Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

"And most importantly...raspberries!" - Love Island S11, Ep. 17-23

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 5

…because they’re cute AND hairy! Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! We are picking our top 3 favorite moments from the last week of Love Island S11 (episodes 17-23) including the Heart Rate Challenge and the second public vote. We also give you some gossip and scoop on the streets from all the conversations on social media.

Listen in for the latest updates, intriguing discussions, and our predictions for the upcoming season. Subscribe now to Proper Chat to ensure you don't miss a single moment of our Love Island journey!

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I'm going to be doing some more of that. So I'm going to be doing some more of that. Bye.


Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I am Nicole, one of your co hosts for today, and I am here with my two other lovely co hosts.


Hi, I'm Gabby.


Hi, it's me, your favorite South African.


And last but not least, our fourth host today is out. She was in London at the Taylor Swift concert and then now she's in France. So I'm hoping she's enjoying her time, living her best life. Brauna heads up. If you are listening, we have a secret challenge for you in this episode. So if you're listening and you figure out the code, then you don't have to face A secret consequence. Just heads up about that. In this episode, we will cover Love Island Season 11, Episodes 17 through 23. So, spoiler alert, if you haven't seen those episodes yet, go back, watch them, then come listen to this podcast. We're going to cover the top three moments from the week, we're going to play our iconic tier ranking game, and then we'll give you the scoop on the streets and some Love Island gossip in your feeds. But before we get into it, let's get a high and a low from the group. Gabby, you want to go first? What's your high? What's your low from the week?


Yeah. My high is that we found out that there is a crazy cave that's only 30 minutes from our house and we went to it and it was so fun and it was like a fun Like less than a mile hike, incredible. And then you get to the swimming hole, you guys, it was so incredible. You, we have to go someday. But then you go to the swimming hole and then you can swim through the cave. And I mean, it's beautiful, stunning. And then underneath the cave. It's, it was like really crazy experience to be completely honest. I think this is like one of my favorite experiences that I've had in this area. And it's only 30 minutes from my house. I was shocked. So that was my, like my biggest high. I could not believe that I found that. And I'm so happy because I got to take my family there and swim there. And it was like so much fun. Then my low was Forgot what my low was. Oh, that's oh my gosh, you guys you would not believe what I did So my driveway, you know, it's on an incline


steep hill.


That's a very steep hill and you know how far that driveway is, right? so On I it was a total accident, you know We have a side by side which is like a smaller car that you can drive around. It's like bigger than a golf cart You I accidentally forgot to put the emergency parking on and it freaking rolled down that hill full speed And I was and we saw it happen And it was right as we had guests coming in from out of town It was crazy. And I mean it could have been way worse way more


your gate open or closed?


Oh my gosh. Thank god It did not roll that far down thankfully But it was bad like it flipped and it's a really heavy Vehicle, it's really really heavy. But then thank goodness nick my husband nick's. Exercise weightlifting came through because he was able to push it forward But I genuinely think that it was probably like I don't know 500 pounds. It was wild. Yeah, it's a really heavy I don't know 500 600. It's really heavy no Normal people cannot move that, that vehicle,


Is it okay? It's fine?


Yeah, so it ended up being not much of a low. It's totally fine.


Okay. That's hilarious, though.


Isn't that wild?


Yeah, it's like all those


I'll start with my low. The Oilers lost the Stanley Cup final yesterday, which was really sad. Having been their number one fan for officially six months, it was very tough seeing them lose. But also we were saying like, it's also really exciting that a team we randomly chose made it so far. And We knew nothing about hockey six months ago and obviously now like honestly we know everything but like it's very interesting that like now we're like obsessed but it sucks like watching because you just you want it so bad and obviously the players wanted bad but you also just we've just it's been a journey and it would have been so cool if they won.




So that was my low and then my high was technically yesterday that was a high. It was my boyfriend Jeremy's daughter's 18th birthday. So that was fun. I actually thought it was a two week, two weeks ago, but I obviously so premature because Jeremy was like, no, but yes, we went out to like dinner. So we still got to celebrate after the Oilers, but it was pretty bum. It was a bummer. And, oh, actually one of I got her a gift that actually was crowd sourced to our group chat. And I ended up getting her I think the Lululemon Everywhere bag.




it. Yeah. So I got her that one and she seemed to really like it because she was like, is it a fanny pack? And I'm like, for real? But it was more obviously because also she is going to art school in Amsterdam and I mean in the Netherlands and it just thought it would be nice for her to have like her belongings as close to her body as possible when she's out and about. But my true, my other high to go off a tangent, my real high was, I'm not real, but a second high was I went for dinner with My boyfriend Jeremy, we sometimes do monthly anniversary dinners, not as much like now, but like sometimes we just do them and we went out at a 5. 30 dinner and actually it was really nice I was like, wow, is this The way to combat Sunday scaries because the dinner, it's not too late, not too, especially in the summertime, right? Because like you're at dinner until an hour and a half, like two hours, depending on how long they allowed you allowed to sit at the table. Cause you know, in San Francisco, they're like tick tock, honey, time is money. I just thought that was really nice. It was also such a, like a nice dinner, especially cause like we haven't had a lot of solo one on one time, so it was really good. And we returned to state bird. I think the call you had been before and the food was so good. Oh my gosh. I wish I had 10, 000 stomachs. The dessert was not my favorite, but in terms of the actual like food that was coming out and also the staff were just like so kind and so amazing. And the wine was good. So it was like such a good way to spend like a Sunday, summer, like evening.


Flush. That's a great idea to have a little treat before the end of your Sunday, but not too late. So you don't feel like you didn't get a good night's sleep or whatever.


yes, exactly. It's you just, it's like nice little gift for you before you rejoin corporate America. How about you, Nicole? How's your week? How, what's your high and low this past week?


Yes. My low easy right now I'm like PMSing. So everything's stressing me out for no reason, which, happens as part of our monthly routine. But my high is I had also had a really good weekend. They're doing this program in the city where there's a bunch of musicians who play out in different sections of the city. There's it's like 40 different musicians in different spots around the city. And so Boris and I like made a little map of all of them and walked around the city and listened to music. And. And he's been watching the Eurogames, and so we paused, had some lunch, watched some Eurogames, and then kept walking and listening to music, and it was like, a perfect date for us.






sounds lovely.


Yeah, it was so good. Another hi, guys, and I don't talk about my work that much because honestly it's not that fun right now, but a series that I've been promoting got some crazy pickup this in the past couple days the New York Times wrote about it, and so much so that Sarah Jessica Parker posted a poster of it on her Insta, and so we were, like, fangirling at work, and So that's exciting. Sarah Jessica Parker is slightly more connected to me today than she was yesterday. I'll take it.


I love that.


That was my


Love that.






Well, sweet! Now we're gonna talk about the top three moments from the week of Love Island. A reminder, this is episode 17 through 23. So if you haven't, go watch them. Come back. This is gonna be full of spoilers. The first event, the first major event from the week came early in the week. It was Matilda and Connor walking in as bombshells. And then basically the Villers got text saying that they were going to have dinner dates, which were the appetizer, the main, and the dessert. And Connor took Grace, Nicole, and Uma. Which I thought was a very bold choice. These girls seem to be the most wifed up girls. And then Matilda took Will, Sean, and Omar on dinner dates. So that was interesting. Anyway, oh, and immediately during the dinner dates, Sean is putting it on Matilda. But also it seemed like she had chemistry with Omar. But yeah, I wanted to get your perspective on the dinner dates. What was everyone's thoughts and how they went?


I don't, sorry, I, just to make a note, I might be wrong, but didn't Connor take Mimi and not Uma?


Oh, you're so right. It was Mimi.


Those are like the most wiped up girls


Yes, still goes back to the most wifed up, yes.




She was even more wifed up than Uma


totally, because yeah, I think Uma could have been a little if Uma would have been picked, maybe she could have swayed, maybe, who knows? They, he had so many options of girls that were just like waiting, right? Jez could have been a great option Harriet. Yeah, it was pretty crazy that he picked those. And I feel like that was the start of why he went wrong. Yeah. Not that he went that wrong, but yeah, just like friend zoned himself by picking the girls that were wiped up




give much of the other girls a chance.


Agreed, but I agree that it's also you have to make a bold choice on who you think you would get along with. So I would have like, no, no no worries, Connor. Like it's in the past, but if I were to pick coming in, I feel like I would pick someone who's definitely my type and then try to find someone maybe who I could get along with. Cause it definitely tore the villa apart a little bit. It was like, who is this guy being so bold? Right.


It was very interesting how he chose Nicole for the main, which I was like, very interesting, because, I feel like out of everyone from the jump, she's just been Kieran, Kieran, Kieran, so I'm like that was, like, interesting that he was like I'm gonna try anyway. But I also think, I understand him wanting Grace, she's really pretty, and also you just never know who, and Joey, or thing, but I also feel like she also still trying to be open and open minded So I think like at least there's a little bit of like Grace saying she's open but I think like the lights of Nicole and Mimi were like those are two that just seemed like seemed Perfectly fine in their couple and just like cuddling and quiet and staying out of the drama


I know. And they were good at Also being like, hey, setting boundaries with Connor hey, I do really I want you to feel welcome in the villa, but Kieran's my guy and we're pretty closed off and Mimi was pretty good at setting and letting him know that she's pretty wiped up as well.


I was gonna put just one more note on Connor. My note is that no on the dream I just don't like dreadlocks So it's just always like Connor with a K and he came with dreadlocks. I just, I can't even take him that seriously. And also like his job is so complicated. It's just that the whole time he was like, Oh, I'm a rugby player. But when he meets them, he's Oh, I'm a barber. But then I also play rugby where it's which is your job? My guy. Anyway.


I did not pick up on that rugby versus barber. I just picked up on the rugby. Yeah, that's interesting. I don't know, Connor gave off some bold moves and I appreciated that Matilda picked maybe on the safer side with Sean, but and Omar, and I forget what the, who the third person was that she picked.




Oh, Will. Okay, yeah, those are three safer options given that they Will and Uma barely started


I hadn't even kissed Steven yet at that


Totally. Yeah, so that, that would be, like, a safer option. I thought that Matilda and Will, Will for me is just not giving any it's hard to tell what he's thinking. So that was a weird pick for me. I can't imagine them getting on, but it could have happened, I mean I feel like that was a good pick. Sean was just the best option for her because he was available. They kind of fit. When she was explaining like what her ideal type was, she kept saying like nice, a nice guy. You can tell she was like very much like describing him.


Totally. I couldn't tell if Will was like flirting with Matilda or was just being nice. Like he plays that card so well. That's I'm a nice guy, get along with everyone. And oh, is this flirty? After their date, when he finally went over to clear things up with Uma, and Uma was actually like, Okay, I actually really like you. I think then he was like oh, crap. Okay, got it. Put myself in check. I actually really do Uma, and I don't know. If the Matilda thing was like deeper than the flirt or whatever it was. Yeah,


because I think he, sorry,


no, go ahead.


I was going to say, I think for me, I know as much as he was like, oh yeah, I'm going to stay open and whatever, but also you can also like, maybe that's just like the thing to say, right? You don't want to be like the person who just got you and you're like, actually, I just want to put my eggs, because a lot of people like, no, that's not the way to go. But I do feel like, on his date with Uma, like, how would that he seemed so keen. And even when she was, like, very open, not to just talk on, not on Matilda, but just say on Will for him to be, like, very excited when Uma was, like, actually, you know, and I'm feeling you, whatever. And he was, like, oh my gosh you should have told me this, blah, blah, blah. So it's also, he also says, you know what, at the end of the day, I also need reassurance, but then make it I know you're not kissing me. But I also want to like, I need, I, as a person who's trying to like you back, I also sometimes it's nice to have the reassurance.


Totally. It was like a shift changed. And then it went from is he flirting with Matilda to like, okay, he's fully invested and Uma is fully invested and that's great.


And I also think like Matilda is like pretty, but I don't, not to put women against each other, but I guess like the best compliment she got was in her eyes, like fine, like people were obsessed with them. But I also think Will was like, yeah, no, Uma is like a worldie and he probably was like, yeah, I'm not going anywhere. No offense to Matilda, she's pretty, but I also, Uma's just gorgeous. Every time I watch her, I'm like, how is she a person?


That's interesting. Yeah, no, I thought, I actually thought Matilda was like stunning. Her body, her whole vibe. I just thought she was such a warm, friendly girl. I was like, every guy's going to want to talk to her. What a warm girl. Like her smile, her bubbliness. I agree. Her eyes are like, guys, this is so crazy. She has hooded eyes. But she pulls those eyes off like that. That's amazing.


Gabby and the hooded eyes. Explain, give them background about the hooded eyes, Gabby.


Well, cause I have hooded eyes. I have hooded eyes and they're heavy on my eyes. So most of the time I'm like struggling for struggling so much that I keep them open. That's the truth. But Matilda, she pulls it off so well. Cause her eyebrows are like, they're so close to her eyes. It's incredible. And she has the straightest eyebrows. It's, she's really beautiful. And her whole fashion choice. It's been like, Whoa, have you guys, do you agree?


Gabby's a Matilda fan. I can tell.




Oh yeah.


I mean, I'm an UMA fan too. I'm a


I, but


UMA fan. I'm a huge UMA fan. I love UMA. I think she's incredible. She's beautiful. And I have loved how as we progress with Will, we are seeing her like no longer be guarded, no longer be like in this shell. She is it's like she's blossoming because now she's not uncomfortable or in fear as much. She's like really being her own. I literally both love like both of those girls. So I can't You know,


Same. And they actually seem to be besties in the villa. Like they, which is so cute. Cause I also love both of their personalities. So it like makes sense that they're like always coming to each other and dad and cuddling. They're my top two girls too. They seem very girls.


Yeah. I like them. And I do, I think when you said to me about the warmth of Matilda, I felt that the same, I thought she was just really nice and just like very honest and just so kind. I think even like meeting the girls for the first time, like she just was like, so happy to be there and happy to meet them. And even with the guys I feel like she came as like very bubbly and warm and wasn't like trying to be too sexy or too whatever. I just thought she was just. like even when she saw Ronnie and she's Ronnie boy and he was like who is that and he was like not another girl Ronnie's hooked up with but thank god it wasn't


No, just a friend. Thank God.


and I do like how she's been a girl's girl and she's also like setting expectations to the girls like bad for him yay for but Harriet's still doing her things it's just even better.


Truly. Yeah. That brings us to our number two situation, the number two of a big event from the week. So we had the second public vote and dumping from the villa and both of the new Islanders were saved. So then it came down to the couples and the bottom couples were Jess and Omar, Tiffany and Ronnie Joey and Grace. And there was a pretty heated debate, but ultimately the Villa decides to dump Omar and Tiffany. Basically claiming that since Tiffany ended things with Ronnie her time was up. And we saw the behind the scenes of them making this decision, and Sean really advocated to send Omar home because he was also really turning his head towards Matilda, even though Sean really wanted Matilda. He dumped, he basically advocated for one of his best mates to be dumped. What are our thoughts on that? I really want to talk about this.


Horrible. Horrible. That changed my whole view on Sugarman. I could not watch the rest of that or even the episodes after without thinking like, how weird if I was talking to someone on. And they were talking to someone. I would not try to get them out of the equation. Like I would let them figure it out on their own who they want to be with. I don't want to be taking someone from the competition out. Like I want that person to want me as like their top choice. I just thought it was crazy that was his thought process. And that it actually, when I was telling Nick about this, And I was like, oh yeah so Omar left because Sean, they had a connection with the girl. He said, but he didn't say that out loud, right? He didn't say his thought process, you just think that. And I was like, no, he actually said it out loud. He actually said, I'm taking I want him gone because he's my competition.


Dude, yeah, and when he said it, I was shook, I was like, I cannot believe this man is vocalizing this cause you can feel that, you can be like, ooh deep down I have this secret wish that if they leave, then I get to focus on Matilda, but to say it out loud, and then also, Use that as a tool to advocate it in the group and like push for it that vote within the group Wow, it was


Super shady. And the fact that was like his closest friend in the villa, like Omar was his closest friend, I don't know, I just saw some bad really weird behavior I thought Omar was just pulling game trying to talk to Matilda, which obviously this is what it's all about, and he was getting weird about it, I just did not like that behavior at all, and honestly, I don't think Omar deserved to leave he was, he's, he would have had someone really compatible come up for him next if it wasn't Matilda.


I agree. I, yeah, I just felt bad about it. But then also in the end, it is as they said, it is Love Island, not Friend Island. And so I understand because sometimes you have to be like ruthless for what you want. And maybe that's the reason why I'm probably not you know, A CEO of corporate America, because I guess I'm not just that ruthless, but I think like maybe just to sometimes in life to apparently to get ahead, you sometimes have to like make decisions like this. And I think as much as Joey was like. That's not friendship island. And I'm like, okay, you're the last person that we're advocating because you were just like upset with Omar just the last night because you were like, what's no competition with grace. So I don't know. I just feel like for me, it's I think my moral compass, obviously, I think it's terrible. But then when I actually think about it, they are at the end of the day, like these, they are not really friends, like fine. We're friends. We're besties in the house. But I also think at the end of the day, it's like, You've got to do what you've got to do because once this is over, like you find some people do make friends for life, but some people you're like whiskey scenario, I get love. And then I just go back to my usual life. And my friend,


Yeah and that's why Sean built his candy empire cuz he is ruthless secretly ruthless


The guy with his branding, we'll talk about it later, but the branding continues even to


yeah. He gives me the egg. I do. I just, he's just, it's too much. Like I,


I totally agree.


It's too much. Like we get it. Every girl that comes in there, a candy, a watermelon oh my God, can you stop? Stop it.


It's too


to you is it's too much. It's it's was funny, maybe never, but stop bringing a by every single time. Like it's cringe to watch. It's just, I'm just so done. I mean, I'm done with him. And that's in terms of, you remind me of a candy. Yeah. You know, you remind me of somebody that I hope they voting of the island very soon.


Ooh, this. Yeah speaking of awkward situations let's talk about the Heart Rate Challenge, shall we? The third big moment from the week. Honestly, I love the Heart Rate Challenge. It's usually one of my favorite parts of Love Island. So we have the couples who raced each other's hearts, and I'll lay them out and then we can discuss. IO raced was heart was raced by Mimi Connor's heart was raced by Matilda Will's heart was raced by Uma. Cute. Sean's heart was raced by Jess Strange. Joey's heart was raced by Nicole, also weird. And Ronnie's heart was raced by Jess. Ooh. And lastly, Kieran's heart was raced by Grace, which Nicole seemed visibly upset by this. Then we go to the girls, and Harriet's heart was raced by Ronnie. Matilda's was raced by Sean, Uma's was raced by Will, Mimi was raced by Connor, which is weird, Nicole by Kieran, which she was very proud about and made a sassy comment, and then Jess was raced by Ronnie, other question mark, and then Grace. For whatever reason, by IO. And then, at the very end, the Islanders get a text that Jess and Joey get to go on a date with Trey and Jesse. Some new bombshells coming into the villa. But before we talk about the bombshells, what did everyone think about Partway Challenges? Were there any faves from this round?


Just to stop talking about Candyman, his outfit was so horrible. I did not want to see it.


I can't believe that the producers let him lean into this so hard and that he allows it. He's sure, this is my brand. Let's go with it. Oh, it's just


so cheesy,


It's so much.


it was not even, it was not even sexy. It could have been so much better. Horrible.


a candy cane somewhere. They could


Exactly! That's what I was thinking. They could have really played with the candy. They could have just had one big candy somewhere. It could have been so much better. Instead, he wore swim trunks or something.


Yeah, and they just stuck the stickers on there. It was so annoying, because I was always like, and then you had like fine men like Io come through and I was like, okay, if the Boeing's going down, I'm like, take me with you.


Totally. He looks so


a whole snack, whatever snacks they're serving on that flight, sign me up.




yeah. Ayo's outfit was definitely the best. Totally. From the


then I, and then I thought Grace looked pretty great. Like I thought she looked like really sexy, really fun. Like I wish Uma had a better outfit because obviously I adore her so much, but I just felt like I loved like Grace's outfit with the whip. I just thought that was like so sexy. Not saying particularly her dance moves weren't that particular. Like I think that none of the dance performances were giving for me really this time. But I will say like outfits wise, Just IO and Grace, because they just looked such good outfits. The other ones, I feel like they just bought them on Amazon, and they were like, Okay, cool, guys, we need these random outfits.


Totally. You know who?


tired of the Oh, sorry. I'm just gonna say I'm tired of the finger sucking. Every single girl sucked a finger. And I just didn't think that was cool. Is that all you had? You just Every single girl.


It was like a move.


Yeah, and how many girls sucked the same finger? That's disgusting. That was gross. I was really like that was not fun to watch. Their dance moves were, I agree, were not that


Harriet did the splits, and I was like, And?


Oh man, I was gonna say, I thought she did the best out of all the girls. Yes, there were some sexy dance moves, but I feel like Harriet actually came in brought the energy started off at a really good note and ended with the splits and was just she crushed it. And I felt that the producers did not do her justice with her outfit as well. What was she supposed to be? Like, A sexy race car. What?




They were horrible.


was Harriet's and Uma's. Uma's with the wings and stuff. It was just like, not


Yeah, that was like definitely budget budget Victoria's Secret model. I feel like Umai could have just been so many other things that was I was just like, why even all this all the outfits was such a no like they were like, Okay, this is where we're cutting budget this year.


Totally. What do you, what did you all think of the actual heart races? Were there any surprises or do we have thoughts on these? I feel like I go back and forth between Ooh, this is like a way to make it juicy. And Oh, this is a silly game that like, it really doesn't matter. What are your thoughts?


Oh, I thought that making it, when they coincide, it's like, yay, they coincide. It's great. Like we're matching move on. And then when it's always a weird conversation afterwards, like I'm, we'll see how Nicole and Kieran, what their conversation is going to be like, because Nicole got kind of pissed. And then also when Grace when Joey did not get Grace. Grace was pissed too. And then one of the girls, I think Harriette is like, Oh, it's just a game. And she's I know, babe. I know. Like she tells Harriette I know, babe. I know. I know it's just a game, but it's not, it got a little spicy.


Oh, I didn't notice that, but yeah, Nicole was visibly upset and Kieran was also trying to be like, calm down, Nicole. And they were having like a little argument in front of everyone. Gosh, like they needed to have a conversation very quickly after that. We'll see how that goes.


Yeah, I did think it was very interesting that Grace's was live was by IO. Also knowing she just came off a fight with Joey for liking what's his name? Omar. So very interesting that's so it's like just being like, okay, cool. Off that fight, but also this and as well as IO. So that's very interesting. Cause I think with, I just. For me I just think like when Joey got upset at Omar about Oh, there's no competition. I just was very curious. I don't know. I always make something about all the time about race, but you know, sometimes with like anger like that, it can have like like racial undertones, just being like, meaning, cause also Omar was like, what did you mean there's no competition? Cause it's because she's not into black guys, like what could it be? But then it's also maybe she is because also I had turned on with his pilot outfit. So maybe You might not know her type as much as you think you, maybe you have no idea what she's into. And then the fact that he was kicking off a fight on with Omar because what she had stated when he actually said Oh, my was like, I wish you spoke to me because a maybe grace took it as floating, maybe speak to her. Because even when I was gone, grace was like, Yeah. Like still Omar and I she kept bringing up him and it's girl, he said he wasn't flirting with you. He said he was just talking to you. And I think maybe with Grace is she's as much as he's can't really explore that much. Because I mean, at this point, like Joey's been like, yeah, she's technically mine. And then I wanted to talk about go back to the previous moment as well, I'm on this quickly, is that I didn't like the way that Joey blamed. Blamed that the blame them being in the bottom two couple on grace.'cause he was like, we're not meant to be like the couple that are like the couple that the public isn't really voting for. We're meant to be the couple that you know, that that people are supposed to be like, yeah, we are right or die for them. So I didn't like that was what he was blaming, that he was blaming it all on them versus like maybe the, the, I'm like the popular maybe the public is not voting for you. Like maybe it's a mixture of both things and I just don't think it's fair to like kind of blame Grace.


totally. Yeah, Joe, the whole Joey Omar situation, just to call it back to that to I think when Grace came into she naturally said, my type is like dark guys, dark features, like very much hinting it's Omar and I'll that type. And then to like constantly bring up the flirting in quote unquote flirting and then also say it's not an issue to joey And then joey then just deciding to kick off Anyway, like it was not a nice situation and like the way that I got very heated very quickly I felt like you're right had some like very aggressive undertones that were not Not appropriate and not well thought out


To sum it up, she, Grace has a completely different type than what Joey is. I, it's extremely clear. Even to add on to what you all have brought up already with Omar, Connor, like how she handled the situation, going up to him, being friendly. Did she not just tell him that she was open to getting people in that disc in that conversation? She absolutely did. She said, I'm open to meeting people. I'm not closed off. And then she's coming off pretty open in that discussion. And when he says yeah, and you are one of the people that I'm interested in talking to she smiles and doesn't push back at all She's oh That's nice. Basically. So she's being a little confusing


yeah, and she said, I'm happy to chat to you. What, that's not


of chat? Exactly. What type of chat? Be specific. If you're just a friend, then say, I'm happy to be here as a friend for you and talk to any of the girls. Be specific. Gray's girl she knows what she likes and she's just the, what's scary for her is that people are not going to like her on the screen. I think, this is my opinion. That people aren't going to like her on the screen and say Oh, she's like talking to people or that in the villa she's going to be uncomfortable because Joey is going to throw a fit at her talking to other people, but she needs to let herself do that. She deserves that. She was a bombshell. She deserves to talk to people. She does not, she's not chained up to Joey. He's not even her type. He didn't even treat her well outside the outside of their vacation.


honestly, and I'm bored with the oh, they know each other outside the villa storyline.


a vacation. It was on vacation.


I'm like, isn't the purpose to come to Love Island and meet new people? Like, why are we like paying with the pass, playing with the pass?


It's basically like Ix on the beach is now on Love Island.




No, we've never liked it. All right, so before we start our next game, we've decided to create a little challenge for our host that's out this week, Brana. Brana, if you're listening, if you don't text us a secret code of the eggplant emoji, then your punishment will be that you have to post a heart rate challenge dance to our TikTok. So we're really excited if you don't make it to this part to see that, because we know your dance skills. So I'm pumped. But if you did hear this, obviously send, text us the eggplant emoji, and then if anybody wants to play along, go ahead and send us a eggplant emoji on our socials. Now it's time for the infamous This week we changed it up a little bit and the categories of this week are one going strong, which means that we're playing it back thinking that Casa is right around the corner, by the way. And we're thinking these are the couples that are going to stay strong. and stay together through casa. The second one is cracks are showing. So in that pair, there's either one person that should be showing signs of potentially turning heads, or it just could be like, we could see cracks in their relationship. And then Friendship Island, our usual. And then we can start off by talking about the people that have left. And we'll make this round a little bit quicker since we've already talked enough about most of Islanders. But is there anything you guys want to say more about Omar or our smiley girl, Tiffany? If not, bye.


Bye, you guys. You gave us some iconic moments, especially Tiffany with the bit of me, bit of you, but hate to see you gone.


Yeah, I feel like the TikToks were really good about


I know.


Her awesome


She's gonna, she's gonna get her phone like tomorrow and it's just gonna be her voice on her TikTok over and over about the raspberries.


Oh my God. But one moment about Tiffany, sorry. As a notice when she was friend zoning Ronnie, that was the craziest conversation I've ever heard. I was like, what is actually happening? Luckily he read between the lines was I was like, what is she saying?


Wow. So true.


She did not make it clear.


Girl, what happened? Why was this so hard? I don't get it. We rehearsed. We were with the girls. We rehearsed. I don't, I truly don't know what happened. I like, it was almost like she was walking and talking to him and she said, I think we should just be friends. And then she sat down and like totally forgot the next lines. It was incredible.




Yeah. What do you guys think about, okay. Ronnie has been through a roller coaster, and right now, right after Tiffany left, now Harriet has come in and gone back to the man, and now Jess is getting jealous, and there's a whole triangle, again of emotions, not necessarily triangle of love, and now Harriet and Ronnie have gone on a date, obviously, and now they're solid ish, thinks Harriet, Harriet thinks that. But in my opinion, Ronnie is going to be Ronnie, and he's going to move to Craxcer showing


I would agree, and I put Harriet with him. Actually, how much do you guys think he actually likes Harriet? Do you think he does, or do you think he's just playing it safe? Because I don't see that chemistry. Even in the date, I was like, she came back and he was, she was like, It's a totally different Ronnie. He was so serious. We like, talked about serious stuff. And I was like, he made jokes the whole time. I did not see this side of him. What do you see in this man? And also, does he see anything in you?


totally agree. I don't know. I just feel like what is she seeing him? I don't get it.


I don't get it either.


the fact that she came back after everything they went through after he said her to her face Was like was joey's like how about you go tell her right now? And then he goes and he says that to her watches her cry and then also just opening and challenges going yeah i'm a different guy look i'm choosing her but now the basically the basis of what harriet is setting that to make sure he really likes her It's treat me like tiffany, but better, that's crazy


It is crazy. I saw someone make a comment about this in Reddit, and I agree. I'm like, they were saying that Harriet, okay, maybe she's also playing this game. Maybe she wants to continue on make it to Casa have the whole moment. And she gives Reality Star she does give that to the


She's always crying. I'm like, how girl?


Yeah, so she might be playing, a part in this, not just Ronnie, it could be,


Oh, she come. She might come out of this thinking she's like the biggest winner now that she's been like gone that far and people are talking about her so much. Yeah. So another. We've already talked about Grace and Joey, obviously cracks are showing in that relationship. Another important or interesting thing that came up this week, so we saw like this break or this crack in the relationship of Kieran and Nicole. Whereas last week we saw them really strong. He was wiped out. She was wiped out. Like it was very strong. And this week there's been some arguments. Also, we found out that Kieran's body count is so much higher than Nicole thought that she could handle, given that she freaked out by hearing that he's 21 and has a body count of 120. So what do you guys think about that? Are cracks showing, or do you guys think that they're going strong?


I don't know, after the heart rate challenge and the whole body count situation, I think I have to put them in. Cracks are showing just because they've been getting in one too many arguments and also just getting a little jealous and haven't been able to recover. They have a conversation, they both are like, oh, I feel better, but then it gets brought up. So many more times later this is going to be really hard. And when they're actually separated in Casa,


Yeah, I, yeah, I definitely think it is a crack showing, but I will say like one of the conversations that I was like Kieran for a young guy, like when another, I feel like I spoke last week about his contact conflict resolution, but I feel like when they had the fight about that weird ignoring game thing. And the way he like approached her being like, I just feel like the way he spoke to her was like, I know what I did was out of line. And I actually wish she would have been more straightforward with me as to Hey, you heard me dot, instead of like you ignoring me or instead of you, whatever. And then I think he was like, But then do you also understand because nobody, like you weren't honest with the true feeling, this was blown out of proportion. And I think that extinguished the fight because sometimes obviously we're all in relationships and like a fight can carry on. And if someone could actually just say the point of the exercise, you like, yeah, that's actually true. And then you can talk through it and move on. So I feel like he's pretty good at those kinds of things. And maybe I think for what's her name? I've got it in, but her sake is that Nicole's sake is maybe she also maybe hasn't been in like relationships where like that kind of like open communication. And you can honestly say when something's bothering you instead of stonewalling being annoyed. And I think she's I think if this works out, I think this could be a good partnership because I feel like maybe the 150 women he's been with or the older woman he's been with might have taught him actually like great communication because I just feel like this is the second time where I've noticed that he is so good at conflict resolution. And again, but still can be a dickhead, but I still think he's still good. I think it's still such a good trait for his, like he, like for someone else is so young.


totally. Yeah. It's such a good point. Yeah. And thanks for sharing that. I think maybe the cracks here then are, could be Nicole, like her insecurities and not being able to deal with maybe some of the insecurities that she has about his body count and like the heart rate challenge, because. It does keep getting brought up over and over.




I don't necessarily think that we need to put them both in cracks or showing I feel like I 100% agree with everything that Langa said. He has shown like a really interesting trait, which I did not expect from the 21, the guy that we were calling like the young 21-year-old. Another impressive thing is like he really stood up for his friend when they were like throwing Omar under the bus and trying to like. Let him go. He stood up for him and was, like, really pushing, and I just thought that the way that he communicated that, even after the challenge to Sugar Man he was, like, really trying to make him understand why that, in his perspective he didn't understand why he would send Omar home. In my opinion, we, in, during CASA, what's gonna happen is Kieran is gonna stay strong he's gonna stay loyal. To Nicole and Nicole is going to show cracks for showing in that relationship and she's going to go and venture out. That's my thought.


Yeah, I'm happy to put him in Going Strong and her, and Crocs are showing just to see cause you're right, I think he is showing some mature signs and I'm interested how it shows in Casa.


Yeah. So next is Jess, which is very clear. She's in Friendship Island. I don't think she's found her match yet. But what do you guys think about, so Sean and Matilda, I would say it's like pretty early on. But one of them for me is going strong. One of them for me is cracks are showing. What are you guys? Think on those both or


So hard to tell, I really like Matilda but I can't read her yet, like she seems to be saying all the right things but like I don't see her being the same that Sean is to her, she says oh I like when


the ex


a guy puts it on me and is super confident and like I love that he's so cute he makes me breakfast but it's so much like it would be nice to see if she reciprocated any of these like actions to Sean as well.


I agree. Also, she's very new. So I would say if we had Casa next week, I wouldn't be surprised if she found a better match. Sorry, Sean. Ayo and Mimi seem to be going strong. Do you guys see that changing in Casa?


I think my thing about Ayo is I guess he's it's a game, whatever, but I feel And for example, cause obviously he said that Uma's the, like the Islander who he has like the most sexual chemistry with. And I think as much as he's Oh, it's a game, ha. But it's also yeah, you didn't need to do that.


That was too


Cause that ship is sailed. And I think like sometimes people in challenges like kiss people because they're like I want to kiss you again. Like sometimes people do that, right? They'll be like, Oh, kiss the Island you think is blah, blah. But there'll be like. Honestly, I don't think that about you. I just want to kiss you again. I think that's done often. So I feel like I like acting like he has to like abide by the rules of the challenge by going to UMA again, I just is like why, it's if you're into Mimi, like I get it, but also sometimes I'm like, maybe he doesn't like, maybe he does like Mimi and he likes like the thought of her cause she goes to church and like that homie kind of thing, but maybe isn't like actually like sexually attracted to her and sometimes. Maybe he was telling the truth, but I feel like for him, it's like I want to trust him, but I'm also like,


I know he really could have copped out in that challenge and so many people did in that challenge already like he could he didn't have to be like honest he really didn't he could have like Thought about Mimi's feelings and done something different than that. But I will say the way that they resolved the situation was that I feel like Mimi did express, Hey dude, you could have copped out. Like I'm chilled about it. Like we're fine. But you have to understand my feelings were hurt when you did that. And he did apologize and they were able to resolve it. But I agree, there's like a situation where it's do we trust you yet, IO, or not? I think CASA will be a make or break for them. We'll see. I'm happy to say that they're going strong now, because I think they did resolve that situation. But we'll see.


and I do have I do respect Mimi's opinions and feelings and I can understand both of your perspectives, but I would say I have an opposing view while watching that. For me, I thought Ayo choosing Uma made a little bit more sense because they had already kissed before and it was like pretty clear that was someone that he was already, he had already had it. Yeah. He had already picked someone he liked, so picking someone new to kiss someone new to me would have been a little bit more of a shocker versus Uma was like, he could have literally chosen her, but he chose Mimi, and then they're going strong, and that was just a relationship that he had liked, in the past, so for me, it just made more sense. Yes, he didn't have to kiss her, so I understand that point of view but in my opinion, like if I Like, hearing Mimi, I probably wouldn't have been as surprised as, if I was Mimi, I wouldn't have been as surprised if I was putting myself in her shoes, just because he did like her before. That was my thought process during that whole thing. So I was a little shocked when that happened. And then, Once they talked about it, it made sense, hearing her emotions and stuff. So an Islander that came Connor, I feel like he hasn't found love because of the whole Joey Gray situation. I don't think he's gonna find love, so I'm gonna put him in Friendship Island unless you guys think otherwise. last couple would be then Uma and Will, who to me seem to be going strong. I can't imagine Will's, Will or Uma, changing. Or switching for another pair.


Same. They're my favorite couple so far and they seem super into each other, but on the same level. I think they're, they think they're great.


Awesome. That concludes our tier ranking game. We would love to hear everybody's thoughts, so please let us know on social media once we post this ranking. We'd love to hear what you thought of our predictions and whether or not you think CASA is next week.


What's the scoop on the streets? Okay, time


of the show where we will be talking about what's happening online, and maybe by online we mean the people's newspaper, the Daily Mail, or The Sun, or maybe what people are saying on the streets of Reddit. Nicole, what's happening with Callum, my boy? No longer, a possible roommate for Casey, I hear.


I know he, is over his lad's holiday. He is currently has a new girlfriend and he posted a sort of a soft launch of this girl on his Instagram, the back of her dress, but then the internet discovered the dress and discovered the girl and her name is Myna Amour, which is just a beautiful name. What the hell? She's a model, influencer, and I guess she does some music as well. She's stunning. Good for him.


He definitely seems like a relationship kind of guy, but obviously when he's single, I feel like he is single. As we gauged last season of they were broken up and he'd slept with 50 people already. But I do think, I think he's probably is pretty much a relationship guy, so not surprised there. Good for him. And then, Gabby, what happened with Messy Mitch?


So I, apparently he's been just talking with, about Anton. He's just throwing shade to Anton still. During the Love Island games, he was like always talking about Anton. He's still doing that in his social media. I was trying to find the clip where he was talking, but I bet it's like more on his stories. Couldn't find it, but Anton's pissed and he's basically calling him out and saying Hey, I'll fight you in the boxing ring. And he made a whole poll about it where he's asking people like, Hey, do you want to see this? Is this something that you're excited about? And everybody's like super excited for him to box Messy Mitch, which honestly, can you imagine that? I can't. Like Anton is so much better. More fit than messy Mitch like he's like actually training every single day like that would be so not equal or


gosh. Imagine how many girls that would love to see Messy Bitch get punched in the face that many times by Ancon. I know. Seriously.


yeah, and then the other thing that I saw I don't know if you guys heard this but there was a little pop up store opening up a Love Island pop up store in the UK It opened up this week, but I didn't find this out, and I didn't tell Branagh


Oh no.


have been really cool for Branagh to go there, but she's in London, but I actually don't think it was in London, it's in another city, but I thought that was really cool. Yeah,


Bring it to the U. S. We'll go.


mean, 100%.


Please. And then my last one was, if you guys remember Love Island winners, Millie and Liam. She's just been very open, you know how they broke up for a little period of time, then they got back together. And now she is very open about being ready for an engagement. So that's what I heard on the streets, is that she's waiting and ready for an engagement. So we might be seeing that Come through.


Ooh, Liam. Hurry up.


I love that. They were like, Millie was definitely, actually, I think the season of Millie and Liam actually was the season Nicole and I watched together when we started becoming friends. I don't know if you remember, Nicole, but yeah, this was the season that we watched. We're not together, but we followed along in like one of our first dates. You and I were like, as we literally spoke about love I've learned the whole time.


Totally. Yeah. We bonded.


This was my first season because Nicole and I were on a walk too and like she started mentioning that you guys watch Love Island so that was my first season of watching Love Island but I watched it later once the season had already finished.


Still counts.


It's a good season. Good


Yeah, I just think Millie is so amazing and I love that. Also because Liam was also really young, I think, when they first started dating. So I'm glad in the end he did the opposite of what Toby did to Chloe, again, we don't know really what happened there, but I always showed, I always had opportunity to throw shade at Toby. But I'm so glad that Millie and Liam it just seemed like a really good match. Obviously, he's made mistakes, but it seems obviously, he's built, rebuilt the trust and stuff. So I love that for them. We wrote stuff about our girl, Samantha. Before


you guys she just left the villa and she already has a fashion deal Apparently she was like going back and forth on a couple different options and it's this brand called glamify And it already launches she gets like a special collection and it already launches like in july 5th like early july So this girl came out. She's doing the press junket. She's getting her fashion deals. She is working You for the coin because she did not get a lover in Love Island, unfortunately.


love to see it.




Yeah, really excited


brand too. It's like loungewear and like more, more casual. So we'll see what her line is.


And she looks beautiful. She looks stunning like she's glowing. What is different


so different than like in the villa. I don't know if the lighting was bad or they just were like aging her, but when you see her like on the circuit with like podcasts and stuff, like she looks amazing.


She does. She


What the heck? I just don't get what happened in literally seconds. The next day she was on social, she had someone save so many trends on her TikTok because she literally got her phone back and started doing all the trends on TikTok. It was crazy. She


for her. Might as well. Yeah, that's interesting. Speaking of other people who are young, but the show makes them look old, apparently the, and maybe also just also, we also touched on it earlier, is that apparently like the people of Reddit also agree, which I know you mean, we mentioned this earlier, is that she, they think that she's a game player, and that she's actually only acting interested in Ron to just stay on the show. Like I know you, we, like you both discussed it and called it a little bit earlier. Yeah. But I think the streets are talking and you, who knows actually. So maybe Ron and Harriet are just like the game players of the season.


Wow. Interesting.


She just she's she is literally the talk of every single social media. It starts with her hair.


Her walk.


her walk her hair, her walk, her cries, her everything like Harriet. I don't know if she came in with a strategy, but it's definitely working. Starting with her hair like It's crazy because before she even went on the show, I literally saw the girl that did her hair do a whole thing about how she did her hair. And now it's like that video is not aging well because of how her hair is holding up there. Like it's not really working


Yeah, and


her hair is just frizzing up. I don't know what's happening.


I saw Patsy and someone else do an interview, and Patsy said that Harriet helps other girls with their hair. She's like the girl that helps people with their hair as well. I'm like


she's prioritizing other people instead of herself.


While also being a game player because she wants people to talk about her bad hair. It's full circle, right? There's something about this.


Yeah. I don't know. But if anyone knows about what's happening with Harriet and her hair, socials. So we always stay up to date with the scoops on the street.


Thanks for joining everyone just to recap, we will be back in your feeds next week on Thursday. If you need more content throughout the week and you miss us, you can follow us at proper chat pod. on TikTok and Instagram. If you'd like to support the show, you can follow us there, you can give us a rating, you can follow us on all of the places that you get your podcasts, or you can tell a friend. We would love it if you shared this with your bestie. Until then, stay proper and stay chatting!

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