Change Makers

Transformative Energy Healing and Conscious Living with Jamie Wozny

May 30, 2024 Matthew Paetz Season 1 Episode 7
Transformative Energy Healing and Conscious Living with Jamie Wozny
Change Makers
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Change Makers
Transformative Energy Healing and Conscious Living with Jamie Wozny
May 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Matthew Paetz

Unlock the secrets of energy healing and intuitive arts with our special guest, an expert in guiding coaches, healers, and teachers towards their true calling. This episode promises to teach you how to balance your masculine and feminine energies, connect deeply with your essence, and live a life brimming with abundance and purpose. Through her profound knowledge of reiki and consciousness expansion, our guest offers transformative insights that will inspire you to trust your innate gifts and follow your intuition fearlessly.

Ever wondered how to sense the emotional atmosphere in a room or why intuition can feel so elusive? We dive into the fascinating realm of energy fields and explore practical advice on reconnecting with your intuitive powers. Whether it’s the struggle of seeking external validation or the challenge of embracing unconventional emotional intelligence, our conversation sheds light on how you can navigate these complexities and reclaim your emotional tools. By balancing societal norms with holistic emotional education, we emphasize the importance of a well-rounded approach to emotional well-being.

Setting boundaries and choosing self-love can be daunting, especially for those transitioning from a people-pleasing mindset. We discuss the significance of maintaining personal truth and integrity within relationships, sharing valuable anecdotes on how to uphold your worthiness without alienating others. From navigating the intricacies of couples therapy to the empowering journey of self-care and service, this episode is a heartfelt guide to living authentically and inspiring those around you from a place of genuine love and joy. Tune in for actionable wisdom and poignant reflections that will empower you to align with your true self.

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IG: @matthewpaetz

Start Here to Find Out - What's Blocking You From Making Your First $100k?

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the secrets of energy healing and intuitive arts with our special guest, an expert in guiding coaches, healers, and teachers towards their true calling. This episode promises to teach you how to balance your masculine and feminine energies, connect deeply with your essence, and live a life brimming with abundance and purpose. Through her profound knowledge of reiki and consciousness expansion, our guest offers transformative insights that will inspire you to trust your innate gifts and follow your intuition fearlessly.

Ever wondered how to sense the emotional atmosphere in a room or why intuition can feel so elusive? We dive into the fascinating realm of energy fields and explore practical advice on reconnecting with your intuitive powers. Whether it’s the struggle of seeking external validation or the challenge of embracing unconventional emotional intelligence, our conversation sheds light on how you can navigate these complexities and reclaim your emotional tools. By balancing societal norms with holistic emotional education, we emphasize the importance of a well-rounded approach to emotional well-being.

Setting boundaries and choosing self-love can be daunting, especially for those transitioning from a people-pleasing mindset. We discuss the significance of maintaining personal truth and integrity within relationships, sharing valuable anecdotes on how to uphold your worthiness without alienating others. From navigating the intricacies of couples therapy to the empowering journey of self-care and service, this episode is a heartfelt guide to living authentically and inspiring those around you from a place of genuine love and joy. Tune in for actionable wisdom and poignant reflections that will empower you to align with your true self.

Connect with Me
IG: @matthewpaetz

Start Here to Find Out - What's Blocking You From Making Your First $100k?

Speaker 1:

I love it. And also just a heads up. We've already been recording.

Speaker 1:

So yes we don't have to worry about. Okay, good, so we don't have to turn on the like oh the red lights, hi, we can just go. There's absolutely no format, but I am very curious if you're, if you're, down to just jump into it. As you know, the more than a business, the program that I'm in the process of launching as we speak, we're wrapping up beta, launching as we speak. We're wrapping up beta, so it's really, really exciting.

Speaker 1:

But my, the promise that I'm making to those who I work with moving forward are to, you know, help coaches, healers, you know teachers, really, who, who know that this is their work?

Speaker 1:

Right, they're being called to it, they've known it, they've done the work to get this far, but they have since stepped into the arena of business, whether that's launching it for the very first time, whether it's growing it, but either way, that conversation has become a little overwhelming, a little daunting, as we understand, and it's a learning curve.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, more than a business, with the program, what we're looking to do is really remove the uncertainty of business for these healers and these practitioners, so that they can focus on what they do and then they can leave the entrepreneurial stuff up to me and our team, so that we can just help not only make their success and more sustainable, but also really empower them to just continue to lean into the things that they they love to do, that inspires them, which is the work and learn as we go, instead of this process of, okay, you've been certified, you've been qualified, you've been whatever that journey has looked like to get to get just that far Now you got to start your business and hopes that you can earn a living that supports the work Right.

Speaker 1:

So, as someone who I know has been through many different seasons of this journey, what I am most curious to hear right off the bat is, you know, stepping into. Well, we'll first start with what you do, right, because I think that's something that's really special and unique and then what. I'd love for you to just explain what you do but also, from there, lean into, like, what your journey to discovering this gift and trusting this gift has been like for you gift and trusting this gift has been like for you Wow, so I'll give you the short form, and then the little bit longer form.

Speaker 2:

That's still short of what I do I help people uncover their authentic truth is what I do Short, short form, and I usually find myself assisting people pleasers, or you have that pattern of people pleasing codependent patterns, innocently giving your power away to something outside of yourself to come back into self-love, huge, connecting back to real source instead of other people as source, balancing your masculine and feminine energies so that you can live what I just said, completely liberated in the truth of who you are your soul blueprint, your dharma, your essence. Because what's the point if you're not doing that? What's the point? What's the point? And I do it through a variety of ways. I have been skilled in energy healing, intuitive arts, which is also psychic work as well. Arts, which is also psychic work as well. Energy work and consciousness expansion, which is where our energy shifts to a higher frequency love, compassion, acceptance, and our world changes as well to actually live a life of abundance and joy and purpose. So you know you can ask me more if you want, but that's what I do, so much more.

Speaker 1:

Um, I've experienced your work firsthand. I mean, that's literally how we met and it is. You know. I've told you before that, um, you know, when we first met, I've always been open. I've always known like the kind of work that you do doesn't just exist, but that it's real. I've always had this like intuitive knowing.

Speaker 1:

When I hear other people talk on, you know their experiences or you know healing journeys that they've been on before and you know, but there was still this level of skepticism that I had right coming into it and literally you blew the doors open the very first time we met. You know, and for those that aren't listening, that, um, uh, want to know what I'm referring to. So when we met, you were, you were doing reiki individual reiki you were doing classes, but also were you were doing Reiki individual Reiki you were doing classes, but also you were, you were doing individuals and, uh, um, an opportunity to work with you was gifted to me. So I, I did not know, you had no idea who you were, from anyone walking down the street, I didn't know what you did, right, and you know, I was given the address, given the time, and, and I showed up and it happened to be. You know your beautiful home and you know, walk in. We had a brief little exchange. I felt comfortable, I'm grateful that you did as well. And then you, you know, we started doing the Reiki healing.

Speaker 1:

This is my very first experience with any of this and you were saying a lot of things I remember that were really interesting to me and they were they definitely were close enough that I was like, okay, like I'm going to, I'm here, right, but you know, still just kind of feeling it out and I can't remember you know exactly what came before it. But I remember you were sharing with me, that you were having like a I would call it a download or intuitive moment and you were saying something to the effect of you were talking about my spirit guides and you saw a lot of native Americans and a lot of these kinds of things and I was like, okay, you got my attention, Cause that's why that's what I've always been drawn towards on my mother's side of the family, they, you know, that's the kind of the dominant influence. So it definitely had my attention when you were saying that, because it didn't feel like something that anyone would just randomly pull out right Like that's. To me that felt very. That's not something people would normally say.

Speaker 1:

Very specific If they were just kind of, yeah, if they were just being vague or trying to figure it out.

Speaker 1:

But then you, you went in even further and I was in the process of I was in a bad place in a relationship at the time and I was moving apartments because of a bad place in our relationship and you were explaining to me, like some of the things that you were, you were sensing that I should have in my space and at the time you were saying, you know, you saw an image of this native American, um, who to you, felt like a warrior of some kind.

Speaker 1:

And then you were like and I, I don't know where this is or I don't know where it comes from, but like, I also see wings, like I don't know what this is, but I see like these, these wings and I had to stop you and for those that don't know, I have many tattoos, um, but one specifically that I had gotten, I would say, about a year or so prior to us meeting, is literally a Native American warrior with wings and I had to get off the table. I'm like, hold on, this does not make sense. Again, we'd never met, you've never seen this, you have no idea. So it was that moment that I was like I don't know what magic you do, but you got my attention.

Speaker 2:

And and just for the listeners, you had it covered Like I couldn't see it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was covered by long sleeves on. Yeah, and you were like, you lifted it up, you were out. You were like what, yep?

Speaker 1:

Yep, and there was much more to it. We could spend the whole hour explaining some of the nuances that came through in that conversation, but that was the moment where I was like okay, like I don't know what this girl does, but she's doing it and I want to, I want to know more. So, with that, for those that were like me that have this like kind of knowing or they, they have an interest or a curiosity of some sort to energy work, how would you describe it to someone that is on the fence?

Speaker 2:

How would you describe it to someone that is on the fence? Well, it's something to me that, while we're all born with it, we all have this capacity in us and we're tapping into this all day, every day, without us really knowing what to call it. Like when you think about somebody across town and they call you. You know that kind of thing. Or you dream about somebody and then they call you, or it's so-and-so's birthday, or um, we have these, this ability in our energy field to pick up on things that are not physical, this ability in our energy field to pick up on things that are not physical, and it's, you know, when we walk in you guys have probably had this happen a million times.

Speaker 2:

When you walk into a room and you can sense, you're like oh, it's weird energy in here. You know why are you able to sense that? We don't kind of talk about why. Why are you able to sense that we don't kind of talk about why? But you must have a sense thing that comes past your body. Your energy field expands two feet past your body. So that's why, when we walk into certain places, we can feel what's going on in there. If it's a birthday party or a funeral, we can sense it, for a funeral where we can sense it, and so I think just and this is my work with somebody who may be newer but saying hey, you're normal that you have this, it exists, it's real, you're not crazy, and it's okay to practice it and use it, like you would learn French or Spanish or Italian to practice it and use it like you would learn.

Speaker 1:

French or Spanish or Italian. I love this. Yeah, I had a um literally had a client today and she said something that was very interesting but I think is kind of spot on for for our conversation right now. So we were going through an exercise and I like to do hot seat style questions, you know, and really challenge people to say the very first thing that comes through, versus the thing they come up with.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right? So kind of that intuitive voice, that that, whatever that thing is and I always say like it doesn't even have to make sense, like just whatever it is, you know, cause I believe that's a window into truth, more than you know, than what we do with it mentally. And so I'm going through this exercise with this woman. It's the very first time I'd ever spoken to her and she made a comment about her intuition and she said that she doesn't trust her intuition and I thought this was interesting, so I'll share my follow-up. But I'd be curious to know, kind of where that takes you. So what I asked her was is it that you actually don't trust your intuition, like that's a genuine feeling you do not trust it, or is it that you fear what following your intuition will disrupt or challenge you to face that? Maybe it's, it's a, it's frightening for her, you, anyone listening, right? So that was my response and obviously the conversation unfolded and it was a really, it was a really powerful one. But I'd be really curious to know from your perspective, just as someone who has done this work firsthand.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know you, I know you've been in the trenches for years in your own work and learning, how to support people through you know this, this education, this understanding this. You know, discovery, this education, this understanding, this discovery both of self and of gifts, and all these beautiful things that are very difficult, I think, for people to comprehend at first. So how would you, how have you experienced people navigating? You know what their their truest self, when they begin to explore what that is and begin to practice that and and do those messy uh, you know, go through the mess of experiencing it for the first time, many of us, how is it that you are able to help them find safety? Because so much of the lives we build, especially if we've gotten into our adult years, is built on this performance.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So finding true self becomes the greatest threat to the relationships, the dynamics, the careers, all of these things that maybe we have established up to that point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's multi-layered here. If you have this, you're not alone. This is what I work with everybody on, matthew too. Right, when we have trauma, or we'll just say trauma, the first thing we do is, well, one of the things we can do is let go of trusting our intuition and trust external forces, the person, so that it's a false sense of safety. But if we were to trust ourselves and have that deep connection with self, it might not have kept us safe. So I'd say first step is saying to ourselves as adults hey, there's an adult in the room right now. That tactic kept us safe Not having a connection to our intuition, distrusting our intuition, fear of following it.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, sweet one. Yes, it worked. Because we don't want to invalidate that experience, we want to bring massive compassion to it. And then, hey, that's outdated. Bring massive compassion to it, and then, hey, that's outdated. I'm here now, let's explore this.

Speaker 2:

So in one of my astrological charts called the gene keys, it's a whole energy system, one of my gifts, and what something I'm here to impart with others and something I've studied on my own is slow and steady wins the race. And so I've seen this in my own life and the life of my students is that when we're learning to trust ourselves again, just a little bit at a time, because we spent 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years following what our mind tells us to do. So you know really, genuinely, if you can stop and pause, if you're not driving or do this. After you listen to this and say, hey, this distrusting. Let me look at my life, let me take a second and look around at my life and actually ask myself from a higher level of consciousness is it working to not trust that? Is that keeping me safe on the deepest level possible?

Speaker 2:

Because our mind will come back and say, well, yeah, it is. I have this much money, I have enough money in the bank, I have an okay relationship, I have okay friends. And then we say is that true freedom? Okay, friends. And then we say is that true freedom? Is that true abundance? And then we look and then we say, because it can seem scary, our nervous system will shut us down if we're like, okay, just listen to this podcast, great conversation, I'm going to trust myself again. And we say, no, let's start small, let's go little, let's try it with the small things where there's not a lot of threat.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's where I would start identifying what the appropriate next steps were Like.

Speaker 1:

So I asked like what is the one thing that you know? I use the language that they use, obviously and I was asking you know what's the one thing that your intuition would like you, or what is the one thing that your intuition needs in order to begin trusting itself? Right now, again, I communicating to that part of her cause, that's how she's describing it and, um, it was interesting because she said organize her paperwork, right. The funny thing is is, in the very beginning of the conversation, before I knew any of this, before she mentioned intuition, all I asked her was like you know what's the one thing that you would like to achieve by the end of the conversation? Before I knew any of this, before she mentioned intuition, all I asked her was like you know what's the one thing that you would like to achieve by the end of the year? To feel like this was a success this year? Specifically, just to kind of you know, understand where she was at and what she, you know what was in her vision and these kinds of things.

Speaker 1:

And what she said was I would like to feel less chaos in my mind and immediately what her intuition led her to do was organize her surroundings. We went in much further. So I'm aware of all the things that she wanted to organize and she just identified her paperwork as being essentially the most accessible thing that her fear, her mind would allow her to do. Yeah Right. And it was just to do yeah Right, um and uh. It was just interesting that correlation, the intuition said organized, and she came in saying I don't want to feel this chaos anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I I think it's really important to identify. Like you know, it's that deeper knowing that deeper truth, like transformation. Isn't this this hurdle or this long jump right? And something else that I I shared with her, that just came back to me, was I I genuinely believe this there's no, there's no human being that requires being fixed right I genuinely don't believe there's such a thing as fixing any of us.

Speaker 1:

No. What I do believe in, however, is that the parts of us that we don't like or that you know causes a great deal of suffering or pain or whatever that might be. Whether it's parts of us or parts of our story, it's not about fixing those things as much as is developing a healthier relationship with them, right, just as we would with another, with someone else, right. If we have a disagreement and it's someone we genuinely care about at some point, I hope we we come to the table and we have a conversation where we begin to understand what the other is is seeking and I always say it with conflict, with, with with individuals it's like. To understand and to agree are not the same thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right. But to understand means you're able to comprehend, you're able to um, make sense of how they've come to that conclusion or that perspective, while still you know, understanding where you, where you are right, your boundaries, et cetera. And I find that that's the true with those parts of ourself. It's not about making it wrong, right, the, the, the monkey mind, as people call it right, that's coming in and giving us a hard time on the regular. It's not about making that thing wrong and wishing that that thing would disappear and only when it disappears have we healed.

Speaker 1:

Yes, right, right, right. But it's what if we, what if we understood what that piece of us was doing? What was, what was it protecting us from? Why does it feel like it still needs to do that you know, et cetera. And learn, like even asking I know it sounds silly to those that may you know, et cetera. And learn like even asking. I know it sounds silly to those that may you know I may have not done this work yet, but to ask that part of ourselves like what is that one thing that you need so that we can move forward? What is that one thing? What is the one thing you wish I understood about what you're protecting. Any of these types of questions will reveal quite a bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean to me you're speaking of. I mean the same thing I do love, like beyond fixing is nurturing, supporting and loving Right and so that's all we ever need, and sometimes nurturing, supporting and loving is an action step. Sometimes it's what do I need to know to feel to let go of this, whatever it may be?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's just saying fuck.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's just saying fuck yeah To say if that's what you want to say, that's all right.

Speaker 1:

If that's your truth, it's okay here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it's okay here. Yeah, yeah, you know it's interesting. As you speak, there's this is such a I mean, there's so many different avenues we could go here. Trusting yourself again also is as simple. It's as simple as a reeducation. I find myself saying this phrase a lot. They didn't teach us this in school. They didn't teach us this in school. They didn't teach us this in school. And not to get esoteric, but I'll get esoteric for a minute Masculine and feminine energy, just archetypal energies in our world.

Speaker 2:

So feminine we're not talking gender right Energy archetype energy every gender right, it's like yin and yang polarities, masculine, feminine I can go into that more if you want to know, but feminine energy archetype is intuition, is love, is feelings. Look at our world. Do we honor that? Do we put that front and center? Is that taught in school? Kind of weird that only half of the yin yang sign is shared in our world. So we don't have to go off the imbalanced train and just be floating around blobs in our feelings love, peace, intuition all the time. But we do need to bring it back into balance.

Speaker 2:

And so you know, cool if this was taught in fifth grade or third grade, whenever a child had the wherewithal to kind of recognize this within themselves. But it's simply, I mean, I can't even imagine. It's like an alien coming down and not knowing there's these incredible gifts in the human system. One teacher said it to me it's like getting a game. It's like, or you and I go to Ikea and we buy this crazy ass furniture set and we get home and we're like shit man, we didn't get the instructions. Let's have fun with building an entire house of furniture with no instructions and like that's us down here.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, like here's, or like it got ripped, here's half the instructions, the masculine energy, and then here's not the other half, and so we're all fumbling around in the dark.

Speaker 2:

So if that feels like you, matthew, and I understand, because we've been there as well, without the directions, throwing screwdrivers, breaking windows, right, so my point is there's nothing wrong with you. If you need a reeducation because you didn't get the manual, because that's all we're experiencing and that's my work. My work is a reeducation to say, hey, this is what your intuition feels like. This is what it feels like when you're loving yourself. This is what it feels like when you're connected to God. It feels like when you're connected to God, this is what it feels like when you're in alignment with your truth, these beautiful, deep, invisible, feminine aspects of every human being that help us navigate life.

Speaker 2:

We don't have that, so of course, we'd be walking around with anxiety and depression and sickness and lack and all of these things, until one of us finds it and says, hey, tribe things. Until one of us finds it and says, hey, tribe, here's these things that assist us. Now, the trusting of it can take time, like we just said, because it's like I even had that. When my teachers are telling me these crazy things that are perceived crazy things, they're like this is the way in and you're like, um, are you sure that can help me pay my bills.

Speaker 1:

Like what am I?

Speaker 2:

talking about. And then you test it out and you're like, wow, because I have a way I would love to share. That's like this little, I mean, it's like these little secret portals, right. And you're like, oh my gosh, that's real, that actually works, that puts money in my bank account and it's fun. And then you start to see that enough times and you're like okay, I'm upgrading to a new system and sharing it with my tribe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's hilarious that you use the Ikea I always talk about, or I should say I often use the analogy of a tool belt when describing this. And, much like you were, you were saying like, especially when I'm working, I find this a lot because I work with a lot with men who have that traditional kind of Western civilization type of you know, idea of what it is to be a man, or supposed to be a man, and it's it's a lot of you know, it's a lot of aggression, it's a lot of you know. You can call it motivation, call it whatever, but it's, it's very aggressive, you know, I know it, I've lived with it the majority of my life. And my one of my favorite things I love hearing one guy say is like oh yeah, I'm just not that emotional and I'm like fair, I literally I'm always like that's fair. I was like um, and how often do you like, how often do you feel angry? Oh, all the time I'm like you want to revisit that not emotional part.

Speaker 1:

So you know, and I find that how I like to describe it is you know, I feel like when we're born, we're born with a full tool belt and each one of the tools is a different emotion or a different emotional state, right, and they, they exist in us for a reason it is required for our survival, literally, they're not just inconvenient, they are literally part of our hardware so that we can navigate, so that we can connect, so that we can protect, so that we can do a lot of different things Like our emotional states. Really, there's a lot of power in each of them and I think, as you know, time has gone on. You know different cultures, different ideologies have started to vilify some of these emotions in both genders, right. And you know, the whole boys don't cry thing. It's so funny because last time I checked they actually do cry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, biologically it's required, yeah, right, biologically it's required, yeah, um, so this idea that we don't, or else it, you know, if you do, it's weakness is an example and what I find is like so you're born with this full tool belt and then, as you're, you're being raised and you're going through your experience of life, you know, you start to learn, or people start to convince you, that there's certain tools in that belt that are not appropriate for you, right, and for men specifically I don't want to speak to women, but for men specifically. It's as, if, you know, you get into your your late teenage years, early twenties, your early adulthood, right, you're supposed to be an adult now, and by the time we get here, they've pulled all of these different tools out of our belt. They've pulled the ruler, they've pulled out the pencil, they've pulled out, you know, the nails and essentially, what you're left with at the end of the day is like a hammer and a wash rag. Right, that's the nurturing side of us, I think. I don't know why. That just came to mind, but there's always one in my pocket.

Speaker 1:

So there it is, right, so you're left with these two things and it's as if the world at this point says great, now you have what you're supposed to use. Now go build your dream life. Or, to put it more literal, go build your dream home. But you're only allowed to use these two tools, right, the wash rag and the hammer.

Speaker 1:

Oh and, by the way, make sure that that home is perfect. There's zero flaws. It can withstand any storm that ever comes through, because it can't show that you're weak or that you're struggling or that you need help in any way, shape or form. Make sure that it's also the best looking home in the neighborhood. Make sure everyone admires it and they would rather live in yours than their own. Make sure it's all of these things, but again, you're only allowed to use the wash rag and a hammer. Good luck, yeah right, and we wonder why, like an ikea furniture where we've built all the things, but we look down and there's 48 parts still there and you're like, oh shit, I don't think this is how it's supposed to go.

Speaker 2:

And the confusion the sheer confusion and lostness.

Speaker 1:

We feel that pain and I think it's not because we're lost, because we've been conditioned that we're not allowed to use the compass Correct, correct, correct. And no one has educated us.

Speaker 2:

No one has educated us to say this is what this tool does. Here's all these things. This is how you process an emotion. This is how you connect to your intuition, whatever it is, and it's you know. We're coming back into our power, we're switching it, we're balancing the energies on the planet. It comes with a lot of disruption. Comes with a lot of disruption. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So let me ask you this All right, go ahead please.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just had the feeling that maybe someone listening is the one in their family. That's different you know, and that can be. That's when you you make the sovereign choice, a sovereign choice. Why am I doing this? Do I want the belonging to stay small and belong, or do I want to expand in the fullness of who I am and live out my purpose on planet earth and belong with me and God and those that are in alignment with that frequency I choose?

Speaker 1:

Now for that person, because I can relate to this. Yes, for that person, how would you recommend and I know this is a very broad question, right, but as we both know, you know, when someone starts to make that sovereign choice, or they start to courageously explore that voice in the direction that it's, you know, asking you to go right, how, what would you say is the most necessary step I won't say first, but the most necessary step for them to be able to move forward in that path, despite the, the ways in which those around them, their current tribe are going to most likely I'll respond to the changes they're making.

Speaker 2:

Devotion. And then I would go one step further and say devotion to something higher, which is truth, which is love, which is living out my purpose, which is expansion, which is full expression, whatever it may be, devotion is the medicine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Devotion is the and maybe you can feel because you can feel my energy if you're listening but maybe you can feel the energy of this Like I wrote about it in my book Like, um, I just see a machete in the jungle and I see devotion. Just, you just slam through the trees and you're cutting it and nothing can stop you and the trees may slam you on the face and you may be sweating and you may get a spider bite not life threatening, of course, but you're like you and you don't have to do this from the masculine perspective, where it's like blood, sweat, tears, you know, and if you are a masculine essence.

Speaker 2:

You may swing more that way and that's beautiful. But you can do it in balance, where it's more of power versus force.

Speaker 1:

And Ooh say more.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there's a David Richard Hawkins book titled that. I didn't read the book, I got the download just by the title right when devotion says I say out loud my choice because, regardless of what was handed down to me, I am choosing to be love, I am choosing to be my soul expressed in human form. Okay, so what does that do? That says that says you can abandon me, you can reject me, you can hate me, you can leave me, you can dislike me, you can criticize me, and I am devoted to my path, my light, my full expression, and at the end of the day, none of that stuff happens, the things we fear, because we've had it happen in moments. So that's why we don't devote and I invite you in this moment. It is powerful when we make a devotion. It is powerful when we say I choose me, I choose love, I choose truth, I choose full expansion, and whatever comes may come, because I choose that and you will inspire when you are that. And it may take 15 years for somebody to notice, because you're you know if you're ruffling the feathers of your family and you're the different one.

Speaker 2:

And I remember when I first started setting boundaries, there were people around me. They were not used to. I was people pleaser central and they were not used to it. And I was so afraid and I was terrified of the anger and all the things and I said, jamie Lois Wozniak, I will be here for you. This is where self-love comes in, and I will meet you and I will be here for you. I just said that, but that's. I will be here for you and I will meet you and I will love you regardless, here for you and I will meet you and I will love you regardless. And the people didn't leave. They just, through patience and through some discomfort, were like oh, this child is devoted to her worthiness. It's the stake in the ground, it's the lighthouse, it's the tree, and you choose it and you choose it again, and you choose it again, and you choose it again and you devote to how many lifetimes it takes to be in the full expression and expansion and totality of who you are.

Speaker 2:

So I invite you to invoke that power and watch, watch as everything around you starts to shift. Everything around you starts to shift. Now that which isn't in alignment with your devotion will rise. For you to go to a coach like Matthew to say, hey, what's going on? How do we clear this? How do we move this? To set myself free. So again, not always the easy path, but this is what I say too. But is the other way the easy path? Which one would you rather have the discomfort for? But is the other way the easy path? Which one would you rather have the discomfort for? Staying small or expanding into the totality of your full magnificence?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to buy a ticket for that movie. It's probably more like a trilogy.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, but you're absolutely right. And if there's one thing that I want to say just to and you you, you mentioned this earlier but that you fear you'll be a like, you fear everything will leave you. You fear you'll be alone if you do anyone that doesn't align with or they don't want to stand in their own power, right will, because it's supposed to disrupt the dynamic, the pattern of that relationship. Right, it will 100% disrupt it. And I think the one thing that you know, I love to say, is you know, your boundaries are not other people's punishments. Right, although it feels like conflict and it feels like you're hurting them.

Speaker 1:

And if the person on the other end of the boundary is starting to challenge you or guilt, trip you, or you know, kind of belittle what you're doing or whatever it is that just know and trust that I'm going to assume it's not malicious in its intent, but rather it stems from a fear that if you stick to this devotion, they lose you. Right, because they intuitively know that if you're moving in this direction, either A they got to start doing that work and move alongside you Not necessarily in the exact same way, by the way. Right, because when people are in their path. You're going to know and respect each other's journey. It's not going to be this. Do it my way. Only thing Right. But trust that their fear is that they either have to show up, which is the hard stuff, or they can already sense that the disconnect is going to become too great, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yeah, you are. You, your energy is the invitation for them, like, what a gift. You talk about wanting to support and serve people. You, your life, is an invitation for people to uplevel around you. Whether they know that in their mind or not, they feel it. Whether they know that in their mind or not, they feel it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you holding that pose and knowing I'm not hurting people especially. This is the codependent, not hurting.

Speaker 2:

Holding that pose, yeah, holding the pose and knowing you are not causing pain, even though you may, somebody may. Their feather may be ruffled, like matthew said. You know my intention is love. My intention is to care for myself and to feel into you. Know my yeses and my noes. That's how I summarize a boundary. A boundary is like honoring my desire. I get excited, I want to do this thing, honoring my limitation. You know I need to nap.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to talk right now. I need time to do what I want to do. I'm not interacting with you, I'm done at the party, you know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And there's one thing that I want to say on this and I have one question. I'm really curious to see where it goes. I've never asked you, I'm actually very interested. But the one thing that came to me first is, uh, you know it's in relation to your closest right, your family and cause. I know it's. You know, when we fear the changes we fear making, I believe, come because we know it's going to disrupt those who are closest to us, those relationships are most likely a, a parental figure, right, or uh, some sort of, uh, blood relative that's close, right, it's typically where it starts and there's reasons for that, biologically, and then obviously it's friends where you grew up and that kind of thing. But, uh, something came to me a long time ago and I had to truly, I truly believe this and it's going to be disruptive for some to hear.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Which is relation, does not require relationship.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it's harsh for some. And I've been challenged many times and my response having done this where it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to not be in relationship, by the way, right, this isn't an F you energy. This is like I've accepted that we're not in the same, we're not going in the same direction at this time. However long that may be it could be a lifetime, I don't know but, um, you know, when someone challenges me on that, and I understand why, uh, my only response is I just no longer carry that burden. I'm not burdened by the same belief yeah, the same.

Speaker 1:

You know um goes back to the people.

Speaker 2:

Pleasing right same level of consciousness.

Speaker 1:

You're in a different one and as painful as it is to not be with those who you are most familiar, I can tell you firsthand like getting for me personally, getting to me. I mean you were one of the early relationships that I had, where multiple things actually One you know, close friendship. You know that, spoke similar languages, I was very curious the way you viewed the world. I was always fascinated, but also something that you represent that I don't know, that I ever spoke to you about and that's not the question.

Speaker 1:

so still holding on to that one. But you were.

Speaker 1:

You were literally one of my first genuine female friends yeah like just pure friendship, just like I have with so many you know males throughout my life, like you were and are one of the first, and it's something that I've always held in Holy shit, I've always held in high regard.

Speaker 1:

Are you a coach who has been struggling to do everything yourself? I mean all of the content, the emails, the marketing, not to mention, every time you open your phone there's a new social media strategy that someone is pitching that just makes you feel like you'll never be able to keep up, when all you really care about is helping people in a meaningful way while building the kind of coaching business your family can depend on, family can depend on. I'm Matthew Pates, the founder of Momentum, a growth agency that specializes in helping coaches, just like you, break through your first 100K. If you're a coach who is tired of trying to figure it all out themselves and you just want to build a business that works, then I'm going to encourage you to click the link in our show notes to take your 100K coaching assessment to find out if you're ready to unlock your six-figure potential today. Here's where I said holy shit, it's uh, it's hanging here on my whiteboard.

Speaker 1:

Uh, come on a shell no, oh no, but I know what you're talking about there. Okay, throwback.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, it's not clear. Oh my God, that's our workshop.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember this I?

Speaker 2:

remember that that's our workshop.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember who? I remember that.

Speaker 2:

That's our workshop.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember who took it? No, who did you meet that day?

Speaker 2:

Who did I meet that day?

Speaker 1:

You're not on the spot, I'm just kidding. Your mom, my mom, my mom took this.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

It says a little note. Can you read that?

Speaker 2:

The beginning to Does that say undoing.

Speaker 1:

The beginning to finding.

Speaker 2:

The beginning to finding your truth. Oh my God, that is no words. Oh my God, how crazy.

Speaker 1:

No words, oh my god how crazy those were her words years ago, when she gave me this photo mommy that she saw you. I think it's also interesting yeah, talk about feelings seen what's the work you do now?

Speaker 2:

helping people uncover their truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're not the only one. I'm not the only one in that photo, friend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's us, it's mom speaking to both of us. Oh wow.

Speaker 1:

That stopped me in my tracks, because I have this hanging on my whiteboard right here. Yeah, let's leave it there for now. Mom had wisdom, man.

Speaker 2:

Mom, had wisdom, and it's the best.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Has Sharing from a different form. It's, the best gift you can ever give yourself in this lifetime is devotion to your truth, to finding it, because you may be listening to this and say what does that even mean? What does that look like? Where do I start?

Speaker 1:

Keep asking that question? What?

Speaker 2:

does it even mean? The prayer, the intention, your desire will bring forth the conversations, the people, all the tools in the tool belt. Oh, wow, this is how, oh boundaries is part of my truth. Oh feelings, oh desires, oh purpose, like, okay, follow the yellow brick road.

Speaker 1:

Rather, just because someone told you you weren't allowed to use those tools doesn't mean they're no longer available scary or wrong or weird or too much all the above, get it. Let's get weird yeah let's be too much yeah, all right let's get scared, let's do the things um well. Yeah, so that was that um really special really special I have.

Speaker 1:

I have a question yes and this is what I've not asked you. But I'm really curious because this is something I'm finding to be so such a beautiful part of the journey and so interesting, and one that I don't think many navigate in ways in which they truly wish they could, or in ways in which they truly wish they could, or in ways in which they're proud. So I obviously know your lovely partner right. How long have you guys been dating or together? How would you describe it? Since you, you cross?

Speaker 2:

paths for the first time Partnership. Drum roll please. Nine years.

Speaker 1:

Nine years, nine years, and before I get to the question, I'm curious. So would you say that you were operating at the same level of truth as you were nine as you are today? Nine years ago, Absolutely not. Beautiful. So here you are nine years into this amazing relationship, right Amazingly difficult relationship at times, as they are, if you've been together longer than nine days.

Speaker 2:

Opportunity for growth always yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right, but as you've been on your journey to understanding your truth and expressing it more fully and authentically, and you know all that comes with this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

While doing this in a relationship that, dare I assume in the beginning, when you all connected, neither of you were where you are in that conversation then as you are today. So the question I have and run with this, wherever you may take it, how would you encourage those who are in a relationship a devoted one, be it a marriage, be it a long-term partner, whatever that is, be it brand new but they're in a relationship and they feel that intuitive voice screaming. It may start as a whisper that that bitch gets loud if you ignore it, so as it starts to get so loud that you can no longer ignore what it's calling you to do or face, how have you navigated that while in relationship with someone who is arguably going to be the most affected by these changes?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's an amazing question. My prayer, my intention, my devotion has always been my truth is the most important thing. I deeply desire to be with you, ryan, and it is my prayer and my hope and my wish that you meet me where I go. And I had to choose me first. I had to have the courage and cultivate the courage to say, sweet child, you expand as far and as wide as you want to go. And anyone who can stay with you on that journey, I pray they stay. Who can stay with you on that journey, I pray they stay.

Speaker 2:

And so I've always asked for divine assistance to say, hey, if, um, if I can be supported with books or resources or a therapist or whatever it may be for Ryan and I to grow together, um, give me the education that will not make me, control him to meet me, yet inspire him to want to meet me, want to change. Has that always been easy? No, it's been sloppy. I've had to so many times in couples therapy, especially as a spiritual teacher. I've had to constantly surrender, like trying to teach him, trying to offer him too much stuff.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's probably one of the hardest things all of us deal with when you especially being an intuitive who can be like oh wow, I see in your energy field one thing you need to tweak, um, and it would help, you know, but you have to just be human. I, you know there I'm thinking back to all the night. You know so much in nine years, but there have been times where I have I'm gonna use this word, I don't love it for some reasons, but I'm gonna use it I have fought for myself, I've fought for my truth, I've fought for my worthiness and, ryan, you know, there's been many times I've been wrong, many times he's been wrong. This is just in the not necessarily wrong, maybe hurtful and misaligned and needing to come back home into alignment.

Speaker 1:

Love the refree.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, the redo. But there have been times I have stood in my truth, devoted no, that hurt me, or this is what I desire, and didn't let it go, even if it took years, said, james, you're worth this thing. Um, and that man, when you say didn't let it go.

Speaker 1:

You meant you're worth not a grudge not a grudge.

Speaker 2:

Not a grudge, my knowing, my truth, my desire, uh, my boundary I held, I held the pose of all the things. And you know one truth my desire, my boundary I held, I held the pose of all the things. And you know one of the hardest things, especially for the feminine energy in all of us, because my teacher would say to me Jamie, patience, patience, patience. Express your desire and then give that man time, always Right. And so I have had to learn and this is something ryan has taught me to, um, play the long game and to look from a expanded level of consciousness and not like in the day-to-day stuff and just go. I'm gonna give this thing spaciousness, I'm gonna let it breathe, I'm gonna offer it patience, um, and if, if things aren't shifting, I'm going to come back around again and say, hey, I've noticed this thing, you know, um, but yeah, you know, it's just to bring it back around. It is, it's devotion to you and your truth and and it and it.

Speaker 2:

You know, matthew, I wasn't always there. I wasn't always. I was more concerned about, I don't want to lose this relationship for a few years. You know what, if this person can't meet me where I am Because I am the. You know Ryan is deep and open and so loving and will learn the things, the masculine feminine tools that we do together and the practices. He'll learn them and be open and so beautiful and, as we've, as I've, been in my thing, he's way more open now, without me pushing it on him, but I have, I've had to to risk my fear of abandonment, my fear of being alone, to to choose my expansion in this lifetime and make that more important. And in my case I know that's not always in everyone's case, but in my case that courage to go forward, even with a fear of abandonment or whatever, has made the man show up in, you know, meeting me there every time. So that's I don't know if I answered it, but that's what came to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I love that. And there's one thing that I want to revisit too. In the beginning, you said that you were that your truth was the most important. Now, I obviously know what you were intending, but I want to make sure for clarity you're not saying that his truth was less important than yours.

Speaker 2:

No, no no, to make sure for clarity. You're not saying that his truth was less important than yours. No, no, no, right, not at all. They're both important. Uh, what I mean by that is okay. So, for example, here's a boundary Um, uh, this, these are my desires. And so you tell your partner here's my desires to live. In a certain way, you don't say to the partner I have to control you so that you meet me in my desires. You just say these are my desires. Is it in your desire to also meet me in these desires? And if it is in your desire to meet me in these desires, then great, we're in equal measure. So when I say making my truth the most important, it's not diminishing him or trying to control him to meet me, it's. I'm going to choose me totally, and are you going to also be in alignment to still want to choose that relationship?

Speaker 1:

Two yeah, and in your experience, when Ryan kind of, however, this looks right I'm not asking for the specifics on this piece, but when he, he maybe would would hold the similar pose right when he's choosing his truth and perhaps it's different than where how you're operating in that moment or that energy or whatever it is, but he, he, he's holding his pose, not as a punishment.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right or a rejection to other, but I think that's the word like how? How have you guys learned how to respect and hold, hold your pose while respecting the others, while not rejecting the other, for for not being on the same page per se? Am I saying this? Does it sound? Does it make sense? What I'm asking, what I'm curious to know, is cause this? This happens with Allison and I quite often Right, and it's become a really beautiful part of our relationship and one of the things that I believe I'm most proud of, because you know her and I are we in context.

Speaker 1:

We have a lot of differences, right, but we have, we've been able to to arrive at what feels like the ability at least we've become more skilled in the ability to, um, allow the other to be in their truth and not find that as a threat or a disrespect of some kind.

Speaker 1:

Right, like it's. You know, I don't need her to do it the way that I do it, or I don't need her to do it because I'm doing it right, and vice versa, vice versa, and she's really the one that taught me this, right, because in the beginning I did not operate that way, yeah, um. So I'm curious, uh, in your relationship with Ryan, like what, what lessons have you learned for those that might be in relationship and, you know, are you're starting to discover right, or, at the very least, one of the parties is discovering themselves? How, how would you, what's the lesson that you've learned that you would love to just kind of share um with those that are, you know, in that space? Like how to find your truth while respecting the other and, where they may be, like how to find your truth while respecting the other and where they may be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, something that's helped me a lot, too, is why might you have trouble respecting someone else's truth? Look at that, you know, like is there, is there. I'm not enough, because there was something in there for me of like, you know, if this person isn't listening to me or teaching to me, I'm like how do you not see me? How do you not see this amazing growing being that's right in front of your face? You don't care about that. So, because neither of our truths or your truths are bad or good, it's just your truth. And so, using it as an opportunity to see what pain is under the hood that is wanting to be processed by you, wanting to be met by you, and navigating your inner wisdom that says have a conversation with this person, or whatever it may be, um, yeah, I love that, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I find that, um, uh, what can be one of the greatest lessons that alice had never taught me early on was and I teach this now often um, you know, for me we're talking about like balance and emotions, right.

Speaker 1:

So for me, balance.

Speaker 1:

Before I was able to articulate it, I wasn't even conscious of this at the time, but in my experience, anger was what I struggled with big time and I wasn't a physical person when I was angry, as much as I was verbal, volume, language, that kind of thing, definitely a version of myself whom I did not respect.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I also would always say, like you know, for me, back it up to this, I used to always believe that I had to balance, I had to be as kind as I was angry, right. So balance was this I had to be as kind as I was angry, depending on the situation. So I went. I always say like, after a night where, you know, I kind of went off the rails and did a lot of things that I had, I just care, you know that I was shameful of you know, the following days I would go on my apology tour as I would like to, as I would call it Right. And until it hit me that, what would it look like to live a life that I didn't have to apologize for?

Speaker 1:

What would it look like to behave in a way in which I didn't have to apologize, right, because we know the difference between standing in your truth and that not requiring an apology?

Speaker 1:

versus behaving in a way that is reactive. Waving in a way that is reactive is disrespectful, is childish, young, right, and it's attempt to protect oneself right, and that requires apology, right. We know the difference. And then what Allison taught me. She used to ask all the time and we just keep her, kept repeating this until it became almost a mantra. Where what would it look like to be angry and kind instead of angry, then kind?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah Right.

Speaker 1:

So and the one thing that she taught me and she used to say this to me all the time that really stood apart was she'd always say your anger isn't the problem. She'd say your anger is justified. I understand your anger, I get why you're angry. Even those moments where it was her that I was, you know, upset with, she would say your anger is justified. That is not the problem. The problem is how you treat me when you're angry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it was the first time in my life someone had ever separated the person from the behavior.

Speaker 2:

Interesting yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right, because before it was always I'm because she'd be like your anger is the problem. You have an anger problem and I would get so upset I'm like fuck that. Like I'm justified in why I'm angry. It's not a problem. The problem is whatever someone did or said or whatever. Yeah, until she separated those two things for me, where I was like, oh wait, like so you're saying I'm not a problem, but rather how I behave when I'm in this state or I'm feeling this way is a problem, and I believe the reason why that resonated so deeply with me is because I agreed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I too didn't like the way that I behaved when I was angry Right, I felt very shameful. I become a version of myself that I did not respect. So when that was reflected back to me in a way that it wasn't combative, it was, she held her pose and that's something she's always been very good at, right Within our relationship at least. I know that's something she had to learn, but it's been. I say all of that to say, like what you were describing, and holding your pose and knowing what that is and being able to articulate that Right, which is a huge piece of the work Right we, that gets to. That's a skill that we develop. But in her holding her pose because I knew it wasn't combat, I knew it was from love, she was calling me forward, not calling me out- Right.

Speaker 1:

And she was calling me in the direction that I ultimately wanted to be going Right. So her holding that stance, her holding that pose and being strong in her devotion to what she deserved, yeah. It. It became the the opportunity for me to become the man that loves in that way, that could be loved in that way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I began to understand that I had the ability to become. It was a skill that I could develop, it was something I could practice versus the whole like, oh, I am who I am, insert whatever justification Right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I share that because because, yeah, I asked that question about you and ryan and because I think that's something that's so important that I don't know that enough people talk about is the how to navigate a relationship that you really do love and care about and want to have long term.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

While each party, perhaps at different paces, are doing the work to explore who they are, what is their authentic expression, because how you met versus how you operate, when both figure that out, yeah. May look very different on the surface, with behaviors, with style, with desires and hobbies and interests and curiosities. That's going to evolve. So you know, for the hearts to remain in love while the humans kind of figure themselves out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. The one thing that keeps coming as you're talking too is and this gave me great peace At the end of the day, all you really have to ever do is focus on your own healing work, because you emit a frequency when you do your healing work of love. This is consciousness healing, like I was speaking about before. So you're in more love of yourself, you're in more acceptance, you're in more devotion, you're in more peace. Okay, you are transmitting that energy. We pick up on other people's energy. So guess who starts all of a sudden treating you differently? Your partner, right, your partner, as painful as it is is. Also, this doesn't mean stay in an abusive relationship. Use your intuition too right.

Speaker 1:

That's a whole nother conversation.

Speaker 2:

If you're like, yeah, if you're like this is sloppy for a minute, but deeper, intuitively, you're like but it's healthy, it's okay, it's safe, it's messy, we're working through some stuff and it's okay. You know, they reflect back to you. It's hard to see this is for the spiritual warrior here. They reflect back to you that which you have not processed in yourself your own level of unworthiness, your own level of undeserving, your own level of fear. So the more that we go, whoa man, I must be mean to myself because somebody else is being mean to me. I must be. You know, that might not be the exact and I find it okay or I tolerate it.

Speaker 2:

My field is allowing this to show up in my experience. And can I shift it? And when I shift it within me, then the external shifts and I have seen that time and time again with my family, with ryan um, profound like awesome, yeah, and it's magic. You guys, it's mad, it's hogwarts, this is hogwarts magic, miracles, and I mean it's, it's real life, practical, like consciousness, healing, which I was speaking of. Joy, I'm expanding into more joy. A devotion of mine recently is joy Learning that joy equals money in the bank Another conversation we could have.

Speaker 2:

But devoted to my joy. So the other day, ryan and I were going out on a date and I caught myself because I thought there's this place in nature I really like. And I was like, hey, right, wouldn't it be really cool if we made sandwiches and we went out and we brought the dog and we did this little picnic? And he was like, oh, I would love that. That sounds so great, do this thing. And I got real, real with myself because I was like, are you really excited about that date experience? Like, is that your highest excitement, jane? And I was like no, I think my mind picked that because it's like, I like this place, these are the people I love. This is a nice meal.

Speaker 2:

So, expanding into a new level of consciousness, I chose joy and I closed my eyes and this cafe I had never been to, which miraculously, my man had never been to, came into our minds. We had the best time. My energy was in such joy. He was filming me. You know how y'all do on a first date when like oh wow, let me take pictures of my lover Nine years in.

Speaker 2:

You guys Paid for everything. Oh wait, you want more, I'll buy you more. Just, the whole night was filled with such hope.

Speaker 2:

He also. You guys, nine years I've been with this man. I make him laugh so loud, but he laughed the loudest and longest he has ever laughed in my presence. This night that I chose joy, I chose joy, I was vibrating joy, and anyone in my field who was willing and open to expand their consciousness will also be that way too, right. And so we can say, oh, I'm victim, and it's so easy and victim is such again another conversation. But we can say, oh, I'm victim and it's so easy and victim is such again another conversation.

Speaker 2:

But we can say, oh, I'm victim to my environment and we must meet our pain with compassion, because our pain is real and our pain is heavy and our pain is deep. And so, yes, and I am so powerful you, I'm speaking of everyone on the call, I'm using my word I but I'm so powerful that when I learn about these tools and the one that Jane learned about was choosing joy that I can affect the surroundings and then I can benefit as well. Right, so, just knowing that you aren't powerless to the dynamic, if you're not satisfied, there is something you can pray about, open to, and when you shift, you get this mirror of so much love and joy and fun and play back towards you because you're existing in that Right.

Speaker 1:

So there's that too. There's so many. I promised a trilogy.

Speaker 2:

There's so many other conversations I know right We'll have to do another.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I know right, We'll have to do another. And on that, for the sake of the light here, we'll begin to wrap this up, and I would like to do it with a two-part question, or two questions, however you like to think about this. So first, and you can answer this in whatever order, but one I would like you to share where people can find you. Your work is phenomenal. Firsthand and we didn't even get into the other beautiful things that you do with the animal communication and all of the beautiful things and the gifts that I mean to receive and gain and get. However you describe that it's fucking awesome. That's really just what I want to say Thank you. So where can they find you to learn more?

Speaker 1:

there was one thing that you would like others to take away from all the things that you shared, all the takeaways like what is the one thing? If they only got this, this would be an hour well worth their time.

Speaker 2:

Choose you Every day, every moment. It's not selfish, it's the, the gift, it's that you are the medicine. The, your truth, your desires, your humanity, your authenticity is the medicine and it will never be the wrong choice. I choose me as what I would, what I would say.

Speaker 2:

um, you can find me at jamiewosneycom easiest place to find me or Instagram at jamiewosney and I have lots of different offerings for lots of different people. We do live group journeys. I have one coming up soon called Bold Creative Rebel, where we activate this rebel, this bold visionary. Let's get loud. Yes, because we're the you got to you got to have some bold and we heal that which is in the way.

Speaker 2:

So we have live group journeys. I have on-demand courses if you want to do stuff at your own pace from home. One-on-one work if you really were like, wow, I I don't know how to choose me, but there's this little spark in me that's like I want a life of. When I say choose me, I'm saying choose divine me, the one who came here to bring light and medicine and joy and prosperity and health to planet earth. So there's, yeah, lots of ways you can work with me. So, and reach out if you guys have questions and you're like I enjoyed your energy but I don't know how to work with you. I have a contact form there as well.

Speaker 1:

I love it, yeah, and the choose me piece, the one thing I'll say in, that too doesn't mean I believe there's a big difference between selfish and self-centered. I believe when we choose ourselves for joy, for healing, it is yes, it's selfish to choose ourself first, but when we do, we have and we naturally are inclined to give and be connected with other right, because when we choose self, we naturally natural state is to be of service and connection to other. When we're self-centered is what I think people fear. Selfishness means yes, it's not choosing.

Speaker 2:

It's all about them. Yes, it's not. Which is it's all?

Speaker 1:

about them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And nothing else matters. You don't care how you affect it.

Speaker 2:

That is not what we're saying Right, it's not choose me and never choose you. It's choose me and Choose me so that my cup runneth over and when aligned, because my heart will be open when I choose me, I will share, I will love and support you from a place of inspiration and not obligation.

Speaker 1:

I think that's a beautiful place to end it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you, my friend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, a beautiful conversation. I'm happy to be here. You, you, you you.

Healing and Energy Work Discussion
Trusting Your Intuition
Embracing Emotions and Authenticity
Setting Boundaries and Self-Love
Navigating Truth and Devotion in Relationships
Lessons on Finding Truth in Relationships
Navigating Relationships and Choosing Joy
Empowerment Through Self-Care and Service