Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation

ReadBeforeTheMeaningOfYourLifeIsLesser: Chapter 3 Self-Reflection and Opportunities in Shaping One's Destiny

November 13, 2023 Ekarach Chandon Episode 8
ReadBeforeTheMeaningOfYourLifeIsLesser: Chapter 3 Self-Reflection and Opportunities in Shaping One's Destiny
Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation
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Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation
ReadBeforeTheMeaningOfYourLifeIsLesser: Chapter 3 Self-Reflection and Opportunities in Shaping One's Destiny
Nov 13, 2023 Episode 8
Ekarach Chandon

"When you start observing your own breathing, you begin to discover the truths hidden within you..."

Do you want to meet your true self? Read Chapter 3 of the book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser' and open the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.

Truth Quote: "The repetitive thoughts we think shape our behaviors, the repetitive behaviors we engage in form our habits, the habits we repeatedly practice define our character, and the character we consistently exhibit determines our destiny in life."

Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser Page 29

It's easy to overlook ourselves... even though we are the thing closest to us. This book emphasizes how limited our self-awareness truly is. Our vast knowledge, such as values and perspectives, shapes our thoughts...

Join our exploration of the ever-narrowing gap between machine understanding and human introspection, in an AI-dominated era, it's crucial for us to reclaim our deep understanding. Read the book as we discuss the ever-blurring lines between machine analysis and the human soul.

Or make an informed decision to read the entire book in its new English version for free online through this link:

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book.

The book is available for free on Amazon. Find more details in this link

or follow the content in video format on this youtube channel

in playlist ; Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence link


Now, the first book in the 'Truth from NewThought' series, 'Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser,' which has undergone an intensive process to effectively convey the 'Skill of Creating Knowledge' it contains. 'Truth from New Thought: Real Personal Transformation' combines ancient wisdom with modern science for in-depth discussions that are NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH VERSION." on

Have you ever wondered what your life truly means? Or what life is really about?

If you want to change your life, dive into in-depth discussions that merge ancient wisdom with modern science.

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser'.

Show Notes

"When you start observing your own breathing, you begin to discover the truths hidden within you..."

Do you want to meet your true self? Read Chapter 3 of the book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser' and open the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.

Truth Quote: "The repetitive thoughts we think shape our behaviors, the repetitive behaviors we engage in form our habits, the habits we repeatedly practice define our character, and the character we consistently exhibit determines our destiny in life."

Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser Page 29

It's easy to overlook ourselves... even though we are the thing closest to us. This book emphasizes how limited our self-awareness truly is. Our vast knowledge, such as values and perspectives, shapes our thoughts...

Join our exploration of the ever-narrowing gap between machine understanding and human introspection, in an AI-dominated era, it's crucial for us to reclaim our deep understanding. Read the book as we discuss the ever-blurring lines between machine analysis and the human soul.

Or make an informed decision to read the entire book in its new English version for free online through this link:

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book.

The book is available for free on Amazon. Find more details in this link

or follow the content in video format on this youtube channel

in playlist ; Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence link


Now, the first book in the 'Truth from NewThought' series, 'Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser,' which has undergone an intensive process to effectively convey the 'Skill of Creating Knowledge' it contains. 'Truth from New Thought: Real Personal Transformation' combines ancient wisdom with modern science for in-depth discussions that are NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH VERSION." on

Have you ever wondered what your life truly means? Or what life is really about?

If you want to change your life, dive into in-depth discussions that merge ancient wisdom with modern science.

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser'.