Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

The Rise of Love Island USA - S6 Recap & Predictions

Indie Movie Club Season 4 Episode 1

Welcome back to Proper Chat, a Love Island Podcast! In this episode, our hosts Nicole, Gabby, Brana, and Langa dive into the explosive events of Love Island USA Season 6. We cover all the major drama, juicy recouplings, and unexpected twists, including the aftermath of Casa Amor and the finale. Get ready for our take on the season's love connections, heartbreaks, and scandalous moments. 

In the next episode of the special series, we will recap the reunion coming up. And finally, an episode comparing USA and UK Love Island dynamics. Don't miss out on this thrilling conversation – subscribe now to Proper Chat!

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Hello and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. We are here today with a very special series on Love Island USA Season 6. This was the season that blew up in the U. S. and so we're super excited to talk about it today. I'm Nicole, one of your hosts, and I'm here today with our three other lovely hosts. You guys want to say hi? Hi, I'm Gabby. Hi, I'm Vrana. Hi,


I'm Langa.


And like I said earlier, typically we cover the OG UK seasons of Love Island, but this year we are covering USA season 6. We are going to talk about the full season in this episode, so if you haven't watched USA, go watch it, then listen to this episode. because we will have spoilers We're going to discuss all of the major drama from season six, and we're going to give some predictions leading up to the reunion. Next week, after the reunion, we will Recap all the drama from the reunion, and then we're gonna do a follow up episode covering all of the big differences between USA and UK. We're very excited for this special series. But before we go into it, let's check in with everyone. How was everyone's week? How's everyone been? Give us a high and a low.


I have I'm so excited to finally be here because it's taken me so long to actually finish this whole season of Love Island USA. It's my first one. I'm so excited. And that's been the high of my week is just waiting for this call. And then a low is, oh, you guys, we had crazy fires in my small town. Crazy fires really close to our home. It was actually so scary. We were monitoring it and we've, there's never really been that close of fires, but they were in the same tiny town, not even in far away. It was like very close to us and about like 85 acres of the fire. So they took a while for them to control it and obviously we were so nervous and everyone got evacuated. Oh my god. Evacuated. Yeah. Like it was actually bad. Damn. And my neighbors they have water tanks, so they help out when needed. But I mean it was so out of control. So some people did lose their homes. It was really sad. So that's my lowest. No. That's a pretty, pretty bad low you guys. Damn. But, thankfully. It didn't spread too much. Because it could have it. It's so sad, but it could be worse. So they were able to control it at 85 acres. And then once they were able to control it, then it just died.


I'm glad your house is okay. That's really scary. Damn horrible. Wow. Yeah.

What about you?


What have I been up to? Went to Outside Lands on Friday with Nicole. That was super fun. Got to see the Killers. They were so fun. It was like so many more songs that I even realized that I knew. And every song I was like, I didn't know this one. I didn't know this one. But it was really fun. And then, Yeah, also, a fun thing was I won a raffle! What? I won, it's so silly, but it was like, really made my day today. I entered a raffle at Rumble, the boxing studio that I go to, for a pair of gloves, and I won! Oh wow,


congratulations. I get my own boxing


gloves! Woohoo! Because every time I go. That's so fun. Yeah. I always have to pay three dollars every time I rent them. So now I have them. And they're dirty. And they're gross. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yay. A niche fun happy thing that happened today. Love that. Yeah. What about you


Langa? I guess the best part was Bron and I watched Laguna Beach which was really super fun. Nicole ditched us to Outside Lands, so I made ribs for Brana. Brana will see that I told all that. We didn't even take a photo. We didn't mean to. But yeah, we had, we watched Laguna Beach, which was so fun and so nostalgic for the both of us. So yeah, that was such a treat.




know. Can't wait to keep watching more. You're busy having fun. That's how you know it went well when you didn't take any pics. You just were eating and having a good time. My week is off to a great start. I'm unemployed. I've been, fully in control of my days, which has been really nice. And yeah, and very freeing. I'm freed from the shackles of corporate America for a while. We'll see how it goes. My low is that I told Brona this like Friday before outside lands. I was on my run and I like tripped over a curb and completely ate shit and broke my leggings on my, one of my legs and scratched up my hand. And these two little old ladies were like walking behind me and they were like, oh my gosh, are you okay? It was like a whole thing. I'm totally fine. My, my knee is a little scraped up and my wrist is scraped up, but I was like more embarrassed than anything. I was like, how have I gone on so many runs? And today is the day that I completely ate shit.




one of those things.


I can't believe that. So embarrassing. So




Yeah. I'm okay. At least it was then and not like in the middle of a marathon,


totally. Yeah. After the marathon, thank God for that. Yeah.


So we're going to get into our big juicy recap of season six of Love Island USA. So we kicked off the season with our OGs. We had Serena, Cordell, Hannah, Kendall, Janaye, Koi, forgot he existed. Kayla, Erin, Leah, and Rob as our OG cast. What was everyone's first impressions of the cast? This is a long time ago.


Truly. It's so funny that we forgot about Koi because I vividly do remember in the recoupling or in the initial coupling, like three or four girls standing behind him. Yes. Yes. This is the man I want. Because


he was so tall. Because he was like 6'7 or whatever.


His personality was just not there. That's so true. Yeah, he was like way chill and didn't have any like chat, and that's maybe why he left pretty early. Then he


also was rude to someone to know because I think he at some point he was rude to someone and I think that's maybe gave someone the ick. Maybe I'm wrong.


I think I'm trying to remember. Was he initially coupled up with


Janaye? Yeah.


Janaye had her pick. She did and like good for her and I'm glad that like they got married. Some time to suss it out. But I don't know. I don't think it was rude to her, but I think he had she had expressed like some interest and he was just like, meh. Then as cuddly and cute and y'all know how Janae is. She like needs her man to be like, this is my girl kind of thing. I think he didn't have that approach and she was like, okay, bye. So I think that's, that was the downfall and maybe he was rude to someone. I don't remember.


Yeah, one of our strongest couples right out the gate was Leah and Rob, and they got on so quickly and were all about each other. And our first bombshell, Liv, came in and just snatched him up right away. And that was like the first little rift of oh, what's going on here? And. Leah was just wanting to be with Rob and he was not really feeling Liv as much and yeah that was our first little moment of drama there. We also had a few more bombshells come in. We had Connor, Nicole and Andrea or Andrea, whatever she



And that I feel was the biggest drama that we had from the beginning was We had a big dumping that happened really early on in the season and the girls had to pick which girls were going to be dumped from the island. We had Nicole, Andrea and Janae up there and they had to see who was going to stay. Yeah. So we had our first moment.


Yeah. This was a wild dumping in my head too, because I don't know how you all thought when they were standing up there, but I was like, Oh, Andrea definitely has a clear connection with Rob. Yeah. Hopefully the villa will see that and they won't vote her out. But the villa's thinking Oh, these are my besties, I can't kick out my besties. And unfortunately, Andrea did not take the time to become besties with anyone. Yeah. And she got dumped from the villa. And I think they spun it as Yeah. Oh other people here still need to find connections or whatever. But it was a game of who's friends with who, really, right? Totally. Yeah, I

mean that linger that dumping lingered throughout the whole show because then, Leah was basically called out as a liar because she said she took the back seat of that whole situation and that's when Liv and her had that whole drama situation and but they obviously recovered as friends but I just thought it was interesting because that kind of gave us perspective of Leah because we never we didn't get to see that so we didn't we don't know if it actually happened. Yeah. There were intimate conversations on who they were going to pick. We didn't get to see that as viewers. So I thought it was really interesting they dumped them and then brought that drama about Lia and her taking the backseat, but, and then potentially not. And then it was


like, it was

strung along the whole episode,


the rest of the episode. Without seeing that. scene. What do you guys think? Do you think Leah was being manipulative in that scenario? I just, honest opinions what did you think after that recoupling? Curious.

I think Leah is Leah has something where she means but she has, she, she really wants something. If she wants something to happen, she will make it happen. I think that's her personality. I think she, not manipulated, but looked at her friends and said, I. I think she should go and then her friends were looking out for her. You can see that even throughout the rest of the episodes. It's like her friends keep wanting Rob to work. It's like Rob's not even in the picture anymore. He hasn't been in the picture and they're like, but you like him. I don't know. I just felt like she had a way of stringing the girls along without even taking a front seat. In that conversation,


yeah, she has like a main character vibe. So she yeah, maybe she didn't even need to say I don't want Andrea here, like her friends could sense it. And instead of saying it, they were like let's come up with a way to get this girl out, and yeah, and I will say, my opinion is that the same that like, maybe she didn't necessarily. Say I'm gunning for this girl, but in, in a way, I'd say in a way, she didn't take a backseat. Like she, she was the one to kickstart it. So I'm super curious to see the scene and how it actually played out, honestly.

Lia is the type of girl that if you're friends with her and she doesn't like someone, she'll literally look at you and tell you she doesn't like him or her. She doesn't need to say anything. She has like very, she has a lot of visual and like emotional expressions. So I can see why the girls like connected with her because she can, she's like fun but she will say how it is. I feel like. So that's just my opinion. I think like throughout the whole time we saw a lot of the obviously till the very end, she was like a very surprising character in my opinion. It's because she really did communicate in so many ways where it's like, you're saying something, but then I can tell you mean something else. I just, from your body language.


Totally, yeah. She couldn't lie. She like, had everything on her face, but also at the same time, she was weirdly like, influential with it. It's very interesting. Yeah. I also feel like she's so iconic and unique that I think she has a way of, just being a presence in the villa that people were really drawn to.

I would have liked that. Sorry, Brana. Just one more thought before we drop Andrea. I would have liked to see Andrea just a smidge longer just from their connection, the Rob and her connection. I just felt like there was so much potential there, and he really seemed to have liked her, so I would have loved to just see a little bit longer. And she was Latina, so that was cool to see, too. Totally.


Yeah. How did you guys all feel about how he even handled the situation? Because obviously he kicked off right away and was like, I'm leaving, I'm gonna go. And then it was like, I don't know if I'm gonna go. And then, yeah, I'm gonna go. He was back and forth. What did you guys think of how he handled that?

I sided with Leah on the fact that it seemed like he wanted some airtime. He was at that moment, it was, he was coming off like he wanted the drama, like he was saying like, I'm gonna leave right now, I'm gonna leave and I'm gonna pack my bags and he stood right next to her and said, I was leaving with her. But then he didn't execute. So that was a little weird. So I sided with Leah's comments are on like him wanting drama or him wanting to be in air on TV.


Interesting. I, my take is that unfortunately, like guys have a harder time processing their emotions. And. It took him a while to figure out even how to process, Oh, I like this girl, Andrea, and I need to communicate that to Leah. And he put it on her for a little while, and she got pissed at him, and rightly and then, it took him a while to process and be like, Oh, this girl, Andrea, is leaving. Should I leave? Should I not? And he like made a, I don't know, like you're right. He had a bit of a tantrum. I think it's just, I know this is rude to say, but like guys sometimes are like a more emotionally stunted and it takes them a little bit longer to process their emotions and verbalize it. And I think in both instances, he like needed to get out some stuff before you could be like, okay, this is how I actually feel. Yeah.

That's a great point.


Yeah. Also something for us to remember too. And I feel like it was. I had heard Rob mention at some point after leaving the villa that like the clips that we saw obviously are like condensed into a short, few minutes, but that he was mulling on for hours on should I stay? Should I go? Should I stay? Sure. Should I go? Which is like interesting to, to know that little tidbit afterwards.


But I think that's easy for him to say now. Oh really? So seeing like the kind of, not that I don't know him, but just the kind of person he was on the show like throughout, I don't, I still don't believe he would have lived. Whether or not he was stewing. On hours and hours, like he just likes being dramatic.


I agree with that. He's, he liked play, he played it up and he also needed to figure out his emotions for sure. Definitely.


So after that we also had some other iconic bombshells that came in. We had Miguel and we had Kenny. Kenny.




Kenny! He really changed things around for our girl Janay. She was, it was dry out there for her up until Kenny showed up and then, yeah, he really made, I feel like made the experience for her from that point on. And I thought they were such a cute couple from the get go. And yeah, I thought it was great for them. And Miguel, he came in and he was coupled up with Liv at first. And. In the beginning, I was like, oh, they've got like a cool they had a very they were a cool look the two of them they, you could tell they fit well, they both have a fun accent, and I don't know, I could have seen it going somewhere, but then it quickly became a friendship couple, and then then he started getting to know our girl, Leah.


Before that, he was getting to know our girl Nicole, remember that? Oh,


That's true, yeah. The whole Kendall


Nicole drama lets us forget that.


Oh, because she wanted to explore and it was Miguel, I forgot. Yeah.


That's right. Yeah, and I think that kind of was a good sort of test in their relationship. She did actually have a kiss with Miguel and they were quite close. Posey and Kendall was like, he pouted for like several days, like he was very upset. Because they went on


a date, right?


They went on a date on the beach and he gave her a smooch. Yeah, but like that, I think that was interesting also drama before KASA because that set up almost like insecurity I think in Kendall and a bit of, uh, scaredness in Nicole too, just, she did make her decision to be with Kendall and told him that, and they were, like, pretty solid right before CASA, but it was still early days, and she did have that moment of exploration, so it's interesting that kind of set up their time before CASA. Yeah,


and our couples right before going into Casa, we had Serena and Cordell. They were together from the beginning, they were still together, they had a little will they won't they moment, but going into Casa, they were an item. We had Kendall and Nicole, Janae and Kenny, Kaler and Erin, and Leah and Miguel, and Rob was He was just single going in, right? He was just, or was he was with Liv. He was with Liv. You're right. He


was with


Liv. He was coupled up with Liv. And then he was


almost like, Liv? Yeah. And we were like, Rob, what are you doing? Yeah. In my head, I was like, this man is here just now. He's just enjoying himself. This is not a real thing that he's thinking about.


Totally. And I thought it was so funny how when it became time for CASA, the boys get a text and they're like, You can choose to stay, or you can choose to go, and they have this whole dramatic scene where they're, like, choosing, I'm gonna go, and then they grab their suitcase, I'm like, guys as if any of them would have stayed,

please. Slow mo. Slow mo,


yes. Yes. Yes. Watch. Run. Yeah. So silly. So yeah, all the boys went to Casa and that I feel like was when things got crazy on the season. Obviously going into Casa, a couple we haven't talked about yet, but was, I would say The 60 percent of the trauma was Aaron and Kayler. They had their big, they were really strong going into CASA. Like they were together from the beginning, they were doing well and going into CASA. Aaron just had a lad's holiday.




Yeah. Quickly met Daniella and his head turned back so quickly. Yep. And he


started speaking Spanish. Oh


yes. He started speak Spanish. They were getting all cozy. They made out, he asked her to shower with him. No,


that was crazy. Yep. When he came out.


Yeah. What did you guys think of like his whole behavior in just. And his whole Casa moment pre video.


Honestly, I was pretty shook. And I think like everyone in the villa was like, Oh, Aaron and Kaler, they're very solid. Aaron's going to be like, so nice to everyone, but he's not going to turn his head. So I think when he like started being like, Oh, like now's my time to test the relationship. It's eye roll, how predictable, literally and unfortunately for Kayla her attitude was that they were solid. And so you got to see the guy go in the opposite direction from Kayla being totally loyal and waiting for him. So it's hard to watch. I know. It was. Yeah. And


another couple You cried a lot. Oh, she cried a lot. Yeah. Fuuuck, Erin!


Yeah. Guys, honestly, we need to know who, what brand eye, winged eye mascara she uses. Cause it's That never moved. Everything, the makeup moved, but never that eye makeup. Everything melted except for those




The foundation melted. You could tell the streaks. Oh





And then the other couple that had the most drama during CASA was Serena and Cordell. And they were also, they were solid in the beginning. Serena was like, I don't know about this guy. She asked him what his goals are in life. And he wasn't too sure how to answer that question.


Which I love now because everyone is now sending him, everyone keeps sending us stuff of them who went with Cheez Its, eating Cheez Its in the aisle at the grocery store. They would always tag him. I think it's so funny. They go Cordell, we're waiting for your flavor. Because remember they all they speak about it. I love that so much. Answer him!


Sure you need to respond. I'm sure they're working on it. Oh


No. They do respond, but so I think they are working on something.'cause Cheezits actually are in the comments as well. I love


iconic Let's get some of those cheezits when they come out. Totally guess. Actually,


off topic, have you actually tasted the puff cheezits? No. Puff. So good. Good.


They're really good. They're


so good. Anyway.


Okay, the next snack at movie night


snack. Yeah. Yeah, so Serena and Cordell also quickly turned his eye in Casa Amor and same thing Serena was so loyal. She's sleeping in soul ties.


Man, my hot take with this situation. I'm interested to hear yours is that I feel like Cordell Talking with other girls was justified and exploring something was justified just from Serena's behavior in the villa before Casa. They had the will they won't they moment and she was like friend zoning him for a little while and So I think his confidence got a little bit down because she was like, you're not the one for me, and then she was like, okay, just kidding. And I also think, love her to death, but I don't think she actually told Cordell how she thought about him before he went into CASA. So I think in his head he was like, this girl, she's friends, but also she likes me, I like her too, but she's not giving me everything. I think I need end. In my head, rightly to explore something with other girls. I don't know if I would say go all the way that he did I think that was too much and it was disrespectful, but I think he was justified to get to know other people. Yes, my hat's

off to you. I 100 percent agree with that. My only pushback, or my only I guess comment would be that apparently they did something right before they left. It was like something personal between them. And I think that connected her more to him like the night before she left or they left to Casa. So I think that's why she assumed that he would know better. It's because she never opens herself up. And then at that moment she did obviously that never was really discussed, but like on the show. But I do think something happened that the night of You're right, she did


mention that, right? She's I got really physically intimate the night before or something like that. Yeah, they did

something. So it's what a bummer to have opened herself up and then it's like, he leaves the casa and then Guadalupe comes back. That's why I think it hurt her the most.


Yeah, I agree with what Gabby said, because I think, yeah, because I also think, as we learn with time, maybe you didn't know at the time, that she also said that she's not really good at speaking her feelings, because eventually towards the end, obviously, when she does the speech and stuff, he's this is the first time you've actually told me like in like words, how you feel about me. Yeah.


Yeah. That led us to the big ol Casa recoupling, and boy was that a long, juicy episode. It was like a movie. Honestly,


one of the best episodes on television. Just watching Casa both those episodes, I was like, somebody give this show an Emmy. Wow. It was like, crazy. I couldn't even believe what was happening.


I know. The, the, just. The reactions that everyone was had was so just like over the top and dramatic in the best way. It was like, Yes, give me everything. So our costs are recoupling. We had Liv coupled up with Kane. We had Nicole chose to stay loyal and coupled back up with Kendall and he returned back by himself. So they got together. Leah coupled up with Miguel, chose to stay loyal to him. However, he came back with Casamore girl, Sierra, which left Leah vulnerable and single. We had Janae, who also chose to remain loyal to Kenny, and Kenny brought back Katherine from Casa Amor. Kayler decided to stay single, and she knew that Aaron had cozied up with some of the Casa Amor girls, because as we saw right before, which we didn't fully discuss, but, She got a video, and so she knew that he was gonna be up to no good in Casa, and so she was like, I'm gonna stay single. He returned alone, but since she decided to stay single, they were both single. And he just walked in there, just like a fool, just grinning yeah, I'm gonna get back with my girl. What did you guys think of that moment? I feel like that was definitely, that was like one of the best moments of the recoupling.


Totally. I told you this, Brana, but someone shared with me a clip from Aftersun, which I don't normally, usually watch Aftersun, but this specific clip added in context. Which was that they were sitting down with the CASA girls and they asked the CASA girls Oh, what do you think about Aaron's behavior in CASA and how it like he was with Daniela and then he switched and was like Okay. No, I don't like Daniela. I want to come back single and some of the CASA girls basically said that When they were in Casa, they heard the OG Villa and there was like a few people screaming fuck you, Aaron, after they got the video. And ever since that they, in Casa, heard that, Aaron changed his behavior. Like he ended it with Daniela. And was like, oh it's fine. I just want to come back. I miss Kaylor. Even though he if he really liked Kaylor and was, like, coming back and tail between his legs wanting to resolve it it was a very manipulated oh, shit, I have to get my act together because I actually heard her say, fuck you, Aaron. And I know things are going to be shitty when I get back, I don't know. That's, that was a spicy little tidbit that I learned.


But then, but if that's the case, sorry to interrupt, but when he walked in and arrived, he basically was like, it felt like real emotion, him being like, so stoked that she was by herself. Because again, he was like, cause even how defensive he was, remember when he got there, he was like, she was like he got there and then he was excited. They're like, cause Ariana's are you happy to see here? And he's yes. And he's oh my gosh, I'm so happy. But then. He can see she's not smiling and she starts talking to him. And then he goes, Oh no, how about you tell me what you know? And then I can tell you like, no, dude, no. I just thought that was so crazy. Cause he was so in defense, like from that moment where it was like.




Yeah. Like that, that to me was also like indicative of him just being defensive of his behavior because he like wanted his cake and to eat it too. Like maybe he did want it to be like, Oh, I'm back with Kayla. Let's make it work. But also he didn't want to come off as a bad guy. And so he's trying to defend himself and unfortunately it made him look worse.


Yeah, he was definitely Mr. I'm innocent until proven guilty. That was his strategy. And messy. Then we had Rob, who was single before heading to Casa. And he surprise, came back with Daniela, the girl that Aaron hooks up with. Which I thought was also so strange and just was such a weird moment. And apparently Rob had said when he was on the call her daddy, he basically said that he, because she was like, how did that whole thing happen? And he basically said, Oh yeah Aaron said Oh, if you think you can, might get along with Daniella, like you should get to know her. Like I'm done with this now. And he starts getting to know her. And then Aaron came back and was like, Oh, actually no, I forget. I said that. He like backtracked on his What his words, because then he's Wait, no, if you bring her back, that could make things messy with Kayla, blah, blah. So he was like, Oh, yeah, here, I'm gonna pawn her off on you. And then I was like, Actually, I don't know about this.



unclear there. What the whole shtick was.


Honestly, it's not cute from Rob's perspective, either. Or Kayla's. Daniela's and it sounds bad, but they're besties, like Rob and Aaron were like, best friends in the villa. And to be like, oh, this guy doesn't like me now, let me get with your best friend, ugh, it's to be fair, I would have originally liked to go with Rob as well, don't get me wrong there, but just a weird pass off, and in a matter of a day, too, because they only have so much time in Casa very strange.


Then the final recoupling, which definitely was, I feel like, the peak drama, we had Serena decided to stay single after she saw the video of Cordell, and he came back with Deya, and boy, was that quite the moment, when she just, she, I was like, wow. Wow. Go get it, girl.


We saw a new Serena in CASA and post CASA this totally shy, sweet girl. I feel like she has a side, a sassy side, and a hard side, which was really interesting to watch.

Guys, Serena reminded me of how I am sometimes, unfortunately, when I get upset. Because I feel like she's so sweet most of her time, but then you absorb so much, and then at some point, you're just like it's horrible. Nick is snapping. That sometimes I do pull a Serena just like her. I'm not gonna even lie. When I was watching those clips, I was like, this is like me.


I can't even imagine you doing that, Gabby. I'm like, can you set up a hidden camera next time? Because I can't even imagine you being

that angry. Sometimes things get sometimes you absorb so much and it takes a moment and then it's you just can't get out of that situation. And she reminded me of that because it's She, I think she's so nice and she just, her emotions are like, she's trying to absorb everything absorb, and be like, I'm okay, like everything's okay. But then it comes to a point where you remember your worth all of a sudden, and then you snap into it, and then I think what happened is Now it's like a train. Once you tell me like this is happening, this is, I'm telling you, I, I feel horrible and you're not understanding. This has happened to me so many times. Like it happened to me in college one time when I kept absorbing from my roommates just like taking it in and then all of a sudden I just snapped and started being psycho in the middle of the night because my roommates didn't pay the bill and I was like studying and my whole and the house didn't have lights and I just flipped and I literally stormed out of the place anyway. Long story short, I understand Serena.


Serena my old character.


Yeah, no, yeah, she got scary. Serena got scary. I would not want


to feel that brave anymore. Like you quickly even stopped holding your hands because remember when they walked in the China pip talk and be like, Okay, how are we going to do this entrance? And so he's What's up? It was giving like, obviously not as because basically, like similar how like how Demi and India remember how they walked in. They're like, Oh, this is how the heartbreakers blah, blah, blah. But it was like a different version of that.


Yes. Totally. And it didn't help, too, that I think Dea was also a strong character. And she was like, she put up a hard shell, too, I think. And so it was like three big characters. Personalities, two very big women, and Cordell just being like, oh god. You and Jessica should be friends.


Jess, Io's Jess and her should be friends. But the difference is I guess Io stayed with Jess, but Cordell went back to Serena.


Yeah, so after the CASA recoupling, we had really only a few more people come in. We had our little Aussie boy Harrison, who was a cutie. So fine.


Not a cutie. The finest man on the season, hands down. So attractive.


Yeah he definitely got dropped in a little bit too late. He, had he come in earlier, he could have had a shining moment. And we also had Cassie come in. We didn't really get too much of her other than her having sex with Rob. And then, good for you. Good for her. Good for her. That's all we have to say. Good for her. And yeah, then we wrapped up, obviously we had our finale and we are, we had Nicole and Kendall, we had Kenny and Janae, we had Leigh and Miguel, and we had our winners, Serena and Cordell. Love that, UK and US. Black couples winning. We love to see it.


Honestly, this is the year of the black woman. It's way to the end of the year.


Yeah, love to see it. Yeah, that was our season 6 recap in a nutshell.

So now we're going to go through our favorite people in the island. And we've already covered so many of them. But we thought it would be a fun opportunity for us to chat through some of those people that we loved in the island. We're gonna start with the OGs, Serena, Cordell, Daya. We've already talked about so much about them, but I'm curious to hear what you guys specifically thought about Daya because what I thought she deserved a little bit more than what she got. there it almost felt like she was used and then placed here and then to watch the whole thing unveil so I thought it was really sad and I thought she gave me like really awesome energy and she I thought she was really sweet I thought she was really respectful at the end of the day though she did give me some energy of like she knew that she was worth it and she just handed him off to Serena that's the vibe that I got What do you guys think? And also, do you guys think Serena and Cordell will last?


Ah, it's so interesting watching their journey now, because when I initially was like, oh, Serena and Cordell coupled up, I was like, ah, they're like friendship coupled, they're cute, I like them, but I don't know if I see the chemistry there. And then the whole Daya situation happened, and she like,




Daya stuck it on Cordell and was like, Very about him, and I was like, ooh, this is what he needs, because he needs someone to be, like all about him, and I think she did a good job of that reminding him of his worth, and also she did a good job of keeping her own worth, and reminding him of that she is a beautiful woman, and she doesn't deserve to be in between, her and Serena I don't know. I, if you were to tell me during CASA, I would be like, Oh, Serena and Cordell are not getting back together. This is not a thing. But now that I've seen their whole journey, I get what he needed. And it was unfortunately just a confidence boost during CASA. Which is unfortunate for Deya.




Yeah, I do think in terms of will they last, I don't know if I'm saying like forever, but I can easily see them last staying together for at least a year. I think obviously they're both still very young and time, you, they'll, we'll see how they grow up together, but I feel like I can see them, they're definitely gonna last longer than I feel like a few months. I said, it seems like they, they're really getting along and yeah, I have faith that the last, at least a year.


Yeah I hope they last. I think they're sweet because as everyone knows, I love his two friend trope. I like the, I like the playfulness they have and I feel like it's, it could, I hope it would be something that keeps him as a long term thing. Because I actually just think they really like each other, spending time with each other, personal jokes, which I think is really nice. But yeah, it also wasn't nice what he could have obviously did to Deia. But I do think it was nice how they also Serena was like, let's talk about it just so that we're not, we're cool and we're not hating each other for a guy. I thought that sort of was like, nice that they, didn't make it a whole like pitted against each other sort of thing similar to what Uma and Mimi did in the UK season. So I thought that was pretty nice of just the, what the, just being like, you know what, it's him, he's the problem. And also just Serena just tearing Cordell to shreds. And I love that he's okay, but I want you back now though.


He was actually, he like took it on the chin, which I really respect. Unlike Aaron, like he really was like, I want to hear from you and kept on being like, tell me get it out, I really respect him for that. He did a good job of that.

I honestly could sense it in my bones that Serena and Cordell were going to win because their storyline was so perfect. Unlike Kieran and Nicole from the UK side, it, where. Their relationship was so just lot and like slightly going uphill throughout the whole season. Theirs was just like all over the place, which really makes you so engaged. And I feel like that type of up and down kind of bonds people. Because it's if you've gone through that, there's just no way getting out of that. No way, you just have to drive forward. And the lows, honestly, were just a trial period where he's just like learning about other things, he was trying to figure out past that. So if he messes up again, though, anywhere else, that girl's done. No chance. Yeah. Another thing to mention about Cordell just before we move on to the next one is his NFL brother. I thought that was interesting. He made so many appearances like Verbal appearances and then in the end he made that huge appearance on the tv, which was interesting. Yeah, I thought it was rather also dated kim kardashian. So Okay


He's famous. He was actually yeah, he's so he's actually famous. Oh, no, he's like very famous like a this even though the sports people that have paid like a lot of money, like crazy money, he's that guy. Yeah. He even, I was like, okay, I know him. I was like, okay, this what I know totally so isn't he in Drake? I knew too. Drake's music videos. Hasn't he been in Drake's music videos? Yeah. Don't they play I Football? I think him and Greg Drake, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like him and Drake play football in a music video that could, his brother is cute. Could be



Cute, kind. Cute. I think Goodell's cute. He's a short king. Not into short Kings, but. He's pretty cute. Yeah, he is. I

thought what I thought his hair. I really appreciated when Serena gave him some hairstyles because I think she had a lot of great ideas for him. And he can pull off like a lot of cool styles so there's an opportunity there for Cordell. Just how much hair he has. Yeah.


I did love how Serena, when she was upset at him, she was like, you and your nappy hair. I love she's still dusty.

Yeah. I'm telling you, I feel Serena so much because It's like then she knows what to say. That's gonna hurt. Yeah Anyway, now let's move on to kendall and nicole. I don't know what you guys thought about them as a whole I feel like at first they're just like meh and then they grew on me, but then Kendall was always just smiling a little too much for me, which was a little hard to watch for me. I don't know why. I'm curious to hear what you guys thought. Another point before I hand it over is Nicole, like I feel like we really got to see her personality and like her herself like evolve throughout this journey. Like at first she comes off very confident and then we start learning about like potential paths issues that she's had with Relationships and how close that she was and at the end. I really fell in love with who she was Because we just got to learn so much of her. Curious to hear what you guys think of them. Will they last?


I have so much to say about them. Oh, go for it. I think they're already done. I think, Yeah, I think going into the reunion, we, my, obviously, I think we can all, I think we can predict they are done. Yeah. We've seen that. It looks insane. Amen. Yeah, and we've seen no interactions of them since they've gotten out of the villa they had some pretty awkward photos from their own universal studios day Outing after leaving the villa And I do think it's a shame because I agree gabby like I thought they were a cute couple In the beginning. I thought they got along. I liked how like vulnerable They she got with them and everything and I do feel like at the very end when she told him that she loves him, it didn't feel genuine to me. It felt like she said it because it was Totally. He said it to her and it's the grand finale of Love Island. And she was just like, fuck it, I'm just gonna say it. It makes for great TV, right? She didn't say it back at first, and now she said it, but yeah, I think she's done with them, yeah,


yes, so I actually was very shocked about what happened with them. I I actually believed I went on the, again, Kindle never. Too much of a Labrador, so a lot. Golden Retriever, that's it. I think he was a lot. Also, he also, I was just still not loving him based on how he behaved during CASA. But I think with Nicole, like their relationship, just their one on one, I actually thought it was like a real thing. And with Nicole, I thought Nicole was so into him. So I think for if the rumors are true, it's like now that they lived and Nicole's bye, I actually she's an actress. I believed it because I was just like, wow, she literally was into him and obsessed with him and just seemed really happy when she was around him. So I'm just like, wow, actress.


I'm excited to hear more about that in The Scoop on the Streets. Really curious. What did you have to say, Nicole, about them? Yeah, I


was just going to echo what Linga said. I feel like that it was really unfortunate that we are assuming that they're not together post villa, and having seen her in the villa, I really, I think she had genuine feelings for him and that they were like very close. Maybe she didn't love him and like him the same way that Kendall was into her. But I guess my theory is coming into the reunion that maybe some of the drama post coming out of the villa got to her and also just like exposure and all of the couples past and all of the people that, are all the pressure of people looking at you. I really hope it didn't affect her, but I think, In this case, that's my theory, that it really did affect her leaving the villa, that some of this stuff really made her question their relationship.


Which I can understand, because I feel like a lot of couples deal with watching it back anything, watching anything back, and then the feedback from your family. I think Kendall made some, all these comments about everybody, and it's we got to see it, but maybe the family's pushing back and What if he makes those comments and we just don't get to see them? So I can see that type of thing affecting her. But I guess we won't know until the reunion, which will be fun to watch. Guys, I'm really curious. Okay, so Janae and Kenny. First of all, Janae, I thought Janae was so unreal when I first saw her. I was literally like, was she, is she real? Like I seriously thought Janae, she had such an interesting look and almost felt like she was a character. She was like so perfect. And then her voice and then her vibe, her aura was just so perfect from what we saw at the very beginning. I just was I was so interested in her. And then. Kenny being Hispanic. I had no idea. Oh really? What's his background? Do you know? I don't know, but he like dances bachata, like he speaks Spanish, has a lot about, they like showed a little bit of it at the very end. That's true. She


did her speech in Spanish to him a little bit, right?

And at first I was like, Kenny, I don't know. He's not very, something about Kenny just wasn't bringing Jene out. But then I found out he was Hispanic and I was like, that could work. Because that could make him a little more fun, in my opinion. Just something to show Jene loosen her up a little bit, something. I don't know, what do you guys think? Will they last?


I'm obsessed with them. So if they break up, I, my heart's going to be sad. I, Janae grew on me like in the initial bit. I was like, Oh, she feels very kind of surface level. And like you said, she's stunning and beautiful. But I was like, Oh, she's like one of those like girls who's there maybe isn't enough under the surface. But then her personality came out, she would like, have these jokes that landed so well. She would like, Make random comments about learning about plants so that she could get with a guy. I love that scene with her. That was so good. That was so good. She just made me laugh and was so herself in a lot of the moments. So she's my fave. And then Kenny came in and while he wasn't all about her at the start he definitely realize that, once he brought someone back from CASA, that actually it hurt her feelings and he was devastated by it, and it was like, very interesting to see a guy be that vulnerable from affecting someone that way. Anyway, I love them. I love Kenny. I think he's a little dopey, but in a cute affectionate way, and anyway, I'm obsessed with them, so they're my faves.


Yeah, when he cried after Casa, I was like, Kenny! It hurt my heart. I was like, no.

He cried to the girls.


I know, that was sweet. That was really sweet. And some of his reactions in scenes where the guys are being fools, like when Erin is oh, I told Kayla I loved her, Kenny's no. Yeah, like seeing him in the background being like, oh he can't help but like totally be himself. And anyway, I love them.

I love that scene where he opens up. I think it was at the very end, maybe it wasn't during the speech where he said he wasn't sure if he could actually be himself, if people were actually going to accept him. And I remember his little moments where he would do something weird. And it's I would, I wonder if that's, he doesn't come off like that. Like they almost cut him off a little bit when he was trying to be like a little goofy or whatever. So I think there is a lot to him that we didn't see cause he's might come off a little shy on camera. What? Kayla and Aaron, I'll literally skip them if I can because I actually physically skip them as I was watching. It was too much. I, at some point, you know what pisses me off the most is when, I'm going to get cancelled for this, but when a girl talks to another girl about a guy issue that she's having. And the girl absorbs everything and is all about that situation and is all on their side and it's yes, you should not do that. You should not go back to that guy. He's doing all these things and spending so much energy could live. Live is the girl I'm talking about. She talked her through every issue she had. But then the second that Erin was like, gave her attention, she was like, ha, never mind. It's almost my gosh, like Liv spent so much time, spending time just listening to her and giving her feedback. She's her own person. She could do whatever she wants. It's just hard to watch for me.


Totally like she was like trying to help develop her a spine enough to be like yes that boundaries girl Like here's what you gotta do. You gotta tell them you did a bad thing and you gotta stick to your guns And meanwhile, you're right. Erin would be like, Oh, I'm sorry. And say a joke and tickle her. And she was like, I can't be mad at you. And you're like, no, you have to be for your own self respect. Literally try to be mad. So I get it. Actually

tried live, actually tried to give her good feedback on like, how do you handle this situation? You might like him, but how do you? actually respectfully handle this situation. I thought she invested so much time, but unfortunately I skipped over most of that conversation. Any. Taylor and Erin conversation, I skipped over. Not gonna lie.


Yeah I think going into the reunion, I think they are not together. That's


from the content. Yeah. Yeah,


just from the content that Taylor's been posting. A lot of single girl You messed up, blah, blah, blah, kind of sentiment I think, and I feel like, yeah, I feel like she was wearing like a little sassy dress going into the reunion. I feel like she's got her revenge outfit on. Yeah, hopefully this is a man in his


place. They've also been like, separate, like he's been in the UK and she's been in the US, so distance could help her in this instance he's not in her ear being like, Oh, please, Kayla, forgive me. Okay, now maybe now she can develop a spine.


Yeah. Yeah. On a lighter note about them, I did think it was so funny every time she'd be like, do you have donuts in the UK? Have you ever had Chipotle? Do you have ice cream? I bet all those conversations were just so silly, as if he like, literally lives on the moon.


Yeah. It




so funny. She asked him something so simple does he have whatever, and he have you had a donut?

Girl, you need to travel a little bit. It


was so funny.



She asked if the UK was in Europe. That's funny.

Yeah, hopefully she gets to travel a little bit after this. So Leah and Miguel, how did they get to be in second place is my number one question. My answer to that, but I'm curious to hear y'all's answer is Leah pulled him up there and everyone likes Leah. We liked her character.





I would like when those two you made out I was like, this is hot. Really? Interesting. The first time they made out remember like outside like in front of everyone remember just in that little section I was like I'm into this.

Okay yes I remember what you're talking about yes right in that big bench yeah. What did you guys think about Lia's lies caught on camera? Is there anything memorable there that you guys thought of or is it just like normal things that normal people deal with?


Yeah, I thought that I thought, obviously, they had that big moment of her talking about Rob post Andrea dumping, and then when they showed it at movie night, I thought it was, like, really important that they showed that moment for then her and Rob to have closure at the end with their whole situation because I, yeah, I just thought that was, like, We need we needed that moment of them because up until that point they had the big drama and then it was like Will they won't they like do they secretly still like each other even though they're not they're in separate couples and everyone kept like Pushing them. There's also fan edits being all over like instagram and tiktok of people being like get them back together Get them back together. So I thought that it was good for them You know, for him to see what she said for her to see how hurtful it was what she said in the aftermath and for them to have had that little moment of closure.

We can start talking a little bit about Rob too. I like the last moment where he's leaving and then he finds himself like, hugging her and talking, being friendly with her. Maybe a little sad. It's almost like they've gone through the whole journey together and they're in a good place. It was nice to see. What did you guys think of his overalls?


You guys, I went out to a bar yesterday and the bartender was wearing overalls with the little green thing. I was like, oh


my god, this man started to trend. Okay, you going out to bars on a Tuesday?


Yeah, what? It was a topical Tuesday. It was. Date night, good for you. Oh, fine. But, I know, I was like shook. I was like The Rob impact. Rob start the trend. Now all the men are gonna start wearing overalls with the little green zipper in the front. Literally the same overalls.


Please, let's not forget. He doesn't wear anything under those overalls, too. That's his whole

thing. He wore those overalls ten times. Did he wash them? Like literally 10 times, 10, 20 times, honestly. What about, okay, so done with the OGs. Now there were some like single hot girls that came into the villa that are memorable enough for us to talk through. Daniela, I think was one of them. I felt bad for Daniela. I thought she, we talked about this early, like she was like bounce around from one, one guy to the next so quickly, but I almost thought that she was just. using that situation to her advantage because she wanted to get to the actual villa. Did you guys feel the same? Yeah,


totally. He was just trying

to monetize that. Yeah. Potentially get a new career. Why not? You're already in Fiji.


Might as well. So


beautiful though, Daniela. So beautiful. She's really pretty, yeah.

Made me a little sad when she was talking about how guys don't like her. Or something about how guys don't typically pick her. It's like, how? How? How? Because you seem to have a great personality. But I'm sure she's gonna get lots of DMs after this show, so don't feel that bad for her. What about, oh my gosh, you guys, what about Ciara? I thought she was insane. I don't know, I loved her hair her whole vibe. She reminded me a little bit of young Rihanna, but


yeah. She's stunning, and all of her fits, and all of her looks, and hair. The skin. Unfortunately, I don't know if I got much personality from her, but Yeah. It was fun to have her and see her, all of her looks in the Bella.

Yeah, and then the only other guy that I would mention that we haven't talked about Connor. Do you guys remember Connor? Yeah. Yeah.


You know what I learned about Connor that I don't know if everyone knows, he's biracial. What? Yes. What?

Yes. That's shocking. I know. That is


crazy. Wait, he looks like Superman.


I know. Yeah. He does. And then I saw someone say it on a comment, and then I went on his Instagram, he has photos with his family, and apparently, according to the people of Reddit, he is biracial.


Meaning he's half black?


That's, yeah, apparently.


Kendall's half black. Wow, genetic.


Yeah. It's crazy. I don't know if maybe, I don't know if maybe he's like a half black or a quarter black. I don't know the exact details, but I tried to do some sleuthing and didn't get to the bottom of it, but. He's got something in him, and I love to see that.

I I'm shook by that. That's one that really shook me, because I would have never put that, I would have never imagined.



so that's so interesting. I love getting to know more about the Islanders. I'm excited to hear what you guys thought of everyone from the villa. So give us your thoughts on social media. But that concludes our segment


What's the scoop on the streets? On the streets? Okay, time for Scoop on the Streets! Okay, life's really been very busy on the scoop of the Live Island streets. Nicole, what have you been hearing about Kendall and Nicole?


Yeah, I feel like we, we've talked about it a bit, but just hinting at the reunion and where she is and she hasn't been posting or taking photos with Kendall and so our theories are that they broke up, but also let's talk about Kendall too because he came out of the villa and had a sex tape that leaked essentially. What?

Oh my god, Gabby, you didn't hear about this? Guys, what? I genuinely have not been on social media because I was trying to not get spoiled the ending. I literally have not been on social media because of this. So tell me everything. I didn't


know it was the sex tape.


Okay, it wasn't a sex tape. It was a video where he is in the nude that he sent to, presumably, a sexual partner. And he shows off his privates and also his behind, which is interesting. I don't know, people took that and they were like, oh, he was doing something. Like gay in the video, but like It's all fluid. You can do whatever you want in your own private videos to whoever you send to so that's my Take definitely. Yeah, so unfortunate that this private video that he shared with someone was leaked right after


Yeah, it was


like all over twitter.


It was like leaked the the day of the finale like right around the finale.


Yeah Boris was like, oh, who's this Kendall guy in Love Island? I was like, you heard about him? It wasn't just, the fans. It was everywhere. This poor man. Had this video everywhere.

It sucks. I feel so bad for him. Yeah.


Yeah. Oh Yeah, I in a way I almost can see why that would also lead to like stress in the relationship Not that nicole would judge him obviously But like I think it would be a lot to leave the villa and have so much exposure on your couple That's feel so sorry for him. And I hope whoever did that gets gets in trouble for that because that's not cool.




They never do. Sometimes they do. They just have to figure out who it was as the biggest part.

Just like reputation is such a big thing.


Yeah. It seems like he's, he took it in strides though. Like he made a comment right after he got out of the villa and I was like, wow, what a way to get my phone back. Thanks everyone for all your support moving on he was very lighthearted and just being like, I saw, thanks for your concern, carry on yeah, which, good for him, because I can't imagine.


Yeah. Who's not going to be, speaking of, we were talking about it earlier, how the, it's the reunion, and I guess certain people aren't going to be invited to the reunion one of our Brits. Yeah. I think it was British, right?


Yeah, Kane, oh my gosh. There's some drama around this too, because apparently Kane got a message that the reunion was cancelled, but he was like, it was like, oh no, you're just the one that's cancelled from the reunion.




But there's drama about it because after he left the villa, he had a lot of like videos that he posted about like other people and like trying to start rumors and drama and stuff. I don't know if it's the Love Island producers being like, ooh, we don't want to invite this messy guy back. And he's not behaving in a way that we would recommend. Or if it's just he's not as significant and so it doesn't matter for the reunion anyway. He would just start unneeded drama. Anyway, he got two seconds of fame. I don't know why he's being dramatic. That's, it's just not cute. Yeah, I

don't know. I like his tattoos. That's all I'm going to say.


Yeah. Like a slimy vibe. I don't know how to describe it. Yeah. Just like a. Yeah.


Talking about weird people on Love Island. Andrea.


Have you guys seen her posting at all? No. I've just heard she's


been on the streets of all the podcasts just talking about her and Rob. And she did that in the past, so I think I'm wondering what is she doing now? I


Yeah, I think that just to sum it up before, everyone left the villa and she was dumped early She got quick to the social media game and she was like Posting lives pretty much every day and like people would ask her questions and like she would say things so it looks a little slimy like she's like trying to take advantage of the exposure and like pretending like she was there for more than she was or it was like part of the villa for longer than she was. I mean she unfortunately she wasn't there for very long and I hear that Rob got the ick from it like he came out of the villa and saw her posting all of these videos and was like oh I got the ick from her trying to get attention from this two days that we had together.


To that. Wow. Cast members on podcasts. They are all been on really on the streets. I actually think it's so interesting. We're like, for example, in the UK, I find like they're like, go on like after sound or very specific podcasts, but I feel like in the US, they've got you've seen them like the cast members on so many podcasts. Oh my gosh,


yeah, the PR team is working overtime. Yeah, they got, they were on everything like Leah and Rob were both on Call Her Daddy, our PPG crew, they were on the Nikki and Brie show that covered the whole season. And we had Kayla going straight to Vile Files. Like they were hitting every big podcast. on there


too. I think Kendall was on the Vile Files too.


Yeah so much, so many podcasts. They were everywhere. I listened to a few of them. I listened to Leah and Rob on Call Her Daddy. And then the PPG girls on Nikki and Brie show. And I thought that those three girls, like they had, we haven't really talked about it too much, like their friendship on the show. And I thought it was just like so sweet to see like they're they were like Really supportive of each other through thick and thin from the beginning to the end and like I feel like their friendship is the most interesting couple now to have even come out of that show is like these three girls because I feel like they could they're probably gonna start their own podcast the three of them and like I feel like people will like they're gonna carry on. Yeah, totally And they just have such a sweet conversations about like You know what they learned from each other and


And there's such ride or dies for each other Yeah I just it seems like a really genuine friendship, but I also am like, you know what? Again, like the violence sometimes there's people who grasp like their five seconds of fame and like flourish But there also are some people that like unfortunately don't and then just simmer out And speaking of people that have done that successfully molly may and tommy fury the news You




yeah, I had to bring this up in, in this episode because it just has rocked the Love Island world. Molly Mae and Tommy Fury, the first, I think it was the, maybe the second, actually the second or third couple to have a baby and meet from Love Island. And they've been engaged for over a year now. Seemingly very connected relationship, very integrated between families Molly Mae is very wholesome vibes and she's made a business out of it and Tommy Fury obviously a big boxer and also has done a lot of stuff in partnership with her. But. Yeah, the drama basically started, I think, December of last year. Tommy Fury was seen in a video with Chris Brown partying at the club. Dancing horribly. That's not


good company to keep.


No, not good company to keep. And also in their video there's a girl that like comes up to him. There's the


extended video, I saw that. They released, somebody released more receipts. That's Mhm. It shows some girl like, some girl grabbing him and


like her, him being like, oh and pushing it off a little bit. I thought she might be even pregnant.


Oh my god.


Wait, this is a spicy rumor. That was about nine months ago. You heard

it here first! You're either starting a


Bad rumor, or this is, you heard it here first, exactly. Scoop on the street! Literally. I think the speculation that he cheated is pretty accurate, just from the signals that we're getting from the couple. She definitely ended it, and They're, they don't seem to be on good terms if there's a baby there, we'd love to hear the full tea. Hit us up in our DMs. We're ready to spill it here on, on proper chat.



That is it for our first episode of Love Island USA Season 6. We will be back for two more. The next one right after the reunion on Monday. On Tuesday, we will be recording episode and release one pretty soon after. So stay tuned for that. We're really excited to dive in and talk about our reactions from the reunion. And then we're going to have a third episode where we dissect the differences between U. S. and U. K. this year. We're so excited to talk about that too. But until then, you can follow us At proper chat pod on Instagram. And you can obviously support our show by following and subscribing to us on Spotify and Apple podcasts until then stay proper and stay chatting.

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