


Oh my.




was brutal.


That was so cringe. I was like, wow.


flowers for Valentine's Day. And he's just like


was like


yeah, I gave her flowers. And she's yeah, we'll see what happens when we get


she said, we'll, see what happens. She was like, we'll see what happens. And he was like, yeah


Yeah, we will, but like the, their tone was just so different. And I think she literally was like, get me out of South Africa. Get me away from this man. Cause who knows? I dunno the vibe she was giving felt like a little love balmy from Chris, like that sent her flowers and whatever. So I don't see them continuing and cracking on in, in good old London.


never a good sign when they say, let's see what happens.


Yes. Cause there was no solid even it's not when Maya was even like, Oh, you're going dates and things like, yeah, we'll talk when we get there. It's okay.


we're not sitting together on the plane, goodbye.


you know who also, who also slipped in a? Let's see what happens is Toby with Toby in Georgia when he was like, Oh, we're big on family. We're going to introduce each other to our couples or to our parents and we'll see what happens. And it was like,


Maya's are you going to be boyfriend and girlfriend?


yeah, she was giving she was asking the questions.


cause I used to feel like Georgia still didn't really get that. Cause remember she was like, Oh, Danny, my friend called me and she was wondering like, what are we? And when I told her that this is


He really would've said yes.


like, and she was like, she literally was like, Danny asked me what an exclusive means. What am I supposed? And she even says, what am I? And he was not supposed to tell people when, like when they say, okay, you're exclusive, but what does that mean? And still he was not willing to give it to her. And he was like, Oh let's see when we meet each other's families, which I think also is just like an easy thing just for him to fall back to.


A hundred percent.


feel like that's been what everyone's been saying. So he's okay, let me just keep saying oh yeah. Cause I, I think, cause I feel like it reminds me. I was telling I think I said when we're watching, I was telling Nicole and Brianna it's so vague and it's it makes me feel like it's so dodgy because like during speaking of another show, Vanderpump rules, Tom Sandoval, the guy who ended up like cheating on his. Partner and Adriana and basically when one, when the girl Raquel or Rachel spent the night at his house, but he didn't want to say, cause he had told three different people totally different stories. And when they were like, Oh, did Rachel stay over? He's she dipped out. And they were like, what does that mean? I don't know. She just dipped out. So the whole time you're like, what does that mean? So so literally that's just what Tom is doing is what does that even mean? But at the end of the day, you're like, we know it's sketchy. The truth is eventually going to come out, but I feel like Toby's exclusive is literally like Tom Sandoval's, like she dipped out, like dipped out in the morning, she dipped out.






do you think they're going to last you guys, timeline,


Toby and Georgia, three months max. Is what I'm giving them. I think Georgia esque made the biggest mistake of her life by not carrying on with Callum because he was so into her






was saying she wanted a husband. Agreed.


would've given her a girlfriend label by the end of the season if they would've carried on.


I agree with that.




you fucked that up.


You messed up.


no, he really did. He was really into and also just very cause also he, and I feel like he literally was like, Molly, I want to get to know Georgia. Like he literally was like, I'm going to just focus on you. And that's obviously, that's how Molly ended up crying, being like, I stepped aside for you. And so I feel the same about Georgia as well. And I hope again, maybe Toby is different and does want to be with him. Maybe it is the truth. This is me defending Toby. But I'm like, what if he would be telling the truth, but also will not be surprised when he dips out of the relationship or the exclusivity because the show's over and. Because also, he also could be probably saying, I'm not sure if I want to be exclusive, wants to go see what he's like, talent managers saying what's my image going to be looking like if I'm with George Steele? Because they've done this before. So they also can be like, what's this going to do for me? Like PR wise,


I'll give them six months is my estimation.




I know I'm being generous here.


no, but I do think that it might be, I think it would be like, for me, four to five months, just because it's like somewhere in the middle, just because of the whole Georgia H and Anton thing, like the same reason they're trying to show. To the public that they're actually together. So 3 months feels a bit short because let's just say. One month is like meeting the family there. The second month is them traveling to the U. S. Like they're doing little LA trips and stuff and then the third month he's like off working or whatever Like so four to five months. It's okay, they're gonna call it quits at that point


time summer rolls around.


Yeah, and that'll be enough time where people are like, okay, they were together for long enough It wouldn't be like right away I found it really, I found it hard to think of this question, because like part of, you guys know how I feel about like Tom and Molly, and I was thinking like, I don't think they're going to last, because I felt like Molly wasn't as into the relationship as Tom was and I think what's going to happen is she's going to leave and emotions are going to like you guys know in any single relationship I don't know you guys tell me how you felt but like looking through pictures and like old stuff like really gets And your emotions going and I feel like it's so much at this point that I think like her emotions are gonna be like pretty high and then she's gonna like like compare and she's gonna see watch this back and then notice like oh Callum wasn't really like he was opening the doors I mean he didn't truly close them off completely like even when they showed the recap He picked her at the beginning. He wanted to get to know her. And she, if she would have told him okay, I want to continue getting to know you, he, I don't think he would have approached Georgia. I really don't. I feel like she kept telling him you need to go, you need to go through the motions here. You need to go through, you need to talk to






and then see if it works out.


Yeah, I agree with that. I think it could either go one way that Molly leaves the villa and cuts off social media and the Love Island public persona and thoughts and does crack on with Tom introduces him to the family they start building their life together. Or, you're right, maybe she


hold on.


lane and




I don't expect Palamon just to last very long, and he's single now, and we've had this little, like,


Yes. I,


stuff surface. I don't know I'm hopeful that the Molly and Tom situation we'll pursue, because I think they, they would be an interesting couple to continue to follow and see their future together. But, yeah, I think it really depends on which route she ends up going.




okay, I agree with that. It's either or. You either go down the route and end it because that's the route you went. I don't think she's gonna be, like, five months in and then go down the rabbit hole of emotions. It's either right away. They end it right away or they continue and family is involved. And because she's very much She's the type of girl that, like, when she commits to someone, it's like they're moving in they're meeting the dogs they're, like, they're part of the situation, yeah. I think someone that's not gonna last long is Josh and Sophie. I don't think they're gonna last long. I really




One month.


We give him till summer max.


Yeah, I say two to three months for them. And I think similar vibes for Callum and Jess. But, I'm happy to be wrong about them. They might. Have a little bit more of to their relationship. We just didn't get to see and understand if it would last


Yeah. Totally. I would be happy to be wrong too.


I don't know. I feel like Josh literally, I actually read on Reddit like just give Josh like the club and he's gone all it will take was Sophie being like enjoy a boy's night out and basically and also then him knowing his DMs are open and he's going out like he's giving me he's for the streets.




you said this earlier, too


Yeah. Yeah.


take Casey hitting him up and being


Yes, him. Yes. Yes.




literally like he's gonna hang out with Casey and then it's literally gonna be like game over because they obviously like again, the attention and I feel like they're very open to the attention. So I think that's the thing. The difference is find someone else will get their attention, but I feel like for me it's Tom I feel like can be like a homebody ish, like down to earth, not too much on the streets, so that I can believe with the Molly thing, but I do think Josh is just too much of the streets, like I mean you couldn't even button his shirt close to the


Oh my God. I know.


in any of the challenges.




Whenever they were looking nice, it was, his shirt was wide






Any of the challenges, any of the challenges, any of the nice red carpet moments where they, like, all the girls were, like, glammed up. The guy was, like, half naked. Yeah, it


yeah, it's nobody asked for this. Literally nobody asked for this.


Okay. So in summary, we're thinking Josh and Sophie maybe first and Jess and Callum maybe for maybe around the same


Them both.




and then Anton and Georgia and Toby and Georgia. But to six months, somewhere in between there. And then the only couple that might go all the way is Molly and Tom. But, only time will tell.


Or they might


Yeah. Another thing I read was that the one person commented on the thread on Reddit is their opinion was press events and podcasts will be, like, the glue that holds them together. The more they're high in demand basically, maybe the more they're, like, willing to stay together. But so I think that could be also just very interesting. Cause again, we can never tell you just because you win love Island doesn't mean they're going to be interested in the winner. Look at Sinead, what's the name of the the quiet couple that won the teachers,




Kai and Sanam.


And Sinead, like they won, but I feel like they wouldn't like, you know what I mean? It's not yeah, they weren't coveted versus Ty, Ty and Ella are like very like




everywhere and they're just those kind of personalities and they didn't win. So I guess it also just depends on who gets like the best talent person to keep them relevant and hopefully and then maybe they'll stay and maybe they'll stay and then be like, actually, maybe I do like you. mean, who knows?


the more you tell your story, the more you're invested in it, and I get that.




I think that's what happened to Ella in Thai. Think that's what happened to them. They stopped, he stopped going to the clubs because he had so many shows to film about, to talk about their relationship. And then more and more they talked about it. This is exactly what happened to him. He stopped going out. He stopped started talking more about stuff. Started going to events with her because they paid him more. He just talked about this, Tyre he just talked about how much they get paid per week in Love Island. He said 3 75.






is 75 pounds?




So let's say like$400 US dollars


But I guess maybe for them, it's like about what happens when you get out.




definitely is.


Cause that's wild.


I would say. I think 1500 to$2,000 is


people who live in California, like in this economy.




Yeah, so it's like they're going for it's that's nothing you know it's more like they just go in for free because the show could pay them more


Yeah, a hundred percent. Yeah,


opportunity. Yeah.


but I definitely think it's the after it's probably the after whatever


they're smart. If they if people have done it they would get a whole team together during right before you're going on, and that team is gonna get you there, gonna get you, like, all the calls and stuff, like, all the things set up for,


I do think,


Tyreek and Ella did.


but I also do think that because of them, this is not the first time I think it's safe. I wouldn't think that maybe some of them have that sort of thing set up as well, because I feel like even though cause again, remember like before this, some of them were like full on influences. So I'm sure they'll ask their teams like, Hey, would this be a good or bad thing for me to do? And what, like what. What would, if I won, what would the be the best outcome? So I'm assuming they, like whoever does have a talent person did have this conversation.'cause again, it's like as assume Toby's job is basically influencing and podcasting. But'cause it's like how, like what job is okay, bye guys. I'm going on another dating show this year. Like you, what are you gonna say? Dear IRSs, this is what I did. When doing taxes, it's literally took a break for this show. Yes,


wouldn't be surprised if we saw them on a longer press tour. We're already seeing Liberty and Hannah on a bunch of different stuff already, so these all stars are a lot more savvy than they were the first time around, so we're gonna see them for a while.




And also just seeing how much you can do it for as long as you can,


Thank you for joining us on Proper Chat. This is our last episode of Season 2. We'll be back this summer when a new season of Love Island premieres. Make sure to follow us at Proper Chat Pod on both Instagram and TikTok. Let us know what content you've enjoyed from us this season. We welcome all of your feedback. If you've enjoyed this episode, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube so you don't miss our future seasons. Your rating really matters to us and it keeps us excited to keep making content. Until next time, stay proper and stay chatting.


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