The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin

Maximize Your Day Mindset and Goal Strategy Tips to Boost Productivity and Achieve Your Goals

June 19, 2024 Lori Gouhin Season 1 Episode 34
Maximize Your Day Mindset and Goal Strategy Tips to Boost Productivity and Achieve Your Goals
The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin
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The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin
Maximize Your Day Mindset and Goal Strategy Tips to Boost Productivity and Achieve Your Goals
Jun 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34
Lori Gouhin

In this episode of "The Artwork of You," Lori Gouhin delves into the strategies and tactics of designing a workday that is not only filled with creativity but also productive.

Lori educates through providing invaluable tips and insights for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and creative professionals who struggle with balancing productivity and creativity. 

In this episode you will hear practical strategies for understanding your unique rhythm, setting intentional goals, and creating a structured yet flexible daily schedule that aligns with your peak energy levels.

Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding your unique rhythm
  • Designing the framework for your day
  • The Eisenhower Matrix approach 
  • Being intentional with managing your day; time blocking
  • Distractions and how to deal with theme
  • Keeping your motivation high

Tune in to learn how you can unlock your success by being intentional with how you design your workday.

Thank you for sharing your time with me and remember to show up in your life like the masterpiece you are because YOU are the ARTwork!!!

Please subscribe and leave a 5 Star Review.

Have a fabulous day!

Learn more and follow along with Lori at:

Website: https:??






Grab your FREE The ARTwork of YOU 90 Day Journal

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of "The Artwork of You," Lori Gouhin delves into the strategies and tactics of designing a workday that is not only filled with creativity but also productive.

Lori educates through providing invaluable tips and insights for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and creative professionals who struggle with balancing productivity and creativity. 

In this episode you will hear practical strategies for understanding your unique rhythm, setting intentional goals, and creating a structured yet flexible daily schedule that aligns with your peak energy levels.

Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding your unique rhythm
  • Designing the framework for your day
  • The Eisenhower Matrix approach 
  • Being intentional with managing your day; time blocking
  • Distractions and how to deal with theme
  • Keeping your motivation high

Tune in to learn how you can unlock your success by being intentional with how you design your workday.

Thank you for sharing your time with me and remember to show up in your life like the masterpiece you are because YOU are the ARTwork!!!

Please subscribe and leave a 5 Star Review.

Have a fabulous day!

Learn more and follow along with Lori at:

Website: https:??






Grab your FREE The ARTwork of YOU 90 Day Journal

[00:00:00] Lori Gouhin: Hello, my friends. I am so glad that you are here with me today because today I want to talk about designing your ideal work day. So this episode is for those of you who maybe set good intentions the night before, set good intentions in the morning, and then somehow find by the end of that day, you've not accomplished anything that you set out to do.

[00:00:22] Lori Gouhin: Because I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like my work day can have a tendency to be a bit chaotic and unfocused if I'm not super intentional with my time, because as an artist, a coach and a podcaster, balancing creativity with productivity can really feel tricky sometimes. 

[00:00:39] Lori Gouhin: And I know the same is true for many of you who are full time entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, those of you with a side hustle, those just starting out in business or those who work from home. But guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. Trust me with a little structure and creativity, you can turn your chaotic and unfocused days into days where you remain intentional and in charge.

[00:01:01] Lori Gouhin: So the first step is understanding Your unique rhythm, and what I mean by that is knowing when you're most inspired and productive because it can help you not only plan accordingly, but also set you up for success. Start by asking yourself, when do you feel most energized and full of ideas?

[00:01:19] Lori Gouhin: Some of you might be morning people who jump right out of bed with a brain full of plans. Others might be night owls, finding your creativity when the world is very quiet and still. then maybe some of you are midday warriors and you hit your stride in the afternoon.

[00:01:33] Lori Gouhin: So if you're not quite certain, I would suggest that you take a week to track your energy levels and your productivity. 

[00:01:39] Lori Gouhin: you can grab a journal or use an app to know when you feel most creative and energized, as well as when you're dragging and distracted. And over time, you'll notice that patterns will emerge. Personally, I found my creative sweet spot is generally in the morning right after my first cup of coffee.

[00:01:55] Lori Gouhin: It can also be while I'm out on a walk, or even sometimes later in the evening after the sun [00:02:00] has set. And everyone's different. So once you know when you're at your best, you can think about setting some intentions when you're planning your day. What do you want to achieve today? What are your big picture goals for the week or the month?

[00:02:13] Lori Gouhin: And start each day by setting clear intentional goals, not just to do lists, but meaningful milestones that will align with your larger vision. So, for example, if you're working on a new art project, your goal might be to brainstorm ideas today, sketch a few concepts tomorrow, and then start on the final piece by the end of the week.

[00:02:33] /

[00:02:33] Lori Gouhin: Here's a little exercise. Every morning, write down Three main goals for the day that will move you closer to your long term vision. This will keep you focused and intentional about how you spend your time. And I know you know this, but remember, it's about progress, not perfection. And when you understand your unique rhythm and set clear intentions, you're already on your way to creating a day that's as productive as it is creative./

[00:02:57] Lori Gouhin: So let's move on to designing your workday framework. Once you have a handle on when you're most productive and you've set your goals, Then it's time to design your workday for maximum creativity and efficiency. And here's how you can do it. Start with building a flexible yet structured daily schedule.

[00:03:14] Lori Gouhin: I don't want you rigidly planning every minute, but rather creating a framework that will allow for both focused work and spontaneous creativity. So begin by blocking out your peak creative hours for your most important and creative tasks. For instance, if you're most creative in the morning, dedicate that time to writing, designing, brainstorming.

[00:03:33] Lori Gouhin: And keep this time sacred and free from interruptions. Then identify the times when your energy naturally dips and use these time periods for administrative tasks like emails or meetings, things that don't require as much creative energy. And don't forget to schedule breaks because regular breaks can actually boost your creativity and productivity.

[00:03:54] Lori Gouhin: So give yourself permission to step away and recharge. I often do this. When I've noticed that I've been at my [00:04:00] computer for hours, so then I might get up and go for a walk just to shift my energy, or I might start a new painting or continue on one that I've already started again, just to shift my energy to something more creative so ask yourself, what kind of a break would be best for you? It could even be a 20 minute nap. And now let's talk about prioritization.because it's easy to get overwhelmed with a long list of to do items. But the key is to focus on what truly matters. one effective technique that I want to share that works for me.

[00:04:28] Lori Gouhin: It's called the Eisenhower matrix. It helps you categorize. Your tasks and your goals by urgency and importance. So for example, if your goal or what you have to do is urgent and important, do these tasks first, if it's important, but not urgent schedule, these tasks for later. If it's urgent but not important, see if you can delegate these tasks.

[00:04:53] Lori Gouhin: if it's not urgent and not important, consider if these tasks even need to be done at all. This approach will ensure that you're not just busy, but productive and working on things that align with your goals. And we'll make a real impact. Here's a quick example. Let's say you're, maybe preparing for a workshop or some kind of a presentation.

[00:05:14] Lori Gouhin: Maybe you're giving a speech. Creating your slides might be both urgent and important. So tackle them first thing in the morning. Planning your next marketing campaign. That might be important but not as urgent. So maybe schedule that for time in the afternoon or later the next day. Answering routine emails could be urgent, but not important.

[00:05:36] Lori Gouhin: So handle those during your low energy times by creating a flexible framework and mastering the art of prioritization, you can really design a work day that not only boosts your productivity, but also leaves room for creativity and inspiration, the final step is to be intentional with your day and to get really specific.

[00:05:57] Lori Gouhin: So we want to talk about those [00:06:00] generalizations from your framework that we just talked about, and now get more specific and time block, because it's very effective when you allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. It helps you to stay focused and it ensures that you dedicate sufficient time to your most important items. So here's an example of how to tailor time blocking to fit a creative workday. Identify your core goals.

[00:06:25] Lori Gouhin: and list out the main tasks that you need to complete each day. This could include creative work, administrative work, meetings, and your breaks. Allocate specific blocks of time for each goal. For example, block out 9 to 11 for creative work, 11 to 12 for administrative tasks, 1 to 3 for meetings, and 3 to 4 for follow up and email.

[00:06:49] Lori Gouhin: But be flexible because life happens and sometimes you'll need to adjust your schedule, and that's okay. The goal is to have a structured plan in place that will guide your day. It can be adaptable, but just having that plan in place first thing will really be beneficial. And remember, schedule breaks.

[00:07:06] Lori Gouhin: Schedule regular breaks so that you avoid burnout and keep creativity flowing. Even if it's just a 10 minute break every hour, it can really do wonders for your focus and your energy levels. And by break, I don't mean scrolling or comparing and despairing on your phone. So for example, let's say you're a writer.

[00:07:23] Lori Gouhin: You could block out 8 to 10 a. m. for writing new content. 10 to 1030 for a break, 1030 to 1130 for editing and 1130 to 12 for emails. This structured approach will help you stay on task and it will ensure that you're making progress in your most productive hours And finally, let's talk about some common challenges that might come up and learn how to stay on track and motivated because obviously distractions and procrastination will come up. We all face distractions and procrastination from time to time, but there are ways to manage them. So identify your distractions.

[00:07:58] Lori Gouhin: That's the first step is to [00:08:00] recognize what's pulling your attention away. Is it social media? Is it email notifications? Perhaps it's. stuff to do around the house. Once you know your distractions, you can tackle them head on. Also, you'll want to create a dedicated workspace and set clear boundaries. I used to work most of the time at my kitchen counter.

[00:08:18] Lori Gouhin: I don't know why. it's a very light and bright space and I would work down there, but I would really find myself being distracted throughout the day. Not only thinking aboutdo I want to make for dinner, but just looking around. Something was messy. I'd feel the need to go straighten it up.

[00:08:30] Lori Gouhin: So now I have a dedicated workspace in my studio that allows me to focus on my work on my computer. And yet, if I need a break, I can easily get up and start working on a painting because I'm right there. 

[00:08:41] Lori Gouhin: So again, create a dedicated workspace, and as I said, also set clear boundaries. And what I mean by that is to let your family, if you work at home, or your co workers know your working hours so that you minimize any interruptions. Put on noise canceling headphones if you have to.

[00:08:58] Lori Gouhin: Another thing I would suggest is to close out your email tab so you're not constantly tempted to check it. And you also might want to keep your phone in another room during certain times if you're always finding yourself distracted with picking it up and checking things on your phone. 

[00:09:13] Lori Gouhin: maintaining motivation can certainly be challenging. I get it, especially on days when your inspiration feels low. So here are some ways to keep your motivation high, break your goals into smaller manageable goals. Because when you complete these little mini goals, it provides you with a sense of accomplishment and it will help you keep motivated to tackle the next one and the next one and the next one.

[00:09:35] Lori Gouhin: Also, set up a reward system for yourself because small rewards can really boost your morale and make your work more enjoyable. Surround yourself with things that inspire you because sometimes a quick change of scenery or a dose of inspiration is all you need to get back on track. And so you could try working in a cafe, or you can go into the office on days that you normally wouldn't.

[00:09:57] Lori Gouhin: If you have, I forget what they're called, but like [00:10:00] community working spaces where you can go to another space, it's like a coworking space. If that's available to you then maybe you want to try that and take a few moments throughout your day just to practice mindfulness, simply pause, take a few deep breaths and bring your attention to the present moment.

[00:10:16] Lori Gouhin: It will help to clear your mind and reduce your stress. and there you have it. You've just created your ideal work day. And remember, it's not just, So that you can get more done. It's about making space for your best ideas to flourish.

[00:10:29] Lori Gouhin: And by understanding your unique rhythm, designing a flexible schedule, using time blocking and being aware of some common challenges, you can really create a workday that's both productive and inspiring. It's about balance and finding what works best for you. 

[00:10:46] Lori Gouhin: So I challenge you to experiment with these tips. Let me know if your creativity and your productivity reach new levels.