Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

The Secret Mission - Love Island S11, Ep. 45-51

Indie Movie Club Season 3 Episode 9

Welcome back to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! In this episode, Nicole, Gabi, and Brana discuss episodes 45 to 51 of Love Island Season 11. They cover the top three moments of the week, play the iconic tier ranking game, and make predictions for the season's winners. Plus, they share some personal weekly highlights and delve into the latest scoop on the streets. Join us as we dive deep into all the Love Island drama and laughter in this packed episode. Subscribe now to stay updated!

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I am Nicole, one of your hosts for today, and I'm here with my two other lovely hosts. You guys want to say hi? Hi, I'm Gabby. Hi, I'm Rana. And we are missing one other host today. Lunga is out. She dealt with all of the travel chaos from the, all of the hacking from this weekend or whatever. I don't know. Hot mess. But she did not get back from her travel until yesterday, so she is recovering. So, wish her the best. We miss her. Come back soon. Get some rest. But in this episode, we will cover episodes 45 to 51 of Love Island Season 11. We are going to talk about the top three moments from the week. We are going to talk, we're going to play the iconic tier ranking game, and we're going to give our predictions for the winners of this season. And last but not least, we will give you the scoop on the streets. But before we do, let's do a little life outside the villa. How's everyone's week? What's been going on? Give us a high or a low, whatever you want.


I'll start. I went to Napa today. It was really fun and we ate some really good food. We ate at this place called Lucy's and it was really fun. And then we got a ton of wine and to take home with us because we found this really cool shop. So we bought there last time and then it was really cool. We went there again. Yeah, it was just like a really fun food. Trip. Unexpected trip, yeah, it was really unexpected. A little Wednesday treat.


Yeah. My week was good. Nicole and I had a fun little girly night out on friday And I went to a little a little baby concert. We went to a so far sounds concert, which was fun And had a funny story that I didn't send in the text to the group Oh my gosh, I thought it'd be great to just share on the pod, so No comment For anyone who doesn't know so far sounds is like small artists that play in this like venue You Find out the day before you just show up. You don't know who you're going to get. So super small, intimate. I don't know how many people were there. I would guess what, 30 to 50 yeah, very small. We were chatting with one of the artists who performed afterwards, just like, Saying hello, like great job, blah, blah, blah. And he took a liking to Nicole who is married FYI. And and he, we were like, okay, bye. Great job. And he like to Nicole, he's Hey, can I get your number? Didn't see, she's, she's like wearing her rings you know, you just, he didn't see, and Nicole, in that moment, froze, and instead of remembering Oh, I'm married that's such an easy, quick response, right, no, you can't have my number, I'm married, she said, No, I'm good, thanks. Like, as if he was, like, offering her a Costco sample.


I blinked out. This has never happened to me. This has never happened to me post getting married. And so I was like, how do I say no, but in a nice way? And this is the line that's in my head is just, no, I'm good,


thanks. Oh my gosh, that's crazy. He probably left thinking like, huh, I must have been really horrible.


I was in that moment as someone who like is single and I was like, you have such an easy out in those, in those instances, you know, because it's just no, I'm, oh no, I'm married. I feel like I, if like someone who I am not interested in is ever Oh, can I have your number? I have to think, right? What do I say? Well, the


problem was, Brana, I did not think. I did not think in that moment. Well, we were shaking hands


too. It was nice


to meet you. And I said, I'm good.






Then it, then it, obviously you were really thrown off then. You were really like, oh shoot. Oh, totally.


We were talking about music and what we're interested in and I did not catch that vibe at all. So I was like no, thank you, sir.


That's hilarious. It was, it was a


good chuckle. It kept, it gave us a little extra pep to continue the evening. That's true. That's


funny. Thanks.


Yeah, I think that was definitely my hide from the week too, just like going out with you and so far sounds was really fun and then we went to another cute bar that was like kind of like street Asian, like either Taiwan or like somewhere you would go out in like South Korea or something like that, like very cool vibey. A bar and they did like different themed drinks and Brana got one with a popsicle in it and mine had Sesame in it. It was very tasty


Anyway, it






It was it's


called poke chat. We we really liked it. So amazing


all right. So now we're gonna get into the top three moments from the week. So Starting off with The couple's goal, couple goal game. That's a tongue twister. That was one of the first episodes of the week and each couple had to choose another couple that for different questions, such as which couple gives you the biggest ick where IO called Sean annoying, which I was like. Agreed. And, or which couple is the least honest with their feelings? So they all had to answer, you know, different questions like that. And then when the question of which couple is most likely to have their heads turned came up is when our boy Joey Essex decided to bring up that he was on a secret mission. It's favorite two words, and he was so annoying about the whole situation, it just really felt like he put on his reality TV star hat in this moment, and as Josh called him in the game became a antagonist. And then he was like, antagonist, and he was like,




crap. Oh, that was so funny. But it's true! He really is such an antagonist. And he really just, in that moment, had to be such, such a pot stirrer, just being like, I was on a secret mission. I can't tell you what it was. It's a secret. It was a mission. It was a secret mission. It was too much. But and there's obviously so much so much backlash and conversation that continued during the game and then after the game. Yeah. What did you guys think of the mission?


Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, I was wondering I think that was my first moment where I was thinking. Is Joe that, you know, this whole time I've been thinking this is well crafted, this is all planned, he comes up with these things and things like, oh, I'm going to get more screen time. But then part of me is maybe he's not, he doesn't think that and maybe that's why he does well on reality TV. It's because I feel like he's just not, he doesn't overthink things and he just is not, he doesn't think of the consequences. And I think that's why he does so well, but I don't know it could be because he is actually thinking of all these things and wanting to be get more airtime and he knows kind of how reality TV works because if you've been in it first, like, once then you know how to work it. But then like another, it's just that part of seeing that was like, huh, it sounds like he is a little clueless.


Yeah, that's so true. I kind of get what you're saying, Gabby. He, he definitely has a He's like confident about what he says like it is like he's not being like, oh, let me craft this thing and then go out with it. He's like very much oh, this is what I believe and everyone in this group needs to know it. But yes, and he also said that in such a way that I feel like really brings out like people's defensive sides. And yeah, like we saw this with Josh, we saw it with IO. Like I think even Kieran was like. You're such an asshat or something like that. You can, you can put someone down on those cards, on those paddles, and say I think this is the couple that's not honest with their feelings. So you can be, like, honest with how you are, assuming things in the group. But the way that he said it was like, here's, he goes here's what I think. And he does it confidently and so dramatically that it does get a reaction out of people. And I was, watching him kind of, say it and Then looking at Jesse standing right next to him being like, Oh my God, calm down kind of thing. And anyway, this challenge I think was really interesting for their dynamic because Usually she backs him and I think a lot of times she does in ways that I don't think I would, but in this instance, she really was like, you need to stop Joey, you need to stop, and was slightly embarrassed by him, which I thought was interesting.


Totally. I feel like I even saw TikToks of people of a mom and a little boy reprimanding her child being, like, being, like, this is how you need to do this. And then people being, like, this is Joey and Jessie. Like, she's oh, I think I saw that TikTok. Yeah. Oh, my God. I saw


that. And it's true because she sounded like. He's a 33 year old man and she is, what, 20? I'm just like, how is she more mature about acknowledging what is the group dynamic and what you can say and what you can't, and maybe you're right, Gabby, and not like he just doesn't get it. So it's crazy to me that he keeps






Yeah, I just don't know if he actually understands. how to communicate well, or if he's just spur of the moment, heat headed guy that he just says what he wants to say part, you know, and this is, it goes back to my points. I think he's just, he just says things how he, how in his brain he thinks it should be. He just says it without thinking much of it. And he, he's not the type of guy that thinks over things or thinks much anyway. So I'm just like, maybe he just is just clueless.


Yeah. And it also can be a thing, too, where we also have, in the back of our heads, there's that stereotype, right, too, that Joey is not the biggest thinker. To begin with that. So to your point, Gabby, how you're like, he might just not even be thinking about it that much, but where it's yeah, like he might part of it could be like this reality TV star with the plot and like he's going for this or like you said, Gabby could also just be like, he just thinks his feelings are valid. He's going to say them and everyone should believe them. Yeah.


What did you guys think about Sean in this challenge to, he just has he's got like a one track mind and it's mimi doesn't like, Mimi doesn't like Josh. Josh likes Grace. Why can't they just admit their feelings and Everyone in the group is shut up. I just don't get why he thinks that this is like a thing that needs to be brought up over and over again. Literally, it's boring.


It's so boring. And I also feel like Jesse and Matilda are just like dealing with these like immature boys because because Sean and Joey are like hyping each other up and Tweedledee,


Tweedledum. Exactly. Yeah, totally. Thanks.


And it's just this is so dull and these girls, I feel are both better than this behavior.


Agreed. Yeah. What did it benefit him in saying all the things about Mimi? Like, why does he keep bringing Mimi up? Because you can tell that he's changed. Everybody has mentioned it. He's changed from being this like really shy, quiet boy, Sean. Everybody mentions it. And then now he's super vocal. But why does he have to be vocal about the Mimi situation? I just find it a little odd. There could be so many things to be vocal about.


Yeah, I have no idea. I literally think it's in my head. It's he gets a reaction out of people, so that's why he gets, continues on. That's the only thing that I can guess. And I think he likes being the center of attention, and like you said, kind of like, the switch in perspective. I feel like last time we talked about his ego being taking over, and we're seeing that. And he's oh okay, this is the thing that gets reaction out of people. I'm gonna keep bringing it up, like an idiot. Yeah,


It's not cute. Nope. No, not at all. Cut it out. I hate


it the thing about Sean. I'm done with his sugar chats and his sweet chats and like I just wish I would never have to hear that again. And why did I have to hear a whole season of his little things like I don't wanna hear about Sean. I don't necessarily think I didn't, I don't do not like Sean like I could have done without Sean. I just totally, I just think we, Matilda got the bad end of the stick and now she has to go through it and hopefully it's just to do, to get to stay in the show. Hopefully she was smart and was like, oh yeah, I'm staying in the show, but. I don't know. I just thought that whole Sean situation with the sweets and stuff was too much. And then, and then, that didn't give him enough airtime so that now he moved on to the Mimi situation. It's oh, so boring. It's so boring. So boring. Yeah. I have could sit through that.


Yeah. Someone in Reddit was saying that like the whole Jess Sammy couple that won last season is reminding them of Matilda and Sean, guy who maybe is shy in the beginning, but then comes out with a lot of jokes and is kind of slimy, honestly. And,




Matilda and Jasper are both I feel like, the friends of everyone in the villa. And, yeah, unfortunately their guys, I think, are there for show, which is not good.


Definitely. Well, speaking of shows, we had our favorite award show of the season, The Graftees, and started off with what I think the producers thought was going to be whiff a bang of our least favorite couple award. Which went to our newcomers, Harry and Lola, they got the boots, and that was that, no one batted an eye. We didn't even get to see them walk away, it was like, okay, toodles. So that was our award number one. Then we had ultimate potster, which went to Joey rightfully. So we had unfinished business, which went to Mimi and IO. And I thought they did a great job accepting that award together. They were both mature and like laughing about it. I thought they did a great job with that. Then we had, It's Giving One Sided, which went to Jessica. I also think she took it in strides. She really did. Yeah, she had a great little, you know, speech. I was like, love that for her. Dramatic performance, of course, went to Nicole, as rightfully deserved. She was very dramatic. And yeah, she took out and didn't even have any more tears about it. Hopefully she has no tears left to cry. Then we had Flirtiest performance, which also went to Joey, this one could have gone to Grace. I felt like she was the one who like actually was really trying, was being more flirty with like other people and trying to get to know more people after the whole Joey situation with talking to Josh, etc. I don't know, I felt like Joey didn't necessarily fully get that one either.


It's yeah. The thing is, Grace is good at chatting with people, but I don't think in the same way that Joey is as flirty, because she's like calm and like chill. Joey is Oh, you're going to turn my head. Are you going to turn my head? Like a girl he know is not going to turn his head. Yeah, probably got turned off by that. But yeah, I hear you. Grace did have more opportunities to get her flirt on, but Joey just didn't. He comes on strong.


He does. Yeah. And then lastly, we had epic fail, which went to Mimi for her secret mission, her epic secret mission. And yeah, those were all of our winners. We also had some like heated moments during the grafties, even Karen was had some heated moments with Joey and Sean. I was surprised. I was like, where's this coming from? I know. You needed to say something. Yeah. And I felt like that was the moment where Jesse started like defending Joey some more instead of the whole time like during the couple's goals game and in previous moments like she would just like cringe in that moment but I almost felt like starting in the grafties is when she really was like, okay, this is this is the man that I'm choosing to be with. And he's doing a really horrible job at trying to get his point across. So I'm going to try to, as his woman, help him get his point across. I was like, Oh, Jesse, like really stepping it up there.


Yeah, it was interesting because they had some disagreements, but then she doubled down on certain things too, like she was like, I think it was the whole IO Mimi situation, she was like no, but you see why he thought it, was a thing. And yeah, she was like, what do you mean? Kind of thing. Very interesting.


Totally. And I do think like at the end, then when her and Joey had their little talk by the fire pit. That was like the, like her true opinion of like her just being like annoyed and irritated by his behavior but didn't want to show that in front of the rest of the villa. And I was like, Okay, yeah, I'm glad you're fully aware of how ridiculous it is.


Totally. And instead of being like, Oh, I apologize for, like, how that came across to the group, or embarrassing you. Joey just doubled down, and so I get why she walked away, that was Guys, I have a question for the group, because I don't think we talked about it in last week's episode. Maybe we did, but I really am curious what your thoughts are on the whole epic fail with Mimi. Do we think, here's the thing, secret mission aside, Joey shouldn't have said that. That was weird. Yeah. He did not need to call it a secret mission. But, do we think she was actually trying to have A deeper heart to confess her feelings maybe a little bit again, or do we think? Yeah, she was like ready to just have a clarifying chat away from the group because that's how she's saying it now


I feel like i'm we're gonna get canceled Because we had so many followers Docking her and now she's backtracking and saying no I was just trying to have this converse the same conversation that we had down in the fire pit upstairs But to me, it was really clear that there was unfinished business from the start and that she was just trying to figure out, you could tell she was, had little sparks with IO. You could tell that she was trying to be a little flirty, look at him a little longer and see if he would react. IO shut it down a few times and I think she just wasn't clear if he had actually shut it down. And she was shooting her shot, which I think she should have I think there was like, I think she could have done it a little earlier, right when they arrived from Casa, I think that's when it could have happened. It would have been a little bit more appropriate, but she was just trying. I think what she did is she did where she usually does is she knows her worth walks away, but then he still lives with her. So it's obviously he lingered. And then it's like producers probably stepped in and were like, Hey, you should take him to the terrace. And she was like, no, I shouldn't. And then they convinced her that's a good idea. That's a good idea because that way you guys can be private. And then, but the way that it was, okay, this is, I'm sorry, I'm ranting too much. But the way that she came out was like, it was too much of a secret situation. And she knew that everyone was going to be there. It's a tiny little Villa. She knew everybody was going to know that they were up there. So she wanted to have a little bit of her moment with IO. And then maybe she thought that would spark something. Or maybe she thought okay, if he does like me, then like people at least are going to know. And that's going to be up to Jessie. I think we did talk about this last week. Did we? Yeah. I think we did. I think we did. But the feeling, okay, the feeling, we didn't see it back though. We watched it back here in the draftees and it was downplayed. I think you're right. It was downplayed. I think you're right. Yeah, right? Which is


why, okay, again, Gabby, we're not going to get canceled here But, when Joey said secret mission, again, don't use the words Joey, like not great, I get his perspective on oh I had to do a thing. Where I was trying to rekindle it, in his perspective, that's what he saw. And I think that's what us as an audience saw too. He was on he got told by Mimi to grab Ayo and bring him up and it was like a secret. And


And that was the way he said it to, to Ayo. That's why Ayo was like, oh, shoot no. I don't want Jesse to feel like that. Cause the way that he said it was like, Oh bro, like this is super secretive. Meet Mimi upstairs at the terrace. And he was like, no he could have come up to him and been like, Hey, Mimi wants to have a conversation, a private conversation with you. She thinks the terrace is the best place to have it. Ayo would have walked himself up there and said, Hey, you want to go downstairs? And then they would have gone downstairs. Totally.


Yeah, that's a good point. Cause yeah, definitely Joey made it. He hyped it up to Ayo too. That's so true. It was like 10 minutes. 10


minutes trying to go get him to go up there. No, bro. You gotta go up there. You gotta, she wants to talk to you. She wants, yeah, it was just a whole, so I don't know. Do you guys think she sat, I just thought it was weird that she sat on the ground. I don't know. Is this something where she was like, genuinely thinking that she wasn't gonna get noticed? That they were gonna keep it low key? But


also, this was coming after a time where, not that long beforehand, Nicole and Mimi were having a conversation and Nicole was like, oh, if you still have feelings, get yours girl. Like basically like I support you. If you still have feelings, figure it out, talk to him, et cetera. And then, so this, and this happened not that soon after. So we'll never fully know, we may not never ever know what Mimi's pure intentions were going into that. And. And it's possible she fully herself didn't know, it's possible she went in there being like, I'll see how this conversation goes, if he, I'll put it, I'll give an inch, and if he gives an inch back, maybe there's something there, but then also knowing oh, if he's done I'm done, and that's fine too, like I think, yeah, I feel like she was open to either outcome.


I think that's probably the best way to put it is she was open to either outcome and she and maybe that's why because I don't think she's untruthful so maybe that's what she means by saying we would have the same conversation downstairs and we would have upstairs is because she opened herself up he closed it and she closed it and like you know so maybe the same it would have been the same motion upstairs and that's what she means it's like I was just trying to see where things were going. Upstairs would have been like more, I don't know a little bit more sparky and people would have known, but it would only have been that way if they all found out that he was actually interested.


Totally. Yeah. And in a way, her inviting him up to the terrace to have a private conversation was a way of signaling, Hey, I want this. I want to see, it was her giving her inch almost, and then him not coming up was. Okay, we're having a different conversation, different, but the same conversation downstairs. Yeah. Guys, I think we're, I think we're onto something. I think we fully analyzed the situation and we came to a perfect conclusion. Good job.


I actually think we're right. I actually think this conclusion is like, what actually happened. Yeah. Good job, you guys.


See, and we can say it tactfully, instead of Sean being like, there's still feelings there. I know it, and bringing it up. Anyway, done with him. Done. We're done






Moving on to the third big moment of the week, we had the family visit. Um, any thoughts initially on just the family visit overall? I felt like overall it was pretty wholesome and everyone is of course excited to see their families, very emotional any


general thoughts? Oh my gosh, Gabby, I just remembered what Sean's, I think it was his sister and his mom came in and they were like, Why is your chat so bad? Yes. We have to teach our brother how to flirt because his chat is so bad. And I was like, yeah, that's so correct. Remember how cringe he was in the beginning? And even in Casa, he's so cringe. Anyway, last time I'm talking about


the men. Last time. Then we talk about him in the tier ranking, but last time in this segment I thought it was boring. Yeah, I was about to skip it. I was just getting so bored. I tried doing the And to speed it up a little bit. It was everybody was saying like you're doing such a good job a great job Annie, oh granny is watching and then they would say She's watching. Oh, he loves it. It's like repeat Every single family member was saying that it was just too boring Thank you. Io's brother for coming in and shaking things up a little bit. Thank you That's the only thing and I wish


Yeah. It's true. Yeah. So the big moment, I think, that we all felt was when Ayo's brother told him that he liked him more with Mimi than with Jessica, which definitely ruffled some feathers. Yeah.


And he said that Jessica always needs validation, always needs reassurance. And so he planted two big seeds in the I don't like her camp, which


Do you guys think that Jessica is joking most of the time? Because I feel like she's joking most of the time. She has like a joking personality. Like when she said, say it back, and I thought that was a joke and he took it seriously so then she was like, oh shoot but when she said oh, I missed you and he didn't say it back and she was like, say it back. That's something I feel like. Not, I feel like I would say something like that. Just joking, totally. It doesn't


feel like it comes from an insecure place. Just compare it to Nicole. If we're talking about insecure and needing reassurance, let's look at that couple instead, right? Yeah. She needs reassurance. To the fact that she knew that he was also with someone in the villa for a really long time that is friends with people and is a big part of the experience there, here's the thing, I don't think she's asked for too much I think she's done a good job at being like, Hey, I do need reassurance, but also I'm chill I'm confident in us, and she said it multiple times I know what we have kind of thing, and, anyway, but, Yeah, what do you guys think about the whole more suited to Mimi comment too? I think that was interesting


Guys, I hate to say this, but I love Ayo I really do. I really do. Why do you hate to say it? Because it's like I feel like I should be like, I like Mimi. I love Mimi. I love Mimi like Forget Ayo, I love Mimi type of vibe, which I like maybe for a different type of way, but Ayo, I don't know, I just find him very, he has trouble communicating, that's for sure, that's clear, but he's just really like his vibe, he seems very respectful in some way he's serious. He doesn't sweat the small


stuff. You get that energy.




I feel you know how we were talking earlier about how he like, the man says a bunch of words but we're not entirely sure what he means. By what? Yeah, right? But the more he's been with Jess, I think the more he's been clear about his feelings, which I think is a really big sign that They're I think much better suited and he's like laughing more He's got like this big like bolsterous laugh that I feel like everyone can like here in the villa can tell and so Mimi's great. She's super calm and chilled and I think that's what the brother saw But like in terms of the sides that Jess brings out I think everyone in the villa basically said this they can see a different side to him and I don't know, maybe the brother just needs to watch more episodes of them and hang out with them in real life and it'll be better.


I think so, and I think because I always honest about this, like he told Jess it's gonna help them like clear the air quicker if they take this outside of the villa because it's gonna he's gonna watch this back and be like shoot and then he's gonna address it he's gonna be like Jess you're okay like I just didn't know you blah blah blah it's gonna be easier what versus if he would have if you know they wouldn't have addressed it and then just saw this back I feel like it would be really hard to get out of that later on I liked how the girls came to Jess later and were like, no, we overheard that and we actually think that you're like really well suited for him. That should speak more because they've been, speak louder because that's been, they've been in the villa and they've seen both of their journeys. So I feel if the girls say that she's more, that she's like perfect for, like she's well suited for Ayo, then I think it makes sense. sense to listen to their perspective versus the brother hasn't been in the villa and hasn't been around and the girls have love Mimi too so it's not like they're they like her more as like a person just more as a person than Mimi it's not that like I genuinely think that they just assess the relationship totally I agree all right. Now it's time for the infamous proper ranking game. As you remember last week, we gave Lenga a challenge. And as far as I know, I haven't gotten a kiss emoji text. I don't know about you guys. Not one. Nope. Yeah, exactly. So not only does Lenga Oh, it's pi, but here is I guess here's another chance. So you owe us pie now, Linga, but if, here's your other chance. If you send us two kiss emojis, then that's good. We'll forgive you and we'll move on. But if you don't, then not only are we going to need some pie, but we're also going to need some ribs as Brauna requested. Brauna


just really likes her ribs, really, is what it comes down to.


We'd love to come over


for more.


All right, you guys so who do you guys think is our first place couple? We have lots of couples here. I've moved the ones that have already left out the villa Maybe it's easier for us to go through who do you guys think is going to leave soon? Because I don't know i'm torn You Do you guys think that, what do you guys think? Grace, Ruben, or any of the other couples, but it almost feels like they're next on the chopping block.


Yeah, we've had less time with Grace and Ruben, but also like people really like Grace. So I was thinking maybe they'll vote for her. And the, okay, the only other option I'm thinking of right now is Matilda and Sean. Cause just cause everyone's, I'm annoyed at Sean. Yeah. I'm ready for them to go. They're in the bottom, I'm assuming.


Do you guys think that okay I don't know. Ruben hasn't really been there that long. So I'm wondering if the public would. Both for them for the fourth place versus Sean is more of an OG couple like they're more than people like Matilda


too. Yeah, we can put Grace and Ruben and leaving.


Yeah yeah,


just wouldn't be surprised if they stuck around longer because of grace.


Yeah, that's true. I think they might not make it.


I'm curious to hear your thoughts on who's going to be winning the whole thing because we've had some really strong couples. I would say, um, Kieran and Nicole has have been the strongest couple this whole time. Do the, do you guys think that the public is going to be voting for them because they were there from the start and they haven't switched heads? Or do you guys think that there are more voting for like Joey from his like, personality on TV or is it more of something where it's like Jess and Ayo because they've overcome their challenges and all that and then Josh because Josh and Mimi now because the family has loved them so much you can see they have the same type of values and there's a lot to them that we not don't necessarily see but that the family like pointed out this week what are y'all's thoughts on first second and third


Also, I'm realizing that we need to also eliminate one other couple. So maybe we just put Matilda


and Sean. That's what I was going to say. I think they're not going to make it to the finale.


Okay. And that feels right. Like placing them was, it's it's hard for me to figure out which one is a more suitable couple to stay in as like a finalist.


Yeah, I say, I think fourth place will be. Joey and Jessie. I think




I don't


think people like




Yeah. I think also everyone's voting for their favorite couple is what they're told. And I think everyone knows Joey has been a reality show icon. And so As much as we like him, we don't want to see them win, right? The man is already plenty of money. He's doing fine.


Yeah. I think that Mimi and Josh could potentially win.




Or get, or be second place. I just think that the public liked Mimi. I think they're, like, they're not gonna, sorry Josh, but like the, if you guys get first or second place, It's going to be built off the love that Mimi has from the public. She's an OG. She's been here the whole season. She went through like an, a perfect story, where she was the girl that got dumped, got dumped after Casa and then found new love again. And then like people really like her. She's a good girl. I just feel like people could really put a lot of behind them.


Totally. Okay. Totally, that's super interesting that they might get first. And I, here's the thing Josh, he still bugs me at some points, but to see the families react to them I think was a really good indicator. And like a good thing to see as a person in the public, right? We got the seal of approval from both family members, and they said some really nice things about values, and being, like, aligned with the whole family, and I don't know, it was like a good endorsement for the couple overall too, so that would be a surprise if they won first. I'm with you though, Gabi, or I'm assuming you're this way, that Nicole and Kieran still might get number one here. And But be just because they've been together since the beginning and they have almost in the opposite end of the Mimi story They've had the perfect right situation and really no crazy arc in terms of like couples swapping and all of that The only arc I would say is that Nicole became more and more confident as the weeks went on with their couple and But yeah, it could go either way. That's a really good, really interesting point. So we think,


go ahead. Yeah, so I was going to say, I think what I hear is, it's more like, Mimi and Josh, and then we're thinking the rest of the couples would be like Jess and Ayo, and then fourth place would be Joey and Jesse. Jesse, yeah. So if you guys think about Kieran and Nicole's whole experience here, it's been fairly positive, and I feel like, give anyone the, these options. You have a couple that, met in like in Casa, you have another couple that met in Casa, and then you have another couple that was strong. So in my opinion, I'm like, Oh, before Casa, I think the couple is going to think strong couples are couples that were together before Casa and stay together, which are Kieran and Nicole. And then Joey and Jessie, those are going to be like the top ones. I just, people have, I think how people are going to think Jay and Joey and Jessie, for sure, they're not favorites. So I can imagine being people being like they're not fine. Like Jessie, she hasn't been vocal. And so these last few episodes, Joey, he's just he is Joey. So that's why I think that Kieran and Nicole will be first is because Process of elimination. It's not because I think they're like, better couples I don't even think and also another thing is he really he asked her to be his girlfriend early on so I do think that he's been like the only or they're the only couple that is actually like actually tied down ish I mean you can obviously untie that but versus Mimi you've seen her kind of think through the issues of her relationship with and then Jess has been struggling to get Ayo's presence as of just a few episodes past. I'm like, pretty confident about Nicole and Kieran. I'd be really shocked if Mimi and Josh won it. But, I have to say I do think that Josh came up a ton of points for me in this last week's episodes. Because I do think last week, I




I said he was, he acted a little bit. Like he, he was just acting really strong and he was showing some like negative characteristics. I feel like this time around, I saw that. He also has the same faith as Mimi, that he I thought about him in a different way he's been pursuing her from the start, he knew what he wanted, like Ayo said you've known what you wanted, so I'm really torn.


Yeah, and one thing that we didn't discuss earlier was that They also had a date this this week and it was like really cute and very wholesome and yeah, he, they got, he, she got her a little stuffed animal toy, their first born. What did they call it? Jomie and yeah, that was like a cute moment. Yeah. And I feel to your point, Gabby. We, last week, we felt like she was coming off a little aggressive but I felt like this week, they, yeah they're vibing, and I feel like you can see Mimi's excitement for him has been reinvigorated, which was nice.


I'm torn, you guys. Do we go edgy, and do we say take a stand and say, Josh and Mimi are gonna win? Because they're the underdogs in the situation and Nicole and Kieran get second, but I wouldn't be surprised if they won as well. But this is our chance to be like, oh let's make a bold prediction. Do we go bold or do we like, go with our like, oh, this would be the safe bet. Yep.


And did the couple get, did the public get influenced by them having a little bit more air time this week? Because they also had that date. It's like a They had that day. We've been seeing them more often. We're seeing how, like how great their relationship is going. We saw him take on the news that there was a secret mission and we saw how he reacted with that. I don't know. We saw like some positive reactions towards some like really negative things versus Kieran and Nicole. It's been a little hard to watch because it gets stale on TV. So we're feeling like, okay, They're a little stale, like we've already seen it, who knows if it's actually going to work. I don't think it's Kieran as much of a problem as maybe Nicole's like insecurity. And we haven't really talked about their, where they're going to live, or like how they're going to make it work. That's not been brought up in either of these couples, I think,


yeah, it's going to really be interesting seeing the final dates and how


their dates


are because I think that does really show you a really interesting side of the couple when they do have that final date and honestly, I think that's how I can sue and Davide one because their final date was fire and then they ended up winning and yeah, we'll see. I'm really interested. This is like a toss up for me. I'm really happy to make, take a stand and be like, let's say Mimi. Let's take a vote. Josh, what do you guys think? Brahma convinced me on Mimi and Josh. I was like, I came into this, I'm like, oh, it's definitely Nicole and Kieran. But now I'm like let's go for it. Brahma


convinced me.


Wow. Oh my God. He convinced us. Wow. I love being influential.


So it sounds like first place Mimi and Josh. Second place is Kieran and Nicole. Third is Ayo and Jessica. And then fourth is Jesse and Joey. So that concludes our tier ranking game. Let us know your thoughts on who you think is going to win first place. Do you think it's going to be Mimi and Josh or Kieran and Nicole or anyone else who you think is going to step up there? We'd love to hear more on our social media.


Um, what's the scoop on the streets on the streets? Okay time


for scoop on the street


Okay guys it's time for some chats on the streets Scoop on the street. So Alenka's not here. So I'm just trying to figure out what she would say. So I know it's light this week. I've been scouring the web trying to find some scoops, trying to hear what everyone's saying. What have you guys found? Verona, you have anything you've been hearing out there?


Yeah. So one thing that I saw was that apparently Joey had to see a medic after the snog Mary pie challenge Because grace pied him so hard That it like hurt his neck They we didn't see that on the telly the producers cut that scene But apparently he got pied so hard and his neck snapped out of place. So


Wow, it's


crazy Wait, that's crazy.


That's such interesting context though, like Okay, not justifying what he said after that challenge. But him being like, you still have feelings for me did have some feelings enough to pie him that hard. And I remember seeing that, I was like, whoa, she went in. The metal hit his face.




Part of it, when it went back, yeah. Damn, okay, maybe he's either he either picked up on something, or he's just bitter about the pie. For real.


Regardless, he deserved that pie, but hopefully, obviously nothing went wrong or else I wouldn't be saying that. He's fine. What else have you guys heard about Joey?


Yeah, so I saw this speculation on Reddit, which I thought was super interesting. And I wanted to share with the group as we talked about in the tier ranking game, I was like, Oh, Joey does not deserve to win. He probably has plenty of money. He like does this for a living basically, but apparently there's this regulation in the UK that you can win a cash prize with no tax. But only if your work does not align with the winnings, right? If you do well at work, you can get a bonus and you get DAX for that. To avoid that, they basically say, okay, if you're going to do a cash prize, you can't, you can say, oh, it's tax free. But just as long as your work doesn't align. But in Joey's case some might argue that reality TV is very much his. job or entertainment, and he says job. So they were saying like if he does end up winning, he might have to be taxed for the prize.


He's not gonna win. Yeah,


let's hope he doesn't. No


way. Yeah, no way.


If he wins, I don't know. We have to do something because I am feeling so certain that he's not gonna win. So it's, I don't know. Yeah, we'll take it to the streets. We'll pie ourselves, yeah. We'll pie ourselves. I'll buy a pie and pie myself. Now I'm hoping that Joey did not win for sure. What else you guys? I know you guys heard about Ty and Mitch doing some crazy things.


Yeah, you guys remember Tyreek from last season and Mitch. They just they're like obsessed with watching this season and so they post pictures of the season on their Snap Stories and people take screenshots of them and they like have all this commentary. But Mitch was obviously taking pictures of our boy, Sean, not our boy, but the boy, Sean. And hyping him up, being like, oh, it's not so bad. Sean's a laugh, give him a break. And I'm like, of course Mitch would say that. He's literally copy paste. Messy into Sean. They're like the same type. So anyway, he's a messy man. And then Ty also was like, defending Joey in a weird way. He was basically being like, Oh, Joey. After all of these baddies ended up with a plain Jane, way more growth potential taking shots at Jesse? Like, for what? Ty, you literally you got a baddie and you ruined it. Like, how can you comment on any relationship moving forward, sir? Anyway these men are messy on the Snap Stories.




I'm so shocked to hear that because I don't see any of these snap stories because I just don't follow them because they're just not, they seem so immature, especially Mitch and Tyreek too.


They're not interesting to me. Again, they're trying to just be part of the discourse. The biggest


contribution that Tyreek had to Love Island was the song he did with Whitney last year.


Oh, totally. After that, we were good with him. Yep,


we need nothing




Yeah, that was the most iconic thing, and I'm so sad that we didn't have that this time around. Yeah,


this year's talent show was such a flop, we didn't even feel like we had much to talk about there.




I can't


believe it. Yeah. The only thing I had to say was, Wow, Mimi, what a talent for a voice. Jessie, also, what a strange talent, but also really cool. Cool. Yeah. The one that made me laugh low key was Matilda with her little toes. That one made me laugh. I think flops


were the pancake chef moves. That was a huge flop. I actually think Joey did a really good job. But with his little speech, but he had to read it can you read it? It was not


on the beat, though, and that was gonna be a no for me. Horrible. Horrible.


But, at least he tried, in some respects. I also Ruben with the little umbrella. The only thing I have


to say about that is I think he gave Grace the X. Yeah, I was watching her doing it and she was like it was so cool how he had so much confidence and said nothing about oh, he crushed it. Oh, God, she was just like cringing in her seat. It was bad. Totally.


Yeah, but no, I thought Jessie's was like a really awesome thing like coming out like that. I don't know. I just thought it was really cool. Because the producers wouldn't have allowed her to do that unless she obviously was like trained, like for sure was trained. Yeah.


Oh my gosh.


Fun fact about little Nicole, I had a pair of stilts. In middle school. I used to walk around my neighborhood in stilts. No. I thought it was so cool. You so would. I think I, that was like the era of oh, everyone's doing like jump rope tricks and all of these cool things. And I was like, you know what? No one else has








Oh my god. Hello.


Okay, I just have one question before we conclude this scoop on the streets. This is no way. What would your talent be? Nicole, I know, I think I know what yours is. I know, Rana, I feel like I know what yours is too. I'm pulling


out my karaoke mix and I'm making the group stand and sing with me. I'll be the last one like Mimi. Yeah. That's mine. I love


it. Yeah. I would just whip out all my ballroom dancing tricks. That's it.


Yeah, I was gonna say we are, our pod here is very talented. Yeah. Gabby, what would you do? I would, I've thought about this, I would do a karate move. I would kick a board. I would break a board. Ooh! That's what I would do. Oh my god! Yeah. I love it. I could do it. I could do it for sure. I used to do it all the time, like back in the day. Also,


Gabby, did you write us a poem? Huh? Yes. That was so good.


Oh, we did our own talent show and


she wrote


the poem. The best




It was so cute. But, oh my gosh, you guys, the, yeah, that's crazy. But I was going to do that on our talent show. I was going to, it was going to be me breaking a board. I just didn't have the time to practice. So I didn't do that. If we would have yeah, next


time. Yeah. Yeah. Next time, when we have a whole production for this podcast, we'll do our version of Tell the Show. 100%. Or


when we do it live.


Perfect. Yeah. All right. I don't know. What would London's be? What would Lengar's be? Hers would be telling us the news from her favorite news sources, a. k. a. Daily Mail. She has so many talents. I feel like she would also just be like, she wouldn't take it seriously and she'd do something really funny, like I was thinking that Kind of like the toes from this season I was thinking that Or Aya's talent Or Jessica's talent, where she was like, oh I'm gonna do a painting That was so cute


Now thinking back at it, I do think that it was more entertaining than I texted you guys about it because I thought it was just so boring at the time, but it was creative. They thought outside the box, blah, blah, blah. So yeah. Yeah. Anyway, you guys, this concludes Scoop on the Streets. And if you guys are listening, leave us some scoops that you hear around the streets, like ping us, or not ping us, but messages on our socials. We'd love to hear what you hear, and we'd love to bring it up in discussion for next week.


Alright, that concludes this week's episode of Proper Chat. We will be back in your feeds next week after the finale. We're super stoked about that. But until then You can follow us on socials. We are at proper chat pod on Tik TOK and Instagram. If you want to support our show, you can follow us on all of the podcast platforms you can share with your bestie so that we can expand our audience. Thanks for listening and we will be back next Thursday. And until then stay proper and stay chatting.

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