Business Confessions

The Secrect to Landing High-Ticket | Jennifer Blake

March 20, 2024 Dylan Williams
The Secrect to Landing High-Ticket | Jennifer Blake
Business Confessions
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Business Confessions
The Secrect to Landing High-Ticket | Jennifer Blake
Mar 20, 2024
Dylan Williams

#017: After making the personal decision to get divorced, she also chose to move on from a business co-owned with her husband. Despite having built a successful podcast with over 3 million downloads, Jennifer felt it was time to start anew. With a firm belief in her ability to recreate her success, she began building from scratch, focusing on her own venture that had been a side hustle for the past decade. Jennifer's journey reflects the importance of aligning one's business with their desired lifestyle. She emphasizes the significance of creating offerings that provide deeper impact and faster cash flow, encouraging entrepreneurs to establish their reputation and credibility. Her approach to sales, centered around delivering exceptional value and setting industry standards, underscores the essence of building authentic, effective sales conversations. Through her experiences, Jennifer imparts valuable insights on selling without being salesy, emphasizing the need to prioritize one's desired lifestyle and the value of high-ticket offers.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Making a Fresh Start
00:01:17 - Learning from Failures
00:04:40 - Building Business Around Life
00:05:44 - Selling High Ticket Offers
00:08:18 - Steps to Selling High Ticket
00:14:14 - Creating Urgency and Scarcity in Webinars
00:15:41 - Closing Sales Conversations
00:19:13 - Overcoming Objections and Closing
00:21:33 - Encouraging Action Taking
00:25:33 - Building Effective Funnels
00:28:09 - Online Marketing Strategies
00:29:33 - Mastermind Cohorts
00:31:43 - Selling and Marketing
00:34:56 - Email Sequences and Persistence
00:36:48 - Community Launch

Jennifer Blake's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan

Show Notes Transcript

#017: After making the personal decision to get divorced, she also chose to move on from a business co-owned with her husband. Despite having built a successful podcast with over 3 million downloads, Jennifer felt it was time to start anew. With a firm belief in her ability to recreate her success, she began building from scratch, focusing on her own venture that had been a side hustle for the past decade. Jennifer's journey reflects the importance of aligning one's business with their desired lifestyle. She emphasizes the significance of creating offerings that provide deeper impact and faster cash flow, encouraging entrepreneurs to establish their reputation and credibility. Her approach to sales, centered around delivering exceptional value and setting industry standards, underscores the essence of building authentic, effective sales conversations. Through her experiences, Jennifer imparts valuable insights on selling without being salesy, emphasizing the need to prioritize one's desired lifestyle and the value of high-ticket offers.

Show Notes with Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Making a Fresh Start
00:01:17 - Learning from Failures
00:04:40 - Building Business Around Life
00:05:44 - Selling High Ticket Offers
00:08:18 - Steps to Selling High Ticket
00:14:14 - Creating Urgency and Scarcity in Webinars
00:15:41 - Closing Sales Conversations
00:19:13 - Overcoming Objections and Closing
00:21:33 - Encouraging Action Taking
00:25:33 - Building Effective Funnels
00:28:09 - Online Marketing Strategies
00:29:33 - Mastermind Cohorts
00:31:43 - Selling and Marketing
00:34:56 - Email Sequences and Persistence
00:36:48 - Community Launch

Jennifer Blake's Links:

Dylan's Links:

Other Episodes you might like:

Past Guests: Chandler Saine, Daniel Martinez, Stratton Brown, Lee Maasen, Nico Lagan, Daniel Roman,Tim Branyan, David Van Beekum, Nick Hutchison, Deirdre Tshein, Sanchez Zehcnas, Christina Lopez, Keigan Carthy, Hemant Varshney, Taniela Fiefia, Jennifer Blake, Nicki Sciberras, John Chan


You walked away from a multimillion dollar company. Why is this?

Track 1:

yeah. when people build something like that, they don't quite think, oh, I'm just gonna leave and start fresh. And last year I made the decision, a personal decision to, I. Get divorced and I was co-running, I was running a business, that I had, co-owned with my husband. And I decided that, along with leaving, changing up my personal life, it was just, Time to move on from the business. And we had a podcast that had over 3 million downloads. we, I loved what I had built. but at the same token, I also knew that because I had done it, I could do it again. And so I have been basically starting from scratch. I did have my own thing that I've always run on the side for the past 10 years, but it was more of a side hustle to everything else that I was doing. and so now I'm really like, cooking.


That's one thing you took from that is knowledge. And that's one thing nobody can ever take away from you.

Track 1:

That's right. That's right.


we had a podcast just before this. I was talking to somebody and we gain things. We gain knowledge. From one thing or another, a business or something. And we're talking about past failures, about creating businesses. And this guy started like nine. I've only had four or five, but, failures, that we learn from. But each and every time we gain something from that and we take on to the next one, and we're always constantly stacking knowledge and that's something they'll never be able to take away from us. So that's a

Track 1:

That's right. that's right. And, I think a lot of people would've stayed, because it was a stable thing to just, stay and keep making the money you're making and the, all the things. And I just decided that, this was a better path for me and. I took that knowledge with me because it's inside of you. and that's what I love too, when people hire a coach. It's like you're not just getting the coaching for that amount of time. Like you get to keep the coaching information that you receive. You have it forever.


Yeah, I

Track 1:



if that applied to you at all or if this applies to you at all, but once you make, once you get past making enough money to your basic needs and you don't have to essentially worry about money, you don't live paycheck to paycheck anymore, and you've experienced a good life. Money's not really the driving factor anymore. It's more so about enjoying your life and finding fulfillment. And that's what I realized after building a bunch of companies is I was chasing something and I didn't even know what I was chasing. So I achieved all the success and all the money, but I still was unfulfilled on what I was doing and like totally had a, like a, I can't mid, I'm 32 years old, but I had, I guess I, I said I had a midlife crisis,

Track 1:



two years ago and it shut down. Multiple seven figure companies just to, because I didn't need the money. I just, I was focusing on the wrong things and realized, I can do and live the way I want to live without the stresses of certain things I don't like and to keep the things I didn't. So that was a big, pivotal point for me. And that's, I feel like a lesson in itself.

Track 1:

Yeah, so the first time I built a business, this is separate from the one I had just talked about. I was working all the time. Because of that exact thing. I was like, oh, I gotta make the money. I gotta replace my huge job that I had in New York City. this is, it's all about the money. And so I literally burnt myself to the ground working all the time. Had no hot. People would be like, what do you like to do outside of work? what outside of work? What are you talking about? And now, so take, talk about taking a lesson. when I. Started building everything I was building in the past. And even with this now, I build everything around the life I've created, right? So I have a tennis team, I'm the team captain. We have 19 girls on my team, and I play about 15 hours of tennis a week because I want to, it's fun, right? and they're not, it's not like at night or just on the weekends, I had a match today that was from nine 30 to almost noon, right? But I built my, my, my day around it. And so I think that is so important because we gotta do, we gotta create business to support the life we want and not, the other way around, not our life to support our business.


Yeah, that's a great way to put it. My, I look back now my, the one business that, the one business essentially, it runs by itself now, and that's the one I put the least amount of work into, and that's the one I enjoy the most. it's that it runs by itself. I don't have to do anything that's my favorite

Track 1:

that's awesome.


because I'm able to do other things and, enjoy that side of it. So what are you doing now?

Track 1:

Yeah, so I help women entrepreneurs, make more money. Mainly coaches and service-based business owners sell out high ticket offers. I've sold offers from a thousand bucks to a hundred thousand dollars in personal brand businesses. And, I love sales and mindset, and so I mix the combination to help grow business.


Wow. Sell hot ticket.

Track 1:




Track 1:

it's the fastest way to grow your business. So it talk about you wanna create a lifestyle, a business around your lifestyle. it's, if you're selling lots of low ticket things or having programs where there you have no boundaries right then, it makes it pretty hard. But if you create programs that are structured that really are able to help. Your clients. So for example, I'm having a VIP day with a client to help her write a book. I wrote a bestselling book I know about publishing all the things, right? so I'm having A-A-V-I-P day. We're gonna do all the work. In a day and a half that she needs to get done right. And I'm gonna get this big chunk of money for that day and a half worth of work and I'm good. And she's good, right? So it's deeper impact and it's faster cash flow. And so I really like it, especially recurring high ticket offers. So that's an example of a one-time, one-off, whatever. But if, but Mastermind. So when I learned, launched my first business, the way I was able to grow it from zero to six figures in six months was through selling a mastermind. So I sold a 20 k program to a bunch of women, and and it was a year long program and they paid monthly and whatnot. And it was amazing because we met weekly. We had in-person retreats that were deeply transformative. They saw amazing results, but I also saw, and I also saw amazing results quickly in my bank account, right? So it allows you to then go build the other things that you wanna build in the backend. for example, like a low ticket membership's gonna take time, but if you have the high ticket recurring coming in, it makes it so much easier to build the other stuff.


That's so true. What's the secret behind hot ticket? I.

Track 1:

known as a person of value and a person who is trusted when it's so much easier when someone comes to you and says, Hey, so and so told me you help with this and you can help me'cause you helped them or you helped this other person. They knew, right? It's so much easier than having to scream from the rooftops. I'm great. No one cares if you say you're great, but when other people say you're great. It makes a big difference. And so the secret is really delivering exceptional value and being the trailblazer or the person to set the standard in your industry. So stop looking at what everyone else is doing in the industry and go be the industry. Go create the industry. Go push it further than you've ever seen it pushed so that you are the actual leader. And then people will come to you naturally for high ticket. there's also like funnels and stuff you can create that we can talk about if you want, but from a conceptual place, you really need that reputation, in order to make the sales easy.


So this is gonna be fine. Let's, so let's say I, I wanna sell a high ticket. Take me through your steps on what you would do first. Walk me through that, how we would get it going, how exactly you'd coach somebody else on that.

Track 1:

Yeah. So first I'd have you set your price,



Track 1:

most people set the price last, and to me that's backwards. So if you set your price first, so give me a price.


$3,000 a month.

Track 1:

Okay, so you're gonna sell something that's$3,000 a month. Now we have something to go by. So let's build in what this offer looks like by saying if I'm gonna sell something that's$3,000 a month, I want a 10 x that for the client. So I want the client to receive at least$30,000 worth of revenue worth of, it doesn't have to be revenue, but worth of value. Okay.'cause if you're like. A health coach or a nutrition coach or whatever it may be, it's not gonna, it might, if it's not business, it might not be monetary. 10 x the value. And so now we look at your offer and we build in whatever, whatever would give them a 10 x result from what they're investing. And it becomes so much easier when you do it backwards like that. And then you need to establish, or. At the same time, you need to establish reputation and credibility. That could be by hosting an online summit. It could be by speaking in other places like podcasts or people's groups. It could be by writing a book. you need to figure out how you know, like what your thing is that will help you establish credibility. Everyone has different things. Some people, it's just going hard on Instagram and TikTok. Or LinkedIn or wherever, whatever social media platform. and we need to create. So we need to create leads because people need to know you exist, that you're the, and that they can go find you and try your stuff. So I would have you create some sort of freebie that they can opt into something. Amazing. That would give them a lot of value because that's what this is all about. Like people are more reluctant these days to share their email address. and I would have you create some sort of freebie they can opt into and then take them through a sequence. And I've done lots of different sequences. The one that's been most successful for me, two actually that have been most successful for me. One is my book. This is so crazy. So I wrote a book called Sales in a New York Minute. It's for salespeople.'cause when I started my business 10 years ago, I was helping salespeople across the nation and. It's still my most opted into piece of anything on out of everything. I don't promote the book. I don't, try to sell the book in any sense. It's sitting here'cause I was showing it to someone the other day, but like literally it's crazy because my funnels, those were for salespeople, right? And people still opt into it. So I highly recommend something like that if you want, if you're, if you like writing, but if you don't like writing. Create a masterclass. for the past 10 years, I've been really successful creating free webinars, and I can give you my winning formula for what goes into the offer at the end of the webinar, but for creating webinars where you give value and then you pitch at the end. And then for me, what I like to do is I like to do it two or three or four times until I have a conversion rate that I really. and then set it on evergreen so that people can just opt into it all day long.


So you're going live, with your webinars until you find that one, and then that's the one you're setting.

Track 1:

Yeah. I'm all about data, right? we did a webinar years ago and we had a couple hundred people on the webinar and two or three people purchased at the end, and I'm like. That's terrible. What did we do? what? let me, good thing it's recorded, right? So I could re-watch it and see what's going on. And that's when I realized that our offer was really good, our messaging was good, but we didn't have one of the key components in what I've, what I have named the winning formula, which was urgency to buy. We didn't create the now why now. And so in the follow up emails we did and a lot more people bought, but we did the same exact webinar. One week later, the only thing we changed was we off, we added in urgency to buy. Why they should buy now. I don't remember. It was like a free bonus that they got when they purchased right now while they're on their webinar and they said, I'm in, or whatever. And our conversion rate went skyrocketed. It was insane. It was absolutely insane. And which 1:00 AM I gonna use? Obviously I'm gonna use the better one, right? And so when you do this, you get data and the data tells you the data. If you know what to look for, the data tells you what you need to change. But if you go and change everything, then you don't know what's working. And that's why I like to change just one or two things each time I make changes to determine what if that was the factor that, that made the difference.


And then test it out.

Track 1:



was it a simple, just putting a limit on whenever they can sign up

Track 1:

I think in that webinar, what we did, and it was so long ago, but I think we created some sort of extra bonus call if they signed up while on the webinar, they would get this special access call to me and my husband and x now, but people wanted that, right? They wanted the proximity, they wanted the call, and just that little thing made them buy on that webinar.


Okay, that's good. Yeah. Given something that, and that's a one time thing too on that end, but it, they're gonna miss out on that.

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. And so I think, I'm pretty sure that's what we offered. But yeah, in terms of urgency, you can create the first, x amount of people get this extra bonus that goes into your platform. Or you can say the price is going up as long as you're actually raising the price. Don't just say it but be truthful. the price is going up on this date, so here's why you need to buy now. there's all different ways to create urgency and scarcity, but especially on webinars, I find you need to give someone a reason to buy now. So I did a webinar yesterday and I'm in the process of perfecting it, so I did it. And then I did it again yesterday. I made a couple of changes in the content and I made a, and this, these would be big changes, but I also changed the offer slightly just'cause of what I wanted to change and, and. The urgency that I used on that call was I said, look, I'm telling you about this super secret membership that's not even available right now. Like it's literally not for sale yet. I have not told anyone about it, which is all true. I said, but if you sign up while you're on this webinar today, you are going to get a free 15 minute strategy call with me. That was the mover for people.


Yeah. Oh

Track 1:

So you can do that. and I knew I, this wasn't gonna be the one that I put evergreen, so I could make that kind of offer. and you could always change parts out, right? You could always change the urgency part out later on if you wanted, if you wanna make a change. But yeah.


calls are really good. essentially pushing them in that direction because then literally tell them, Hey, I don't think we're gonna be a good fit or we're are gonna be a good fit. and you can

Track 1:



upfront on that. So my next question was how do you close'em once you, so they've gone through like that. How are we closing'em?

Track 1:

Yeah. Okay. So this is like my favorite part. I love the people who will say on Instagram or wherever, to be provocative. They're like, I don't have sales conversations. I close all my high ticket clients and I never have sales conversations. And I'm like, why are you bragging about that? if you are going to work with someone in close proximity, don't you at least wanna connect with them first and make sure that you're a good fit? Or I, that to me, that's like going on a date with someone that you literally haven't even had a conversation with, a text or a, like a whatever. I just, I don't know that I wanna invest that much time. that's crazy to me. And so it's the same thing. I love sales conversations and. I think the reason people don't like them is because they get nervous. They don't know what to do on them. They don't know what to say, and then they think it went poorly because they never asked for the sale, so they didn't get the sale. It's like this whole cycle, but truly sales conversations need to be as much fun as if you're talking to your best friend, and I look at it like that. So first of all, you have to be. curious about the other person. Like literally, genuinely ask questions about them and what they're building and why it matters. What are they doing and what are they hoping to do? And so once you can ask these questions and really understand where they're at, you can also ask what's gotten in their way of making this goal happen so far? So you wanna achieve this thing, but you haven't. What's got it in your way? Oh, okay. Now you paint the picture of what would it feel like? How would they feel if they achieved that goal? Because we want them to get in touch with whatever that goal is, to feel. Like it's doable, right? What would it feel like? What would it do for you? How would it change your life? Okay, now we're getting to their why, and then we're gonna paint that picture and really demonstrate to them what that looks like once it's happened. Oh, you're gonna fit into your skinny jeans again. Can I see them? can you bring them out here? I wanna see really make them feel like, this is possible. and, They can see it, not just logically think it, but actually emotionally connect with it. There's a really big difference. and then after you paint the picture, all the while, by the way, you have already identified what their potential objections are. So there's only three to five main objections that people have every single time they're going to purchase high ticket. They don't really change that much. It's Time, money. will this really work for me? and then there's variations of that. I have to talk to my spouse. what does that really mean? They don't perceive the value to be there. Or maybe they're not confident in themselves that they can do this and they need the, yes, you can do it. Or maybe they feel like they need to get permission on the money piece, but it all boils down to three to five main objections. So if you can outline them in advance. You can actually have answers and build them into your story during the conversation so that you're actually squashing them before they even come up.


So let's, I'm gonna take that in the script, or when I'm talking, I say, I'm trying to close you. I would bring up, hey, at this point, usually by now, people are either here or here, just say like on a scale of one to 10, with one being, I'm not really quite ready to move forward. And then 10 is I'm talking too much. I'm ready. Just buy now. Where are you on that scale? In between one to 10 and then getting that information, whatever you tell me. And then, going from there or saying maybe I put that wrong. That's more of another close. What you're saying say they were. So in your script, do you go by scripts?

Track 1:

I go by talking points versus scripts. I don't want the person to feel like they're scripted. Okay, But what you're saying, like where are you on a scale of one to 10, I want you to know that because you are reading the other person, I don't want you to have to ask that question. I want you to intuitively no. Or be close to knowing, and it comes with practice. it's like a muscle. It gets better at the more you practice, right? and. You'll know if they feel close or they don't feel close. And if they're yesterday on my masterclass, someone who's a virtual assistant gave me an objection and that she hears a lot. she's based in the UK and she hears a lot that, people can get a less expensive VA in the Philippines. Okay, so my response to that was before that objection even comes up in the conversation, I want you to build into your sales conversation when you're talking about the offer, the fact that hey, sometimes people compare rates to other, to, to VAs in other countries, but let's say my hourly rate is 20 bucks an hour and their hourly rate is$10 an hour. What you really need to compare is the amount of time it's going to take for us to complete the task. Because if it takes me one hour to complete the task and it takes the other VA five hours to complete the task, even though their hourly rate was more, it was less, you're paying more. Okay? So now before this even becomes an objection in their head, you are taking it away. So you're saying, wait, it could cost me$50 with the less expensive VA versus$20 with you. And so we're building those kinds of things into the story, to, into the sales conversation so that it's not even a thing anymore. It doesn't mean they're never gonna have objections. People will have objections, but it helps, create an easier. Sales flow, and then at the end I would just, if I feel like they're a good fit for me and I'm a good fit for them, then I would just say, okay, so when would you like to get started? That's it. Not, would you like to get started? That's a yes or no, but when would you like to get started? And then that's when they'll tell you, I need to talk to my spouse, or I need to think about this, or da. And then that's when you can come back with additional. Questions or information to, to move it along, but that would be how I would close it.


So let's just say that happens, right? Then, I need to talk to my spouse, or I need to do this. My, I'm thinking in my head, this is how I would. I want you to critique me or tell me how I'm doing

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it.


So from there I would say, Hey, at this point people are usually one way or another, who are ready to go at this point have that mindset and they continue with their work inside this program and they do great. They're the successful ones, the ones who you know, have to think about it and aren't, the action takers usually aren't the best fit. Where do you think you stand right now? That's how I would push them way or push them another way and try to box them.

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah, I like that. I do like that. One thing I would do in addition to that is I would say, Hey, it's not your job to sell your spouse. Why don't the three of us get on a call and talk about it? And then they're like, oh. And usually the spouse doesn't wanna say no to the person saying, I can help. I can help here.



Track 1:

so it's very interesting when you make that offer and a lot of people are scared to make that offer, but I think that changes the playing field. It literally changes the game. I like where you are going with that, and I might even take that to an earlier part of the conversation. So if you're going to use that at the end, then I would say at the beginning. I wanna tell you something about the people we have seen who have the most success in our program. They're action takers. They make quick decisions. They know immediately in their gut if this is right for them, and then they act on it. They don't wait. So at the end of the call today, you are gonna have an opportunity to work together. And if you deem that, if we deem that we are a good fit for each other mutually, then I can already tell. You are that type of person who will make that decision, right? So now we're preframing it for them so that at the end when you say all that, they're like, oh yeah, I am the action taker. I am the successful person. Let's go.


I like that. That's

Track 1:

And thanks. and another thing I would do is I would build that into your messaging online. So when you're posting on Instagram or you're posting on TikTok or. LinkedIn, wherever it is, that is your main place that you're communicating with people and, getting more leads, attracting more people into your sphere. I would put messaging around that. I. I would create a whole thing about a client who was an action taker. tell one of their stories and why she or he got so much success and what the actions were and why they're an ideal client for you. I would put messaging that actually attracts that kind of person that is an action taker.


How is your, I know that you've been doing this for a while, so how is your funnel from starting out to where it is now? How has it evolved over time? I.

Track 1:

It is gotten a lot more. Sophisticated. So the later funnels that I built in my previous business were crazy cool with different, with different automations, and different trees in the email systems and all that. And it's been very humbling to start from scratch this year or the end of last year and build out a whole new funnel. I'm literally building out a whole new funnel. And so this might be interesting for people who are trying to build out a funnel or even improve theirs. I take the stance that, done is better than perfect. I am not waiting for it to be perfect.'cause the truth is it will never be perfect. The first time I launched this masterclass a couple weeks ago, I hated the opt-in page. It wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be. I had two follow-up emails to come join. I didn't have the best promotion for it, but when you're building everything. All at once. It's a lot to build, and so I was building everything enough to get it into what I call, Instead of a minimum viable product, minimum lovable product, right? So I needed to love it enough to be able to put it out there. And so I, I did that and then this go around when I relaunched it, same, mostly same everything. I updated the opt-in page, I updated the thank you page, like things got a little updated and things got a little better. My webinar was a hundred times better. And I could tell just from the reaction of the people, the messages I got after, like the feedback was incredible. And so now I know, okay, I have the content down in the webinar. Where else can I begin to improve? I can begin to improve in my follow-up sequence. I can begin to improve. So each time it's getting a little better until it's at a place that feels. Really good to turn on evergreen and even if it means redoing it every week, re remoting it and getting people there and doing it every single week just to keep improving it. And, that's where you create gold because once it's ready and you set it, then it becomes a machine and it's like a faucet. You turn it on and it's like pouring in clients, pouring in money, you turn it off, it holds back,


Are you running paid ads at all to your, funnels?

Track 1:

At the moment.



Track 1:

no. I have done lots of ads in the past.



Track 1:

I have a good system right now on Instagram that's creating a lot of organic leads. and I'm gonna see how that goes actually first. So what I'm doing is I'm, I've been, I took a little break from it while I was rebuilding this webinar, but, I'm using TikTok to create leads and then get them to my Instagram. And Instagram is where I'm really creating the relationship with them and building out the and selling. I am sure people buy on TikTok. In fact, I know they do'cause there's the TikTok store and all that. But really what I'm doing is getting them like, it's easier to be found on TikTok. So getting them from TikTok to my Instagram to generate traction and then, getting them to opt into stuff through my Instagram.


I've just talk. I just got off a podcast before this one I was interviewing a contractor. Who was now coaching other contractors on how to go online, essentially do what he was doing, and how he was doing it. He was testing, he doesn't even have a website. the guy did a website. He was testing using TikTok. He would post all to TikTok, take the high performing ones and then put them onto Instagram.

Track 1:

I love that.


everybody to Instagram. To this day, I was like, Hey, where do you want me to send your traffic? I was like, what's your website or everything? He is no, send it to Instagram. I'm like, really? He is yeah. So there's no reason to simplify or, his whole

Track 1:

So I agree with that. people keep asking me for my website to share me with other people, and I'm like. I'm not building a website yet. It literally says, under construction, you can go to my Instagram. Like literally just go to my Instagram because I want you to start a conversation with me. And if you're listening to this podcast, then tell me you found me here. Let's chat about it. And I'm of the mindset, especially if you're gonna sell high ticket, that we need to, that, that you need to create relationships. It's not about the transaction, it's about the long-term relationship.


Yeah, absolutely. That it's that's so true. I keep having like revelations every single time I have podcasts here and I'm just like, man, I got it. I gotta do that. I gotta do this. That's good. sending, so you've got your front end, you're getting, you're pushing high ticket. do you have a backend mastermind or anything that you're doing right now? I.

Track 1:

Yeah, so I just ended a mastermind cohort and I'll be relaunching the Mastermind in March. and so yes, but it's just. I'm only accepting applications right now. It's not in session yet.


Gotcha. Being

Track 1:

yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. That's, that's the whole thing about a mastermind. It needs to be selective. It needs to be the right group of people so that people wanna show up. I was in two masterminds last year, and one I was great at showing up at, I showed up to every single call. I think I missed two calls out of. Six months of weekly calls and the other one I barely showed up to. And it's just like that, it's the mastermind host's job to cultivate the right group of people.



Track 1:

you have to be selective.


is, so I've heard mixed reviews on this end. Are you making the Mastermind like very high ticket, so you're getting, your highest paying clients typically are usually the best clients, are you is that the model that you use with these masterminds?

Track 1:

Yeah. yes. So the Masterminds will have the most access to me, right? They'll be able to slack me, they'll be able to, Monday through Thursday, they'll be able to, we will meet weekly. and then they'll be in community with each other. And I truly believe that. The person who is at that place in their business where they're already making six figures, they already know what their offer is. They already have something in their business down that's bringing in money and want, and they wanna scale to a million dollar business. they're usually a little. They're in a different place than the person who's coming into my membership. Who like wants the basics. And neither one is right or wrong, it's just they're in a different place. And so they actually need less support, but more high level support. It's more about being versus doing in many cases.


So you've been coaching for a while now, a lot

Track 1:



the gurus that you're seeing a lot of paid ads for right now. I can

Track 1:

Yeah. Yeah.


what's, what advice do you have for somebody who might be starting out, has something or they want to do something, they want to coach, they wanna sell something high ticket. What advice would you have for them?

Track 1:

So you likely got into this business because you're good at what you do, but that doesn't mean you were ever taught how to sell. But in order to have a business and go from like entrepreneur to entrepreneur and actually be making money and supporting yourself through your business, you have to sell and. I don't mean that in a harsh way, it's just the reality. And while you have these amazing, know, this amazing knowledge, skills, expertise, you have to get really good at selling as well in marketing. And that means showing up, using your voice, putting yourself out there. People buy emotionally than they justify logically, and they're gonna connect with you emotionally, so they're gonna connect with your story. They're gonna connect with something that you say that they can remember, right? Facts and figures are forgotten, but when you tell someone a story, they're gonna remember it. Like when we were talking at the beginning and I told you a little clip of my story, you're like, oh, I wanna hear more. Right? Because that we were raised on stories. That's why it's like story selling. So just figure out what your story is and begin sharing it. Begin sharing it every single day, showing up. Create a lead generation plan that includes attracting new potential clients on a social media platform by posting literally every single day. And then when you think you're selling too much, you're probably not even selling enough. People need to hear about your offer. So much more than you think, and every time you put it out there does not guarantee they're even going to see it or hear about it. So make sure you can sell every single day in your stories or wherever you decide to sell, that doesn't make you salesy, it just means you're running a business. The amount of emails I get from sacks on a daily basis is insane. It's more than one sometimes, and I'm like, didn't you email me earlier today? But by the fifth or sixth time, I see the same pair of jeans that they know I looked at. I'm like, alright, fine. S I'll buy it.


I was in call, actually, I've got a coach. I feel everybody needs a coach, by the way.

Track 1:

That's right.


so we were talking about that and we were talking about email sequences somebody else was asking about. Emailing somebody too much. He was like, I got emails saying, I'm immediate. They got mad. I've emailed them too much.'cause I think they were, they did a re-offer is what they call it. And they, the last day, it was like a nine point email day. They emailed him five times, like

Track 1:



11, 12. And just because that offer's going away, he said. He went ahead and did it though. He ran it. He was like, I got people who, get irritated, and asked me to take'em off their list and everything. And he was like, that's fine. Those are the freebies. those are people who just come there for information, aren't gonna ever gonna buy anything anyways. He said, how much money did you make? He said, we made 48,000. and I was like, there you go.

Track 1:

Boom. exactly. so here's the thing, right? The people that complain about that aren't your people, the people who like don't see all of them or don't move, but stay on your list. Eventually they will likely buy, I have seen people be on our list for 3, 4, 5, 6 launches before they pull the trigger. And then something in that sixth time we launch, they're like, oh, I'm ready. Or, whatever it may be. Or they, sometimes people need to wait until they see other people get results. Like it just, people buy at their pace when they're ready. And so if they're complaining they're not your people, it's okay. let'em go. the other thing I would say to the person building out their business is. You don't have to do it all at once, right? get, build one bridge at a time, get one offer down to a science and get it working and selling. And then do the next one, and then do the next one. But if you try to do three things at once, you're gonna do a little of each thing and then not complete any of them. And it's just gonna take more time to do, right? Do one thing at a time and do it and just do get it to a place where it's selling and then move to the next one.


That's so good. Where are we sending people, Jennifer?

Track 1:

Come to my Instagram, join the party, hang out with me. It's, I am Jennifer Blake.


Okay. And I'll, and of course I'll link that down below. is there anything we didn't cover?

Track 1:

No, this was fun. This is totally different for sure. I liked it though.

Hold up. Before you go, I've got an opportunity for you guys that I don't think you're going to want to miss. We're at the beginning stages of this, but we've been creating a community, and we're about to launch it. And by the time you hear this, it'll be out. There's going to be a link in the description. If you've enjoyed what you've been hearing on the podcast, you've enjoyed the guest, enjoyed me talking and rambling on, and Want to know more or want to take something that you have and make it bigger scale it grow it We're gonna be sharing information that will probably help with that in this mastermind community that we're gonna be Growing over the next couple months. So if you want access to this will be a paid community, but right now it's gonna be free So that's the opportunity come join if you'd like to the links gonna be down in the description So go click on the link put your email address in and then we'll grant you access from there But we appreciate you guys