Business Confessions

Building a Unique Online Fitness Empire | Lee Maasen

December 20, 2023 Dylan Williams
Building a Unique Online Fitness Empire | Lee Maasen
Business Confessions
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Business Confessions
Building a Unique Online Fitness Empire | Lee Maasen
Dec 20, 2023
Dylan Williams

#004: Fitness and entrepreneurship with Lee Maasen, owner of EluFit, a personal development company leveraging fitness that actually transforms lives. It's a movement. Discover his unique approach to fitness, his strategies for maintaining a positive mindset, and how he's helping others achieve their health and life goals.

Show Notes with Timestamps:

1:00: Lee's Personal Journey and the Genesis of EluFit
5:51: Fitness as a Vehicle for Personal Development
14:01: EluFit's Unique Approach to Training and Coaching
24:04: Tackling Mental Health Through Physical Fitness
34:00: Overcoming Obstacles and Entrepreneurial Challenges
43:31: Insights on Personal Branding in the Fitness Industry
52:52: The Importance of a Positive Mindset for Success
1:03:37: Future Plans and Visions for EluFit

Lee's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Show Notes Transcript

#004: Fitness and entrepreneurship with Lee Maasen, owner of EluFit, a personal development company leveraging fitness that actually transforms lives. It's a movement. Discover his unique approach to fitness, his strategies for maintaining a positive mindset, and how he's helping others achieve their health and life goals.

Show Notes with Timestamps:

1:00: Lee's Personal Journey and the Genesis of EluFit
5:51: Fitness as a Vehicle for Personal Development
14:01: EluFit's Unique Approach to Training and Coaching
24:04: Tackling Mental Health Through Physical Fitness
34:00: Overcoming Obstacles and Entrepreneurial Challenges
43:31: Insights on Personal Branding in the Fitness Industry
52:52: The Importance of a Positive Mindset for Success
1:03:37: Future Plans and Visions for EluFit

Lee's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

[00:00:00] Mr. Lee Maasen,


Thank you, man. Happy to be here. 

 Me and you, we go back pretty far. what is it, elementary 


 Elementary school, dude. Yeah, we go way back. 


Those good old, recess days out there playing football at Castle Heights.

 did you go to Coles Ferry? 


Yeah. me and my brother started getting in trouble and that's what our parents was like. All right. You're going to friendship Christian school. We're going to straighten you guys out.

Private school. 

Which is funny. 

Cause then you get over there and you're like, these kids are worse. 

I'm getting into more trouble here and I'm just 

not getting trouble for it. 

That's exactly right. 

tell us A little bit about what you do.

Yeah, bro. So I own EluFit.

We are a personal development company and we use fitness as the vehicle to develop somebody because when we get somebody their body right, their minds right, then they literally progress in everything else in their life. And, My story is I've always been kinesthetically [00:01:00] intelligent, meaning like body awareness, I truly believe in my heart and soul that if I didn't get in so much trouble when I was 19, that I would have been a pro baseball player.

I have 100 percent belief in my heart on that. over those years of just being physically fit, physically active. Going through those states of depression, having those deleterious thoughts. I then began to realize man, I gotta do something. so through my process of working on my mind, my body, it's just totally Entered into the business space, like 100 percent has entered into it.

And, people always ask bro, like, how do I look like you lead? I'm like, it is not how it is who it's like, bro, you have to become the type of person that behaves as a successful person. even if you're not successful, like I remember. and I'm still not where I want to be. But I remember when I first formed this company three years ago, it was [00:02:00] like, I just had to start behaving as if I was full circle.

I own Elu fits. We have four trainers on our team. We provide people with custom milk, like custom workout plans, and then we coach them through the whole process through. Our system and we give people pillars to live by and these are non negotiables. And then what happens is people just start to lose weight.

They start to feel amazing. They start to build their confidence, C suite executives, business owners, all of those guys that are really struggling with their self talk because they don't have the discipline on their diet and their workout plans. And we provide that for people. And then we literally changed people's lives, 


Let's go into a little bit about that. You're more than just a trainer. you do so much more than that.Let's talk about the mindset on that end and what you go into with that. 

Yeah, I don't even consider myself a trainer.

I don't even, identify as a trainer. I identify as a leader, really. that's really what it is. Because I have to lead by example.[00:03:00] I've been lifting weights for 18 years now. I have been doing one on one training for eight years. And then I started ELUFIT LLC three years.

Three years ago is when I started it. through the whole process of giving people just these pillars to live by, it's like, bro, I just started to figure out what worked, And when I first started coaching, it was like, I would have a client who had a torn ACL like a year out and.

I had no idea how to do rehab. So then I would go get FRC certified functional range conditioning, which is what they use in the NFL. They use that with the Olympic athletes. It is very high level stuff. They don't have another problem come, but I had no idea how to solve. So then I would go and get certified in that.

But then just over those years, I'm like, man, like I'm not even a trainer, bro. Like I'm like a life coach for these cats because it became so easy. To train people. working out is really not difficult. if you really want to gain [00:04:00] muscle, take yourself as close to failure as possible. You want to lose weight, then eat in a slight caloric deficit, but the hard part is staying consistent with it.

That's the hardest part right there. So it really, I really started to learn like. Dude, I got to remove people's vices. Like I got to get this guy to quit drinking every weekend. I got to get this businessman who sits all day and then comes to work out with me. And then he thinks he's going to lose weight when he's literally sitting on his ass all day.

And then, can't even push himself hardcore in this workout because he just doesn't have the mental toughness. It just really started to evolve into bro, I have to learn how to be a better leader, how to motivate people, cause I give them the tools, but then their ability to adhere to it is the hardest part consistent.

That's why discipline is so hard because it's hard. that's what Jocko Willick says. That's why discipline is so hard. It's because it is, it's challenging to stay consistent when you don't feel like doing something like you got to do it. 

you solved a problem that a lot of people don't [00:05:00] address.

The level of that problem was not just surface. you took a step back. I call it, upstream thinking, solving a problem for more than surface value. So have you heard of the upstream theory I think Tony Robbins is who I got it from.

no. What is it? 

 So there was a man who was walking down the road, a river beside them. And. There was another man drowning so he goes and helps the man out and then about that time another guy comes down the river drowning They both help him out and then there's two or three Four or five people coming down the river drowning and they're all getting saved and then helping the next one out and then another man Walks down the road and says hey, you know come help us these people are drowning and he keeps going he turns around and walks the other way and Everybody's Hey, where are you going?

These people are drowning. And he says, I'm going to go up here and see who keeps throwing these people in the water, So that's the theory of upstream thinking, you're not going to keep doing something that's the surface level. [00:06:00] it's not the root of the issue.

you got to figure out the root of the issue. And I feel like from what you were saying is it's the mindset and the habits are. What the surface level issue is, but how do we address those habits? we can come up with a few things and tell them, Hey, this is what you do, it takes more than just that, I think.

And then you took a step back and looked at that as a whole and figured out a solution for that. 

Yeah, that's a great story right there. Yeah. Cause it doesn't get to the essence of the issue and the health. And, medical industry is 19 percent of the U. S. G. D. P. that's a huge number. more people than ever right now are depressed.

More people than ever right now have, some type of mental illness or something going on and people are overweight. And, a part of that isn't, I will say this, though, a part of that isn't entirely good. That person's fault. not even I'll put 1 percent actually on the system that we're in, but the 99 percent is like, those people might just be jumping in that river [00:07:00] on their own, but they can't swim.

You know what I'm saying? So it's okay, we gotta give you, we gotta teach you how to swim before you just jump in and just try to slay this beast. Like you want to lose a hundred pounds. dude, you don't even know how to swim, bro. you're not even going to be close to that. 99 percent of it is the habits.

It's the negative self talk that people have. And then it's this, just downward spiral that they just literally never end. So if we give people the tools that they need, we give them awareness at the end of the day. Like it really is just self awareness when we transcend. Them up, the human energy frequency filter, then they become enlightened and then they gain that confidence.

So it really is tools. But one thing I'm gonna talk about with a big problem that we do have with the industry that we're in, the food industry in itself is, type two diabetes is through the roof. Dementia is going to be insane. It's like, how do you combat these tools? If you're really long term thinking, One of the, one of the best skills that we actually give our [00:08:00] clients is how to read a nutrition, like a nutrition label, like how to actually know what hidden sugars are in there because these corporations, it should be illegal, dude, like it should be completely illegal.

It'll say sugar free on the front, but then they'll have sucralose, dextrose, fructose, there's 23 different artificial sugars that even if you're trying to get rid of sugar. Which spikes your insulin, which your body is not made to be fully spiked with insulin. keep you from actually reaching your goal.

So that's why I say it is 99 percent of people just have a terrible habits and not believing in themselves. And then it is 1 percent that the system actually is against them, which is insane. 

Yeah, I got pretty deep into that stuff. Not of course on your level of expertise, but pretty deep whenever back in my fitness days of bodybuilding and just learning from coaches and things like that, of what is actually.

Real and what's not told the full truth, but There's a lot that goes into that as well. As 

Facts, man. [00:09:00] Yeah. It's deep. It's the further down the rabbit hole you go, it's like the more angry and upset you'll become. 

Oh yeah. Yeah. And there's a lot of things like that as well.

I feel in that industry they're not fully transparent at all.. I won't be a big conspiracy . Or anything like that. But, I think food is where a lot of health problems come from originally. 

Oh, no doubt. No doubt. What was it, Socrates?

Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. And I believe in all the conspiracy theories, by the way. I believe in every freaking one of them. I think they're all true. I do. I think they're all freaking true, man. We don't have to go into it dude. But yeah, it's man, so we don't have to figure something out.

We got to change. We need a full paradigm shift, but it starts from inside, and that's the whole thing of what we do, man, we get people's minds, right? We get their body, right? We get them healthy. your mind only thinks as clearly as healthy as your body is. So if somebody is sick, like they're actually sick, they can't really think that far ahead.

They can't think [00:10:00] upstream. Like you're talking about, they just don't have the capacity to do it. Like the mind and the body are not separate. Like they're in a hundred percent. In my opinion, they are literally the same. Like our body actually holds on the trauma, all kinds of crazy stuff. 

Yeah. And if we're bogged down by all that negativity or any kind of sickness, we can't perform our best we're it's like a car.

We need fuel and we need good fuel. if you slug it all up, you're not going to perform at your peak. 

Yeah. Facts. And then if you drive 120 miles an hour and you don't have any break pads because you just can't stop, then that's also going to be another problem. You're going to crash. The car analogy is a great analogy.

what do you fuel in your car with? If you think you're a Ferrari and then you're putting them, unleaded fuel in there, you're going to destroy the vehicle. But if you really think you're a Ferrari, then you're going to fuel your body like you are a Ferrari. And then you're going to behave as a Ferrari, perform as a Ferrari.

Yeah. I don't want to jump off the topic, but [00:11:00] How does one go from personal trainer? And I know that you said you're not one, but the typical route is somebody becomes personal trainer. They do a few things. They train clients that they trade their time for money, but you've gone personal trainer to online business.

Can you break that down? where that came from? 

Yeah. Lee Maasen's evolution. One it's, I love it. for me it's easy. It's super simple. So I started not knowing anything. Like I said, I would have a client that have a problem and I always want to be really good. So I actually cared about getting my class results.

That's why they were paying me. So the evolution went from one on one and then. From there, it went when I was actually working at a box gym, I'm like, dude, I'm the best trainer here, and I'm only getting 30 per session and the gym is getting 75. nah, this ain't gonna work. So then I left, started my first LLC, which, core fitness guy.

It's been so [00:12:00] long. It was called core fitness LLC. And then that's when I was just a sole proprietor. I was just working for myself. Cool. Doing good, doing good, make getting that 75 per pop. And then just over those years, I started getting higher level clients. So I needed to become a higher level trainer to feel as if I'd really deserve those clients.

And that's just the evolution. That's what every year for eight years, I would take a trip and I'll get a new certification. I would take a weekend. kettlebells, nutrition, mace bars, gymnastics, work, rehab stuff like legit. I've worked with grannies to pro athletes to Olympic athletes, everybody across the board.

So it started to, evolve like that. And then it got to the point where I was like, all right, I'm trading time for money. So now I need to go online because I'm crushing myself. So then it went to hired coaches, just continuing to invest into myself. To getting systems on how to do online coaching, and then immediately my income [00:13:00] double from that.

And then from there, it was like, okay, this is really simple. So now what I wanted to do is, I want to build a team, like I want to start leveraging people. I want to train trainers on how to duplicate this system and then they can put in the legwork and then because the system's duplicatable.

 and then they can put in legwork and then I can stop trading time for money. Like I don't have to be married to my computer and that's really the process I'm in right now. We have four coaches. I'm training my coaches right now, and I'm giving them all the tools that they need and they're getting clients on their own and the business infrastructure is really built for the trainers to make a lot of money.

Like it really is all about the trainers on my team. 

Did you have that thought of I don't need to trade my time? Or did you hear that somewhere? Or did you learn that from somebody? 

Man, I just consume so much business and all of these. Leaders that I look up to. they're not crushing or maybe they did to get to that [00:14:00] point, but they're not killing themselves and they're driving Ferraris.

They're going to Bali, like they're living that lifestyle that we all want. my line of thinking was, I could probably do that with being a one on one online coach, but if I really wanted to impact the world, I need to create something that's good for All.. I don't just need to keep all this information that I have and not share it with people because

 I've gotten people off of type two diabetic medications. we've had multiple people drop over hundreds of pounds. like, why do I just want to keep this to myself when I can train other people and, wake up at four o'clock in the morning, like I can do it and I still do that.

But there's some days man, I might want to sleep in, you know what I'm saying? I might want to go and work four hours a day or maybe two hours a day and just build a system that operates on itself and then leave. Have more time to create more content to just share the message and then I can actually help my trainers [00:15:00] my coaches that Are trying to make a living, And then put them in a position to where I can teach them all these skills then they can grow themselves as well through our Organization 

what came first?

Did you start hiring out the trainers before you had your online 


So I'll tell you what we did. Here's the business infrastructure. So Elu fit. I read a book. It's called blue ocean strategies. You've ever heard of that? 

I have 

dude. Amazing book. If you guys have not read blue ocean strategies, I can't remember who the author is off the top of my head, but essentially what it is you have a red ocean and a blue ocean.

The red ocean is everybody competing against themselves. And they're a bunch of sharks just taking bites. Out of everybody. So it's blood in the water. Like that's like what 99 percent of all these businesses are doing. And I've always been different, bro. Like I've always been different. I've just liked being different.

I am different. So I'm like, anything that's different, it's going to attract me like, okay, this is [00:16:00] different. Let me get really creative on how I could build this business. So what I decided to do. Was how can I make something that's good for everybody? How can it be good for Lee? How can it be good for the company?

How can it be good for the trainers? How can it be good for the clients and anybody that's a part of ELU Fit. How can I do that? If you are in the coaching space. What these coaches are going to do, they're going to high ticket sales you anywhere from 3, 000 to 20,000 go online. I paid 10, three years ago.

So I got the system, but that's it. it's just like a product. You know what I mean? It's just like. Buying something and now it's yours. And it's good. it's good for that type of person, but I wanted to do something different. So what I decided to do was instead of me trying to just start to compete with these other trainers or other online coaches on how to train trainers to get them to go online, because it's such a massive space.

there's so many trainers that want to go [00:17:00] online and quit spending 12 hours in the gym. It's like, all right, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to recruit trainers to join my team. I'm going to charge them 200 enrollment fee. Next to nothing like there is, a system that we have that they have to fit the culture.

They have to fit ELU before, we're going to come on. I'm going to give them all this knowledge and information and the business infrastructure is actually a network marketing business. Like it's a beautiful thing, man. There's no other fitness company in the world that is a network marketing business.

So they enroll, they 200 bucks, nothing. Like I could sell our online coaching course for 10 grand, but I don't want to compete with those other people thinking downstream, like you said. I'm recruiting good trainers, that are having entrepreneurial spirit about them and I'm giving them the skillset, everything they need, providing them with all the material, literally everything they need.

And then they go out using [00:18:00] our programs, using, our infrastructure of how to acquire clients and they get their own. And then we basically have a percentage split and then not only this is that good for the trainer because they're a 200 investment for insane value, but it's good for the company because now they can actually bring in revenue into the business.

It's good for the client. Because our prices are a little bit lower, like we're not really doing like the high ticket sales, like that's what they'll do. They'll get you on a business call, and then they're going to charge five grand if you're a client, hit you with all the pain points, all that good stuff.

We're just people are just coming to us because of our systems and we get results and speaks for itself. And then they actually have the opportunity once they're comfortable enough to build an organization underneath themselves. And a problem that I thought upstream about was like, all right, if I recruit a trainer, he comes to my team 200 bucks, [00:19:00] what would keep him or her from leaving our company?

Only paying 200, but getting this knowledge on how to go fully online on their own and then trying to compete with us. I'm like, all right, how can I do that? The way I'm doing it, is they can build an organization underneath them. So then they can actually train other people and then they will be so plugged into our system that they can't leave.

They would never want to leave anyways because they have infinite potential. Like they could end up being like me and then they have trainers. Doing the system, bringing them income and it just goes downstream. So it's actually a network marketing business. Nobody knows it on the front end, but the way the business is designed on the backend is a network marketing business.

And bro, I'm gonna tell you right now, it's been so painful building it. We're still not even done building it. We're like 90 percent through with this software, because literally when I say we are the first fitness company in the world to do this, we have had to customize. [00:20:00] Everything because our product is not a physical product.

It's a digital product. So we've had to have all these APIs customized. Everything has had to be customized for, and it's been so painful, but we're getting there, man. we're 90 percent all the way through it. 

Now that's good to know. Cause 

I had. Looked into your business model a little bit. And I thought I didn't know of that exactly, of it tiering down and giving them the opportunity, but that's next level business.

 This is what I think about is creating an opportunity for somebody to create their own thing underneath something else and use something else, use the advanced tools, the skillsets, the knowledge that you've already gained. To their advantage and build something else for them as well, without the upfront investment, without the years of knowledge that they need to gain to build a business and infrastructure on that end of hiring and firing and S.

O. P. S. And everything like that. They have everything. They have a business in a box already. And you're creating for them. I think that is if people can [00:21:00] wrap their head around that and start doing that, we're going to see a lot more of that kind of stuff come out because it's smart.


Yeah, that's exactly how it's designed. It's built. It was a hefty investment to get it going and we still have to continue to invest into it, but. Yeah, man. there's so many trainers out there that they need help. They're not a skilled enough trainer with the knowledge of what's actually going to get their clients results.

That's why I'll say it. it's good for everybody. It's good for the company. It's good for me. It's good for the trainer themselves. They have a huge opportunity because we're such a young company right now to our four trainers. They're at the tip top. You have the company at the top and you have those four and then they have the opportunity to continue to scale down whenever they're ready because there is a learning process and a lot of people, man, they talk a lot of shit about network marketing, but if you really look at the business, bro, it's a great business, man.

the business model is freaking amazing. Like it really is. And that puts me in a completely different blue ocean because nobody else is doing that. So I'm [00:22:00] not really competing against these online fitness companies where they're going to run paid ads, they're going to message you through Instagram or Facebook, and then they're going to get the trainer or the client to hop on the sales call.

 and then five grand for a program. And then after that, that's it. You make a lot of quick money like that, but the long play is give people the skills, give people the opportunity, give them this knowledge. And then I developed my trainers to become the best trainers that they can be, use our systems, and then they can get results for their clients.

And they like it. Like they actually like it. Like we're, I'm not going to take a trainer that doesn't have an entrepreneurial spirit. I have had two trainers come on that they just couldn't do it and it just wasn't a good fit, 

It's work until it's not work. And then it's autopilot because you just get so good at it. I've been doing it for so long. I can build a meal plan and a workout plan in, 20 minutes, fully customized, Down to the food allergy that you have.

If you're allergic to peanuts, I'll make you your full macros, take your [00:23:00] peanuts out. You don't like kale. bro, I had a lady lose 10 pounds in her first week. And all she pretty much ate was like cheeseburgers and chicken. 

Dont be going and giving everybody the wrong idea now. But no, if you know your macros and you do that, 

Yeah, I actually have two levels of health with that. The first level is I'll teach people macros. The second level is we'll get to the micros and the nutrition side. So I teach my trainers this and then they're providing it for them. And then, yeah, the business infrastructure itself is amazing. 200 enrollment.

Join my team. I teach you how to do it. You get confident because now you're a great trainer, show up for your clients, do all the things you need to do. And then you build your organization underneath you. And that removes Lee because now that's their team, and then they have to turn and become more of that leadership position.

And leadership I love it, man. I love it. I feel like I have 40 kids. I don't have any children of my own, but I feel like I do. 

You're a born leader. I know that I've listened to a lot of your content, growing up with you [00:24:00] as well.


I've always been a nice guy. Like I've always, for some reason, man, I've always fit in like with the nerds. Like I remember, bro, we were like in middle school, the kids used to play Halo, like I would rather hang out with those kids, even though like I'm the jock, the quarterback and, the shortstop on the team and, the point guard,oh, I like the weird kids, I'm still like that, I actually love weird stuff, I don't know why, but it just attracts me, I like the weirdos, man, the weirder, the better, maybe it's because it's more unique, it's more rare, I'm not sure exactly what it draws me to, but yeah, the weirder, the better, man.

 just imagine if everybody was just nice to each other, A big part of why people are mean to each other is 'cause they don't feel good about themself and they just project. onto others, their own limitations. and that kid is just like an easy object to get picked on. So that's another thing, man, you get somebody's mind They start to feel good. They have a lot more compassion for people. They know people are actually struggling with a lot of different things. And it's man, if we just had more compassion, we weren't so [00:25:00] selfish. you get in the mind of somebody that's depressed. They're the most selfish person in the world.

And I can tell you from personal experience, when I was Going through it. I feel like I had my midlife crisis like 25, like I was going through it. taking the bus literally when I lived in L. A. I was hopping on the bus to go do a couple appointments and then hopping on the bus back. And I'll tell you right now you live in L.

A. Venice and you're taking the bus, bro. You got some interesting characters on that bus. But when I was on the bus, the only thing I think about. So why is this not working? Poor pitiful me, like I'm trying my hardest, I'm doing everything I can and everything was so negative. Everything is so negative. So I didn't have the capacity, the ability to help anybody, like nobody, and I'm training people and they could probably feel it too.

Oh, here's Lee. You know what I mean? 

Oh yeah. 

Here's Lee coming in here. Not listen motherfuckers, I'm here dawg, you know what I'm saying? I'm here to help you, because you can't [00:26:00] stop eating. Put the shit down, and get to work. if everybody just had so much compassion for each other, man.

But it's hard, it is. It's hard to get to that point. 

 That's the universal law, man. As above, so below as within. So without it's the same thing, 

See, people don't have the consciousness or awareness to catch it. And then that negative frequency will lead to something else. And then when everything is energy, man, like everything in this world is energy, just like Nikola Tesla says, if you want to understand the laws of the universe, they think in frequency and vibration, like we are energetic beings, people can feel your heart up to 13 feet away.

if you get stuck in the elevator with somebody. And they're in a bad mood. You can feel that right. But if you get stuck in that elevator, somebody's in a really good mood and they're happy and you can feel that like your heart is, man, we're electric. We're electrical beings, bro. And I'm really starting to believe that everything is just frequency exchange.

Like, when you come across [00:27:00] somebody, was it a good exchange of that exchange? how is it going to affect you? and I think we all have those types of thoughts. I have those types of thoughts, I think everybody has those thoughts. I actually think that's human nature, but the key is, can you catch it?

And then how quick do you stay down? I know the universal law is the universal law of rhythm, which is, what goes up must come down, what goes up must come down. And I really found that in myself, when I was, drinking, depressed. I literally spent every weekend getting hammered, drunk, freaking Broadway, downtown Nashville.

And if you guys haven't been at Broadway on downtown Nashville, oh my gosh, dude, it is insane. It is crazy. Like you could potentially die because you get so drunk. But the point is I'd go out there, have that short, term, dopamine boost of all that alcohol, all that energy. But then that next day you have that hangover anxiety, you feel terrible.

So you're doing this horrible yo [00:28:00] like that. So you're going up, you're going down. So the key is one mitigating devices is what we do with our clients. We get rid of their self sabotaging habits. And then two, We give them tools to be able to do it. We give them the awareness to catch that.

people don't actually catch when they're starting to think negatively because it had nothing to do with that guy. It had everything to do with you. But you're like, man, how do I, what is it? What is he doing that is making me feel this way? Because if you projected onto him that he has the power. But see, since you were aware, then you took your power back.

You took the energy back. And then you can respond accordingly from that state of mind. Then you can make a very clear decision. And that's why you see a lot of your business owners are very emotionally intelligent. They have that high EI and they can put themselves in the positive mental attitude that Napoleon Hill talks about that PMA, you put yourself in that positive mental state, then you act and move through life through that [00:29:00] state.

And you can make decisions from that position, burst that low frequency state of mind and just destroy yourself. The short relationships get negative. And, the law of attraction, you are what you think you get, what the energy frequency that you put out, whatever you get is going to come back to you or whatever you put out is going to come back to you.

So that's a lot to somebody who isn't or hasn't gone through what I guess you and me have gone through before on that level. How does one start or how does one wrap their head around all that and begin on that 


Gotta own the morning. Gotta own the morning. That is absolute key. Here's the two pillars that I have my clients do.

And I'm teaching my trainers and all these guys to do. Is one, wake up at a time that's uncomfortable. So if you typically get up at five, get up at four, that's uncomfortable. If you can start to wake up early, that's a win. that's a little win. And then, the next one [00:30:00] is discipline with the nutrition.

That's what it is. And then you start stacking these small little wins, and then you start to feel good about yourself. And then, you start to evolve. you just start to expand yourself. really, the best thing anybody could do if they're really struggling with their mental health or something, They got to get fit, man.

Like you have to exercise your body. When you exercise, you increase your energy. if people get tired, most people go take a nap when they should really do the opposite. They should do like some pushups, some crunches, go hit a walk, anything, and you will be re-energized by that. The first step, you have to have consciousness.

You have to be aware, because once you're aware, there's no going back. there's no turning back from once you have that awareness. now that I know what hidden sugars are. Like I'll never not know it. So once somebody becomes aware of their negative self talk, then they can start to move.

And then I call it stacking wins, man. Somebody starts getting those little bitty wins every single day, wake up early, [00:31:00] every single day, remove the alcohol, whatever the alcohol is so bad that,start to be disciplined with your diet. You start to become the person that you want to be. And that's how you build confidence and that's how you start to feel good about yourself.

And that's how you start to progress and have a positive mental attitude. And if somebody comes at me with some negativity, it doesn't even phase me most of the time. Like I'm not going to sit here and say I'm impenetrable, but yeah, but I'll catch it. But the key is like, how quickly can you stay down?

So if somebody is really serious about it, then. start putting some standards on yourself. But then what I would also say, if someone's really serious, man, you got to hire a coach, like you got to have somebody really help you because it's very difficult. Very few people can get through that on their own.

Like you really have to have somebody help you give you tools. give you strategies that can go through it. here's an example. [00:32:00] Who would you rather listen to preach? Would you rather listen to a preacher that has never been in trouble, has, laced up his shoes and made straight A's their whole life and has just been this perfect human, never faced any adversity, came from a, I'm not gonna say a wealthy family, but didn't have any challenges going up.

Good person, just a good guy, or would you rather listen to somebody that, has gone through hell and back, maybe went to prison, turned their life around, has all this personal experience about negativity, and now they are preaching, who would have a more powerful message? It's going to be the person that's actually gone through the shit.

And that's what I would say. I'll say, it's like really wanting to level up. Then, man, God, you really do have to just find somebody that can help you. Cause it's very rare that you're going to be able to do it on your own. Very rare. 

Are you teaching your coaches this as well? Like your trainers that come in, are you teaching them a mindset as [00:33:00] well?

Yeah. Yeah. I have it. I have a coach. I've had coaches for years, man. That's how I've leveled up, every year it's cause I have people that I look up to that have what I want and I'm like, help me become a better person. And then they do. And then it goes down the line. It goes to my trainers and then I teach them how to get their positive mental attitude where they can service their clients better out of love.

And then those clients refer people to us. it's amazing. Like people just. Referring left and right because it's one, it really works. They really care. And it's fun.

Who do you look up to? Who are some of your mentors? 

my current one is Wes Watson.

and that's why I talked about prison. Cause he spent 10 years in prison. And then he, in five years, he went from a 200 out of prison to making 36 million a year, 200, 000 a day. Five years, five years from 200 to 36 million and it's only growing like [00:34:00] he's my coach. I'm in that group up on those calls every week and it's powerful.

When you get with a group of guys or girls or just a group of people that are all on the same path, then that will energize you like you would never, ever believe that you'll never believe it. Because. you're not going to feel perfect 24 7. if I'm feeling down, like if I'm not feeling my best, then, I hop on that call, bro, I am fired up.

Because there's, I don't even know, like a couple hundred other guys on the call, all sharing the same message, all going the same direction. you want to hear something really interesting? Rudolf Steiner, he said, we don't even have our own thoughts.

He believes that when we think we go to this universal thought energy, and then we'll talk about the law of attraction. If you have a negative thought, you're tapping into how many other people's negative thought. But it's the flip side. If you have that [00:35:00] positive thought, you're surrounded with people just like you really trying to level up, it's going to influence you.

And it's going to push you the opposite direction. So community super important being around people that are really pushing it personal development and having a good plan. And then sticking to the plan, like that's actually key is sticking to it. 

What's your take on changing mentors.

I'm sure you've had more than one mentor. What made you stay or leave or look for another one? 

 I've had a couple of them and they helped me they've all served me well. But I'm not gonna sit here and say of my four coaches I've hired that one of them has just given me this perfect secret sauce, like not one.

So I've taken, I feel like as much as I could from this person and then tried this person and learn from them and then try this person. I'm currently with Wes and I'll tell you right now, so far his has been the best. 

I think also too, a lot has to do with where you're at in life and where your knowledge [00:36:00] or where you're at in your entrepreneurial journey as well.

cause if I was hearing the stuff thatI know now back, five years ago, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Or I wouldn't understand it like I do now, and then I'm sure Five years from now, I'm probably gonna look back that I don't understand.

Now, I'll look back in five years. I'm like, oh, this is actually it, but I didn't understand it at that point. a really good mentor, somebody one to two years ahead of you and who has gone through, like you said, similar experiences or on a similar path as you. 


And the power of a mentor is they're going to get you from point A to point B as fast as possible. that's really the power like people could figure it out on their own if they do, but it's going to take them years. it took me, let's just talk about the nutrition side, bro. It took me like eight years to figure that out.

I got certified in metabolic typing. we're talking carb cycling, keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, over eating, under eating cycles, the alkaline diet, dude, the list literally goes on and on. And they all work. I tried them [00:37:00] all. But what really matters is calories, protein deficit, healthy deficit, sticking to it, but it took me eight years.

Of really trying to figure that out and then I figured it out. And now my clients can literally go from point A to point B in the fastest amount of time possible. And that's really what a mentor is going to do. They're going to get you from point A to point B in the quickest route as possible. Give you healthy expectations.

 like my guys that lost over a hundred pounds, I'll tell them straight up. Like it's going to take you, you're in the fastest system to get there, but it's going to take you, maybe 12 to 14 months. And that's fast. Like that's two pounds a week for somebody like that, but we can do it.

And then we can keep it off long term because they have this structure. Now, when in reality, all those people are the biggest losers, they'll lose a hundred pounds, but then they'll gain it back because they don't have a system. they try to do it the wrong way. They try to just completely starve themselves.

And yeah, so healthy [00:38:00] expectation too. And also a good mentor, man, they're going to help you look, tell you where to look too. let's just say when that you saw your buddy and you got jealous in that moment, that just, that's just human instinct. You just got moment that moment, but you looked within a lot of people won't be able to do that.

They a good mentor. If you were to share that with me, and I'm your coach, you had no self awareness. I would have said you're looking in the wrong spot. You got to look at yourself and a good coach. A good mentor is going to actually tell you where to look. And then you are going to be able to solve your own problem.

With a good structure of being able to do it. 

Yeah. Mentors are just, really high level therapist almost, They don't give advice. They give you the structure that you need a good one. At least that's how I've had a few business coaches as well.

 and the good ones, I feel like a lot are almost really good 


 Yeah, man, that's the key to it. A lot of people really need like that masculine, challenging love energy. [00:39:00] I'll tell you a quick story. I had a guy, this was, I don't know, eight months ago, who just kept getting in his refrigerator.

he was losing weight, but Man, this dude was really overweight. He was losing like no weight one week, half pound the next week. And he should really have been losing like two to three pounds, maybe more plus. And on the human frequency chart, most people live in shame. Shame is the lowest human frequency.

When you live in shame, that's as bad as low as it goes. The highest is authenticity. So if you can just really be yourself, because that's self love. Then you're gonna tell people the truth. You're going to just be you and that's attractive because it's a strong energy for you to live through it.

But what's really interesting is anger is medium low on that frequency chart. I know these levels here. I had to just get in this guy's ass and I don't like to do it because it's not my natural [00:40:00] personality, but dude, I got in his ass, man. I called him everything.

This dudes got kids and you see this, he's overweight. His kids are overweight because he's passing on his terrible habits. that's like his one job. It's just like to not pass on those habits. So I had to literally insult him because he just had this wall. I just couldn't get through to him, but I pissed him off enough to actually break through and get to him emotionally for him to actually stop doing that.

So I actually raised his elevation. Like I made him mad enough where he'll actually stop doing what he had been doing. So I just think it's really interesting that ain't in a lot of high level, therapists will, they know that and they'll intentionally do that.

And it actually is coming from a place of love. And then he thanked me later. Cause he was like, damn, that actually worked, man. now I'm actually getting results because I had to, literally insult him because [00:41:00] I was pissed because he wasn't doing what I had to tell him to be doing.

 was it more of him getting pissed off and him wanting to prove you wrong?

 I just pissed him off, bro. I told him the truth. And he needed to hear the truth. The truth hurts. The truth freaking hurts, man. And truth is love.

bro, your boy should tell you if you're getting fat, like your boys, like you. And that's why I have it. A mentor coach is so important. I have this system so down. And if we're not getting results, I know something's going on. Like you're doing something. What are you doing? Cause you're not doing what I have you doing.

So it doesn't matter if he got pissed at me, if he was pissed at himself, but he got out of that shame. Shame, man. We go in, eat, terrible habits. So many people do that, and then he stopped doing it, and then he didn't do it again the next day. He didn't do it again the next day, and then he actually started to get those results.

And yeah, that's the name of the game is right there. anger it's a lower medium frequency to elevate people to. 

You said your [00:42:00] boy should. Call you out, to touch base on that a little bit more. I'm big on this , and my friends know this I'll call you out on stuff.

But I don't do that for confrontation. I don't do that to shame you I do that out of love But just to better yourself and grow, that's all I want. that's what we have to do as human beings.

We're either growing or dying. let's just say you completed your diet, you've lost pounds or you've gone to the gym and then you had that one day, you're like, 

I'm not feeling it. I think I'm gonna give myself a cheat day I'm gonna reward myself a friend would be like, yeah, you're right. You should reward yourself. you've done what you said you're going to do, but a good friend is actually gonna tell you, no, stick to what you're doing.

 it might go against the grain, but. Somebody's looking out for the better version of yourself. that's a good friend. 

 that's the best friend you could have in the world. Somebody that's going to check you. Somebody that's going to keep you in line.

I'll tell you right now, I don't want to go out to dinner with my boys and I got Dylan over here that's 350 pounds. I personally don't want to be around it. I know that's fucked up. But if I'm helping somebody and I'm getting them results, dude, when [00:43:00] we roll in, bro, everybody looks at us because we're all fit.

We all look good. We carry ourself a certain way. But if we have a chunky monkey rolling through, it's like, all right, there's john. Let's make john feel as comfortable as possible right now. john gets a salad. We're like, we know you're not eating a salad, bro. they just behave differently.

And because there's this weird thing going on. So the check is I'd say right now, if I'm going out, I'm going to help people like, bro, I want to be around people that are on the same mission as me. They take care of themselves. They're pushing themselves and don't get me wrong. that's why I'm a coach.

Like I'm not going to say like John weighs 350 pounds, can't come eat dinner with me. Know what I mean? But I might be like, John, you stick it to your plan, bro. Like how's your day going? What are you doing? And because this is how I am, like, I just can't help it. I'm like this all the time, like all the time.

And, [00:44:00] it's interesting though, because a part of me doesn't like to hurt people's feelings. Cause I just have so much love. But since I do know that sometimes it's necessary that you just, it must be done, like it must be done. And I'll tell you right now, personal development and fitness and business are all.

To me interconnected. I didn't start leveling up until I hired a coach. He helped me. I started waking up at 4 a. m. started getting to work at like 4 45 going through my daily, my morning process of doing what I have to do to get that positive mental attitude. And then I'm on the computer 5 to 7. I've already knocked out bro so much stuff.

Lee used to not do that. So I had to start to behave as if I am operating a fortune 500 company or a 10 figure business, you know what I'm saying? or something like that. Like, how did those guys operate? that's what they're doing. So the [00:45:00] old Lee would wake up at seven drag, not hit my workouts, not hit my macros, not go through my morning routine.

Not answer the phone if it's going to be an uncomfortable conversation, stuff like that, avoid that stuff, but that's, if you really want to level up, you got to get fit, you got to get your mind right. And then you become the person that deserves it.

You start to build that self confidence in yourself. You start to increase that vibe. And then people are just like, bro, Dylan, what are you doing? You probably had tons of people ask you that, Dylan, what are you doing, bro? you're doing something. What are you doing? I want to be a part of it.

You're like, bro, I'm just doing me. You're like, I don't even know what you're talking about, but that's just because that's who you are. Like, you're just that person. You had to develop yourself into that person and discipline. Here's what the essence of discipline is. Discipline is your higher self ruling your lower self, not through resistance.

But through [00:46:00] understanding and being grounded in compassion, I'm gonna repeat that discipline is your higher self ruling your lower self, not through resistance, but through understanding and grounding of being compassionate. And what that really is. And I'll use food because I'm a fitness coach.

So food. If somebody is in a caloric deficit to lose weight, it's uncomfortable. They have to have discipline, but they need to want to be compassionate with themselves. And then they need to understand why they're doing it. if somebody is going through a process and they're in that caloric discipline, or they got to build that business and it's painful, then that discipline is that higher self.

Okay. I know I'm doing this because in six months, it's going to work out in a year. It's going to be. 10 X or whatever the case is like discipline is that higher self that we all have ruling that lower, child frequency that we [00:47:00] have. If we just don't want to do something, we just don't do it.

thinking long term, that's a big thing, thinking longer than, 12 months, 12 months is a long time.

it's really not, but thinking in five years or 10 years for something for accomplishment or something that you're working on is the key, 

 Yeah, it is hard. It is hard to think that long, like long. Yeah. Now down the river, like you said, it is hard to have that vision. What do you think about burnout?

I think if you do. What you're passionate about and do something meaningful and helping others, burnout shouldn't come. Burnout comes from doing more than what you need to be doing essentially is what I, is the way I look at burnout. Now, people say work life balance. I'm not a believer in that, really.

I think that you should have a healthy relationship. I think you should have healthy friendships.Certain aspects of your life, you know your relationships your faith your [00:48:00] business and your personal life I think that you should have a degree of awareness and attentiveness to each one and you're responsible for thoseTo answer your question, burnout's not really something I believe in.

I think that you work on what you're intended to work on, what God put you on this earth to do, and something you're passionate about, and brings you joy and brings other people joy or happiness and fulfillment for yourself, that it's really hard to get burnout on something like that.

no, that was well said. You definitely are in a position to where you can talk about it. 

We learn as we go and we fumble, we stumble and we fail forward, but that's what I love about this. 

That's what we call wisdom. That's personal experience. I can talk about riding the bus with homeless people because I did it. And I can tell you exactly how that feels. It feels miserable.

it's one of the worst feelings in the world. I had personal experience with that. that's what wisdom is. I can [00:49:00] talk about when my brother was murdered. I can tell you how that feels and why we should cherish our family. Because that's wisdom. you hate your family?

 If you ever had a family member get murdered. No, like you might look at things a little bit differently if you have some personal experience and some wisdom and I'm with you on the burnout stuff. I, everybody's gonna experience it eventually. But here is what I'm beginning to view it as, it comes down to a little bit of discipline, avoiding the work because work is work, I love what I do, but I don't love everything about it.

right after this, my CPA messaged me, I got to organize a bunch of, transactions. That's not any fun. I hate that, but that's gonna, it's tax season. It's got to get done. but here's what. really learning what burnout is. I really believe it's a momentary lapse in vision and judgment.

Like it's a momentary thing. what comes [00:50:00] with that is when we lose energy, that is pure negative self talk. That's when we get tired. when it's that depressed state, we have no energy, we're depressed. So in that positive mental attitude, you crush the morning, you hit your workout, you just start stacking all these little wins.

dude, I've got like 20 wins today. It's two o'clock, I'll talk to people and they're like, they got two. I'm like, no wonder you don't feel good. You're not doing anything like, bro, you have to do stuff. the worth is in the work, especially for guys. Like we are made to put in some work and then we feel good about ourselves.

We're not putting in work that we're not going to do it. Negative self talk then the experience burnout. Like that's what I am learning through my personal experience. Is like when I avoid shit is when I just start to talk bad about it, thinking in my head, damn, dude, I got this to do.

I got that to do. 100 different things going on. It's that's what burnout is. is that's my [00:51:00] opinion. And what my experience is a momentary lapse of vision. we just lose focus. 

That's a really good point I'm sitting here thinking last time I told myself I was burnt out I wasn't doing the things that got me to that point. I slacked on my morning routines. Typically, I'm not stacking those wins like I used to more things were stacking up.

I was avoiding more things

Jordan Peterson says this, he says, you want to get real with yourself, sit on the end of your bed and think of all the things that you should be doing, but you're avoiding now, and that's just pretty much what I did one day. And then it was a year ago.

And then from there, here we are now, it's just like how things can change in a split second, whenever you just get real with yourself I did the same thing to build this up, to build the other ventures that I'm doing right now, the other companies that I have now, I'm doing way more than what I was doing before, but I'm so much more happier doing it because I've figured out that step.

And I didn't know that at the beginning, fulfillment is big. And then I'm glad that you pieced it together [00:52:00] like that, a lapse in focus. 

Yeah, it's lost focus.

That's all it is. We've all experienced it. Hell, I couldn't tell you how many times I've wanted to quit. There were times I wanted to quit every day. And I'm like, what else am I going to do? You know what I'm saying? I'm not the smartest person in the world. like I'm not going, I didn't make a 36 on my, SAT or ACT, whatever it was.

But I'll tell you what I do have is I do have a work ethic and I do have self awareness. Bob Proctor is another one, because my whole belief in life is energy that we're talking about,you just become that person. Lee is so fulfilled and so happy when I wake up at that time when it's uncomfortable and then I do these tasks.

I knock it out. I get the workout in. I'm in that caloric deficit. I'm a little hungry. I'm being disciplined because my higher self is now ruling like that is when Lee is the happiest Lee. Thank you. is depressed when he avoids the shit he's supposed to do.[00:53:00] little stuff. Like I used to not go to my nephew's football games because I used to prefer to go to downtown Nashville and drink like I used to do that.

like I know I should be there for my nephew. He's only going to be playing football for so much time, but I wasn't doing it because I was so selfish. I worked all week. I need a time to, decompress and go drink some alcohol. And then, my granddad was nice. I have a very, addicted personality.

I'll start drinking. I'll do a line of cocaine. Next thing I know, I'm doing acid. And next thing I know, it's four o'clock in the morning. I'm face down, ass up in the ditch, like straight up. I could get like that in two seconds like that. you said, you just, you realize where you was at.

We can literally change our direction in a moment, like to make the decision. Yeah. to do it. And the definition of decision is to separate yourself from. So if somebody decides to wake up early, now you just separated yourself from sleeping in, which is a [00:54:00] bad habit. Somebody decides to get healthy. Like literally you can, we can, that's so well, it's so amazing just how powerful we are as humans.

We're the only animals on the planet that are, that can create the way that we can create like no other animal on the planet, which is what makes me believe in God. you really get down the rabbit hole of DNA and stuff. We don't have to do all that, but bro,it'll blow. It blows my mind, but we can literally make the decision in a moment to become what we want.

And then the key is to stay there. And then it's impossible to not be successful. If you just stay there and you don't leave it. And you remove these vices, these things that pull you down, then you will elevate. And that's what baggage is. Baggage is the shit that's holding you back. So a lot of people are trying to run a hundred miles an hour, but they got 200 pounds holding the back from, I don't know, X.

girlfriend or [00:55:00] wife that they have a terrible relationship that they're not man enough to like, sit down and resolve, or, they're eating their binge eating, and that's holding them down because then they got to take a two hour nap every single time they do that, or, they're not showing up as that person.

that's what baggage is. We remove vices, you cut those strings, and then you can actually really accelerate, fast to get from point A to point B fast. 

 we've got a confession segment, 

I want to know the trade secret. So Lee, what's your confession?

I'll tell you this for Mosey's big on this to personal branding. I think this is my personal opinion. This is the direction he Lou fit is moving.

My company, we're moving this direction is I'm teaching my trainers how to personal brands. Like if I came on this podcast and I had a booger in my nose the whole time. let's just be like, Oh shit, blow it out. Damn Dylan. I'm sorry, bro. And I haven't boogered the whole time that [00:56:00] people love that.

like people that are just unique, they're authentic and share your message. or just my message, I'm still working on this. This comes with personal development, but I really think the secret is going to be personal branding. Kylie Jenner. She's, I think it's got like a billion dollar industry with 11 employees.

Why do people buy her product because they love Kylie Jenner? Why do people work with Lee? Because they just like me. what can I monopolize? I think, Rockefeller and, Carnegie and all those, industrial age businessmen, they monopolized their product and we can't do it anymore.

That's actually illegal. Can't monopolize things. But what we can monopolize is your personal brands. So what I'm, and this is one thing I'm, that's why I hired Wes actually was personal branding because I was trying to make everything so perfect. Now, if I do a YouTube video and I fart or I mess up, like I don't edit it out.[00:57:00] 

Like I actually keep it in there now, like I leave it in there because the people like, ah, that was funny. I like this guy. Lee thinks all the conspiracies are real, okay, I think they're, they might be real too. I don't know. So that's what we're big on is personal branding, being fully authentic, becoming the person, being goofy, just being you.

And that will keep people's attention. I don't know if they answered your question, but she was looking for, but on the inside, that's one of the main things on our team meetings that we have that we've really discussed. Like a lot of our, a lot of my coaches, they'll every post is like perfect or every video is perfect.

And they'll be like, yeah, I spent like 30 minutes doing that. And, I had a booger in my nose, bro, keep the booger in your nose. let people see it. Like that's more likely to go viral. Yeah, bro. People like that stuff. I got,another guy I was talking to him. He's an insurance agent and he was telling me that, he can't post on social media.

[00:58:00] Like I, I put, I gave him a shout out on my IG and he had a hundred people going just literally just from an Instagram story, a hundred people looked, took that link over to his page, but he doesn't have anything on his page. And I'm bro, that's like a hundred new people just checking you out.

10 of those follow you, that's 10 new organic leads you just got right there just because they like you. and those are 10 potential new clients you probably could have had, there's that fear there of we have to live in this perfect. Little world. We have to present ourself perfectly, and I'm actually beginning.

I'm in the very early stages of this, and I'm working on it is just to if it's not perfect, post it. if it's not the best posted, because I think that's actually going to get more attention. More people can relate to that than we actually think it is. And in the age of a I, man, I really think that as a I progressed, you can tell who's using chat.

G. P. T. Okay, We will Like you hop on an Instagram post. You can tell who's using chat, GBT and writing. I [00:59:00] was doing it because it's easy and it takes no work. It's brainless. You can tell who's not. But what I'm getting at is in the age of A. I. I really think human nature is going to be more attracted to a personal brand to an actual human than A.

I. If there can tell the difference. So that would probably be the secret right there. I would say personal branding is key in today's world. Mr. Beast. You watch Mr. Beast. The videos are great, but Freaking love the guy being innovative, and that's incredible blue ocean strategy. What are other people?

What does everybody do? And how can you make yourself different? Usually it's simple stuff, and here's something that I've learned as well over the years, bro. If anybody goes to my YouTube channel, I literally tell everybody exactly how to get ripped. Everybody, I tell them step by step how to do it.

Calories, you got to know your calories. Protein, you [01:00:00] got to know your protein. I give you all the formula right now. If you need to lose 20 pounds or less, Multiply your body weight times 10, and then you need to give yourself three months and stick to that number. That's your total calories. Now, that's a very basic formula, but surprisingly very accurate.

If you need to lose 20 pounds of fat or more, use the Mifflin St. George equation, the St. Benedict Harris equation. And then use that number. And then you need to eat enough protein. 0. 65 to 0. 85 times your body weight. And that's it. Literally, it's calories and protein. It's literally that simple. And then you need to lift weights and lifted weights.

It's not hard. You don't even have to lift weights. You just, you could do pushups. Like I have my clients, they travel out of town. All right. You're going to do five sets of pushups to failure. It should take you like 20 minutes in your hotel room. That's all it takes. Like it's just enough stimulus for neural adaptation to occur.

And then the body will be [01:01:00] forced to burn fat and not muscle. that's the secret, 

using that muscle. So it's telling your body that, Hey, he's utilizing that muscle. Don't burn that, burn the fat instead that he's not using. 

That's exactly right.

Yeah. Cause what ends up happening is this is what happens when you're in a caloric deficit, you need to be in a healthy deficit. If you go too low, you're going to, your hormones are going to plummet. The soft stones going to drop. You're going to set yourself up for failure. So it needs to be about a 500 calorie deficit.

If you need to lose a lot, you can even go down to a thousand and then they just need to use those equations I just mentioned, and then just eat your protein. And then in terms of telling the body is going to do whatever you tell it, like it's a dude, it's AI, like it's it's like a code. You just tell it, type it in what to do.

And this is how you do it. So when you, instead of, doing a bunch of cardio and crushing yourself, if you do that, you are going to lose muscle and fat at the same time. So meaning if Dylan needs to [01:02:00] lose 20 pounds, If you were to not lift and you were just to go do cardio in this deficit, you're going to lose 10 pounds of fat and 10 pounds of muscle.

And you're going to have the same shape. You're going to stay that kind of skinny fat. You're not going to be happy. And then you're going to be pissed because you're working so hard and you're not getting the results that you want. You have to lift weights when you lift weights. You, it's the said principle, S.

A. I. D. Specific adaptation to impose demand. You want to build bigger pecs? You got to work pecs. You want bigger legs? You got to work legs. When you do that, whenever you just go, somewhat close to failure, you're literally releasing growth hormone. in that muscle, then that's what's going to help that muscle grow.

So when that is present, the body cannot pull energy calories from muscle. It's going to part, it's going to pull it from fat cells, which is just. just stored energy and that's the secret sauce. that's how our clients lose so much fat so quick. And then literally [01:03:00] look like, superheroes.

That's how it's done. Calories, protein, lift weights. It's very important. And then if somebody really wants to put some jet fuel on it, so intermittent fasting in there, then they're going to freak it. Just get absolutely shredded. 

It's actually all in your book as well. Step by step. And I was going to touch base on this.

You've got a book.where did you come up with a book or how, did the thought spark, I need to create a book and then have the mindset to believe that you could become an author and produce a book as well. 

 I read blue ocean strategies.

I looked at what are other people doing? All right. They're all doing that. What are they not doing? They're not writing books, That's opened so many doors for me. I recommend anybody in business to write a book. it's funny because I had a lady help me with editing and I'm like in there, like trying to, I'm not a writer.

Like guys, I have no idea how to write. She had to do so much. dude, I don't put the comments in the right spot. I don't know how to do all that stuff. So she's [01:04:00] editing it. Like one sentence, I'm talking about something personal. The next sentence I'm talking about this, and she was like, Lee.

Just for this book, just talk about this. Give people what they need. Make it short. Just tell them how to do it. So that's what I did. I was like, all right, you've done this with, I don't even know how many other people, but you're the pro. So that's what I did. And I just laid it out. Everything I just said right there is in the book.

And there's a lot more information as well that, mainstream tells us is bad. Like red meat is actually a superfood. Like you guys can eat red meat. Yeah. you want to get that for, there's a lot of other reasons why it's super healthy, why vegan is terrible for you, why zone two cardio is the best, which is one 20 to one 45 in terms of losing weight, like just so many little golden nuggets on how to do it, how to break it down, why it's important, the blueprint literally give people the blueprint.

And I came up with that idea because I'm looking at other people, what are they doing? All right. Where are they not doing? They're not writing books. And I'm [01:05:00] using it as leverage to get into places. So if anybody, or all of you guys are business owners, I recommend everybody to write a book. Literally all it's going to cost you is time.

And I paid a guy off of work, like 500 to You know, design the cover and that was it. It's literally putting a book on Amazon. Like it's not a, New York time bestselling author, but you want to put a book on Amazon. Then dude, it's literally, you just upload the files. Like you get your files, you write it, you upload it.

It's the simplest thing in the world, but going through the process was like painful because I'd never done it. You're like, how do I do some YouTube and this blah, blah. Like, how do you do it?

figured you hired a ghostwriter or something. That's what a lot of people do, but you actually wrote it yourself.

Yeah, it took me like six months, but she helped me like, I can't sit here and say it was perfect. she helped me a lot. She gave me a lot of ideas. I wrote it. She did a ton of editing. I felt bad for,cause it was just. Grammar is so bad, but yeah, [01:06:00] man, she simplified it.

It's 100 pages. it's not a big book. I had people read it in a day. A lot of people messaged me saying, bro, I just lost 20 pounds. Just read your book. The book is 4. 99. there is literally no reason to not have it. And it looks cool too. It's a great gift. what else can I say?

With the whole personal branding thing, I really believe in sharing everything, because even if you give people the information, their ability to adhere to it is completely up to them. So I tell people this stuff all the time, but they still can't do it because they still have these negative biases, this negative self talk, these limiting beliefs in themselves.

They still can't do it, even though they have the information. and then people reach out to me like, Hey, Lee, I need help. Like, all right, I just gotta be on your ass. And I am, tell like quit eating your kitchen dog. Why are you doing that? Stop. That's why you're overweight and you feel depressed.

And then he stopped and he got results.[01:07:00] 

you've got a book, you've got, you have a following on multiple channels. You do a lot. Where have you seen the biggest growth for your online products? And I say online products essentially funnel to your website. Where have you seen the biggest 

growth for that?

I'm taking a hit of his last few months because I lost my Facebook. I did a YouTube video on semi glutide, which is it just depresses certain hormones. That's why people lose weight. Then they lose muscle too. And it's not a longterm fix. You want to optimize the body. Hormones, man. Hormones and muscle, like you want to be fully optimized hormones and muscle and that's like level three.

Like I have tears that teach people calories, protein, micros, nutrition, labeling, and then hormones to optimize. And then that's when, you just take off and feel amazing. But it was Facebook. So we've actually taken it because we're organic. Like I was running paid ads, doing the whole thing. the message, the ad [01:08:00] leads to the messenger.

We messaged back and forth. We schedule a sales call, but those people had no idea who I was. So it's very difficult to sell people. They don't know who you are and it's not organic and it just didn't feel good. Like my soul didn't like it. So that's what I switched over. you know what, man, I'm just going to give people free information.

I'm just going to be me. We will rock it out that way. And I've been doing that now and it's working really well. And it was Facebook. Like I had a great following on Facebook, man. Great. all fans. And, Facebook, hacked. You got hacked, I posted a video. On YouTube, I'll send my glue tie.

Just talk about the pros and the cons. And I promise you five minutes later, I had a email or something on Facebook. that said Hey, this violates, blah, blah, blah, something with Facebook. Here's the button to dispute it. We're going to take it down. And it looks real.

It looks real. And I was busy and I didn't read it. You know what I'm saying? I just like, Oh man,Are they really? not gonna let me talk about that. Like I didn't [01:09:00] say anything bad. Like, all right, whatever. So I clicked on it, dude, it was a hacker. And when I clicked on it, they immediately had access to my Facebook account and I had two other accounts.

I had my ad account because. We were running ads at the time. It's like a beautiful thing and how it happened. and then this is what they do. This is how it works. And they move quick, They move fast. So if you guys ever get hacked, you need to stop immediately and deal with the problem because they're moving very quick.

What they do, they get in your account. They add themselves as the admin to the account. They changed the password. So now you're trying to log into your account, but they changed the password. You can't get it. And then they remove you from the account and that's how they do it. And then Facebook has horrible customer service.

And I ended up losing it. I lost the account. Never got it back. I have a paid guy to help me get it back. Some tech guy. He couldn't do it. And I'll say this too. If I didn't have, my passwords are crazy. [01:10:00] Like they're freaking super long, crazy numbers. I have them all separate. So if I had a coach in the past who told me you need to have separate passwords for every single business asset that you have, if I had not had that, they could have got access to my Instagram.

They could have got access to everything. they even tried to hack my LinkedIn. My LinkedIn got disabled for a week, but they didn't have the right password to be able to get into it. So I was able to get LinkedIn back up and running. but yeah, man, That's just another, you guys probably already know that, but make sure every password is different to every single business asset you have.

Because if they hack it and they move quick, this happened in 20 minutes, they took the whole thing over 20 minutes. 

I was pissed bro. That's crazy. So I took that hit and it's actually hurt. That's hurt me because that was my biggest lead generation organically. And I lost my business page because that was also linked to my personal page.

So I lost that too. So now it's 

Instagram. And [01:11:00] that's years of building up. lost my Twitter and I'm trying to rebuild that back up now. And luckily I still have my Facebook,

 I'm telling you, like the fitness industry, maybe other stuff, because the reason why Facebook and Instagram are so powerful with, more high ticket stuff is because They're going to DM you and then you have a messenger, a script through DM.

So we were running ads and then I would get 20 to 50 leads a day. And I'd just be sitting there just messaging all day, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Because once they're, they DM you, that's a lead and you got a message and then you go and then you got to schedule the call and then it's the hard close and that's how they're doing it.

And I didn't like that. So I was just like, you may need to lose a hundred pounds. it was turning me into a bitter person. that's what it was doing. Like I didn't enjoy that. I didn't enjoy, I feel so much better when I just help people, give them info. And then they hit me up.

I guess that'd be more of a pulling marketing, more of an organic attraction style instead of yeah, instead of pushing [01:12:00] myself. 

 that's why I've really enjoyed this online stuff diversifying, and learning a lot about this. So I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions for you , about things that I've built out as well, because you've done a phenomenal job of that already.

 this is a personal branding like we're talking about, what's the secret? This is personal branding right here. Your voice is your brand. I had a coach who told me, If you're not ready to get in front of the camera, then you're not ready to run a business because, I just wanted, to do it this way.

I didn't want to, be the one, telling people I didn't want to show my face. I just want to do like that. I'm like, that hit me. It's damn. Am I ready? I'm not ready. Damn. Okay. I got to start, filming myself and actually, putting myself out there and saying shit. I'll never forget him telling me that he said, if you are not ready.

To film yourself and you are not ready to run a business. 

I think my camera closed out 

 Yeah. I don't get to see all that sexiness anymore, man. Where'd you go?

Did it mess up 

on your end? Yeah, man. Hey, I got a question for you.

What was the biggest obstacle you've had to overcome recently? what is your newest [01:13:00] discovery with anything? 

 biggest obstacle I'll answer first I would say probably these podcasts,and like getting my face in front of the camera.

Cause I've never done that before. that was awful at first, stumbling, stuttering everything because I feel like I had to be perfect, but I just keep telling myself, just be yourself. this is, you're going to attract the people that enjoy you. And you're going to build an audience of people that enjoy the things you want to do.

you're going to build your own personal brand on that end. So that was one thing. And it gave me a lot of encouragement knowing that, Hey, I hope people see how bad I am at this and it, it might give them the confidence to go out and record a video or do something like this, because this is one thing I wish I would've done 

At the beginning is start documenting or creating content and put my face on camera more. That's a big obstacle for me. 

 I wanted to ask one more thing before we close out here. what has you fired up right now about the future?

Are you working on anything 

right now? I'm so positive about the future. [01:14:00] Like I am so excited about everything that I'm doing because I have my, these pillars that I live by, I have this structure. Like I don't, I woke up negative yesterday. I just woke up pissed off, like I don't even know why. Like literally right when I got out of the bed.

But then I go through my morning process, my sequence, and I'm in a great mood and I just keep stacking these days, but I see the future. I'm a very spiritual guy. All right. So I think the future is very positive, and this is how I break this down because I've had multiple people like.

Think the world's about to burn to hell, which it might. so I was asked that question and this is what I think we're in the middle of right now. When a volcano erupts, like it is violence, like it destroys everything. But then, when it settles, it's an island, it's a big landmass, and now it's grass grows, birds come, worms are in the ground, then you have [01:15:00] your predators come in, you have trees, flowers, so I think right now we're just in the eruption of the volcano, and it's all gonna settle.

It's all going to settle, if you're a real spiritual person, we're in the age of Aquarius right now, which is the age of enlightenment and it's going to come where Christ comes from the inside out, people are becoming aware of all the stuff that's going on in the world and just how evil.

It really is like it's evil, like it's a satanic, this evil and that's why I'm so positive about it because, we make it through which we will, then it's going to be perfect. So if you are building something right now, I think now is the time to do it because nobody else is doing it because everybody's in so much fear.

They're not. They're not positive. I'm very positive future.

 guys, you got to go check this guy out. Seriously. he clearly knows all this stuff. I know you have a website, Lee, Iloufit, where [01:16:00] else can people interact with you?

Best place is going to be interact. It's going to be Instagram. Like I have people message me, I'll hit you back. I'll help you as much as I can. I have a lot of content on YouTube. We're building that channel. Like I said, I give so much free info. on YouTube. Those are really going to be the best places.

It's going to be the website elufit. com E L U F I T dot com. By the way, which is an acronym for Enhanced Living Unlimited. That's what that stands for. And yeah, Instagram, YouTube, Instagram is Lee Maasen. M A A S E N. Y'all can hit me there and then. Yeah, you might need some help, man. I'll get you there.

 you've got a book too. That's on Amazon. It's cheap. the ROI on that is guys. I've read it twice now. It's a no brainer return on your investment is ridiculous. Go check it out. it's too cheap. Not to, Lee, you got anything else for us before we end 

No, man, that's it. I appreciate you having me on, It's been a great time I hope this helps some of the entrepreneurs out there, we're [01:17:00] all band of brothers coming together. 

 Lee, I appreciate you coming onman.

Hey, I appreciate you, dude.