Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Tears, Triangles, and Trust Issues - Love Island S11, Ep. 3-9

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 3

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are picking our top 3 favorite moments from the first full week (episode 3-9) of Love Island Season 11, starting with the Harriet drama. We give our perspective on the Mimii/Ayo/Uma/Omar…square…triangle? And talk about all the tears from this week. We also give you some gossip and scoop on the streets from all the conversations on social media. Join us! 

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. We are here today to talk about the second week, the second full week of Love Island Season 11. And we're doing Episode 3 through 9.

Editing Nicole here. Just heads up. This is episode three through nine. So not three through seven, three through nine. So if you haven't watched episode nine. Go watch it, then come back. Okay. Back to that episode.


Hi everyone. I'm Nicole and I'm here with our lovely hosts, Gabby




and Munga


Bye. Um,




This week we are going to cover the top three moments from the week. We're going to play our iconic tier ranking game, and then we're gonna give you some gossip from the Instagram social feeds. But before we do, I wanted to check in with the host and say hi and see how everyone's week was. Hi guys, how's your week been? Give us a hi, give us a lo, what's been going on?


So this week, I just have been really not prioritizing my sleep schedule. I've been staying up way too late every night reading the ACOTAR series. I'm like 60 percent into book number three. They're very long, but I'm just like so hooked. So I've been going to bed Past midnight every night, which is like way past my bedtime. And I like to go to bed early, especially on a school night. And it's like coming at a funny timing too, because I like just got the aura ring last week, which Nicole influenced me to get. And so I'm like, Oh man, my like sleep score is like, Not great because I'm like staying up too late reading the series. So I need to work on that.


Yeah, slow down So, the rest of us can catch up with you.




I saw that you got the aura ring only because I asked you about your apps. I saw it on there. cool.


I'm enjoying it so far. So


good. That's awesome. So my high is that my in laws finally moved in this week. So they're loving Tiburon and I'm gonna go visit them this weekend and then see you guys on Monday, which I'm really excited about. And then, oh, a huge low for me. I don't know why I'm smiling. This is horrible. Actually, really horrible. Some of my, a lot of my plants died. A lot of them died. Like my plants died. my grape vines. So it's like


no. Oh,


grape. So it's a little bit of a tragedy situation and it has a little bit more to do with the actual plant itself versus like it just didn't It did, a lot of them didn't make it through the winter and it's just really sad and we're gonna have to replant a lot of them. It's just like the part of having a vineyard, part of the first year being like the hardest year growing a vineyard. Yeah, just, womp.


you guys need a win.




my high is that I recently, maybe a couple of hours ago, just got tickets to go watch. I wouldn't say it's my favorite anymore, but it was my favorite podcast called Giggly Squad. They just announced it to a date in San Francisco. So I'm going to go see them in November. So I'm really excited just to mainly see Paige, but I'm really excited. I don't love the podcast as much anymore. But I'm very excited to see them live. And I think it's pretty fun cause I won't be going to any festivals this summer. So it gives me something to look forward to something live.




I didn't know you listened to them.


Yeah, I love it. Yeah, all the time, but not anymore now.


I've never seen a podcast like Live. I've always wanted to do that. That would be so much fun.


it is fun. I recently, not recently, Jeremy and I went and watched Scam Goddess, which is another podcast that I really like. So we watched her live in San Francisco as well. I think this will be like my hurrah to never listen to the podcast again, cause it's just different now. Cause I think they're becoming famous now. So it's not as like relatable so it's, for me but I also hope that they continue to be super, super famous cause they deserve it. Especially Paige. I'm a very big fan of Paige. If she ever listens to this.


we just love small podcasts. They're usually the best small podcasts.


Yeah, but I was going to say this might be good. Going to live podcast is like good gathering of info for when we are making a podcast and then host a live event. You can tell us all about the format and how it was and what they did.


Totally. And I was gonna, I was thinking like if we're making it remote, wouldn't it be so fun if we were actually in person, like if we're liking it and like still enjoying this remote for three seasons already, like it'd be so much fun if we did it like in person.


Yeah, I would. Aspirations.




My, I'll start with my low, and you all know this, I've been having some work drama, no one at my work listens to this podcast so I can say I'm just, I'm having a rough time overall, and I don't know I think I'm on my way out at some point soon, but, new opportunity will come at some point. So it is what it is. But my high is that I had a really great weekend and I've been like using the work drama as an excuse to get outside more, go for longer runs. Neglect my work a little bit, but also go outside. We played pickleball this weekend, which was really fun. So I'm trying to do more of that stuff on a weekly basis. That's it.




All right, so we're gonna get into the top three moments from the week and we're gonna start off with talking about the big Harriet, Nicole, Kieran love triangle fiasco. So at the beginning of the week Kieran and Harriet were obviously coupled up and he soon showed a lot of interest in Nicole as well. And expressed to some of the other guys that she was leaning more her direction. And then one night Kieran and Harriet shared a kiss in bed, but then on the opposite side the next morning, he makes Nicole a coffee in the morning and she finds out about the kiss. And so later on that evening in a very dramatic. kind of high school kind of environment. Joey is chatting with Harriet about the situation and about Kieran and Nicole. And and Kieran's walking by, and Joey just pulls him over, and he's hey, off the cuff who would you pick, Nicole or Harriet, as Harriet is sitting right there. And he just has Nicole, and then just walks away and obviously Harry gets upset and drama ensues and yeah, what is everyone's thoughts on this whole mess? There was so many tears already. It's, I was like, wow, everyone's so emotional about each other on like day four.


Day four. I actually want to talk about the whole Joey situation too because, okay, I was thinking about this in the moment while I was watching them and one, I don't think Joey should have done that and pulled Kieran in and been like, Oh, hey, let's. Talk about the situation, but at the same time what is the cardinal rule of Love Island? If you say one thing, even to the boys, even to one person, it goes everywhere. So the whole thing where they were, where the boys were like, he was, Kieran was like, give me an N, give me an I. And they were all chatting her, like chanting her name. I can see why Joey was like, Oh, we're making light of this. Maybe they've either already expressed this. And now we become, it becomes part of the conversation, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. What did you all think of that Joey situation?


I don't know. I don't, I think there's a little like shit steariness about Joey, to be honest. Cause I think he also just did it as okay, fine. I get that. You're trying to say fine. It's in live island style to like, be honest. I it's true, but I also, I'm not, Joey's not giving. I've not seen him with the shows that he's been in, but he's also not giving a guy who cares about the best interest about anyone but himself. And so I think he's just okay, I'm a little bored in the house right now. How do we turn things up a little bit? And the fact that he was like, and I know he's obviously besties with Harriet right now, and I know but I also think for him, he's just because even for him to just like cool what's his name? And kind of randomly be like, okay, on your way, because he also wants to be like, Oh, you're gonna lie or not lie? Because at the end of the day, it's it would have been worse if he actually was like, I actually want to pull you later. So it's like one of those situations. It's like you either do it or you don't, but also not, I don't know if I don't want to try, I can't assume that Joey was coming from a good place on it, to be honest. But again, I'm glad the truth came out when it did, honestly, but I don't think it came from a good place from Joey.


That's a good perspective. Yeah, and you're right that people do get bored. I think, and I think that's probably why that like things get brought up, that like individuals talk about that later on things get brought up to the whole group is because people are bored and they're like, what do we have to talk about? Yeah. And yeah, Joey just maybe does it in a not great way.


Yeah, because,


Yeah, no, I was thinking that's a great point, Linga. And also your point about Joey want, wanting to stir the pot makes me think like he is a very advanced and very seasoned reality TV guy. So he know what's going to make the cut into, like reality television. So I feel like stuff like that, even though it might seem like he is like maybe not the smartest or careful with his words. I almost feel like it was on purpose after talking to you guys last week. I feel like he's just, he's very seasoned. He's, he knows what to do to make it on the screen and his goal is to make it on the screen, right? So


because he does always act shocked. Like anytime he starts the drama and then he goes, what's happening? What's happening? You're like,


oh, damn.


Yeah, it makes me that makes me want to bring back our favorite quote being like himia what's happening It's like when davide you're an actor You're a liar




I feel like that line is so iconic and cool can just forever be used in moments like this because to your point he has been he's been on so many seasons Of reality tv like he is an actor at this point like And yeah, he's probably loving the screen time. What did you guys all think about how Harriet, bringing it back to her, how she handled the situation, her and Nicole, and their whole confrontation? What did you guys think about that?


Yeah, I thought it was interesting that, okay, that Joey situation happened, she paused, and she was like, oh gosh, I'm gonna go cry. She goes off, cries, and then all of the girls in their high heels, pitter patter to the dressing room. And I think it was Patsy and Samantha were the two that were like, Oh, you should kick off. Oh, you tell him, like that is a boy, not a man. You need to tell him how he made you feel. Backstorming out is and then everyone's sitting in the kitchen eating popcorn, like waiting for her to just blow up.


These people are like entertaining each other. What were you going to say, Linga?


just think I'm not the biggest fan of Harriet because I feel like earlier in the week, another thing, there's a point where before Harriet and Joey became besties, Harriet also went to the terrace with Joey. So I think Harriet is always like in the same boat. Center of like drama.'cause she took Joey to go talk to him. And then Samantha was upset at her because she was like, girl, like I was helping you. It's just I feel like Harriet's always like the center of drama. And then she's always the one crying and she's always like the victim and I'm just like, girl, every single time. And she's just it's the end of the world. But it's like you are always, you're causing this. All the time.




She's turning herself into the main character of the drama. Really? Yeah. Yeah.


And it's so early. It's like they haven't even gone to Casa Amor. It's girl, this is you've barely gotcha.




from an earlier season was talking about that, how the energy felt, feels so different than in her season, how the girls were just like really supportive and excited to be there and rooting each other on and talking about it and just being really cautious about who they're talking to. She even said, I felt In that season and in the previous season like you could tell that even when someone was interested They would avoid each other the girls would that's why they put them in groups when talking about You know the cast you guys remember like in the morning they would talk about the people that they were interested in. Yeah So I felt like it was really interesting. They, I think it's a strategic choice bringing Harriet on because the one thing they always said about Harriet is she'll bring the drama. So I feel like they knew that she was going to bring drama and like catty behavior. And that's seen throughout reality television, but we haven't necessarily seen it as much in the later seasons of Love Island, I think.


I agree. And I, it's almost like the energy that you're talking about to Gabby is like this almost like ownership of Oh, if we're talking, then you can't be talking. And then they start then I don't know, like playing games with each other a little bit. But To her credit, I will say Harriet def definitely was, like, instigated a little bit by some of the girls to go and start kick off, but then also Nicole was, like, smiling when in the mirror when she left, it's not just Yes, it's Harriet, but like some of the girls are getting really defensive about their couples as well. And so it just adds to the drama. I think like people are getting very territorial, so quickly.


Totally. I felt even with that The drama that Jess and Patsy had because Patsy told Harriet to go kick off and then Jess is I wouldn't have told my friend to do that and they were like, they were getting so like nasty with each other for a second I was like, oh god ladies don't do this


I know.


you're getting mad about with each other about drama this doesn't even concern either of you. at the moment. It was a lot. But then, yeah. Speaking of drama that does concern Jess soon after the whole Kieran, Harriet drama fizzles out, Harriet then decided to pursue Ronnie, who isn't a couple with Jess, and he, Ronnie being the f boy that he is, happily embraces it. And he, first of all, they have their, during their recoupling, he says this god awful speech about how he is choosing, he's choosing Jess, but while we're still definitely open to seeing others, I don't even remember the exact verbage he used, but I was like, Oh, buddy you're just foot and mouth disorder right now. So that whole thing happened, and then him, Jeff's obviously upset how he handled himself during the recoupling. She was like, thanks for choosing me, and then soon after him and Harriet, they share a kiss in the hideaway. And throughout all of the episodes up until last night, he is just saying the same thing to both girls. And he is tells Jess, yeah, I know what I want. I know, I'm ready to make a decision. And then tells Terry, yeah, I know what I want. I'm ready to make a decision, and then gets to the confessional room and he is I don't know what I'm doing. Dude, what's going


But then he also goes to the guys and he says to Ayo Oh, I don't know how you do this, bro. So he also is I don't know what to think. They're just so hot. So I think it is just like a hot mess of just a guy being a guy and him just just telling them what they want to hear while still continuously keeping like his options open.


Did you? Yeah, totally. Did you hear the part where when they were in the hideaway, he asked her, he's I just wish we could stay here overnight. And then she's I don't think we should. And he's I really wish we would. It was so weird because if she would have accepted it, he totally would have stayed there


without a doubt.


could, did you see that their kiss was like a kiss? Like I was like, Jeez,




Clothes were almost off in that moment. It was, yeah, I agree. It was like,


like it was like a fringe kiss.


A proper kiss.


yeah, he,


hands and everything.


Yeah, it's like drunk in the club and like you're making out.


Except it's like bright in, in the hideaway. Lights are fully on. Lights, camera, action.


And the sound was sounding for sure.


No drinks. No drinks.




Because they do have drinks there sometimes. Like, when Uma came, they sat in the same place and it was not giving the same energy. Obviously, it was like a first date. But, yeah. No, that hideaway, is it giving for you guys? It's not, I'm not sure if it's giving for me.




think they put it there to be messy. The reason it's meant to be messy. So whatever they're doing in there, they know when you go there, it's going to be messy. So even though right now they're just talking, things might change with time, but I think it's obviously serving its purpose to be messy.




I agree. I'm almost ready for And I guess we'll see if this happens later on, like actual couples to be like, Hey, let's go to the hideaway in the evening time and


they can be couples.


That's the thing,


Oh, so got it. You're right. Like pulling each other. It's gotta be dramatic when they do that.


Yeah, it's got to be


drama, that's going to be like terror.


Maybe the finale will be like fantasy suites because you waited as long as you


You're right. Yeah.


Oh, okay.


Speaking of changes in the villa, I know they've renovated the villa, but I'm wondering is Was part of the renovation like removing the dampening of the sound like why is it that they can hear now all the conversations that the boys are having, like, how is their ear that good, I can see the girls like, listen, I've never seen that before like sure they would be able to listen to the balcony if they were in the balcony they could stand right below it and potentially listen but I've never seen like all across the whole freaking villa it's almost like they like Remove some walls or something really weird.


don't, maybe they didn't change around some things, but I also think it might be the people in the villa. Jess is always let's get an earwig. Let's sit up right next to it. So it could be that like the villa has changed and they can hear things, but it also could just be the people that love the drama and want to hear all of the things.


don't blame them.


Yeah. And moving on to the third big moment of the week, we obviously had the entrance of Uma and she came in and quickly chose Ayo to couple up with. And so then Mimi gets a text to go on a date with Omer and they have a great day, have a good chat, they come back to the villa, and then a few days later Mimi and Omer got a chance to either couple up with each other or split up some couples. Which left us with a nice little cliffhanger one night. And so then Mimi chose Ayo and Omer chose Uma and drama ensued as well. So many love triangles this week.


Yeah. What did you guys think of Mimi's decision? Because actually before the episode ended, I was like, oh, she's definitely gonna couple up with Omar. I don't think she's I don't know it would take a lot to be like, oh, I've watched this guy that I've liked be with Uma for a whole, for a couple days, and now I'm gonna steal him, her away, or him away. So I think I was surprised by her decision, but I'm curious if you all were or not.


wasn't surprised. Omar and Ayo are totally different groups of men. Omar, terrible hairstyle and just I just don't think he's in terms of hotness, Ayo is so fine. Omar, no. And I also think just in the general chemistry between Mimi and Io before Uma came, that was like such strong chemistry. And I think for her, even when she was on the date with Uma, like just those sparks weren't flying for me. I think she was just obviously getting to know him like cool, polite, but it wasn't giving anything beyond that. But then I think with Mimi, obviously she also didn't want to like, cause she even said like in her time when other girls like, how do you feel? She was like, if it was on the outside. I would have been like I'm going to move on and go be with someone else, but also being in the, being in Love Island, she's not out on the streets and meeting independent people outside. You're just getting what you're going to get. But I just feel like general initial attraction with IO, their conversation, just like their connection. And even the girls being like, at the end of the day, If you want to shoot your shot and be like, make sure that like you're choosing something for yourself. And even with Mimi, like she didn't love seeing Ayo like that. And she was like, and I think probably in her mind, she was like, let me actually be like brave and let's see how far being brave can be. Cause she was like, if the reason why he's not paying attention to me, cause he was with Uma, let's see what it's going to feel like when he gets to be with me. And let's see if we can. Get whatever it is. So I think she just took her shot and I'm not surprised. I would have done the same thing. Yeah.


Yeah, and good for her for that. My second question to the group is also where we think Io's head's at, because the man seems very conflicted and I was even arguing with my partner Boris about, like, where he thinks his head is at. I was like, from a guy's perspective, where do you think his head's at? And he's he doesn't know. What do you guys think? Do you think he has an idea of who he's leaning towards, or is he just enjoying this?


have a thought on that. I think Uma was trying to, I think what happened at the very beginning is Uma came in and she was, this is just my perspective. She was trying to be very respectful to the situation with Ayo and Mimi. And I don't think many people see it like this, but I, my. I saw it this way, like she was like tiptoeing around, not getting too close, being really careful, even when he was like leaning in to kiss her, it was like, I think her head was more like, I don't want to kiss yet, I'm not ready yet but really it was like thinking about like her perception in the villa, like how people are going to perceive her and also like how she's going to come off to Mimi and you can tell there's like a girl's girl type of energy there where it's like she's being a little bit more cautious and that pushed a little bit further from Uma to at the beginning. Open the door a little bit back to Mimi. Mimi squeezed in through the door. Mimi and Ayo already had strong chemistry. There was a period of time when Uma and Ayo started chatting throughout the day. And then Mimi is the type of girl that if there is like If someone is being entertained and she's not going to be given the attention, she is, she knows her worth, she knows that she needs to exclude herself, so that's exactly what she did. But then Ayo and her had a conversation and he literally, wide open, the door again because he basically said Hey, the only reason I'm talking to Uma is because she's, we're coupled up and we're having conversations throughout the day. And I still want to get to know you guys. So it's it's been a play on who has he had time with? Like at first it was Mimi. He had a lot of time with her. Then it was Uma. He had a lot of time with her. And then at the end, it's I really think he's just trying to understand who these girls are. Like I, I do everyone online thinks that, Oh, he's playing these two girls. But my perspective has been like, these people have just been trying to like maneuver around, trying to understand like whether who's like the right vibe for him. The honesty I think is both of these girls are like really top notch, honestly. So it's, I can see his, like his. His brain like thinking and being like who's more compatible with me because both of those girls are awesome so


But I also do feel like he's also telling them the same thing because he's doing, he did have two separate conversations, but I feel like even when he spoke to them, he made them feel like before, like when they were having a separate conversation, I still think as much as he was confused, but I also feel like there was. He also was telling the girls the same thing. Like he would ver, he would word it, say it in different words, but in the end he was like, yeah, I'm really into you the most. I'm into you the most. But when it came to come talking to the head when they had that conversation with him, he was like, oh no, I didn't say that. But I feel like he insinuated to. So I think as much as he's figuring it out, I think he also. Again, similar to with all the other guys that could be a little bit more thoughtful with your words. Like it's okay to two different people, but also just be careful what you say. And I think one of the best, I think what's also good about Mimi, which I guess obviously has been to her detriment, which we found out is that she has been considering Uma has been considering Mimi a lot. And obviously she was like saying all these things and they had the conversation, but then Mimi, obviously didn't think that she should bring up like anything really until afterwards. And obviously now that's why Uma's upset. Cause she's Oh, so I've been defending you and making sure that everything I has been telling me is transparent for you. Meanwhile, you low key are like stuff's been said about you and you've not been around. And I don't think you're privy to that. But again, Mimi doesn't know her much. They're not like. Friends in real life, but I do think like that was because Mimi was like, whoops.


Yeah, it's interesting. We were talking about early earlier, Gabby, you were saying that Tasha was commenting on how the Islanders are reacting very differently. And this feels very much like those seasons. Yeah. In the beginning of the Tasha season I feel like she and Andrew were talking to guys for a really long time, and going back and forth, and being like, I'm exploring this and that, and I'm exploring this and this, and no one kicked off until it became an actual issue. Whereas this season every couple around Mimi and Uma And IO is you have to make a decision. You need to do this thing. And he's my guy. You can't talk to him. I don't want to be in a triangle. Meanwhile, I think actually. For the most part, they're handling it very coolly. Like they're very like, yes, there's some jealousy simmering, but they're very much I understand what it means to like, get to know someone and take your time. And. At the same time, I have feelings and they're growing and I have to like sometimes advocate for myself or sometimes think about the other person and just depending on their personality it comes out in different ways. And yeah, I like really liked your point, Gabby, too, just about like how Uma was considering things in the beginning and then mimu was like I'm done considering. She was like, I'm going for it.


but I think so is also, I actually didn't know I like I liked IO that much, to be honest, I actually thought she was actually just keeping her options open. So the fact that she got upset about it, I also was pretty shocked about her emotion because she was giving fine. She likes IO, but I didn't feel like it was as solid as you can see Mimi being like, she's into IO. Do you get what I mean?


Yeah, she cuz she's definitely like she came in off the bat as cool girl. And I'm going to give everyone a little nickname. Yo, Jojo. She just


those need to go.




Those need to go.


They need to go sure. But I feel like because she came into lackadaisical and like that. Yeah, I could easily see how Mimi, from her perspective, could be like, Oh, I didn't even know you liked him that much. I didn't know you would care that much about me choosing him. And then them, now they're in a couple, so they're like kissing and all that stuff. Yeah.




to see what happens.


Me too.


Yeah, especially because they're kissing in bed and Uma's obviously sitting there being like, Oh, I didn't kiss in bed because I was trying to be respectful. So I think now it's just oof. But also Mimi also, girl, do you, because also you came on this for yourself. And again I think it's fine. And I also think she even said that she was like, I would never do this and I would never be like forward. But at the end of the day, it's girl, you decided to come do this. And You're not gonna really get what you want in this situation unless you take it because someone else will do it as we're learning from the Harriets of the world.




Not shaming you Harriet, but it's just an example.


All right So now it's time for infamous proper ranking game. In this game, we rank contestants based on a set of categories. They change every week. And so this week's categories are on job, which means that our contestants are, I, our Islanders are basically trying to find someone and they're working really hard making the coffees, doing all the things they need to do to be And then the other one that we added is Friendship Island, which is The typical place where most of the islanders go at this moment when they haven't found like a good pairing is they just go on this friendship island and they're friends with everyone and usually at this point we feel like they have to go but we like their personality so we keep them in friendship island. The other category that we added is playing the field which means that they're like talking to multiple people and having like multiple chats, obviously, and just trying to see who they like. So we should get started. We auto, we just automatically added people that were in the last category as we'll find love and on job. And the other one is we'll find cloud are now in the playing field. So we can move people from one category to the next, starting with Munvir who hasn't really made much of an appearance. As of lately,


heard no words from him this


Poor guy. He's in Friendship Island.


absolutely, and yeah, and Lenga, last time you had some opinions on him. What do you, we haven't really seen much of him to change any opinions.


Yeah, I mean he's only, we've only seen him when he's tried to talk to, I think, is it Patsy?


Yeah. That's


Then Jess.


maybe it's Jay. Yeah, I've only seen him occasionally when he's putting someone for a conversation or when he's talking with the guys, but I don't think there's anything much happening there at the moment.


Yeah. That's true.


Oh, he's just not getting screen time.


think he's not getting screen time. I think he's just falling through the cracks. I think. And there's some spoilers that some people are going to go home soon, but that's not much of a spoiler because I can feel it coming. So we'll see who that is. What about Patsy and Jess that you guys talked about? I know Monfear has been chatting with Jess a little bit now that she's having some issues with Ronnie. What do you guys think that she's thinking in terms of solidifying the field and on job or playing the field? I feel like she's on job trying to chat with Ronnie and get


a one She seems to be a one woman girl. I think the only time she entertained it was when Ronnie was starting to flirt with Harriet. But I think she's pretty committed to Ronnie as long as he's committed to chatting with her.


Yeah, definitely. We've chatted a lot about Ronnie but what do you guys think in terms of these categories? I


He's right where he belongs.


that's what I was thinking too. Playing the field. Yep. Another person that we talked a lot about was Joey, which I think is a perfect place to be right next to his buddy, Ronnie, playing the field.




Interesting though, we're not seeing much of it yet. I don't think he's found someone that he's excited about, except for Samantha. And Samantha seems very territorial. So the man hasn't gotten much chance to play the field. But I think he's where he belongs.


She's both territorial and like insecure and I don't know, it's almost like she just built him up to be like Joey Essex in her head. And she's I can't, and I can't believe I'm, he chose me and feels like he's gonna slip through her fingers at any moment, which he definitely could. But like her nervousness is coming through so much on screen that it's just this isn't gonna go well.


It's too much. Like when they played the challenge and he, they had, he had to kiss some other girl, like that was not in his couple. She was like, it's fine. It's fine. And okay. But then she like gave him the stinky look like the whole time. Like it's just a game girl. Come on. Too much.


I put her on jaw because I feel like she's really trying her very best to lock him down with chains, with anything she needs to honestly.




they have that conversation? He had a very upfront conversation with her about he doesn't like the fact that she sees him as Joey. As like his full, cause he was, he's I'm a normal person. And I don't like that you just have this image of me. And as much as fine, maybe he doesn't, I don't know. It's maybe he's likes her, but I feel like her treating him like a celebrity instead of a person is slightly giving him is what I felt.




Yeah, I actually thought that conversation was going to be very surface level because it started with her being like, who do you know name drop who, who did you, who do you hang out with, blah, blah, blah. And then it ended up being like him telling her like, hey, I don't really just want you to know me as Joey Essex I want you to know me for Joey. So that was


was trying to be real.


totally, yeah, definitely. His bestie in the island right now is Harriet. You guys agree she's playing the field?




she, was she on job


on job.


Same. I think she's on job, but she's messy.


She quickly gets on job. She was like on job with Kieran and then immediately flopped back to Ronnie. So I think the girl is very one track, but


No one works harder.


yeah, no one works harder on job.


Harriet and Kris Jenner. He's a footballer,


totally. Yeah. Another girl that I think is probably also on job and who we previously had as Will Find Love is Mimi. I think it's really clear her and Ayo, her and Uma are probably on job, so I'll add them there next


the same man




Would you guys think that Ayo is playing the field? I think that makes the most sense, right?




until he actually.


I don't know.


Yeah, I think until he actually makes someone his girlfriend, he will continue to be like, I don't know. I'm just chatting.


I was on a chat on a live on TikTok, and someone said that they saw Uma with Kieran. They would see them together as a good couple, and I can't unsee that. I feel like they would be such a compatible couple. Look at them both.


Looks wise,


like Kieran?


But Kieran's personality, he's no.




I haven't.




He's so immature. I don't like it. I don't know. Or maybe I maybe Uma might like, because she's very direct. Maybe she maybe is maybe the kind of person that would work out with him. Because I think she seems very upfront and straightforward. And I think I think, and I, that's what I really like about her.


I love yeah, I agree. I do think that Kieran right now feels a little bit locked down with Nicole.




but I don't necessarily think he's on job. I don't, I think I almost feel like there's


yeah, his head might turn?


His head might turn, definitely.


I would have said he's on job at least now, because he had to be. But we can keep him in playing the field just because we think. He could play it very soon. Yeah,


about the personality I can imagine two bombshells being brought in, and Kieran and Ronnie, and Joey, really jumping on, in that, jump, just jumping on the first opportunity to get out of their current situation. But Nicole definitely feels like she's on job locked in.




I feel like Patsy and let me know y'all's thoughts, but I feel like she's playing the field right now trying to see if she can get on with Omar. And she hasn't really found her person, but I'm torn between Friendship Island and playing the field. What do you guys think? Good


didn't pick her back. I think unfortunately she's in Friendship Island.


I think so, too.


and if she was like multiple people, I think then it would be her playing field, Poor girl.


Who is Omer playing the field with? Nobody? Is he also stuck in Friendship Island? He did that to himself, if so. I feel like


I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, because he has been saying he's still figuring it out because when he sits with Patsy, he's still entertaining her and listening to her. I don't know like how much he's actually into her to be honest. I don't know. It's not reading chemistry. She seems really into him. Just also very curious, asking him questions. I don't, yeah, I think he's still figuring it out. I think he's still seeing his options because obviously Uma is I think when he met Uma he didn't realize the strong chemistry that actually her and Ayo have. So I think it's also like now being in the villa he's noticing that actually there's a lot more to whatever she told him on the date. And I also, I don't particularly think that Uma would even like him either. Like it's not, and also because I think that she's like pretty tall, I'm doubting she's going to go for him, right? So I think he's probably playing the field as to seeing like what's to come or like what's available to him, in my opinion.


Linga, is he short?


He's not as tall as Ayo.




With an aisle at 6 5 or something?


Yeah. I think Uma's also really tall,


Yes. She's one of the tallest girls. Like when the girls hugged her when she was standing last, she literally was like over, like towering over the other girls


totally, and when they had the recoupling, she was wearing heels, and then he stood up Omer stood up next to her, and they were the same height he's not shorter than her, but


He's not a talking like I,


He's not that tall, yeah. Totally.


gives off like goddess energy, like Maya. I know I've already said that, but She gives us a presence, like an Amazonian type of presence, which Maya gives out too.




but that's why I think I can also tell that why IO likes them both. They're very different personalities. They both have very different vibes. Cause like Mimi is really sweet and kind. And it was also, I think, stepping up and being assertive in this must've also been really cool for IO being like, wow, look, when comes necessary, she knows like how to get what she wants, but I think that obviously in the opposite, Uma tends Uma seems like, That's just her approach all the time. So then maybe I was trying to decide which of these energies do I want to be a part of?


Totally. I feel like they have the both totally different opposite personalities and the best personalities in the villa. I love their energy on screen.


I agree. I feel the same way.


Yeah, me too. The last one doesn't give us much to talk about, but Okay, so I'm like he for sure needs to be in Friendship Island, but he's been playing the field a lot like he's jumping from one girl to another. He's I'm gonna talk to Harriet. I really like you, Harriet. And then now he's Jess, right? Like now that Ronnie and you are shaky let me talk to you. And then I didn't, he talked to Nicole too. So it's almost like he's like trying his very best, but no one's sticking.


that's because there's too many bad boys in the villa and that's who the girls are attracted to. Like he's too sweet and too smiley and just too excited. When they played the balloon six position game, he was like, Oh my gosh. So I think he's just compared to the other guys, like he's just giving brother vibes and not like in the other ones. Like Ron is so skeezy looking, but because he's got like that bad boy London esque thing, the girls are like, yep.


Oh god. Yeah, he really, Ron really embodies his career. He's too sweet.


Sweet as candy.


We did candy. Yeah, exactly.


Oh, that's so true. That's a good perspective. You guys short and sweet this week. That concludes this week's peer ranking game.


What's the scoop on the streets on the streets? Okay time for


hilarious. Yes, definitely. It is time for Scoop on the Streets. I personally was not able to be reading the streets this week because I have been working way too hard for my money, for my liking. So I know everybody else has been finding out what's been happening on the streets. And Nicole, what have they been saying? What's happening girl? What they've been saying?


I don't have much, but one stupid little thing that I saw, and I think this might've been in the Saturday episode with all of the like behind the scenes content, but There's a clip of Ronnie heating up spaghetti, as they say in Britain, spag bowl. And then the man squirts mayo on his spag bowl.






I don't know. I would eat that. Like love mayo. Mayo is one of my favorite condiments.


In spaghetti?


yeah. And mix it like


Okay well, we'll host a live on our Instagram, and you can eat spag bowl with mayo The second piece bit of goss and because we talked about it the last couple weeks too. They did some digging on the internet the people the fans And they were able to identify a hand tattoo in one of libby's photos and They found the boyfriend and it's this guy. His name is joshua ray bold a model dj He's like mid tier like he only had five thousand ish Followers on instagram when I saw him


literally looking it up now.


he's cute. I think he like him and libby look good together but it's definitely giving like i'm not as famous as you energy, not that you can't date someone who isn't as famous, but it does give a little bit of a setup of Hey, I'm like trying to get more famous. And here's this girl who's on this reality show. Let's date kind of thing. I don't know. I don't want to stir the rumor pot too much, but you can do your own digging and decide for yourself.


Interesting. And Branagh, what have you been seeing on the streets?


So one thing that I saw was that the fans are not happy. And I actually did notice this as well, that we're not getting the previews For the next stage episode with Ian saying tomorrow night and everyone is pissed. Where is tomorrow night? I saw some funny tweets where people are like, if you want me to tune in tomorrow night, you better say tomorrow night.


Yeah, that is true.


Yeah, where is it?


One of the things they've been doing is like the, they've been previewing the episode, like the next day, like they've given you that short little mini trailer. So they're not doing it like like they're not doing it at the end of the episode. Yeah. But I feel like they're giving like a, you have to investigate for yourself. We might've given you a first look on our YouTube channel or


Totally. Yeah. Or they've been dropping it right at a cliffhanger. We got a cliffhanger when the recoupling happened, and all of that. But, you're right, we missed even just the phrase, Tomorrow


Yeah. At least give it to us every other day or something. Hopefully they bring it back. And the other scoop that I got was that our winners of All Stars, Molly and Tom, officially moved in together. He moved in to her place in Manchester. So he is no longer having a lads holiday with Casey in London. I wonder, is Callum going to move in with Casey now and take his spot and as his new roommate


They really did trade places, that's hilarious.


did. It's so funny.


No, they did. Callum is on these streets. He's for the streets on the streets. And I love how Casey is not the hot friend, but he's like always is like the sidekick to the hot guy. So that when like guys go out and then it's like Casey's it's like the first hot guy, stereotypically, not every time, but it's like the guy, the hot guy will get with the hot friend. And then maybe the other girl has a, they have a random friend, Casey. It's this is my friend Casey. And he's been like that with Tom and now he's now with Callum. So I think that's very funny that Casey's. I'm just the sidekick time and time again. Good for him, but Yeah.


that's like too true. Like it hurts how true that is. Oh,


Yeah. And then Gabby, have you heard any scoop on the streets?


I did hear something. Congratulations to Selly from the game season. She is now, she got promoted to social media type of coordinator type of job, which Mara used to have before, before she started hosting. So really excited. Yeah, Mara. And so I'm really excited for her, for Selly. She's really excited about her new gig. And she's in Fiji right now, enjoying some island time.


I'm gonna crush that.


Oh, she's doing love. Oh, so she's doing Love Island Us Because they also, Ariana, now that you said that Ariana from Vander Pump Rules, she's now the new host of that and, which is so cool because during Derval. She basically would like they were fighting. I hope people know what scandal is, but basically her ex boyfriend cheated on her on live television. And he would say oh, they don't spend time together. And she's you don't want to watch Love Island with us because they Love Island UK. And she would be like, yeah, her and her gay BFFs was just watched Love Island. She'd be like if you want to spend time with me, watch Love Island. It's on every day. And so it's really funny how like she went from loving Love Island to being like the host of Love Island. So I thought that was really cool.


That's crazy. Yeah. Honestly, yeah, I love those roles that kind of go from being like a fangirl type thing. You're so in love with the show and then you bring that passion into an actual job. That's awesome. I feel like Selly can definitely brings the right energy and I'm like really excited because like she's already taking that social media role and be like really doing great things. I'm excited for her to see her. Another thing that I had though before we, we mentioned the last season's winners, but the other, the previous season Sanam and Kai, they're getting engaged. They recently had their their engagement party. I saw online. So she looked beautiful. He looked great. And so congratulations to him. They're doing really well and are about to get married.


A success story for Love Island. Rarely happens, but it's cute.


Yeah, especially like they won and they totally ignored that they were the winners, which was random because obviously, I guess brands were like, yeah, no, you're not blonde hair, blue eyed unfortunately, we're not dying to hire you. But I guess they were like, went to Love Island for the right reasons and good for them.




Yeah, we had mixed opinions on Kai, but overall, they're doing so great, right? We need to be cheering them on. Everyone needs to be cheering them on. I feel they're trying their best on social media, too. I see Kai posting all the time. I see Sanam reposting his stuff. I can tell they're really wanting to be there, but They're not getting the support from everybody, and I don't know, yeah we can speculate as to why that happened, but they're definitely not in the Molly and Tom side of things, like, where they were, immediately, everybody followed, everybody is like super engaged no, Ty and Sanam are like actually posting all the time. They're, they've had a lot of success, on the show and outside of the show and been very transparent about their lives, which nobody really does. So cool to see. I think, I just wish that more people supported them, honestly.




We do.


There's also somebody added a note about one of our favorite islanders has the bay.


That's true! I did add that! I just saw that Mal posted this TikTok with her bae! What the heck? I was hoping to see you on Love Island Games next, but guess that's not gonna happen. But she looks good. The guy looks good and very compatible. Really happy for you Mal.


yeah, I've been watching them too. And I think it's really sweet. Like I saw them like eating food on the couch. Like it seems like such a very like getting to know you down to earth. And I think also I like that it seems like she can still be like her like funny self, and I think he it's he's very into it, leans into it. So I'm really excited to be email. If you listening, we'd still like you to come on the podcast because we think you're just so amazing.


Oh, absolutely. Thank you, Mal, for always liking our stuff when we post about you too. So we love you.


Yeah and I think that's it for us on the Scoop on the Streets, and hopefully next week I'll have time to do some scooping.


Alright, friends, that concludes this week's episode of Proper Chat. A reminder to follow us because we are posting all the time on social media. You can follow us at ProperChatPod, both on TikTok and Facebook. Instagram, and while you're checking out our social media, might as well go to our podcast feeds and give us a five star review. Doing that really helps other people find our podcast and like it as well. But anyway, thanks for listening. I hope you liked it and have a good rest of your week. See you all next Thursday for more Love Island gossip.

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