Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

Love Island UK Season 11 ๐Ÿ๏ธ Finale Recap & Predictions

โ€ข Indie Movie Club โ€ข Season 3 โ€ข Episode 10

In this episode of Proper Chat, the hosts Nicole, Gabi, Brana, and Langa dive into the finale of Love Island Season 11 (episodes 52-57). They recount their favorite moments, discuss the new Love Island winners, and rank the final contestants on how long their relationships might last. They also address some juicy rumors about the show's production and cast members. Find out why this season was less exciting for the hosts and hear their thoughts on what might be next for Love Island UK.

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Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I am one of your hosts, Nicole, here with my other three hosts. Everyone say hi.




I'm Gabby.


Hi, I'm Verana. Hi, I'm Langa.


We didn't know how to say hi, everyone forgot. Literally.


After we've been talking for 45 minutes prior to this.


Anywho, in this episode we will cover the final episodes of Love Island season 11, which are episodes 52 through 57. Obviously be talking about the finale and who won. So if you haven't watched the finale yet and finished the season, go do that. Then come back and listen to this episode. But before we do, I wanted to check in with everyone in the group. How was life outside of the villa? What's been going on? Any highs and lows? Gabby, do you want to go first? Yeah,


I'll go first. I went to a really nice steakhouse the other day. With my husband, Nick and our friends and it was so incredible. You guys. We started the dinner with this huge tower of seafood. There was like oysters. There was crab. There was lobster.




so many different things on the plotter and then we had like different sides, like there was a corn, like brulee. side that was incredible. And overall, it was just like, honestly, the best dinner ever. And it was covered. Like it was a treat to us.


Wow, from them.


So it was the most incredible thing. And we had the best wine. And yeah, it was just Honestly, amazing. And then I also got to see my other friend, our other friends that we've never got, that we've never seen, who we used to do Rover for. And that's how we became friends in San Francisco. And yeah, we got to see them, which was incredible. Wow. I love that. Oh, you deserve a treat. Good. I love that.


Cute. It was


awesome. What about


you, Rana? Yeah, I had a fun weekend, very social. I went out Friday and Saturday night. I was like, who am I? Streets. I know. Oh my gosh. The lady on the streets. And yeah, did a little karaoke Saturday night at my friend's birthday, broke out my Britney moves, of course. Iconic. Had to. I went to my chiropractor yesterday and he, I was like, sorry, my neck's I was doing a few too many hair flips.


Hair flips! Things we say in our thirties now.


Damn. I was like, why doesn't my neck hurt? I was like, oops. Do many hair flips.




hilarious. What about you, Langa? What's been Welcome back. Welcome back to the show. Welcome back.


Yeah. So I guess I missed you guys. And yeah, I just re I gave you guys a wonderful recap of my vacation. And I guess that's part of my con is that I am back from vacation and back within corporate America.




Yeah, and I guess I'm also on my period today, which is just so brutal. And, but my fun thing is that I went to Sacramento this weekend to visit a, not visit a friend, one of my South African friends is in Sacramento and for a random work trip. And so I went to the nation's, our state Capitol, which is actually very fun. I would go there again.




do it. So now Nicole, how about you? Yeah, this weekend was the San Francisco marathon and so I ran it. And yeah, that's a big deal. My friends on the route and my family came out, which was so nice to see them. And yeah, and now I'm beat. I I know we joke about starting an OnlyFans account for our feet. And unfortunately, I'm one of the members of this group that is not able to do that. Because my feet are not cute. Every time I do a race like this, one of my toes just ends up looking a little purple. Oh my god. I'll spare you






Were you proud of like you I know you said you weren't running for time But were you proud of yourself like in the end?


Yeah, surprisingly. Yeah I it was took me longer this race than Tokyo but compared to Tokyo It is so much more hilly and like chaotic and like it was just like a way more intense You know in terms of elevation race, but like I wasn't that far off of Tokyo. So I was okay I was happy with my time for you. She's


a runner. She's a track stone All right, so






it to the last


week of love Island Monday was the finale. We have lots to discuss but To take it back before the finale starting with last Wednesday, we kicked off with the couple of sorts game where the Islanders had to place themselves for a second third in for different questions such as which couple is most genuine, which couple has the least sexual chemistry based on what they think the public would place them as. As always, there is like so much back and forth banter between the Islanders in this moment. It was boring, I felt as per usual, where they're just they were just bickering about the same things they have been bickering about the last few weeks, so I was like, okay, just place yourself somewhere, let's talk. Carry on. And the final question was, which couple is least likely to work on the outside? And unfortunately, Grace and Ruben got first place for that question and were therefore dumped from the villa. I was sad to see Grace go. I did enjoy her this season. She was definitely, I feel one of my favorite girls. And I know we all liked her. But we also all had a feeling she wouldn't be making it to the finale as we predicted. Last week. So yeah any thoughts on that quick portion of grace leave in that game?


Yeah I'm really happy that she made it this far. She was one of my favorites. I would say like top three of the most good looking people I've ever seen in my life or during the season, in my opinion. One was Grace, the other one was Uma, and then the third one was Ayo. I felt like Ayo, Uma, and why are


No, I'm saying yes.


Oh, yes, yes, yes. Mmm.






Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. And then Grace, Grace, like, she was, she just has such a unique face. I really think. We had such a good group of really good looking people this time around the most good looking people I've ever seen.


So sad to see Grace leave.


Yeah. She's gonna leave and do really big brand deals, I have a feeling. I'm sure her Instagram is popping off right now. And Without a




Yeah. And I enjoyed getting to know grace like outside of Joey, just knowing her personality a little bit more because like with, she just was a little bit more like quiet. And when she was on her own, she was a little more outspoken and just being like, stood up for herself and also just like creating friendship with the girls on her own. I thought like it worked out in her favor, just not being with Joey anymore, because I think like he wants you to be like his ride or die that whatever bullshit he's Spewing. He just wants you to back him the whole time. So I'm glad that we got to get to know like grace because she didn't have to spend her time in the villa being like, Jesse's like sidekick, which obviously didn't work out. And what's her name? Jesse. Jesse and Sean didn't work in Sean's favor, which we'll discuss maybe later.


Totally agreed. Yeah. So then the next day we had sports day, which fun to watch didn't really further the plot very much. And that night, the couple, they each got to pick who they would vote off the island based on. compatibility. And I think that the vote that was the most surprising here was definitely Joey and Jesse voted to dump Sean and Matilda, which we don't know. Sean was up Joey's butt most of the season. He was like ride or die for him, stood up for all of his decisions. Thick as thieves. And yeah, Sean was obviously very upset by that decision, too. And I felt oh, is this perhaps that was the sign of Joey's reality star? Oh, I'm gonna, twist the plot a little bit here. What did you guys all think of that moment? It was, like, really tense when he found out. He, Sean seemed genuinely hurt.


Totally, and I remember Joey explaining the reason why, being that oh, I thought you and Matilda would also get a bunch of votes, so I thought, just to save me and Jessie, we would backstab my best mate. He didn't say that, but basically. But he


basically insinuated it.


Yeah! He did! He was like, I was just, he was


like, but also it's also, he put the reason also why Sean is also so deep in the gutter is because he's been right or dying for you. So he's basically saying, thanks for ride or dying for me, causing fights, being inappropriate to back me. And then and then being like, okay, we've made it at the end. You're going down.


No loyalty. And is not afraid


to say it to his face, which I think that's like the wildest part, like he was just like, yeah, mate, it was either me or you. Yeah, I see.


I know. I had to hear that part again, because he said it again later on the first time I was like, I must have misheard that. Like I thought that, his rationale, I thought was, oh, I thought you wouldn't get many votes. And that's why I voted for you. So it's Oh, okay. You didn't think I would leave. That's why you voted for me. But no, but then when I reheard it the second time, it's no, I picked you because I knew that you were going to, you and I were going to be at the bottom and I wanted to win. That was wild. Yeah. I can't believe that. I would never do that.


But also again, if we think about Joey, professional reality TV star, so at the end of the day, it's maybe he just knows be like, pick, probably pick a really weak pick the weakest link or people follower. Who can you manipulate the most? It's like formula of reality TV. So obviously I think Sean was like an easy person to manipulate, because everyone else is absolutely not. Kieran was not going to have it at all. And I josh, like he, they were not people he could pick. And I think obviously Sean, who's also just so obsessed with the candy shop and clout and stuff, and obviously thinking holy shit, when I leave here, I'm going to have Joey Essex as my bestie, people are going to come to the candy shop, baby.


Great point. A great point. I didn't think that they normally announced who votes for who, which was, I thought was like a really interesting twist. Usually they sit around and like they get it out of them eventually Oh yeah, I voted for you or I voted for this person. And then it's like the drama built up from that, from Oh, I heard he voted for us. But this time around she announced it, which was interesting. That was interesting. I noticed that too.


I thought maybe that it happened because obviously this is like the first time, I think that Love Island USA and UK are running at the same time. And obviously this is all gets recorded and day by day, I feel like, USA, damn this season was popping. So I think obviously UK was like, okay, we got to be messy as well, because what they're doing up in Fiji, what they're Crazy like, I did switch things up a little bit because we, we just have to make it as dynamic as like USA clearly was.


For sure. Yeah, definitely. And then the other thing that happened that we had seen during the last season of all stars happened for the first time during games, but this is the first time it happened during a normal UK season was they had old Island Islanders coming in. Into the villa to choose who they want to dump from the show. And it's funny who they chose and who they didn't bring back. I also wanted to point out, it's just like we had all like the main guys, even like Sam, who was there for day one. But like Trey and Ellie didn't get again to come back to Myorca. They were like, we don't need to see you again. Or Lolly and Lola and Harry, like those guys, they were like. So it all looks like we don't need to.


I didn't even notice that. Yeah,


I was like, who got an invite back? That's so funny. The person didn't. Yeah. Majority of the cup, of the contestants voted to dump Joey and Jesse. So we finally got to say goodbye to Mr. Essex, which, good riddance. Goodbye. It was time. I was, we all thought he would make it to the finale, simply because of We weren't sure if people would vote for him if it was up to the public, but since it was up to the old islanders they were all done with his nonsense. And I was especially glad to see him gone after his rude conversation with Samantha, where he fully gaslit her into saying they were in a friendship couple, which obviously wasn't the case. And let's roll back the tapes, Joey. What is just crazy?


Crazy. He got dragged, which I'm, although he did, yes, drag Samantha and all of that, everyone in the villa was like looking at him you're straight up lying everyone watched this and everyone was like, looking at her don't worry we got you he's making a fool of himself. So I thought that was like a very surprising moment, but I'm very glad that it got brought up because he would have totally played that out. Yeah. That's an area out when he left the villa like, Oh, we were just friends. It's not a big deal. And in this situation, he actually confronted her and everyone else was like, that's bullshit. What are you saying? And also he got dragged by a lot of other people, which was really fun to watch.


And he was he's just such a defensive person at nature that every single thing that anyone had to say, he just. He was just getting defensive over and over again. And he's good at


Debating, right? Like he's good at comebacks and he's just he's always ready. But also it's sometimes you just can like not. And so I think that's, he's just a person where like at the end of the day, he just wants to be right. Whether he's saying whatever he's saying is inappropriate or whatever. He's he's I'm right. You're wrong. Period. Totally. Yeah.


So Joey and Jesse packed their bags and we had our final four couples in the finale. The couples had their little final date all together. We didn't get like a grand final date like we had in past seasons So I thought that was interesting. I know we all like to see those. Yeah. Wait until you see the


USA final dates. You're like, damn. Without




doubt. Yeah. ITV, get your act together because wow, what's the USA finale? I was like, I even wanted to go on some of these dates.


Yeah. And I think we all like to see them too. Like we were talking about it in previous weeks. Think about like Etkin, Sioux, and Davide. They had this epic final date that really felt like it sealed the deal on their love and got them that big public vote. But yeah, we all, they all just sat around, they had a nice dinner, great they didn't have to cook for themselves and had a nice dinner, but they were all just sitting in the villa dressed up really nice and that would have been nice to see a little big congrats, ta da, you made it to the end moment. Yeah,


Kieran got to buy a 5 necklace for Nicole.


That was like the most expensive




Also a


heart necklace. I don't know what it is about men obsessing over heart jewelry, but it's not that cute. No.


Oh, okay. I'm I love heart stuff. Like I have like my favorite. Gabby's actually. She's like my favorite jewelry has hearts and I love hearts. But the one the two the one, yeah, the two was, it's just not, it's just there. Yeah. And it's, and it always is that one that's one of them's like this and then it's overlapped.


It's it's giving




Yeah. Yeah. Like Claire, it's giving


cheap. It's giving girl. You're going to take that off. Like probably by now because you're it.


Oh my God. I would be


she's I'm never taking it off on my girl. Don't lie. Don't shower. She jumped in the pool. And


I'm like, if you jumped in the pool in that necklace. It's gone now. He was like keep the change


I'm dead.


Oh my gosh, so Yeah, they had their last date and then it was time for the grand finale and The results were we had in fourth place Io and jess in third place We had Matilda and Sean, and I am so excited that we were right. For anyone who did not listen to last week's episode, we predicted that Mimi and Josh would win first place and that Nicole and Kieran would win. Would get second place and I genuinely wish I would have recorded myself watching the finale because I was like, oh, I couldn't believe that we were right. I'm so excited. I love the record show


too, that Brana was the one, both Gabby and I were like, it's probably going to be Kieran and Nicole. And Brana was like no. Let's think about this a little more. And she put us on Mimi and Josh, which I totally agree. I think she had been


voting for Mimi. Totally. It was not like, is it similar to a couple of seasons ago when it was Amber and the random guy who she won with? Like I feel like for me, as soon as Uma left, I know people love, I loved Uma so I wanted her to win, but I knew in my mind, I was like, yeah, it will definitely be Mimi, which I probably think it would have been Mimi even if Uma stayed. But I was just like, Uma, Mimi is just, everyone loves her, like the way she's carried herself. And just like the kind of person that she has been the whole time 10 out of 10. Yes 10 out of 10.


Yeah, so the a win for Mimi and her guy and a win for all truly


One other thing to note was that since we were talking about the comparison too, between like USA and UK quickly, I wanted to mention, they only get 50, 000 in the UK, whereas in the US they get 100, 000, which is definitely more so yeah. Maybe they tax




in the




Maybe. Maybe. They do. Yeah.


Apparently you don't get, you get




tax free in the


uk Yes. In America. Oh, and the us you're not getting all of that. California is like taking half. Thank you.


Yeah, there's, yeah. 48% down the drain. Yeah. Yeah. What else did you guys think about the finale? I thought also when Sean and Matilda got eliminated and they had their little conversation with Maya on the couches, there continued to be some little tension between Joey sitting in the background there and Maya's Oh, like you and Joey, how are, there's some tension about that, he voted you guys off, you guys squash it and it was Joey's birthday that day, the day that they were recording the finale and he's Oh, yeah, I don't want to say anything, it's his birthday. I don't want to ruin his birthday. And like Joey, just in the background with a little stank face going on. I'm just like, what?


That was dramatic.


Oh my God, and they're never speaking of her again.


Joey looked horrible, too, with his hat. He just looked


bitter. Pissed off. Yeah. Literally.


He looked pissed. I actually have a quick question about Adam. I guess I must have mentioned it in the before comment about Matilda and Sean. I just wanted to actually ask your opinions on what you think. Thought about when, what Ronnie said, was it Ronnie? Ronnie said about why he was voting for just saying that how, like on the outside Matilda wouldn't date someone like Sean. I just actually, I had been actually, I forgot to mentally know to mention it earlier. Like what you guys thought about that comment? Cause obviously he knows on the outside. And then obviously him saying yeah, no, this, you wouldn't even look at this guy. So what do you think it's Do you think it's like, what do you think about when you sit down?


That's interesting. I did pick up on it, but I also picked up on it because I feel like Matilda was in the background giving him the finger, which was so funny that she was like, low key pissed at him like silently. But I get what he's saying, because he's been friends with her in the outside. Maybe he's seen her like with a specific guy. He dated his friend. Yeah, maybe this other guy is like totally opposite of Sean, but at the same time I do think their connection is like, at least somewhat genuine. I think the outside's gonna test it for sure, but I think she likes him. I don't know if she is like with him just for the series. That would be a lot, I think, for Matilda. I don't know. Personally,


They weren't that not compatible I really love Matilda but it's not like they were that he was that she was out of his league. Anyway, I didn't think so at least I felt like they were very equivalent. If I had to put an equivalence. If you asked my husband


Boris this though, he would have been like, Sean does not deserve Matilda. He is such an awkward weirdo. And Matilda, he was like, Matilda is so much like better out of his league. But I think that she did have genuine feelings for him.


What did you guys think about Kieran and Nicole not winning?


Not surprised.


Yeah I felt like they really expected to win. I felt like they were Nicole was really upset when she didn't win. You could tell in the, in her aura that she was crushed in every single way. Yeah,


because in theory they have the perfect story, right? Like they started together from the beginning and made it all the way to the end. Never were coupled up with anyone else. And so it sounds like a perfect Love Island story to win. So yeah, I can imagine they probably expected it at least a decent amount.


And then Kieran probably was just happy that it was Mimi. And I think that was just like the perfect ending. group, a perfect couple to win. But I think it would have been really devastating if it was someone like Sean and Matilda who would have won. But other than that I just keep seeing them post are on social media. And it's giving a little bit of thanks to everyone who really supported us and just ranty on the support. But interesting. It is what it is. Yeah,


I feel like what's the word? I feel like Matilda and Sean winning would be the same as was it Jess and Sammy? Remember when they won and we were like, what? That


was the worst win ever.


Any other thoughts?




we also talk about like, how they're the first black couple to win Love Island UK? Okay.


Yeah. That was a big, exciting moment for the UK. We love to see it.


I've been wanting this the whole time. I feel like if you go back to all the episodes, I've been begging for this, begging for characters that actually date within the different races, got that, so like I just did this season and I was like, Oh my gosh, finally, like begging ITV come on, it's 2024. Let's be serious. Everyone interracially dates. It's lit. Stop. And then also thank you to the UK for voting properly. For a change. so much for your service. I know, I know it's a big voting, yeah, politics too. So thank you so much for voting right when it came to Love Island, the vote that truly counts.


Now I saw a lot of ex Love Islanders react to that win too, especially like former, like Black Love Islanders who were like, this is like a really amazing moment for us too, because we can see that it's possible. And so More of us want to go on the series more of us want to cheer for these kind of couples like I thought it


was very sweet. I agree because so many seasons have happened where you can tell like India and Demi like Demi you just like Tanya and Shaq, you just watching such strong couples, and then when you just get to the final you like. And then you just find them like, get like third or whatever. And you're like, what do you even mean? So it's so nice to see not one, but two black couples in the top, like top four, but it just was like, so great.


I agree. Yeah.


Without definitely a favorite moment of the season.


Should we talk about our favorite moments from this season overall and like what our thoughts in general are about the season?


Yeah What was everyone's favorites? I think mine was definitely Just the fact that we had that first black couple that was like I feel like the number one best moment of the season.


Agreed. I I was going back and like seeing other people's reactions from this season as well and someone brought up that while they're glad that Nicole and Kieran didn't get first place, it was also refreshing to watch their journey, not necessarily from a perfect couple standpoint, but actually from watching Ciaran be So mature for his age and even Maya mentioned this like in their little sit down together at the finale Being like hey Kieran, you're like the youngest guy in the group you're 21 like tell us how you ended up being the most mature and stood up for your girl and stood up for IO and your guys And so that was I think for me another interesting thing Not moment, but like a story arc to follow that, that their kind of love and him leading by maturity versus sometimes it's actually most of the time it's the girl being like the most one that has to help the guy catch up in terms of maturity. So I thought that was an interesting part of the season.


He reminded me of how Gemma Owen showed up. On her season, she was the youngest one. She was like, I think 19 or some, something very young at the time. And she was like the most mature girl in the whole villa. And Ekinsu was on her season. And I remember Ekinsu throwing like crazy, fights with Davide and she was so mature and would give her very great mature advice. I thought I saw that in this season two with Kieran. So that was cool to see.


Yeah. That's a good comparison.


Would say mine is that my, I wouldn't say favorite moment, but my probably will stay on my mind, maybe my Roman empire for the rest of the year. will be that the fact that Mimi and Ayo didn't end up together in the end. I think that they was, like, I thought there was such a national, natural chemistry. I thought for example, how Branagh mentioned in the episode about the whole terrorist scene where she and I, when I listened to it, I was like, I couldn't agree with it more because it's basically I feel like for her, it's like that terrorist, if it's just, she was so open to be like, okay, if IO made me halfway here, we could, in my opinion, it's I could like, if he's giving, taking what I'm giving and we meet up there and they could probably do it, but the fact that he didn't come, it just didn't happen. But I just was like, And also it's not the end of the world. They also could be now in the real world and actually still get together because I just think like the chemistry on TV just seemed really natural. Just their conversation seemed really natural. I feel like they felt like at ease with each other when, according to what I saw on the television versus What's his name, IO's job is again, fine. You must reassure your partner, but I agree with IO's brother. It's damn, like it's now. And then obviously of course, with Mimi just constantly telling Josh, like you're amazing, you do great things. And also I feel like Josh is just too. Dominating for me. It has to be like, just, it's too much. And I just felt like the two of them are such chill people and that I don't think they had to prove too much for each other. They were just like living. And I think when Mimi was like, she just misses that part about IO. And I was like, I could understand that. Just constantly feeling like you have to like work to be with your partner. It's exhausting. So here's to hoping no offense to Jessica and Josh, Mimi and IO, please. If you guys feel. If just don't fight the feeling if the feelings are still there, even though I did see on this other on on the internet that they stopped, they unfollowed each other. But I also think it also is a way I'm following each other on like socials. But I also think it also goes back to remember when they played that other game saying that. They wouldn't have relationships outside the villa. Remember, they voted each other, which I think is probably respectful for the other partners. It's hard to obviously be with their new partners with them. Do you understand what I'm trying to say with them like being in contact?






Although, gosh, this is so funny. They're like the Molly and Callum of last season for you. They're like, if only you're like gonna make like little like cuts of them together in your bedroom before you go to


sleep. That's so funny. Lana's watching the fan edits. Yeah,


she's like simping over the fan edits. Exactly. I hear you, but I also like. Unfortunately, I feel like with the doubling down of Mimi and Josh winning and and that solidifying them as the winning couple, I think is weirdly, it's gonna bring them closer and I think they're gonna actually like, at least from Mimi's perspective, I feel like it would feel more embarrassing to go back to the ex after all of that. It's gotta be Ayo coming back to her. If they're gonna get back together. And I don't think that even him like doing that would bring them back together, unfortunately. I also think IO has to double down on his relationship with Jessica too,'cause of all of the like, heat that they're getting. So unfortunately they're, I don't think they're faded. I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm sorry, longa.


I actually think that Ling that Jessica and IO are. Probably going to work out. My feelings are saying that at least. I don't know, she just, she seems like a person that's like really pushing him to be different. That's what I feel about them.


What do you think about Josh, Gabby?


I'm not a huge fan. I was curious to feel, to hear what you thought, Linga, because we were all talking about Josh in the last two weeks and I felt like I was a little harsh with him, saying that he was a little dominant in the relationship and that he was a little bit too really strong. But it almost felt like Mimi really appreciated some of those qualities. Getting to the finale and her pic, being very appreciative of how he took care of her I was, It opened my eyes to the fact that maybe that's the man that she was, like, looking for. But at the start, for me, I would have had a little bit of a hard time with that type of personality. But I don't know, I just didn't get that much good maybe it was the edit, but I didn't get that many good moments. on Josh. I didn't get any funny moments. It was always like him very, being very persistent towards Mimi and then also just like a big macho. Yeah, like a macho type of feeling. Yeah, that's


so true.


The only thing that put me on Josh, and I mentioned this last episode, was that the families came in and right away they were like, we like you guys. We like, like this together and they like talked about like values and they like really were like, we all, we're all under the same, it seems like they're both like Christian or partially religious and they gave their blessing and that was like, for me, the okay, like maybe Josh is a good guy if he can win the fam over,


but he's full of streets. Josh is full of streets.


For the


streets. Josh is for the streets. He's for the streets. He's for the streets. You guys. Okay, we'll see. When he was, Josh is for the streets. And when he, when actually, when the family came, this was one of the reasons I felt super icky about it, because, when they started talking about their relation, with the, their values, one point that was brought up was, Mimi made me realize my values. It was that. It wasn't like, Like how, not to compare them with Ayo, but Ayo brought it up to Mimi in terms of do you go to church? Like his relationship, but the way that it was brought up in that conversation, it made it seem like Mimi was the one that brought it up. And then Josh softened up around the topic of like religion and his values. Okay. That was just my take on it.


I get it. I get it. We'll see. We'll see. Only time will tell, really. I feel like with these couples. Moving on to general thoughts, though, what was everyone's just general thoughts on the season? Did you like it? Did you like it more compared to other seasons? Less? What are your thoughts?


Yeah. I think for me, this was my least favorite season of all of the ones that I've watched. Yeah. It felt like we had a lot of the same drama over and over again just So we were just chewing on that same piece of gum with Joey and Grace, and then Joey, Sean versus Ayo and Mimi and their couples, and it was just, it got stale and it got boring. Even like Kasa wasn't as, other than Ayo getting with Jessica, and then there wasn't even that much of a blowout afterwards. It was, Yeah, that felt boring. Another thing that I've been thinking about too is, one thing we were really excited about going into the season was the new concept for the hideaway. It was supposed to be this big, spicy, fun thing where now the hideaway is always open, people can go into it all the time as long as you're not with your couple. And I was thinking back and the only people who slept in the hideaway was Joey and Grace and Joey and Jesse. So Joey, really Joey. Yeah, we got spent tonight at the hideaway. Like when we went back with Jesse, I was like, Oh, hope they changed the sheets since last time. But it was just, it was so boring and we didn't get the hideaway and the whole season, it's always so fun. Like it adds just a little, fun flirtation into the season. And I think we need to like, go back to the old format of the hideaway. Cause it's almost like they forgot about it.


And what they could have done is in maybe in a challenge. Be like, oh the hideaway is open, but you can only go with your couple and then it like prompts someone to make a decision But I agree. I feel like they have to like the producers have to push people to go to the hideaway Otherwise, like they're not going to be bold enough To actually go and sleep there.


Yeah. Cause yeah, they would just pop in for a second to have a conversation, but then they were just using it a terrorist 2. 0. Yeah. Just sit on the swing and have a quick chat and maybe kiss, but. Yeah, we got to bring back the old hideaway format.


I think that I agree with you because they thought that people are just going to be like, Oh, let's just sleep. Yeah, let's sleep together in this thing. But the problem is not saying that you have to drink, but the fact that like you did sober in the same place that you sleep. Why wouldn't I just go to my bed and do bits there? It just made no sense. Like, why do you need it just the there was no. Yeah, it made no sense. I was like, yeah, there was no incentive. There was no like, Oh, if you go in there, you get like a bottle of champagne, or if you go in there, like there was no draw card. It was like, okay, you just get to be stopped like weird drama, or you get to be pity by putting someone over because they think that you're doing something like, we're like Ron kiss someone else with that. By being with two people, it was like, yeah, no, thank you.




Yeah. I agree. This was not a great season for me. And probably also because I was watching it alongside USA, which was popping. So it was just like, my brain was just more wow, okay. This is where it's at this year. So it just, I think that's how, for me, it was like very strong okay, cool. This is just the same drama, the same. It just, it was, yeah. And also like everyone coming in, like it just, yeah, it did get stale. I agree with you, Bronagh.


I'm the same it, for me it wasn't like the worst season I've seen, but it was meh like there were some choices that they made that didn't stick. I think something that they did well, which was for me, it's interesting to see new people come in and come out and I think they did a good job of bringing some really fire bombshells in Uma and Grace and the guys at the end. Josh and Ruben. I thought those guys were all like really great choices for bombshells. And they did a really good job of being like, okay, these people are stale. Let's get them out and yes, not make it a moment. Which I appreciated. But also They kicked out a few too many people. I missed a bit of the Ronnie and Harriet situation in CASA. I think that would have been really fun to see. And I think they were big personalities that we did miss during CASA. I think they were going in the right directions. They just purged too quickly. And I think if they Listen to the fans and saw us on Reddit being like, Harriet's the best, keep her in she's the best villain I think maybe then they would have been like, Okay let's keep her around, even though the public is like, Okay, they're not compatible, but let's keep her around Just for the kicks and giggles, because she would have been fun to watch.


We loved seeing all of the primes. I think that was,


yeah. The biggest miss was Casa and Ronnie and Harriet. That was the biggest miss, especially because we knew how much crying and how much drama was brought up to this point. Why send them home right before it? It makes no sense. They should have produced that a little bit better. I think that was the biggest miss of this whole season because having, if they would have actually kept them around. That would have been one funny because Ronnie would have been he would have just Started another relationship and then chaotic for Harriet because she wouldn't have found anybody. Sorry, Harriet, She would have come back and started kicking off, which is what we wanted to see, right? Which is what


we wanted to see. Yeah.


But it was so interesting because at the beginning we genuinely were done with that situation. So it was, I think it's almost like it would have dragged on so much, but the casa, it was like the perfect time to have that drag out to it. Yeah. I don't know. That was probably like the biggest miss of the whole season, I think. Other than that, it was probably like bringing the girl, Lola girl, a little too late. I agree. I think that was just Like, even her and that guy. Too late to bring them out. Yeah. It was just boring and I don't understand why they were even there and they'd flown them


to Mallorca, so I guess they were like, wherever they were. They were like, I guess we gotta put them in at some point. I agree.


I thought the cast, The island, or the villa, was a little too small this time around, and so it, it almost felt like they could hear every single conversation that was being said there, they couldn't really disconnect, so it just felt like everybody knew what everybody was talking about, which I don't think it was, it's that fun when everybody knows what's happening, and then also you're not willing to talk about something because it's like, everybody can hear you, you're not willing to You know, so I did feel like the house, the actual house had a big play in the season too. All right. Now it's time for a tier ranking game. Our proper tier ranking game. It's the final one. And we are ranking the contestants on how long they'll stay together, which is exciting because we've done this in the past and we have succeeded and failed in some instances. So let's see how this turns out for us. I have added all of the couples. At the very top are the couples that we had in the last final round of the show. So we can probably start with Mimi and Josh. What do you guys think? We've said a lot about them. Are they together forever, more than a year, a few months or less than a year or less than a week?


I'm giving them a few months.


I would also say that. At first I was like, ooh, a year, but then I was like probably like more than, yeah, less than a year, more months than the rest. Yeah. That I would expect.


I think they have such a, like they do have such a close group of people when you leave the villa as the winner. It almost feels like it, there's so much pressure is on you and everybody that's been a winner and it's still together becomes friends, Or people that were couples and are still together, like they'll be friends for a while. So it's, it almost feels like the pressure is on to just stay on for a few months, but I'm thinking like two months.


Oh, really?


Okay. Yeah.


Yeah, I think they might just not announce it to the public. because of that pressure. So you might be right in the two months, but I'm thinking like five, six,


we'll see. Five, five is a good number. Yeah. Yeah. I was giving them like, definitely be broken up by Christmas. Before Christmas. Definitely by Christmas. And a good series after Christmas. Yeah. Yeah.


What do you guys think of Kieran and Nicole? Is it a forever, more than a year situation? I want it to be. I think it's more than a year,


but. Yeah. I want it to be forever.


I think it could be forever. Yeah.




I agree. Let's keep them there.


Yeah. Okay. Okay. I agree with that. I feel like they're pretty strong. I'm excited to see them forever. Okay what about Joey and Jesse? Less


than a week.




maybe a few months.


Maybe a few months. Really? No way! I mean I feel like less than a week, but everyone was so against them. They're going to want to show off. Yeah. They're both really stubborn. Yeah, humans. Okay. Yeah, I agree with that just because everybody was so against them.




Okay, Jessica and IO. I think they're together for more than a year.


I think I agree. Yeah. Wow.


Okay. I'm down to guess that too. Because I think he'll try to commit. And then we'll see.


Oh, I don't know why I can't move them here. Okay. Okay. And a couple that left, just, recently. Matilda and Sean. What do you guys think? A few months. They stayed together for a while, yeah. More than a week. More than a week, maybe like a month, I would think. A


couple of months.


Yeah. Yeah. Okay, Grace and Ruben. No way they're still together. Less than a week. Less than a week. She got the egg from him


and is just holding his hands. They're not already






Yeah. Yeah. He was really respectful though during the Joey situation. I thought it was great. But yeah, the little dance during the talent show that was for him. He was sitting there Oh


my gosh, how do I break up with this man but politely.


Wait, Linga, did you see that? When he did the I'm Singing in the Rain. Yeah. Yeah. It did give me that, I thought it was cute. It made me think that maybe he learnt it when he was like a child. So it just was a thing that like, you just bring out like when it's time to bring out, right? I just thought it was very cute.


It was giving former theatre kid, which I will always love. Yeah.


I know, I don't know if I love, but I agree, it was giving


cute. Yeah. Yeah. Aww. All right, and one of our favorite couples, Uma and not favorite couples, but I think individually, Uma was one of our favorite girls, but Uma and Will, boyfriend and girlfriend, what do you guys think? I think more than a year or a few months. I'm torn. Yeah. Or is it? Yeah.


It's not forever.


It's not forever. Not because he's for the streets, but I think they might double down and try to like commit for a little bit longer than we expect. Do we think more than a year though?


I don't know. I'm like messaging more than a year and a few months, but I buy a few months. I'm thinking like 10 months lose is like four




So let's say, okay. Yeah. I don't know. We should have had 11 months I dunno. Then you, how old their baby is? You like around daycare? Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine with them there. We can just say, caveat is, 11 months still counts.


Yep. Okay. I'm surprised Harriet and Ronnie are still together. Are they less than a week? No, I actually think a day, a few months. No, I've given


them a few months given they're going iita, they're


going on vacation. They're making, they're making some very iconic appearances in the public and I think it's good for each of their brands. So they're milking.


They're enjoying the clout for sure.


Yeah, 100%.


It would be for sure, but it would be such a shock if they actually stayed together for a long time though. That would be crazy. That would be one of those things where like the kids are watching the show and it's Oh, dad didn't like mom. I don't know. It just feels


like that. Are they the Heidi and Spencer of Love Island 2K?


That's hilarious. And they're still together. Yeah,


that's what I'm saying. That would be funny.


That would be so funny.


That's funny. Okay, the last couple, Jess and Hugo, who apparently just went on a date. Less than a week. We're giving


him less than a week. He already was, like, feeling not into it before they left the villa, right? Am I Yeah, they


went on a date he said they went on a date, but


They had to go on a date. They had to go on a date an hour before the show, just to say they went on a date. Yeah. Please. No. Guys, that concludes our last tier ranking game, proper tier ranking game. Let us know if you agree with our predictions and our socials.


Um, what's the scoop on the streets? On the streets? Okay, time for Scoop on the Streets. So I am back this week. Oh, it's goop on the street. Thank you. I think Gabby covered me the last couple of weeks. And this is where, this is the section where we talk about anything we have seen online, celebrity gossip, Daily Mail, The Sun DMs from our listeners. So yeah, this is what we talk about that. And apparently people are still talking about Ronnie's hair, aren't they, Nicole?


Yeah, but okay. We had a whole conversation about Ronnie's hair on this podcast and how he uses hair fibers and how the whole discussion was happening online about him. But he was on a podcast. He was on Olivia's podcast recently. And basically she acknowledged that, Hey what do you use in your hair? Everyone's talking about it. And basically was like, Oh I was actually really open about it. And shared it with the girls and the guys and It was like I even did it in the villa and so everyone knew that that was my like not Some of my spots of hair weren't there and like all of this stuff So it must have been like a decision from the producer's perspective like not to show that I don't know if maybe to keep him like from being embarrassed But apparently he was like very open about it and not embarrassed at all. So I thought that was very interesting Good for him. Yeah,


I love that for him. Yeah. And then have you been hearing more things on the streets about possibility of a new host?


Yeah, friends, I don't want to break all of our hearts, but there is, excuse me, there is a theory that Miss Maya Jama might leave after the season. Why? That is


crazy. Okay


this was just brought up on one random podcast. And so I don't know how true this is. This is a theory, like a speculation. And then the, they, the people who went on to speculate about this also brought up that, Oh, I think Georgia Steele might take over the position of host. And literally everyone in the comments was like, If they do this, I will not watch Love Island. Why would they do this? This is never happening. Anyway again, I take it with a huge grain of salt these guys might be, like, pulling this out of their ass. At the same time she did go through a breakup, a big breakup this year, and it has been doing a lot of very cool things I don't know, it would break my heart, but I wouldn't be surprised that maybe she wants to do something new and fresh. Don't leave us! Yeah,


Maya, please don't leave us.


I know, it would totally change the show.


We need her.


Yeah. And I


will say, if they're going to replace her with anybody, the only option is No, I was thinking Maura Higgins.


Maura. I was thinking the same thing. Oh, Maura.


Killed it. Yes. USA. She's a UK alum. It's Maura or Maya Stays, we, nobody wants Maura to stay.


What the fuck is this Georgia thing? Yeah,


I was like, what is




No. Yeah, it's a no from Georgia, but Maya, I hope not. Cause she's amazing. I think she's such a great host. And I think It's just like she's got into such a groove because she's now been here a couple of seasons and I feel like now she's it's just so nice and just watching her come with their outfits and strapped in, which I think has also been cool because it's like I feel like Ariana in USA has taken like tidbits and made it her own in USA. And even more it comes through like it's like fashion girlies like it's great. So please don't ruin a good thing. Please don't leave Maya. But if you do, please don't give us Transcribed Georgia steel, please. Please. Dear Lord. Speaking of reality people apparently according to the sun, Joey is X actually admitted that he was a love Island producer plant. And apparently he was like put on the show because they were like, they needed to be more drama and that he had to be that guy. And who better than to come on the show, then like a professional reality TV guy. And also we also have seen throughout the season that Joey was like, never shied away from being the bad guy. If he was like, he was constantly like trying to be like, Hey, didn't you say that? Remember when he told Karen to tell whoever that they were friends, he's pull that person, bring it here. So I feel like it's. It doesn't seem like the wildest thing in the world because I just feel like he was playing a game like week after week.


Totally. I heard too. And this wasn't from Joey. So this is all speculation, but I also heard that he was a plant and also the producers promised him until the finale. So the fact that he got kicked out right before the finale by fellow Islanders was a sore spot for him and he was really upset. Which is spicy. And also, apparently he got two hours alone, where like the other villa the other islanders, they have like their dinner time or the time that they're not like on scene. He apparently, two hours a day, he got to do his own thing and got like special treatment. Anyway, another spicy tidbit. I don't know if it's true, but that's what I heard. Interesting. Making phone calls to


Dubai or something? What is he doing? Maybe he was


chatting with the producers about like how to make it more interesting because he's like a professional. Those are some of the speculations. I have no idea. He failed.


If anyone's listening and you know whether or not this is true or not, please slide into our DMs because we would love to know. Also, Joey, if you'd like to come on our podcast, we'd love to have you. We take everything back just for this episode. I take nothing back, but would love to have you. If you want to


air your feelings, come defend yourself. We'll give you the platform. I think that's


it for Scoop on the Streets. And I think this could be our last Scoop on the Streets for this season. But still anything that happens with the couples, our socials are opened all year round, our DMs are open all year round, so please if you hear anything, say something to us.


100%. If you see something, say something. Exactly. And if you haven't followed us on socials, be our at proper chat pod. On Instagram. So be sure to do that. Also if you want to support the show please give us a follow. Give us a subscription to Spotify or wherever you find your podcasts. We don't have a fully fleshed out plan yet, but we probably will be back sooner rather than later to do a special series on love island USA, because it did pop off this year and we've been watching. But until then, make sure to subscribe so you can check it out when it comes. Also be sure to stay proper and stay chatting.

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