Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Who's EMMA?! Ay-WHO? - Love Island S11, Ep. 31-37

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 7

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! In this episode, we cover episodes 31-37 of Love Island Season 11. We discuss the top three moments, including the Casa Amor recouplings, tensions arising from movie night, and the introduction of new bombshells. 

Additionally, we delve into personal highs and lows, play our iconic tier ranking game, and share the latest scoop on the streets. Tune in for a detailed analysis, amusing anecdotes, and our predictions for what’s to come!

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I'm one of your hosts, Nicole, and I'm here with our other three lovely hosts. You guys want to say hi?


Hi, I'm




Hi, I'm Gabby. Hi, I'm Gabby. Hi, I'm Langa.


And in this episode of The Pod, we will be covering episodes 31 through 37 of Love Island Season 11. We are going to cover the top three moments from this week, which is a lot of drama. Everyone came back from Casa Amor, so we have a lot to talk about there. We're going to play our iconic tier ranking game, and we're going to give you the gossip from the feeds with the scoop on the streets. But before we do, I want to check in with the hosts. Hi everyone. How was your week? Give us a high and a low.


Yeah, so I'll start. My high is I cut my hair really cute and short. I love it for the summer, perfect for the summer. It feels really odd, but just because it's like super thin, but I like it and it's fun. And that's pretty much it. It looks great.


You look amazing.


Two out of four on the hair transformation so far. Oh, that's true. That's true. Yeah. Nicole, you're next.


I know, potentially we all need a hot girl summer haircut, apparently. Yeah


I'll go next. My weekend was, had some highs and some lows. I was celebrating my sister's birthday, which was really fun and exciting to celebrate her. The low, unfortunately, was spent six hours driving on Saturday for what should have been a two hour trip To a spa and then an hour drive back. Basically it should have been total three hours on Saturday. I ended up sitting in. So much traffic. I don't even know like where I was half the time. They were, the maps were just taking us to random places. And yeah, so we didn't get to fully enjoy our spa day because we were two hours late and thankfully they were so nice and still let us come because we were two hours away from home. So like they could have, if they said okay, kick rocks. I'm just crying. We'll need a redo, but. These things happen.


Yeah. Happy belated birthday, Ili. So my low is that work has been so crazy for me this, I don't know, I guess this week or every day. But I think my high is that in the midst of my work week being crazy some of my boyfriend Jeremy's close friends have been coming to town, so we've gotten to spend time with them and it's been really nice seeing him like really happy and seeing people that he loves and also getting spend time with them. So it was really nice.


Yay. Yay. And you're going to be out next week in a Greek island on a boat somewhere. Yes.


Yes. I leave on Friday. Yes. It's one more work day to survive. And then I will be on a boat. And I didn't even really know much about it because for a change, I'm not doing any planning. So we're just getting on a plane to Mykonos and being told what to do for a week.


Wow, all the islanders love Mykonos, so you'll be like in, in their area.


Maybe. Well, yeah, we'll see. I've been before to Mykonos, but I'm, I don't, like, it's nice to go with different people. So we'll see.


Have fun. We'll miss




I'm so jealous. And we're going to miss you.


Hopefully I'll be wasted every day.


Mine, my high and low are super light. Like I said last week, I was in Southern California visiting some family. It was really hot there, but we got some really great summer. Time, pool, time. I feel like I got a little tan. I don't know if you can tell. It's probably not that much. But yeah, anytime you go on vacation, get some sun, you come back and you're like, Oh my gosh, I have so much laundry. I have to catch up on my life because we were in SoCal, it was like crazy warm. And so I was supposed to do all of these like runs and I had planned like this workout and I just was like, I cannot do it in this heat. So anyway, back to Back in Northern California where it's like crazy foggy today. So back to my normal routine and yeah, back at it.


There's so much admin after a trip, the amount of admin is just like, how, even if you're not gone for that






And my in laws and spoiled me. So I like ate a bunch of treats and then now I'm back and I'm like, okay, I got it back, back to salads and like protein and you know, Yeah.


Oh, love that.


All right. So we're going to get into the top three moments of the week. We had a very big week this week, so there's lots to get into. We started off this week with, of course, the Casa recoupling. Always, I feel like one of the best parts of any season. So we, to get into all the couples, we had First, we had Grace came back with Blade, Connor came back with Emma, so you know, more anticlimactic. Then we had Sean decided to stick with Matilda and she came back alone, so they got paired back together. Of course, we had the Casa girls standing in line there, and we got a little bit of sass from Diamante and Ruby. Yeah, I wanted to know everyone's thoughts on that. Obviously, they had a little bit of a sassy exchange. Then, you know, both Matilda kind of giving it back to them. Obviously, she didn't know what had happened. The next day, actually, after the recoupling too, we did have Matilda getting the full details from Diamante and learned how much Sean was putting it on her and the villa. And when Matilda tried talking to Sean afterwards, he really took no accountability for his actions. He was so on the defense, and yeah, I just, from this point on, I personally felt like I really didn't like, didn't like anything about him, and really want better for Matilda, but wanted to know everyone's thoughts on our Candyman.


Oh my gosh, what pissed me off is that Sean, he doesn't have like a serious bone in his body enough to take, like you said, Brauna, the accountability of hey, I'm really sorry that this hurt your feelings, and you're right, I did get to know two other girls, which is crazy that he got into a full triangle in TASA. But then also just that he didn't have like the serious like time to take that moment and be like, okay I really effed up like I should act like with decorum He was like smiling and giggling the whole time and I was like, bro. This is not the time and place it was it like gave me the ick


Absolutely. Also on the note of the love triangle, one of the notes that I literally made for myself during one of the Kata episodes was like, Did Sean just develop some sort of riz with girls that he never had in previous episodes? I'm like, what is this newfound confidence? It felt yucky.


That's what happens when you give someone a little too much confidence, like when you give them the opportunity to be confident, then their confidence and ego grows. And then they're, they become a completely different person. That's why when I was in the talking to guys stage, I never gave them my, my I was just very. Blunt and like I never I would never be the type of person that would be like, oh my gosh I'm so in love like I would never because that's they're they would take that and run with it and like It's just it always happens when Sean said the thing of to her about oh you held hands with Hugo You held hands with Hugo. Excuse me, you can't hold hands with her. I think he was also


trying to pull away responsibility from him, which is crazy.


It was wild. I was like, you have nothing to say. I'm not a huge fan of Sean. I just don't think, I think he's just a little too confident, a little too. I don't know. Something about him. Yeah. Something fishy. I


agree with the tension thing. I mean, I'm obviously not, I agree with what you're saying in the Sean context in terms of like, I think and again, and I guess with Love Island as well it's also not A coincidence that girls will go for the person that they know is openly single. So they also like, I've, things to show on fine, but I think some girls are like, okay, I could either try my shot on a difficult partner or I go for someone who's in a confusing. Or I'll go for someone that could get attention, needs attention. And I think that's Sean. I think they were just like, okay, let's give this guy attention and maybe we'll find them interesting. Maybe not, but I feel like the chances of coming to the main villa, which is the main point for most of the Casa people is to come in because again, you just like, okay, how do I, how do I get myself in the show, get exposure beyond the show for, I came all this way. So I think for Sean, it's I think maybe. Low key, I guess he was just like, oh, they're just so all over me versus like the other girl, like as soon as like she had chosen Diamante, she just was like, okay, bye. You know, she was like, I'm not fighting and she's okay, I didn't, I didn't, I'm not pretending to like you so that like now I'm fighting with someone else. And but I think one thing I didn't like and all the guys did it and I don't understand why they needed to do it and I continue to do this in the season is you can't stop to get to know someone without comparing them to someone else that you're getting to know. And so I think you can like all the guys have done it time and time again. Grace, Joey, example. Will to Uma meeting that other Irish girl example Io to the other girl. It's you know, you can actually just get to know people separately without putting people against each other. And I think that's like totally off, not on this particular topic, but have not loved that part.


You just brought up something for me, Lunga, when we were talking about this too, and you shared like a meme of the iconic, guys of love island who in the beginning were in the friend zone for a while and Got the like woe is me sympathy from the audience and like definitely We got that with sean in the beginning. We're like, oh, he's kind of awkward He's got like this weird channy man vibe and then matilda comes in and he's finally getting attention And this repeats with other like Friend guys in the villa, right? Like they, then they, once they get attention, they have this slip where they're like, Oh, I'm actually hot again. And I can pretend and play with this person's feelings that I was actually really invested in. And remember how cool and like awesome I am. And their ego gets inflated. And then they have this totally flip switch from Oh, we feel bad for this guy. And also he's kind of cute and charming to Oh, he's becoming a player and what the heck happened to like the sweet, innocent, like story that this guy was playing with in the beginning that like got him, to fall in love with or fall in love, like to get this girl Matilda in the beginning. So it's interesting pattern for guys that like are seemingly innocent in the beginning. And then. play out and have a little fun time in Casa.


Yeah, definitely.


One last thing that I wanted to mention about Sean was that he kept bringing up Hugo. In the worst way possible towards Matilda. And it's almost like he just wanted to show Matilda that she was in the wrong. That she talked to Hugo, but, and Hugo didn't pick her. That was so bitter. That just, that, it's so many accumulating things that, that kind of have created this weird feeling towards me and Sean. Because at this point, like, how can you tell a girl that, A guy didn't pick you. Who would say that? I just found it really strange and just got mad at him.


I thought it was funny how Jess almost egged him on to be like, well, she wasn't doing it. She like was, she like pressured him to say something and then it kicked it off. Jess, and then Jess went to Matilda and she's oh, I just mentioned that you were chatting with him. No big deal. Like, she's, she can be very two faced.


Yes. She's so sneaky. She's so sneaky. But


then she also acts as if she's very upfront. So she loves to be like if you can't take it, you can't take it. And then suddenly she'll also be like, so if she doesn't like something, she's just so interesting. Like the people who she'll suddenly be catty and go sit with someone and have a sneaky chat. Yeah,


it's the minute that someone talks to her guys, like she did the same thing to Harriet with a minute that Harriet was talking to Ronnie, whatever his name is. Then she started talking behind her back and it's the same thing with Matilda. She started talking to Hugo and she and then she got pissed off and will start talking behind her back. Oh, I'm not a Jess fan. She got


to go. Yeah, I. I think the moral of the story here is we don't like Sean. Jess is sneaky. And also we really hope Matilda moves on from this candy man. And I really hope they bring in another bombshell for her that she'll just be like, it's all about her. And who's not. Conniving and like defensive and it's a man not a boy like yeah, so yeah crossing my fingers for that for her So moving on to the other couples who came back in the castery coupling Of course, we had Kieran and Nicole decided to stick together, which was a really sweet moment I think we usually get at least one couple at the first season who stick together and they have an emotional Reuniting and I thought it was really cute Then we had Trey and Ellie, which we didn't really care about them too much. They came in. Then shortly later on they came out. We had Hugo paired with Jess, which also we saw that coming. Not much to say about them. Will and Uma decided to stick. We will get into them a lot more later, but it was, Uma was excited to be back. We all knew that she, there was a shitstorm coming her way later. So we'll get into them a little bit. Joey and Jesse decided to stick together, which I think. Jessie was a little bit surprised that Joey was alone, considering she was the third girl that he turned on to, but they had a nice recoupling, so we'll see what happens there, and then, of course, they save the best for last, the most painful to watch for last Ayo picked Jess and leaving Mimi to come back to the villa all alone. Poor girl. And yeah, let's talk about them because that was obviously the biggest moment of the Casa Reconciling.


Oof, that's all I have to say about that. Man, Jess, Jess I like her as a person and I feel like they showed a lot of really good moments between her and Ayo in Casa to get us on her side a little bit, but that doesn't mean that when Mimi came out and stood there all by herself. I feel like the whole villa was like they, their hearts broke for her. So, it's hard to watch. Yeah.


I feel like, I don't know if I said it last week, but I knew he would do this because again, I think I said is that I think Mimi is what I think Ayo feels like he should go for. And, and unfortunate not unfortunately, but obviously he wanted, he chose Jess for whatever reasons. And, he's you bring out so it's inside of me and blah, blah, blah. So I think for him, it's like. I feel like he was going to do it anyway. So it's also didn't make it less devastating or like less sad for Mimi. But I also it's also sometimes, in your core of core, like if you go for a bad boy and you always think, Oh, I'm going to change, I'm going to change him. I think as much as it hurt her, but I think in her core of core of core, she knew that there was a very high chance. And I think for her, she was also like, at the end of the day, like this is also a test for me. And it's also a way for me to learn about myself that even though I know someone else could possibly do. It doesn't mean that like I have to do that. And she's just I know why I came here and I'm going to stick to why I came here. So I also like at the end of the day, like it is what it is. And anyway, she ends up anyway, getting a bombshell in it. Apparently that's exactly what she needed, so I just think it just may be sometimes like, things, good things happen to those who wait or with time or and maybe fine, we did want Ayo and Mimi to be good, but also I guess, such is life so maybe they're not as compatible as we thought they would be, because, I'm just deviate of the new bombshell, just seeing how she is with him, it's a little different, but also it also could be like, maybe she's also like being different, not saying she's forcing it, but she's being different because she's like, how about let me just try different avenues with me and be more explorative than before, because obviously Reserve didn't hold me back, but she didn't go extreme, but it's just I think like she's also just exploring various versions of herself that stays true to herself.


Totally. What's your thoughts? And. This is something that I was looking for and we talked about in the last episode I think I was like basically this is either going to go really well and IO and Jess are actually really well suited for each other and they like, become, off together. Or, Mimi's gonna come back, she's gonna, start chatting with this new bombshell and Ayo's gonna be like, Oh crap, did I make a mistake? Yes. I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Do you all think he's gonna start being like, Ooh, I miss Mimi, or do you think he's gonna double down? I see you nodding, Lunga.


Yes, I agree. I'll also say one sentence and I'll let Gabby go on, but I actually think the answer's yes. I think he was enjoying kiki ing while it was him having a good time. But I don't, I feel like now that he's she's no longer like that option around, I think he might. But also at the end of the day, I also think Ayo's for the streets I think he's also like, when he leaves the show, maybe he'll like whoever he likes in the end. But I do think once he opens these DMS he's gone.


That's interesting. So I kind of had that same feeling. Okay, I honestly really like IO and I really like Mimi, but I like them as separate people. And I was a huge fan of like, both of them from the start. So it's almost like I gravitated towards liking them both together. But, you know, I spoke to this last. Last shot we had. I just saw a new side of Ayo that I think was much needed with the new girl and also I just really that the new girl she seems very friendly and like she feels like very empathetic so which is something I can appreciate like going into the, to the villa she was like very cautious, not hurting Mimi's feelings and also I think she probably sees like a potential friend in Mimi. So I liked how she handled things but whether she will, whether Ayo will go back to Mimi, it's almost like I just feel like he, he was ignoring her the whole time when he brought the girl back and Mimi was kind of like down in the dumps. And then now that the guy is giving her attention, I think now he'll start giving her attention. It's we're all playing this crazy game. Humans are so weird sometimes. So we just have to play these games and that's just how we operate. And you observe animals do the same behavior. It's oh, they get attention. I'm going to give them attention. Oh, they're not getting attention. Like the. the cow or whatever that doesn't get attention gets pecked and you know or like the chickens get pecked and that's happens to in human world too like in for us so it's like we've kind of seen that happen.


Totally. She's got a little bit more clout, a little bit more eyes on her now. And so now that she has eyes, I was like, oh, what am I missing out on? What did I leave behind? What did I completely destroy and humiliate?


And like queen vibes, like she left and kind of like, Stood by what she was saying. She stood by her like morals and values and you know And that says a lot about somebody especially in that world where you can just like easily get upset because you're like Living through it 24 7 and so it's I would I can imagine like being IO I mean like shoe she really handled that really well or You know, crap, that may, that might be someone that I really want to bring home to my mom or something like that. It's, she just really handled herself really well. Definitely.


And I hope that if he does try to get her back, I hope she stands her ground and tells him no. Yeah, so we'll see what happens. All so then that brings us to our second big moment of the week, which was our infamous movie night. Another one of our favorite episodes. I feel like this week is always like the best juiciest week of the season. So Few big moments we had during movie night. Unfortunately, our gal Nicole got upset again at Kieran. They had another fight during movie night. Earlier that day, she had also spoken to Ellie, who had told her like, Yeah, Kieran and I didn't know each other before. We were DMing for months. He tried to get me to come visit him where he lives. Nicole obviously was upset about that from the get go and then it goes into that night with the clips of them just chatting me like, hey stranger, and then, talking during the day by the pool and like having, you know, a little bit of banter and Nicole did not any of that. The poor girl is


Yeah, there's so many memes about it now. Have you guys seen them? Nicole when she finds out that Kieran was born by a woman. Or like, Nicole after her mom. Who's


woman? Who's mama?


Oh my god, I'm dead. I know, it's so true. Nicole, after she interviews the 120 and it's just her with like a stack and being like,


oh. Oh man, poor girl. It's like, happy Father's Day, dad. Who's dad?


Oh my god, that's so, that's so




And I will say, I feel like Kieran, being the youngest guy in the villa, he handles every altercation with so much grace, so much better than all the other boys in the villa. I think any other guy would have been like, well, screw you and like move on long time ago. And he, he really has patience and is willing to talk it through. And they do work it out each time by the end. And yeah, bless him because I think he's real patient.




Yeah. Then we had some footage from our boy Joey, who has been a little quiet in the villa and, you know, we saw the footage from when Jesse originally came into the villa and More of their time on the terrace when he was still with grace, but then took Jesse on the terrace and they had some sneaky kisses. And this was really the first time that we saw grace get heated in the villa. Like she handled all of their interactions up to this point, very calmly. And then this was the first time she got super upset and raised her voice. And rightfully so she seemed really frustrated and the boys were kicking off and being rude. And once again, Sean being like, Oh, are you just friends with Jesse? Cause you still like Joey. That was. Such a dumb low blow. Embarrassing. Oh my gosh, that was one of those moments that Especially because just don't talk, sir.


Especially because we know Grace likes black men now, so Literally! She's not thinking about Joey.


Oh my god, literally! Which I'm thrilled for her. And yeah, I just couldn't believe that that dumb comment by Sean. I was like, go away. Are you five? It just felt so immature. He just


made me cringe in my skin like for him to say that out loud. What? Oh,




Did the producer send him a little piece of paper that said you should ask this question? It didn't come original from his.


For his noggin, yeah. I, honestly, I was like, I didn't even think he was like that, that Yeah. Narc y, to even think of something like


that to say. It's his ego, he's inflated now. Yeah. And now he just feels like he can say whatever. Sean's the new villain of the, He is! Of the villa.


For sure. Ugh. I'm done. Yeah. And then moving on in movie night, then we of course had Will's footage from CASA, which did him absolutely no favors, and him and Uma got into it, and on the opposite of how Kieran handles himself in a conflict, Will is was fully on the defense, was fully just I did what I wanted to do, and that's what I did it, and had, wasn't taking any responsibility for how his actions were making Uma feel, and she was obviously visibly upset, and he just didn't handle that conflict well at all. I was like, buddy, you're so dumb just, you gotta step off your high horse and just not, like, why, why are you making it worse? Why are you just digging your grave further and further?


literally zip it. And my only thought is that the movie night is a perfect scenario for drama because not only are they like seeing the actual reality of the hard truths that they had already talked about, which obviously brings up those wounds again, but they're also facing it in front of their friends. And so Will is on one side and all the guys are like, seeing it and Uma's on the other side, all the girls are seeing it. Each of them are hyping each other up. So they're just only getting more and more defensive and more and more embarrassed for themselves. So it's like a terrible moment where either just one party has to just be quiet and be like, okay, we'll have to like actually diffuse this together as a couple and like actually chat about it. Because it's not going to get resolved in a big group setting, like it just kicks off.


But I also think that in the person that should have came quite as definitely well, and I feel like for me, it's like that just wasn't handled really well because he obviously chose to be a big man in front of friends because that's also, I feel like Jeremy is listening, but if he's listening to this episode, he's going to be like, I didn't do this for him But I basically Is I think that in that moment, I like, I think like in that moment, he chose, let's say to defend like the friend so that he could like, feel Oh my gosh, whatever. But I feel like this moment should have been a point where he could have just let like my habits or like sort of be like, it's kind of valid the way she's feeling. Cause I feel like as much as Oh, as in defense. But it's also like you're the one who did something wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. Like even if we're just looking at it like black and white wrong or right. I think that sometimes You supposed to support your partner, in that situation. Cause again, he was in the bad at the time. And I think that could just been a time where will can show up for her considering like the things that he's done to her the whole time he's been there. Because she's told him from like day one, she played hard to get. But even in the heart to get, she continuously reassured him, and this would have been a perfect time for him after she's heard that he was hitting on Matilda once upon a time after she heard. So like for a change, like for him to just be like, you know what, fine, I'll take it this time. That would have been nice.


Totally. And she had every right to kick off and be upset and have that moment for herself. Cause. Obviously, she had a lot of feelings to get out, and that was her time. I totally agree. Will should have zipped his lips and just let it be, and then talk about it and diffuse it later, because that did not help the situation at all. I


think that Will was just trying to think about this in a way where, or he was trying to blame his actions as if he was not in a villa with this girl. really like spending all his time and energy with her. So he was like, I'm not your girl, your boyfriend. Like we're not together. It's okay. If I kiss these girls on in the Casa, because we're not together, which like makes sense, but not in this setting. It just doesn't make sense in this setting. I would understand you're single and mingling out on the streets. And obviously you have no loyalty towards people until you have a really, a really grounded conversation about where you stand with each other, right? Like you're just single and like talking to people. But I just think he just didn't go about it the right way, telling girls that they were more compatible with him or that he found them attractive and stuff. I just feel like. That just didn't go right with me. So I really didn't think that I was hoping that Uma would like this new guy that came in, but womp didn't happen.


Yeah, and speaking of




guys, so that brings us to our third big moment of the week. So of course Ellie and Trey were dumped from the villa. We don't really need to discuss that further, but it happened. And after that meant we got to have two new people enter the villa. We got two new bombshells, Josh and Ruben. And of course Josh and Mimi hit it off. We can talk about them more during the game with Gabby. And Ruben quickly had eyes for Uma, saw what she had gone through with Will, and after a day of flirting and despite her saying that Will was still her priority, he decided to couple up with her, which left a abrupt text saying that Will had now been dumped from the island. And Uma immediately was crying and said, I'm leaving. And I wanted to know everyone's thoughts. It was so shocking and so just emotional. Everyone was really emotional about it. But what does everyone think? Do we think she made a mistake leaving the villa? Do we think she should have stayed?


I needed to process, I needed to process believing and then I needed to process unbelieving because what I wanted and what I like about Love Island also is the like recovery to love story period, right? Like in my mind I was already like Planning for them to obviously deal with the situation, talk about how they're going to deal with that on the outside, become boyfriend and girlfriend, go on the last date, and win. And then to have this moment where Will leaves, Uma breaks down, and she ultimately decides, despite all of our problems I'm going with him. He's my biggest connection. He's the biggest part of the villa for me. I don't know if she made a mistake in my head. It seemed like It's true to her, you know, like her authentic feelings and I can't I can back her for that. It's just hard to see because I love Uma so much and I liked her in the villa. I don't know if I have an opinion on if she did a good thing or not. But, I guess time will tell.


Yeah, I




oh, can we go?


No, go ahead.


I was going to say that I think for me, I agree with, call is as we've gotten to learn, it was, she's so beautiful. Like every time I see her, I'm just like, Oh my gosh, I can't believe you exist. And then obviously getting to know like her personality and some, and just kind of like seeing the. Kind of like person she is around the villa and just very true with herself and because you'd assume like maybe she loves the streets I mean she can love the streets too But she also is like a club girl, right and people have like misconception as like people who work in that situation So I think maybe I'm speaking maybe speaking of myself So watching and getting to know her over the days where it's like she's so beautiful inside and out And I think I love how she's so Amazing open communication from like the IO to Mimi days and now her and Mimi are like besties and stuff I think like i've just loved getting to know her from whatever parts of the show that the show has allowed us to get to Know her and I mean it sucks about what happened obviously, but what's her man's name again? Will. Will obviously people make mistakes and I get like we'll find like he unfortunately this is how you work this is in this is how the game goes but I really do hope men will let you down all the time but again I'm also like is it a mistake who knows but I also think when Uma gets out maybe she could also be one of those islanders that's still successful even though they didn't win the show.


I think so too. She was authentic the whole time she was there. And she, I thought she brought a really unique thing to the villa, which was she was such a beautiful character with the girls. But then also she was like strong, she had this barrier that she couldn't cross. I'm sure she could have gone around kissing everyone. And actually, do you guys remember her entrance? She actually, everybody was blindfolded and she kissed everyone, which was crazy now knowing Uma, because it's so opposite from like her character. What an interesting entrance for her. But like she was saying when she left, it almost feels like she wouldn't have been able to be herself without Will because she wouldn't have opened herself up for Ruben anyway. So I just don't think, I feel like she would have just been super upset. It made sense. I wanted her to win too, but the same time, it was just such a crazy sequence of events. It's she finally, Will comes back. He does these crappy things, she finds out, then it's she, then this guy comes, and then she finally opens herself up to this guy, just has a couple chats, and then it's like it comes back to bite her because then she realizes she's sitting there crying while this guy is like about to pick her. And she's realizing like, Oh no, I like Will. I like Will. And she can't like undo that. And she's crying so much. Even like when she walks up, she kisses Will. Just horrible. So that was just like a really hard, that was the most shocking part of


the show so far for me. I think so, yeah.


Yeah, I teared,


I teared up too because everyone in the villa like broke down and they were, you could tell how big of a character and big personality she was and so I was like feeling it for everyone too.


Ugh, horrible. All right, now it's time for our infamous proper ranking game. Last week we talked about the contestants that would stay together and then who would recouple after CASA. This week we will tier Islanders based on those that are going to be the strongest couples, the ones that we see potential connections in which we would see interesting people, but then also we see potential of them like recoupling with someone else. And then the other tier is gotta go. It's just the couples that we, or just the individuals that we just don't want to see in the villa anymore. So we're going to do this in more of a speed round since we've talked so much about the couples already. Starting with Kiran and Nicole which we said would say loyal and they have, so I would think that they would be strong couples, but what do you guys think?


Definitely. Yeah.


Totally. Okay next is Matilda and Sean, who we thought would also recouple but now I'm thinking it could either, it could go both ways. They could be strong couples or they could also have, or we could split them up. Matilda could have potential connections and Sean can go. I think Sean gotta go. Okay. He's gotta




He's gone


now. I hope Matilda finds a new potential connection.


She's just so beautiful. Yeah. Same thing with Jesse and Joey. We thought that they would recouple last week and but they actually stayed together. So I'm thinking Joey just didn't find someone that he liked more than Jesse and then Jesse did the same thing. So what do you guys think? Are they staying strong as a couple or do you guys think


Joey gotta




I think just based on Jessie's actions too, in the like, three person date, she was more of a wing woman she seemed very like, tied to Joey. Seems like they're gonna be a strong couple unless there's a bombshell that comes in and Joey's can't keep his hands off of her. They're like, giving me like, Ken and Barbie vibes right now. They're a strong couple, but obviously the two most attractive blonde and blue eyed guys. Who knows if he'll come in the villa, but I think they're strong for now.


Yeah, they're strong. I just don't want them to win. They can stay far in the game, or in the show.


Joey has enough money. He's been on every reality show. He does not deserve to win.


That's why part of me wants to put him in the gotta go category. But yeah, I don't think he's


good. I couldn't I can't see the public voting for him to win though. Yeah, you know at the end of the day, so I think we're okay.


Okay. Okay, then the next really big moment was the Mimi and Josh. So there's a lot of potential there being so new to the show, Josh, you guys think that they have a potential connection? Or I mean, Or do you guys not see any compatibility with them so far? What are your thoughts?


It's early days, but I'll give them potential connections just because they're enjoying the early days pretty quickly, definitely.


What do you guys think of Josh in general?


I thought he was interesting. I also enjoyed his conversation with Grace. So I think he has a potential connection with Mimi or with Grace.




Yeah. Which will be more drama. Happy for Grace. Yeah. Happy to see her time after time. I'm like, okay. Love it. Loving her black things. Girlfriend. Love it. Love it for her. Yeah. Awesome. But also,


this is also the season that I've always spoken about Love Island. I know it's just one person, but I have also said time and time again, it's this is actually such a beautiful thing, seeing actually having people actually date interracially. Because that's what the world looks like. Right. And so go with grace. I actually read comments on the internet where they were like, Brooke, guess there's somebody was saying that grace has reminds them like has black features, though. I'm surprised that


I was, I did look her up. I thought she would be mixed. I thought they say she might have had some work done. She did get 100%. And but With her features, it, she just looked her features just looked a little bit more on the natural side. So that's why I thought maybe it was not that her that she didn't have any work done. But I just thought it was more natural features. So that's why I thought maybe she would be mixed. But I guess she's not. She's very much I think from London, from the UK,


she just designed some features that yeah, qualities that she liked a little


bit more. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


She went to the better doctors.


100%. It sounds like it sounds like they've been seeing she's been seeing the doctors for a long time. I mean, she's in her early 20s and she's already been seeing that doctor for a couple years. I heard. I guess it's. gradual work that she gets done but every year she gets done a little bit which i think it's what's making her face look yeah so i think it's like flattering her features and i mean she's stunning that girl well speaking of grace she picked blade to begin with i don't know what you guys think we were like all thinking last week that blade was And we really liked him, but this time around, I just didn't get much character from him. I'm a little bored. Yeah, I'm bored


too. I think he's


gotta go.


Yeah, he's gotta go. He also looks like a cartoon character in my head now and I can't get it out. Yeah. Literally he's in 2D. He's not




substance. Yeah. But I would say Grace is one of those people that we think would, have a lot of potential because she's such a, she's so well spoken and I feel like she has so much like character about her that I definitely want to see her find someone, if not Josh, someone else. So another couple. So IO we know brought Jess back from CASA. Do you guys think that they're going to stay strong? Or I know we've already started seeing a little IO turn I his head back to Mimi. So what are your thoughts on whether they'll stay together as a strong couple or just like potential connections with other people?


Sounds tough. Last week, or like a couple episodes, I would have been like, Oh, they're a strong couple. This like conversations with Mimi is making me be like, Ooh, let's keep them in potential connections. Just to see how this week plays out, but most likely they'll be fine.


Yeah, I feel like Ayo at this point just has to make his mind I mean his mind is made already. Mimi's not gonna go back to him, so I just feel like it's almost like he either picks Jess or nobody, because at this point he would look real bad if he picks a new person.




end. Ayo. I do. I do. I do. I do. I


do. I do. I do. I do. I do! Yeah, it's definitely disappointing because I still like him. I think he's still a nice guy. I think he's still cute. But I think yeah, maybe like wine he'll mature with age.


Yeah, totally. I actually, so he reminds me of when he first came in, I was not a fan of Dami. Dami? Demi. Demi. Demi? Demi. Yeah. I wasn't a fan of him, but I was a huge fan of India. So it reminded me of the same, I just wasn't sure, he has like style, he's like really good looking, he's has all Got a smooth


chat. Like very


Yeah. Yeah. But I wasn't a huge fan of him. when he joined and then now I'm like obsessed with him because I can tell he's matured a lot and he's still with India and obviously so I don't know he reminds me of that like I feel like as he ages he'll probably get more his character will come out a little bit more because I can tell he has something within him it just doesn't come out in this show I think. Yeah, so curious to hear your thoughts. Okay, so Jess came back with Hugo. To me, both of them have to go.






Jess is starting too much drama and Hugo's got the ick. Yeah. They're just not doing much right now.


Yeah, they can go. Yeah, and then so Hugo


basically said you spoke




Ayo. You don't want us to put Ayo anyway. Yeah. I think we decided potential connections because we're not going to put him in strong couples yet, right? Oh, gotcha. Yeah,


I just wouldn't see him being a strong couple with Jess just because he's like in the middle right now.




So another couple that was shaky this week. Connor, he's been shaky since the beginning. I think he has to go, but Gotta go. Connor's on


vacation. Gosh. And his vacation is over.


Yeah. So we didn't hear from him and Emma for multiple episodes. Yes. And then only like in the last two episodes they popped up again. I was like, oh, yeah, you're here




The emma the emma who we that like literally is literally like the least It's the loudest in the house, but I lowkey feel like Emma, if Joey was an option, I think that's who Emma was interested in yeah, I think that's, I think she was looking for someone around her age. So I think she's also looking around and again, I think Connor was her best bet to get into the villa, but obviously seeing how like, Gabby and Gabby. How how serious, um, what's his name, Joey is about, his person. Now, obviously, Emma is I guess I'm just gonna ride the wave and see how far this is gonna get me.


Yeah, she's on vacation too, in my opinion. At least until she finds another connection. She's gorgeous. She's stunning. But, yeah.


Who's Emma? So we think Emma has a little bit of potential. connection happening. Yeah. Another couple, I think we brought them up briefly, Trey and Ellie, and I think they've already left, right? They already left us, I blame Tootles. That




a second.


And then obviously Uma and Will have left the island, leaving Ruben on his own. Who do you guys think? Do you guys think he's gonna find a potential connection with the girls here? What are your thoughts on Ruben? Whether he's going to stay long. Maybe, yeah.


Between Emma and maybe he'll chat with Matilda? That would be interesting. Or he'll steal Ayo's GF. Yeah, who knows? I think he's got a lot of options. Oh, he has


so many options. Matilda. Honestly, if it doesn't work out with Mimi and Josh, even Mimi could potentially be an option. Jess. I don't think Grace is open. Nah, I think Mimi


doesn't like light skinned guys. I think she's her type of dog. Oh,


that's right. She did say that. You're right. Okay, Celia.




knows? We'll see. He's


gonna chat with all the girls after this.


Yeah, totally. I think that concludes our game. We'd love to hear your thoughts on our social media. So let us know what you think.


What's the scoop on the streets? Okay. Time for scoop on the street. Okay. So as usual, I don't have any scoop on the streets, but I know Gabby and Brana have been paying more attention as to what the people's favorite magazines have been saying, the daily mail, we see you sponsor us daily mail. So Gabby, What's been happening with our favorites, least favorites, Candyman Sean?


Ah, so the only thing I heard about Sean I guess a couple of things is that his ex was revealed. And in my opinion, she's stunning, but she, I guess, wasn't aware that he had cheated on her. And that's something that he brought up during the show. So I feel like it just came in as something that she just didn't know. So I feel like it was Interesting to hear that. So it's so recent, right? Like it's his like latest ex. So I'm wondering like, I don't know if we truly know the Sean that we're seeing. And then another thing is we just keep hearing about his job and, everything that he's doing with his candy company. sweets company. And apparently he has a full time job. So that's not his main gig. He has a full time job. And that's a side gig. But when he came in to the villa, I think it was portrayed like that was his main thing. That was like his full time job. Obviously, no through social media that his sister is running his company right now while he's in the villa. He's So I'm just wondering it was, did he come in with the goal of I'm gonna make this a bigger thing? If so that's smart. I can't blame him for that. I would do the same thing if I could. Totally.


He was




I'm gonna pitch my candy. Yeah. He was like, let me pitch my whole candy man side business and make it my entire brand personality. Everyone knows. Oh my gosh. That man. Every minute. Candy man. Candy man. It's


too much. Yeah. He got to


go. He got to go. The more I learned about him, the less I like. Yeah. Yeah.


Did. I did. That's true. I was, I've had enough. I won't lie. Branagh, what have you been hearing on the streets about old Love Island contestants?


Yeah, so I've been getting served random content on TikTok of old contestants and just, we love to hear about their time in the villa and what they experienced because it's such a strange thing that they go through. Obviously, this is not a normal way to live at all. One of the contestants, Phoebe, who I guess was on a previous USA season that I did not watch, but she popped up on my feed, was talking about how obviously they all have the phones for when they get a text but that the time is fake and the date is fake on the phone. So you have no, not only do they not know, you know, when they're waking up and when they're going to sleep, but like the time on the phone, the date on the phone, there's no real conception of what. Anything so it could say could be 10 a. m. It could say it's 4 p. m. It could Just like all of the time. It's all messed up. It doesn't Everything's wrong, which I was like, that is such, I can't even imagine like that's so bad for your like brain and like your circadian rhythm and just, I can't even imagine.


Totally. I think I saw something last season from another contestant too that like on one of the dates that they were going to, they accidentally saw like the time. And it was like, something like crazy, like 2 a. m. or something like that. And sometimes parts of the day they need good lighting. Exactly. I think it's because of the lighting situation. And honestly, I think they play with the whole because they can't like, Feed them a bunch of alcohol and get the drama started. They play with the oh, let's make them just a little bit tired Yeah, and angsty at each other. So like I feel like their schedule must be like They like might wake up at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, have breakfast, and then go to bed at 5am or something crazy like that. That's isn't that freaky


though? It messes with your emotions. I know they do this on The Bachelor too. I had heard that they do rose ceremonies at like midnight, 2am, and it's for hours. It goes until the


next day because you even see the sunrise at the end. And then they're still giving them alcohol and food. It's weird.






I can't. I was like, I could never participate in this activity. I


think that's why during Jerry season, like Jimmy felons, like grandma or aunt went to sleep. Did you remember that episode? She was like, when she made Gary, she was like, absolutely not. I'm going to take a nap. I'm like, that would be me.


No, literally. Yeah. I will say all anyone who participates in shows like this, more power to you. That is strength that I do not have.


Girl, we're grandmas, we need to go to


bed. Girl, I know give me some sweets and, and then just put me to bed. But I agree with the Love Island thing, I've also seen the Times stuff as well. Because I think recently, I don't know if it was USA or To UK that I also saw like some sort of I think they were like, Oh, woke up for a date or something, but outside the window, I was like, damn, that's like broad daylight. So I think I also noticed like parts where I'm like, everyone's sleeping and the blinds are down. And I think they go on like a date or maybe it was USA because they went on some dates because they are in Fiji. And obviously they were just like, okay, you're going on this date. And then when in the room, it's blinds down. But once they got outside, like it literally was the summer's day. Wow.




watch USA, people. Watch USA, because Casual Week there is also crazy. I'm excited to watch. We're


on it. We're on it. We're watching it, just a little preview. We'll probably do a special series or a couple episodes, potentially. So it's getting juicy.


Oh, and that's proper chat this week. Not proper chat,


it's on the street. End scene. And that's it for our show today We are at proper chat on tiktok and instagram if you want to follow us there for extra content throughout the week. We're always posting, always checking our DMs, so if you have any scoop on the streets, please send that our way. If you'd like to support our show, we love it. If you could follow us on all the podcast platforms or share it with a friend of yours. And otherwise, thanks for listening. We'll be back next Thursday for more love Island content. And in the meantime, stay proper and stay chatting.

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