Business Confessions

The Marketing Strategies That Helped This 22 Year Old Land Jake Paul As A Client | Keigan Carthy

February 28, 2024 Dylan Williams
The Marketing Strategies That Helped This 22 Year Old Land Jake Paul As A Client | Keigan Carthy
Business Confessions
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Business Confessions
The Marketing Strategies That Helped This 22 Year Old Land Jake Paul As A Client | Keigan Carthy
Feb 28, 2024
Dylan Williams

#014:Keigan Carthy's journey into the world of content marketing and advertising strategies was sparked by his mentor, Dennis Yu. After successfully collaborating on interactive courses for notable figures in the online space, Keigan went into creating an interactive course for Jake Paul, displaying his diverse content solutions. From running ads for lead generation to crafting interactive videos for courses, Keigan's expertise covers a wide array of services. His dedication to personal branding is evident through podcast hosting and strategic content distribution across multiple channels. Keigan's emphasis on targeted content, engagement rates, and repurposing strategies reflects his commitment to delivering tangible results for his clients. His insights into lead generation and ad scripting further underscore his dedication to impactful content marketing and advertising strategies, showcasing his proficiency in driving engaging and effective marketing campaigns.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Landing Clients and Content Solutions
00:00:50 - Content Solutions Breakdown
00:03:33 - Targeting and Ad Strategy
00:08:02 - Evolution of Offer and Client Acquisition
00:10:27 - Magnet Ad Strategy
00:12:08 - Low-Cost Ad Strategy
00:12:56 - Engagement and Call-to-Action
00:13:38 - Instagram Profile Visit Ads
00:18:08 - Showing ROI to Clients
00:24:22 - Top of Funnel Framework and Video Strategy
00:25:44 - Retargeting Strategy and Budget Allocation
00:27:24 - Client Selection and Business Audit
00:28:35 - Ideal Client Criteria and Progress with Smaller Clients

Keigan Carthy's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Show Notes Transcript

#014:Keigan Carthy's journey into the world of content marketing and advertising strategies was sparked by his mentor, Dennis Yu. After successfully collaborating on interactive courses for notable figures in the online space, Keigan went into creating an interactive course for Jake Paul, displaying his diverse content solutions. From running ads for lead generation to crafting interactive videos for courses, Keigan's expertise covers a wide array of services. His dedication to personal branding is evident through podcast hosting and strategic content distribution across multiple channels. Keigan's emphasis on targeted content, engagement rates, and repurposing strategies reflects his commitment to delivering tangible results for his clients. His insights into lead generation and ad scripting further underscore his dedication to impactful content marketing and advertising strategies, showcasing his proficiency in driving engaging and effective marketing campaigns.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Landing Clients and Content Solutions
00:00:50 - Content Solutions Breakdown
00:03:33 - Targeting and Ad Strategy
00:08:02 - Evolution of Offer and Client Acquisition
00:10:27 - Magnet Ad Strategy
00:12:08 - Low-Cost Ad Strategy
00:12:56 - Engagement and Call-to-Action
00:13:38 - Instagram Profile Visit Ads
00:18:08 - Showing ROI to Clients
00:24:22 - Top of Funnel Framework and Video Strategy
00:25:44 - Retargeting Strategy and Budget Allocation
00:27:24 - Client Selection and Business Audit
00:28:35 - Ideal Client Criteria and Progress with Smaller Clients

Keigan Carthy's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Track 1:

Pulling clients like Jake Paul, how'd you pull this off?


So it was, I can't have all the glory on me. It was through, one of my mentors, Dennis Yu. I'll start with kind of a bit of the backstory. I won't go too far into it, but came and. Contact with Dennis. Put together a handful of interactive courses for some other bigger names in the online space. Rudy Mauer, Lauren Tickner, people along those lines. did a great job with those. Super successful with that. And then from there, he pushed the Jake Paul work onto us. We're putting together an interactive course for him. Hopefully launched it a bit better, the second time around.

Track 1:

So what exactly do you do for clients?


So content solutions, it's kinda like the main thing I like to call it. it's everything under the sun, whether that be and running ads for clients, for lead generation purposes, organic growth, putting together interactive videos for courses, that sort of stuff.

Track 1:

So let's break that down a little bit. 30,000 foot view, long form content, I'm sure, and then it goes to some kind of value provided from the client. and then you, I'm guessing you chop it up, repurpose, and then distribute that out and then post I relevant sites or relevant niches and then set ads behind it.


So more along the of that's what we do on the personal branding side. I host my own podcast. we'll take you as an example. What we can do for you is take this podcast, chop it up, post it to all the relevant channels, like you said, rent dollar a day, ads behind it. We're looking for certain KPIs to more money behind things, find the winners. from there, if we find the winners, which is around a 10% engagement rate, we'll throw some real money behind it, whether that be five, 10,$20 a day for the next month. that gets thrown into a content library, we call the greatest hits, and that kind of turns into an evergreen strategy. The reason we do that is because it's great for SEO purposes, as as hopefully some of your reviewers know that social media is absolutely key for SEO, whether it be for your business or your personal brand. So by doing that, we're able to trigger a knowledge panel by repurposing into blog posts, guest posting, that sort of stuff. That's break it down a bit, but our bread and butter honestly comes from the lead generation and scripting ads for our clients.

Track 1:

Okay. So as far as the scripting portion of it, the given value, do you have a framework that you use around that and like what you tell them to do?


And for.

Track 1:

yeah. For the content that you're telling'em to Correct.


so it's, we have a couple different strategies. it depends on their goal. The first one, I call it the phase one and two strategy. So essentially what we'll do is we'll sit down and get them to create a magnet ad, so to speak, where that's just them calling out their ideal client. Their ideal client, eight giving. Kind of like the targeting and the technical setup. it's the audience building. It's basically the eight to 10 different videos that I mentioned. everybody watches a magnet ad will then only watch the rest of the ads in that funnel. we can do that by setting the conversion event associated in the ads manager, that sort of stuff. I won't dive too. It's a little bit different. We'll create kind of two to three different top of funnel ads following the same framework as that. Meg, I talked about calling it your deal client, your pain point, how you can help them create two to five different videos along those lines for testing purposes. Then from there, running Instagram profile visit ads on those. Implement a commission only appointment Setter, who will then reach out to every single person either follows you or likes the content. And then with retargeting ads, that's basically just case studies, that sort of stuff. And you're retargeting the people who have either followed your account or messaged you in the past, that sort of stuff.

Track 1:

And that's through dm, I'm guessing, going through, like Instagram. Yeah. Is that kind of the main platform that you push through?


Facebook or Instagram, usually

Track 1:

which one do you like more?


For the, for the second strategy. I talked about Instagram for sure, like way better. But honestly, like the phase one and two strategy, it's Facebook seems to be better because now it's, everything's full of ads. But the first strategy I talked about is a little more evergreen. It's a little less in your face, buy my services or whatever. So just dependent on where your ideal client lives.

Track 1:

Through Facebook without the, I guess the dms, it, I guess it relies more on the messaging and the content creation on that end. Has that been dealing with that and hey, do this or say this to a client, and it might not come off that way. Have you ran into that before?


in regards to messaging. Absolutely. we

Track 1:



we're done. For you, with the scripting where it's like they'll just give us a list of the messaging, like kinda what they wanna do, and then we'll go from there. But if we're just kinda leave it to them and just be like, come up with this, the messaging is usually completely off. They're not really nicheing down sort of thing, where it's if I run an ad and I say business owners like that is just, it can be everybody from. year olds setting up a Shopify store to CEOs of thousand plus employee companies. So it's like you really need to be refining your messaging, especially if you're relying on the algorithm, on the meta platforms. That's the messaging is key with paid social Now.

Track 1:

Yeah, you mentioned in a. Previous video that you post irrelevant niches. What'd you mean by that?


So our targeting, it, of people can do this and a lot of people do this. but as an example, if you wanted to go after marketing agency owners, what we'll do is we'll go into Apollo or Rocket Reach or whatever, we'll scrape a list of your ideal client. If that's like one to 50 employees and founders, CEOs, decision makers will scrape that, throw it into the ads manager, and then from there we'll make a 1% lookalike audience and then from there we let the algorithm do its work and push to those people and more people that are gonna buy, watch your video, et cetera.

Track 1:

Nice. Let's talk about ads behind that. And I know you said this a little bit with personal brand. what is your ad strategy on that end? And I know you probably have a few different ones based on client, but gimme an overview on that end.


Yeah, for the personal branding side, going back to what I said before, like it's just a volume game at that point, like lead generation's different, but the personal branding side, we want content and that content needs to be everywhere. So like I said before, post 30 clips or something, dollar a day ads behind that, then we're looking for your 10% engagement rate. If it hits that, we're gonna throw more money behind it and then we'll start to recycle that content. If it continues to hit those KPIs, then as well, repurposing to your blog, your company's blog. we have a network of high authority sites that we'll guest post to.'cause the whole goal around the personal branding side, it's to trigger a knowledge panel because that's a big, there's a stigma around, agencies, especially me, I'm 20 People go to Google you. So if you're not flexing Lamborghinis, if whatever, if you're posting actual value, people go to Google that they watch some of your videos like you probably did with me. it builds a trust.'cause in marketing, you need trust, and that's what we're trying to build through the personal brand side.

Track 1:

Yeah, people aren't gonna go spend thousands of dollars on somebody they don't know. So that's a really good point. touched on a little bit too, the talk to me about, I guess I call it pr, I guess you would say, but. What's your take on that and what's your strategy you do with that?


For p you talking more kinda like press releases and that sort of

Track 1:

yeah. And getting, I guess featured in things.


It, I think it has a place, but it depends on your. I have a friend who runs a PR agency, but he's more going after, VC funded firms or people trying to raise money. And that's a really good strategy. But if you're a founder and you're around 20, 30, employees will say, you have to realize you're probably not gonna see a direct return on investment from that. It's like a billboard that lives online. So I think if you're gonna spend five,$10,000 on a set of press releases, Spending, putting that ad spend, reinvesting your business, something along those lines, because PR

Track 1:

Yeah, that's very true. How much is it typically, what have you seen, like prices range from that end?


Oh, it depends. if you're looking for a Forbes entrepreneur, USA today, it's, you're be spending five figures or high four figures. but if you're looking for like local publications, that sort of thing, you're probably be closer to one, one to three grand.

Track 1:

I knew it was up there, so what's your current offer right now?


Current offer. Obviously we have, everybody has a few, but our biggest thing is done for you ads. Couple different strategies like I talked about earlier. but it's really dependent on the client's goal. And the one thing I want people to realize it's, as marketers, we don't create a fire. we just, we're just pouring gas on it. So a lot of times people will come to us with their like, last three to$5,000 and say, here. And that's, that is the worst thing that you can do. for any marketing agencies listening or owners, founders do not take on client, trust me, headache, they'll take up a ton of resources, that sort of thing.

Track 1:

Yeah, and they're gonna have a bad taste in their mouth from you, and you weren't even able to finish out testing before you could even put anything



Track 1:

I get that for sure. how has that offer changed over time?


I'll start with kind of the backstory of our agency. I started as like the typical short form content agency, 30 clips a month, blah, blah, blah. I realized probably, say eight months to a year ago now that, That people need to see a return on investment first. Even if they're spending one$2,000 with you a month, they're gonna churn after that 90 day period, especially if they're not seeing a result from it. So there I learned the paid ad game and then took my, scripting capabilities from prior and translated it to the paid social, use myself as a Guinea pig because I think your own best case study. and then we find the process and here we are today.

Track 1:

How are you tracking that you get results for your clients versus just them telling you, oh yeah, we did this or that.


So before we even start, through their Google Analytics, make sure they have the pixel set up, that sort of thing. we do charge a setup fee, because implementing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager is a lot of legwork. but that's the number one thing. So make sure the pixels on meta are tag properly. The Google analytics is set up, the conversion events are passing back the data through the conversion, API, that sort of thing. So they actually have a dashboard. On Google Analytics that will tell us how much they've made and where the traffic came from, et cetera.

Track 1:

Okay. so how are you pulling in new clients? I.


the exact same ad strategies we're running for our clients. I'm running for myself. Like I said, I'm my own best case study. I'm constantly using myself as a Guinea pig to try new things. The one that's crushing for me right now is that phase one and two strategy I talked about, just creating a magnet ad just. Targeting it super broad, letting the algorithm work, refining my message. that's the one that's crushing for me right now. yeah, that's the biggest thing is through paid social.

Track 1:

So you're, talk to me about that magnet ad. what is it? What does it look like? Let's talk about that.


It is calling out your ideal clients. And so as an example, we'll say plumbers. So it'll be like plumbers. biggest pain point for them is getting new clients or they've been burned by marketing agencies in the past, something like that. So it'll be like plumbers, are you struggling to get new clients? This is how we took insert case study, from X to Y. and we can do this for you. Follow me for more. That sort of thing. And then the watch it usually watch it around three to 10 seconds. That video, you can actually set that in configuration event in Ads manager. We'll do that and they'll go through, create eight to 10 different videos like I talked about earlier. That's anything from two tips on how you can get more clients asking people to go listen to my recent podcast that would apply to them. go read my blog. like a hot take ad so that your ideal client would, agree with. So it be like, oh. You've been burned by marketing agencies in the past. I agree with you because like I said before, have a stigma. Most people step over their mother for a$3,000 month retainer. They'll probably agree with that. You go down the process through there. but the key is to targeting and the messaging. but that's crushing for me right now.

Track 1:

So you'll, you've done the dollar a day behind it. Once you find something, I guess which one that works. How many are you split testing with?


I test myself like 20, 25 different creatives, at a time just because my philosophy is I'm trying to fail as fast as I can, whether that's for myself with my clients, so I can figure out what wins. like I've never met a marketer that can sit down and look at a batch of creatives and tell me what's gonna work. I, if I did, I would hire them on the spot and pay them a six figure salary. But it's a game of testing. It's like anything in business, you need to test, test. Using a low cost strategy, is the best way that you can do that. That way you're not lighting a ton of ad spend on fire.

Track 1:

How long are you waiting until you have that down?


anywhere. Like obviously it depends on your budget and how much you're spending, but I've found the sweet spot is like spending 150 to like$300 first, and then you have an idea. But like you said, you can't just turn the ads off after two days. Be like, oh, it's Facebook's fault that this isn't working. You need to spend a little bit of money and get some data to back it up.

Track 1:

we've seen at least like a seven day runtime of 25 or so different things before we could even see which ones are coming through. How much engagement are you having on these?


Always expecting engagement.'cause we'll post it to our social media platforms first and then obviously, you go into the ads manager, you click

Track 1:



use existing post. so that way we have a little bit of evergreen. And it's going back to the SEO personal branding side. Even if you're running ads, it will still be on your account. but the engagement, if the messaging's good, that is a key indicator for sales in my opinion.

Track 1:

What's your, CTA? Is it on the actual, post. Okay. And is that then linked to send a message book a call link, or what's that like?


Yeah, so

Track 1:



it's dependent on the goal. if we're running Instagram profile visit ads, the whole goal is to get followers so that they can be nurtured through retargeting. So at the end of the video, it's gonna be follow me for more or follow me for more, go through my past content, something along those lines. And then in the caption, it's just super simple, just follow at account. Just super simple. We don't really split test our CTAs or anything in the caption. it's more in the video.

Track 1:

I guess I can see where. You need to understand your client's needs on that end before you go out. Because there's one way of doing something of if you want brand awareness, and getting followers, there's this way of doing it. But if you actually just wanna convert, there's another way of doing it. what path are you following currently for yourself?


I think engagement isn't a vanity metric, but to an extent it is. So if it's three months in and your agency you have 10,000 new followers, great. But you haven't seen a return on investment. That's vanity. But it's okay, after three weeks to a month, and you're starting to see some sales trickle in, it's usually because engagement is an early indicator of sales that I mentioned. Number two, it's data that you can use for retargeting.

Track 1:

Are you, capturing any kind of emails or anything?


not for myself or for my clients. We're not a, not really a fan of, at least I don't touch email lists or anything like that. like we'll usually go and set MailChimp up to a Calendly just so that they have those emails stored. Same thing with the CRM. We're not actively going out looking to capture contact information and going from there

Track 1:

So I'm guessing you're doing a bunch of retargeting ads and things. Yeah. what kind of tools are you using to run these, run this funnel?


It's just, we just ads manager. We're not doing anything special like it's our creative team. We have an entire editing team. outside of like our project management software, we're not really doing anything special.

Track 1:

I love it. That's very simple and very basic, but it works,


scales. At the end of the day,

Track 1:



things. It simplicity scales.

Track 1:

Yes. That is so true, man. who are you learning all this from?'cause I know everybody learns from somebody, You said you're 22 years old, that's young. at me at 22, I did not know anything about this kind of stuff. who did you learn from this?


A lot of stuff is just about business and how to run teams and that sort of thing. But for the fulfillment stuff, honestly, YouTube has been a great resource in Google. and ultimately, like I'm the type of person that I will learn more if I do things, I said before, like it, I'm trying to fail. So when I was failing myself, like I probably spent five to$10,000 in ad spend on myself before I even saw any sales. I was able to do and I was lucky and able to spend that money on myself. But my advice is just to do, just practice.'cause eventually you will figure it out.

Track 1:

Yeah, imperfect action. Just fail forward. That's how I've, we haven't talked before this though. but that's how I've built all my companies is literally from just ailing forward, just getting out there, figuring it out, doing a basic version of whatever I'm doing and then building upon that, making sure I was foundation. that's the key to everything. A long run runway in front of you, so that's awesome that you're doing that. How long have you been doing this for?


A year and eight months now.

Track 1:

Really? And you're already working with Jake Paul, and that's crazy, man, that some of the habitat, humanity, who are some of your other clients?


invisible people. They're one of the top, NGOs for homelessness. I love working in the nonprofit vertical. It's just those people are fantastic. I actually feel like I'm making a change,

Track 1:



but invisible people, if anybody's listening, please go check out their content. myself, I had a stigma around homeless people and I thought a certain way, but watching the content, interacting with your founder. Day-to-day basis. It really opens your eyes up and it's interesting to see how those people live and the mistakes that honestly our government is making with those people.

Track 1:

Man, that's deep. I like that. And I'm sure that ties back to, you wouldn't go a sales route with them. Of course, that's gonna be more of a branding and that's a different approach. I.


entirely branding top of funnel awareness. we're pure organic with them because the nature of their content, it. Goes viral. Actually sent me a text today where 6 million views on Instagram just this month. but it's because we're trying to drive donations, so it's like the more views, the more eyeballs we get, the more individual donors we get.

Track 1:

Versus just pushing for a donation. What have you seen? Like work, I guess I'm sure indirect is better than direct.


Yeah, you cannot push for a donation. It's like the way that it was explained to me, it's basically like going onto the corner and asking for money. It's just, you don't, you get a little bit, but it's a small amount because people just feel bad. It's the indirect, it's like the biggest mistake nonprofits make with content. It's they're creating corporate style content, not actually stuff that people want to consume. That's where we start is what can we make that people actually want to consume? Then from there, it will snowball.

Track 1:

When did you see your biggest revenue boost? What's something that you tweaked or did that you can trace that back to?


Showing an ROI for my clients.'cause I was able just to blast a ton of cool dms, sit there for hours a day, sending cool dms, having conversations, sales calls, but then everybody would churn in after two to three months. And I could never figure out why. But then I met Dennis, and he was like, you need to show an ROI for your clients. I learned the paid ad game. and then from there, I haven't trained a client in, I wanna say nine months now. And then consistently bringing in new people. Like we have a wait list now. that's the biggest thing is predictable income for me,

Track 1:



especially being a business owner. I went to go buy a car, like I wanna say, three months after fully incorporating my company. I realized very quickly that the bank hates you until two years because you can't show that income. Or predictably. And that was the biggest thing I was chasing after, was that predictable, reliable income.

Track 1:

You trying to go buy a nice car,


Oh yeah. I.

Track 1:

man. not telling you how to live your life at all, but I'm what, 32? I got into entrepreneurship world back when? I was like 24, I think 23, 24. And did very well there at the beginning. All my friends in the same kind of sphere, doing the same things.



Track 1:

a lot of them went out and bought the huge mansions and, the Ferraris and Lamborghinis and some of them years later, when things changed, economy changes, things like that. A lot of them, they were selling those cars and wish they didn't have that. they build up, 20,$30,000 a month and, Liabilities. And that's a hard thing to come from whenever your business takes a dip when you're not used to it and you're, you got in on a up market, and that's something I've learned from yours as well. A lot of older, I call'em old heads, is what I call'em, but the older generation in business is, it's just, I'll watch what they do and they're not driving nice cars. They're not doing a lot of stuff. It's fun. Of course you gotta experience it, but. Looking, look to people who have gone the path before and make sure you just don't get too outside of that realm. But, I always say that luckily I was frugal. I was, I guess that's the way I was raised. I wasn't raised with a bunch of money or anything, so buying that, I just, I was scared to do that, and not, I could lose it all, I still, it still doesn't feel real. I've been doing this for years now. Still, I had that little stigma of I, I don't know. I can lose it all one day,


Yeah. it was a blessing in disguise for me. Honestly. It, I was struggling'cause it, I was very fortunate and thankful. but it all came very quick to me that was similar. Similar as you. I didn't have the pot to piss in, so to speak, at times. and it all came quick and it was holy shit. this is insane. But like I said, it's a blessing in disguise and now it's okay. Big purchases scare the living shit outta me because it's still doesn't feel real like I'm less than two years into this thing, but it's crazy how much my life has changed and it's this doesn't feel real, like I don't know what to do. Like almost scares me a little bit.

Track 1:

Yep. Yep. Push it back into the business, man.



Track 1:

Keep growing. Now, what kind of ROI are you getting for your clients? What? What are saying typically.


It depends. but we, on average, it's like a two to five x return on ad spend over the course of three months. obviously we don't have a hundred percent success rate, otherwise we'd be a lot bigger than we were. I don't think anybody has a hundred percent success rate. but on average it's like a two to five roas. Really dependent on like their niche, their goal, who they're going after their case studies them. There's a lot of moving parts involved in that.

Track 1:

Nice. how big's your team?


no full-time in-person hires, do utilize VAs, um, of nine that are more or less full-time.

Track 1:

And I'm guessing you, you had them doing their, I guess you tell me what they're doing.


So four people on the editing team. I have my executive assistant who kind of acts as. More or less the COO without that title. But she handles like a lot of client communication, getting on top of the team, that sort of thing. couple media buyers as well. and then one person to help oversee strategy with me.

Track 1:

Nice. going through media buyers, And using bas through the, I'm sure you've gone through bad ones and what's been your experience with that.


Fire fast, hire faster.

Track 1:



my philosophy of hiring is I'll hire three to four people for the same position, but let them know that they're competing for X number of spots. it's really tough, especially I think with anybody, not just virtual assistants, to find good people. but with media buyers, I don't like to micromanage, but with that, it, that was always like my biggest hurdle to be like, I don't trust to give this away to you. so it's more or less micromanaging, making sure you're not screwing anything up. it, if there was anything, I'd give feedback, constructive criticism. And for me it was like how they took it. If they're kinda like no and made excuses goodbye, but if okay, I'll learn from this, then it's okay, you get another chance. let's build from here.

Track 1:

Yeah, finding somebody that's coachable, that's a big, that's a skill. I guess I would say that you can't use that. They just have to have that.


Yep. A hundred percent.

Track 1:

How do you grow? The corporation from here.


Huh? We decreased client churn. Like I said, knock on wood. haven't churned a client in a while. but consistently just doing good work for my clients and having them talk about it, that's the biggest thing. for me, it's, I don't, I've never had this dream to build like a hundred million dollar a year business. I'm more than happy with like 10, 20 employees. five to$10 million a year is like my end goal and then eventually exiting. But in regards to the growth, it's and rely on the foundations and fun.

Track 1:

How far do you think you're away from that?


Huh. five year, five, seven years, I like, I'm constantly working towards that. I'm like, this is my life. Pretty much. this

Track 1:



hours a day. This is everything to me. but realistically, seven years. But will that happen? But we guess we'll find out.

Track 1:

I like it, man. What, what have we not covered? What, is there anything.


We've strategies, we've covered just about everything. anything you want me to go further in on?

Track 1:

Let's see here. I'm trying to be selfish here and think of what you can help me with.


Because I gave an overview on a lot of things, but I can go deeper to.

Track 1:

yeah. Is there any part you'd like to go deeper on?


I think the ad strategy stuff will be

Track 1:

I was just about to talk about ad strategy. There's some, a few things I've learned even recently on that, and let's talk about that. Let's go through that strategy.


Okay, I'll start with a phase one and two. see if I see how bad I screw this up. But, so phase one we'll talk about the MA magnet data. We've done a few times. That's typical top of funnel framework, calling out your deal client, their pain point, how you can help them. If you can insert a case study in their great, then the. We'll go with six videos. So number one will be a two tips ad on how you can help them with the problem you mentioned in the magnet ad. Next one will be like a hot take ad. That's what I said, if they've been, your niche has been burned by marketing agencies in the past. Talk a little bit about that. Number three, I call it like a coffee date or a small ask ad that's getting people to a podcast or something. Just get them off of platform before you have like your big ask, which is like your offer. Number four, it's like an advice style video. So it's similar like on the two tips I mentioned. but that would be like, Hey, my advice if you wanna scale and get more clients is don't be scared of running ads or don't turn them off too early. Something like that. then number five and six, it's incorporated into your offer. I call the offer. You can't refuse ads. So through this it'll be myself, Hey, I'll run your ads for free for the next two weeks. Do all the setup. you just soak a spend, something like that where it's like. seen all the videos and then they finally see that and it's oh, no brainer. Most of the time, at least in a perfect world. And then on the technical setup for that, we'll launch the magnet data. We'll let that run for two weeks, gather as much data as we can, and then on. On the setup for the rest of the ads I mentioned, we'll set the conversion event on the magnet ad to people who have watched at least 10 seconds of your video. For the rest, we're gonna go match, match that conversion event to people who watched 10 seconds of the magnet ad sent the frequency cap to five days. So on average, those people are only seeing your video twice a day. So it's not, you're constantly in front of them, but it's just enough for them for you to be in the back of their mind.

Track 1:

And you mentioned what step five, was that a retargeting ad where you're giving them something where they can't, the offer that they can't refuse.


Yeah, so the offer you can't refuse is incorporated in those like kind of phase two videos. So the whole idea behind it is all those videos are re targeting because you're only getting in front of people who watch the magnet ad regards to the budget for that. We do the budget for the magnet ad anywhere from 10 to$50 a day.'cause that's when we wanna get in front of a different people stuff. We do anything from one to$5 a day because the audience size isn't nearly as big.

Track 1:

And you said, what? Five to 10 seconds? I need to be watching that magnet ad for.


Correct, and that's really important in the messaging because I'm a big proponent of using the algorithm. It's a lot smarter than any of us. So that's where the messaging really needs to be concise. You can't be like business owners or founders. It needs to be like, have you currently raised between one to$10 million for your company in the last 60 days? And after those people get past the hook, those people are watching it, then they'll more than likely continue through that video.

Track 1:

Yeah, how have you dealt with. Being perfect on ads, but somehow their sales copy or their funnel, or it's a backend issue on turning these client or turning these clients in, or, I'm sorry, these leads into, sales.


It is, it's, we're very selective with who we work with. Like I said

Track 1:



we're just dumping gas in a fire. We're not creating it. so it's we'll audit, not audit the business, but more or less kind of audit their marketing side and go from there. If you're giving us your last 5K, don't even bother. Like we're not taking it from you just in good conscience. I can't do that. but it's really just making sure that they have their shit together on a business side and making sure that we're not solving any business strategy problems. It's a lot of times too that the telltale sign is if they're micromanaging us, so it's like, Hey, should we set a cost cap? Should we do X, Y, Z? It's Nope, you hired us. It's either you let us take the wheel or. Like you refund, don't worry about it. go somewhere else. We'll refer you to our, some of our partners,

Track 1:

Yeah. is there, a rev limit that like to see, is there a sweet spot that you've seen where you guys have worked very well in? Is there anything like that?


the clients that we'd like to work with. at least on the B2B side, it's like founder led brands. That's usually around like. It could be like under 30 employees is usually it. and then revenue. For us to be comfortable, it needs to be around like 50 KA month to a million dollars a year.

Track 1:

You. Gotcha. what's been your smallest client?


We've worked with people doing less than 10 KA month, but that's more on the organic social media management side.

Track 1:

Yeah. have you made progress with them


Not in the sales side. Like obviously we're gonna do our best with the organic, like they'll get some leads that are trickling in, it's like really set the example and be like, look, you're more than likely you're gonna churn after three months. this is why we do have this option when you get sick of just paying us$1,500, two grand a month.

Track 1:

and what's that option?


done for you ads.

Track 1:

Gotcha, gotcha. And that's everything.


Yeah. That's everything under the sun,

Track 1:

Nice. What am I missing here? remember that? I'd love to do a lot more. I'd love to dig into things I've gotta watch. I gotta remember that I'm on a podcast sometimes, and I can't always like, Hey, share your screen. Show me this right here. things like that. But, man, I think everybody's, I think we've gone through it. where can people learn more about you, man?


Google me, Kegan, KIG. Hopefully our SEO team and the VAs are doing their job and hopefully we're ranking high enough on that. you can find me anywhere. my suggestion, just go look through any of my content, my past podcasts, that sort of stuff. you'll learn a ton.

Track 1:

And I'll link it down below. Gig Man. I appreciate you coming on today.


you for having me.

Track 1:

Of course, I.

Hold up. Before you go, I've got an opportunity for you guys that I don't think you're going to want to miss. We're at the beginning stages of this, but we've been creating a community, and we're about to launch it. And by the time you hear this, it'll be out. There's going to be a link in the description. If you've enjoyed what you've been hearing on the podcast, you've enjoyed the guest, enjoyed me talking and rambling on, and Want to know more or want to take something that you have and make it bigger scale it grow it We're gonna be sharing information that will probably help with that in this mastermind community that we're gonna be Growing over the next couple months. So if you want access to this will be a paid community, but right now it's gonna be free So that's the opportunity come join if you'd like to the links gonna be down in the description So go click on the link put your email address in and then we'll grant you access from there But we appreciate you guys