The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin

Breaking Boundaries: How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Fuels Personal and Professional Growth

July 03, 2024 Lori Gouhin
Breaking Boundaries: How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Fuels Personal and Professional Growth
The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin
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The ARTwork of YOU with Lori Gouhin
Breaking Boundaries: How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Fuels Personal and Professional Growth
Jul 03, 2024
Lori Gouhin

In this episode of "The Artwork of You," Lori Gouhin delves into the concept of comfort zones and why stepping out of them is crucial for personal and professional growth. With inspiring stories of entrepreneurs and practical tips on how to gently push yourself beyond your boundaries, this episode serves as a motivational guide for leading a more fulfilled life.

Episode Highlights:

  • Why we stick to the familiar
  • The risks of staying too comfortable
  • Examples of individuals who succeeded by stepping out of their comfort zones
  •  Inspiring books to read
  •  Practical steps to push beyond your comfort zone

Tune in to be inspired and motivated to stretch your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. 

Thank you for sharing your time with me and remember to show up in your life like the masterpiece you are because YOU are the ARTwork!!!

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Have a fabulous day!

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of "The Artwork of You," Lori Gouhin delves into the concept of comfort zones and why stepping out of them is crucial for personal and professional growth. With inspiring stories of entrepreneurs and practical tips on how to gently push yourself beyond your boundaries, this episode serves as a motivational guide for leading a more fulfilled life.

Episode Highlights:

  • Why we stick to the familiar
  • The risks of staying too comfortable
  • Examples of individuals who succeeded by stepping out of their comfort zones
  •  Inspiring books to read
  •  Practical steps to push beyond your comfort zone

Tune in to be inspired and motivated to stretch your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. 

Thank you for sharing your time with me and remember to show up in your life like the masterpiece you are because YOU are the ARTwork!!!

Please subscribe and leave a 5 Star Review.

Have a fabulous day!

Learn more and follow along with Lori at:

Website: https:??






Grab your FREE The ARTwork of YOU 90 Day Journal

[00:00:00] Hello, my friends. I am so glad that you're here with me today because today I want to talk all about comfort zones. Last week I had Dr. Tyler Panzner on my podcast, and we not only talked about his work, but we also touched on his entrepreneurial journey. And one of the things that stood out to me was that he said that for the past two years, he has basically been living outside of his comfort zone.

[00:00:26] Two years. Think about that. The next time you don't want to spend one moment out of your comfort zone because by stepping out continually, he not only has created a tremendous service that has helped so many improve their health, he has also attained tremendous success for himself and his family. And I know I've talked about comfort zones before, but I really feel it bears repeating.

[00:00:49] So here we go. And because while there's nothing wrong with feeling comfortable, sticking only to what's comfortable will actually hold you back from experiencing some of the best parts of life. So think about it. When was the last time you tried something for the very first time? If it's taking you a minute to remember, you're not alone because we often avoid stepping out of our comfort zones because.

[00:01:13] The unknown can be pretty intimidating, but one thing I know for sure is that those who do dare to step over those invisible boundaries often find themselves leading more fulfilling lives. And so why do we cling to the familiar? It's actually pretty simple. Our brains are wired to keep us in low risk, low stress mode as much as possible, because back in the day, sticking to what you knew could literally mean the difference between life and death.

[00:01:40] And today, not so much. But I guess you could say in a way our brains haven't gotten the memo yet, because from a survival standpoint, unknown equals potential threat. So let's talk about why staying too comfy actually could be the riskiest move of all, and how to gently nudge yourself towards breaking free [00:02:00] of your comfort zone.

[00:02:01] First of all, living strictly within these boundaries can keep you from growing. Because when we step out of our comfort zones, we engage a part of our brain that loves learning and adapting. This part gets fired up when we try new things. It helps us to become more creative, quick thinking, and also open to new ideas.

[00:02:21] Think about the last time you faced a big challenge. Most likely, you remember that mix of nerves and excitement, and that's your brain in growth mode, switching on to help you navigate through the unfamiliar. And the more you activate this mode, the better you get at handling new situations. And over time, what used to be scary and uncomfortable becomes your new normal.

[00:02:45] And just like that, your comfort zone has expanded. And so while our natural inclination is to stick with the easy and familiar, pushing past these psychological barriers is so important for personal development. I suggest instead of saying, I can't lean into saying, let's see if I can. Or how can I?

[00:03:06] Because each step outside of your comfort zone is a step towards a more adaptable, resilient, and fulfilled self. Another important question to ask yourself is, have you ever considered what you're missing out on by never or rarely ever stepping outside of your comfort zone? If not, I would suggest for you to take some time and think about it.

[00:03:28] Because when we don't challenge ourselves, we really do risk stagnation, both personally and professionally. Because the reality is, is that over time, staying within the confines of your comfort zone can make your world smaller and your opportunities fewer. And also when you avoid challenges, you limit your ability to adapt.

[00:03:50] And as you know, life is unpredictable, and being adaptable is key. It's key to navigating the ups and downs. And by not stretching yourself, you weaken, for lack [00:04:00] of a better word, your adaptability muscles. And then when change inevitably does come your way, it feels overwhelming, not because it's inherently hard.

[00:04:09] But because you're out of practice, there's also a psychological cost because staying comfortable can lead to a nagging sense of unfulfillment. Deep down, I know that many of you have aspirations that go well beyond your current experiences and ignoring these can leave you feeling Unaccomplished and unfulfilled.

[00:04:28] And I'm not saying you have to make drastic changes overnight. /

[00:04:31] It's about gradually extending the boundaries of what you consider possible for yourself. And so while the risk of stepping out might seem high, the risk of staying put are often higher because breaking out of your comfort zone doesn't just lead to growth.

[00:04:46] It's a crucial part of ensuring that your life remains vibrant, engaging, and really full of potential. /

[00:04:53] Again, keep in mind, it doesn't have to be a giant leap into the unknown. Small steps are just as impactful. The idea isn't to overwhelm your nervous system, but to gradually get comfortable with being uncomfortable. So sometimes the best way to get motivated is to see how others have done it. So I want to share some examples of people that you might not be familiar with who stepped out of their comfort zones and transformed their lives.

[00:05:19] In 2009, Sarah Cowes, she was inspired to create a more upscale and fashionable reusable water bottle while hiking in Arizona with her mother. So she creatively and strategically transformed her concern for single use plastic bottles into a booming business by founding Swell in 2010. She started with an investment from her savings, and then her company grew 

[00:05:45] exponentially by pairing design with sustainability and turning the simple idea of a water bottle into a fashion statement and environmental action. Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler founded SoulCycle [00:06:00] in 2006 by transforming the concept of indoor cycling into a communal and inspiring experience.

[00:06:07] They started with a single studio in New York and grew up basically into a phenomenon by focusing on the community aspect of fitness, making sure that each class felt like an empowering group event and their creative and unique approach turned exercise really into a lifestyle And it significantly impacted the fitness industry. After graduating from college, Brian Chesky moved to Los Angeles to work as an industrial designer. And in October of 2007, he moved to San Francisco to live with his classmate Joe Gebbia. Brian didn't have enough money to pay his rent. And he decided, along with Joe, to open their house to short term renters.

[00:06:48] His move to San Francisco also coincided with the Industrial Designers Society of America conference, which ran out of hotel rooms. And so Brian and Joe decided to open the house they were renting as sort of like a bed and breakfast, providing air mattresses for the guests to sleep on and pop tarts for breakfast.

[00:07:08] And that was the start of what later became their business. Airbnb. Whitney Wolf Hurd, the founder of Bumble, she took a bold step in creating a dating app where women make the first move, challenging the norms of online dating dynamics. She launched in 2014 and Bumble not only provided a safe platform for women, but also expanded into networking and friendships with Bumble Biz and Bumble BFA.

[00:07:35] Her approach to prioritizing women's comfort and security in online interactions made Bumble a significant player in social networking spaces. Then there's Vera Wang. She entered the fashion industry later in life. Initially, she was a figure skater and a journalist. And after failing to make the U S Olympics team and being turned down for the editor in chief position at Vogue, she entered the fashion design [00:08:00] business.

[00:08:00] She was 40 and she opened her own bridal boutique. Her designs gained recognition and she is now one of the leading designers in the fashion industry. And she's especially known for her wedding gown collections. Sophia Amoruso started her entrepreneurial journey with an eBay store selling vintage clothing.

[00:08:19] Initially she managed everything from sourcing to shipping. And all the things and she faced numerous challenges, including being banned from eBay, but she was undeterred and she founded nasty gal, which was a standalone website and it quickly grew into a multimillion dollar business.

[00:08:37] She's also the author of the book, hashtag girl boss, and that's a book about her entrepreneurial journey. and so these real world examples that showcase individuals who stepped out of their comfort zones and utilized their unique ideas to create impactful businesses to me, their stories demonstrate the power of creative thinking combined with strategic action to achieve success. And if you need even further inspiration, here are a few books that I would recommend reading.

[00:09:05] Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Mindset, The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, and finally, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. by Marshall Goldsmith. And in addition to reading one or all of the books I just mentioned, I also encourage you to challenge yourself to do some things that are currently out of your comfort zone.

[00:09:31] And so here are a few simple ideas to get you started and they're in no particular order. The first one, spend 20 minutes in complete silence, no phone, No distractions, just you and your thoughts, because this is a gentle way to get comfortable with being alone with your thoughts. Number two, initiate a conversation with someone you don't usually talk to.

[00:09:54] It could be a neighbor, a coworker from another department, an internet follower, someone at a [00:10:00] local cafe. It doesn't matter. The goal is to expand your social comfort zone. Number three. Create something, anything, from a blog post, a piece of art, a simple craft, and then share your creation online or with friends and family, because sharing your work can be a big step out of your comfort zone as it involves vulnerability by exposing your creativity to others.

[00:10:23] Ask me how I know that. Number four, if you've ever had a business idea, I suggest commit to taking the first steps to bring it to life this week. And finally, go on a mini adventure. This could be visiting a new town nearby, trying a new sport, going on a hike. Just do something that's significantly different from your usual weekend activities.

[00:10:45] So you push your boundaries both physically and mentally. And I don't know if you listened to my episode where I talked about bucket list items and I shared how my husband and I have never been to Europe and that I was putting it out there that we were going to go by the end of this year. It's happening.

[00:11:00] I bought our tickets to Italy just this past week. And let me tell you, just buying the tickets was out of my comfort zone, let alone planning the trip that's coming up that I've yet to do. As well as thinking about navigating ourselves once we're there. So I'm both excited and nervous. And that shows me that I am a bit out of my comfort zone and that's a good thing.

[00:11:23] And so as we wrap up, remember each small step. That you take builds a path to a more exciting and fulfilling life because growth is a journey that requires continuous effort and bravery. Start small, keep pushing, and soon you'll find that what once seemed daunting has become part of your expanded world.

[00:11:42] And so why wait? Embrace the challenge, push the limits of your comfort zone, and watch as your life transforms in the most unexpected and rewarding ways. And if you would like more clarity around discovering what ideas you would actually like to pursue, I suggest you definitely download [00:12:00] my free 90 day self discovery journal at www.

[00:12:04] theartworkofyou. com.