Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Tall, dark, and cockney - Love Island S11, EP 1-2

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 2

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are kicking off Season 11 of Love Island with an analysis of the first two episodes. We give our first impressions of the new love islanders, and share who we think is there for love, clout, or on their way out! 

Listen in for the latest updates, intriguing discussions, and our predictions for the upcoming season. Subscribe now to Proper Chat to ensure you don't miss a single moment of our Love Island journey!

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Transcribed by https: otter. ai


and welcome to Proper Chat. We are so excited to be here today to talk about the beginning of Love Island season 11. I'm here with my co host. Hi everyone, I'm Nicole and I'm here today with Gabby




and Barana.




And last but not least, Lunga.




And we're gonna chat through episode one and two of season 11. So if you haven't watched it yet, go back, watch it. This will probably have a lot of spoilers. But first before we do, I wanted to check in with the hosts. Hi everyone. How was your week? Give us a high and a low.


I had a good week. We had a nice Sunday, fun day. Nicole and Gabby and I got brunch and then we went for a little hot girl walk. We filmed some content that is on our TikTok now. So go check it out if you haven't seen the clips yet. We did some acting and yeah, the only downside was that Langa couldn't make it because she got sick. So that was a bummer. We'll have to do it again soon.




It's way more fun making the in person content together, because we laugh at our own mistakes and things.




yeah, we miss you, Anga. My in laws are renting a place in Tiburon, which means that We are going to be closer and going to be able to hang out hopefully more often. So that's a really good news for me and we love the place and we're setting it up for them so that they can move soon. So hopefully that happens and it's all looking really nice. So i'm really excited about that.


Yay, we are too.




and then another sorry lingo before you go Another thing is I got to see vrana today and get lunch at the office. So that was really fun And we had a really good time


know, we were real corporate girlies today with our lunch.


Health is wealth. People love their salads. Obviously I got sick, so I missed Sunday Funday. So I was having no sort of fun at all. But my high is that the Oilers, Edmonton Oilers I'm their number one fan. As of January 2020. They are, they made it into the they basically won the Western conference and now they're headed to this, to the final to try win the Stanley cup, which is


Oh, wow. That's, I don't know, even know what that means, but it sounds big. That sounds like


sounds good


sounds like a good cup.


Yeah. It's exactly. It's funny. Cause when you actually Google Stanley cup without saying NHL, it obviously shows you the Stanley cup, like the


the water bottle.


Oh, that's hilarious.


Yes. We're very excited and yeah, go away. Let's go.


Go Oilers!




Honestly, I had a pretty okay week. My low was that I just had to work and couldn't indulge in all of the Love Island content on TikTok and Instagram this week and get all of it for this episode. But we did get a lot of juice, so we'll dive into it later. And then my other high is that I'm reading the second book. Branagh's also finished the second book of the ACOTAR series A Court of And it's so good. It's making me feel like I have another Harry Potter or Twilight. Anyway, it's very fun, so I'm enjoying diving into that.


I'm so happy that you're enjoying book number two because now I'm way deep in book number three and I'm like excited to have a friend to talk


I know, right? And I wonder what the overlap of Love Island and content watchers and people who read Akatar. Because I imagine they are a bunch of fangirls that also like that stuff, so


Let us know.


yeah, hit us in the DMs if you are in that little overlap in that bubble.


So we're going to dive into the big moments from the week. And obviously this was just the first two episodes of the new season. So what's everyone feeling? How are you liking the new season so far? Just in general?


I know, I said this in the group chat, I feel like I get so hyped up for the new season because I remember the feelings that I had from the previous season, but then you get just one episode or two episodes in and you're like still developing like relationships with these people and learning more about them and their personalities and all of this stuff. So I'm not like, again, I'm not hooked yet, but I know that like the season, I'll start building up relationships more and getting to know the people a bit better and getting to see their personalities more but so far so far the twists have been fun.


I agree with that. I think a big part of why we Love Island so much is that we watch it every day. So it becomes like part of your day to day life, right? And it's such a fun thing to get to know people's personalities. I also think that's why they become so famous too, or not famous, such, For us, like celebrities,


Yeah, they are




they are, yeah and it's because you see them every day for two months or so, or for however long we watch them, and it's just so interesting, yeah, at the beginning. They are complete strangers and it's not that fun to watch because it's almost like they're, we know that they're paired with the wrong people and we just need a few episodes to figure out more about their personalities and stuff. I also think that this time was a little different in, in terms of like how the beginning that went where they're paired. So I feel like it's almost I know we'll dive into it here in a little bit, but I know it almost feels like it was just random. Like they didn't know each other. So they, the question was, which one is more boyfriend or girlfriend material? So that's a really weird question to ask someone that doesn't know someone. How do you know if their boyfriend and girlfriend material? I know they had a quick chat before. Okay. But it's really random. So it's almost like the, they were just categorized randomly and then paired randomly. That was my thought.


Yeah. I think it gave. gave them all an opportunity to essentially judge a book by its cover. And that was basically what they did. And we'll find out in due time how right or wrong they were about each other. But yeah, it was just like a quick judgment being like, Oh, he said something. Okay, I'll put him in that category. She said something. Okay, I'll put her in that category without, obviously without any. Too much substance.


totally. Yeah, it wasn't Are we going to talk about it? Should we get dive in? Yeah, I think that question too, like you said, Gabby, it was super random for them to have to make that decision. But I liked that it was different than, hey, couple, hey, public. Put these couples into the ones that I don't know, they ended up just being couples that looked like each other. You know what I mean? The blonde with the blonde and the black person with the other black person. It just ended up being, like, a little cliche. And so I found it refreshing that they decided to do something different. But you're right. Obviously, stereotypes had to play a big part of that. But at the same time Some of the, I think, initial randomness of it was a little bit more fun because they did get to see some of those how those initial reactions of people played out. If, if the question did come up of hey, when did you break up with so and or when did, when was your last relationship, that ended up playing into this decision, or like how people look, that kind of stuff. So we're getting people, we're getting their judgments already, so the public didn't have to play into that.


True. And we did get some drama within them just with, how they were upset with where they were ranked and that sort of thing. The thing we can say about this show that's fun and that's keeping us here is that moment when They switch it up and you're like, Oh, we're doing it like this time. So I do really appreciate that this specific show does that for us because other shows are just, they've always stayed very consistent and it gets boring. And it's almost like you anticipate it with this time. I'm like wondering what Casa Amor is going to be like, because at this point, we know when it's going to be. So how are they going to switch it up? But because you know that the show switches it up so much.


Yeah. Another thing that they're also switching up this time that we didn't discuss last time in our preview episode was what will happen when they can go to the hideaway and all the new rules. That essentially the couples that can go to the hideaway There'll be no like text with an invitation and then they pick who gets to go only cup It's gonna be open all the time But the only people that can go is if you're not in a couple together So


It's so bad!


so messy and I can't wait


I can't wait.




to, it's exciting.


We also saw Joey Essex come in and that was interesting. What did you guys think of him, like off the bat?


I had no idea who he was.


I was just gonna say, did anyone




No, not at all. But like everyone's reaction was like, what? Who? Joey Essex? And


excited. I was wondering if Langa was gonna know who that was.




I don't watch


would know, it would be Landa.


I don't watch The Only Way is Essex, because I know it's also called TOWIE. They call it like that for short. So I know, it's always on like the, it used to be like more popular. I don't know if it's still on now, but it was, it's called like TOWIE, but I, it's, I don't, so it's actually, I actually, like Daily Mail speaks about it and I was like, yeah, no, I that was one show. I just never watched, but thank you for, it would, thank you for assuming I would know, but I do


Yeah, I was holding it in. I wasn't even chatting with you guys because I was like, expecting Langa to be like, I know who that is.


We, I did do some research just about Joey Essex for us Americans who are not informed about the man. He's 33 years old, which I found shockingly old for at least like this round of Love Island All Stars I would have gotten. But Is he the oldest person who's been on Love Island? I don't know, but he's up there.


I think so.


He was on The Only Way is Essex and since then, and I counted it, he's been on 16 different other reality TV shows, including this one called I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, which Callum was on from previous season. And then he was most recently on Dancing on Ice. But he's also just done like a million other like guest appearances on shows. He put out an album. He also has a few singles. Oh, I literally googled what is he known for? And Google gave me two things. He coined the term ream. Which is another word for cool or nice. Anyway some of those jokes are gonna come in this season, I'm sure. And also, he's not particularly bright. Even he made a bunch of appearances on being like, Joey learns this today. And he's not the brightest in the bunch.


We've already seen that. Yeah, so far we've seen that.


I found this interesting. He dated Maura Higgins, which We all know she's Love Island royalty, a queen a former Miss Universe Great Britain contestant, Vanessa Bayer, which is a professional figure skater from actually when he was on Dancing on Ice he was even rumored, Link's gonna hate this, to have had a fling with Rita Ora, although they both came out and said that they are friends.


Rita Ora is listening. Hi.




the TLDR on Joey Essex.


Okay. Can't wait to learn more about




So let's move on to also talking about the fun game that we had in yesterday's episode. There was lots of dares, lots of fun kisses. What is, what did everyone think?


I, all I remember is Joey kissing three girls and one of them being like, oh my gosh, so much teeth. And the poor man, he has like the like brightest veneers of all of the men. So that's the first thing I noticed about him. So like the fact that he's like kissing with his teeth is. I don't know. He's just becoming Mr. Teeth for me. Ugh.


Yeah. There was a lot of hot chemistry with Io and Mimi. They kissed multiple times. And I thought there was clearly chemistry there. And obviously all of the Islanders also saw it. And that, I felt like it was a nice little build up because obviously on the first episode they were chatting and he was like, Hey what do you, what are your thoughts about kiss? And she was like, no let's wait. And she was like pushing him off and making him wait. And then, so yeah, it was definitely a little bit of a day's worth of pent up energy, but yeah, it was hot. And so I'm


your hand if you're already shipping them. Hard. Yeah, absolutely. They're actually really cute. I think Ayo was like, getting on a little too hot and heavy. He like, needed to chill and so it was good that she was like, not right now, but she clearly likes him. I think they'll make their way to each other. It just might take a little bit of time and Ayo needs to chill just a little bit.


Another thing that I remembered from the dare game was that Samantha kissed Ronnie doing one of the challenges. And I think, I believe she was saying that she was like really into him. That was what the challenge was about. And then right after, literally like right after it was Ronnie's turn and he had the opportunity to kiss like two or three girls and he didn't kiss Samantha back. How freaking rude.


I think I wrote Ronnie equals no in my notes. I had like yesterday we were drinking margaritas and I think I had too many. So my notes mean no sense to me, but I know I have Ronnie equals no.


Girl, I, had a margarita yesterday, too. We should've been drinking


no, I think I had more than one and probably more than four.




I'm, like, once we talk, get to him in the ranking game, I'm interested to hear your opinions because I think I also have similar no feelings.


That's all that I can think of the dare game. The only last thing I can think of is, I don't know if the kisses got a little bit juicier or the cameras got a little, the sound was a little bit of really intense ASMR moment. But. The smacking and the camera angles got a little too close to, even for me, which I can appreciate a good kiss, but it was too much.


I didn't even notice that, but I did notice they only did two dares that weren't kisses. It was just a lot of kissing. There was, like, the finger sucking, and then there was, like,


That was disgusting.


other make a, make an orgasm sound, and then everyone else


Oh yes. And that was like for 30 seconds.


know! So lame! But also can they come up with something other than kiss? Kiss? You know what I mean? I don't know. I agree though. There was a lot of just full on making out. Weird.


Now it's time for our infamous proper ranking game. In this game, we rank contestants based on a set of categories that we come up with. This week's three categories are First is here for love. Second is here for clout. And the third one is they're gone. Goodbye. Let me start screen sharing my screen. So we had 13 contestants. And one of them has already left the villa. So we can probably start talking about him. Sam, how did you guys feel about him leaving the villa? And overall, just like him. And who he was and how cute he is or whatever.






Okay, I was so surprised when none of the girls were like, Oh, I'm interested in him. Because I don't know, I don't, I personally like the bad boy look, and he seemed like he like, took nice care of himself, and Held himself


a. I think it's because he had a, I've heard that haircut's called mullet,


Yeah, he had a mullet. I


that's a terrible haircut.


I'm not a huge fan of the mullet, but for whatever reason, I think he like, Worked it in a weird way. I don't know. This is my opinion, but yeah I was surprised that like one the camera really didn't give him a lot of time and then two like none of the girls were Like, oh Sam, he's a cutie because compared to him and Ronnie Hello.


What the heck the girls were thinking with ronnie there ronnie got so much buzz and then how did sam not get anything? I don't get it. And also sam's smile His smile was so So nice and bright and happy That's my favorite thing about sam. I felt like his smile. You could tell he was like a good fun guy I don't know how good he is. But like obviously we don't get to know that until later But his smile was so nice and bright


I. P. Sam. Hardly knew ya.






I would also take


a little too soon. Every single time at the beginning they start, they bring someone in and then that person just gets left on their own bed. That's the norm we've seen. But this time they just dumped them. And it was not even fair. It was so unfair.


Yeah, I was gonna say, and the way it happened was basically lame because it was just like, the girl that he was coupled up with didn't really get to know him and was like, clearly ready to get out and found an opportunity and anyway, it was just unfortunate. I also want to say his hair compared to Ronnie's like, would take a mullet over Ronnie's, what's going on Ronnie's head. Yeah. Every day. I don't know what girls see in him. Seriously.


Seriously. Do you guys think he's here for love or clout?


He's gross.


The man is giving too much ego for me to say love,


I agree. I also don't know. Yeah, I just can't imagine him being here for clout either. I didn't expect him to be like social media baller type of


Yeah, but he could be here for attention. And that's, I could see him wanting and liking that. He's clearly indulging in the fact that a lot of girls are talking to him.


But how and why? I just don't get it.


Beats me, girl. Beats me.


Yeah, I don't get it. Okay, let's talk about Manvir because he's one of my favorite boys in the villa. What do you guys think? Yeah, just from like him having you don't think so, Ninga?


I don't like him


Really? You were so excited about


I was, but then I, even in my notes, I said no.


Tell us why. What are your thoughts?


was it?


I don't know, on my notes, I can't recall why I wrote this because I don't, it says Muneer is arrogant, not a fan of how he handled the finger sucking. What happened? I don't remember, but my notes say there was a finger sucking thing.


Was he the one who said, oh, it's soggy after that?


I, yeah, I think yeah, I think, but I also think he also is was very, he comes off very arrogant. Cause even like with Mimi interactions with her, I think just came off really bad for me. Cause he was just like, tell me how much you like me. Tell me how much he's just very into himself. So yeah he's a no from me from what


that's an interesting perspective. I didn't think about it in that way and now that you've told me that, I'm gonna keep an eye out because I think I actually do agree that specific part when he's talking to Mimi, it's almost wait, why don't you like me? You obviously like me. Yeah, I do agree with that. The only thing with Mambir is I just felt like he, if we had a in Friendship Island type of thing. I feel like he's the type of guy that would just get stuck in Friendship Island because he doesn't really feel like he's cheeky and like fun and flirty. He's just a type of guy that's gonna be super professional or very yeah, keep to himself. So that's what the vibe I got.


Yeah. My thought is that I haven't seen enough of him to make a fully formed decision, but my impression, for the most part, is good over, him. Not so good. I guess we'll see. I also think, cause he's older, it does seem like he's interested in the love situation. I'm happy to keep him there, until we Feel it out otherwise.


We'll talk about Mimi next because she's partnered with Munbeer. And I have a feeling we're gonna put our girl up here. What do you guys think about Mimi?


Love her.


for love.


So far my favorite. She seems so chill and like confident and relaxed and like very herself. I don't know, I'm very, I like, out of all the girls, I think I like her one of the best.


So I really like that Mimi kind of knows her worth in some way. Like when she was, her and Ayo were kissing, it's almost like we expected them to really like, like that moment. But she said, Oh, I wish that it wouldn't have happened so soon. And I felt like she would have made Ayo wait a while for her, which I thought was, I don't know, it's always respectable, or when someone knows her worth and can set standards for themselves, I think that's really admirable, even though it's everybody's choice, everybody can do things a different way, but I just thought it was interesting how she did that, and I do really think that she's, probably gonna be like a girl that everybody like puts in a pedestal in some way because she just comes off very confident but also like hard to get and she's just like very like queen vibes like you just feel like she's just has a presence to her that I think like all the girls, we haven't really gotten to know them well, but I feel like she just has kind of something like radiating around her. That's what I think about Mimi so


totally. Yeah, it like showed that she had the intention of Hey, I'm looking for something serious. Cause I'm not like ready to like make out with every guy on the first day. Like I'm actually like interested in getting to know you first. I wanna say yeah, plus one to that. And super classy of her.


Yeah. I think this girl, Harriet, this is the girl that I got in our last episode that was here like for drama, and that was like my take on her. What did you guys think of Harriet this week, from the first and second episode? Yeah. I almost feel like, I have a, one comment before I let you guys say something. She, during her first episode she said that she had just gone out of a relationship four months ago. I heard someone online say that they start calling you like six months before. How is that math ing? It's not. So she was in a relationship for two months and then broke up with somebody for the show. And this is also the girl that we were speculating is currently in a relationship, or was in a relationship, or has her boy like on the sidebar. So I vote she's here for clout because I don't know what else you would put her in.


Agreed. 100%.


She's also with the youngest boy in the villa and like thriving wants to stay with him Which i'm a little suspicious about


Even from the preview for tonight's episode, got the sense that maybe she was gonna shop around a little bit.




We'll see.


Speaking of the youngest guy in the villa. What do you guys think about kieran?


He's definitely here for a good time. Probably not a long time.


He's a cutie, though. We'll see. I'm willing to have my opinion of him changed, but that's my first impression, too. On to the next.


Okay. I think next is Nicole is this girl right here. She was getting a lot of a lot of popularity In the last one. Yeah,


Lots of kisses. Many kisses. Everyone wanted to kiss her. I was like, okay,




good for you girl.


I just don't think we've gotten much from her. So I feel like it was like shocking.


I do get the sense, though, she's like a homebody Welsh. Like very wholesome girl and so While she does like to shop around at this time, I feel like she's here for the right reasons, or at least that she's here to find a relationship. That's my two cents.




agree So maybe we're putting her in love territory.




Okay. Next is our girl, Patsy, who I think we got a little bit more info on her. I feel like she got more. We just got to learn a little bit more about her in the second episode. And I really liked what I saw. She came off like really confident. I really liked how normal she felt. I genuinely thought that was, she was like one of the more normal girl, normal girls in the villa. She just felt like really real. And I love her hair too. I feel like it really adds something like really special to her look. The red, like vibrant. It's really cute. What do you guys think she's here for, clout or love?


I think she's here for love. She's very outspoken about who she likes and who she doesn't, which I really appreciate. She Joey came in, she was like, hey, not for me, but could be for someone else. And I think that's someone who comes in and knows what she wants.


Yeah. She seems very mature so far.




I think she's gonna be everyone's friend in the villa. That's my other prediction about


Yeah. She's definitely giving like big sister vibes.


Okay. I was really shocked because in her previews and this is Jess, in her preview, she didn't look the same as this picture. I was really surprised by how she looks in person. Every shot of Jess, she looks a little different. I think it's because her, she has such a high contrast base. Her hair and her features are just so vibrant that if she puts makeup on, she'll look completely different. She can look very soft and she can look very high contrast. So I really like, I mean she's really cute and I'm here for her look. She gives me like vampire vibes in like the best way possible because vampires are usually like really hot and like have that presence but that's what she's giving me. Though I don't feel like we know much of her.


She has she has the same look as Katie from two seasons ago. With the really bright eyes and then the dark hair and like Very angled look. Yeah I so far really like her. I don't like her taste in men so far, but I think she like, comes off very like girl next door, very blunt, also in the same way that Jess is, she seems to be like here For the right reasons. She also is pointing out that maybe her options aren't so great. Right now she's with Ronnie, right? And she's I like him, he's cheeky, we're getting along, but he might be playing the field. She's questioning if this is the right guy. I think she's sussing it out in the right way. Personally, I think she's here for love, but could be turned. At any moment.


my thought was that she had chosen Ronnie because she knew that if choosing Ronnie was like a safe But and that she can go further along by choosing him because he's not someone that I wouldn't think would have a lot of ladies waiting for him. And I feel so bad because if you're watching this, Ronnie, I'm sorry. I just I haven't gone to learn about his personality. So I feel like I this is just like my what I'm thinking so far.


What are your thoughts, Verona Alunga? Where would you put her?


think she's here for love. That's what I think she is so far.


I agree.


Okay, so yeah, that makes sense We'll move her


we'll keep our eye on her, because like you said, Gabby I don't get, I honestly just don't get what the girls see in Ronnie at all, but he's getting some he must giving off some vibe to get some


That's what i'm saying. But are we being too mean though? Like I feel like we're Ronnie is gonna prove us wrong. I know it


Is it his height? Is it just because he's crazy tall?


Maybe he's just got some in person riz that we're not seeing.


Damn. Could be.


What about our sugar man right here, Sean?


He seems like a sweetie.




is no.


think he's here for love. I don't know if he'll find love, but I think he's here for it.


I'm sorry you guys, do you not think he's here for Cloud to sell his company? He's been saying how many, about his company


I think he is. I think he's here for clout.


Oh, that's a good perspective.




like he's mentioned his sugar company, or his sweets company. His sugar company. His sweets company. He's mentioned it so many times and it's the only thing he has on social media so far.


But I also think yes, he's mentioned it, but also obviously, Ian, he brings it up a ton whenever anyone has a funny, quirky job. I feel like it's both, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


about him. I need more info. He hasn't got a lot of screen time, but I'm happy to keep him there with the prediction variable.


Okay, last three, Samantha our girl with an accent. What do we think about her? I almost feel like she's here for a lot of what do you guys think?


I feel like she's here for Cloud. I




I was going to say that too. Longo, want to be the time breaker? Where do you, where would you put her?


I don't know. I don't think I remember her.


that's the girl with the accent that used to like Ronnie and then Ronnie didn't pick her. So she then started liking the new man because she had no options.


She got picked by Joey at the end of the last episode.




Yes, and that's why Sam went home. And she, one last thing was that she was initially obviously paired with Sam. That's why he went home. And she specifically was like, he's not my type.


Oh, I guess off to that, I'm like, I get, I clearly don't know too much about her. So I don't, I can't be the tiebreaker.


Okay. Okay. So she's here for clout. There we go. Okay. So what about AO?


Love her boy.




Really hard on Mimi and I don't think anyone that goes that intense, it's not going to go well for them. It's just too much. It's going to scare the girl,


He got overexcited. I hope he chills out just a little bit. Just to get to know someone, right?


As a Nick, he's a next footballer model, so unfortunately for me, I find he's cool. He's nice, but I'm probably gonna lean towards, he's here for clout, but he can stay and he's here for love. But I think




because you can be a lover boy and still wanna be here for clout,


We don't trust the footballers at this point. Yeah, let's keep him there for now and let's keep an eye on him Even though he's gonna be easy to keep an eye on because him He's like the only guy that has is giving us like romance in this whole show




so Okay, then joey is our last guy which I think he's here for love because he's 33 What are you guys in


Are you joking?


Wait, this is




I thought you were trolling us, Steve, for




I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He's been on so many shows like you guys


so what's another?


thought like he's been on so many shows. Why on earth would he come on Love Island? He doesn't need the clout. He's already known. Why would he? I just think he already, everybody already knows who he is. He even asked a girl. He was like, Oh, did you like my hair when it was long? Who says that? I thought he was here for love because I was like, okay, he's like turning his ways, but okay.


a spicy take,




I, yeah I think people get addicted to being in the topic of discussion. So people who are like, serial reality show people are like, Oh, they forgot about me. I have to do another so that I get the attention, that Rush again. Or I have to date someone else who could get me in the public eye again. And unfortunately, that's where I feel like Joey sits, for








interested to see how this will turn out, Gabby. It's I


thought like, why would he come here if everybody seems to know who he is? But you're right. I didn't think about that. He's been on like five million shows. So if I had that same thought process, like, why would he have gone on five million shows?


I get the point that he's getting older, and that for him, he said he wants to have kids, which is cute and all that's Joe's intention for his future with someone. But.




I think he initially signed up for the clout. We'll see, maybe he'll fall in love though, who knows.


That was a fun game of our tier ranking game. The last thing we're going to do before we wrap it up is each of us is going to say if we think we have a top person that is going to make it to the finale, like either one or two people that you think are going to make it to the finale, and then we're going to later, obviously see if our predictions were right. What do you guys think?


I was also gonna guess Mimi. I was gonna say, if anyone makes it to the end of this bench, it's Mimi. Mostly.


I think also Nicole, maybe. I


I definitely want Mimi to come to, to make it to the end.


Think she's going to be a winner.


I think so. okay. Yeah, there's always people in the beginning that end up going all the way. So there's out of this bunch, there's gonna be a few. So I'm just like not, I haven't developed a relationship yet to know. But yeah, for sure I'm with you guys with Mimi.


Linga, what about you?


I'll pick, I think I pick Mimi too, but only because I just really like her the most, but I don't think I know too much about everybody yet, so I don't know. Also, I haven't really seen that many solid couples for me to really know too much


yeah, I'd love to see Patsy go all the way just because she gives me friendship vibes she seems like she'll be, like, the person who's blunt and the peacekeeper potentially, like you said big sister vibes and I like her energy so far I'm saying Mimi and Patsy, I would like to see at the end.


I would like to see Mimi and Patsy too. That's true. Those are some good names. That concludes our tier ranking game. Thanks for joining us on this session.


Thanks, all. Before we move to the second, the last and final section of our episode. I have a little surprise for you all this weekend. I got a little bored and made something to intro this section. I'm just going to play it and get your live reactions. If we don't like it, we can eliminate it or get something different, but we'll play it.


I'm on the edge of my


What's the scoop on the streets? On the streets? Okay, time for Scoop on the streets!






So good.


Oh my god thank you very much, Nicole.


You're welcome.


think hearing myself was like, my brain was like, what? But that is very sweet. As I introduced already, Now's the time to talk about the scoop in the streets, where we talk what we have heard about on the internet, about current love Islanders, as well as ex love Islanders. It's also really hard to look up current Islanders because you end up seeing what's happened in the next episode. And that's how I know something might be happening in episode three. Yes. So what have you. I've been seeing on the internet, Nicole, I feel like you've seen a bunch of things.


Yeah I feel like we talked about some of this already, so I'll skip a little bit. But the Love Islanders previously all posted like a video reacting to Joey Essex coming on Love Island. And actually, I feel like a lot of people like reacted very positively. Some people were like, oh, the producers were producing with him. Come on in Joey, like super excited to see him on the TV. And I think that just is interesting as a viewer, because it sounds like everyone has an excitement to watch him this season. You know what? The guy's been on a lot, but we're excited that other Love Islanders are excited that he's in there. We'll see.


Some people were saying that it was a great move on Love Island's part to bring us such a big celebrity in. They were like, really hyping him up as if he was just our Brad Pitt or something. Oh, it was such a good move. I think this was like the move that Love Island needed. I just saw so many of those comments. Interesting.


Seriously, you know who like said that he was so excited too? And of course he was, Messy Mitch. Messy Mitch was like, oh yeah, this man, bring in the mess. So I just have a feeling Joey's gonna be like Messy Mitch.


then Gabby will see that he's not really there for love and really for clothes.


I'm sold. I'm sold already. Maybe


one of the things I learned about, I think yesterday is that Sam, the hairdresser, apparently, even though he's gone now, Apparently he broke up with his girlfriend of three or four years before going into the villa Because I think there was like a love island channel Like maybe I don't know if it's a fan account or the official accounts But what they basically asked a question like tell us something really messy or tell us something We wouldn't know about one of the new islanders and then somebody commented I know that he might have broken up with his girlfriend and then basically there's like threads of going into who who the girl could be because the internet, nobody researches while styling people on the internet.






Good news that he's coming back. So I guess they can get back together. But that was really interesting.


Yeah we didn't hardly knew him, unfortunately. Actually another weird fan theory was, like, everyone was wondering why the girls in the villa weren't gravitating towards him at all. And a bunch of fans were commenting does the man smell? Does he have bad breath? What's going on? Because Compared to Ronnie I think the public's view was like, he's up there, in terms of guys. Anyway,


We'll never


never know.


never know. He was


was probably a combination of having a girlfriend. So just wanting to make a presence here and not giving people their time, the time of day, right? Like not talking to girls. I feel like he just avoided girls, dodged everybody. And probably made himself stinky so that people wouldn't come to talk to him.


just looking for new clients, since he has, is a


I saw him do someone's hair in one of the shots. Did you see that?


I did. One of the things I want to talk about, which because we spoke about last week was Liberty. Remember when she was going to go pick up her baby to meet her parents, but turns out fans as well as her friends do not like this. I'm not saying they don't like him, but they do think that he's using Liberty for clout.


Oh, interesting. You know what? I am excited for Liberty, but I also noticed this. boyfriend came at a time where she wasn't posting a lot with the other islanders, especially Kaz, like who was her bestie. So I don't know, not to speculate too much, but I wonder if Kaz is on that same side because What you know, why aren't they together and hanging out as




And I think they've done their weird is it soft launch where they don't show like the person's face like an arm where also you could also be like, why is he not, what's he afraid of showing himself like because that could be also pretty dodgy.


Yeah, and but no offense to lib love her a lot But she does historically does not have great taste in finding the most like trusting guys Mitch if so,


Yeah unfortunately, the scoop on the streets is pretty small this week, so hopefully as the show gets going, we will have more news of what's been happening and also more news and more information about our current Islanders, because hopefully people will be just dropping in and spreading some tea that we can hopefully share with everyone.


yes, and until then, please Come to our tiktok and instagram. We are at Proper chat pod. You can share all the gossip that you're seeing online otherwise it's been a great intro with you all. Thanks so much for listening. We are going to have a full week of season 11 content next week. But until then stay proper and stay chatting.


Transcribed by https: otter. ai

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