Business Confessions

From $500K in Debt to $2M Business:His Raw Journey to Success | Taniela Fiefia

March 13, 2024 Dylan Williams
From $500K in Debt to $2M Business:His Raw Journey to Success | Taniela Fiefia
Business Confessions
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Business Confessions
From $500K in Debt to $2M Business:His Raw Journey to Success | Taniela Fiefia
Mar 13, 2024
Dylan Williams

#016: His journey began after a tough experience with a former employer, which led him to leap into entrepreneurship. Facing financial struggles, Taniela recognized the power of effective marketing, utilizing a unique business model that focused solely on sales and marketing, leaving the operational aspects to other contractors. Embracing social media as his primary marketing tool, Taniela emphasized the importance of personal branding and transparency, drawing inspiration from successful figures like Grant Cardone and Gary Vee. His marketing approach, engaging in high-volume content across multiple platforms, notably Instagram and TikTok, has been instrumental in his business growth. Taniela's story is a testament to the impact of authentic, controversial, and lifestyle-driven content in building a successful business through social media.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Business Revenue and Growth
00:01:14 - Starting the Concrete Business
00:03:06 - Social Media Marketing
00:06:27 - Overcoming Business Challenges
00:09:39 - Controversial Content and Authenticity
00:12:08 - Building a Personal Brand through Authenticity
00:13:29 - Coaching for Holistic Transformation
00:14:46 - Content Creation and Authenticity
00:17:19 - The Power of Mentorship and Learning from Failure
00:22:32 - Organic Client Acquisition and Relationship Building
00:24:16 - Simplifying the Funnel Process
00:25:39 - Personalized Accountability in Coaching
00:27:07 - Coaching Content Creation
00:30:10 - Building a Strong Community
00:34:52 - Finding Taniela Fiefia
00:35:39 - Joining the Opportunity

Taniela Fiefia's Link:

Dylan's Links:

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Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Show Notes Transcript

#016: His journey began after a tough experience with a former employer, which led him to leap into entrepreneurship. Facing financial struggles, Taniela recognized the power of effective marketing, utilizing a unique business model that focused solely on sales and marketing, leaving the operational aspects to other contractors. Embracing social media as his primary marketing tool, Taniela emphasized the importance of personal branding and transparency, drawing inspiration from successful figures like Grant Cardone and Gary Vee. His marketing approach, engaging in high-volume content across multiple platforms, notably Instagram and TikTok, has been instrumental in his business growth. Taniela's story is a testament to the impact of authentic, controversial, and lifestyle-driven content in building a successful business through social media.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Business Revenue and Growth
00:01:14 - Starting the Concrete Business
00:03:06 - Social Media Marketing
00:06:27 - Overcoming Business Challenges
00:09:39 - Controversial Content and Authenticity
00:12:08 - Building a Personal Brand through Authenticity
00:13:29 - Coaching for Holistic Transformation
00:14:46 - Content Creation and Authenticity
00:17:19 - The Power of Mentorship and Learning from Failure
00:22:32 - Organic Client Acquisition and Relationship Building
00:24:16 - Simplifying the Funnel Process
00:25:39 - Personalized Accountability in Coaching
00:27:07 - Coaching Content Creation
00:30:10 - Building a Strong Community
00:34:52 - Finding Taniela Fiefia
00:35:39 - Joining the Opportunity

Taniela Fiefia's Link:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Track 1:

How much money do you make?


So for my concrete business, we do$2 million a year, and then I started a coaching business now, and that we just started that out now and it does 40,000 a month

Track 1:

And how are you doing?


it was pretty easy actually because. We already had the concrete business. and so it was pretty much just copy and paste. Now for contractors when they wanna join in, and grow their own business, it's pretty much just copy and paste. It's all the same Yeah. For contractors all over. So it's been

Track 1:

yeah. Let's talk about the concrete business,'cause I'm curious about this. We, buddy of my, I'm one of my best friends actually, just started a concrete company because he was spending so much already with his development company, like building houses, that he was like, we could save X amount, already just with the amount of concrete that we do, and it's been in our market, we, there's nobody that's really filling that gap. so they just bought a truck. And they've been building that up over the last, just a couple weeks now. and they asked me actually if I wanted to invest in it, and I've been on the fence on what I was gonna do and how I can help them bring things into that too.'cause I'm more in the online space now. But, I've got some questions. I've got some questions for sure. I, let's dig into the concrete company. how'd you get started with that?


Yeah, was working for a guy actually for a couple years, two years. and that's where I started learning like how to build a business or how to do the actual work and stuff like that. And then it came to a point where there was one week, like my paycheck bounced, so I actually didn't get paid for two weeks. And then that was the, that was like the final straw of me just starting the business, going full gung-ho in it. And I only had a couple hundred bucks. so I didn't have a ton to grow, but I knew I needed to figure it out. And so at that struggle was the biggest thing I was pushing was really marketing.'cause I knew it didn't matter anything else if I don't have

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and I run my model different. I'm not sure how your friend does it, but the model I run is we run like Uber. Uber, they do all the sales and marketing, but they don't own any of the Airbnb, they do all the sales and marketing, but they don't own any of the homes. So like for my company, I don't have any trucks, trailers, equipment, anything. I just do the sales and marketing, just my own personal truck. and I just do all the sales and marketing, and then I just find contractors that already have all of that and they'll do it for us. That way I don't have to carry all the. Overhead, the expenses and all that. And it's worked great because a lot of guys don't know how to market, so it's a win-win situation right

Track 1:

It is scalable that way too, you, it doesn't rely on just one truck or doing so many jobs in one day because you can hire multiple contractors to go out there.


Yep, exactly. That was the biggest thing because no one can compete.'cause if they have to spend whatever, five grand a month on. Maintenance gas equipment, the payments, I can just spend that five grand on marketing and then no one else can compete at all.

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And so that's the

Track 1:

Yeah. Way more scalable.


Oh yeah. By

Track 1:

so I noticed that you don't even have a website to that company. You were running.



Track 1:

You are running everything through, I guess your, you're following right? You're Instagram.


Yeah, everything's social media, so like we don't even have decals on the trucks and stuff because I sub it all

Track 1:



So like I don't have logos, we don't have nothing and everything's all done through social media because that's where I realized the biggest companies nowadays, everything is like social media. if you, everything's personal brand. look at the Rock. He doesn't know anything about tequila, but he starts a tequila brand, billionaire, Jenner, she doesn't know anything about the makeup business. Me and you probably know more about the business than them, but just because their brand is so big So everything I pushed, I just wanted all everyone to always just stay on the social media.'cause then they fall down this rabbit hole of they watch one video, then they watch five, then they watch 20 of my videos. which only helps me, but it's actually, that's the best sales process is. People will consume so much of my content and I put the prices of my jobs on the content, so it's actually selling the job for me. So by the time I actually meet a customer, already know the price, they already know our process. So it's really just like they feel more comfortable with us.'cause everyone else, they have to, they're just barely meeting the contractor. Us. We've already, they've binge watched two, three hours of content so

Track 1:

Yeah. They already know,


they feel familiar with us.

Track 1:




Track 1:

that's the whole point of sales right there. That's so good. did you have a following? Whenever you're doing this, like how, take me through how that started. Did you just start posting your jobs whenever you're working in the concrete business?


Oh yeah, I went like full on card on 10 x style. Like I didn't, so social media, I really didn't even start posting until two years ago because I just knew okay, I just need to constantly put it out there and then eventually it'll pay off, which it did. I was posting. videos a day at the time. And so it was an insane amount of volume. but I knew that like I could just always use that as like references. So like when people wanted to look at my work here, just shoot'em a reel and then after you send it to a thousand people, like the views just keep going up and, yeah, it was all just massive volume to build the following. So it, it grew pretty quickly'cause it's across all three platforms now. In the past year and a half, two years, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, it's about 300,000

Track 1:

What's been your best performing? where do you get majority of your tiktoks Really?


Oh, TikTok is, most of the clients are all from Instagram, but TikTok is where you can post a bunch of videos to test. So like on TikTok, I'll just post like 10 of the same video and just tweak like one thing and then whichever one works best. Copy and past it onto Facebook and Instagram because on Facebook and Instagram, like if you post too much on there, people see the same thing and then they'll just

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you a different, there's just so much content there. People will.

Track 1:

So you're using TikTok as a testing site for your content and then distributing on Facebook and Instagram. That's smart. That's really smart.


Exactly. Yeah. So that's how we're like, that's how we like split test. yeah, that's been the biggest model and I wish, if I could flip it now, then really I would've started first.'cause I noticed Gary v, Alex pretty much everyone that's big in the game, they push a long form more than anything.'cause that's where you can actually like build a relationship with whoever's viewing

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tiktoks, there only like 32nd clips, so it wasn't a whole lot we could do.

Track 1:



But stuff like this, yeah, you could build a lot deeper connection with people like on a 30 minute, 60 minute video or podcast.

Track 1:

and they really get to know you, like you said before, and what you were doing with your short form. People can really dig in and get from long form. They can get a lot more out of it and really know who you are. Gain, lack of trust, what were you posting



Track 1:

at the beginning?


at the beginning it was mostly like mistakes. That was the biggest thing really, because a lot of people I noticed, so as I was growing the business, there's a lot of things that I wish I knew in the beginning.'cause at the deepest point, so we've been about two and a half years in business. The deepest hole we were like negative 500 grand. It was insane. And it went, yeah. And but I loved it because I was fully transparent about it and open about how I was gonna solve the problem. And that's where it gained a lot of. Following because people aren't that transparent about it. People will talk about like how much money make, but not about how much money they lost. And so people like a comeback story. okay, is he gonna fail? Is he gonna file bankruptcy? and now people just associate with that. It's damn, he didn't fold and he had like negative 500 grand. Why? Why am I stressing and I have$500 in my bank account, like because I hear it all the time. People wanna quit and they only have$500 in their bank account. add a couple zeros negative and then you can maybe think about it. But yeah, that's what blew it up was just being fully transparent about the good, the bad, ugly,

Track 1:

I just going through it, just keeping going.


Oh yeah.

Track 1:

Yeah. I think,


Oh yeah.

Track 1:

like that's a, somebody was saying, I literally heard this week. It was somebody was saying, I think they were asking Pepsi or co, Coca-Cola or something. They're like, they were talking to one of the, leadership members and they said, Hey, how. How do I get as good as what you guys have, have built, he said stay in business a hundred years, he was like, we still have all our problems. It's just we've dealt with the problems that you're going through already, and it's just less of a, a crap show essentially, is what they said. But we still have our, they said they still have their crap that they go through. It's just stay in business. that's all you need to do. Just stay in business. Over time it will tick up, but it's just staying. A lot of people quit. A lot of people stop. And I can see that I've shut down businesses before because I was just tired of some crap, But the ones that do the best, it's the ones that you just stay, you stick with and you just endure the crap essentially. That's good to hear.


Yeah, because it, this is actually my, so this is my eighth and ninth business right now. So I've started, I've started

Track 1:



before this and they

Track 1:



like so many different failures and, but I always knew like I wanted to be rich or I wanted to. Working a job wasn't for me, and so that's why I always pushed heavily on it.

Track 1:

Yeah, I know. I can definitely relate to that. I've had multiple businesses, more failures than successes. Some, luckily I'm known for a couple of my successes, but definitely failures. I'll talk to somebody in there and I'll, I had a call center at one point and people were like, you had a call center? I was like, yeah. not for long, but we had it and it worked for a while, but yeah, we shut it down, it didn't work. it was a failure, it's just, you get that entrepreneur bug, and you just, everything from then on you, I feel like somebody gave me the keys to the castle, when I realized that you can create anything you want. and just take it from there. But, I don't wanna get off topic here. Tell me a piece of content that kind of took off at the beginning.


Talking about numbers'cause people are really. Insecure about it. Like money's a very taboo topic. And the only reason why it's like that is'cause people don't make as much as they want to. And so they'll cast stones if they see someone making more or talking about

Track 1:



it's funny, anytime I talk about numbers, people will just instantly say I'm fine with how much I make. It's I didn't even ask. But they'll try to portray why they settled. And so like a lot of the times that's what I'll post is. Numbers of how much a job is, how much I made, how much I lost. And it will always garner like hate. Like when I tell people I lost a thousand dollars on this job, then comments will flood. oh, this guy's an idiot. He's gonna fail. don't listen to him. so that, that's always been very big, is talk about numbers or controversial that's why I learned a lot from like Cardone, like Andrew Tate is be controversial and garner attention. And then people that. So I'll attract people who are into the things I am into, and the haters will still just flood the comments and it'll just boost you more.

Track 1:

Yeah. What are some controversial things that you, other than, so you did the numbers, what are some con controversial things within, because you gotta stay within your realm in your business, can't get too off topic there, but what are some controversial things within the concrete company that you're talking about?


Not actually, not really. So I don't even, On all my content. I cuss, like I wear nose rings, I bump rap. I'm fully, I even call out, like I even call out men on my content, like you're a failure if you're fat, if you're an alcoholic or broke. Like literally I call them out on my content and then it's truly authentic, like how I think. And so it's. A lot of the customers I get resonate with that exact thing.'cause no one else is gonna do that. Everyone else is so afraid of being their true, authentic self. So since like I'm fully open about that, people are like, dude, hell yeah. Like I don't even care. What's the price? cool, let's roll.

Track 1:



so yeah, I actually don't have any filter on anything I talk about. It's really just whatever I like. Yeah, I'll show my family. I'll show. what I want to do, vacations, whatever. So that's actually the biggest thing I found out is I'm not just showing the work.'cause if you notice like Red Bull, none of their marketing is showing the drink. They'll always show a lifestyle. So they'll show like people jumping out of planes, people snowboarding, and so they'll associate a Red Bull with that lifestyle. So that's what I realized. The biggest thing is like I have to incorporate more lifestyle, not just job site. I post a lot of gym content. I like working out and so a lot of my customers that work out that resonates with

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you're selling the transformation.


Exactly. And so if you can tie in more things than just nice work, hey, he listens to this kind of music, I listen to this kind of music he has, he's from this kind of background, I'm from this kind of background. So you're ticking off a lot more boxes and you find a lot more familiarity than just. Showing one thing because that's where I realized like what a lot of the other people, that do have massive brands is like they show a lot of their lifestyle. They show their family their cars, not just.

Track 1:

Yeah, that's good. That's really good. I was gonna ask'cause I know at the beginning you're just posting a post, to get content out there. Has your content strategy changed now that you're like teaching other people? what I know how it was back then. Has it changed? Has your strategy changed now?


Yes. So I don't do, does, it has changed. So I don't do a lot of like teaching. I go away from like the five steps, how things

Track 1:



I go a lot more towards holding people accountable. I. Two things and like the lifestyle. And that's what my content is a lot more about is not just trying to preach to people like a school teacher. It's like I'm really trying to change their habits.'cause so for my coaching business, it's not just contractors. Like we get them off alcohol, get them off smoking, we get them in the gym.'cause there's no point making money if you're not crushing it. In all other aspects, there's no point making money if you're fat, if you're. there's, that's what I resonate with is no, we have to be unbeatable in all areas. that's what I feel like our kind of coaching group is a lot more towards, it's not just changing their business. I'm, we're literally trying to change like people

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Changing the mindset. It's, I've said it a few times on this podcast, but that's upstream thinking, essentially. It's fixing the problem, the main root of the problem, versus just fixing something immediate issue, You're fixing the foundation, the mindset and getting them right in that end so then they can build on that.


Yeah, exactly.'cause it's not, don't need more, it's not a lack of information, it's a lack of implementation people have. so like the same reason why everyone knows what it takes to lose weight. Stop eating like shit, and go to the gym. But not everyone has lost weight, like there's so many fab people. And so it's, but once you start implementing it, holding, then they change. Once they get a personal trainer, holding them accountable, then they start changing. so that's really what we do more is like holding them accountable to a higher standard. So yeah, they feel uncomfortable failing in any of these areas.

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah, that's big. where are. What do you suggest, because you're coaching now, you're teaching people how to do this, what are you suggesting them to post? And I promise this will be my last content question. I.


yeah. no, you're good. You're good. This, the content, Videos of just the entire job site. Like not being professional about it. So too many people overthink it and they think like they need a camera guy, they need all this stuff. All my content is 100% just from a iPhone and then that's it. I'll just record it and post it. Too many people will overthink it and like just, it's better the more raw it is.'cause if you over edit it, no one's gonna watch it.'cause it doesn't even look real if you just film. It people feel like they're right there at the job site. You just whip out your phone. You see there's some mess on the side. it looks real. You're not trying to fake anything. so that's the best type of content is like, Hey, just whip it out. The less editing, the

Track 1:

Yeah, being authentic, that's a big thing. Not a lot of people do that. Everything's ever edited nowadays. I feel like I even got caught in that just thinking, I just need to post more, And I'm thinking, oh, it's gotta be perfect because I have a. Image to uphold, I've created multiple businesses, I'm held at this standard. My, my content's gotta be held at this standard too. and what has it done? It's kept me from posting things, and I'm just like, oh,


Yeah. Yeah.

Track 1:

and that's the whole, yep, exactly. that's, I'm realizing things too right now is we go through this too. So more so selfish, questions I keep asking. other than, How do I put that? Other than posting content, what were you doing to grow at that point?


we did a lot of, so we were running ads, so I paid a bunch of, mentors to teach me how to do the marketing on running Facebook ads, Instagram ads and things like that. And everything always just stemmed from content. And then, so to also grow is, I was just hiring other people that had way more experience than me. And it was easier that way since I don't have a ton of experience in the construction business anyways. It was just so much easier to just hire someone with 20 years versus me trying to waste 20 years to learn. And that's always been the biggest thing is like just hiring people where I'm weak at. I 100% don't know what, how to operate the construction business the best way. I'd rather just hire someone that. Has experience running one and they can do it for me. Exactly. I wanna just bring the customers coming in and things like that and just find the areas I'm weak at and then let them handle it. Because if I try to learn everything about the business, then it'll take forever and the business will stop because like I'm the bottleneck versus if I can find someone that's like a 10 outta 10 in this area, 10 outta 10 in this area, it can just grow so much quicker.

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. You've gotta learn from somebody and that's what's so in the cheat code, I told somebody this yesterday at the gym, just go pay somebody who's done what you've done before or done what, where you're looking to go walk the path before, go pay somebody to go figure it out because they're gonna, you're gonna learn so much in such a quick amount of time that you would've had to go through so much more. Then, I just, that's the power of coaching and everything. I guess that's probably why you switched to that model as well too. Now.


Yeah. And because I made so many mistakes, but we grew so quick because I had mentors telling me what to do, what not to do. So like the first seven businesses, they all failed.'cause I had that mindset, gonna figure it out. I don't wanna pay someone like they're not smarter than me. I had this ego about it and so I ended up wasting seven years. never really getting a business off the ground'cause I was trying to figure it out. Then when I finally paid for a mentor, it skyrocketed. like our first and second month in business, we were doing like 10 K, 20 KA month. like that third month I hired a mentor and we jumped instantly from 20 KA month to 90 KA month then jumped again to 200 KA month. And so that's when I just went full all in on mentors is. Exactly. I wanna learn everything they learned in the past, whatever, 20 years of mistakes I can learn it right away. And I'd rather pay the money.'cause I don't want to figure it out I'm

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wants to be successful like when they're older. Like I'd rather be successful when I'm still

Track 1:

yeah. That's definitely, it's a cheat code. It's such a cheat code. Who are some of the people that you learn from?


Chi and Gertz was the first

Track 1:

is that?


he. T Green Gertz,

Track 1:

I dunno who that is.


he's, he is a landscaping. he does mentorships

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landscapers. And like I entered into his, he was probably like one of the only ones, him, Alex, or, and Grant Cardone. they've been of mine. but now I do have a new one, which is more towards like my personal brand and the coaching business. And his name is Wes Watson and he's been the best one I've had so

Track 1:

Yeah, one of my good buddies is, that's one that's his coach.


Oh, sweet. Yeah, he's, that's where I got the entire model from and it's insane. It's'cause you're holding people to a higher standard. It's not just business and then that really resonates home

Track 1:

So now you're building up what Wes is essentially building up as well.


Exactly. For concrete contractors, Or all contractors in general, but Yeah, exactly.

Track 1:

Do you teach the model as well inside there?


Yep. So the same model, PE teaches, the way we break it down is it's, we have two groups. one is$300 a month and then that's group coaching, and then one on one coaching is$3,000 a month. And so it's pretty much trying to run a construction business, you can be in one of the two programs.

Track 1:

Do you have a course with yours as well? Yeah. Do you think I gotta go through it?



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and it's just copy, paste everything I've ever done. So it's here, just copy and paste. Take my logo off, put yours on. we already know what works and what doesn't.

Track 1:

I think that's really big.'cause I've spent so much money on my education over the years and it's a lot of courses, a lot of information versus like a framework or essentially something you can copy and paste. And that's what essentially a lot of people are looking for. just that copy and paste don't, I don't want to go learn how to. create a website, here's a website, use this funnel and just do it. those have been the best, education courses I've ever taken. It's just the ones that essentially lay out what they're doing, not what they're just teaching, but what they're actually doing, and then do, and then selling that. That's the best.


Yeah, exactly, and it's always, I'm always grateful why I was like in so far in debt because I learned so much in that short span. Because now I know like how to handle all different types of situations. Like we went through 60 plus employees in two years and then through three failed partnerships so much in a short amount of time. which was awesome. I loved it. cause I always have this mindset that the amount success I wanna achieve, it takes most people 20 years. I wanna achieve it in So then I also have to accept the amount of failures people go through in 20 years, condense it into two years. So that's why I never wanted to quit, go file bankruptcy, anything like that. I just knew that was all part of the process to keep growing the business.

Track 1:

Man, that's big. I didn't think about that. You wanna achieve something, are you also have to expect that amount of failures in that timeframe as well.


Exactly, and it's just always flipping things like that. And then also like for the amount of failed, employees. Like we've gone through a ton. People think man, 60 employees in two years. that's a lot It's that's the point because if I want the top 10%, 90% have to be a bad fit. So it's all just reps. And then same for the partners. It's like I'm, I'm glad there's multiple field partnerships.'cause I have very unrealistic, high ambitions, high goals. And so a lot of people won't resonate with that. So a lot of my partnerships have to fail to get to the ones that were like, okay, cool, we could skyrocket, which ended up being my brother now. So it's like cool. It should just fit from the

Track 1:

Yeah, trying to push him away the whole time. Then you're finally like, oh, okay.



Track 1:

so take me through, let's switch gears a little bit to the coaching. gimme an overview of that. how are you getting clients.


It is all through social media. 100%. Yeah. I'm just posting my life and then I just post, on stories, client successes, and so people just DM me, and now I'm just making so much content now they know what's in the program. And then they just we're dial, we're taking away sales calls. I used to do sales calls, but now we're just taking it away and people just DM me Hey, I wanna do the one-on-one three K month. Cool Link sent. and so that's where most of the clients are coming from is all content. And I just wanna keep pushing that harder and harder, which is why we're doing a lot of like long form content, things like that to get them really engaged. But yeah, all the customers, it's all. From, social media. We started some ads, but we're taking that off and just gonna, it's all just organic.

Track 1:

Yeah. And especially if you have a following already and the frameworks to follow in the cycle to use. are you, for your funnel, you're just sending everybody, or the funnel essentially is, everybody's just d DMing you.


Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. I'll just post on my story. DM me or. I'll make a video. It was like, Hey, if you wanna grow your business, hit me up. and the best reason why it works organically, and I learned this from Wes,'cause it's insane. He does like 2.7 a month, organic, no sales calls and nothing. I was like, that's insane. And it was all organic content because then people, when they're reaching out to you, they've already sold themselves. I don't have to jump on a sales call and try to convince them. I don't wanna convince people If you don't wanna join, fine. watch my free content until you're finally like, okay, your free content. I've learned like 80% of this stuff. I'm ready for the extra 20%. Cool. Let's roll. And so that's why it's been great. I don't do contracts, I don't do anything. just. People, they, we build a solid enough relationship. They know what's in the program, they wanna work, they just say which program they wanna do, I send them the link and yeah, then they're in. So that's the funnel is really just

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It's really

Track 1:

Yeah, I had a bunch of questions on that, Hey, how are you sending them to A VSL? are you hopping on a call? All this? Okay, you just explained all that and you're transparent about your pricing. A lot of coaches keep that, they, of course, they're. I feel like everybody by now knows the funnel. Now you're trying to sell everybody on the high ticket, and if it doesn't work on the high ticket, you have another option for'em. and you just tear them down. you're just transparent with your pricing and like you said.


The same as I do for my customers, for my concrete business, my content, it says the price of the driveway we did so they already know. So I don't get a bunch of tire kickers. already know what to expect. So if someone's gonna message me, they already know the prices. They just tell me which program they wanna

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and yeah, so that's the easiest funnel. It's simple and yeah, putting the pricing out there. A lot of guys, a lot of coaches don't put the pricing'cause they want to get them on a call. They want to convince them. I don't, I was like, Hey, if you don't wanna do the program, that's fine. I genuinely, I don't care. use the free content.'cause tons of people still make money off the free content.

Track 1:

Yeah. And that's the model. That's what Alex Ramzi essentially teaches. it, it should be that way. It's the people who just want their handheld, they want a little bit more, they want it in a systemized way. They want somebody to tell them what to do. That's what that's for.


Yeah, the accountability is okay, cool. Like you're, how we can really dial it in. it's the same as the same as the personal trainer. So like everyone can YouTube what it takes to lose weight. It's all free info. Not everyone's losing weight until they hire a personal trainer. Now they're emotionally and financially invested. Now they gotta pull it

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So that's the same thing when people opt in. It's like we're holding them to a higher standard, like you gotta pull it off.

Track 1:

So you have the one-on-one and then a community essentially. what platform are you running that on?


Sounds cool. The one that Alex or Mo

Track 1:

Nice. Nice. are you I feel like there's two forms of this and what I've talked with people about this'cause I'm sitting here debating, do I need to just because I was just gonna do consulting.'cause I've been helping a few friends with their business and I was like, they're getting good information outta this. I should probably offer this to other people as well. And I was thinking, do I want to go community route and just get everybody in there? Or do I want to do just consulting one-on-one, and just. Had that more handheld, you've taken both approaches and I thought about that too. Do you find the lower ticket, we'll call'em lower ticket, what is it, 300 a month? Do you find that a lot of work to do?


No, so there's, so I only spend two hours a week, doing group coach calls and that's pretty much it. So not a lot of time, I'll do a group coach call on Tuesday and then another group coach call on Thursday. So pretty much whatever questions people have, they jump on the Zoom call. We answer it for right then and there. and then people get the recordings. So those just have this massive list of it, yeah, it's pretty easy because there's so many people that'll be on the call. don't have to make content. They just ask questions. I just record it, answer the questions, and now that answered it for 20 other people.

Track 1:

Yeah. Oh, that's good.


so we sold it. So we didn't even build courses or anything, I was just selling the program and everything was just like hey, what's your questions? And okay. I just answered their questions and I just recorded it all. And then now that was the training and it was always the same, 10 questions anyways.

Track 1:

Yeah, so then you go and make a course outta that.


no, I just posted the

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I don't even have to, no, it, I don't, I spent no time making courses. It was,

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it's really just, it's so simple because. I don't want, I don't want a lot of barriers'cause so many people think like I have to spend all this time making a course. It's there's no point. You're gonna waste all these, all this time making courses and then half the videos they don't even care about. I'd rather just ask them directly, what do you need help with? Cool. Next call. What do you need help with? Cool. It's so much easier that way. And then I don't spend any time wasting trying to figure up makeup content. They just ask me and it's the answer's right there.

Track 1:

You've simplified this so much, and it's just, in my head I'm thinking, and I'm a very systemized person and I'm thinking, he's gotta have this, he's gotta have this. And you're just like, no, I'm just gonna put it out there and do it. This is what, how it is. and clearly you're successful within this. how much are you making doing this on the coaching side?


yeah, so the coaching one now, we started with Wes in December. we did 40,000 in December, and then in January we've done 25,000. So in the past two months, like 65,000. and it's great'cause there's no there's really no employees. It's just me and my friend coaching'cause he runs a bigger construction

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So mine only does 2 million. But I have a friend that runs a$10 million company. so it's just me and him and it can just be us two up until a thousand clients. We have a hundred right now. But we can go to 1,002, we can go thousands of clients.'cause it's a really sim simple

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We don't need employees.

Track 1:

Yeah, that's really good. I was trying to like framework something out here on like how I was gonna do it, and then I. I learned from another guy. Of course, we all learned from somebody, and the way he was setting his up, I, he was about to run into a bottleneck because he did the exact same one-on-one and group coaching. The group coaching grew a little bit. I can see where he might run into an issue of not answering all the questions that come. To fruition or come into the meeting because so many people have different businesses. It's not geared towards one thing, but everything you're gonna have is all geared towards one thing because it's only one business that they're gonna.


It only construction. Yeah, it's construction, But of it, because we're. Just having a massive group is now a lot of questions I don't have to answer now.'cause other people will just chime in. will ask a question, how do I do X, Y, and Z? Other people that have been in the group for one, two months, they already know the answer so they'll drop it in. So now I don't even necessarily have to do as much of the coaching, like everyone's, which is greater. lot better.'cause now it's building a community. It's not just me teaching everyone now. It's like people don't wanna leave. man, I have so many friends in here. If I leave, I lose access

Track 1:



I have so many resources.

Track 1:

Do you have anything set up to where if they leave, they're not allowed to join in? Or do you have a upfront fee that you charge so it doesn't keep people from joining and then leaving and then joining back again? two months later.


If they can leave and then they can come back

Track 1:

I gotcha.


but if people are like, if they have a negative mindset or anything like that, I just won't let them in the group. I just won't. Yeah. and that's the beauty of it.'cause we have such high margins,

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah.


I don't want people dragging down the

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yeah, like just the other day, a guy wanted to, he was really skeptical and stuff like that. And then when he finally wanted to join the group, I said no. I was like, I don't want your skepticism, I don't want your negativity to affect the other people in the group and drag us down.'cause we're only as strong as our weakest link. So I, we have to change it from. Customers picking you to you pick your customers. Once you have that kind of mindset of it, then the same as like girls. If you have a hundred girls, like you don't care. But if you can, if you don't have, if you're not good with girls and you only get one, like you'll be really desperate, like really needy. so it's like changing that kind of mindset and then it's so much easier to sell.'cause then I don't have to be pushy, car salesy. I just tell people like, Hey, there's the program. You wanna in or out.

Track 1:

This is it. This is what you get. Yeah.



Track 1:

And you already, so I'm thinking here, the following of course helps. You said you weren't running paid ads anymore now'cause of the coaching. You're just letting organic run.


yeah. cause yeah, so then that way people are just watching organic content. I don't have to try and convince them. they just watch it and. After six months, they wanna buy. Cool. And so you never know, which piece of content is gonna hit that nerve and then just lights the switch. It's damn, I've seen you grow these past six months. I'm still in the same spot. enough.

Track 1:

Where are you grabbing that content from? what makes, I've heard a few different ways to go and create that content, but for you, how are you identifying those pain points? Is it the common questions that you get in the coaching group, or where are you coming up with this?


Yeah, common questions, but then it's really just my own experience.'cause I ran my own construction business, so like I went through the same exact problems they did. So it wasn't hard to. It was just like, Hey, when I was, when people say they're the position they're at, it's okay, cool. was it at your exact same point. how I got over it. And then it s damn, I didn't, but since I've already been there and gone past that. So it's the same as like the gym first time you went, like you didn't know is my form right when I'm benching and stuff, but. Now that you've, you're built, so it's done it a million times. If you bring a friend along and he wants to work out, you can instantly tell what he's

Track 1:



And he thinks it's mind blowing. He is like, bro, I didn't even know I was supposed to like, retract it. My shoulder's oh, that feels way better. but because you've already had all those reps, you don't even have to think about it. You could just instantly see what's wrong.

Track 1:

that's good. That's really good.


so that's why the content works so well. It's like I don't have to think of things to say. will just tell me their problems. They're like, okay, cool. Do X, Y, and Z.'cause I know exactly where

Track 1:

You've been through


Yeah, that's the easiest. Yeah.

Track 1:

here. I'm, and I'm asking these questions too.'cause I'm struggling with it right now. I'm like, what should I post? and I'm asking these questions and then you're just like, simplify. Simplify it. that's what I get from you is just what you did.


yeah, because everything is so simple because that's where I filled in all my other businesses. I was overcomplicating things, and so I need the least of like just getting things done. And so that's why all my business, like all the content, like I don't know how to use a camera or anything. cool, I'm just gonna use my

Track 1:



And then what do I post? And then like guys will ask a question. Cool, I'll make that. but it's, that's why I'm glad I went through so many struggles and trials throughout the entire, like short two year span. It's okay, cool. If you're trying to hire employees, like I've gone through a ton. If you're trying to get over. So like alcohol and vices, like smoking and drinking are huge in construction. I was an alcoholic the entire time I was growing the business'cause there was just so much stress. So I helped guys get off that. I even had a customer call cops on me'cause I was drunk at his job and I got a DUI for it. That's another story. But yeah, I've gone through a lot of stuff and I'm glad for it. and I'm open about it. And so it really resonates with people.

Track 1:

And now you're just teaching them that stuff.


Yep. is what I went through, this is how I got past it. And it's the same story as a lot of other people. was stuck here. This is how I got here.

Track 1:

That simple.


Yeah, and Alex Ramzi says it all the time, scales, fancy fails, and so like the mo, the more simple something can be, yeah, then the scalability of it is insane. And so that's how it all operates.

Track 1:

where can people come and find you? Man?


All my social media is. Uh, Instagram's always the main platform. I'm on

Track 1:

I'll link it in the show notes too, so everybody has that.



Hold up. Before you go, I've got an opportunity for you guys that I don't think you're going to want to miss. We're at the beginning stages of this, but we've been creating a community, and we're about to launch it. And by the time you hear this, it'll be out. There's going to be a link in the description. If you've enjoyed what you've been hearing on the podcast, you've enjoyed the guest, enjoyed me talking and rambling on, and Want to know more or want to take something that you have and make it bigger scale it grow it We're gonna be sharing information that will probably help with that in this mastermind community that we're gonna be Growing over the next couple months. So if you want access to this will be a paid community, but right now it's gonna be free So that's the opportunity come join if you'd like to the links gonna be down in the description So go click on the link put your email address in and then we'll grant you access from there But we appreciate you guys