Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation

Bridging Worlds: Top Achievements in Astronomy, Psychology, and Healing

January 21, 2024 Ekarach Chandon
Bridging Worlds: Top Achievements in Astronomy, Psychology, and Healing
Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation
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Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser: Unlocking the Secrets to a Meaningful Existence, fundamental process for real personal transformation
Bridging Worlds: Top Achievements in Astronomy, Psychology, and Healing
Jan 21, 2024
Ekarach Chandon

The rapid fulfillment of the quota was unexpected, and I regret that I could not inform interested readers in time or capture the full extent of this phenomenon. This oversight may have caused some potential readers to miss the opportunity to purchase these books at the special price. I am committed to continuing my participation in the program to offer my books at $0.00, but I cannot confirm when Amazon will allow this pricing again. Therefore, I encourage interested readers to add these books to their wishlist for timely updates and to seize the opportunity when it arises.

I am deeply grateful for the overwhelming interest and support my books have received, despite their challenging content and the use of English language structures that may be unfamiliar in different cultural contexts. The rapid response to my books has been both humbling and affirming.

I am particularly appreciative that my books were able to reach readers from a wide range of backgrounds and interests.

For example, my book "Human Secret" reached the top of the charts in both the "Astronomy of the Universe" and "Astrophysics & Space Science" categories.

My book "Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser" reached the top 2 in both the "Buddhism" and "Cognitive Psychology" categories.

And the interesting phenomenon is that the two books met in the larger category Personal Transformation, ranking 8th and 9th in the Top 100 Free,The two books, which are from different disciplines, both reached the top 10 in the Personal Transformation category. 

This is shown in the photo I attached."The Secrets of Insomnia: Self-Training for Healing" reached the top 1 in all three of the following medical categories: "Chronic Pain," "Pain Management," and "Nervous System Diseases."

This experience has been an extraordinary journey beyond my expectations.

How do the seemingly distinct realms of astronomy, psychology, and healing intersect in profound and meaningful ways? What groundbreaking insights can be unveiled when we bridge these worlds through the 'Truth from New Thought' and the science of 'Creating Knowledge Skill'? Dive into our books and discover how these disciplines intertwine, revealing the deeper truths that govern our universe and inner selves.

Are you ready to explore the nexus of knowledge that lies at the heart of these diverse fields?

What new intersections of knowledge will the next chapters reveal, as we continue weaving this unique tapestry of wisdom from 'Creating Knowledge Skill' and 'Truth from New Thought'?

Now, the first book in the 'Truth from NewThought' series, 'Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser,' which has undergone an intensive process to effectively convey the 'Skill of Creating Knowledge' it contains. 'Truth from New Thought: Real Personal Transformation' combines ancient wisdom with modern science for in-depth discussions that are NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH VERSION." on

Have you ever wondered what your life truly means? Or what life is really about?

If you want to change your life, dive into in-depth discussions that merge ancient wisdom with modern science.

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser'.

Show Notes

The rapid fulfillment of the quota was unexpected, and I regret that I could not inform interested readers in time or capture the full extent of this phenomenon. This oversight may have caused some potential readers to miss the opportunity to purchase these books at the special price. I am committed to continuing my participation in the program to offer my books at $0.00, but I cannot confirm when Amazon will allow this pricing again. Therefore, I encourage interested readers to add these books to their wishlist for timely updates and to seize the opportunity when it arises.

I am deeply grateful for the overwhelming interest and support my books have received, despite their challenging content and the use of English language structures that may be unfamiliar in different cultural contexts. The rapid response to my books has been both humbling and affirming.

I am particularly appreciative that my books were able to reach readers from a wide range of backgrounds and interests.

For example, my book "Human Secret" reached the top of the charts in both the "Astronomy of the Universe" and "Astrophysics & Space Science" categories.

My book "Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser" reached the top 2 in both the "Buddhism" and "Cognitive Psychology" categories.

And the interesting phenomenon is that the two books met in the larger category Personal Transformation, ranking 8th and 9th in the Top 100 Free,The two books, which are from different disciplines, both reached the top 10 in the Personal Transformation category. 

This is shown in the photo I attached."The Secrets of Insomnia: Self-Training for Healing" reached the top 1 in all three of the following medical categories: "Chronic Pain," "Pain Management," and "Nervous System Diseases."

This experience has been an extraordinary journey beyond my expectations.

How do the seemingly distinct realms of astronomy, psychology, and healing intersect in profound and meaningful ways? What groundbreaking insights can be unveiled when we bridge these worlds through the 'Truth from New Thought' and the science of 'Creating Knowledge Skill'? Dive into our books and discover how these disciplines intertwine, revealing the deeper truths that govern our universe and inner selves.

Are you ready to explore the nexus of knowledge that lies at the heart of these diverse fields?

What new intersections of knowledge will the next chapters reveal, as we continue weaving this unique tapestry of wisdom from 'Creating Knowledge Skill' and 'Truth from New Thought'?

Now, the first book in the 'Truth from NewThought' series, 'Read Before the Meaning of Your Life is Lesser,' which has undergone an intensive process to effectively convey the 'Skill of Creating Knowledge' it contains. 'Truth from New Thought: Real Personal Transformation' combines ancient wisdom with modern science for in-depth discussions that are NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH VERSION." on

Have you ever wondered what your life truly means? Or what life is really about?

If you want to change your life, dive into in-depth discussions that merge ancient wisdom with modern science.

Don't let your subconscious mind dismiss this vital information before your mind and soul reject the existence of this book 'Read Before the meaning of your life is lesser'.