Musik mit drug

#4 Anders Hemmingsen

January 22, 2024 Peter Visti Season 1 Episode 4
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

En åben snak med  influenser Anders Hemmingsen  om hans passion for musik .

Speaker 2:

Music. Welcome to the Museo Locale Podcast. My name is Peter Visti and I have been a musician for my entire life and I have lived my entire life of music in one or the other way. I am a musician and I have been a very young person who has been on the phone with my head and listened to music during my entire life, something I still practice. Music is my passion, my drive, my humor and daily forms of music. And what changes music? Music has a unique ability to express feelings and connect people in different cultures. My goal is to find out how different people experience love for music and how it varies from their lives. What is the purpose of the new guest? To talk about their relationship to music and how they live and influence music, insect inspiration and, hopefully, some fun and exciting surprises. Welcome to Museo Locale Podcast. Music, my drive. Welcome to Anders Hemingsen. Many thanks, peter. How nice you are here.

Speaker 1:

I am happy to be part of your new podcast.

Speaker 2:

I am very happy to be part of your new podcast. You are one of the ones I have supported for many years. We know each other a little. We know each other very well. It has been the most important thing when you have been here. Anders, how do you present yourself?

Speaker 1:

I am an influencer. I have made a negative title with all these reality stars. I am an influencer and influence means influence on people. If you have a profile, a conto, what it can be, there are many who follow you and can influence them. So influencers are also out there with a couple of books and some local books.

Speaker 2:

I know that it is actually three books.

Speaker 1:

Maybe not, maybe I think it is, but it is some local books that are just meant for fun, so it is a little worth the most influence 1.2 million followers.

Speaker 2:

on Instagram, I have 2500 followers. That is good. I think it has been hard. It takes a long time.

Speaker 1:

It takes a long time, it can take many years, but you can read your book. I have a book where I write down what you get followers on Instagram. It is also a tip and trick for you. It is also a place to be For the new user. Do you know that? So I am a guidebook for Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I have invited you to this. It is about music. I have had a hard time with how I should start. The reason I know that you are interested in music is that the first time I read your name is in 2007. You have to correct me if it's wrong. I've been reading the article on the internet, or it was a blog. I wrote about music, you and a friend I can't remember the one of my- records.

Speaker 1:

I had a music blog together with an old friend from Verløs, where I grew up. We also went to music and we made a music blog called hivindse. That's a lot of fun. We had this domain here. We really liked music. I also had some home-made experiences when I went to school. I always went to college and presented something to some of the people. We had this music blog where we recorded music charts. We had Friday banger where we had these 10 songs that we had to go on a weekend. We didn't have any information about music. Christian and I were in the middle of making it. We were in the middle of it. We were good at setting up the house and, knowing the music, I could hear music and we were good friends. We had music and we had to sign up for music. Friday bangers were both, and sometimes we had a DJ to make it. I think you gave a song on 5 songs that I popularized.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember. I think it was a mix of my records. It was first 5-6 years ago when I was in the inter-Kymmenhavn.

Speaker 1:

There are not many people who can remember the home-made music. It's one thing I remember we were very proud of that Two young people from Verløs who had a music blog. There were no music blogs at that time. There was one other guy called Wicked. There were some young people who were like we have to go back to the old days. It was a new experience.

Speaker 2:

It has been a subculture, the underground genre of music.

Speaker 1:

I think it's electronic music that we have driven and healed. We can go to this home-made music.

Speaker 2:

Do you still have a passion for electronic music?

Speaker 1:

I have always listened to music. My parents have been to music, because I have some who play piano. My father always went up in big loudspeakers High-five, and it should sound good. We were the first in the class who got a surround sound. I can remember that my mother is also a rock queen. My father was a good singer. I listened to jazz music and then I heard the instruments from one another. I think I grew up listening to high-pitched music and you also listened to the music of the north.

Speaker 1:

I could also hear something commercial, but there was also something entertaining. I have always had many CDs. I bought CDs when I was little in total on the world stage. I think I can always sit on my world stage and dream away. It was a great open-eyes to listen to something from another country. Some people have said something, but it was the end of the dream.

Speaker 2:

I can sit in my full-time. I also listen to music and play music. I don't have any bad memories, but I dream of them. When I go on tours and listen to music, I also dream of them.

Speaker 1:

It's the classic, but when I listen to music on tours, I feel like I'm in a music video.

Speaker 2:

You know that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I just get into one and then I take a look at the music.

Speaker 2:

I take a dance training. It's just like before, when you think you don't do it.

Speaker 1:

I think it's a growth. With music, many CDs, big-sized speakers, everything you have to listen to it all.

Speaker 2:

Fantastic, it's a big fan, and you also made a little different music.

Speaker 1:

When we met here before you also made music. It's not something I'm proud of, but the music I've made has been a lot of. It's a kind of meme music, fun music, which is actually fun, but I've got a lot of recordings I think I was just looking at it yesterday I was just reading the last thing about it, if I could find something fun that I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

And then I see that one song I can't remember if it was Dark, it Dark or it was 4 years ago. It's the two of them, right. And then we made a Ross Killisang which is also a very popular song.

Speaker 1:

It could actually be that song.

Speaker 2:

There was at least one, and it was 1.8 million Ross recordings. It's a bit scary, isn't it? I've made music for 20 years. My biggest is just about 1.8 million, so that's all I can say. It was fun, it's all probably enough, but it's not a good thing to hear it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was 4 years ago. It was a song that also went on a meme, it was a fire that went into a net, a clip that went viral where it's ice cold and then he's got something on something to drink and then he has to go back to the net.

Speaker 1:

And then someone stops him and says, hey, isn't it too cold? And then he turns up and says, no, it's 4 years. That sound is being cut out to something Dark it Dark, which was quite popular. It's still a bit, but it was a really high-class at a time point. And then we made a Dark it Dark. I was a tour in Randers with a metro press that I worked with and then we interviewed some young people on the street who are supposed to describe what Randers is and that's just Dark it Dark it Dark. And that sound was also a rollercoaster song and the last Ross Killsang, which I actually made with the so-called Jesus brothers. They are not so active with their two young people, who also go a lot to music and have sat there, among other things, on their YouTube channel and have made some big, very young the young people who are listening to, who they are.

Speaker 1:

And then I thought we should make that Ross Killsang festival banger. It could be pretty fun. I had a dream about walking through a campfire area on the square and then I heard someone hear the number one. In reality it was pretty fun, so we sat together and then I remember that this is not Miami, it was a dune where he had a little.

Speaker 2:

Was it the Klangenberg or the Fettel Le Grand? Yes, it was the Klangenberg.

Speaker 1:

And he sang about the ballet and that thing was just as close to different places in the world and we copied it completely with what we saw in the other festivals and it was just the right thing.

Speaker 2:

It was the right thing, but you are 37 years old today. Your CV is a little bit funny to read, I think, because it's not just music, but despite that you are still sitting on Denmark's radio 28 years.

Speaker 1:

A long time.

Speaker 2:

yes, or maybe even longer.

Speaker 1:

It fits very well. It's almost as if you mentioned that in 2007 you were actually working on the Danmarks Radio. I didn't want to. I was really tired of the school. I was in Arizona for a few months, a thousand against my grand-uncle and I was going to find out if I wanted to drop out of the school. And then I came back to a school that was basically a school. I was like, let's try it. Yes, I'm not sure if it's a bit of a shame, but I know what it is.

Speaker 2:

I'm a bit older than the teacher, but it doesn't matter, it was just before.

Speaker 1:

And then I was going to go to practice in DR. I could choose between DR or ILLUM. What's the name of the ILLUM ILLUM by the city? I was also close to being a member of the Danmarks Radio and is there any reason for you to choose Danmarks Radio?

Speaker 2:

Because it's not music you come into practice with.

Speaker 1:

No, not at all. I'm a teacher, so then it becomesら to screw up and then it's not creative, but sort of on the basis of knowing and dreaming of a very exciting world. I have always had the impression I should film TV in this country, since I have also been able to edit TV in Cyprus. The ladies been a big public for many years, but it was always kind of a feast of hype.

Speaker 2:

It was inside of the atmosphere of Asian media, I think it's not because I want to be known.

Speaker 1:

I just think it's fun to see what you create something or to develop it as people see it. But I was there for many years as a farmer and sat and took against the collar of the people of Kettes I haven't just responded to this and sat with mom's rules and facts.

Speaker 2:

Thanks to the guys, really many thanks to the guys.

Speaker 1:

Kefjah has been given many black man after the hand, so everything is possible. And to give these creative people, I think it's exciting to want more of it than to sit with the economy. I was really bad at it, I'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

I think it's the most you've always been.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's been better than you were. I don't know, but I was in the wrong place. But I believe in a few different things. I was also a responsible SMS for X-Factor, so I sat there every Friday night and spent the sessions, also on the big military prize.

Speaker 2:

You can't let me do that, but I do.

Speaker 1:

And then I sat there for many years and started Instagram slowly. I actually just sat down and Instagram was new and I think I've always had fun putting some pictures on my private Facebook the direction I've taken over. I put a lot of things up to see, so that's it.

Speaker 2:

I copy everything you do and send me to my friends and hope they don't follow you. That's it, and think about how fun it is.

Speaker 1:

It almost started on my Facebook Two great American news and fun sides but I think there's a lack of this Danish angle on the fun in the Netherlands. So I sat there in my office space thinking about what I'm talking about and I don't know, I don't know. And then Instagram started slowly and people started following me, because I just started it a few years ago, many, many people follow me. It goes slowly, but one can do something else. This is what I've thrown out of a wide range yes.

Speaker 2:

Fun also, because when you start with this music blog and then you end up in Denmark where I would think that it's because you want a whole lot of music, but not just I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

I can remember it being great to be on the 3rd floor at once. You hear new music and there were a lot of concerts and you come to a rock festival. I think it's great, but it's not because it was the way in. I think I've always had the music that you always had to go to. Once I didn't have the experience to live with it. It's been a real hobby and I think it was great Once with them to dive into.

Speaker 2:

What do you use today? The music.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing a lot of Instagram. There's actually a lot of music for some of these stories that I put up. I actually put up a part of it and choose the right music that fits exactly into this situation. So in that way, it feels very strange that I want to get to know some music that fits into a video that's connected to it. I'm also on TikTok. The music of the day is great.

Speaker 2:

My son at 11 years old almost only music via TikTok.

Speaker 1:

TikTok is a new radio channel. People are young at least there's music from there and we go viral via TikTok. I also feel very much with Spotify and can see the viral lists and, of course, tiktok, so I use the music of the day to follow it and then my back catalogue can have something that fits into different situations.

Speaker 2:

I think it's super interesting for a man, in my opinion. I'm very old with music. Of course I use Spotify, but as a modern it's no longer. But TikTok has something I couldn't find out. I don't understand it. And my son, at 11 years old, comes up to me but numbers that I think. How do you hear these numbers? So I think it's super interesting that you actually use time and energy to the right number that fits the mood of the radio program or a TV series or a commercial 100%.

Speaker 1:

So you actually use time to find numbers. It's super important. So it's a really important message to have the music with you under the situations you're in right now, whether it's on TikTok or Instagram or YouTube. It's super important, it was fun, so I use it a lot In your work. Yes, you can say that, but yes, it's an extra plus side effect on my work. Yesterday I chose a number from the father's Christmas holiday and I don't remember that and I remember that before it fits in and now I'm 37. It's still too young for some, but for me it's very old. So I can choose some numbers that I haven't heard before and that can be a punishment for Instagram that the algorithm doesn't fit in this viral song, but then you can choose some other songs. I don't know, but there are some who have to choose. But it's a really cool number.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, and that's what I think, when my 11 year old son comes with a Fleetwood Mac number from 1947. I think there's no chance you've found it, but he's found it in a game. Or in GTA or what the hell.

Speaker 1:

He runs skateboard and drinks water. There's a clip like that.

Speaker 2:

You know something about me. I think the world is really exciting for the music. Because we used to be spread via radio. Radio has no power compared to the media you're talking about today.

Speaker 1:

No power. I remember I drove in the car with these guys in Jesu-Bred and they were pretty young and their spread didn't work in the car and they were completely on the roof. Now you have to hear the radio. They couldn't even hear what they were supposed to hear. It was the worst trip for them, because they were supposed to hear the radio, also the old radio, and also to give new music Spotify, tiktok, youtube Not to be used to preaching. Maybe you hear something else.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure it's used to spread music Because I can see it on my mind. Now it's about the motherland. I can see his Spotify list. It's been rebuilt. Are these songs he knows via GTA or TikTok 100. And it's just for me that it's a completely different world. What?

Speaker 1:

the hell did you do? If you send something to someone else, then there are some who have made a number and then you could just spread it.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure you could send something.

Speaker 1:

A mail or a post.

Speaker 2:

What was it called A duke?

Speaker 1:

A voice mail. Now you have a new number.

Speaker 2:

It was difficult. I had some people who are old, like me and others, but back then we were supposed to be in a flat area and stand and hear and were dependent on the person who was standing down there. There was no network. There was a small bit of a cloud On what I was the only channel that I was in With John Milos, but it was very hard to know what he felt.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there was some kind of a place to be, so I think it's really fun that today is pun, that you are involved in making hits. It's not the industry itself.

Speaker 1:

I also read earlier that the AI now there is AI music that can overpower the right artists. It's also quite interesting that you can get a robot to make. What I have been sitting down and writing about is also old school. Afterwards you can just write to your chatroom. I would like to have this style. You have to be more mature. You would like to be this tone-and-matter. You have to press enter and then you go for a few hours Sometimes it's a shorter time and then there are numbers that no one has ever heard of. But I think it's also interesting that if someone can like the number, then it doesn't have to be out. Of course it has to be out, but it has to be cut. It's good for a completely different way.

Speaker 2:

Is it a little bit of a big art form as possible. When we started sample, it was also cut for people who could play the guitar. Is it not just the development? It's just the development.

Speaker 1:

But I feel that this message can make a lot. There is also a lot. You can say that it is so demanding to get it to make it. You know what. You would like to have some money. So then you can say that there is still not a good thing and know a little about music, that you can in no way give some clues.

Speaker 2:

It goes to what it is to be done with, in a way right and there I think it's the first time in history where the creative people, especially the teacher, have a bigger chance now, because the revision that has been read or the bookkeeping because that's what has been read in three, four years or five, which is me now. It's just the state of art, intelligence today, Exactly. But something creative is to be stopped so that it's good to get out too 100%.

Speaker 1:

But then you're also afraid, because you can't just tell it that you'd like to have something to remember about it. So then I think it's the same.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

It's fun to see how the future is also in music, how the computers take over more and more Absolutely, and you can say live.

Speaker 2:

When people play live, it's like a real backtrack. I was myself at the Madonna concert. There weren't many musicians on it but it didn't designate me, even though I was walking up in music. I think it was fun and the song. I was there for a while. Yes.

Speaker 1:

There was also a year back when there was a concert I don't know if it was Tyler or it was an American rapper who held a concert in Fortnight, yes, where you had an avatar figure in front of you and you were in the picture and you could meet there and have VR glasses on and you would meet at an online concert where the artist was playing and there were many, many, many millions.

Speaker 2:

It was in Freelance. Was it In Freelance? There was Eminem yes On. I don't know what it was about and my son can't read it. They were sitting in the whole class and there was something he told me. I didn't follow it. There are 800 million in the series. 800 million. There can be a lot of people. There's not a lot of people. It's not true, 800 million. And he's completely desperate because we can't read it. But it's Eminem. It's Eminem.

Speaker 2:

You don't know Eminem but he's been in his place and because he's supposed to log in with his character, he's called.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's completely sensual.

Speaker 1:

It's completely natural to go to concerts Completely. In the future you'll have to go without me. You can just be at home in all situations.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you're one of them. I can see when I feel you, both on the one and the other, and we're friends on Facebook. I've seen many of your things. You're very sensitive to concerts and festivals.

Speaker 1:

I love to be out in reality Sometimes. So it's not just music. No, I like the mood. What I do is very myself, so it's very nice to come out sometimes and talk to other people. So I'm not just sitting at home on the sofa with my snuff on the phone and I also come out of life sometimes. Yes, but at least.

Speaker 2:

That's what I like. That's where we've met the most.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I can remember we met first time I think you just had a year, yes, and I was a huge fan of the concept and the story. Very nice that time. So that's the support I remember.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's also there. I remember that we met for the first time, but I can just remember that article, or it was a blog from a few years ago. Yes, yes, and then I remember that it was Sørenraer's place, which I would say all the time. Did you notice?

Speaker 1:

about Anna Samingsson Did you notice about Anna Samingsson?

Speaker 2:

It was fun. I actually know him well. I know him in. I don't know him, but I know him in the long run, and that was just around the time of the show. And that's where it exploded, because there's not something like that in the 14, 15, 16 pieces.

Speaker 1:

Yes, in the 14th Metruxpress, gratteswies was the one who always had me around the time, who shared it with me, because there you can also go through a good story in some of these episodes. And then Sportdiamac could not think of being used, so I went from a bow holder to a journalist, er Right-handed but also cool. But then I was on Metruxpress for a part of the year and I also made Instagram there and was part of building cycles and was a little reward for them. I was in Mexico a couple of times Dick Farris Hotel and X Factor, and that's right-handed. Well, it's not that I dreamed about it, but it was very fun to try. Yes, er, metruxpress was merged with BT, so I followed that over there and now I'm on the extra sheet Because they have.

Speaker 2:

They have Shanghai there, because I'm not old enough to get money. Yes, but that's how it is. There's not much you've got, I would say.

Speaker 1:

No, that's not going to be that good.

Speaker 2:

No, er, I'm very curious about this music because it's also the podcast about, but I think that we're talking about the future, the TikTok and all that. So I think, what do you think is going on?

Speaker 1:

Yes, but why do you think that's going to happen? It's obviously really difficult to get a shot at you, but.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I think it's going to be more than it's been a year. But people can make their own music. There are a lot of people who produce a lot of new artists. I still remember the old days. I mean, biber was one of those who got on YouTube and got a spot there, right? Yes, then there will be more of them.

Speaker 1:

And then I think that the music will be more dependent on big media TV2 and DR, x-factor and stuff like that. I think, to the media. Maybe it can be a little nostalgic to see once in a while with X-Factor, but I think it will be more self-produced in a way, and in that way it will be controlled by the following music charts and all that what's new and what to hear. And then I think it will go very fast that I think you can get a hit and then you're very quickly forgotten again afterwards. But I think so too.

Speaker 1:

I think it really requires something to be done and you have to have some numbers ready when you're forgotten and there's someone else who's made something that's less about you, which is better. So I think it's going really well. And then I'm excited to see, with this concert experience, if it's going to be something online via home concert or if people crave a lot, if you really come out and pick up and have a feeling that it's still not there, it's the ballad. So you have to buy a ticket, drive all the way there and then you have to buy a ticket to an island. There's a lot of ballad in principle, so I think it will be produced a lot, but it will also be quickly forgotten again, I think.

Speaker 2:

Do you think we get better music, that it will be produced a lot? It's always like that. When I think back on, I had a talk with Jakob Meiland, who I had made with them. We are about 2000 and such things. There's already a home studio and such things. If we were to make music 20 years ago, we would have to be through a business that would use 2 million kroner for a studio and such things. I don't think our music has ever come through, but I think it can be both good and bad. I'm sure there have been many leaders who should know things before it comes out, but they have also decided that that's what we should hear. And then today they say hey, there are some who are much more creative than they should be and who can get it out. You can get your things on Spotify, just let them go. It's just to upload it yourself and you can produce it yourself and you can make it yourself. I'm just thinking people say the music is getting worse and worse.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure. I think there will be a lot of bad music produced. That's also good, but I'm sure there will always be, but then there will be something bad or something that doesn't sound good. There will be something good in between that will stick out Like, oh, red light in the red light. So this number is really mega cool.

Speaker 2:

But is it so TikTok-opening? That will do it Like the music video you made.

Speaker 1:

It's just a new MTV. You can't say, you can have TikTok and people can produce themselves. And there are so many devices, apps you need almost no computer. You can do it all by phone afterwards. But it's completely random, so you can be your own producer. You can make your own music video maker, you can do everything before some days, right, and you can have your followers with you and also to vote for the way to get good tips.

Speaker 2:

And you can almost have them pay for your music, even if it should be in the form of a portal you can have only fans.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that's what it means you can get, and also when you build a career on music, also on TikTok, I think people get closer to your music, that they are your music producers and they are the ones who should know it in a way. So there is a bit of an awareness that you have been part of the journey on a certain number, which is also something else, because in the old days it was just like 10 radio, now it's like finished. So there is something that uses involvement, which is pretty cool. You are very much in the eye with it, but it should sound to the music before and after. Can you say?

Speaker 2:

Yes, but it shouldn't be before or maybe Some people were very fond of this and said that it was really good and that people should hear it, especially on the 3rd, because it was in the old days and it was all the time playing what was it called?

Speaker 1:

A playlist right, yes, a playlist.

Speaker 2:

The ones who make a playlist and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Exactly so. I think it's a closer relationship to your artist, so I think it's very fun. I don't know where it ended I'm also old, can you say, after all but it's interesting to hear how the music sounds in a different way than maybe before.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, absolutely. And I also think that when do you find it today?

Speaker 1:

I'm very dependent on the viral list on Spotify. I don't know if there are any other people who know it, but I think it's?

Speaker 2:

I don't know either. You have to explain it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there are the classic top Danmark-listers, who are the most played number in Denmark and they find the outlet. And then there is a viral list of Spotify, which has also been published, which doesn't know what it does, but it's in a way the up-snap, like all the music that is heard on a different device than on Spotify itself. Okay, so what's it called? So it's up-snap like what's trending in the eyes. So I get some really funny numbers in there and the shorter spot is that sometimes it's older so you can put them in my profile and then the rest of the people also put the number in here where the whole group has known for a long time. So there are some new ones coming like a little or a little. I can put some in the old days, some who haven't heard it so much yet, but then I've been reported. But there are a little viral other places.

Speaker 2:

It sounds completely random, but super exciting and super interesting. It's something I've never put myself into.

Speaker 1:

Because there are some in the world. So there's Denmark and the world. So I think it's super fun to look at it at once and then you get a little insight into what the younger people are doing.

Speaker 2:

It was fun. Anders, do you have any list to make More music? That maybe was now. You said it was a bit too fun, but that maybe was the expression you said now let's go.

Speaker 1:

I've been running keyboard for a while now and I actually bought the Reason, the music program and some others and then I sit there and then I can feel it. I have no doubt about this. It irritates me so much. I have a dream to learn to play the piano or guitar, but I think I have to work on Instagram to sort things out. I have a hard time keeping focus in a long time and it irritates me.

Speaker 2:

So it's going too fast.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I want to see results too quickly. Normally you sit and then you succeed. Then we can work a little bit with it in the morning and then we try to put the tone on and it sounds really good to this. I'm so bad at it and it irritates me and I have with willpower to keep it at home. So I look at it almost every day and get a little bad as much as possible. And I don't know why you don't like it, because I think it's exciting in the world and to dive in. I think it's like listening to it, almost as if you're doing it. You sit and knock. Sometimes it can also be something that doesn't go up, but.

Speaker 1:

I think it's really exciting to do something Like hitting the picture on Instagram and make a piece of music that people also have reactions to.

Speaker 2:

That's 100% and that's why I think there must be If the solution was to the other. But I think it's really interesting to say that that the tone of the song because of that you normally use music and pictures Is there maybe no way to finish it?

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding, I'm just getting irritated that it's too long now, and then I'll see a video about what you're on YouTube about, or just for this to go up and it irritates me. So yeah, I could really do it. I'm a huge fan of the lo-fi genre. When it gets blocked, slowly it goes down. I think it works. I mean, it's hard to do, but it's a bit overwhelming to start with.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing there to do. I know it sounds. You always say that the bad or big hits. That could also be done, but you didn't do it. That's how it is.

Speaker 1:

Of course, but it just, it goes down slowly to. It's not the classic music you have to compose, it's more like it's a tone that's not a long time ago, that's right, but I think that's really cool.

Speaker 1:

So I still have a dream to do it. I have a little brother who can also do it. He also had a microphone to sing. We always had a bit of a that the drivers would sit down with what you should cast out in. It's a dream and I think it's exciting, but I have to take me with me.

Speaker 2:

It's not clear, because you are the sick of that fast generation, because you're the one you're living with.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, and it's a fast way to get things done, to get deep into yourself. I miss it a lot. Now I'm starting to read questions Before I have to sleep at night Instead of sitting with the screen, so that's a great thing, and it's not a sound effect. It's not a sound effect. You read yourself. I've had a hippie-killer that I'm interested in. You don't have to have a screen for half an hour before you go to bed. I saw often that you could get what it's called when it's a screen when you can read what it's called.

Speaker 1:

You can get a book, no it's not a iPad, but the others, and that's not good enough. It should be a book with a book.

Speaker 2:

A book with a book with a book.

Speaker 1:

But I work on my deepening level. If you can get deep into Instagram and sit down, then you can do something else. It's a picture of myself.

Speaker 2:

I can't get deep into Instagram. I love scrolling.

Speaker 1:

What tips and what music to do.

Speaker 2:

My deepening level is music. I love the long journey in music.

Speaker 1:

You're not irritated about the long time. No, I love it.

Speaker 2:

And I don't do it because I'm not good at it.

Speaker 1:

You mean, you're doing it and producing something else. I've had that experience.

Speaker 2:

I'm one who always do it. I love traveling, I like to do music. I'm only interested in the result?

Speaker 1:

You mean that, yes, you think that you should be a flight attendant, and then you have to, it should be finished, and then you have to go to the festival.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly, but if I have to listen to music or play music, I love that. That's good. It's a long journey.

Speaker 1:

I'd like, to be completely honest, to sit down with the keyboard in front of the screen and try to get something to be. I'd love to have that result very quickly, but it can be a new challenge, I think that's you.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure I've done this and that We've done this and that I think that's great.

Speaker 1:

I've had a good time.

Speaker 2:

It sounds fantastic. I had my other big friend. We were talking about music. He's used to my music and how long it takes to get home and I'll talk about music. The music today is about two minutes long.

Speaker 1:

I think that's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

But it's something you're involved with. To play it Because it needs to be in for a second.

Speaker 1:

It needs to be fast and fast and it needs to be a challenge you need to be interested in the dance or what you want to do. It's your scams. When you put the video up, you should catch them in for a second, or they're not there. What's called that? They don't give you time to use it.

Speaker 2:

They just want to scroll forward and they're not there.

Speaker 1:

We can go back to when it's getting worse, but they're not listening to you or giving you so many chances, because you have them in such a short time, so it's just catching them.

Speaker 2:

So you need to spend more time on yourself To find things that are exciting Exactly.

Speaker 1:

You also have to respect them and catch them in a short time. It's a creative idea. You can catch them Because you actually have something to offer. What are you going?

Speaker 2:

to do Well With the Frejsborg.

Speaker 1:

Are they likes? 100% likes. I'm the one who's going to be sad if it's not enough likes, are you right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And how far away are you? I give it a few minutes.

Speaker 2:

And then I'll see what happens.

Speaker 1:

And then I can quickly record and then it will be dead and then I can notice that I'm old and sometimes I think If they hear it will not be a problem and there are no other things that I think are as fun as I do. I can go up with my wife and maybe something else. My wife is a doctor. She is very pregnant and more pregnant and a lot of things are being taken care of and something that many people may not understand.

Speaker 2:

But it is also something in the father's eye.

Speaker 1:

That's it, but I have a little holder that helps me to post things for myself, so I can hold one time with him. We are up on a sexy person who works for me, who sits every night and sots.

Speaker 2:

On your Instagram is your sex man that?

Speaker 1:

you are learning from.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I am a man of my own. As a student I am with. What can you say?

Speaker 2:

It sounds completely insane For me. I do not understand the system. But you know that it is so big a business to be an Instagramer or influencer.

Speaker 1:

What I do is a little media. I also say on the front of news if something happens in Denmark, let's say the drone falls and dies suddenly, then it is not all that works. There is a team to react to it?

Speaker 2:

Then it should be so there is nothing like you are sitting in a concert place and not updating it.

Speaker 1:

No, then you should rest on it, and there is not everything. I have simply lost too many love birds to sit on my phone. Now it is very sunny, it is a little bit of time to use it, so they sit in the content and post at night.

Speaker 2:

Wow, there are never any messages to take away from you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, it is insane, I think it must be.

Speaker 2:

If I had a new number I would say Anders, did not there anything?

Speaker 1:

to the other picture no, but also on the other side, they will help me with producing it. I have given it out Some of my first birds. There was also something with the song I gave it out. Anders on number two, could you be something? I do not have any. No, we have a contract here. Could not be cool if you just and it is also a little time to experience that when you have a lot of followers, where many are watching every day, then there are many who want to be a fan. If you can use a TV program or if it is music or books or whatever it can be, or a podcast, yes, or a podcast, but more of the big thing where there really can be some money for the others on the other side of the board, then you are very interesting suddenly.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they think here and I think you have to. Have you ever felt there is a little word out of it, maybe? Or try it, yes, yes, have you been good at saying that? I think so.

Speaker 1:

Many people say no to too many things and it is not because, but all the TV Wild Medans I think I have also been asked to be a talent All the big TV formats say no to them all the time. Yes, they, yes. That could be very funny, but I don't really feel it. I have it better than I am and it sounds a bit higher-pitched, maybe, or snobby, but I don't need to change the tone. And do you want to make it out of the water?

Speaker 2:

They have a brand, a little school or something I have always had a theory that what I do is others' content.

Speaker 1:

So I live on others' work. You can say I sit and sort, yes, but it is still the others who contribute every day. So I have had a couple of people who, if I sit and look at that some have used time and money or thought about sending something into me. I just sit and watch or joke in other places or dance around in Wild Medans. But I asked some young people the other day what do we say? I was with Wild Medans, something nice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I will see so sometimes they do not see it at all.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I can also think a little, but I can always just keep myself a little underground in a way, where it is just like the profile and content that is in focus.

Speaker 2:

What is going to happen in the future?

Speaker 1:

What is going to happen. I will try to keep myself young and follow what is happening and in that way keep life going again and again, and then we will see what happens. So is it development or should it be serviced? It is always difficult. It is difficult to develop in a way, but it is difficult to say I do not agree if it has changed in the morning. So it is difficult to have a plan for something like social media when it shifts so quickly.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but it goes so strong, so it is difficult to be a little over the moon for something that I do not really know what it is yes, and now I just have to say, is TikTok just as big as Instagram?

Speaker 1:

I do not have much to follow. Today I have 110,000 followers on TikTok. It is also very good. I hate TikTok to start with, but you will have to give up. You can not just be the person sitting there with a cross-legged and a brown-eyed man in the eye. Do not give up. Now there is a new app you will have to follow if you want to live it. So I hope to actually use more time privately for TikTok in Instagram afterwards. Oh, that was fun.

Speaker 2:

Fantastic, anders, just a little bit to the end here. So you just heard that once we are dying, then you have to dig. I do not know. We assume that you have to dig in the same way anyway. Should it then be a long song with depth, or should it be a game, or should it be a hurried clip?

Speaker 1:

of TikTok. It should be something really lowly music. It should be a hamster with a dog-toy. I think Fantastic.

Speaker 2:

It should be the ending of Anders Hemingsen's life prior.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic Anders.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for being with us.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for being with us.

Speaker 2:

I was so happy. I was happy. Thank you for joining us on this week's Musikmusikal podcast, music mid druck. I hope you have enjoyed the music of the Trillen universe and found inspiration for your own musical journey. If you would like to listen to today's guest list over the number of young people, you can find the list on the Musikmusikal-Lokal-Spotify-list on Spotify. I look forward to exploring more aspects of the music's leadership in the coming episodes, which can all be found on Spotify and Potimo. So until next time, let the music continue to be your most trusted leader, say, if you want to hear good music, and good music in the real world. You can find the music local, right under the Musikmusikal-Lokal-Spotify-list, in the little king's garden in the København.

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