Hope with Audrey Podcast


May 21, 2024 AB MINISTRY Season 4 Episode 3
Hope with Audrey Podcast
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Hope with Audrey Podcast
May 21, 2024 Season 4 Episode 3

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Audrey shares about the importance of determination. There is no striving however faith without works is dead. God is looking for people who are determined to move forward into the purposes of God in Truth and righteousness.

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Hope with Audrey

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Audrey shares about the importance of determination. There is no striving however faith without works is dead. God is looking for people who are determined to move forward into the purposes of God in Truth and righteousness.

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Hope with Audrey

Speaker 7:

You are listening to Audrey Statton on The Hole. With Audrey's Show Weekly. To share the encouraging word of the Lord.

Speaker 5:

Hi everyone. This is Audrey from hope with Audrey. I am here every week or biweekly to share the encouraging word of the Lord. I would like to do this weekly, but with the programs that I have, I need sponsors to help me to keep it on the air. My podcasts are not free. So if you can sew into this, please so into abministry. com that's abministry. com. And I will definitely be on the air a lot more, but today I was going to share first on determination. The Lord gave me the word determination to share with you and to help people to be determined to continue to keep going. But yesterday I had done this broadcast and it totally got deleted and I want to reread what yesterday's devotional was and then I'm going to read today's as well before I start. So this was for yesterday and it was important because on sunday was Pentecost Sunday and God wants us to move in signs wonders and miracles And it was amazing because the Lord used me and others in different places, laying hands on the sick and seeing people recover moving in power, even at the gym and in the park. And God is amazing. But yes the reading for, it was for May 20th before it got deleted was praying in the Holy Ghost keeps yourself in the love of God. And that's in June, Jude 20 to 21 by praying in the spirit, you will find faith strengthened and your life bathed in my love. With your faith laying hold on my promises and power and your actions motivated by my love You will find yourself in the path of my activity My blessing shall be upon you and I will accomplish my works through you And it's so important to pray in the Holy Ghost to pray in the Spirit to pray in tongues because we are edifying ourselves in the Lord and It brings us closer to God many people don't pray in the tongues and god wants us to all pray in tongues and to prophesy And he's given us that gift if we ask him So I encourage you if you have not ever prayed in tongues to pray in tongues. Now, you're not an unbeliever if you don't pray in tongues, but You should pray in tongues because that's one of the gifts of the spirit And i've seen when i lay my hands on the sick And pray in tongues. I've seen them get healed because the power of God comes upon me and it can come upon people even without praying in tongues, but the Lord gives us a supernatural ability to lay hands on the sick and pray in tongues and that they will be healed. And it's important to also get baptized in water. I do that also in my pool at the beach, but also to be praying in tongues as well. Now you don't have to get baptized more than once. When I was in a messianic congregation, I, they said, you need to get baptized. This was a New York into our congregation and in the assembly of God church, I was going to, and I don't believe that. I believe that God wants us to get baptized once and to be renewed because that's what he says to get baptized and be saved. If people do it twice, that's fine. If sinned against God and rededicated your life. There's nothing wrong with it, but you don't have to get baptized multiple times. It's not Anywhere in the bible and another thing that I failed to share when I was reading this Is you don't have to take communion every day I take it once a week with my daughter and her friends when I do a bible study and that's enough. I mean if you want to do it every day, that's okay But it's not that you're not saved if you don't in fact You're saved either way and he says to do this in remembrance of me because he wants us to You Take communion in remembrance of him, but we don't have to do it daily We can if you would like, it's a personal relationship But I do it once a week as directed by the lord and there's weeks I forget or I haven't done it and the lord is okay with that. Some people do it once a month as long as your heart is right with god, that's what he sees. I just wanted to say that praying in the spirit is important getting baptized in water is important getting baptized with fire is important But, there's no limit on the time and there's no telling you that you need to do it daily or weekly, or there's nothing in the Bible saying that, although it's good to do it at least once a week. It really is. Now this is the second for today's reading that I have my daily devotional for my come away, my beloved book. Okay. The prophet's tongue, let your speech always with be with grace seasoned with salt. Yea, that you may know how ought to answer every man. And that's in Colossians 4 verse 6. No prophet of mine is worthy of the name who brings reproach upon Zion by a careless tongue. He who speaks my words at any time must guard his lips at all times. He is unworthy mouthpiece who delivers my message in one breath and denies me in a selfish moment by words that offend my spirit. So we can't speak against god's people because then that will offend god and It's a reproach to him because you're if you're Speaking against god's anointed you're speaking against god. So god does not want that now he wants us to garner our lips at all times because he wants us to live holy and righteous and keep our mouth pure before him So I just wanted to share that before I got to the message. That was my morning devotionals for the last two days So God bless everyone and I want everybody to please come on and share this and please donate So that I can do this weekly To a b ministry. com. That's a b ministry. com or you can go on the podcast link and there's a so button Also, I would really appreciate if you have someone that needs to get trauma coaching to contact me because I've been helping people regularly I worked in the field for many years with psych patients as a mental health counselor and coach and recreational therapist. And I did coping skills, stress management depression groups, anger management, so many different groups and activities. I've done ministry as a mentor and as a person just bringing hope to the hopeless. And if you know anyone that has trauma from their past, Please have them contact me if you are listening and you have trauma come to me I have different techniques that have helped people including myself Overcome trauma because god wants us healed whole and delivered. He wants us set free. He doesn't want us living in trauma Okay So we need to be determined. That was my message for today determine and to move forward with god For in first corinthians 2 Verse two, it says, I am determined not to know anything except Jesus Christ and him crucified. So the first thing is that we need to know that Jesus Yeshua is our Lord and Savior, and through him we cannot eternal life. And if you have not accepted him as your personal savior, at the end of this broadcast, I would like to invite you to accept Jesus as your personal savior and be saved, healed, and delivered of anything that you've done in your past. And to come to Him and be renewed by His Spirit. In Colossians 3 verse 2 it says, I set my mind and keep it set on what is above, the higher things, not on things on the earth. And he wants us to keep our eyes focused on him. And as we are like going as Eagles and flying and soaring above the problems, he will bless us and he will bring breakthrough in our life. Do you know, I'm in a different businesses right now and God's opening new doors and new ideas and new strategies for business right now. And it's when we just don't focus on anything going on, any distractions, God opens doors that, He'll use for the season and He's really blessing and doing things that are prosperous and to bring us good things when we just keep our eyes focused on Him. And that's what He wants to do. He doesn't want us keeping our eyes on problems and distractions. And that's when we're determined to move forward and be blessed. For me, it's just keeping my eyes on the souls that need to be saved in front of me you know, I go into the gyms and I have a gym to my gym and To different places that he leads me to lead people to the Lord and that's important to be determined you know, I have one friend that I've been going with and time again because he doesn't always Be available so it's not as easy as I'd But I'm trying to get a group together to go evangelizing and to lead people to the Lord because The main thing is he wants us to lead people in truth Because you could lead as many people to the Lord, but if you're not living in truth and righteousness it's like it's you know it's good deeds like the donkey even did good deeds, but It doesn't mean you're going to get into heaven and it's worthless In the sight of god if you're not living in truth and righteousness So the main thing he wants us to leave people to the Lord, but to live our lives in truth and righteousness and no more deception. And that's so important to God. And he wants that's to be determined to do that. And he wants us to live peacefully and to make it our ambition and definite to be endeavored to live a quiet and peaceful life and not to get into other people's affairs, but to work with our own hands. So that we may bear ourselves becomingly and correct and honorable and command the respect of outside world by being dependent on nobody, self supporting and having need of nothing. And that's in first Thessalonians four verse 11. He wants us to live a quiet life and not to worry and to ask others for things. I did ask for help to sow, into this ministry because If you want me to be on the air, it takes money. But besides that, he wants us to not ask people for money and to, beg and be, asking and begging, but God will provide everything. And to live a quiet and peaceful life, not get being busy bodies and getting into other people's affairs. That's not Godly. And I very rarely, get into people's affairs unless they contact me and want to know, Help or get help with trauma. That's you know different, I don't just go say oh what's going on over here And let's get into people's business. No, that's not of God. That's of the devil Okay, and first Timothy it says I aim at and pursue righteousness This is all in the message Bible right standing with God and true goodness godliness Which is the loving fear of God and being Christ like faith loves steadfastness patience Gentleness of heart I fight the good fight of faith Laying hold of the eternal life to which I was summoned, and for which I confessed a good confession of faith before many witnesses. I determined to keep all precepts of the Lord uns, soly, and flawless irreproachable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, the anointed one. So he wants us to be, loving and steadfast in faith being eternally. In his right will and to do the what he tells us to do and to be gentle and forbearing and Just you know loving and pursuing righteousness at all times and living in faith And so that we will be right standing before god because there's a judgment day and all our works And everything we've ever said and done will be right there before god So don't think god's not keeping a record of everything we're saying and doing so we need to be right before god and not busy parties And to be loving and caring In first peter it says that we must withstand the enemy and be firm in faith against the onset rooted established strong Immovable and determined knowing that the same sufferings are appointed to our brotherhood the whole body of christians throughout the world Do you know that being part of the body of christ is not being part of a church? It's being part of all the believers. We are all the body of christ. I am the church. You are the church We don't need to be Part of a specific church or denomination. We are the church and that's what God, the remnant pioneers are rising up and saying no to the structure of a lot of the denominations that are not of God and not teaching about sin and righteousness and truth. And that's the main thing. God has me on a one to one basis teaching about sin and in my small groups because it's so important not to live in sin. But mainly His main goal for me is to bring hope to the hopeless and I've been teaching about truth and righteousness and not lying You know a small little lie Will make you live in lies and you're not living in the truth. You could say oh, it was just a white lie No, but that's a lie before God. So you're not living in truth. So God wants us to be truth tellers not deceptive and false witnesses Because then you're not living and teaching truth. You could say, Oh, I'm teaching the truth of the Bible. But if you're living in a lie, you're not teaching the truth of the Bible. And that's my main thing that God's been telling me for years. So many people are living in deception. They're saying it's okay to lie and do this and cheat and that they're teaching the truth of the Bible, but no, they're not. It's a deception. He wants us to be diligent. If we diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord, our God and do. What is right in his sight and listen and obey his commandments and keep his statutes. God will put none of the diseases upon which he brought to the Egyptians for he is the Lord who heals. And that's an Exodus 1526. He wants us to be diligent and to be obedient. Otherwise, you're opening the door to sin, disease, sickness, destruction, and he wants us to live holy. And that's so important to God. And to, and he says in Deuteronomy four verse nine to take heed and guard our life diligently lest we forget the things with our eyes that we have seen unless they depart from our mind and hearts in our life and teach them to our children and their children's children. Daily I teach my daughter. She's in a public school, so she's around a lot of, just evil. And. Her friends right now are very good. They don't do that. They don't do drugs and alcohol, but it's very hard because some of them have, and she doesn't really associate with most of them anymore, it's so easy to get into the rut of the devil, being around drugs, alcohol, perversion, sexual immorality, and you 18, they're under our roof. We need to teach them. But not to be controlling the more controlling I am because it's difficult to raise a teenager the more They willfully go the opposite way. So you have to have some balance and not be over them Obsessively, it's god's teaching you that but it's also important to teach them and when they get older They will not depart from the ways the lord, you know I was doing a bible study on sunday with some of her friends and they said if you Always train your kid in the lord or they said it in different words They're gonna run away. I said the Bible says if you train your kids in the way of the Lord They will not depart from it. So that's not what Jesus says So it's important to at least train them until the age of 18 and I believe strongly to give them freedom after that because they're not you know, don't be a dictator controlling parent, but to pray and to let your child know that develop from there, of course, prayer and, be there for them, but you can't control because controlling parents, they don't get very far with their children. And, God's taught me that even with my daughter, because, the more she's strong willed, her last name is willed wills. You can't be too strong willed, but the Lord showed me when she gets older she's gonna be on fire for God She definitely believes in the Lord. She's definitely saved but she's definitely in a school. That is not Godly and even in the Christian school, it was worse than things they were doing So it's just you know, right now the enemy is after our children So I pray and I intercede for her and even in the churches there's so much vaping and so much weed going on It's just for the children. It's just everywhere. I'm not blaming any one church or anywhere. It's just, it is what it is. And we have to pray. We have to intercede. But we can't control. We have to, give some freedom because it just brings the the child to rebel otherwise. And especially when they're over 18. We have to pray, be there, but not control. And just let go and let God at this certain time. So Lord, we just praise you Lord. I just pray to, I believe to pray for our children right now and I ask you Lord to help them to diligently pursue you Lord God, especially I pray for my daughter right now and for whoever's children, I pray that they turn their hearts to you fully Lord God. And I break every lie, every deception, every pit of hell from the music, from the just the things that they see when they're with their friends, Lord God. I pray that those distractions from the devil will be broken off their life in Jesus name I pray that they turn to god lord god I pray for the youth right now that they turn their hearts to you lord god fully And lord even when kids are homeschooled that I see so much more that they're rebellious even In the christian schools lord god, even in the public schools that happens everywhere I'm, just seeing it with my friends children that are even homeschooled that they are You More rebellious when the parents aren't around than usual. Sexual immorality, lesbianism, bisexuality homosexuality drugs, alcohol, vaping, music. Oh, Lord God, we just praise you Lord God. We pray for these children to turn to you, including my daughter, Lord God, fully in Jesus name. We thank you for this, Lord God, in Jesus name. So Lord, I just pray that These teenagers will turn to you, Lord God, and our children will turn to you in Jesus name. And as I said that, my little kitten came up to me and purred and licked my face. So Lord, I thank you that when two or more agree on earth, our Father in heaven will hear our prayers. So thank you Lord that my cat and I just are agreeing. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. But anyway, Besides all the other cats that I have. But anyway, we just thank you, Lord God, for breakthrough for our children. And I thank you that whoever is listening, that they will turn their hearts to you now, Lord God, and that Satan has no hold over our lives and our destiny. The Lord showed me again, that even just now as I was praying, that my daughter and several children will grow up to know the Lord and be on fire, not to worry. So we lay our children at the feet, at the altar of Jesus Christ. And I hear that when truth comes out that these children will be on fire. Thank you, Lord God. Hallelujah. Lord God, there's a lot of strongholds that have held them back because there's been so much deception, even in the church, and in lies and corruption that have held the children back from growing into who they're supposed to be. Hallelujah, Lord God. I pray for every lie to be exposed, every truth to be exposed. That's not even what I was going to preach on today, but this is what the Lord is leading me to in Jesus name. The Lord loves those that love him and those who seek him early and diligently shall find him. That's in Proverbs 8, 17. That's what I really want to speak about. The Lord wants us to spend time with him in the morning. The first thing I do is read my Bible and pray after I drink my coffee and with my coffee and God wants to spend that intimate time with him to put him first. He says first to the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added on as well. We need to be diligent. Spending time in seeking God. Now, faith without works by itself is dead. You can't just seek him and not work by faith. You can't just, sit there idle. That's not obedience. For me, the Lord told me to rest and trust because I've already done everything he's told me to do. I started evangelism since I was saved. They made me the leader of the evangelism in my first Messianic congregation. For I used to lead people to the boardwalk for years lead hundreds to the Lord. I used to give out so many Bibles and water. We had a band playing. We had a healing table and people would come and get healed, saved, delivered. Then I did it in New Jersey on the boardwalk and in the malls and just everywhere. I went in the malls in New York as well. And God, several places, parks, everywhere. And in Florida. But there's a season of rest because the main thing God specifically told me to rest for us until the truth comes out. He said, I've already said enough truth. It's not my job anymore. I don't need to defend myself. I've told the truth since the beginning and this people that need to be diligent and rise up and do the right thing because God is not playing. He's bringing judgment on the people who have not been truthful. And I don't know if it's this year, but I'm believing it is. So God wants people to repent and turn to him. So be diligent in pursuing God and not being idle and lazy because God hates laziness. And the hand and diligence will rule, but the slothful will be put to forced labor. And that's in Proverbs 12, 24. So God does not want people slothful because then they will be Doing things that they didn't have to do because they were not obeying God They'll be put to forced labor and that's in the Proverbs 13 verse 4 It says the appetite of the sluggard craves and gets nothing but the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied So he wants people to be diligent not just in works and striving and doing works that have no place in heaven There's no Nothing God doesn't want people doing anything for the Lord if they're not living a truthful, godly life and especially what I read this morning. And before I end, I just want to read it again. May 21st, the prophet's tongue. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, and ye know how you ought to answer every man. Colossians 4 verse 6. No prophet of mine is worthy of the name who brings reproach upon Zion by a careless tongue. Amen. Amen. He who speaks my words at any time must guard his lips at all times. He is unworthy mouthpiece who delivers my message in one breath and denies me in a selfish moment by words that offend my spirit. And that was a powerful word of the Lord this morning. He doesn't want anyone offending his spirit by speaking against God's anointed. Now, I personally have no idea what people say about me anymore because I've been keeping to my own page on Facebook and nobody tells me anything I'm happier that way. And God's been prospering me, I don't have, it's weird with the way I get prospered because my husband has control over, the money and the way things go. So I don't have all this money to go by. And I have only a certain amount, cause I'm budgeting, but he's prospering and he's doing, God's doing things because of obedience. And I'm not trying to sound, It sounds prideful, so I don't want to sound that way. So God forgive me. But I know what God's doing and God always blesses obedience. So be obedient, be truthful, be loving, be kind, be generous, and God will prosper and bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. In fact, I can go on all day with that, especially things that are going on in Israel, but I'm already past my time. Because I only have a certain amount of time I can share in the broadcast. But if you want to hear more, invite me to speak at your church. That's abministry. com. abministry. com. That's 941 258 8389. 941 258 8389. I have about 6, 000 subscribers and downloads. So I know that people are listening. I don't know who, I don't know where you're at, but if you're in Africa, I can't get there until I get the finances through ministry to get there. So I love you. God bless you. I want you to accept Jesus in your heart right now. If you've never accepted him, God wants you to. He's drawing you close. Turn your heart to him today. Say, Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me of unrighteousness. I know I've sinned against you, but through you, I have eternal life. Thank you, Lord. And if you want to rededicate your life to God, say, just ask him in your heart and ask him to forgive you of your sins, cleanse you of unrighteousness in Jesus name. It's good to pray in tongues, even some people will say, you can't pray in tongues unless Somebody interprets it. That's not true. The Holy Spirit comes upon me at all times and I can't control it. It's because, and also when I pray for people, they get healed when I pray in tongues. So you can't be legalistic about how God uses people to pray in tongues because praying in tongues is powerful and it brings the power of God over you. Not saying you're not going to have the power without praying in tongues, but God wants us to pray in tongues. So I love you. God bless you and have a beautiful day.

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