Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Snog, Marry, Pie - Love Island S11, Ep. 38-44

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 8

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! This week, hosts Nicole, Brana, and Gabi discuss the top three moments from Love Island Season 11, episodes 38-44. They dive into the drama between Joey, Grace, and others, analyze the Snog, Marry, Pie challenge, and explore some juicy behind-the-scenes gossip. Plus, get ready for their iconic tier ranking game and updates on Love Island news and relationships. Don't miss the hilarious and insightful take on everything Love Island!

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Hello, all welcome to proper chat, a love island podcast. I'm Nicole, one of your hosts here with my other two lovely hosts.


Hi, I'm Rana.


Hi, I'm Gabby. And our lovely fourth host is out this week living her best life in Greece. She's literally probably on a boat right now, getting tanned and drinking something alcoholic and delicious. So we're very jealous. Aw, yeah. Yeah. This week, we are going to cover episodes 38 through 44 of Love Island season 11. We're going to talk about the top three moments of the week. We're going to play our iconic tier ranking game where we're going to snog, marry, and pie the islanders. And we're going to give you some gossip from Love Island. The social media feeds from scoop on the streets. Before we get into it though, I wanted to check in with the hosts. Give us a hi. Give us a low girls. What's going on?


I had probably like just a really, really rough, rough week with my work. But you guys, my friend from Oklahoma City, she surprised me with like the sweetest, cutest, like, not care package, but it was just like a beautiful box. And it had like such nice gifts. It had some like body sprays and she got me like these two bracelets. Which are just stunning, stunning, yeah. Those are so cute, yeah. Like the most cutest bracelets, tennis bracelets. So I turned my whole week around because I got that in the nicest note and yeah, it made me so happy. And then another thing we did is we had our girls night with the friends that I have here and Sonora. We had so much fun and we did the game where we paint each other. It's like a TikTok trend. It was super fun. I do have my painting right here. I don't know if you guys saw it. Can you see it? You look so good in that. Okay, it does look like you. Yeah, our friend Addy, who is like our common friend, painted me and I painted her. I did a horrible job with her. I made her look horrible. It was like frowning, but we still had a good time. And she painted me, which I look like a character from Encanto, which I love. You do. You totally do. That's so


true. Yeah. You totally do. Who knew Addy? She could work at Pixar. Damn.






so funny. So good. what


about you Brianna? My life was alright. I like was still feeling off a little bit all week. I don't know what was going on. I wasn't sick, but I felt like so, so tired and so low energy. Like my legs were like buzzing and if I was like running on the streets and I like literally did nothing. I don't know if it was like a hormonal thing or what was going on and slowly. Getting, I feel like 10 percent better. Like every day, like today I was able to do 30 minute low impact ride on my Peloton. And so that was good. Two days ago, I couldn't even fathom a walk. So yeah, we're getting better. I did spend a lot of my time resting, watching Love Island US and catching up on that. More to come on that soon. We'll cover it someday. And also I went to dinner on Saturday to this restaurant that actually Gabby and Langa and I went to a while ago where Gabby couldn't find parking for five hours. But a craziest thing happened at dinner though. We had the rudest waiter. He was just like sassy. Like from the get go, I was like, how's the cauliflower? And he was like, it's roasted cauliflower. I was like, okay, you're not telling me on it. And then when we went into order dessert, there was three of us. And And my sister's friend was like, Oh, let's just get three. I was like, okay, buddy. Like you're paying. Sure. Let's get three. And the waiter literally judged us. He was like, when we like, he was like, yeah, we're going to get this one. And that one, that one, he's like, Oh, great. Why did you do that? I've never had that experience in my life. I was like, okay. Let me


enjoy my dessert. Literally,


I was like, wow,






Dude, do you want tips? Do you?


Literally. It was so rude. I'm nervous. I've never experienced that in my life. I'm like, we're just raking up the bill. Like, why do you care? Yeah.


Judging monster.


Yeah, but I thought you guys would enjoy that story. But, yeah, Nicole, how was


your week? Well, I support everyone getting every dessert. Yeah. Props to you for doing that. My week was also low. Work has been annoying. I don't know. Is there something happening astrologically? I don't know. I mean, we need to look this up because literally all three of us have been a bad week. Anyway, but the highlight was I had some really good family time. We went down to a town actually closer to Santa Barbara and had some family time there. And Yeah, it was like a beautiful Like weather beautiful like shopping we like hung out by the pool had some good food. It was really good And then last night or tonight actually I went to my first ever bunco night Which is really fun and like I want to start playing more like it's a very low stake thing Fun little game that I feel like we would all enjoy doing because it's just like rolling dice and gossiping. So I don't know anything


about bunko. You would mean either


just like luck It's literally rolling dice to get specific numbers And then once you add up all the numbers, then you like win that round or whatever So it's really like cool low stakes. You're just adding up numbers and can talk while people are rolling dice anyway, so Perfect for like playing a little something while you like have a drink and want to gossip. So yeah, perfect for this group. Perfect. Probably for the listeners of this pod. Yeah, definitely. Great. We'll do it.


All right. So getting into the top moments of the week. First one being, we had what we're calling the paddle challenge. where each couple had to match up their answers, or else they got drinks thrown in their face. And the main drama that came from that game was definitely with Joey and Grace, where Joey was quick to just keep harping on the fact that Grace still wants him, that she would still be with him if Jesse didn't come into the picture. And of course Sean being the most annoying hype man ever had to say I feel like you're trying to sabotage what's going on by being friends with Jesse, which is back to that dumb comment he made during movie night which was so unnecessary. And Joey and Grace later talked it out in the villa that night and hashed it out as best as they could, kind of left it in a almost a graded disagree kind of state. But I feel bad for Grace that we keep going back to this Clock point even someone during the game. I forget who said it, but even someone's like he's not even her type literally,


literally yeah, I


don't know. What did you guys think of that whole game and the drama of it all?


Yeah Someone on reddit and I totally kind of agree with this opinion So I wanted to run it by you guys someone on reddit posted that You know when the new bombshell lolly came in and she pulled joey To have a little date in the hideaway And said something along the lines of Hey, when I see you with Jesse you've lost your cheeky spark. You've lost your energy a bit. And someone in Reddit was basically like, I bet that went to his head. And he's Oh maybe the public is viewing me as boring now. And his ego got hit a little bit. So now he needs to act out in this No, no, no, I'm still a hot commodity here. Like, Grace still has feelings for me and Start some drama. So it's like it all like leads up to his like ego and him like feeling oh no, I'm still super hot everyone wants me even Grace like wishes she had me like and then anyway, I thought that was like a super valid point that like You're right, we haven't seen Joey for a while, and this is the first time he's coming back into the, into the space and getting a little bit more attention in the villa, but he's definitely acting out.


We have to remember he's a professional reality star. He brings up the things that are annoying. He's not thinking of this girl, Jessie. He's not. He's not thinking about her. He's just bringing up stuff that in the past has worked for him to get screen time. Because in his head, he's thinking, where's my next gig? That's what I think. And I, he's not even that good looking. I don't understand why he thinks he's all that. He, there's just no way that he thinks. that grace is head over heels like sure she gave you a chance but everyone she's been picking has been way more like good looking justice for omar i feel like omar should have stayed in this villa a lot longer for grace but it's just crazy to for someone to have an eagle like that to think oh she still likes me i can't imagine i can't imagine


and i don't think there was like even inkling Once Grace got in her head I'm not, this is it, we're done, I'm dusted I don't think she got there was no signs of jealousy she didn't even have a moment where she was, like, upset during the recoupling she acted totally over it, you know? She barely cried!


She didn't even cry. It was like she was hot and maybe there's a little sweat coming near her eye, but that's it.


We're in Spain. Who knows? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. No, totally with Joey. It's just like, how do you figure? Like from what, sir? No. And I do think it's like little rat Sean in his ear being like, Oh yeah. Oh yeah. She likes you, you know, like he's just quick to be a hype man in that moment. I'm just like, shut up. This is your, this doesn't even have anything to do with you and you're bringing nothing to this conversation. It's so eerie.


That comment was so wild too. Like girls can be friends. Just because they have the same ex partner, you know, and they're, like, around each other all of the time, so what if they're friends, right? Get over it, Sean. Get over it, Joey. Like, why is it a thing?


And you can tell they're just similar girls. Their vibe is very similar. I mean, Jessie's a little bit more on, I think, leans on the more mature side. She's less on the catty side. She leans on her because she's just a little bit more like how her friends would be on the outside. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is because also I don't think that Grace has said anything bad about Joey to Jessie. We haven't seen it. We haven't. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what, what Sean gets from this and maybe he's just starting, maybe he's like taking some tips from, from Joey. And he wants to continue this as his career, but obviously there was a huge shift in his personality after Casa. It's his ego went all the way up for no reason. He did not get more good looking after Casa, that's for sure.


Yeah, every time he speaks, I get embarrassed for Matilda. I'm like, girl, do better than this. Like, come on, she's such a catch. Totally is. Yeah. Anyways carrying on to the second best moment of the week, we had our favorite Snog Mary pie challenge. Always when it came around this time, I was like, oh, we haven't done this yet. Yeah, it was because just I was surprised. I was like, oh yeah, we haven't done this yet. And some of the big ones that we definitely wanted to talk about. Jessie got pied three times by three different boys. She got pied by Ruben, by Josh, and by io, which was so surprising because outside of the Joey Grace drama, like we don't really hear too much from her. So I'm like, what's going on there? What's, what are we not seeing?


Yeah, maybe she's just like cold to the guys and the guys didn't know who else to buy. Yeah, no, it was weird. I don't even remember what Ruben said oh, you're in your shell like yeah


But then


she was on the date with him so I don't know like it's weird she's maybe she's like a secret Be behind the scenes and we're just not seeing it.


Yeah, very surprising Another thing it could be like she's just putting up walls because she wants to be respectful for joey like even when she went on the other like that date and It was a reuben date where the guy was just she was like when wing woman Feel like she was just trying to be really respectful. I don't know it could be a lot of things that we're not seeing but so far like she really hasn't come off like that sand offish But we don't see her. She's just not the type of girl that's gonna be friends with the guys,


yeah, I think you're right. She's more of a girly girl. She like, wants to hang out with Grace and Goss, like the whole day. She doesn't want to like, be a bro,


100%. And even with the girls, she's not the type of girl that's 100 percent a girl's girl, where she gets along with all the girls. She's particular. It's She picks her, her group, her girls. I totally see that. Yep. Not a guy's girl, not 100 percent a girl's girl.






Yeah. Another interesting moment that happened during the game was Joey kissed Nicole. And shortly before the game, the night before, I believe it was, at the recoupling, was when Kieran asked Nicole to be his girlfriend. And then, so then the next day during the challenge, they're playing the game and Joey kisses Nicole, which I think Kieran and Nicole were like, why would you do that? We're boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't think it was like that big of a deal personally, but I just thought it was, it was kind of a strange choice.


Yeah, and out of all of the girls to kiss, Why Nicole? She's like the most locked up, right? So confusing. Is it for, again, does it go back to the him playing the reality star character and be like, what's gonna get me a little bit of screen time or some reaction from the boys that gets more screen time? Let me just put one on Nicole, but damn, that feels like, that feels a little mean to just being play people like that,


if it would have been the other way around, if Kieran would have gone kissed, rest in peace the whole villa.


All the girls dead, all the boys, even if they made any sort of reaction that you would have gone on a rampage. You're so right.


That's so funny. So true. And the biggest moment during strong Mary pie was. We had Io choose to marry Mimi during the game. He kissed Jessica, but he married Mimi. And then Mimi kissed Io and married Josh. And I think both of those moments were very shocking. And I was like, what's going on? What's going


on here? I know I was shook when I was down On one knee and I don't remember his exact exact words, but he was like Yeah, and this could have been what happened if this was the situation like the man speaks in code, but That was not looking good, Ayo. You're basically saying, this could have been us, if that was the situation. Whatever


the situation is. How does Jesse put up with that code? I try to understand Ayo, and it's he really does talk in code. Yeah. He really does. He doesn't


use full sentences.


No. He like, takes a break, and then he uses words that, Are so vague that you're like, what are you actually saying? If that was the situation, like what? Yeah.




Yeah. I've


done that so many times.


Yeah. And Mimi deciding to kiss Ayo came after a conversation with Nicole too. Where, she tells Nicole yeah, like there are still feelings there. We put it to the side, but. There's still feelings there obviously and Nicole being like, yeah, that's what you If you want something, you should get what's yours, et cetera. So she definitely egged her on a little in that moment. It was like, this is how you feel friend. Like I support you. I want you to like, have your happily ever after. So I think that kind of gave me the gumption in that moment. And


the fact that Josh also kissed race right before instead of kissing Mimi. And he basically was like, Oh if I wasn't with Mimi, we'd be chattin kinda thing. And so I don't know if she was, like, already in the back of her mind, being like, Should I kiss Ayo? Should I not? And then the Josh situation happened, and she did. Or if she was already considering doing that. Anyway, it's very bold for Mimi. She usually is very calculated, yeah, I'm surprised. Really,


really happy that Nicole did that for her. I feel like that was like a really good friend advice for Mimi, especially with how guarded she is, like Nicole has been there with her since the start. So she at this point really knows like Mimi's character. You can tell this girl is she's a good girl. So for her to say Hey, if you really want to like this is like your opportunity, you're here for yourself, do it. And I don't know, you guys what do you think about the whole Mimi and Ayo situation? I'm just curious to hear what do you guys think about, who, do you think that they both like each other? Is it, is there a thing where Ayo's just like hiding his true feelings and Mimi's or is there a situation where like Mimi likes him more and that's just, it is what it is? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


Yeah, so well, Gabby, thanks for this segue into our moment number three.


Oh, I didn't see that. No,


I'm good. Which was really to discuss Mimi and Ayo, and after the game we had this moment on the terrace that could have been essentially. Came to a tense moment when that evening Mimi snuck up to the terrace and asked Joey to get Ayo to come up and meet her. So Joey is, you know, he's like walking around the villa being like, trying to be sneaky, but so bad at it. Being so obvious and finds Ayo, asks him, tells him, Hey, Mimi's up there. She wants you to come up. And I was like, no, like I'm not going to do that. Obviously there had been many conversations up until that point after the game. But before this moment where he's talking to Jessica, Jessica's what's going on? Like not feeling, she's not feeling stable in this relationship. Josh was not feeling stable with Mimi. And I was like the last thing I should be doing right now is going up to the terrace and like putting more fricking like stirring the pot even further. So he didn't go up there, which I think was the right thing to do to calm the flames. And then him and Mimi, essentially, later had a chat about what they were going to talk about on the terrace, but out in public in front of everyone, but so much to unpack there. Yeah.


Man, to answer your question, Gabby, too, about the situation, and I want everyone's opinion on it. I think IO is such a flirt and I could see him like pulling and gravitating towards a lot of ladies like, right? Like Uma and Mimi in the beginning and then Jess and Casa. But I think there was a switch to when he actually had to make a decision to, hey, I'm a flirt, and I like a lot of girls, and while there is a situation with Mimi I have to make a decision to be with Jessica, and it was almost like a switch flipped in him from oh, okay this did hurt someone really deeply, and it also turned a lot of people in the villa against me, so I have to double down kind of on this situation, and I think it bonded them even more, it helped them solidify their feelings towards each other. At the same time he's still a little bit of a flirt, and so when he came back into the villa, and Mimi and him started talking after all of these harsh feelings were aired they tried to be friends again, and he was, like, actively being a little flirty with her. And I remember being like, Ooh, is there something happening? But it, in a way, it almost gave Mimi a, Oh, is there a feeling there? You know, it was like a window for her to be like, Oh, okay. He's actually flirting with me. What's going on here. And so I think she still really likes IO. The way that he like flirted with her and open the door a little bit, I think was not appropriate. Like you could tell, like he was like eyeing her and giving her looks and like giggling with her. Anyway, and then, so I think that's why she got those feelings to come back and wanted to express that to him. And also she's not having The best time with Josh. So I understand why she like went for it at the end of the day. I think she's like completely closed it off after this though. And I think, unfortunately, I would have loved to see them on the terrace and rekindle things and had a kiss and all this stuff that would be drama, drama. But yeah they're parting ways. I think at this point.


Yeah. I also think that like last week, we also were, we were kind of talking about and predicting What do we think is going to happen? Do we think that now that Josh has picked Mimi and he's trying to woo her over? Is Ayo going to turn an eye and Get jealous and try to pursue her again. And it almost felt like in the beginning of the week, it was about to go that way. And then the second that I started being more flirty, like you said, Nicole, then, and Mimi was like, wait, is this, if there's a certain potential, is it, could this be a thing again? Then he, and then the drama. And then he was like, wait, no, actually no, let's everyone go back to their quarter.


Yeah. Joey tried so hard to make that drama happen. He did. He was working overtime.


Someone in a TikTok comment said Mimi went and straight up told Mrs. Whistledown about to go get Ida. I'm like so curious if the drama's gonna come out anyway, or if he like, actually Joey might be a better guy and be like, Okay, actually Mimi got embarrassed in this situation. I'm not gonna share that with her. Hopefully he doesn't.


I feel like it's gonna come out. We'll talk about this more later but there is like the grafties coming up. Oh that's another moment where they play clips. So like maybe that'll be a moment where they play a clip.


Oh man, that's gonna be bad. Please. Well, okay


yeah, but.


But we need it. I don't


know. I think just make the drama happen at this point, why not? If it would have, if it was up to Mimi it would have happened, but what, who made her do that though? That doesn't seem like a Mimi type of idea. Someone had that idea, and they presented her with the idea and she was like, yeah, let's do it. But that had to be a producer type of thing. situation. There's no way she was like, yeah, I can't imagine me being like, oh yeah, I'm gonna cause this drama and go up there. Like her intentions, her intentions were that she wanted some private time, that the terrace is not what that's for. That's not for private time.


Yeah, and she's usually so calculated, like I said earlier, that it is a surprise. Either producer, or people like, maybe Nicole really egged her on to be like, go, go clarify some things, and pushed her to do that. I could totally see that.


Yeah. For sure.


Okay, now it's time for our infamous tier ranking game. Proper ranking game. And in this time we'll squeeze in a little challenge for our girl, Lenga. And basically we did this with Brana too. So Linga, if you're listening to this, which we hope you are text us right now three kiss emojis. And if not, you're going to have to make us a pie. Which is appropriate for this tier ranking game that we're doing this week, which is the Snog Mary Pie. We're all familiar with it. I'm excited to hear your thoughts. I put everyone in the snog category to start out with, but let's move everybody down. Starting with some of our most stronger couples. So Nicole, what do you think about Nicole?


Her and Kiran go ahead and just marry them up. Yeah,


that's true.




not open, they're closed. Yeah.


I will say between the couple though personally, Kiran is giving mature marry Matt, marry him vibes. Nicole isn't totally there yet, but she's getting better, right? I was actually impressed with her this week being okay with the whole kissing game that they played. She seemed to handle it all pretty well. And her mans picked her, but actually if her mans didn't pick her, she would have been upset, but she handled the whole all kissing Kieran thing well.


I thought she was going to get pissed about not being married. I thought, I was thinking like, okay, surely you want him to kiss you, but I thought that she would get upset that also she didn't marry him, which she can't do both, but yeah. Yeah, what do you guys think about Joey and Jesse? Sounds like someone's a little bit more open than we thought from last week. What do you guys think?


I just am in the mood to pie Joey after this week. Let's just go ahead and pie.


We're gonna pie him. We'll leave Jesse with a snog.


Yeah. Yeah, why not?


She got pied enough.




seriously. Yeah, so this girl came in, I'm just gonna jump to her and apparently she, and she knew Joey just from social media. Lola. So I'm curious to hear what you guys thought of her and whether you're gonna snog Mary or pie her. My thought is snog, not because I don't think she like riled up the villa too much where she would get pied. It sounds like she's just Doing her bombshell things.


Yeah, I'm happy to keep her there. She's a cutie too, I like her vibe. So cute. She seems to be chatting with folks keep her there.


The only thing is another girl giving Joey attention, that's my only down mom. Yeah,




Let's look at the girls that Joey doesn't know. How about that? Yeah,


have Joey liked every hot girl's Instagram in the UK? It seems like it. Yeah.


Oh my gosh, I totally forgot that he used to be a celebrity or like that he was a celebrity coming in, which is so wild to think about. Alright, so another couple. I think we had Matilda as like a potential person. We had Sean last week as gotta go. So I'm interested to hear Matilda, Sean, what do you guys think? Sean gets pied in my eyes. Without a doubt. Matilda, I think Mary, but what do you guys think?


Yeah, she's one of my favorite girls in the villa right now, so


she gives me


good vibes.




you too? Yeah, I like her a lot. I think she can do so much better than Sean. I can't wait for her to open up her DMs when she gets home and say goodbye to the Candyman.


Yeah, the end. Yeah. We talked enough about Mimi and Ayo and Josh situation. The end. Based on how this week went, where do we put Mimi? It seems like everybody like wanted to marry her, but just from the actions do you guys think she's in the married category, or the snog category, or even the pie?




Trying to break up Jesse and Ayo maybe?


She's still one of my favorite girls, so I would marry


her. Yeah. And not pie her. And marry her. Yeah, she gets to marry from us. She gets to


marry. I love Mimi. She's done a great job in this show and it's like chaotic show. Okay. So one thing about Josh that really bugged me so much is his territorial side. And he said it once. And after he said it, I like could not unthink it. And I was like, that does not that would that would bother me so much. So for me, he's either a pie or a snog. What did he say, Gabby? He, him and Mimi were having a discussion. And he was like, yeah, I'm a little bit, sorry, I'm a little bit territorial. And after that, he basically the actions that came after that was he talked to Ayo and started to understand what, where was he at? But the way that he came off, it almost felt like he was Alpha, and that Ayo was Backing, backing back. And I think the biggest reason why Ayo won't like necessarily play or be open to Mimi and Jessica at the same time is because she, he has this lingering like alpha right here. That's I think my true opinion on why Ayo is like totally Oh, back down. That's it. Because Josh was really like. Or to me, he's coming off very strong. I like her so much, but why is he so strong about Mimi from the start? It's a little too it's hitting too much. It's


Yeah. Here's the thing, I don't know if he's strong or if he's worried about being embarrassed about her going back to I. O. You know what I mean? You were just describing a guy who's I'm the cool I'm the alpha of the group and for a girl to be like, oh, I actually like this other guy, I could see him being, like, pissed off, you know, because of that situation, so he's doubling down to be like no we need to make this really good, because I don't want to be embarrassed later. So, I agree. I think his actions aren't aren't giving Considerate like thoughtful partner. They're giving like territorial. Yeah, pissed off ego, man yeah, and I Yeah, I really didn't like his reaction to the whole situation and the way he's kind of handled himself but it's interesting that your take is that maybe I oh doesn't want to go back to me because Of the whole Josh situation, which is, I didn't even think about that, and I totally see it.


They had an unspoken kind of bond at the beginning, that they respected each other. And I feel like he doesn't want to cross over that. Yeah. I see that. Another thing is Josh is, Intensity is what's driving Mimi, I think, to do the things she's doing. If he was a little bit softer, if he was a little bit calmer and kind of like more sensitive, I would bet that Mimi would not try to talk to Ayo because she'd be like a lot more concerned about how he stands up. If he's going to be okay and stuff like that, but she's not concerned about him being okay, because Josh is coming off very strong and kind of like intense. Yeah, he's


like asserting dominance in the In this situation, for sure. Yeah. He's


so fiery and she's so chill. That's such an interesting combo. I don't know if it's gonna work. Yeah. I don't


think so. Let's pie him.


Let's pie him. Where would you guys put Ayo in? And thinking, keeping in mind the Jessie, or the Jessica situation. I mean, Maybe we go with Jessica first. Jessica has come in for Ayo from CASA, and at this point she's all in for Ayo. And she's been really respectful with every single girl, including Mimi. She's never once tried to be like, even when everyone's like blaming Mimi for something, she's like, Oh, but I understand her. I would marry her too. That's what she said, he said. That's what he said when Ayo picked her. It was like, she's just like very, Yeah. Sweet girl, I think. Which is why I would marry her. But what do you guys think?


I was thinking snog for both of them just because they're Yeah, I like them, but I'm like, I'm not entirely sure they're like, I'm ready to marry, if that makes sense.


Yeah, but if you,


I feel like I wouldn't marry them


together. I don't think, you know what it is? I don't think they're like as compatible as Maybe Jessica hopes like I do think that there's like an open like a crack there for IO. I don't I mean even though he has calmed down and Now closed the doors of Mimi. I don't necessarily think that they're both like settled down like Once the villa, once this is over I can't imagine Ayo staying with Jessica, unfortunately. But Jessica seems to be, like, the type of girl that would stay with him, and it's very intentional. Yeah. Yeah. I'm good with keeping them in snog. Yeah, let's keep them there. Okay, Grace, a few weeks ago, we were hoping she would find someone, Ruben came along at first, Ruben was like really interested in Umba, and at this point that whole situation, it almost feels like it's just like a snog situation, I don't, I like Grace a lot but it almost feels like she's like dipping her toes and trying to find her person, but she hasn't necessarily found someone there yet, Do


you guys think she's into Ruben at all? Or is she just playing? No. No. I think she's waiting.


Yeah, and during the whole recoupling speech her speech was just so open. I don't know, it was kind of like opening the doors for if someone comes, then


Then there was that moment with the cereal where oh


my gosh. Oh my gosh Thank you for bringing that up because that moment was unreal if someone stopped me during my pancake mixing I'd be Livid no one is stopping me from my breakfast


And she didn't hold back how she was feeling about it either. She was like, can we do this later? Okay, just stomped over like it was yeah, I was


she was hangry. She was hangry She was hangry, but I will say she like handled the conversation with Ruben well But then she went I don't was she talking to Jessica or Jesse I don't know who she was sharing this with, she was like, straight up pissed off at him complaining about him, which is so her, she like, is very good at being like, calm, composed, everything's fine, and then going straight to the girls and being like, this is shit, this guy is shit. So it was funny to see that duality because like it was so awkward when he was like, actually, can we talk now? And it's like a pause for five seconds.


You're just like, can you're still here.


So I put this poll online. I put it across all of our social media platforms to see what people thought about Ruben, where he was gonna who he was gonna couple with. Everybody went ham on Ruben, saying that they didn't like him, that they, and this was like, almost like a hundred comments about Ruben, and how much they didn't, Like him, and that he was creepy, and that all these things, just like intertwined, intertwined with comments like, oh, Grace or Jessica, like they were kind of like saying both things, but a lot of people were kind of crazy, they were like, get him out, like he's creepy, all this, there's like certain things that he does that just rubs me the wrong way. And after that, I couldn't see it. And then, and then we had the breakfast scene happen and I was like, I agree. Yeah.


Yeah. That was not okay. I think he's like a little goofy too for Grace. Like he's a little too smiley and I don't know, like just a little silly. He's kind of giving like Connor vibes a little bit too, like the friend, the friendly, like high energy kind of vibe that maybe it comes off creepy to people, but yeah, when he like interrupted her, I was like that's giving a little bit selfish. So yeah,


for the breakfast moment alone, he gets a pie.


Let's do it.


Yeah, I like that. Then, leads us to Connor, who has been, as Linga would say, on vacation for the last few weeks.


He was the most married boy though, I will say. We have


to marry him for everything that those girls said. I agree. Everybody stood by him. Yes. This guy sounded like he's the one. What did everybody consensus was, he's the one that helps them. He's the one that like goes to grab them food. He's like very hands on with those girls. Like obviously all the girls love them. Okay, then just to finish off, there's our last two new people that came. We had Lolly, who partnered with Connor. I don't know what I feel about them, but I think Snog is probably appropriate for both given that we don't really know much about them.




I think that's fine. Yeah. Great.


We'll see where they


go. That concludes our proper ranking game. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what we thought this week. So let us know what you think in the socials and also leave us a kiss emoji. If you listen up to this point in the pod we'll be posting the tier ranking results On our Instagram.


What's the scoop on the streets on the streets? Okay time for scoop on the streets.


Yeah, so what is the scoop on the streets? Nicole you were talking about Maya and some sad news there. What happened? What'd you hear?


But yeah, I'm pretty sure most Love Island fans saw this post, our girl Maya Jama and Stormzy. Both put out a public statement announcing that they had broken up it was a cute statement actually I read all of it because they were like cheeky in it basically being like hey we actually didn't really want to do this, but we know that people speculate and for our own sanity like Please respect us and our boundaries. And they like told their full story, which I didn't know. Apparently they like met when they were 21 and 22 and dated for four to five years on and off and then they broke up for a bit and so this last round was them trying again for the like to see if it was there again. So they had a very like no on again off again situation that ended up being like very respectful and all of that, but they were like, we're still buds. We're still homies. Please respect our boundaries. It just didn't end up working out, but we're still like love each other that way. So I don't know bones. They're like a power couple, totally.


Oh my gosh. Yeah. Love to them. And I can't wait to see who Maya dates next. No, that's the thing. It's who


in the world is she gonna date? We put, we did not, I don't know. I just can't imagine her with anyone, to be honest.


Yeah, he's gotta be a top tier man, yeah,


She needs someone to, you know, match, match her, match her level, match


her free, match her free. And be on her level cause she is like top tier woman totally a top tier man for this woman. And


then who's gonna date him? Because how can you have, be


like, But steps of Maya.


Won't be me! No, like how can your boyfriend have dated Maya? That would be so depressing for me to know that my husband had a Maya. For 10 years? For 10 years! Oh, good luck.


Good luck to everyone involved. To


everyone involved.




Oh my gosh, you guys. And then you guys texted me about some horrible news and I don't want to think it's true, but Aww. What did you hear about our girl Tanya and my favorite boy, Shaq?


Yeah, I'm sorry. To share this with you, Gabby. Again, opening wounds, but there is a lot of spec speculation on them. Breaking up. And the evidence provided was basically Tanya removed a lot of images on our Instagram with the two of them and unfollowed him on Instagram, but then he posted a photo of. Her on his Instagram stories and Basically put the caption like wifey forever and then a little heart. Oh so then either he's like trying to win her back basically or He did something bad and is trying to cover for it to get her back. I don't know. It could be, like, a couple's quarrel that just ended up online, you know what I mean? And got super heated. But the Tanya unfollow is not looking good for them, but he still follows her. Yeah, man. I




you're upset about this, Gabby, but just try to imagine Shaq in the All Stars. Maybe he'll be back.


Tanya, she's won me over. I love Tanya. I can't undo them. I can't. They're just too perfect. The fact that we saw that whole journey and I didn't believe in Tanya because she was so young at the time. And then the whole situation Makes me so sad. I, that boy better not have done anything. Hopefully it is just like a little situation that came up online. And I'm hoping that they do get back together if it's appropriate. If it's like too crazy, if he did something wrong, obviously I don't want our girl Tanya going back to that, like she doesn't deserve that. But I'm hoping the best, you know, I'm hoping that he didn't do anything too wrong. Yeah,


you're like his number one fan, so


I don't want to


destroy that in your head.


No, yeah, I'll literally delete him if he did something too bad. Anyway


yeah, Gabby, I know how you feel when you're a pair of social relationships and they do something bad, it's, oh, the knife to the heart. Yeah, you don't know what I was like when Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson. Cried for days. Yes, I can imagine that.


Yeah. Branagh, what'd you hear about our girl Uma? She left with Will, how are they doing nowadays in the streets?


So obviously Uma left with Will last week. We weren't sure what was going to happen, if it was going to be fruitful for her. Seems like so far one weekend it has been. They officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. There was like a cutesy post on Instagram of a whole little decoration that he did for her. It was very sweet. Yeah, they were on after sun. I don't know. So far, what a weekend. It's going well. We'll see what happens. I'm still not putting all my confidence in the situation, but I hope for the best for Uma. Yes.


Same. I also saw that he posted, or she posted a picture and she commented, love you with a little heart. And then he said, love you back. So they're BF and GF and saying the L word. So they really came out of the villa strong.


One weekend you got, you can't gotta still be strong. Another thing that I did see was also Harriet and Ronnie are still strong. A few weeks in, today was Ronnie's birthday. She posted a whole thing for him on Instagram. Yeah, that iconic photo of them that's going viral. And


where she looks amazing. What the hell? Yeah. Yeah.


She looks so


weird in the villa with the worst hair and then in that photo she's popped and it's


yeah So she reposted it. She's, enjoying every minute of that. And yeah, they're still going strong a few weeks in so We'll see what happens there, too And yeah, and then the last thing that I saw the scoop on the streets just before recording I saw that the official Love Island Instagram posted that our favorite awards show the graftees are coming up this week I want to talk about categories and who we think might win these So the first one was it's giving one sided Who do you think is going to win that?


Damn. Jessica? And Ayo maybe? Oh,


yes. Yes. That's the perfect one. Yep.


Potentially. Or


maybe Grace and Ruben?


Ooh, definitely.


Yes. That was my other thought. Or even


Joey and Jessie. Because Joey is kind of like turning heads a little bit with this new


girl Lola. Yeah. Then we have a dramatic performance coming up. Is it


the Terrace?


Could be.


Or the Globe. You know what, Nicole?








Nicole. It's Nicole. You're right.


Yeah. It's like a compilation of all of her acting out. Yeah. It has


to be Nicole. Yeah. Yeah. Then


we have ultimate pop. That's drama. Yeah. That is drama. Then we have ultimate pot stirrer, which maybe that's when we That's the terrace. Maybe that's the terra I feel like No, Sean! Oh no, no, no, no, no, that's not




terrace. Sean! He is our pot stirrer.


Yes. Yep.




Oh my gosh, you guys, we're so good at this. Hire us. Love hiring


producers. We're available. Uh, then we have flirtiest performance.


Joey or Ayo in my opinion.


Yeah. Flirty.


I feel


like no one's been like overly flirty, you know? I think it's


gonna be one of, it's, it might be the new guy. How he was super flirty with Grace. You know when they're having that little moment.


Yeah, we'll see. Unfinished Business is where we will have Viteris. Me! Me! Me! Oh no! It's gonna be hard to




Yeah, that's when we're gonna add it in. Yep. For sure. And then the last category we have is Epic Fail, which I don't know, I'm trying to think who the fuck could that even be?


Just a compilation of Shawn trying to pick girls in the beginning before Matilda did.


Yes. Yeah, I


don't know. That's hard.


Yeah, it could also be something silly. You know, where it's like someone who like messed up dumb things. Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah, so I'm excited to see what they pick. I think, I'm hopeful it brings us some drama. And yeah,


I'm so excited. Well, those are some awesome scoop on the streets. Well, guys, if you have any scoop on the streets, make sure to message us on our socials and let us know what you hear.


Just like Gabby said, you can follow us on social media at Proper chat pod, both on Tik TOK and Instagram. If you want to support the show, please follow us there. Please follow us on the podcast platforms. You can give us a little rating, a little five stars would be lovely. You could also just share it with one of your besties that is also watching Love Island. We would love more listeners to the pod. And in the meantime, thanks for listening. We'll be back next Thursday, and until then, stay proper and stay chatting.

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