Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Essex, exes, exits - Love Island S11, Ep. 10-16

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 4

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are picking our top 3 favorite moments from the last week of Love Island S11 (episodes 10-16) and talking about the first public vote, and major Islander dumping. Someone's exe came into the villa and stirred up the drama in the Hideaway. We also give you some gossip and scoop on the streets from all the conversations on social media.

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I'm one of your co hosts, Nicole Barton,


Hi, I'm Brauna.


Hi, I'm Gabby.


Hi, I'm Lange.


we are here to talk about Love Island Season 11. We're going to cover episodes 10 through 16, so the Wednesday episode last week through Tuesday of this week. We're going to talk about our top three moments from the week. We're going to play our classic, iconic, tier ranking game. And then we're going to give you some gossip from the Love Island feeds. But before we start, I wanted to check in with my co hosts. How was everyone's week? Give us a high, give us a low. What's been going on?


I'll go first. I had a very busy, stressful week. I had a lot of work to get done, a lot of prep to get done because I'm leaving for London tomorrow. I'm going to see Taylor Swift on Sunday, which I'm so excited about. And yeah, so I, that's my high and really low is I will not be joining the podcast recording next week because I will be in France when this activity is happening. But I will be trying to stay up to date on Love Island. I might just have to do a big binge when I'm back. Who knows, but


We'll miss you, but bon voyage.


thank Cheerio.


That's me next. No bad. My of the my high of the week is that we had a group dinner which was really nice was the last time everyone we had all planned originally to meet. I obviously got sick. This was a great opportunity for all of us to hang out. But also my low is that I got food poisoning for literally on the way home from dinner, literally almost exploded in the Uber. So did not, but I, it was crazy.


Oh man, girl, you have just been having a series of unfortunate events.




after the other. I


Yeah. I need to focus on my gut health apparently.


yeah, seriously, get some probiotic


Eat some yogurt, yeah.


I, one of my highs was also seeing you guys. I missed seeing you, Linga, because last time we didn't get to see each other. And I had seen the girls for a while. But another high of mine was that I had, I was able to go to Muir Beach, which is really fun. It's one of my favorite beaches in like the Marin area. And it was so fun. We went in the water and we were in there for 30 minutes. So it's like a cold plunge, basically. It was so fun. Loved it.


Ooh, I love a cold plunge.


What about you, Nicole?


yeah, my high this weekend was I actually went down to Palo Alto and got to catch up with an old friend of mine from high school, which is a fun thing for me to do. But on the way there, I, and I have a recommendation for you all. I was listening to this podcast called Who Trolled Amber from Tortoise Media. It's about the Amber Heard Johnny Depp case, but it's all about This like behind the scenes social media conspiracy to like tear her down and how a lot of it was like manufactured and then like it goes into these sort of like story behind like versions of these crazy social media campaigns that happen for a lot of other people, but anyway, highly recommend. Super juicy drama so that was a fun listen. And then my low was that I just got sunburned because we were in the sun and it was hot this weekend, reminder to wear your sunscreen.


that's fragile, pale folk. I get


I know, can't handle


not me getting sunburned like all the time.


Okay, I actually also got sunburned when I was at Muir Beach. My skin is peeling, which is horrible. We need to treat our skin but I don't know. The thing is, I took some reef, sun, reef safe sunscreen, and you have to smear that stuff on your skin, and it just isn't smooth, so I didn't get sunburned. For pretty much like all my arm. So yeah,


yeah, you know it's bad when you get sunburned, Gabby.


Literally, can you imagine all these little kids? Oh, I feel so bad


Yeah. right, let's kick it in


All right, so now we're going to get into the top three moments of the week. I felt like we had a really juicy week this week now that we are starting to get to know everyone a lot better. We passed the intros. We're really getting into the good stuff. So This week kicked off with our first public vote, and it left at the bottom three couples vulnerable. We had Patsy and Munvir, Uma and Omar, and Sean and Harriet. And at the end, the islanders decided to vote off Patsy and Vir, which I think we all saw this coming. Neither of them had any prospect really. I feel like also in the last podcast we were saying hadn't heard from Vir the whole week prior So didn't really know him well enough to miss him at this point, I think. Yeah. We clearly, he had a nice little vacation. He took some PTO, but what did you guys all think about the first public vote?


It's so funny that you say that about Manvir because I feel like we've heard so much now that he's not in the show. We've heard so much from him, like so many juicy details that he's sharing online about all these things. So it was totally like vacation time PTO. He didn't, I don't think he vibes with anybody. I think he was ready to go home, but. Looks like he's thriving. Did he get a new tattoo too? So I feel like he's just doing well outside of the villa


Yeah someone in the comments on him leaving, I also saw like a thread on Reddit, basically saying Manveer should be a bombshell in the Love Island USA, because I feel like he would do well with the US audience. And crew. Maybe he's got some potential for the future. But I want to circle it back to the bottom three, because I was actually really surprised at Harriet being in the bottom three. I feel like she came out of a week of Being in her villain era, but also like people being entertained by that. I don't know. It seems like the public was either like really happy to like continuing her on or they were like, I don't know, they really did see her as a villain. What do you all think of that?


Yeah, I feel like she probably wasn't very liked. So people are just, and like obviously Sean has had no connection at this point either. So people are probably just fine to let them both go at this point since they were just


that's true. And then the other person I was surprised is Uma, just because she's one of my faves now.


Yeah, I think the people that they chose to keep were like, as we said, like Brunner was saying that some people felt like a bit stronger in their couples. Cause I think people weren't like voted like individually. So I think as like Joey Essex, obviously the people's fave, but I think I just think unfortunately like Omar and Uma don't didn't see him at the time to have a very strong connection. So like it was terrible to see them there, but I wasn't shocked just based on like the other couples. A little bit stronger




when via honestly again just on PTO didn't I have no opinion on him because like he didn't really do that much and I didn't, you didn't really see him trying to crack on with anyone really, so it was like I guess thank you bye it's


totally. Yeah. Then that led us to, after we had Patsy and Munvir leaving the villa, that meant we have opportunity to bring some new folks in. So we had three new bombshells enter the villa. We had Will with one L, Tiffany and Grace all came walking into the villa. And first thing we learned is that Grace and Joey were have some history and, they get to chatting and catching up. Samantha quickly notices this. She's not a fan. We'll get into that some more later. Tiffany starts chatting with the boys. She's particularly chatting with Ronnie. Another girl who's seeing something in Rani that, I don't know, the rest of us aren't really seeing. And Will is chatting with the girls and he really starts enjoying his conversations with Uma. And shortly after they arrive, they all get a text. They get to choose, they each get to choose an islander for an overnight sleepover getaway. And of course, Grace chooses Joey to no surprise, Will chose Uma, and then Tiffany chose Ronnie. And I thought this was so interesting for them to just throw this in at this point in the season. It really felt like a little mini Casa Amore because everyone's so certainly was acting that way. The second they got into a different house, they were no one's here. I can do whatever I want. But yeah. What did you guys think? I liked this little baby cussum warm moment.


I thought it was Casa Amor I genuinely thought that they that this was a way of taking them to Casa Amor I thought that They were the only ones that were gonna go to Casa Amor I was trying to figure out like what the twist was gonna be and I thought that they were taking them there because it looked like the house was the Casa Amor house




and then I thought that they would bring in other people while they were there and I just thought that was going to be the twist and then little did I know that no it was just them hanging out for one day. genuinely don't know what the purpose of that except for maybe like they were trying to create an environment where they could like truly be you know themselves and open up.


Totally. I feel like it did the effect that I think it had on Joey and Grace was what the producers were hoping it would. But I was thinking about it as if I was a bombshell or like a random person that just came into the villa. And I was told, hey, pick someone to spend a night with on your first day. I would feel totally overwhelmed with. That decision, and if I had a a semi connection with someone, and I eventually learned in the sleepover that I, it wasn't a fit or whatever it could have gone so wrong. Luckily, I think for the bombshells, they picked well, and I feel like it almost solidified their connections more, but imagine the pressure of being like, oh gosh, I have to like, I have to find a connection, and I have to we're gonna go away together, and what if I still want to get to know people before I make this decision, I feel like it put a lot of pressure on the situation. But at the same time, the Joey and Grace situation only heated up because they knew each other from the before times, and so it was like, it just set fire to the whole flames it was, like, it roared, and they were able to do whatever they wanted in that second villa.


And apparently they did do whatever they wanted because what I saw on the internet was that Love Island producers had to cut out a lot of x rated content, whatever that may be, while they were hanging out over there. So I want the bloopers. I want these unseen bits. What did we get? What did they cut out that we don't know about? Because yeah, Joey was the second she walked in, he was like a little puppy. He was excited to see her, and it was like that, that spark that I think Samantha was hoping they would have, and that he was just and wasn't there, but I was like, oh, this is Joey 2. 0.


Yeah, I agree with you on that because yeah, I feel like that's when Samantha knew okay, maybe this isn't it because she obviously saw like a change in his behavior and just like an energy change. So I think she just was like, yeah, I'm not going to compete with this and totally understand. And obviously as the days went on him being so much more effortlessly like affectionate and Samantha being like, wow, I've been with you for two days and I've not even seen any of this. Yeah, but I do think again, the producers are like, and it's just a thing to also be like super messy because I'm sure that they've come up with these ideas of Oh, what will we throw into this season? And obviously, when like the timing is right, they're like, Okay, this is time to throw this because at the end of the day, it's there's no way this would have been okay. With any couple. So I think they just obviously chose perfect time to do this for Samantha and Joey. And maybe sometimes they just maybe Samantha okay, cool. We don't need you on the show anymore. So let's just throw this in and know we're going to also do like a recoupling. So it's just I guess it's just part of the show. And there's just like trying like a whole bunch of experiments. And like that, this one, they're like, okay, now that we can also throw in an overnight Stay and like custom, being like the hideaway is open 24 seven. So it's just like very interesting. The change of the season. Like it's literally like everything they're like, just throw it in and see how the experiment's going to work. Yeah.


I think what I missed about the sleepover element too was, yes, they got like a minute to get to know each other and have their look, do their dirty deeds somewhere else. But they also, we also didn't get the drama of like the people watching from the sides. It's I was thinking back, like how some of the. The times when they bring in bombshells, they do like the date night to pick an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert. And then everyone sitting on the balcony being like, Ooh, they're feeding each other! Ooh, they like leaned in to like whisper. And I think that's what I missed in this instance. I feel like they were just sitting in the other villa speculating about what's gonna happen. And we didn't get the legit reactions and also them cracking on with multiple people.


I have two thoughts. about this. I think my first thought about the overnight stay is that back to the point of Joey and the girl doing, and Grace in that room. We can't if naked scene, like naked scenes are not shown in the show. So a lot of, I remember this brought me a back of memory that I saw that Whitney posted about. She said that when she was in the show, when she had to take her wig out or when, she didn't want to show that part. She would literally take out her bra and just be like topless while she was changing and like doing her hair. Which I thought it was interesting because I feel like Was it because we didn't see anything from that scene and we didn't like hardly saw one bit even from like When they were in their own in the, overnight and work when they were like in their own room later on, when they do the that room that private room that they have so that was my first thought. And then the second thought of so that it was. Very interesting in general, just like seeing their dynamic in the show. And like, why didn't we see much of their chemistry? Like at nighttime, was it all cut off? Because there was like some like show screen that something that wasn't be able to be shown right on screen. And the second thing is like back to Uma. I, did you guys get a sense of her personality more in this while she was in the overnight, because I thought that her cuteness and her happiness like really reflected in like how excited she was and like genuinely happy for someone to pick her. I felt She was deflated in the whole last episode because of Ayo not picking her and then she got super excited and like he won her over and they had like their own moment and were able to like nurture that. But it was because of the picking, like you picked me to go on this vacation with you. So like she felt really excited. So that was like a positive that I saw from the overnight stay that I don't think she would have gotten if we saw just them having the dinner, if she would have gotten picked for like appetizer or something.


Totally, yeah. And it was nice that she got that moment. I really was happy for her. And I like her and Willick. They seem like they have good chemistry. He's very chill. She's very bubbly. And we did get to see that chemistry come out in the overnight stay. But on the flip side, Gabby, imagine like now Ronnie's ego that he got picked for another thing. I'm like, this man does not need to be picked again. Why do all the girls like this man?


why did she pick him? There's so many options. Why would you pick him?


Beats me, Gabby. Beats me.


I don't get it.


Maybe it's more the better. Good looking in person.


I highly doubt it.


I just don't get anything from his personality. Like his banter just doesn't really work for me. I just see more of the f boy, like just careless. I just don't like that type of personality. If it was me in the villa, I wouldn't even have given him one second.


Same girl. Same. I, it's weird, I almost liked him more in the beginning when he was with Jess because she would put it back to him in like a way, like they had like a back and forth that was really interesting. But once he was with Harriet, and then now he's with Tiffany I feel like he got with the hottest girl, but not someone that can shape him into place, I think his ego's just super inflated right now. It's not good.


yeah, he's very cocky and we're not here for it. And moving on to our third biggest moment of the week, which we obviously briefly talked about, Joey and Grace, but the week really started off strong for Samantha and Joey. They got chosen to have a one on one date and, seem to like really get to know each other better. Things were starting to blossom and then so soon after that great date that they had it was when Grace showed up and you know it was really crystal clear the second she showed up that Joey was going to be totally focused on her. Any potential that he could have had with Samantha was Completely out the window. And, they had the getaway sleepover, but then once the sleepover was over, they came back to the villa and Samantha was obviously visibly upset because she just felt I just spent two weeks with you and now you're like, I can see you're so much more excited about this girl. I'm not going to be involved. You guys have history. She was crying. He tries talking to her. She's not really interested in having that conversation. She just feels super like. Mugged off and upset by the whole situation and then after their conversation He's chatting with Grace on the daybed. They have a kiss which everyone sees and including Samantha and she cries again and it was so sad to watch because she just really did seem like a great girl and wasn't the right fit but bad that she got hurt in that way and Joey and Grace decide that they want to spend the night in the hideaway, since they're not on a couple, so they, by the rules, can go to the hideaway together. And, he tells Samantha that she's cool, yeah. Carry on, I'm done with you. And they spend the night in the hideaway together. And then sadly on the last day last night's episode, we had a recoupling and Samantha gets sent home, which I think makes sense because she obviously didn't have anyone there for her. Maybe they could have sent someone in, but maybe the producers were also done with that storyline and wanted to bring in fresh meat too. So yeah, what did you guys all think about this whole love triangle saga?


It wasn't even a triangle the moment, like we said, the moment we, Grace walked in, he was like, Oh, I used to get with that girl, man, and they rekindled it pretty much immediately. And honestly I really felt bad for Samantha. This was really hard to watch. Not only her being like, I just wish he would have said, hey This was legitimate for me or given her some affection through their two weeks like to show like he actually did like her and Then he she's saying like on the flip side. This is what it would have been if he actually liked me And then it was like a triple whammy like they came back in they already kissed they went To the hideaway, and then she gets dumped I was like, oh, damn, why couldn't they just have the same thing that happened with Mimi? She gets a text and gets to go on a date. That would have been a better move in my perspective. I just felt bad for Samantha, not gonna lie. I'm gonna miss her accent.


Me too. I know. And you could see all the girls were obviously so upset that she was leaving. You could, it almost felt like she was like big sister energy. And yeah, they were just all such good friends. And we'll be, she will be missed, but who knows, maybe we'll see her in all the stars someday.


The sweet guy did try to stick it on her too. Sean. You heard in one of the clips where they're just hanging out. He confesses that he like was interested, but that he was a little intimidated by her. And she just laughs at him basically, like in the pool. So she had plenty of opportunities to just like even make friendship connections where she could have gotten picked. I feel extremely bad for her, but at the same time I just feel like she was fully all eggs in one basket for Joey. And it didn't work out like that strategy didn't work out. If and I feel like the guy, the Sean guy, instead of picking, if Samantha would have shown a little bit of interest, I feel like he, she could have picked her too. But we knew that he wasn't going to pick her because Harriet showed so much interest. Like you can tell that Harriet was like more strategic. She was trying, or maybe she's just friendly too. I don't know. It's hard to read Harriet, but you could tell like Sean could have picked Samantha, but her, she just wasn't open.


It's true. That's totally true.


Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do definitely feel bad as to how like Joey handled the Samantha situation because I also, I feel like he was like, Oh, I don't know what to do, like with the guys. And I feel like sometimes it made me feel like it was a bit of an act because he again, doesn't want to come off as like a bad guy. This is someone who's been on television before. So it's he also still wants to like, do what he wants to do while actually staying Still like being able to be like palatable enjoyed from like a public view. So I think even like him being like, Oh, I'm still gonna be with grace, but don't worry, I'm still here for you. But so just like things like that, where it's he's not understanding and she's just Oh, I'm embarrassed. And him not like understanding, like you could have just been honest, or you could also just be honest with me now and just be like, actually, you know what? Maybe you are right now that I have had this, now that grace has come in and I see how I am with her, maybe I understand how you feel about how I wasn't as like physical with you, but I just think he just is like pretending to be there for her, but also while also he can have just like a good time with grace. And then he's also telling grace they're doing nothing and like grace can't sleep on a single bed. So they're sleeping in the hideaway. What was wrong with grace sleeping on the bed by herself?


He's so stupid for saying that as one of the reasons why they were going to the hideaway was because oh, she has the single bed like that's a perfectly good bed. She can sleep there.


And he's I can't sleep outside. So one plus one, two.


yeah. The man definitely wanted to have his cake and eat it too. And you're right, he totally could have confessed a little bit and been like, hey, your feelings are totally valid. But he didn't want to confess that he had done something wrong in the situation, which is not totally treat Samantha with respect and even just keeping his hands off Grace, right?


Why, what happened in the hideaway to what happened because usually the girls will swarm the girl to try to understand what happened. We got none of that because all the girls were on Samantha side, which, for obvious reasons, you have a friend for two weeks, two weeks is not two weeks, two weeks is like a month and a half in this villa, right? Because 24 seven with them.


They admitted that they had sex before the show, so I don't know. If you've been there before, it's easy to go down the road. I think that happened. Maybe we'll get to learn more, what's like, Grace warms up with the girls a little bit more.


All right. Now it's time for our infamous proper ranking game in this game We rank contestants based on a set of categories this week We are keeping the same categories as last week And we'll see how much our board moves this week we are going to start off with people that have already left, which is Manvir and basically our friendship island, which is a no brainer for me, Patsy and Manvir. We've talked enough about Manvir, but were you guys a little sad that Patsy left?


Yeah, I would have liked to see more of her, for sure. But, alas.


Same. And she, it's, she seemed like she was actually trying to get to know people that were coming in. Munvir was just chilling and she was actively like trying to chat with people, but it didn't work out. I'm sad about that.


It feels like ages ago since they left because I think they left literally the last day we last spoke, we last filmed the episode. Samantha also left, obviously we've chatted about her. Some, so what do you, is there anything you guys want to talk about in terms of Joey, where he fits? Cause is, do you guys think he's on job with Grace or do you guys think now he's playing the field and open to anyone who comes into the villa? What are your thoughts?


I think, to be honest, I feel like when Joey and Grace spoke, because I think when she like, besides their making out and stuff like that, when Grace basically said to him okay, cool, like we're into each other. We've known this the whole time and they spoke about their chemistry. She's look at what we've known this, but she's like. Okay. We're into each other, but what makes you think things would work out now, since they didn't work out last time. And I don't think he gave like clear answers. Like she said, I still live where I live. You still live where you live. And she was like, even though I am thinking of moving to like London, but what's going to change to make this work this time, and I just feel like Joey's answers weren't like legit thought out answers. So I think he's just at this point, he's like he, and I feel like her face also was giving also okay, cool. So you're not giving the right answers. So as much as I think he's really into her right now, and obviously it's like a place of comfort and it's a nice change from Samantha. Do I think Joey won't like anyone coming in who's brand new and shiny and as maybe as beautiful as grace? I think it's possible because I just think the grace thing was like comfortable and easy for him to move into. But do I think that he's like going to be like, this is the one and I'm staying here? No


Totally, and they started their romance on vacation, so he's great, we'll just have another vacation, and hasn't really seriously thought about okay, this actually didn't work when we were in the real world let's maybe not start it up again, or have some answers to these questions. Before we kick it off, but anyway, I actually would advocate for him being in on job right now. Until he decides to play the field and see what his thoughts are, that's where I'm placing him. But that's because he's just putting so much into Grace right now he has laser focus on her. That's just my two cents.


I would agree with Lenga just because she picked him to go on this vacation, on this day vacation. So I feel like he's just playing it to see how it goes. It didn't work out the first time, so what is it to say that it will work out this time? He doesn't feel like he's being that committed to her either. He's just having a good time, like making out with her, like doing all the things that he, you could tell us his personality, but he obviously wasn't vibing with Samantha or else he would have already kissed her and done like little flirty things with her. It's like pretty obvious to me that he was. Like just playing it all along. And then right now he just basically is playing it again. I don't, I haven't gotten much of grace either. So I can't judge, the situation by from, how I'm seeing her. It just feels like he's just excited to see her again, but it's not like an excitement where it's like commitment. I don't see much commitment at all.


Yeah, it's also a comfort, too. That comfort of having someone step in who you've known before, when you're in this villa full of strangers, and while you're on TV at the same time. I feel like he, obviously, that was, like, such an easy oh, yeah I don't really, him and Samantha weren't really vibing and then Grace comes in and it's a quick okay oh, yeah I know this. It's it's easy to slip back into it, but yeah, I do feel like as of now, I could easily see him turning his head for sure.


Okay. We can keep him there. I think he's committed for now. And then unless someone else comes in, I'm like, okay, I get it. We'll see if he plays the field.


So now switching gears to the new folks. Grace, starting with Grace, right? Since we've already chatted about her, what do you guys think she's like? Is she playing the field? Is she on job? What are your. Thoughts up to this point.


The girl had so many options, but decided to be on job is what I think. I feel like all the guys were looking at her when she came in and walked through the door. And unfortunately, I think she was very excited about pursuing the Joey option again. We'll see if maybe some other very attractive guy will put it on her and she'll start playing the field. But until then, it sounds like she's trying to ask the right questions with Joey. You said, Lenga she's trying to make it work.


Part of me thinks did she get on the show? Because someone knew that they had History, was she's Was she very was she's just interested in joey because he seems like a famous Guys, so it was she just so interested that she went on the show for Joey. I feel like that's the case


I think if not her, I do think, I think I read somewhere they were like, Joey's got like affiliation with ITV. So I don't think it's I don't know if it means she came on, but I don't think it's a coincidence her and Joey are on the same season. Like whatever the producers did in the back, there's no Oh my gosh, my vacation fling of like last year just popped up on this show. What are the chances?


I, they love to bring exes together.


I saw also that someone posted some evidence that maybe they were, like, together even sooner. Then they admitted that they were, like, separated this could have been just a quick rekindling they might have, he might have been, like, oh, it hasn't worked for two months, and then he got into the villa this might have been like very easy


Or it might have been a thing where he had a job to do like he was about to start another reality show Which is his job at this point So he had to basically ghost her or let her go because he had a he knew that he was gonna come on the show If


now that she's on, he's okay, great. I got my cake and you're going to eat it too. So


In the hideaway.




in the Idaho way, nice


He's done it before. So that makes sense. All right, guys. What do you think about Tiffany? What are your thoughts on her? Is she playing the field? Or on job with Ronnie? We have seen Tiffany talk with Our sweet man here, Sean. And, but every time, I don't know what you all think, but I'd be curious to hear your thoughts every time they talk, it almost feels like he's trying to win her over and it's a little too much. It's he's trying so hard. I feel so bad. And she just is


Yeah. Poor Sean. Sweet as candy,


but too many puns, sir. Too many puns. I think


and too much sugar.


Yeah. And too he's it's like he like branded himself. This is the only thing he can talk about now. Come on, switch it up, man.


He is giving us all a


your favorite? Yeah. What's your favorite candy? If you were a candy, what candy would you be?


You're as sweet as a strawberry milkshake. What the heck, dude?


It's too much.




Too much.


laugh too much.


But I do think she's playing the field. I don't think she's like confident in Ronnie yet. She like recognizes that he's been around. So she's like testing the waters with other guys for sure.




So we, before we move on to Will, what about Ronnie? Is he set on Tiffany now? Is he still talking? I feel like he's just gonna be playing the field the whole


He's the mayor of the field,


I truly


Yeah, he's not here for anything real. He's here on a lad's holiday.


That's why we put the soccer players in the field.




Yep. Okay, a couple that let's go to Will next, actually. Will came in strong for Uma. Do you guys think he is on job or playing the field? And my thoughts are that he was pretty pretty much set on Uma since the beginning, and I feel like he was very transparent with the girls about that. What are your thoughts?


Totally, he did have a kiss with Nicole early on when they came in when they were playing that game. But I think it came from a place of let me test the waters. And once he like went to the sleep away with Uma, I think it really solidified for him like, Oh, this is the girl like I'm on job. And they even had that talk about like marriage, they were like, getting like real serious. And Cute. I'm obsessed with them already.


same. I'm like obsessed because he was like, I think your nickname for me can be Boif and like stuff like that. Like I thought like their like banter was like really fun. And I think also because they haven't, haven't really kissed or anything. And the fact that they have some sort of like really natural alluring chemistry. And you can tell like they're both interested in each other. But even with him, like he's you guys know who I am. But I will say I'm going to play the field. So it's I really do like her, but again, I'm not going to put my eggs in it, put all my eggs in a box, whatever that saying is. But I just think that they both seem to like, like where things are going. And it just seems very natural that hopefully nobody ruins this so that it actually can work out, but it's, they seem like so amazing. I think they're like, definitely my favorites of couples right now.




Yay. Happy for them.


I know! Finally, Uma has her moment after the busy Ayo, Mimi, Triangle situation that was last week. Speaking of Ayo and Mimi, they've been really quiet this week. We haven't seen much of them. What the heck happened? What do you guys think?


I feel like they had a lot of screen time last week and I'm assuming they're, things are just going as they have been progressing, so I think that's fine. But yeah, they're, I feel like they're definitely both on job at this point.


I'd say so too. Yeah, and he did do a really cute recoupling speech when they were around the fire pit. And she was like trying to act like cool, but clearly like smiling inside. Yeah, we haven't seen them much. We'd love to have them go on a date just to see how the chemistry is going. But yeah, I think they're cute. They're pretty on job until someone comes in if they do


Even when they were, when he was talking to the boys about her, and you guys remember when she was trying to listen in, he was saying like really nice things about her. So I feel like he's, as of now, on job, is what I think. So another couple that we've seen pretty strong with each other this week is Nicole and Kieran. Kieran kind of feels wifed up and so does Nicole. Kieran was someone that we thought could potentially turn heads. Now I'm thinking, is he now on job with Nicole? Because it feels like they're pretty set.




What are you guys?


I think so too. Yeah, they did have one little argument this week where he like made a comment about grace, like potentially wanting to kiss grace. But I think that was such a like side comment. Obviously, he shouldn't have made it. That was stupid. But the drama that kind of came from it, I felt was worth, was not worth it. And I'm glad that they were able to recover. He showed complete remorse for it. He doesn't want to have arguments with her. I think they're, he's pretty wifed up now. He wants to make it work.


Definitely. And then two girl. Sorry, Linga.


I like, I not like the, I've liked how the conversation happened, because I'm glad like it was something, again, honestly, I think the MVPs for Mimi, who was what I heard, because also they aren't even besties, from what I can see, I don't think Kieran and Mimi are even friends. So the fact that Mimi went out of her way to be like, hey, I Can I sit you down? And I just want to tell you that this is out. And if she finds out about it, I thought that was really nice of her to say that. And then I also it's nice that Kieran knows that he told Omar, but didn't make a big thing by fighting with Omar. Instead, he actually just went and discussed it with, without it being like a massive fight and just being like, you know what, I said something stupid. And she's who did you say? And he's I think to Omar, but I just want to let you know that it was just a side comment. And then her response being like, Fine. Thank you for telling me, but also think before you talk next time. I just thought that such a, like a real conversation you would have with your partner in real life. And I think instead of going and starting a fight, a relevant fight with Omar, he was like, you know what, let me just actually nip it in the bud with, with her first, because that's actually the most important part of the exercise, not the source or who, what, where. I think that was just such a nice real conversation and a real good like conflict resolution sort of moment.


Totally, yeah. He owned up to it. And I agree. I liked that Mimi helped facilitate that conversation. Also made him feel like, Better for owning up to it. She said, Hey, you did the right thing talking to Nicole first, she also went to Nicole and was like, Hey, I talked with him and he's really sorry about it. Like, she was like, like it, the person in between who was helping each of them come together. So it was, yeah, I agree. It was a good kind of way that it came together. And then


She just feels like she's very clear headed when it comes to working through situations. So I do feel like given that Karen is 21, there's still and she's a little much older, a little bit older than him. It's like really nice of her to do that. Just coaching and anyone that's like genuine and is willing to go out of their way like that, like truly admire that type of personality and sweetness. Two girls that are now left basically alone are Jess and Harriet, all due to our boy, Ronnie. I'm thinking they're playing the field, or they better be, or they're in Friendship Island. Where would you guys put them?


I think Harriet's for sure playing the field. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anyone in the villa currently that Jess is like excited about. And I know she's openly about. Being like, I'm not gonna start something if I don't see the potential she tried to pursue something with Sean, but then was like, I need to cut it off because I don't see anything there unfortunately, I think she's in Friendship Island with her boy, Sean,


I totally agree.


I agree and I also think that she, is the type of person that, Is not going to go up to Ronnie anymore. Like she's just like we tried it didn't work out I know my worth type of thing And I don't think she's gonna go back to him At least I can't see that happening. Even if ronnie picked her. I don't think she would entertain it.


Yeah, I think she's done with his mess.


Yeah, what about Oh yeah, definitely What about omar you guys? Is he in friendship island? I genuinely don't see anyone that's there for him right now


he is. I wouldn't be surprised. I feel like, yeah, any of our Friendship Island folks end up getting cut this week. It won't be surprising because I feel like they're all just. Going day by day, got no one there, and yeah, poor Omar, I feel like him and Uma had a thing for a moment there, but now that Will is in the picture, I don't necessarily see them rekindling, or going back to him.


Good personality, though. I hope someone comes in and is I like you. you. and is all for him because I think that they would have like cool chemistry. I'd like to see him in a mix of someone that works with him.


Yeah, I feel like I haven't seen a lot of his personality, maybe more like when he's with the guys, but I haven't seen him like as much as Uma, again, we don't really see it, but even though if with him and Uma, and I know like when she came back, he, she checked in with him and being like, Hey, just because I went don't think you shouldn't like, try get to know me. I'd still like to get to know you. But I also was like, I still, I don't see their chemistry as much as again, camera time, screen time, maybe could be the reason, but I didn't see like as much as, we've seen like her as of late also with what's his name? IO, that kind of chemistry. I just haven't seen with him, with Uma, I mean with Omar. So I also hope somebody comes for him. Maybe he could just cut the dreadlocks and maybe someone will come for him, but that's just me.


Bring the barber back, have him cut his hair and then send


And then take the bob


both of them. Yeah.


Totally. That concludes our tier ranking game, proper ranking game for the week.


What's the scoop on the streets? On the streets? Okay, time for Scoop on the streets!


Oh. Okay, so obviously it's time for the Scoop on the Streets, where we discuss what's happening on the internet about current islanders and past islanders. And seems like this week we have a lot of scoop. Let's start with maybe Gabby. I feel like you've been scooping through the streets a lot this week.


Yeah some sad news to start with not so sad so Jack Fowler, which was the winner of love island games from the last season so he had An allergic reaction on a flight and it's a little bit. It's pretty intense you guys So he basically was on a flight. He is You He, they give him food. They would, he picked like chicken curry. He checked with the flight attendant. Hey, I'm allergic to nuts. Like this is have nuts. She says no. When he gets his plate again, checks. And she says, no, basically it dismisses him. He starts eating and has an allergic reaction which basically closes his throat. He had to get, he had to use his EpiPen and he had to use five oxygen tanks which is pretty crazy. At some point he even says I think I'm going to die if


Oh my god.


if you don't pull over, if you don't stop this plane right now. So immediately when they land, they take him to the Dubai hospital. And that's where they finally get him help. But it was really horrible. And the reason he shared that on his social media was because he wanted to raise awareness for, not only like how important it is to, for Airlines to take accountability and be more vigilant towards that type of thing. If someone's asking, if they're telling someone that they have allergies, like he could have died. It's something really important for people to keep in mind. And just in general, like if you have allergies or if you don't know, if you have allergies, like just keep in mind safety. So


that's crazy.


actually crazy.


That's as if they were treating him as if he said I'm gluten free. Gluten free is a real thing. They made him seem like his allergy was more like he's vegan. It's you can be vegan. Like these, those like lactose intolerant and gluten like celiac, that's a real thing. But the way they just threw him out, it's as if he was saying like, I'm vegan, cause vegan, you are vegan by choice. So I think for them, if they're not choosing, they weren't taking him seriously because they were making it seem like he has like a, like a. Dietary restriction that's by choice when actually, I don't think he's choosing to have a nut allergy and have to carry an EpiPen.


yeah, they were like, oh, you can't, you don't want to eat carbs? No, man, this is like a legit allergy. And he asked twice, which is crazy.






did you do here?


Oh, yeah, so apparently our girl Ekin Suu As you all know her and Davide had a breakup this past year and She hasn't really talked about it. Davide hasn't really talked about it. They were like very amicably posting on instagram Hey, we've decoupled or whatever. But apparently she's writing a book. It's coming soon and she is done protecting Davide. So apparently there's gonna be some juice in it. She's gonna spill it all. And anyway, I'm excited. Maybe we should have a little book reading sesh.


Oh, 100%. I saw


proper chat book club.


gosh That's so interesting because I think I watched this thing with it can see randomly some clip where she low key was like cause I don't know what they asked. I don't know. And then basically somebody who comment was that like Davide likes to party, like he likes to go out. So maybe I wonder if she'll probably discuss if that was the reasoning behind like a lot of their breakup or whatever.


I could see it.








the streets. The other juice that I got, other silly drama that I was seeing on the streets, I listened to So Wrong It's Right. It's Olivia Atwood's podcast. Highly recommend it. It's pretty good and she's been having a lot of love islanders on it. But she had Molly from last Season talk about her time in the all stars cast. And apparently everyone on that season got food poisoning. And there was like a whole situation with the toilets. They like tried to separate it so the girls got the Downstairs bathroom and the boys got the upstairs, but it was like so bad that people were having to just run to whichever bathroom was available. Anyway, it was, she was like explaining to that like they also have a camera in the toilets and I think it's like for safety reasons, like they don't want people to pass out in the bathrooms and not have a record of it or something like that. But she was like, your first poo in the villa is so dramatic. So you're like sitting there with the camera, you also have to carry around your microphone. She's I put my microphone and I like covered it up and anyway, I was like, oh my god, this is a hot mess. So anyway, it was very A fun little tidbit about what goes on behind the scenes.




my biggest nightmare.




Truly. Oh my gosh. Not me. Won't be going on the villa. That's the reason why I can't go.


I think Ronna would have to have her own private toilet outside of the villa to be able to go on.


That's the only reason why I can't go on. Yeah.


Gabby, what did you hear about our favorite vacation in via?


Oh, yeah. So when he was in the after show, he was talking to there's he's been on a few podcasts, I believe, or maybe it's just one, but there's been a lot of clips around on Tick Tock. He was talking about what he was being asked. He doesn't like volunteer this information, there's been a lot of speculation about Ronnie's hair and what he uses because there was one clip in specifically showing that he, he was like balding in a few spots, which, you guys, this is how I feel about it. I'm like leave the guy alone, in my opinion, like at the, I just felt like the girls get to change their hair and wear extensions and all the things, but the guy is I don't know. I just felt a little weird about that. And that's initially why I shared it. Cause I wanted to hear your thoughts on that. But what Munvir says, and the reason I think that people are being so like crazy about his hair, Ronnie's hair is because he's literally been so controversial this whole show. Like he's not an angel. So that's why people are like finding faults in him. If it was like Sean or someone that's been like a sweet angel there's not no reason to point munvir basically says that ronnie was open about this. He uses hair fibers which I think comes in a little can and they just like he just sprays it to basically cover like the areas where he's balding.


I have thought, I have so many thoughts about this. I actually, I am in, I'm interested in your point, Gabby, cause I actually clocked his hair. Like, when they even revealed the first photos, I was like, Ooh, his hairline is a very dark, it's like stark right there. And I remember sharing the photo with my husband, Boris, and him being like, Oh, I wonder if he's wearing a wig. It looks like a wig. Anyway As the season has progressed, I've been curious about if it is some sort of thing in any way, it was revealed that he has hair fibers, which, I totally agree if you, if it makes you feel confident, go for it it's totally fine,


yeah, there's moments that we definitely don't see like we don't see the boys getting ready. Like pretty much ever except for a little spray, a little shirt situation. Yeah, I think that's It's a level of insecurity, but also that we haven't seen, but also it's not that deep.


Oh, speaking about our homie Manvir, apparently he's also, clearly he's been on the streets commentating about everything because I heard that he thinks that Tiffany doesn't really like Ronnie at all and as much as he likes her and that he feels that Ronnie will be running back to Harriet soon.


I'm interested in this take because I was telling Boris this too, that I don't love the girl, she seems really sweet, but I haven't gotten a sense of her personality or interests or anything other than she can laugh, she's a little silly and she's hot. And she's hot, and she, yeah, she does the little hee hees, or the dolphin noises that she was making in the last episode. Oh my god, I was dying. But I agree,


was that?


Roni likes her because she's hot. And I don't know how long that will last. It might go for a little bit longer, but He's gonna need someone that is hot and also can give it back to him and have a conversation,


new hope. Yeah.


You would hope, but who knows? We, I've been surprised with Ronnie,


yeah. Another thing that I actually heard about, which I was like, interesting, this is about old Islanders that Josh, Josh blue eyes, Sophie's boyfriend, he recently has come under fire for not paying a small business, 400 quid or like 400 pounds to that, that they help set up his booth, their balloons display. And they said it took them about like 10 hours of work and they feel like this, they charged him 400 pounds. But they said that was the minimal range because they thought in exchange, they would get a social media post, but they were like, it's been like a month and they're like, he's obviously posted about the event. And there's still, he hasn't tagged them or mentioned anything about like that. They did the balloons for him. And so they are like, Posted on the internet being like, Hey, Josh, like we did your balloons. You're still waiting for you to pay us or post about us. And then it's only from that post that Josh was like, whoopsie. I messed up the, I didn't follow up my end of the agreement. So it was like, so shady. It's would he have paid? Cause he conveniently forgot because he said he was traveling, but it's that's so sketchy


Like the company must have reached out to him, right? There was, I'm sure they reached out to him to remind him of the payment. Yeah, let's just say someone is so busy that they forget you, I'm sure the company called you and try to reach you. They were like a little desperate. That's a lot of money too for a business, that's a good amount. And also like they were saying they were charging him less because they expected that social media post and they didn't even get that. That's horrible. He needs to take accountability for that and learn from his mistakes.


Shame on you, Josh.




And then Gabby, you've said there's more scoop. Apparently you've been busy on these streets. What else has the two years been up? Sorry. Wow.


Sam, the guy that just laughed. I heard a few things about him. One was that during the, his time in the island, that him and Samantha had a little feud. He was like, she's the only person that he could not get along with. Apparently it wasn't shown, any of that wasn't shown on camera, but he was like very confused because he says that he always gets along with people. So he was like confused as to why she, he didn't get along with her. I feel like a little part of it from what I read was that she was trying to show that she wasn't interested because she was like immediately paired up with him. She was just interested in the new guy, Joey, at the time so maybe she came off like a little strong and they had like a weird dynamic that wasn't shown. That was the first thing that I heard, which was interesting. The second thing was that a lot of people are speculating out on the streets that Sam is going to come back to Casa because when he leaves the show, he says something like hinting he'll be back, he'll he says to everybody I'll see you soon. And, everybody says that, but people are speculating that he said it in a specific way, suggesting that he'd be back in Casa, which I don't know. I think he should come back to casa. One day was a little, it was, it just wasn't enough in my opinion.


Would love to see more of him and actually learn what his deal is and yeah. Bring him back.


bring him back.


as well. The last little bit that I had, and I think, Ronna, you and I talked a bit about this, too, in the group chat. But basically there's been a lot of conversation about the contestants this year and their fillers and just how they look and I don't know, a lot of people have been saying they look like way older than they actually are and there was actually a TikToker who broke down why it is that. It is like a trend in the UK to get these fillers but basically I did some research on this. Usually in the United States, when you go to get fillers, you have to go through a licensed medical practitioner. So a doctor or nurse. And in this instance, in the UK, their regulations only specify that you need a specific certification to get this sort of regulation to give people fillers, so they classify it as like a non surgical procedure, and you can literally take a two day course online and get it. The fillers. Anyway, the the certification, I was actually, do you guys remember Jess from two, two, three seasons ago? Remember how she was esthetician? I don't know if you ever, yeah, and she won. If you follow her on Instagram, she actually like, Shows some of that work that she does with some of her, I don't know, I can't even call them patients, but people that come in to get their fillers done. So she's actually one of those, the people that I was licensed to, to, give, I don't know, injections, fillers.




Hopefully the people of the UK that are listening to us will tell us whether the internet is right or wrong about these regulations




we are interested.


oh no, I actually looked this up, you guys, because I was like, I want to double check this.


Oh, the, oh, wow.


government website and, There's actually they decided because it's like a non surgical practice, that's what they do. Until they change it they've addressed that it is risky, and obviously you're not gonna get the best results from any person on the street, and so they did recommend going to a professional doctor, but it's people are able to do it.


Is this for stuff on the face only? Or,


It's stuff that injects, so that was the only restriction, that it's a non surgical sort of procedure, so anything that is an injectable or a Botox.


well, and I wonder to the person who's get the two day certificate, it's probably a lot cheaper to go to than the person who is a doctor. And so I'm assuming like, that could also be part of it. It's you're, they're probably charging less. Because they have less certifications, they're not an actual doctor. And also another thing is like they I wonder too because People find out they're going on the show, and then they quickly try to go through these transformations. Whether it's like, trying to lose weight, knowing that they're gonna be in bikini for eight weeks. Same thing with this. It's trying to get the quick Okay, I'm gonna do all of this work with fillers and things like that, too. And, to your point, it's Oftentimes with like injectables, like the quicker things are actually the things that look more abrasive on the face versus doing something that takes a lot longer, looks more natural. And so it just may, but those things are also more expensive. So it's probably like all of those things combined.


Totally. Yeah.


wow, thank you so much for scoops on the streets. There's also journalism, research journalism. Thank you, Nicole. I guess that concludes Scoop on the Streets this week. We're not only gossip, we're also a research project.


My journalism greed did not go to use for nothing.


Oh, I love that.


was done.


All right, friends, that concludes our episode of the week. Thank you so much for listening with us. If you would like some more of our content throughout this week, we are on TikTok and Instagram at proper chat, Todd if you want to support the show, I would love it if you could take a little picture of where you're listening right now. And then post it on your stories and tag us on Instagram at proper chat pod. I think we would love to see where you are in the world. Anyway, thanks for listening. We'll be back next Thursday with more Love Island gossip. Stay proper and stay chatting.


for listening.

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