Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast

The Love Island S6 Reunion Recap

Indie Movie Club Season 4 Episode 2

Welcome to Proper Chat: A Love Island Podcast! In this episode, hosts Nicole, Brana, Gabby, and Langa dive deep into Episode 2 of their special three-part series on Love Island USA Season 6. This episode covers the best moments from the very juicy reunion and includes an in-depth discussion on key events such as Kendall and Nicole's relationship drama, Kaylor and Aaron's fallout, and the infamous Andrea dumping scene. The hosts also tackle the issue of cyberbullying and mental health of the LI S6 cast. Stay tuned for the latest gossip and make sure to follow us on Spotify and Apple podcasts!

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Mhm. Hello, and welcome to Proper Chat, a Love Island podcast. I'm Nicole, one of your hosts today, and I'm here with my three other lovely hosts. Everyone say hello! Hello!


Hi, I'm Vrana. Hi, I'm Gabby.


Hi, it's



So typically on this podcast, we like to cover the OG UK seasons, but this year, USA season completely took over our feeds so we wanted to do a special series about Love Island USA season six. Today is Episode 2 in our three part series, we're going to cover the best moments from the very juicy Love Island Season 6 reunion. And next week we will cover the differences between USA and UK and what we liked and disliked about each. And this episode does contain spoilers, so if you haven't watched the reunion, go watch that, then come back and listen to us. But before we get into the pod, I wanted to check in with the group. How was everyone's week? Give us a high. What's been going on? Gabby, you want to go first? Yeah.


My high is I have been watching Love is Blind UK, which I typically watch the USA version. And I've been loving the UK. And I'm excited to talk to you guys about it. There's some juicy couples in there and I don't know. It's just been giving me something fun to do now that our Love Island USA and Love Island UK is over.

Great. I'm enjoying the accents as well. It's fun.


Yeah, it's been a good season so far. What about you, Brana? My high of the week I went to a nice birthday dinner for my nephew. He turned 17, which makes me feel so old. Because he is now older than I was when he was born. Which is crazy. I was 15 when he was born. And now he's literally older than I was. I'm like, wow. What the hell? That's crazy. Isn't that crazy? Yeah.




But yeah, it was a nice dinner. We had some like steak and cake and

Steak and cake. Love it. Steak


and cake. Amazing. Had a little watermelon cocktail. Yep. It was good. Yeah, what about you, Manga? What have you been up to?


I've been going to my favorite Pilates class. I'm pretty obsessed with it. So that's always the highlight of my weekend because I go like Saturday and Sunday. Especially because I generally can't work out. Oh wait, I do work out during the week. I forgot. But I think, I literally, I totally forgot about that. But I do love it so much because it's just like the studio is really nice. And it's just such a good vibe and like I always feel like really great and I feel like I've been going for a little bit and I'm like, oh, okay, maybe I can. I feel like I'm dying less each time I


go down. Yeah. Is it like a reformer or on the mat?


No, it's like on the mat, but she uses so it's called like Inferno. So it's like high intensity Pilates. So you go like a lot of reps and stuff, but she does like core, but. Yeah. So basically just body with weights. What's the band called? And then, and also sometimes the yoga block. So it just depends, but it's such a vibe because she plays like different music. One week we listened to 70 centers. We listening to like club music. One moment we listening to so it's just such an array of music that it's just sometimes you listen to like 80s, 90s hip hop. So it's just like such a surprise of a class and the people are like really nice and Yeah, and it's all ages, all sizes. So it's just such a diverse class. So it's actually really great. Oh my gosh, I love that.


We'll have to go together sometime. Yeah, please take us. Yes. Oh my gosh.



Nicole, what about you? Yeah I think I told you all, but I'm hanging with the fam this week in Wisconsin, and that's been really fun. My parents live very close to a lake, and we've been going out and kayaking and swimming and paddleboarding. My mom has a little dog. His name's Ollie. He follows her around everywhere. And he's obsessed with my mom. And she trained him to stand on the paddleboard, he gets a little life vest. And she paddles around the lake with this little white dog following her. It's so cute. I have no idea your mom had a



Yeah it's my sister's dog, but then when she left for college my parents took care of the dog, and he bonded with my mom. So now, he's her dog.


God, that's so cute. What kind of dog?

He's a, he's called a teddy bear breed. It's like a mix between a shih tzu and some type of poodle. I'll send pictures. He's so cute. He's really cute. That's so cute. Yeah.


All right. So we're going to get into the top moments from the reunion. It was an hour and 20 minutes, but I also thought, this is shorter than some of the CASA, more recoupling, and some of the other episodes they could have given us, we wanted it to be at least two hours. True. I was like, we have longer episodes than this, but anyways so the, I guess the first big moment that happened during the reunion was, Nicole and Kendall Ariana asked them what is the status of their relationship and Nicole said that Kendall lied to her and told her that the video of him was leaked from an ex girlfriend from years ago and then soon after she found out from Janay that it was actually from a girl who he sent it to on a dating app just right before he went into the villa. And Nicole felt like the line was unacceptable and turned the focus on to herself. Saying that she's been going through it, he hasn't been communicating with her, and all of the Islanders, were trying to back him and say we get how you feel, but he has been thinking of you, he's been trying to communicate with you, he's been talking to us about you, and how he wants to make things better, etc. And yeah, it was really heated. What did you guys all think about this? Because I personally felt like Yes, it was wrong for kendall to lie to her but I also thought that nicole should have had more grace for him in that moment because Coming out and having the most like violating thing happen to you I'm not surprised that he just like it must have been so jarring and that he froze and in the moment didn't know what to say and just lied instead of Processing it and telling her I'm being truthful I don't think it's good to lie, of course, but I also, I can't imagine how I could have handled a situation like that, and I can't say I would have handled it any better than he did but yeah, what did you guys all think?


Yeah, I just felt horrible for him for having to go through what he did for, or what he went through, first of all. I just think it's such an invasion of privacy and I was just a little shocked. I don't know if she wasn't able to really say why. She actually felt hurt and that she was blaming more on feeling hurt because he lied. But like I almost felt like it was something else, something beyond the lie. Like I, the lie was be that she, the lie was just so minimal. I don't wanna minimize a lie, but it just felt it happened before their time, so I just wonder or question whether or not it was something more that hurt her beyond just the lie, but something that maybe it's not acceptable to say out loud. That's just how I felt. It could be a number of things, but it could, it could be that that situation happened. It could be a number of things that I don't, I can't really spitball right now. But she did say like it was beyond that.

Yeah. She did say. Oh, and there were other lies and said that when like the cameras were on her and she didn't get to expand on it. I totally Here what you're saying. I also think and this is this I will say this scene was like very uncomfortable for me to watch like it was like hard for me to watch Kendall like having to talk about the situation hard for me to watch Nicole sit there and have all of the Islanders like talk at her. Yeah. While she's like going through this emotional moment, I get what they were saying, but like to do all of that all at once I think can be really overwhelming and I think that's why she got emotional. I, here's the thing, I think it also, is that, Kendall, we talked about this on the last episode, the way that he handled the scandal, he seemed to obviously process it very quickly, talk about it and say, Hey, this was not okay. And also I'm moving on. I'd like to move on. And he clearly acted in a way that, Hey, I'm moving on. I'm going to start posting and being positive on my feed. And that's how I'm processing this. Nicole, on the other hand, I think was like, Whoa, this traumatic thing happened to this guy I love. And he lied to me, and the way that I'm processing it is by being quiet online, and being private, and probably bundling up a lot of emotions. And, I think the internet, saw that and started spreading hate towards her. And I think she mentioned this kind of in the, moment. But I think that was part of what some of this buildup for her is. And I don't think she got to explain some of that. Unfortunately for her, I think the lie was like just a part of that. I think it was a bigger piece. Like you said, Gabby, I think it was the online hate, maybe some other lies and also just. Having that scene online, on, in television right then and there, I think it was just, it's just a lot, right?




yeah, go ahead, Minga.


Oh, I was gonna say, there's also the state of Kindle, I think I was actually just very shocked of what was happening. So I think when it happened, my brain was like, what's actually happening right now? And just like it looked like he was having some sort of like a panic like situation on then but I think with normal I think maybe for who I don't know like maybe she's like I know for who she'd said that in the past she's been treated specific ways and maybe a lot of the way like maybe lying is something that like happened a lot in her previous relationship. So maybe due to that. What the trauma of that maybe that's why she's was unable to see past that lie and connect with kindle because like I think she just I guess maybe was just thinking past experiences like oh my gosh you're doing it as well even though like He's also said I know I lied, but I think she also was okay, you were the person in the wrong, but then you still allowed me to be bullied on the internet while I was still protecting you and you still don't want to tell the truth. So I think maybe that's why she also could have been even more upset here because she was like, I protected you like before we got on here and this is a perfect platform for you to come tell the truth. So I think for her, she just probably just so lie. And obviously, when you're upset or. Triggered and it's happening to you. You can't really not you're not thinking as I'm not saying she wasn't thinking rationally She can do whatever she wants But I think like she in our opinions like she does she's she didn't see what? A lot of us were seeing and often it's hard like when you're in the depths of it, and you're just upset. But again, and again, Kendall did say yes, I lied. I'm sorry. I was generally like panicking because I've just met this girl. I really like her. Now this is coming out and this dirty, like little secret. But at the end of the day, it's it's not like dirty little secret. It's like people do this every day. They send videos to people for sexy photos to people every single day. But I think obviously for him being like, Oh, we just, we're just like in this bubble and this is this thing that could potentially ruin the most something really important to me. It's like a little grace would be nice, but again, not saying, was it okay that he lied?


Yeah, totally. I can imagine too, from his perspective, like coming out of the villa and you're in that bubble, you come out, this happens and thinking like, Her family, like her friends people who know her on the daily being like, Oh my God, she just said, I love you to this guy on national television. He said, I love you too. And then this whole thing happened. And it's wait, but who is this guy? Was he lying? Just, and that's just a lot to process. And. Conversations that I can't imagine were easy for him to have, for her to have with friends and family. And, yeah, I also wanted to know, what did you guys all think when, the camera then panned to Serena and she was like awkwardly laughing? And I thought that was like, just like such an awkward moment for her. And, Ariana quickly was like, Serena What's going on? What's going on? Yeah. I thought she, she like talked her way out of it at that moment and handled it really well because I think what she said was maybe not exactly maybe she was lying because she was just like, this is ridiculous or knows more things than what either of them are sharing on TV. But then she was just yeah I think this is, it's just awkward. This sucks for them. I know lying is a no, but I think that obviously they have, I forgave a lie, yada, yada, and points to Cordell being like, he lied to me, I forgave it, et cetera. But I just think that she cleared it up well and tied that with a bow, but in the moment I was like, oh my god, and it just felt like when a kid gets called out in school.

I thought it like when I panned her too and she was laughing, I was like, oh my god, that's extremely rude. And The tone was off, but yeah, that's just how people process, like when, sometimes when things are hard, they laugh because they don't know how to process. And to your point, Brianna, I think she handled it really well by spinning in a way and like understanding like both sides of the story and also giving Nicole a little bit of grace for not totally apologizing. yet, but ends knowing that like everyone was against Nicole and coming for her, but in defense of Kendall. Anyway, she did a good job of clearing that up.


Yeah, definitely. So moving on to the next dramatic couple moment that we had was Kayla and Aaron. Obviously, they caused us a lot of drama during the season and carried it into the reunion. And, when they got out of the villa, they were posting together a ton, Aaron trying Chipotle for the first time. And everyone was like, wait, you're still with this guy? What's going on? And then things went like pretty radio silent. And, Kayla Dirk then came out and said that when she went home, she rewatched the show. And she saw all the things that Aaron was lying to her about, just saw the perspective of how she was being gaslit and just what. How horribly he treated her. And she came to the reunion prepared. She was like, I'm not going to cry. This is how I feel. You said, I hate you. Goodbye. Just okay, great. I was really happy for her. I was happy that she didn't cry. I was happy that she realized that she's, deserves better than this guy. And that was like, That was it, and I was happy that we're now putting it to bed, and hopefully they don't like accidentally pop up on one of each other's feeds ever again, and we don't let's leave it be, but yeah, did you guys have any other thoughts on the Karen and Aylor at all?

Yeah, one, one thing that I didn't catch during that I then got via full analysis post reunion on social media is that, And this, I had to go back and watch because the moment where he says, he confesses like, Oh, I kissed Daniella. I put my hand down her pants. Kayla goes, what? You did not tell me that. And I had to be like, Whoa, wait a second. Like he, he really didn't tell her that like in all of the coming back from CASA talking about the whole Daniela situation, talking about the shower situation. He did not once decide to mention that this was one of the activities that he did in CASA. And here, on the reunion many weeks later, is the moment that he decides to do that. And I think that fueled her rage, and it would've fueled mine too. Props on her for standing up for herself. Yeah, cause Yeah, that detail. That was a spicy detail


that he didn't remember

and was waiting to bring it up


at the reunion.

Terrible idea, sir.


Perfect opportunity to have told her in private such a private thing that Daniela was also part of her. And then he brings it up here and puts a yellow on blast about that. I just feel like that poor girl has been through quite a bit with Kayla, with Daniela. With that situation, Aaron Kaler situation. She was just trying to get to know him in the, in casa. I don't think she has anything bad, which, Kaler is such a sweetie. She was, she said, it's not you, it's him. But I just feel so bad for her. She got like such a bad end of the stick. Totally. It's yeah. And new things keep getting talked about with Daniela. It's not really Daniela's responsibility to tell Kayla about that, it's just so private. I just feel like, oh, Karen had the perfect chance to say it. In private


definitely. So yeah, we'll put them and their relationship to bed. Good riddance. And now we move on to the moment that they we'd spend the whole season talking about was the dumping of Andrea and all season. They were just so dangling it in front of us when everyone wanted to see the clip. So of course they finally gave us the full clip of her dumping six different camera angles. I, they like really, they gave us the editor's view and yeah, we saw the girls going back and forth and back and forth. And oh my God, this producer kept coming over and being like, guys, you got to wrap it up. I was like, wow, that's. Yeah, I felt bad for her to have to keep being like, okay, let's go. Let's make a decision and Yeah, they did have some interesting points on about andrea that you know We didn't see before leah mentioned how andrea kept saying like love island money And how they're going to get comp tables and have brand deals And obviously that's always in the back of everyone's head especially in the audience when someone goes on a show like this knowing like What are their intentions and are they here just for clout and that maybe she was like rubbing the girls the wrong way with those comments and making it seem like she wasn't there for the right reasons. But I also did feel like Leah was truthful in saying that she wasn't trying to sway the girls one way or another, they were all having a healthy dialogue and she said her points but she wasn't like pushing to dump Andrea. Cause they also did all vote at the end and. That was how the vote turned out. So I appreciate it. Liv's apology as well to Leah, because in the beginning, when that whole thing first came up, she was like, no you didn't take a backseat. You made this decision, et cetera. So I thought, Liv is just I feel like so mature and she apologized and did the right thing. And what did you guys think of the final unedited. Raw footage that we got.

What did you all think of their choice to include the full? I know there was like previews that they would, but I'm curious like what you all thought about like the decision to even put the full clip in.


I didn't think it'd have to be so long. Yeah. Yeah. I understand find the suspense, but whatever. But at the end of the day, it's let's get to the part. We didn't need to watch them talk to the producer. We didn't need to see them break the fourth wall or whatever the third wall, whatever it is. And then that kind of thing. Cause also I don't think that was necessary for us to find out. We could have just gotten like a version of the conversation and because it really Proved like within minutes that actually it wasn't them. I don't know where to see the whole thing because I think there was just so many other things in the season that we really could have spoken about. Maybe like other people who like the cast are more people that were forced to come to the finale. Like a lot of people just came to this reunion just to sit versus like we could have used some of that time to discuss like other things. Yeah,




I have the opposite viewpoint, but I agree that the time wasn't necessarily well spent. But I really actually enjoyed it and an edited clip just to see the dynamics and This specific scene was so talked about that, yes, you're right, we did clear up the dynamics at some point, maybe within the first five minutes. But I don't know, something about an unedited clip of Love Island was so unique and interesting to me. To be able to see every single person's point of view and have them talk about the different points and keeping someone and letting them go. And To see that they're, they did have to talk to the producer and be like, this is someone's, experience on the show and it's in our hands, and see the empathy that they're like thinking of, when they're dumping people. I thought it was like really fun and refreshing as a Love Island fan to be able to see that, but could it have been on YouTube or elsewhere for me to enjoy? Probably. And they could have used the time better spent, but it was fun. I enjoyed it.


I would agree with, honestly, when I first watched it, I was like, this is exactly what I want to watch. But after seeing how many people online said it was too long, then I totally understand Lenga's point as well. It was like, there's other areas where you could have posted that, like you said, YouTube. I think a lot of people thought it was. It was like way too long because they were being repetitive and you kept hearing the same thing For me as I was watching those clips, it almost helped me understand their processing and like just Helping me like with the full picture of oh these girls actually were not just Picking one person and then just not being thorough in their thought process Like they were really anxious about it. They're really Miserable honestly throughout that time. Yeah, and there's just so much we want to see that I understand it's like it's too long But for me, it helped me understand leah a little bit better because I questioned her. I think I questioned her during our last recording and I just thought that she had lied quite a bit of times. And then now thinking back, I just think she was not as She, I don't think she was lying as many times as she was called out to be. And to me that it's almost, and she later talks about this she talks about this online right now, how she's thinks that the producers pointed at her and just tried to make her the villain when when she didn't really lie or maybe just confused certain things but she was her true self. I don't know, it just gave me more perspective into who she is and I think it was really good to clear that out. But yeah, we couldn't, we could have shortened it.


For sure. Yeah. Now we all know, if we can put it to bed. Now we know. Now we know. Yeah, I did think while they were all talking and going in circles, I was like, this is like what we do. Sometimes when we're like out of a moment, we're just like, okay, and then we go back and then I'm like, that's just girls too. That's just how, that's just how we process.

Yeah. And props to Liv for being the conductor. And hearing everyone else. I think she that was a totally new perspective. I didn't I knew Liv had a big part in the villa, but I didn't know she was, like, that good at leading the girls and making sure everyone felt heard and trying to get people to make a consensus and all of that. So I liked seeing her in that scene for sure. Sure.


Yeah. Good point. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. We had some other cute little moments that happened during the Season reunion, we got Cordell got his Cheez It deal. Happy for him. We will definitely buy a box in support.


And spin.


Definitely. And Janae jokingly saying that her and Kenny are pregnant. I died. So iconic.

He was like, huh? She was like, I'm just kidding. Even Ariana was like, what? Yeah,


totally. And also Janae bringing a full document with receipts. I need that girl to go on, make a YouTube video and read all of the receipts that she had written down. Because I feel like there was so many points that I'm sure we never even got to because she came in ready with a thesis. She was like and on day 13 you said At this time, I love that. I was like, she came red deep.

Literally. She's a type A girly like us. She makes notes while she's watching these episodes. Totally. And timestamps. Reminds me of


Gabby's notebook that she showed us. That's right. With all of her notes. Exactly. Yes, exactly. One of us. Yeah. And then another big thing that obviously was mentioned was just The the mention of the cyberbullying and I thought it was nice that they addressed it just making sure As a reminder to everyone, these are real people, these are real lives, because it's important and especially Love Island as a franchise does not have a good history with, they have had past contestants and former hosts in the UK who have committed suicide and people aren't always prepared for the mental health that they might have coming out of an experience like this, and especially getting hate online. It's never okay. I thought that was important that they addressed it. And that Leah was like, hey everyone, considering she like has the most followers, was like, please don't go and bash anyone on my behalf. Because people love to do that kind of thing. I hope they're

also giving each of the contestants a hefty budget for some therapy.


Totally! Yeah, seriously. Yeah. And yeah, those were all of our main big moments from the reunion.


Hold, please. All


So we typically cover our proper tier game next, but we thought that you We want to talk more or you all to participate more on talking through the couples that we didn't hear much of during the reunion. So I just wanted to talk to you guys about first Daniela and Aaron, did you guys hear about them DMing after the show, like after the. the show ended. So apparently Daniela Aaron messaged Daniela and was like trying to rekindle things. He told Kayla about it and not rekindling things. I don't want to start rumors, but just seeing where things were, he was like, say, telling her like, Hey, just thank you so much for standing up for me. And then just was trying to see where she was, like, if she would respond and that sort of thing. That's how Kayler explained it. I don't know what happened there, but I feel like I almost wish they would have talked about that as well. Even though I did get enough of the Kayler Erin situation, but I just wonder if Erin was full, fully committed to Kayler because it almost felt like he was, like, ready to just jump ship the second that they left the island. Which was interesting. Other couple, so there was, yeah, like Lenga mentioned earlier, there was a lot of couples part of the reunion that were part of the conversation, but then there's a lot that weren't, but they were invited in. So curious to hear is there anyone that you guys wish you would have heard more from? Um, yeah, I don't know.

I personally was curious about



whole Harrison Sierra situation, and if anything happened there. They were like sitting next to each other on the couches, and I think Sierra maybe had one or two comments just about being a bombshell or being in Casa or something like that, but nothing. I think Harrison, maybe he did have a conversation about having, being a bombshell, but like they didn't address if they're still talking, if Harrison is still single, because you know that man's DMs are hot right now, and I want to know what he's up to in his life, cause he's, he was the most attractive guy on there. But also, yeah, I'm just curious if they're still chatting and what's happening there, and like, why didn't we get that,


not a peep. Yeah. No

peeps. No peeps.


No peeps. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's just like why did we fly out so many people to sit on the couch? And look pretty hannah got one word in and all she got to say was that everyone hated it on her makeup Like that was her one line that she got for the night like That was just like, okay, we could have, that, that seemed silly. It almost, I felt like the organization of it almost should have been like, like in the UK, like on the finale, how Maya like pops over to different tables to talk to people, it should have been a little bit more of that kind of format where maybe there was a couch and Ariana and she called up like each couple or, That wanted to talk and then the rest of them were like in the audience or it was like a big like table situation and she just moseyed around because it was, I can imagine like exhausting and awkward for them all to just sit there and just be and then chime in if they felt like they could or should. I don't know. It was, yeah, just the format was weird.

Totally. And in the UK ones, they also pull in clips that kind of add elements. And in this one, they put an entire clip, but they could have put like smaller bits of pieces of things where maybe Aaron like they show Aaron and Kasa and then they come back being like, Kayla how did you feel after watching that scene? Or I don't know some things to just Remind us of what happened and get like some more live feedback because I think that's the pieces we are missing also they could incorporate some of these like elements that we're already talking about like social and like What people are posting like they talked about andrea and her like lives But I would have loved to be like pull some clips show what she said and then have her confront it That would have been so good.


For sure. Yeah. I think it was just too many people to all just be sitting there. If you're gonna have a bunch of You can have a few people on the couch sitting there talking and talking amongst each other but that was just It was too crowded. Yeah,


I know. Also a lot of this, these Islanders are going on podcasts and I feel like we're hearing a lot of from them. So it would have been a great opportunity for us to take it a step further and like. collect thoughts from the audience and then show them exactly, what are people asking about after those podcasts? What are they reacting to? What are some things that you want, we want to hear about when one of the things that Leah and Janae and yeah, I think Leah and Janae were asked about who their least favorite Islander was. I forget what podcast it was. And they mentioned it was Connor because he called them weird. They said, he's weird. He's a liar. I don't know, it's just like really crazy because I don't know if we ever saw that in the island at all. I didn't see Janaye at all have issues with Connor. But I've been seeing quite a bit of controversy around Connor. Would have loved to hear more about him and, from him. Another thing is, Leah after the show, I mentioned this earlier, but she's been talking about how much like Betrayal, she feels she's I'll never go on another show. Love Island show, because I think she was asked if she wanted to go to Love Island games. And she said, Nope, I'm never going on a show again. And she felt betrayed. I think a lot of people are talking about her, but I think honestly, she feels like she got the best end of the stick, but she also sees negativity and feels like it's unfair. It's interesting. Also, like we, we saw about Rob and Leah What do you guys think of them? Do you guys think they're still friends? Or, that's something that I wish we would have seen as well.

Yeah, I wish they would have showed a scene of the Rob and Leah situation when they were like, close in the villa and be like, Hey, how can you go from this to like shutting it down? What happened? And are the feelings still there? They probably aren't at this point. It's been a while, but I would have loved to the, to hear their like story or version of, Leah already was looking at Miguel and Rob had already been in, in a world where Andrea left and like pissed at Leah I want to hear more of the contextual pieces there. Yeah, I hope they're still friends, and if they are, like, that would be fun. I want to hear what that relationship is like.


And I think it is. I didn't see much of this, but I did see Leah was on a a short, not live, but Q& A type of thing. And people were asking if Miguel felt hurt because Rob got to meet the horses before Miguel. And I was thinking, he got to meet the horses? They're obviously friends. If Rob got to meet the horses, that was one of the things she said. She was like, I don't bring my, I don't bring anyone to my horses. So obviously there, there must be some type of friendship there. And then Leah responded Nope, like there's not, I'm actually going to not be too close to Rob because out of respect to Miguel. I just want to be completely like focused on Miguel. So she's. I don't know. I don't know about the French script. That's something that I would have had questions on, wish that they would have covered. So, yeah, and then the last big thing I think you guys mentioned earlier when we were chatting was Serena and Cordell we wish we would have heard more from them, yeah,


they won the freaking show and we got barely a peep from them.

And Cordell fell asleep halfway through the show. And they were like seeing where he was like this. I was like, poor man, this man won the series and he doesn't even get any airtime in case.


Yeah, I think for me and maybe Ariana, because she comes from like Vanderpump Rules, and I think she ran the finale like the way she's experienced Vanderpump Rules. Because usually the stars like sit next to the host and then the host is the one like just saying, what do you think? Whatever. And I think there were just too many people for it to even work like that. Because also not all the important people were just there or it's so I just feel like she, this, I think going back to what someone said just now, it's like the way it's done, like in the UK, this blog is. Just a little bit better where people come on stage and you talk versus just have a whole group of people and just like pan to them versus have them have their like segment because I feel like if there was more like segment, then we could also like have seen Sienna, Ciara, what's her name, and the blonde guy. If they had gone on the stage, then we would know, Oh, are you guys still seeing together? Are they seated next to each other because they're still dating? Or are they seated so that we could speculate? But we still don't have answers. And even just, even also just the random apologies were nice. Like that the African American guy, the tall one who was apologizing, saying that he spoke up with Jenae and Kenny. But I also think like things like that where I'm like, that could have been like a different kind of segment. Cause that just came out of no way. Cause he was like I guess I'm just going to say something. Cause we're here. And no contact, nothing plans no one even knew any of this. So it was like I just feel like it's lacked a little bit of like structure for me. But I also think at the end of the day. I think Oriana has done multiple reunions, but she's done like Vanderpump Rules reunions, and the structure of it has been this, the whole like, free for all, say what you want to say, because that's how the Vanderpump works, like they just shouted at each other, then eventually they stop, and then they start going, so I think that was like, no, it was not it for this one.


Agreed. And a lot of people said that maybe Ariana needed like additional coaching for this type of reunion. I felt like she was like part of the mob versus like leading the mob. And I did see some comments of that too online, which was interesting. Overall, though, there's a lot of things that we still have questions of. And a lot of people were saying that there they were thinking it would be there would be a phase two or like a part two. But, some people are speculating that the part two was, like, cancelled, apparently, for because of bringing up certain things that they couldn't talk about, or just allegations. So that's a chat of what people are talking about. But, that's all I had for things that we were still curious about. I'm curious to hear what, if you all are still curious on anything that has gone through in the last week since they left the island, let us know on social media.

What's the scoop on the streets? On the streets? Okay, time for Scoop on the streets!


Okay, it's time to talk about what we've been hearing on the Gossip Train, whether it's This season or we also discuss just any of the like mostly love island uk and love island us And if we ever watch australia, maybe that will be part of our scoop of the streets But till then nicole, what have you heard about what have you been hearing on the streets?

Yeah I saw a couple different posts on Dimwa and I think our group likes to follow that account. It's like a gossip account on Instagram and they posted that basically there was a secret couple that happened in the villa and they hooked up like multiple times and it was never addressed. And a lot of people are speculating that maybe it was two girls. in the villa and they hooked up and yeah again it was just not brought up anyway they haven't like explicitly told us who it is so i feel like everyone is speculating like this person and like they like gave us a hint that maybe it was like a an og and anyway curious to hear your thoughts what are what does everyone think about this


they said it was two ogs It was, yeah, but I was listening to a podcast this morning, actually, Kayler and Liv were on. The not skinny but not fat podcast and she was interviewing them and asked straight up asked them like hey Like demois said posted this do you guys know who? Who she's talking about and they were like, yeah, we heard about this, but we don't know who she's talking about There's nowhere that like people can just like hook up and have sex and whatever without cameras knowing And like we're all we don't know like we're all trying to figure out who she's talking about But we don't know We don't know who she's talking about and feel like it's not true. So they kind of like brushed it off that it's not true i'm torn because Part, it could be true, or, but also DeMoine is also sometimes wrong about things as well. It's it's 50 50. If it is true, tell us we need to know. But, yeah. How does she know? I don't know. She's a gossip girl.

Yeah. Anyway, we'd love to know, and if she's going to continue to post, at least give us a speculation, or the names of the couple to speculate about, because that would be juicy. Anyway.


First, the first letter of their names. That's all we need.


That's funny. L and




That's funny. So I found some scoops on the street for a change. I saw that Tom and Molly bought a house together. And like a massive house. And it's stunning. It's huge. Like it's like Molly must have I feel like she like like you'd see her because she's like dresses up and stuff. You'd think she's for the streets, but obviously it's like I guess you see like she's more like a homey kind of person with animals and stuff. But I feel like she's, there's something about her that like tames all these like wild guys. Cause callum was wild that when he came on Love Island and then he basically dated Molly for a couple of years and then Tom He was for the streets. And then now he literally is like bye Casey. See you never I'm buying a house and I'm a dog dad and I love that It was cute the video

they released and him like cuddling up with the dog and like them running around and being so like cozy Yeah. Ladies, if he wants


to, he will.


Amen. We know what they use some of their winnings for.


Yeah. I want a house




Yeah, it looks so cute. I love it looks like it's in the countryside, which is fine, because I think they both are like homebodies, slash don't need to be, like, in the main city. So I think I think it probably maybe just suits them, and I'm excited to see where their relationship is gonna go.


Yeah, like pebbles, like cobblestone, like I don't know. It's just like a very traditional home. Loved it. I'm so excited to see more.


Love that for them.


And then another thing that we found out, not really surprising because based on what we just discussed with the reunion, is that as of today Kendall and Nicole are officially over, and I think it was done by Kendall, because after the reunion, Apparently they actually were still together because obviously, Nicole in the reciprocal reunion was like, Oh no, we're like, we, I do love him, whatever, but it's just about being lied to. So I guess like they were, she was like, we are still together and working on it. But I think Kendall, allegedly Kendall's the one who ended things. And then they put on statements, separate statements as to they're over.

I totally missed this. Thanks for scooping us. I missed


it too. We announced it today. Maybe when I looked it up, it was like 20 minutes ago.


Oh, wow. Okay.


You heard it on the street. Yeah,




that. So again, not like it's also like at the end of the day, it's now says one hour ago, but but yeah, I think it's also like maybe Kindle also because there's like maybe kindle also probably watched the reunion whatever and maybe also he took a step back and was she's either forgiving me or i'm not or she's not and like like it's yeah put himself out


of his misery yes because


i think for him he's like as much as that's the thing is relationships are two way streets and also so it means like kindle also still had the decision he could also be like hey it's over because like I've tried my best and Nicole was like not allowing any sort of communication. So I think he did what was right for himself. And and also again, up to Nicole to also do what she wants. Totally. Yeah. And that's Scoop on the Streets. Ah,

that's Scoop on the Streets and we are done with today's episode. If you want to support us, you can follow us on social media. We are at properchatpod on TikTok and Instagram. We'll be back for the third and final part of this three part series. Next week, we're going to talk about Love Island UK versus USA and what we liked and didn't like about the seasons. Of course, follow subscribe on Spotify and Apple podcasts, but until then stay proper and stay chatting.

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