Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

It’s Still Early Days - Love Island Season 11 Preview

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 1

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are kicking off the season by taking a look back at the All Star cast from last season, and where they are now. And meet the new Love Island Season 11 cast! We give our first impressions of the new love islanders, and spill the tea on them. 

Listen in for the latest updates, intriguing discussions, and our predictions for the upcoming season. Subscribe now to Proper Chat to ensure you don't miss a single moment of our Love Island journey!

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We're back. Hi everyone. I'm one of your hosts, Nicole, and I'm here with our other lovely host. Lga.




And Brianna.




And Gabby,


Hey guys.


and we're back for the newest series and season of Love Island, which premieres on Monday, June 3rd in the uk. And on Hulu on Saturday, the 11th. So look out for that when you stream it at home. Before the season kicks off, we're excited to do an episode where we chat through all of what happened to the previous season couples, all of the all star couples, we did some predictions in the last episode about how long they would last. We're going to check and see how well we did on that. And we're going to talk through. the newly released cast of this season and give us, give our little tea on who they are and some fun facts about each of them. But before we do, I wanted to check in with the hosts. Hey everyone, tell us what happened since we last chat, or if you have anything going on in the future, what's going on?


Last few months, I feel like they just flew by, and here we are. It's almost June, and it's almost Love Island season, which is the best time of the year. I'm excited for the summer to have Love Island back in our lives. I'm also excited I'm going on a little trip in a few weeks actually going to the UK, to London to see Taylor Swift perform at Wembley. And yeah, I'm just excited for a summer fun.


And you can stalk the former cast and Get them on their show.


Who knows, maybe I'll see them.


Yes, please.


I'll go next. I'll keep it short and sweet. Nothing too exciting's happening for me. But I'm hoping that in the summer things get better for me.


We hope that for you too, Lincoln.


Oh, Linga, I don't really have that many crazy things. But today, fun fact, I started irrigating again. You all know that we planted in August last year. So it's been like the grape vines went through a whole winter and then they woke up again and now we're irrigating today. So it's been really fun. Like a lot of them, there's a lot that are dead, but a lot of them did survive. So it's really exciting thing for me.


So the grapes are back, just in time for Love Island 2. Perfect.


in time.


Yeah, my, my update is I did all of my travel over the winter, actually. I went to Tokyo this past February and I ran the Tokyo Marathon and that was my big travel. And so now I get to chill at home in the sun here and watch Love Island with you all.


Yeah, Nicole is just casually a marathon runner. No big deal. No


Casually goes to


big deal.


Yeah, when I'm not watching Love Island.


All right. So now we're going to check in on what happened to all the couples from last season and hear predictions. And I can't wait to see, I honestly have so few memory of what we've said, so I can't wait to see what we predicted and how right and wrong we were. So we're going to kick it off with, of course, our winners, Molly and Tom, and we did predict that they would go all the way and stay together for quite some time, and they still are, so go us for predicting that. They're still together, still holding on strong. It's been a few months now at this point, so can't wait to see what happens.


I cannot believe that they're still together.


And they're like still posting on TikTok, they're doing like cringy like pranking each other videos and to the gym together stuff. It's very cute.


I haven't seen it.


Yeah, I feel like Tom's like pretty wifed up.




They're like that impersonality. Like they were like that in their last relationships too. So I'm not surprised. So they have not popped up on my feed in a very long time. So are people still putting Callum like with Molly at all?


I feel like it's dive done.


And now and now it's, yeah, Tom is, I feel like he's no longer, he was the man on the streets with Casey and Callum is now the man on the streets with Casey. So


love to see it.


Yeah. So


That's a good group.


yeah and then moving on to the next couple, we had Toby and Georgia S and let's hear what we said about them.


Tobey and Georgia. Three months max is what I'm giving them. I think Georgia S made the biggest mistake of her life by not carrying on with Callum. 100%. Because he was so into her. Who would have given her a girlfriend label by the end of the season if they would have carried on?


Wow. And just as predicted, they broke up just one month after Love Island was over. I think we all saw that coming clearly. No surprises there. And I know we had discussed this randomly last few weeks, haven't even seen Georgia S at all in our feeds. Like, where'd she go?


she's hiding.


I think so, too. And Toby's out on the streets with Kaz and the whole crew, too, he has no shame. He's right back at it.


Yep. He's back where he belongs


I will say, I think it was funny, though, that we were like, they're not gonna last long. Maybe three months. And literally one month. It took them not even a full month. And I bet you they broke up. sooner than a month and then just announced it like one month later because they were too embarrassed honestly like Man, they did not last it.




I think for me is, I think the reason why Toby, I'm not, I don't know the guy, but we all know how I feel about the guy. I think for him that because him and Georgia didn't leave, let's say boyfriend and girlfriend, and he left that when they left last season as a very like open ended yeah, we're together. So for them to like end things, he doesn't feel what his behavior is unjustified because it'll just be like, but she wasn't my girlfriend. And. And so I think that's how he just can continue doing because he's just I've only had one girlfriend. So but it's also who's to know how he even treated Chloe, but he's just constantly just like making that excuse of I'm going to do whatever because she wasn't my girlfriend. He did it with silly as well. It's just what he does. It's he's like emo because he's just for the streets.


Peace for the streets


forgot that they didn't, they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. I almost thought that they were at the very end. No,


he say like exclusive or something like


Yes, that's what happened. He was waiting to ask her to be the girlfriend until the show was over. Oh, what a joke.


Yeah, they probably saw like their image on the outside because that also could be what two people for the streets do they're like, okay, does this look good on the outside, and then they probably will it's yeah no people were like mimic like joking about. Georgia and I remember there was a time she was also trending with whatever all her like spoiled breath ways and then I think also for her with Toby she was just I mean who knows what happened on the Toby side or maybe she finally saw he wasn't his boy which we girl we could have told you that but I mean it is what it is and no one's surprised and please don't bring Toby back again.


Oh my gosh, I was just gonna say that. Please don't bring Toby back. I was literally just gonna say that. I do not want to see him again. Sorry, Toby, if you're listening. We'd love to have you on.


You don't need apologize to the man.


but we would have you on the podcast though, Toby.


right, moving on to Callum and Jess. So our prediction was that they would break up soon after the season, and that's also exactly what happened. And they had a messy split as well. There was a lot of like bad mouthing, mouthing each other and some drama in the press. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.




Like Callum, like left with someone in the club. It was a whole thing.




but then




Callum was in the wrong then.


knows, right? It was all over Longa's favorite news source, Daily Mail.


Exactly. And for Love Island, I also like the sun. Okay.


Oh, okay.


I guess he they gotten a like tiff at a big like Love Island event too And that's how the drama started but then like after all of the rumors came out that oh he left with a different girl and Started like seeing someone else too Pretty soon after he like clapped back and was like just didn't want to make things official when we left. And so I thought I was free. Anyway the, they're going back and forth. It's not amicable. It's not sweet between those


They were not compatible. They were not compatible. They were just you know, enjoying their time while they could and there really wasn't that good of an option for Callum or the other girl. It is what it is.


I low key still ship Sophie and Kevin.


100 percent Yes. It's so crazy cause we fell in love with Sophie from the socials. Her personality


not her, not hers exactly, not who she is on the show. Her voice is just oh my god, but she seems just so fun and such a baddie on like social media. So that kind of makes up for like the love island persona of hers.


Yeah. Speaking of Sophie and Josh, let's hear our prediction for them. Oh


I think someone that's not gonna last long is Josh and Sophie. I don't think they're gonna last long. I really don't. No. One month.


One month


my god! We were so wrong! As far as we know they are still together.


And living life and going on vacations. They're going on vacations over vacation. And he's obsessed with her.




Remember how, remember why we had predicted that though? Because Josh was definitely a guy for the streets and we didn't see that he was going to be loyal.


My favorite thing about Josh are his eyes. I know Claire, my boyfriend's daughter, finds his eyes too stark and scary, but I was like, oh my gosh, I find the best thing about Josh for me are his eyes. That's it.


That's interesting.


I'm like ship, I'm like shipping them now that they're together and we see them on social. Like I think when they left this season, we were like, I'm not sure about her and him, but now that we see that, I'm like, I feel like I get it.


Yeah. And he seems obsessed with her, as the guy should be.


Yeah. Definitely.


Because also, Sophie's not for the streets.


oh true. Do you guys think they're gonna get married?




Geez, girl,


don't know about that. I'm not giving them that much.


Oh I don't care if they get married, but I'd love to see that what their babies look like.


Oh, yay.


Oh, yeah.


Imagine like Sophie's face and like Josh's eyes.


Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me?


It's too much.


Yeah, too much.


they can make a kid now. That would be great.


Yep, I agree. Okay,


All right, the next couple, totally forgot about them, Arabella and Adam.


Literally forgot about them.


Forgot about them completely. We didn't have a prediction for them. But I think we could have predicted that they broke up only five weeks later and They stayed out of the radar ever since


sorry. This whole time I was like, who is Adam? And then it just came to me in my brain. I remember Adam now.




they were together.


Point taken there, Gabby. Exactly.




The next couple was Anton and Georgia H. Much chaos that they brought to us last season. And let's hear what we predicted.


I'm actually speculating that the Anton Georgia situation is going to last longer than we expect and the public expects, but mostly out of stubbornness. So I think it's going to last a bit longer. I would say maybe six ish months is my opinion. Okay, good.


They broke up just a few months after Love Island. I feel two months later, we got news that they broke up. And I guess maybe, yeah, I guess his mom probably just didn't like her very much either.


he was released out into the world for someone to cherish and love and yeah he's gonna be a good partner i think you know you he grew on me a lot but he was a simp a little bit and i know a lot of girls can't take that i mean i couldn't not that much you can appreciate and love it and wish it upon your other friends right Oh,


going to be someone that adores that for him out there.


But I think for Georgia as well, I think, she obviously, unfortunately for who is she generally does if boys, Josh, who else she picked like throughout the season that she was more attracted to that, and then eventually she's let me try Anton. So I'm, and Casey. Yes. So it's like being like, those are the kind of guys she's usually drawn to and I think she was like let me see with Anton. So I'm hoping for her there's someone who can give her a bit of what she wants, but also like still treats her well. Cause I do think that she has like really good intentions and she didn't want to hurt Anton's feelings, and I think she also was like, Loki like giving him a try, but also you could also feel how she was forcing herself because it was like weeks and weeks and then she was like, fine.


that's a good point, Linga. It almost felt to me like she was like giving herself a chance, but she didn't really want to be there with Anton. But also the pressure from the villa, it was so strong because Anton was so liked by everybody, especially at the beginning and as the show went on. And yeah, it must have, she must have had a hard time, and especially because she wasn't really getting any other connection with anyone else, so it's either stay with a really nice guy that's pursuing you and really cares about you, that you could potentially like, or you just dump him and then probably go home the next week.


totally, yeah. Some of our other faves from last season, we did not end up in any couples, but we've been checking in on, we have our girl Lib, and she might have a boyfriend, have something,


Yeah, I saw a TikTok where she said she was going to pick her parents up from the airport and they were going to meet her person, her new person. And it was like new thing for her. So she gave no details, of course. So we don't know who this person is and how long they've been together, but good for her. That's good. That's a big step.


definitely,. And then we have our girl Kaz, who we all loved, and yeah, as we mentioned, she's been out and out on the streets with Callum and Casey,


And Toby.


Toby, yeah, she's just, she's doing her thing, and Hope she's having a good time.




And then Chris, who, we was controversial character last season he's going to be hosting the new After Sun podcast. So he got the job. boy with a job.


Yeah. Let's, we can't, we can give him a, at least he's a big personality. Let's see how well he does at hosting. But yeah, he's a comedic relief for sure.


I don't know if I really liked his personality, so I can't be listening to that, to be honest. I can't have that the humor that he put out there, the vibes, I don't know. I just didn't like it. So I'm not a Chris fan, but Chris, if you want to come on our podcast, welcome. Yeah,


he left a lot to be desired, just based on the way he switched so quick with their ability stuff and how everything was like a joke in a game, so I guess like maybe fine, cause now he can just be a showman, I guess that's what he was doing the entire time. So I guess go off to him.


True. He was the host all along.


yeah. He's an actor!


He was auditioning the whole time.


an actor.


You're liar,


Yep, and then, last but not least, our girl Eve, so we all know Justin, find her happily ever after with Callum, and Eve is now dating someone named Demi Sims, who is an actor from Only Way is Essex UK fandom.


she came out on the podcast too and was like, Hey, I'm dating her. So it was like a big deal.




Good for her.


Good for her. Nope.


She was literally there for a second, but Jess's twin, we remember her only as the twin.


I am dead. Oh


okay. Got it.




Okay. Got it.


So now it's time for us to talk about the latest Love Island cast since they dropped an amazing trailer and we got to learn about things to the joys of the internet. We get to learn more about who we're going to be watching. I think it's really nice that they dropped the trailers. I think it's very exciting because we get to do our own research, and it keeps things exciting, and to know who is going to keeping us company for the entire summer. And I think there's, in my general opinion, is it seems, it's really nice that they've, put in a bunch of different people and it looks a little diverse, which is always my comment on this, I think it's also nice. For example, one of the people, I don't know if that's how you pronounce his name. He, it's also very weird that love Island tends to bring, I'm assuming he's Indian, I don't know if he's Indian, South Asian, Southeast Asian. I don't know what the race is, but it's very rare. So I think that's really cool that he's there and he's actually apparently like the oldest Love Island person on like right now because he's 30 because apparently that's old these days.




Then I actually think he also is, I don't know what everyone else does, but I actually think like for a change when someone's like what their job is, I'm like, okay, so he actually has a good, a real job. And so he's like a recruiter at Bain, which is like one of the really big Big for whatever the people consulting people like to do, but he's like a recruiter there. So I'm just like okay, what did he tell them at Bain that he was going to be doing for the next three months? Yeah, so I thought that's pretty exciting. I'm excited to see him. I looked at his Instagram, which also he looks like. He looks hot, but I'm also hoping it's not like a midi where it's just like edited sorts of things. And yeah, and then I think another, the first person I think was Samantha. She's I feel like no offense to her, but she's very, for me, she's giving very typical love violin girly and she's like a makeup artist, which is fine. But again, it's we've seen a version of her before, so not exciting for me. And then Ayo, the guy Ayo, not sure, but also him, and he's unfortunately for me, like when I was looking him up. I know that they're like he's a model and also some sort of like a footballer, which we've seen time and time again on Love Island is a red flag. Cause Toby was a footballer. Tom is a footballer. I don't need, it's too much. So I don't know. And he, but he does say he's not for the streets from what I read. He actually says that he likes to be inside, but we'll see


We'll see. Yeah, he, it's interesting. The first impression I got from him was like, Oh, he's like kind of cutesy. He doesn't seem like he's got a lot of ego so far. But also he then mentioned that he was like six, five or something crazy


and finance, not blue eyes. But no blue eyes.


Something like that. But that also I feel is the thing that if guys have going for them, they get all of the ladies. So we'll see how it plays out for him in the season. But I don't know, first impression, I was good for me.


Yeah. I would, I like the guys so far that I mentioned.


then next we have Nicole. She is 24. She's Welsh and I learned she's an account manager, which is like so vague. And she's what we're, they're calling the pocket rocket in the villa this season. She's cute and little and feisty. And from what I gathered from her, she is for the streets. So we'll see, I feel like she'll be, bring some spice to the villa and hopefully stir some drama. That'll be entertaining for us. Then we have Patsy. She's 29, so also an elder in the villa. Her job is she's an office admin. And her schtick that I learned about her is that she actually has a disability called Ebb's Palsy. I learned that it's something that happens aft after birth, and had something to do with your upper body. I'm sure she'll explain in much better detail than I am when we actually see the show, but it'll be interesting to see what that means. I know, I feel like it's good that Love Island is trying to branch out and have more people with different types of disabilities. A few years ago they had Tasha, who had a hearing aid, and things like that, that was interesting. And then our next guy is Kieran. He's 21, so he's a little baby, and he is also Welsh, and he is a surveyor. I tried to Google what that meant today. Something to do with construction


I know what those are.


Oh, like a quantity surveyor.


No, like a land surveyor,


They came.


yes. Yes.


I had a land surveyor in our land, so that's the only reason I know what they do. They walk around and have a


the measure. Yeah.


yes, they


in South Africa, it's called a quantity surveyor. It's the same thing. They're the ones that randomly bring those things and they measure like how far something is from and it's like an invisible ruler. Yeah. Yeah.


whole equipment, a whole thing. Yeah. It's cool.


Yeah. So that's his job. And I learned about him. It's okay that he's 21 because he likes older women. And he dated a 42 year old when he was 18. So it's giving Anne Hathaway the idea of you I was like, wow, okay. 42 and 18


It's given 50 shades of gray.


it's given something. So it will be interesting to see how he gets on with all of the ladies. Cause


Unfortunately, no 42 year olds so far in the villa, but that would be


30 might as well be 42 in Love Island Villa.




So yeah.


Oh, so the one person that I looked up that had a lot of tea already was Harriet. is that how you say her name? All the girls look similar, like Patsy, Harriet, Samantha, Nicole, I don't mean to generalize, but they do look very similar, just from that one picture that we have in front of us. But yeah, so Harriet, he had a video on TikTok go viral. And the TikTok, she's basically like getting, not in a fight, but in an altercation with somebody. So this person pulled out her phone and started recording her while she was getting upset with her. Really no details on the video. Not really. Not many details on the video. The only thing that I gathered was that she was talking about defending her brother. Something that was, like, the lady was accusing her brother, and she started getting upset, and she even slaps the phone in the girl.


That's crazy


Yeah, so that's interesting. So Heria is absolutely bringing the drama this season. Another thing that came out Later, I think last week was that she had a boyfriend, a lot of fans are saying that they knew that she had a boyfriend outside the villa, and that they were confused as to why she was going on the show, but then Harriet then later came out and was like, no, that was my ex boyfriend, we still keep in touch, blah, blah, blah. Who knows if that's true. Yeah, we're very suspicious. Yeah, exactly. I don't know. So then another person, Jess. Oh, I thought Jess was interesting. She went through this like whole body program thing and lost a ton of weight in the last six months. And she looks incredible. She looked incredible before, but right now she's like in such good shape. It's beautiful. It's crazy. She didn't really talk much about the program, but I know she went through it and like looking at her like before and after pictures, it was really cool to see all she accomplished, but it was all done because of the show because she knew she was coming on the show and she was trying to get ready. That's commitment. That's crazy.


I often wonder about what people do before they get on the show, but that sounds interesting. Maybe I need to follow what she doing.


It doesn't sound too healthy, right? Six months. It feels too fast, but maybe who knows? Who knows? We need to learn more about it. She's also. A retail manager, and that's all I learned from Jess. Okay, the other person that I had and found basically nothing on is Sean Stone. Oh, he, actually I did find something. He runs a sweet firm. So he sells sweets, and he started this during the pandemic. And apparently it's going really well for him. So sweets and desserts and stuff not desserts little candies.




Kind of interesting.


Sweets is candy, so you used the right word, because sweets is candy in South Africa and the UK, so you were right.


I'm just imagining all of the jokes that are come from that. Remember the fish jokes with before the sweets jokes are going to happen this season. I bet.


guys, I looked up Sean in social media and he has 13 pictures on Instagram, which you,


a green flag for me.


oh my god, I was gonna say that what a red freaking flag


No, green. No, I'm saying green. It's a green flag.


I said on my notes, I said, how suspicious




that's funny.


like he must have gone on a deleting spree, right? Like


Or maybe it's not active on social media.


I think they do clean up their socials. At least the ones that aren't like officially like curating their image that are already like influencers. I think the like normies are like, Oh, I don't want my sister in this post or I don't want so and so my ex girlfriend found or whatever. So I get it, but I get what you're saying to Gabby. You want like more info, please.


No, I just thought like weird. He had 8, 000 followers already, which maybe people are already following him from the show. But I just thought it was interesting how he only had, and it was so curated. Like one was the sweets picture. That's the only reason I knew he had a sweets. And then the other, it was just so interesting, like they were so curated. Yeah, but I agree with Linga. It is a green, it is a green flag when a man is not the deep in the weeds and social media, especially like Instagram where it's so picture heavy. So yeah, I agree with that.


Okay. So I've got the tea on Ronnie. Honestly, like at first impressions. I was like, who is this man? Why is he in the mix? But then again, I found out he's a semi professional footballer. So we have a type. Here we go. He's 27, so he's also older in terms of the normal cast. He is friends with former contestant Olivia Atwood from season three. Actually Besties with her and her husband, now husband. And yeah, I'm guessing she was the connect to get him in the season. So we'll see. I don't, I'm not giving, I'm not getting much from him. Mimi, on the other hand.




such a bubbly personality. Got a lot just from her video and her chatting. She seems great. She's 24 from Portsmouth. She's a mental health nurse, such an interesting job and she actually applied because she was like, there's not enough diversity on Love Island. I want to put myself up for it. I don't know if I'll make it, but I want to see if this, goes well. And she got in. So


love that. Which is true about Love Island.




Yeah, I'm excited for her because I also think it was funny because I watched the video where obviously the last Zimbabwean who came on was Tanya, and you know as much as like maybe she's a little bit better now because now she obviously her and Shaq are together and it seems like things are going well, but let's never forget how she treated our boy Shaq.


exactly. We had such bad things to say. The girl was great. She was just very immature. I think


Yes, but I,


from now, now she's grown up so much. It's like, how could we not like her? She feels very fun and like cool and bubbly and cool. Like she's just awesome. I really like her.


No, I agree. I am excited to see, again, see another like African black person. It's just so nice to see and I'm so glad that she put herself out there because I'm all for having more black people on Love Island.


Sam, who I'm also excited to see more of definitely got more of the bad guy look. But he is 23 from Chesterfield, and he's a hairstylist, and he Before Love Island got a big following on Instagram because he does the hair trans transformations and he does it for the guys but then he also does blowouts for the girls and shows what they look like and anyway I'm seeing this man, I'm like, okay, he's, like, all tatted up, he's very rugged looking but he's got this cool I can play with your hair side. I don't know. I think the girls are really gonna like him.


I love that.


Yeah, me too.


Maybe he can do someone's hair.


I bet you there's always a designated hair person in this show. So I'm curious to hear what you are your like top two like guy and girl are. I can start with mine already. I know that it's Mimi because she's so bubbly and cute and just so I don't know, I really like how she comes off, first impressions, and I like that she's a nurse, I have a nurse, my dad's a nurse I really that, and then Sam, because we don't have good options for men, I don't know who to pick I don't know, I feel like Sam is more cool guy, even though I don't really like that, that many tattoos, I think he pulls it off, what about you guys?


i'm like surveying trying to pick. Honestly when I was watching the video and i'm correct me if i'm wrong I think it was samantha who had the scouse accent. That sounds like from last season. Oh my gosh. And the accent just makes like the show. So I'm really excited to hear her accent come out and be silly at the group.


Oh, I'm excited


I'm excited about that. And yeah I feel like mine, mine are the same. I really Sam just from learning a little bit more about him. I'm excited to see more of Munvir just from what we talked about and like his vibe. I know I said this before, like the guys weren't giving, but like now that we talked about them, I'm like, okay, the guys are giving a little, we'll see.


I'm curious to see how Kieran gets on with the older ladies. And she's, I think the youngest he's only 21. So I'm curious to see how that'll go. And then. Yeah, I think from the girls, I feel like Mimi definitely seems like she'll be have a cute personality and then also interested in learning more about Patsy and her disability and all of that. I think that'll be interesting. Oh,


of? Does she remind you guys of anybody?


Who was the


That girl that got married recently. Okay, let's come back to it because I can't remember the girl that got married.


the Love Island person you just got married? I


Middle Eastern.


time yell.


Exactly. Does she not look just like Tanyel?


don't know.


Oh, I can't see it yet, but I get what you're saying. Could be,




okay, I love that. What are your top two?


I will pick Mimi, Munye, and Ayo, just because. Munye, because also he's the one person who actually has a job, which is surprising on this show. So I'm also just being like, this guy took off PTO. So if this is where he's going to spend his time, I'm assuming he might make it. Good use to it, whether he ends up being an F boy, because that's what he wants to do with his time off, or maybe he is actually just there to like actually spend some like proper time getting to know people.


The other fun fact I learned about Minvir is that he's besties with Piers Morgan's son, which is an interesting tie.


So maybe he's like posh, but also not, but not posh and rude I hope, because Piers Morgan is very rude, and that's probably a person we'll never have on the podcast.


See, the thing about these people is they're all really good looking. So it's hard to always pick at the beginning who we like and their accents play such a big role into like my favorites. So now that you're saying Samantha, how's that? Accent. I'm like really excited about her.


The Scouse accent, I can't even do it, but


It's so good. It's just so good. I love it so much


now that we everybody's heard about our favorite people, how about everybody follow us on our socials or find us and like comment on and just let us know and maybe tag us in anything Love Island related other people's posts, tag, pop a chat pod and let us know even in the contest that you're in. Post just let us know who are the contestants that are coming on the show are your favorites. Cause we'd like to know, and we'd like to know why, but also we like being, we like knowing that there's people out there that are thinking of us when we're not talking on the pod.


Thank you for joining us on proper chat. What a fun hangout it's been tonight. Now you can continue to hang out with us every night. One of us is going to be on the socials just waiting for a DM from you or comment. to come our way. So we all have full time jobs and this is like our really fun thing that we do in the side. So make sure to follow us on Proper Chat Pod on both Instagram and TikTok and let us know what content you've enjoyed in the past and what you want to see in the future. We'd love your feedback. And also if you've enjoyed this episode, please don't forget to give us a five star rating and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube so you don't miss any of our future podcasts. So until next time, stay proper and stay chatting.


See you next week.






Transcribed by https: otter. ai


Thank you.

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