The Clever DJ

7 Myths That Hold Beginner DJs Back From Becoming Professional - Ep #21

May 20, 2024 Ilia & Nino Episode 21
7 Myths That Hold Beginner DJs Back From Becoming Professional - Ep #21
The Clever DJ
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The Clever DJ
7 Myths That Hold Beginner DJs Back From Becoming Professional - Ep #21
May 20, 2024 Episode 21
Ilia & Nino

Ever felt like DJ myths are clouding the decks of your musical journey? With Digital DJ Tips onboard, we're setting the record straight! Experience an auditory adventure where we dismantle seven DJ myths that might be holding you back. Hear firsthand how jumping into live performances can accelerate your learning curve, drawing from my own rollercoaster ride from novice to seasoned spinner. Nino chimes in too, sharing how tailored mentoring gigs can shape your DJ destiny.

The beat goes on as we tackle the myths surrounding DJ gear, music libraries, and venues. Say goodbye to the idea that only top-tier equipment can kickstart your DJ career; we outline the essentials that'll have you mixing in no time. Plus, there's no need to amass a vast music collection before your first set – we'll show you why a well-curated selection of tracks is your secret weapon. And for those who think DJing is just for the club scene, prepare to discover the world of opportunities out there, from weddings to corporate gigs.

Lastly, age is no barrier in the DJ booth – we're spinning stories of legends like Armin Van Buuren and Steve Aoki, proving that passion transcends the years. Whether you're picking up headphones in your prime or teaching the art to others, we share insights on affordable equipment and the power of online resources. Embrace the modern beat of learning and let the rhythm of our conversation guide you to DJing success. Tune in, turn up, and transform your skills with the wisdom from Digital DJ Tips and our shared experiences behind the decks.

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Ever felt like DJ myths are clouding the decks of your musical journey? With Digital DJ Tips onboard, we're setting the record straight! Experience an auditory adventure where we dismantle seven DJ myths that might be holding you back. Hear firsthand how jumping into live performances can accelerate your learning curve, drawing from my own rollercoaster ride from novice to seasoned spinner. Nino chimes in too, sharing how tailored mentoring gigs can shape your DJ destiny.

The beat goes on as we tackle the myths surrounding DJ gear, music libraries, and venues. Say goodbye to the idea that only top-tier equipment can kickstart your DJ career; we outline the essentials that'll have you mixing in no time. Plus, there's no need to amass a vast music collection before your first set – we'll show you why a well-curated selection of tracks is your secret weapon. And for those who think DJing is just for the club scene, prepare to discover the world of opportunities out there, from weddings to corporate gigs.

Lastly, age is no barrier in the DJ booth – we're spinning stories of legends like Armin Van Buuren and Steve Aoki, proving that passion transcends the years. Whether you're picking up headphones in your prime or teaching the art to others, we share insights on affordable equipment and the power of online resources. Embrace the modern beat of learning and let the rhythm of our conversation guide you to DJing success. Tune in, turn up, and transform your skills with the wisdom from Digital DJ Tips and our shared experiences behind the decks.

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TikTok: @TheCleverDJ


Welcome, welcome everyone, to another episode of the Clever DJ with Ilya and Nino.


This is episode number 21 number 21 now for this episode.


You may get some ambience noise uh, my, uh, balcony door is open, the air purifier is running. Yours truly is a little sick, a little, really sick, yeah how did that happen, man?


how did you get sick I?


got back to the gym, I started a very strict diet and I have a destination wedding soon. Oh, yeah so, yeah, I gotta look good and also like I. Just I was so unhealthy for so long lost my tooth too. I'm like I need. I need to change what's going on.


I'm in my 30s, not like so and this guy's generally healthy right, but when he gets sick, he gets sick it is 10 pm.


This guy, I've been waiting for me since 6 pm outside. I finally show up, uh, because I wasn't home and I've been moping around like uh yeah.


So this guy's, on top of being sick, he's sore from the gym. He can't, he can't like uh, bend down cough hurts.


Getting off the chair hurts yeah, so uh, so anyway, the show must go on. So we're, we're still here. We love doing this, so thank you for tuning in. Today we have an episode. Um, what's the episode? That is actually information collected by digital dj tips. So shout out to digital dj tips, shout out to you guys. Uh, thank you very much for uh providing amazing content yeah being a resource to a beginner and advanced djs we're big fans, of course.


Yes, yes, very, very good guys there. Guys and girls, we spoke about this stuff before, maybe not on the same podcast, but it really caught our attention. It's a really nice list. You know, actually, you sent it to me, I believe.


Yeah, I did.


Because some of those things were things you were trying to drill into my head, right?


Yeah, so the actual topic is like seven DJ myths that hold new DJs back.


Yes, so things that you think will cause you to pretty much, things that hold you back because you think about it one way.


But really it's not true. It's not. You're just thinking way too hard about it.


Yes, so let's start with number one. You want to start it.


Okay, myth number one you want, you want to start it? Okay, myth number one yes, you need years of practice before playing in public. Now what's? The fact, I I've already said this ingrained this in your head. You don't uh need to practice that much. What you need to do is actually um, get out in public as soon as you can play in front of people, because that will teach you immensely right, that's where, that's when I really shined yeah, as a dj, yeah I mean, we wanted to start this podcast earlier, when I was even more a beginner, more of a beginner.


It was even funnier the things I was saying and, my god, I don't think I would say them on this podcast but I was really like a like.


Give me an example, man no no, right now I was like I was just such a beginner things that you really need to know. If you want to be a dj, like I'll fine, like I I don't know names of songs that I should definitely know. Yeah, lyrics, stuff like that, right. But that's also because I didn't grow up here, exactly right. I didn't grow up with this music and then I had like years of a hiatus listening to certain music and listening to something else, because I'm also a guitar player, a singer, songwriter, right. So I listened to, like ed sheeran your background is more ballad, ballad stuff right, yeah, or like old music, what do you call it?


More classic rock, I guess.


That genre. You said that I really like actually Contemporary Standards.


I think you said Standards, yes, yes, so that's the kind of stuff I like and I actually know that stuff pretty well. I know the oldies pretty well, but, like top 40, sometimes Nino is like dude, you should know this. Yeah, as a dj, you need to know this. Yeah, so it's just I, I I took a long break from listening to this type of music and also, I did not grow up with that type of music either.


Um, but I'm working with this now. Right, I'm working on learning everything, catching up on everything, but we wanted to, um, bring this list to you guys, because this stuff is all the stuff that nino was telling me when he was mentoring me. He still mentors me, um, and he was saying how one of the things he said, illy, you got to get out there. You got to get out there and and he would like he would give me gigs when I wasn't ready even just to get me out there, like he took a chance with me because I knew what he could do and I wouldn't give him a gig if if I knew he would bomb it right and I knew what he was capable of.


So I gave him gigs according to his level of of expertise yeah, so harding. We're not saying to not practice at all. Yeah, get the, get the basics down, but you need to get out as soon as possible. Just Just play for your friends, something that you're comfortable with playing, and getting some feedback like positive well, positive if you're good.


But just getting feedback in general right, like honestly, I was at a point where I practiced enough to go to my first gig. I wasn't so good that I'm I'm good, I'm done. I barely need to practice Like some pros out there. I mean you should practice still, but when you know what you're doing, you can wing a wedding like nothing, because it's such a natural thing for you. But I was at a point where, if I don't go and have that gig, I'm not going to develop. That was the checkpoint which I was avoiding.


And then, when you did your first gig, my eyes lit up, I was taking videos and and sending them to you and like, yo, you know, I just did this. I learned so much. Right, I loved it, they loved it and then you.


Yeah, there's certain things that you cannot learn from practicing on your own yeah, so it it was extremely important, uh, to something that's extremely important to do. It's almost crazy that we actually have to say this to you guys, or that he had to tell me that. And as much as I knew kind of knew that that's true I thought there's other ways, there's no other way.


I knew in a way, it's scary to go on your own and do a gig, especially on your own, of course. But, you know it's something that you have to do. It's easier if you go out and do it for a friend's party. That's where. That's where you have to start. You should start right.


But yeah, and like, at first, like, he gave me a few gigs and then I started getting my own gigs back in september 2022 and I got several gigs like five or six gigs or something like that, right, uh, several of them were mine and the other ones were return gigs that you gave me and they wanted me back, right? So that's when things really started to change for me.


The, the light bulb lit up in your head yeah like oh okay, I'm getting, I'm getting this and ever since we started the podcast, you know I wasn't doing much of a like. I wasn't doing much practicing, because this, this is a lot of work. I do a lot of the it stuff, a lot of the tech stuff, but, um, you always have to find time for practicing.


You always have have to and you have those checkpoints that you have to meet. You always have to go and play in front of a crowd. You have to go and put yourself out there. Uh, if, if there's a party like you have a get together, take out the controller. Like you know, these are your friends, they won't mind. Yeah, do it for free, right?


right, it's, it's all experience, it's all part of your journey, right so get out there as much as you can at the beginning and uh, yeah yeah, let's see what the digital dj tips actually said.


They said you learn. So the myth is you need years of practice before playing in public, and the fact is you learn by doing, and doing is something you do in public. You learn more at one public dj event of any size or type than you will learn in a month of practicing at home. You should be playing in front of other, in front of other people. Sorry, you should be playing, yes, in front of other people in some way or form, early and as often as possible. Couldn't sum it up better yeah exactly um number two.


Number two dj myth. The myth is djing is all about mixing, and the fact is, mixing is the final 20 at best. Djing is about great music played in the right order for the people in front of you. Right now, when you are doing that, it's so small I can't read it. When you're doing that, the mixing will come naturally, because every two or three minutes you'll be forced to make a decision about how to play the next record yeah.


So what they're saying is literally it's djing, it's, it is part of of it, right, but it's not everything. And mixing it is is a part of it, but it's mostly song selection. What you're gonna play next is what they're emphasizing, right, and that's fact. That's true. Mostly, like djing is is what what they want to hear. So you're gonna figure out what, no matter what bpms they are, you're gonna have to figure out how to play them in a certain order for them to enjoy the journey that you're taking them on, right yeah, I find that, uh, that's.


I don't know how true it is. Maybe maybe that's just me being a beginner, but I find it's from what I see. This is true to me. If you don't mix very well, if it's just okay, you know, like it's not the cleanest mix, people will still be happy because you play the right tracks. Yeah, yeah, if you also mix well, people will be like, wow, look at this, oh, when did this song come in?


that's the difference between the okay, that's decent to wow this guy is amazing, yeah but if you don't play the right tracks, it doesn't matter if you're mixing anyway, right?


if you don't listen to them, you're just letting them down. Right, they might. They could might as well just play like a spotify playlist. Even then, spotify might be doing a better job than you.


Yeah, actually Spotify has this fader option.


Yeah, that's crazy man.


It's incredible, it's crazy.


But yeah, it's not all about mixing. There's other things about it. Myth number three. Myth number three you need pro gear.


And the fact is, to DJ, you need four things A pair of music playing devices of some type, something to mix the two of them together, some headphones to listen to something that's different to what the audience is hearing, and some speakers for the audience. That's it. Don't let the gear hold you back. And also, he didn't write it down here, but it doesn't have to be top of the line either.


No, not at all. Right, not at all. You could be playing with old gear. Just as long as it does the final product right. Final outcome you get people dancing and they're having a good time. It doesn't matter what you play on new, old, busted up dirty.


Yeah, so as long as it's a clean sound, yes, of course there's always something better, but you got to start somewhere.


And technology always gets better and better. But technically you can play on literally anything that does the same thing. Yes, myth number four Myth number four you need a huge record collection and the fact is, lots of music can actually be a hindrance. So if you don't know that music well enough, how can you DJ properly with it? Far better to build your own collection slowly. Now, don't think you need to have a huge collection to start doing this, and I've told you this so many, many times how?


much music did you give me.


I gave you like 100,000 songs man More, I think.


And then another DJ gave me like a hundred thousand songs more, I think. And then another dj gave me like 50 000 songs.


And then I found like uh, I discovered the record pulls and I just like downloaded every day, like downloading hundreds of songs, and I was like okay, I'm good for the game, I'm good, I'm good, there's no way I won't find something.


And then I'm like searching the tracks like this doesn't work, this doesn't work. Oh, what is this? I never heard this before yeah, yeah. Remixes like I don't know, I don't like this. Right, you get your 100 top 100 200 tracks, most, most gigs. You don't need more than like 200 tracks right, but then it's good to have extra yeah, those are the 200 out of the thousand you have there that you play at different gigs. Right, I have like a quarter million tracks by now.


Yeah, I don't know how many I have, I hundreds of thousands.


So how did that help you? I don't Right, you don't need.


You didn't even look at them.


I put on the cloud. It's there. I don't want case. I need something, but I never carry it with me. I only pick the ones I like the most. I have a smaller hard drive which I take with me, um, so let's say the thousand or two thousand that I that I like for the types of gigs that I do, and then on my laptop I have the 500 or 200 that I always use and you learn this by doing gigs like seeing the reactions, and you're starting to build it up that way, right?


yeah, and then I started like building my uh crates and then each crate like you look at it. Oh, that uh christmas, uh party.


Yeah, that was good, lots of edm in that one you put that in the crate, yeah or that um corporate, uh, you know, back in march, like that was, oh, that was a really good um, ethnic, uh, ethnic mix, uh, for this culture, or something right there you go so and then you start making notes, and then that's how you realize that, okay, I don't need any other music, and then you just add a little bit at a time yeah, so just build it up yourself, right?


don't rely on big big um pools or libraries from other DJs. It's nice to have, but you got to look through that stuff too and it's very tedious too, if you don't have the time. As DJs, we're always updating and looking for music. That's what we should be doing Exactly.


Yeah, so number six, myth number six.


Myth number six DJing only happens in clubs, and the fact is, the fact is, not everyone wants to be DJing in clubs, but a generation ago, that was basically the only place you could. Now people expect to see DJs in all kinds of places. You can also DJ online, share your mixes, play at private parties, live stream and a whole lot more. Yes, now we just whole lot more.


Yes, now, we just kind of spoke about it. You have a get-together, you can DJ. Yeah, weddings, that's one of the biggest Weddings, yeah, biggest. What is it called? What word am I thinking about? One of the biggest industries for DJing, bar, mitzvahs, but mitzvahs, mitzvahs. Store openings Quinceañeras.


Corporate parties.


Yes, corporate parties Like. There's so many things.


Anniversaries, birthday parties, anything Funerals, yes celebration of life?


Yes, celebration of life. Or just a beach party. People just want to swim and dance and listen to music and play volleyball and stuff.


It's definitely not true, but DJing in clubs is yeah it is there.


I can't believe anyone would think that DJing only happens in clubs. Don't people know that people need a DJ at a wedding or any of the other ones that we just mentioned? Yeah, that's right, it's a myth. In universities and colleges convocations, Exactly Right. Everything. Frosh week I'm not going to be around this June, so Nino unfortunately had to get a different DJ. I know it's hard for you, Nino, but you'll be fine.


You know, we'll survive, you'll survive, you'll survive Without you, honestly that was one of the best ways for me to get my confidence.


He gave me those gigs and I realized just how much more I can do. It's not like it was perfect from the start, but it was such a gig where I could like, as long as I was at a certain level of professionalism, I could try different things.


No one was really like listening you more like it was background music.


yeah, yeah, for ambience and then it became very direct with the crowd because people started liking it and they started dancing beside coming closer and they're like oh, they recognize, they like the music that you're playing, so they, they like, like request stuff now, and then it became not background anymore.


More like lively the dancing and they'll do their dance, they'll do their thing, then they leave and then the next class will come in. And it gave me the opportunity to actually play the same thing three, four times in a day Because there was convocation. It was like people were coming out in groups, right yeah.


We did that for like a week and a half.


Yeah, that's good money too. Yeah, it is. Yeah, that was number five, right Number five.


Yes, number six yes, the myth you need to be young to be a DJ. Come on now and the fact Go ahead.


Djing has gone mainstream and is now as accepted as any other way of playing music. You shouldn't think that you feel silly when you're doing oh, I skipped it. You shouldn't think that you need to be 18 in order to not feel silly when you're doing it. It just isn't true anymore.


Now, it is good if you started young, right, but nowadays, how old is Tiesto like he's like 60 or 70. No, no, come on, he is man, no way I'm gonna check. Yeah he is at most yeah, but 50 still there's. I know djs who are still djing almost you're gonna kill him.


Are you kidding? No, no, he's 100.


He's listening to us right now. He's like how dare you?


Tiesto age.


I'm telling you, he's old?


No way, 55, dude, oh, 55. Okay, he doesn't even look that old either. Okay, who's?


Tiesto, I didn't say that. Okay, I did. Carl Cox Google him. He's old too. How's dj google him, carl cox? Oh wow, 61 man, you're trying to save yourself right, there's a lot man I'm telling you armin van buren. Oh, come on, he's young man.


Yeah, he's 47, yeah, yeah. But let me tell you something the stuff that he does I gotta find out, like his diet and his routine, because I watched that documentary about Steve Aoki Mm-hmm, I think, don't quote me on it Like I'll stop when I die, or something like that. The guy has more gigs than there are days in the week and in a year. So he has, like in Europe, like two gigs in neighboring countries.


Yeah, yeah.


And like he sleeps, like takes pill, he sleeps on the plane or on the bus or wherever they are, and then he has to get up after like two hours or whatever. Go to the next gig it's crazy, it's insane.


How do you do that at that age, when you're in your 40s, 50s, right, like Armand Van Buren, he's a serious entrepreneur, he has a lot of things going on and I wonder, just like he looks pretty young for his age. Yeah, he does, and he is such a good guy, he's such a nice guy, man, uh, and he'll give people an opportunity. Yeah, yeah and um, it's business after all, but yeah, it's um like, look at that. Hardwell is 36, still a little, quite, quite young. Martin gears 28. What does it say here? Uh, david, david, yet at 56 years old. So most of these DJs are actually in the Steve Aoki 46, afrojack 36. Most of them are older.


Yeah, most of them are older and a lot of them are veterans. They've been.


DJing for years, but that's the thing they made a name for themselves over the past five, 10, 20 years.


Some it maybe like five years ago, but they've been djing for like 30, 40 years. Yeah, so technically, yes, obviously start start young if you can, but if you didn't doesn't mean you can't do it. Yeah, and I know this for a fact that digital dj tips most of their um clients or customers that are learning are, are in their mid 30s, 40s, in 50s as well. So well, so you can never. You can never.


I'm teaching someone right now. He is in his maybe not 50s, he's in his 40s. And then the other one I'm teaching is in his 20s, I believe.


Yeah, so it's never, ever too late to DJ. Yeah, by the way, I started teaching.


Yeah, yeah. So like you get to that level already, uh, where you know the basics and you know how to teach others because you learned everything. It ingrains, it gets ingrained in your head.


I did it over and over and over again to the point where I'm like you know what I can teach someone? Yeah, someone wants to do this. It's also great practice for me because I always have to stay on top of it. On top of it because this. It's also great practice for me because I always have to stay on top of it because this person's going to come and expect me to teach them something new.


So you got to make sure you know it too In and out.


By the way, that was just a tactic of mine to learn and be better, right, that's why I don't charge a lot and yeah, we're just kind of hanging out and yes, obviously I chart something, but uh, it was more of a hey, this is gonna force me to practice. Yeah, that's true, and they're great. They learned so fast. Wait, they learned faster than I did.


Yeah, there you go nothing against you but oh yeah, I was teaching you like a different way too. Yeah, you're I you're.


That's the thing. I had to figure out what you were telling me in a way that I understand, and I was was like you know what A beginner would need it this way. That's why this podcast is so cool in our opinions, because you could be such a professional, you know how to do everything so well, but you might forget what it's like for a beginner. You might forget how a beginner would understand it better, whereas my perspective would be better for somebody who's never done it. Yeah, exactly.


So we're unique in that way.


That's why we that's from a beginner point of view and a professional yeah, right, and I told them when you get to a certain level where I myself wouldn't agree to teach you because I'm still not confident enough to teach at that level, I have contacts where I can send you if you want to do it. But I told them that once you learn the basics, you shouldn't pay anyone. You should just go and learn on your own. Some people need guidance, some people need you to take their hand and teach them, which is fine, and I kind of needed that because I couldn't figure it out for the life of me in the beginning.


Lucky for me, it was free. Lucky for me it was free.


We had a thing going right. You'd help me out in gigs.


It wasn't free at all. Really, when you think about it, it wasn't free Slave work. Come on, bro, slave work. I can't believe I stuck it out too with you for that long. I remember you sitting in your special leading chair. Every time he leans in that chair, I thought he was going to make a backflip leaning the chair. Every time he leans that chair, I thought he's going to make a backflip and just sits there with his phone, like this guy is not getting it.


He's still not getting it.


And he's like do you get it? I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Let me do it.


So he's a prime example. You don't have to start at 18.


I started at like 32. I'm 34 now.


And I find a lot of uh. Older people are just trying to get it as a hobby too as well, some a little bit more serious, but the most people who want to learn right now are mid 30s, 40s, 50s right, yeah because it's so easy, so accessible, the music and stuff it's not that expensive.


You know, like, as a 30, 40 year old, you can. You have a thousand, two thousand dollars to buy the gear you need. Right, because you, yeah, because you're working Right. So yeah, and so many options. Now, if you don't want to buy a laptop, fine, get a normal one, a cheaper one, or like which one? Is it the one that my buddy got? And then returned the. Numark Mixtreme.


Pro, is that the name go or something pro, go, go, yeah. And then there's the, the um, the denon prime go, yeah. So so there's a lot of options, a lot of options out there yeah, and not that expensive, right?


if you want to save on getting the laptop and the one I was telling you, like they're both, I think yeah, they're portable yeah, and they're coming up with softwares that you can work off of your phone now, too, and iPad, yeah. So yeah, that was number six. Number seven, Number seven, the last one.


DJing is hard.


Is it really?


And the fact is no, it's not. You need a passion for music and you need to have seen a DJ somewhere along the line and thought I could do better than that. As long as you got those two things, you've got what it takes to be. You need to have seen a dj somewhere along the line and thought I could do better than that.


As long as you got those two things, you've got what it takes to be a dj, and that, yeah, that's, that's, that is true, yeah I um, I couldn't uh say it better because, uh, many times where I was, when I was listening to somebody dj uh at an event, I was, hmm, that's not how I was going to do it. I would do it this way.


I've thought of that a lot, especially because before I wasn't a DJ, I would think that at a party I was like that was okay, but I would have played this, so I was already thinking like a.


DJ, and mostly what I was thinking about was once I met Nino. That's not how Nino does it. That's not how Nino does it, and I would record it Like yo Nino, check out this transition.


He sends it to me.


Yo, this guy is supposed to be a pro, but, like, listen to this transition and I had to learn.


I was very much a beginner and Nino was like everyone has their own way.


I'm like, yeah, but your way is better, better. You gotta hear this guy.


His transitions are flawless, oh man come on your song selection, but like that's, you're buttering me up like that's like 15, 20 years of experience yeah, yeah, that too right, but everybody has their own way of doing things.


No, there's no wrong way you know, started when he was uh 10 years old, so he's uh 25 to 30 right now. Shush, shush, wow, wow. You locked yourself in a room and you just I'm going to get it.


Yeah, I learned it. The best way to learn something is through a broken heart, literally right. So I was heartbroken at the time and I locked myself in a room just so I wouldn't think about it, and I said I'm going to learn how to DJ. And literally two weeks of just mixing. I didn't mean to hurt you, bro.


All the memories are just coming back to my head. I'm like, oh my God, yeah, we definitely did not know each other back then.


But yeah, you couldn't even say it better. You need to have passion for music, and that's the thing For me. I've been in music all my life. Ever since high school, I've been singing, producing, writing. Same with you, man, you've been. It's an easy transition, right, and yeah, I love music as musicians.


It's not a hard thing to get into. You have to adapt. It's a different set of skills. But in this modern age I find it very difficult to believe that anything is hard to learn or impossible. Everything's available online, yes, or there's a teacher who'll teach you, uh, or you know, there's just courses everywhere. You can go to school. It's just impossible to not learn something you love especially when it's a skill like that.


Yeah, yeah, exactly if you love it, if you go for it, right?


yeah, so um that was djing is not hard at all yes, that was the seven dj myths that hold you back, uh, by digital dj tips. Thank you again. Shout out to you guys. Thank you guys. Um, yeah, that's it, I think that's it right?


yeah, episode number 21 number 21 books we'll see you guys in the next one. All right, see you guys in the next one. All right, see you then. All right yeah.

DJ Myths Debunked
Myths and Realities of DJing
Learning to DJ at Any Age
Learning Skills in the Modern Age