Vaguely Inconsistent

Cinema, Chaos, and Dispatcher Diaries

JDL Season 1 Episode 26

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Can a simple career shift transform your life and mental well-being? Join us as Jack takes us through his incredible journey from warehouse work to the high-stakes realm of being a 911 operator and police dispatcher. Listen to his raw and heartfelt reflections on the emotional challenges of his job, the critical role of peer support, and the unforgettable events, including the aftermath of the Mandalay Bay shooting. Jack’s insights into mental wellness initiatives and coping mechanisms for first responders will leave you with a newfound appreciation for those behind the emergency calls.

Switching gears, our conversation veers into lighter territory with humorous anecdotes from the bustling Las Vegas Strip and a few technical mishaps that add a down-to-earth touch to our chat. We dive headfirst into the world of cinema, sharing our excitement about upcoming movies and series. From Zoe Kravitz’s directorial debut to the sci-fi thriller starring Demi Moore and Dennis Quaid, our spirited discussions offer a blend of nostalgia and anticipation for what’s hitting the screens soon. You'll also enjoy our quirky tangents, like the joy of pizza bowls for those managing diabetes and our infamous tech rants.

Finally, we wrap up with heartfelt reflections on our podcasting journey and the tight-knit bonds we've formed through our weekly conversations. Whether it's reminiscing about Comic-Con adventures or the joy of spontaneous recording sessions, our discussion highlights the value of staying connected and cherishing friendships. As we look forward to future episodes and in-person meet-ups, we express our gratitude for the shared stories and the listeners who have become part of our podcast family. This episode is a perfect blend of serious reflections, lighthearted moments, and genuine camaraderie that you won’t want to miss!

Voice intro and music

Intro music by Alex Grohl

AlexGrohl - Pixabay

Speaker 1:

This is 26. I checked that was number 26?

Speaker 2:

Vaguely inconsistent.

Speaker 1:

Two-thirds of us are here. Lucent sent us a text at 9.51. Yes, it is now 10.40. He said I will be 20 minutes late. Lost track of the day, so now it's 30 minutes. We'll see how long it takes him to get here for real. Um, I don't want to Deep dive into too much without him here, but it's going to be funny when he shows up late.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is what's going to get us the views Is watching him flip his wig.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully he has pants on. Yeah, that's the hope.

Speaker 2:

We all know he has a better cam now. How are you doing, Jack?

Speaker 1:

I'm good. I was taking training classes at work this week so it was cool. They adjusted me to work Like I still get my 10 hours right, so I'm still on the schedule, but I was working like 8 to 4, and then I think today was 9 to work.

Speaker 3:

I still get my 10 hours right.

Speaker 1:

I'm still on the schedule, but I was working like 8 to 4 and then I think today it was 9 to 5. So I only worked 8 hours, but I got 10 hours. Amazing.

Speaker 2:

Nice, always good when you get bonus hours.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk about it a little bit more when Luke gets here, but it's. I started to be like peer support because we haven't talked about a lot. My job is fucked up. I was a 911 operator, police dispatcher. There's a lot of stuff that goes on Just listening to it. The stuff we've dealt with deal with. So to me it's important that I get myself training to help, especially the new kids that are coming in.

Speaker 2:

Well, because you've always been really good at compartmentalizing your stuff. So, like, right you, you're affected by things, but you don't let it affect you Over time, like you're one of those that like cool, like this shit happened, it's in the box, it's in the back of the closet, I don't have to ever like think about it again if I don't you know, and so you're not one of those.

Speaker 2:

You're not like me, where if I'm on the 911 call and somebody calls in it's like I'm having an emergency, I'd immediately be like oh god, okay, okay, tell me, but don't tell me, don't give me that much detail. First off call 911.

Speaker 1:

Wait, I am 911.

Speaker 2:

Let me get you in touch with somebody that can actually help you.

Speaker 1:

We need someone that's more adult here.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm just more in touch with my feelings. Okay. I mean like I feel bad for him, but I think I can remove myself from that situation. It's not happening to me, you know, so I can keep that in check a little bit. I'm like, okay, so this is an emergency, it's happening to someone else, I can help them. I've had the training to help people in emergency situations, so I got to do it because that's my role. That's. That's why I did the job. You know, um, stereotypical. Why do you want to do this job? I want to help people. That's for real me. I I'm like I want to help people. I was driving forklifts before, so I was like this is what I want to do for my life. You know, driving forklifts is fun as hell. No slam against anybody that still does it, because driving forklifts is cool. It's manly.

Speaker 2:

And it's important. It's important. It is People got to be in those warehouses doing that work, Otherwise you wouldn't get. Stores wouldn't get stocked. Like you know, businesses wouldn't be able to open those trucks? Yeah, you wouldn't have they in your last job. Businesses wouldn't be able to open, buildings wouldn't be able to open because they wouldn't have the wire that you supplied. You know like exactly you know.

Speaker 1:

So they're important jobs. It's just it wasn't for me anymore. I wanted something more for myself. So that's's why I'm like you know what, I should go do. Something else I started looking at like firefighter, paramedic kind of stuff. And then a buddy of mine had gone to lunch and they had this recruitment flyer for the police department and he's like dude, we should go be cops. And I'm like you know, I've been thinking about doing something like that. And he's like dude, we should go be cops. And I'm like you know, I've been thinking about doing something like that. And when we moved to Vegas in 05, my wife was like you should go be a police dispatcher.

Speaker 1:

That sounds like something you would do, that's when.

Speaker 2:

Superbad came out, so you guys were just going to be Seth Rogen and Bill Hader.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much. So she's like she said you know you should do this. I'm like, okay, I'll look into it. So I'm looking at the study guide. They're like you have to know how to spell stuff. I'm like Cimarron Ain't no way I ever spelled Cimarron. Fuck that, I'm going to go be a warehouse worker. So so I mean, did it work out? Well, yeah, because I met still went not being a dispatcher. Then worked out fine. Yeah, you know. So I don't feel like I missed out on anything. I was like could have retired a couple of years earlier, but it is what it is. But I mean you've been doing this now for 16 years, next week?

Speaker 2:

16 years, yeah, and what and what percentage would you say of people who come in who are like, yeah, I'm operator, I want to help people? How many of them wash out because they can't hack it, because of the emotional toll? Because I mean, again, like you guys are the front, I mean, while cops and firefighters and all of that are, you know they're the first responders. The reality is, you guys are the first responders because you're the first. You're the person that has to decide who gets involved. So you're, you're deciding. Does it need? Do they need, an ambulance? Do they need a fire truck? Do they need a police? Do they just need a intervention? Right? Do they need public public response? Just somebody to come and talk? Somebody off of a, off of a metaphysical ledge? Your job is almost more important because you have to pick the right people to go Right.

Speaker 1:

For the emotional part, it's probably not as high as the people that just can't get the job. I mean talking, typing, all that stuff. We've got to make snap decisions. Our job is literally life and death. So if, like you said, somebody calls like I have an emergency and you just freeze up, you're like, okay, cool, okay, get over yourself, let's help these people. So I think some people can't get past even that.

Speaker 1:

But there are people when they're new, or even if they've been there a minute the first time they hear somebody commit suicide over the phone like, nope, I'm out. We had a couple people leave after the Mandalay Bay shooting. My link worked, at least to get me to the loading page, but Edge is not responding.

Speaker 1:

I guess we're going to have to keep talking. Take your, we are waiting while we're not. Best podcast get a job so we can get a new laptop. Yeah, no shit, we need to. We need to do a gofundme, get lou a new laptop. Get. We need. We need 800 dollars, um, so there is that aspect of it. Some people like the physical part of the job talking, typing, memorizing the questions we order. We ask them in a specific order. It's a specific and most efficient order that we've found from doing this to get everything we need as quick as possible. And it's not to sound cold and caring, but it's. It's to get to the next call, right, because there are other people calling 911.

Speaker 1:

Right so we need to help. It's not just one emergency that's happening at a given time 3,000 911 calls a day, yeah, in a 24-hour period here in Las Vegas. And that's just our agency. That's not counting the other two agencies that we have here in town.

Speaker 2:

So which level are you at as far as are you city of Las Vegas, or are you Clark County, or how does that?

Speaker 1:

City and county. Our police department is city and county so we do all of Clark County except for Henderson and North Las Vegas. They have their own dispatch centers, okay, but we do everything down to Laughlin, mount Charleston, prim, down on the border and Red Rock all the way out to Lake Mead. So if it's not. So one day you'll be Mesquite has their own too. What is that, mesquite? They have their own. I think they're still part of Clark County too. They're further up north.

Speaker 2:

Normally we'd insert a map here that would show the area Right.

Speaker 1:

Someday Go to Google Look it up. But I mean, over the 16 years I've been there, obviously I've heard some of the worst things imaginable. I worked the Mandalay Bay shooting. I was there. I wasn't there but I came in in the immediate aftermath of it, I think I got back to work. I had worked my 10 hours, came home I was getting ready for bed and I got a call from the supervisors Like yep, Come back. It's like for real, for real, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, a hashtag trigger warning just to get that out of the way. Cause oh a hashtag trigger warning Just to get that out of the way Because, like yeah, For any of our three listeners.

Speaker 1:

This is yeah. In case you were at the festival when the shooting happened yeah, but yeah. So we went through all that. We thought it was a whole terrorist thing Shooters going up and down the strip, so that was a lot. I've heard people die on the phone. They came home and found their loved ones dead, killed themselves. Somebody ran over the baby one time. It's messed up, but I've always been really good as soon as I hit my car after my shift.

Speaker 2:

Done you put it in the truck?

Speaker 1:

I don't even hardly remember, like what I did today. Um coping mechanism, am I burying it? Is it going to trigger me someday? Maybe? Uh, but it works. I mean, obviously I'm doing 16 years, so obviously something is working the way that I handle things.

Speaker 2:

Of course, the ones that stand out the most are the Elmo feeling up tourists in front of the Bellagio. Those calls, I'm sure those sit with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so many Chewbacca fighting. Master Chief was the best.

Speaker 2:

And it wasn't even Chewbacca, it was just a hairy guy. It was Duke. He was there for the weekend.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't even Chewbacca, it was just a hairy guy. It was Duke. He was there for the weekend.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that was me Fucking Master Chief.

Speaker 1:

It was not a game-accurate costume and I had to call him out on it. So I mean I've been through it. 16 years in this job is a lot I mean, most people don't even last 16 years in any job, but this job especially. So that's why I was taking this class. Will it look good on a resume if I try to promote? Yes, obviously yeah. But I just want to be in a position where I can help people, our people, so that thankfully we haven't had anybody commit suicide, we haven't had anybody you know like go super off the deep end with all this.

Speaker 2:

You haven't had anybody lash out or anything like that, because of exactly.

Speaker 1:

So what could it happen? Will it happen? Probably yeah. So I just want to be able to put myself to, to maybe recognize it before it gets too ahead. You know, you know what this person's not doing. So hot when you talk to them, get them some help. So that's, that's what I do.

Speaker 2:

But you've also talked about how the organization as a whole is a lot different than when you started, as far as them handling certain situations and being more respectful of people's I'm going to say feelings, but maybe people's reactions to things, because I know we've talked a couple of times about how, if there was a shooting, they would have you just go sit in the parking lot for 15 minutes, but now you'll get the rest of the shift off. You know type of thing, like. So I feel like they're doing a better job overall of recognizing that, hey, like, unless they're okay and even if they're okay, they just might not know they're not okay Right, like you might have, you might witness something or be witness to something and they're going to say, hey, you need to go home for the rest of the shift and you're like no, I'm fine, I'm fine, but are you like, just go home, take advantage of it. You know that type of thing.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, and when I started you know it was very macho, manly cop stuff you know yeah uh, we don't cry, we don't have emotions. We help people. We don't cry, we don't have emotions. We help people, we don't need help. So they've gotten a lot better about that kind of stuff. Echo, I think Lou's here. Maybe Sort of Just so you know, Lou, we started recording without you. We're 15 minutes in.

Speaker 2:

Sounds good recording without you, we're 15 minutes in.

Speaker 3:

Sounds good. I can't get the camera to work. I don't know what the hell's going on. I'm about to rage quit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so what's changed since last week?

Speaker 3:

Nothing Interesting. That's just what happens sometimes with this computer. It's old.

Speaker 2:

And you only have Edge on it. You don't have Chrome or anything else on it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I have the one that can't use Firefox. I'm just trying to switch it so it uses the external camera and it won't even let me into those settings. I can hear you guys just fine. That part's cool.

Speaker 2:

You may want to. Can you turn off the echo cancellation? I think we had you turn off the echo cancellation last time. It's off. Huh, okay, rude. Huh, I guess we'll just talk later Because you can adjust all this after right, jack? So if I turn down my volume Some, of it.

Speaker 3:

yeah, Well, if it's doing that echo thing again. I'll just get the headphones. That's no big deal.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Do the headphones please? Yeah, I don't know. That's weird that he can't even change the camera or anything.

Speaker 3:

Right, freaking took 15 minutes just for it to get out of the not responding mode. Yeah, firefox was fine. It only messed up when I switched to Edge.

Speaker 1:

We were saying we're going to have to do a GoFundMe for you to get you a laptop.

Speaker 3:

Yep, I got one. I just need to send it to Duke so he can fix it.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I did get the cup, so you have the right address.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that arrived quicker than I thought it was going to yeah, I'm going to try to go tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

We'll see or no, it's next weekend. I should be able to go, because I don't think I have any plans.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I thought you said it wasn't until September.

Speaker 2:

I'm like shit man, September is.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, that didn't quite register.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that reminds, me.

Speaker 3:

We don't need to waste Fantasy football draft times Availability. So what did I miss? You guys started. What did I miss?

Speaker 1:

So this week I was Taking a training class. Duke brought up that text message I sent you guys earlier. You were probably asleep, probably. Basically you said he appreciated both of us that text message I sent you guys earlier. You were probably asleep, probably Basically, you said you appreciated both of us.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I was taking a peer support class for work. We've been talking about my job and all this stuff. It's talking about how my job's evolved from all this macho manly. We don't cry, we're the helpers. We don't ask for help stuff to more of a yes, we will help.

Speaker 2:

We'll help you and we'll help them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So when I sent you guys that, it was a grateful project If you feel appreciation for things, it helps you become more resilient when something bad happens to you. Gratitude project that's what it was. So we will start ending our podcast with things that we are grateful for, something that we're grateful for that happened this week. Yes, yes, doing white people's stuff is hilarious, but I think this it'll help us all. It'll start off weird and weird, probably uncomfortable because we're Gen X, Gen F feelings.

Speaker 2:

But I think it'll help.

Speaker 1:

It'll help. I think Okay.

Speaker 3:

So we're starting that next week, right? So I can think about what I'm supposed to be grateful for.

Speaker 1:

No, straight up, uncomfortable. You have until the end of the podcast to think of something you're grateful to happen this week. I can already tell you I'm grateful. I went. No, straight up uncomfortable. You have until the end of the podcast. Think of something you're grateful to happen this week.

Speaker 3:

I can already tell you I'm grateful I went to Marco's to get some pizza there we go. They got pizza bowls to help my diabetes man. I don't have to worry about that bread. I can get all the meat, cheese and sauce. Thank you, marco's Pizza. I am so grateful for you.

Speaker 2:

Well, okay, so now Jack's going to have to edit that and put it at the end. No that one is the bonus.

Speaker 3:

Y'all get a bonus early on.

Speaker 2:

Bonus gratitude, bonus gratitude from Lou.

Speaker 3:

You get bonitude.

Speaker 2:

Louitude. Oh man how are you doing Lou. Well, I'd settle for a freaking camera that works, but I love the fact that you get the nice camera and it works exactly one week yeah, right, I mean, but I'm pretty dark.

Speaker 3:

I mean it looks like me on the screen anyway without the lights on.

Speaker 2:

So no, I'm gonna have jack.

Speaker 3:

Y'all saw what happened two weeks ago.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to have Jack put the inflatable guy from Airplane in as your eye.

Speaker 3:

Oh, hell yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That would rock.

Speaker 3:

It gives me this no camera option. When you go to settings, it gives me this no freaking camera option and this in the little camera window is just a spinny circle. I'm like no camera option. I've got two. I've got the main camera obviously the shitty one from the laptop that doesn't know how to pick up any kind of lighting and then the new one I got, which I just checked the camera settings. It worked when I did it out of the app and I tried to do this crap on Microsoft Edge Boom problems. Microsoft, I know you're listening. Why don't you send me a better laptop than something that works and we'll discuss?

Speaker 1:

it in our podcast for you.

Speaker 2:

Right, we'll just have to figure out a time that you can send yours. I'll take a look at it.

Speaker 3:

Alright, cool. Yeah, I'm not too concerned about it. I mean what? This is the first time it's happened in 25 weeks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'm not too concerned about it. I mean what? This is the first time it's happened in 25 weeks. Yeah, we're on 26. 26, that's episode 26.

Speaker 3:

Right, so 25 weeks. Episode 1 is not zero. So come on, man do the math.

Speaker 2:

No, it was zero.

Speaker 3:

Figure out that volume of Q.

Speaker 2:

Nobody listened to that one, so zero.

Speaker 1:

Actually, that's our most downloaded episode, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The first one, one I believe it. This one might be too, because we're being real and people seem to like it when we get real about ourselves and don't just talk about geeky shit episode one speaking of which the phantom podcast lou sent us, or duke sent us, a trailer list, which I did post to our.

Speaker 1:

Facebook. So if you have not gone to watch those yet, pause the podcast. Don't do it while you're driving to work. Go back and watch all those trailers and then you'll know what we're talking about. All right, Well, let's get into it.

Speaker 3:

then Some of them I don't know about you guys had you guys already. Well, duke, I'm sure you have.

Speaker 1:

But Jack had you guys already well.

Speaker 3:

Duke, I'm sure you had. But, jack, had you seen some of those already? I had, I didn't realize. I didn't remember the names of them, but I'm like, oh yeah, I saw this, you know.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I had.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, there were a few of them, you know, I tried to give a little bit more kind of stuff that maybe wouldn't have been attached to the big movie of the weekend.

Speaker 2:

Okay, cool.

Speaker 3:

The first one is Y2K Nope, which Really I haven't looked at it.

Speaker 1:

So it's about for us old people, but we're alive. Then we were partying like it was 1999. Best Buy told us to make sure we turn our computers off by midnight on 12-31-99, or they were going to take over the world and kill all of us. So in this movie they did not do that. All the computers came to life and started killing all these teenagers at a party. It's sold. I'm fucking there. I'll watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it seems to turn from a teen comedy party guy trying to get into the cool kids party to a murder fest. So I thought that would be. That seems like an interesting kind of mashup of those two genres, so so Jackson lose out.

Speaker 3:

Well, lose out for paying full price, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there you go. Okay, that's fair. It does start fire fist from Deadpool two. So if that changes anybody's opinion, firefist.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, at that point people were pausing so they could look up who the hell Firefist is the next one was called the Substance.

Speaker 2:

Oh wait, I don't remember that one. What?

Speaker 3:

was that.

Speaker 2:

Y2K comes out. Looks like December 6th. Oh good call so the Substance stars Demi Moore.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, demi Moore, margaret Qualley, who is I can never remember she's the daughter of. Why can I never remember who she's the daughter of? She's kind of a nepo baby, but not really because she's a pretty good actress, like.

Speaker 3:

Liv Tyler type thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah and Dennis Quaid. So the premise of this is kind of science fiction-y, where Demi Moore plays what I Again. This is all kind of just piecing together from the trailer. Demi Moore is playing somebody who is very popular in the zeitgeist but wants to remain that. Who's very popular in the zeitgeist but wants to remain that Dennis.

Speaker 1:

Quaid is a peddler of some sort of serum. That.

Speaker 2:

Fountain of youth or something. What is that? It's like a fountain of youth. Yeah, so it's presented as if you want to stay young forever. And then when she takes it, she becomes Margaret Qualley and then the dynamics between those two. So then she wakes up in the morning and she's Demi Moore again and then kind of like, but she's getting all this adoration as Margaret quality, which she wasn't, which she was losing, as Demi Moore thought it was an interesting concept. I think the whole kind of like hello.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there he is. I decided to open a second browser, see if that one would work, and then close the first one. It did, there, you go Done.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I thought it was just interesting from a science fiction point of view of having two different people kind of inhabit the same body and then it looks like it goes completely off the rails. I found that one interesting just because I like those brain fuck movies like the game. Yeah, and that's what it looks like. At some point she just like In or out guys.

Speaker 1:

I'm interested. Yeah, that's fair, we'll see.

Speaker 2:

Next is Blink Twice, which has Channing Tatum directed by Zoe. Kravitz, what's that? That's the guy from Deadpool 3. Yeah, the guy from Deadpool 3.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to get my name done today.

Speaker 2:

What, oh boy? Directed by Zoe Kravitz, lenny Kravitz's daughter, who's also an actress, kyle McLaughlin From Twin Peaks yeah, the guy from Fallout, the dad from Fallout, looks like it's kind of one of those again the mindfuck movies where stuff that you know they go out on this private island and then shit goes sideways. This private island and then shit goes sideways. And your friend who just went into her room the night before you wake up and you go into her, you don't, nobody knows who she is, and you go into her room and the room is just full of storage, you know, type of thing. So I think this movie actually came out last weekend. So yeah, it's now, but it's, but it's been a couple weeks.

Speaker 1:

A friend of mine went to go see it.

Speaker 2:

And what did they say?

Speaker 1:

She liked it well enough. She liked it well enough. I mean, I didn't get into spoilers. I did read one review that said Zoe Kravitz should never direct another movie again.

Speaker 2:

Ouch, Well, I mean again, when you direct one movie. It's dark simple, yeah, so I thought the premise was interesting. I the premise was interesting. I like the people who are in it. That's why I dropped that for you guys.

Speaker 1:

Maybe VOD.

Speaker 2:

I'll catch it on streaming. The next one is a Netflix movie called Rebel Ridge. The premise of this is that a former Marine goes into a small town with bail for his cousin. From the trailer trailer it seems that the cops steal the money that he was going to use for bail.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I just liked it because of the phone conversation at the end, when he's talking to Don Johnson and he's like yeah, I was thinking that maybe we could just meet up and then we could just smooth all this over and make it fine. He's like, yeah, I was thinking that maybe we could just meet up and then, you know, we could just smooth all this over and make it fine. He's like oh really. And he's like and then I went, nah, and then he throws the phone out the window. Sorry, that just got me.

Speaker 3:

I just like the way he's just like, and then I'm with you. That was funny, but the whole time all I thought like oh they made a black Rambo.

Speaker 2:

I mean the fight, the fight stuff that they showed in the trailer. I thought was pretty cool. He's like in the mouth.

Speaker 3:

Was that the First Blood? Was that the first Rambo movie? So that's all it is. It's a black version of that.

Speaker 1:

First Blood.

Speaker 3:

So was Rambo Part 2? First Blood Part 2? Then how it was titled Rambo First Blood Part 2.

Speaker 2:

I think so. And then Rambo 3.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, bottom line is it's a black version of First Blood.

Speaker 2:

It's on Netflix. It'll be on Netflix next week. I honestly would have it, just because it's a black version of First Blood.

Speaker 3:

It still looked good to me. Completely unoriginal.

Speaker 2:

And it has Don Johnson in it.

Speaker 3:

It has a black guy with pretty blue eyes, don Johnson does play a good asshole.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he does. And again, it doesn't seem like there's any love interest. It seems like it's a very straightforward, there's no conflict. Like this guy is just on his way to get his money, the cops say nah.

Speaker 3:

I might watch it after this cast. Yes, Shit, I'll be up for the next 12 hours.

Speaker 2:

So in for streaming Probably would have been in for theater, at least a cheap theater. The next one is Saturday Night, which is based around the first Saturday Night Live show and the build up to that. So it was directed by Ivan Reitman's son, who's done a bunch of kind of indie type movies and Ghostbusters. A lot of people who, yeah, he's done the two good movies.

Speaker 3:

He's Ivan Reitman's son, jason.

Speaker 2:

Jason Reitman. See, I remember so many nephews.

Speaker 3:

That's how it is. That's the industry for you.

Speaker 2:

I'm interested just because it has a bunch of no-name people, but they're all people that you know. There's people playing Chevy Chase, john Belushi, gilder Radner, lauren Michaels and all that, jim Henson.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, jim Henson, that to me is one of the most crazy things, isn't it? Like the Muppets were on like Saturday Night Live, or a version of the Muppets that were on Saturday Night Live when it first premiered, like that, to me, is like one of those facts that I'm down with this one just because at the end, when Chevy Chase tripped on my dick and you know what, that was actually something that happened last week at Jason Reitman's house and that's how it got into. The movie Chevy Chase is the exact same movie today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was the first thing you sending this link was probably the first time I saw this trailer and I was on board. I was like whoa, okay, cool. And then I was like man, I don't want to wait 10 years to get the Eddie Murphy cameo.

Speaker 2:

but it's too early. I liked the way it was also shot. That it's a very kind of. They did a. Really, whoever the production designer was, I feel like they did a really good job of making it feel like the 70s was. They did, I feel like they did a really good job of making it feel like the seventies, like the camera doing the actual using actual film or time and forever.

Speaker 3:

Uh, that helped out too, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, uh, and then, as a, into a completely smooth transition. Uh, the next one is actually, I believe, an Amazon series that's coming out that is called a secret level and is actually a series of. It's an anthology series. Yeah, anthology series 15 Epic stories that include the video games armored core, concord, crossfire dungeons and dragonsodus, honor of kings, mega man, new world, ncm, pac-man. Um, I believe there's god of war. I believe there's a god of war part in it. So, basically, any popular playstation game that's come out in the last 25 years uh, is possibly going to have a episode. So it's basically just telling stories in those worlds and I thought it looked really cool. I was just like, okay, like I'm on board, I'll always give a video game anthology like this a chance.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, it seems like it's like a like Player One almost. I think that dude that they showed throughout the trailer. He's like hey, you got something to do, and then I think he goes into them, oh okay. So it kind of reminded me of Ready Player One. So I think there's like an anchor person and he's going through it. Almost like maybe Quantum Leap even.

Speaker 3:

Okay, he's inhabiting these dudes, the Ready Player One. I got out of it as well, except without the interest. I saw that trailer and was just like is this trailer over yet? I think it was too disjointed for me. It was too disjointed.

Speaker 1:

for me it wasn't telling you enough.

Speaker 2:

I think the other big part of this is going to be your interest level is going to be, um, really dictated on how, um, how into the sony playstation universe you're into right like right. So if you're xbox guys, like I know, you guys are both big xbox guys.

Speaker 3:

I'm also back in the day, not so an Xbox guy?

Speaker 2:

Well, not so much big Xbox guys. I prefer my Xbox normal size. Duke had the big Xbox. I did, I did, I did and I also had a modded Xbox at one point.

Speaker 3:

Wait, how the hell you mod. What do you do?

Speaker 2:

with a modded Xbox.

Speaker 1:

Right, you open it up, you put a chip in there, you put a new hard drive in there you download everything.

Speaker 3:

Yep it was amazing You're right, the interest level. I'm not into PS. I thought Mega man was Nintendo and then, like I said, it was such a yeah Capcom, it was such a disjointed trailer that I was just like, okay, just move on to the next one. That's how I was watching it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you recognize all the games, you're probably like fuck, yes, let's go.

Speaker 3:

I recognize like three.

Speaker 2:

Right. So that'll be one of the. You know again, I was throwing it out there because I think those types of things need to get support. So then they do other things like it right, like, just because this was done, those types of things need to get support. So then they do other things like it right, like just because this was done by playstation studios doesn't mean we can't get a microsoft one at some point with fable gears of war, halo, like you know, and again hail, isolated halo right, separate from all the other stuff that has come out with halo, uh, with halo ties. You you know before. But I mean Xbox does have a pretty big library of stuff if you dig through it. You know Rainbow Six, you know all of those types of things that you could do one-off games for or one-off episodes for. But if this doesn't do well, I feel like you won't see those other. So I feel like this is kind of them putting their dipping their toe in the water to see what the interest level is.

Speaker 1:

So I will just put it on lou when you get a job.

Speaker 3:

Put it on as you go to work and then leave the house I'm all like let me know when I can jump into carcassone and clash of heroes and settlers like a tan and yeah that, that movie, settlers of Catan, that movie I'll watch.

Speaker 2:

That'll be the Ten Cent series, all the stuff that Ten Cent does Be a PUBG episode, so lukewarm.

Speaker 3:

Probably more interest if we actually knew what most of those games were. An actual, proper trailer. I need a proper trailer and I'd probably be okay with it.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking this out until December, or something it said. There'll be other trailers.

Speaker 3:

It comes out.

Speaker 2:

December 10th. Next up, we have a movie called here, which I thought is a very interesting.

Speaker 1:

I dug the shit out of that trailer.

Speaker 2:

I think it's an interesting concept of the single point of view. They just put a camera there when the Earth was created, right Like it's there, and then it goes through. Dinosaurs came Right, Cave people came Right. As life evolves, everything happens around you, but you are a set point in the world or the universe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it gave me those vibes of that other Tom Hanks movie that sucked, oh, that most people thought sucked. Where he's traveling with who is it? Halle Berry, and they find each other in like 7 million generations of their life. It was like a 10-15 year ago movie and it starts in a fat pass and it goes all the way to the future and I'm pretty sure it was a Tom Hanks movie and it bombed. And this movie reminded me of it. The hell was that movie. It did not do well by the critics but, that being said, I did watch that quote-unquote, dumbass Tom Hanks movie from 10 years ago and I didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad.

Speaker 3:

This one that makes more, I didn't understand what was happening with this, the whole camera point of view and it's just one shot Because it was like where they met, they started shot because it was like where they met, they started dating and they're, and they go to their future with their grandkids and kids and all that. I was like, okay, now that I know that that's what's happening, I'm more interested in it yeah, yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

I think it's supposed to be a single point in location, right, like it's a single location of what happens, what happens in this spot, as opposed to them following the people as they travel around, like. So I, I think it's an interesting concept, I think it'll be uh, you know it'll be uh, at least it'll be something interesting to see from a technical standpoint of how they're able to do that, right, like, how much tgi is involved, how much real, um, you know, because we know zemeckis has gone both ways, right, like he's super leaned into cgi, but then he also, you know, has done a bunch of stuff. How much real? Because we know Zemeckis has gone both ways. He's super leaned into CGI, but then he also has done a bunch of stuff with real sets and stuff. So it'll be interesting to see which Zemeckis we get with that.

Speaker 1:

It was called Cloud Atlas and it's 7.4 out of 10 on IMDb so I don't think everybody hated it, Although it does have a yeah, that one. It was like I it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that one.

Speaker 1:

It was like I know a lot of people did not like that movie.

Speaker 2:

People are fucking dumb and that one. We probably will get another trailer because I don't think that. Yeah, November 1st, so we got a couple months for that one.

Speaker 3:

Again interested. Next up is Next up is Flight Risk.

Speaker 2:

Which, yeah, so Flight Risk was Mark Marky, Mark Mark Wahlberg as a my neighbor here in Vegas.

Speaker 3:

You go have his burger.

Speaker 2:

Him and Jack go way back.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know he had tequila. Who doesn't have?

Speaker 1:

tequila these days, jesus, who needs tequila?

Speaker 2:

The premise of this is Topher Grace from that 70s show and Spider-Man 3 from the good. Spider-man is a. He is, I'm guessing, a witness.

Speaker 1:

They said he was some sort of sorry, we were supposed to do this last week so it's been a couple weeks since I've seen these. They said he was.

Speaker 2:

He's a snitch Some sort of? Yeah, he's a snitch. They sure said he was a snitch. Sorry, we were supposed to do this last week, so it's been a couple weeks since I've seen these. So the premise is that they're flying him from one point to another to be a witness for a major crime boss or something along those lines, and the pilot is Marky Mark, who is trying to be a good old boy for the first half of the movie and, since they gave it away in the trailer he ends up being an assassin that was hired by said crime boss to uh murder or take care of the take care of the leak, fix the leak.

Speaker 2:

And uh, I had not. I don't know. I'm not familiar with the work of the us marshal who's in the movie. Uh, I, I recognize the name, but I couldn't tell you what she's been in. Um, so she plays a us marshal. So the three of them are in a plane. So, tiny plane, if you don't like flying, probably not a movie you should see, because it looks like there's a bunch of stuff that happens in said plane. So I don't know if I'll be watching this in the theater.

Speaker 3:

You got a claustrophobic issue and a height issue On board yes, no, yeah, it's a control issue.

Speaker 2:

Is what I have Man's fucked up? Yeah, yeah, I need to go to mindfulness training or something.

Speaker 1:

She was in the movie with Bill's boy, with Lou's boy. Boy Kills World.

Speaker 2:

Ah, okay, so she played. I think that's where I'll record. And then the last one that I sent you guys is the Brad Pitt movie F1. Yeah, I saw that. First of all, it's a teaser trailer.

Speaker 3:

And, second of all, it's not out for a year. It's like I don't care. It's like I don't even care about this. I get it. You got a guy coming out of retirement which I'm not paying for. You got a guy coming out of retirement to teach a young kid Blah, blah, blah. I've never seen that story before. It's like every other movie that that frickin' what's his name? Dennis Quaid makes. Oh yeah, I'll watch that.

Speaker 2:

Well, he is starring in Reagan. Hello, it's Reagan. Why didn't you see it on Tuesday?

Speaker 3:

It's Reagan. I'm going to pay full price for Reagan. Come on, you got to support Right.

Speaker 2:

Love your country, so next week. I want to know were more people in the theater with Reagan or were more people in the theater for?

Speaker 3:

Borderlands In Boulder. I for Borderlands. I'll be the only motherfucker in the theater. I guarantee that. Only motherfucker in the theater in Boulder?

Speaker 2:

Oh hell, there's no way, those people here are going to watch Republican. That being said, from what we saw from the F1 movie, I think it'll be at least the races. It looks like it was filmed really well.

Speaker 3:

Whoever they got doing that holy shit, give them an award.

Speaker 2:

Already that looked good, Like I said it was really well. Whoever they got doing that is holy shit. Give them an award already.

Speaker 3:

That looked good and, like I said, it was a short trailer, not a whole hell of a lot in it, and it's got a ways to go. But I'm with you on that. That looked pretty damn good. It's a story that I'm all like, oh yay, um, here's another story that's come out every time like this, this movie that was called Ford vs Ferrari. Exactly, it was like alright, fine.

Speaker 2:

I think I found it because I was watching my boy, patrick Willems, was doing. One of his latest videos was about the greatest car race ever recorded, or car chase, and of course that's Ronan by far. But the same guy who did Ronan also did Grand Prix like 25 years earlier and the technology and stuff. It's a super interesting video. I will send it to you guys if you're interested.

Speaker 3:

But a bunch of the.

Speaker 2:

What was that? That's Gran Turismo. That was a good movie.

Speaker 3:

No, it was monty, carlo monty monty carlo, it's something that's all good okay sorry it's been a long time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sandwich, but, but uh, but basically, like they invented recording, it was a race car movie and they invented all of these ways that to to film the people in the cars and to film the cars. That's basically become standard Standard, the standard for how people record car chases now, like all the boring movies and all that kind of stuff, used all this technology that they created in the 60s to record.

Speaker 3:

It was a pretty interesting video, I figure like lately, the last five ten year, five years, they've just been hiring all those um those racers, those drone racers, and it's like, okay, your job is to follow this car. I'm like, oh, because those you know those guys could do it without even thinking twice about it.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but like the like figuring out where to put the camera, yeah, but like the like figuring out where to put the camera so then you can record the person who's in the car. And I mean because back then in the 60s, all the race cars were open, so like they could have a side view of the guy's face and it was open because he just had the little windshield in front of him, but then they could have it be filming while another guy's passing them, type of thing. Like that had never been done before in movies. Like it was all very straightforward they put the camera on the hood of the car or they would put it on the bumper. You know that type of like very standard stuff.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so that's why I put the F1 there, because I think that's going to do a lot of depending on how much is real versus how much is CG, depending on how much is real versus how much is CG. It could be one of those like we were talking about before the podcast. It could be a ScreenX one, where you have the whole car race happening around you, type of thing.

Speaker 3:

I'll wait until there's more to come out about it, but it looked good. It looks like a pretty watch. Just not sure it's going to be a good movie. We'll see what happens.

Speaker 2:

It'll be one of those that you put on when you have your uh, new home entertainment setup. You're like, guys, come check this out and you skip to chapter five.

Speaker 3:

Basically, it's like okay, episode one uh, go to the pod race with my new surround sound subwoofer and just hear the engines from the pod racers, from the, from the pods themselves, and and it's just that it's like, yeah, that sounds so badass.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The opening of the new house with the opening of Avengers.

Speaker 2:

Assess the opening of Saving Private Ryan. That's also a good one, especially with the bullets and stuff like that. You've never seen. Saving Private Ryan Wow, Wow. I heard dude dies, so I was like what's the bullets and stuff?

Speaker 3:

like that You've never seen. Saving private. Wow, wow, wow. I heard dude dies. I was like what's the point? No, it's the journey not the destination Lou you're going to go. Vin Diesel's first music versus black women has hair.

Speaker 1:

Vin Diesel has hair in this movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he and he just wants, he just wants him to take his letter home to his mom. He's got to look awkward right. I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I'll just watch it. I'll do an image search.

Speaker 2:

Google an image search.

Speaker 3:

It'll be fine, let me see Google Vin.

Speaker 2:

Diesel with hair. Get all these Fabio pictures. I mean how about this?

Speaker 3:

I'll watch it before next cast. If it's on streaming, I ain't paying money, and then you could tell us what was a better movie?

Speaker 2:

Reagan or Saving Private Ryan?

Speaker 3:

I don't need to watch either one to know it's Reagan. It's on Paramount+ Reagan by far.

Speaker 2:

Why? Because you've seen that opening weekend and Saving Private Ryan.

Speaker 3:

It's been out for 26 years Bro.

Speaker 1:

I just looked it up 30 years old.

Speaker 3:

And it's on. Paramount Plus.

Speaker 1:

It was directed by Steven Spielberg.

Speaker 3:

How is it not a good movie? I don't know, is everything he touched gold? I'm sure there's some bad ones in there with his name on it. With his name on it, I did see Quiet Place Day One, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was good and absolutely unnecessary. I didn't think it did good at building the universe.

Speaker 3:

It didn't give me any new information about the universe at all. If anything, I liked her story with the dude.

Speaker 3:

That was kind of cool to see that human bonding type thing happening, especially considering her situation. But in the world of the first two quiet places it didn't add anything for me. I was like, oh, so they have to be quiet. Oh, we already know, they came in on the meteors from the second movie or whichever one showed it. I was like, okay, you know you have to be quiet. It's like there's nothing new. It's like, okay, what didn't I know about this person's story? Okay, great, we got her story and it was a decent story, but overall, that's it.

Speaker 1:

What did it mean I haven't watched the second one yet you haven't watched the second one, Jack. I'm not sure which one.

Speaker 3:

I like more one or two. The first two were definitely good. The third one is obviously last. If that was, if that story was trying to figure out a character within the military and what they were going through, that would have given me something new to the story, to the world. Then it's like oh, what is the military doing when all this happens? And you get a little bit of that in this third movie. Like you see, just that they're failure, but that's it. Like five minutes of their failure just speaks of things or walking in the street and there's busted up tanks and stuff like that, sandbags. But to follow a military troop and maybe have the drama being a family member in the military troop, something going on there, and then we can see the failure. What was going on with the military. That would have got that would have been like oh shit, this I'm interested in. But watching this story play out I'm like okay, yay, next we started watching um Bear this week.

Speaker 1:

I kind of dig it.

Speaker 3:

Which one is that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the cooking one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

TV show on FX.

Speaker 1:

He hasn't watched Shameless either. Oh, okay, yeah, tv show.

Speaker 3:

The Bear is about a restaurant.

Speaker 2:

The two lowest rated kind of popular Steven Spielberg, because he has some ones that I'd never heard of that were rated pretty low. So I'm guessing those are ones that he.

Speaker 3:

Well, it needs to be he directed.

Speaker 2:

They're pretty old so I'm guessing this is back Okay Associated. So the two lowest ones that he has are Twilight Zone, the movie and Always got a, he directed both of them. Always is 6.4 on IMDb.

Speaker 3:

Wait, so his worst is still a 64?

Speaker 2:

It's 6.4.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's impressive 6.4,.

Speaker 2:

yeah, even Hook is at 6.8. I think people would have an argument about that movie not being great.

Speaker 3:

But it's still at 6.8.

Speaker 2:

The Lost World. For some reason, I at 6.8. The Lost World, I didn't, you know. For some reason, I completely forgot that he directed the Lost World as well. He directed the sequel, and that's at 6.6. No, Jurassic Park is at 8.2.

Speaker 3:

What's the third?

Speaker 2:

one Lost World is 6.6. The third one was Jurassic Park. I think it was Jurassic Park 3, right, and it didn't even have a subtitle. Well, it didn't even have a subtitle. Well, because there's only the two books right, I think there's only Jurassic Park and the Lost World are the only two physical.

Speaker 3:

Like the two books that existed before I knew, obviously the first, I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

The second one wasn't Okay. Saving Private Ryan's 8.6.

Speaker 3:

He couldn't get to a 9.

Speaker 2:

Schindler's List.

Speaker 3:

Schindler's List is 9.0. There you go, endler's.

Speaker 2:

List is 9.0. There you go, there's your 9.

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen that one either. Yeah, I haven't seen it. Wait go on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's 9.

Speaker 2:

Motherfucker, I love Indiana Jones. Never seen his work other than that I saw ET. I've seen all five.

Speaker 3:

I've seen ET, so don't even give me that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever see empire of the sun? But yeah, bale's first movie, actually his first movie I think was newsies, was it? News yeah newsies and then newsies. Yeah, um readers, the last arc, 8.4, oh, 1941 is 5.9, 5.8, that's the one after jaws came out and they were like we'll give you a ton of money and then as the one that had John. Belushi and stuff in it and like it's Nope, that's the acolyte. Oh my god.

Speaker 3:

Got the right look for it. Oh, speaking of which, you see that bitch. Amanda Stenberg, blaming fans, again Went off on fans for the show. It's like they're racist.

Speaker 3:

She used every hey on Instagram 8 minute bullshit and she went off with you trying to use every buzzword and sell bigot blah, blah, blah. It's like why can you not accept that? The show just sucked? Why is that? It had nothing to do with color sex? Your quote unquote woke shit Because, honestly, you know, I look for woke shit and everything. I didn't find it that woke, I just found it just bad. It was just bad. I didn't find it that woke, I just found it just bad. It was just bad. I don't care if you, amanda Amandla, if your ass was a white male star in that just show. Still what a suck. You do not understand that and she doesn't. Clearly Her and that bitch from West Side Story that's in the Alice, not Alice, snow White movie, man, they're just not doing their studios any favors at all. Poor things. What the hell is her name? Rachel?

Speaker 1:

something. It's not my fault because I am awesome. Yeah, she is just Siegler.

Speaker 3:

And then she's like oh, by the way, I'm anti-Jewish. And then by the pro-Palestinian don't forget, yay, palestine.

Speaker 3:

It's like, like you know, your co-star, uh, is jewish. Are you not aware of that, you dumbass bitch? And then, and then on top of that, let me I don't know about y'all, but if my choice is is gonna be snow white or the evil queen in that movie, you know, gal gadot versus rachel ziggler. I know who I'm taking, and so is 90 of the rest of the damn world. So I was trying to be polite 99.9. Because there are some blind people out there that just don't know.

Speaker 1:

So it's like Nah, stevie Wonder, be killing them. Bitches' faces, you're like nope.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, she is single-handedly going to make that go straight to Disney+. She's done such a terrible job.

Speaker 1:

The shitty CGI force will make it go to Disney+. She's done such a terrible job. The shitty CGI dwarves will make it go to.

Speaker 3:

Disney+. What is his name? Game of Thrones yeah, peter Dinklage. Blame his little ass for fucking that up for little people. Midgets I could see some real damn midgets on TV. Maybe they could have some.

Speaker 1:

Dwarves, sir, midgets is a no-go. You can't say midgets.

Speaker 3:

They midgets Say midgets no we didn't plan that game. That's like saying the dwarves.

Speaker 1:

The disease they have is called dwarfism.

Speaker 3:

That's a real word they don't have midgetism.

Speaker 2:

They have dwarfism. I'm midget.

Speaker 3:

Wait, I thought there was actually a fine line between midgets and dwarves. I thought there was there's actually a fine line between Midgets and dwarves. I thought there was like If you're this high, Midget doesn't slur bruh. Midget, that's a real thing. And Duke is all muted. Yeah, Duke muted himself, apparently, Duke you're still muted.

Speaker 2:

I was sneezing, sorry, allergic to bullshit.

Speaker 3:

I believe it. Hey look, kamala was on CNN tonight, so I totally get the allergic to bullshit comment and I have no idea how that went oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I forgot she was the new one, the prequel most people didn't give it a shot because the news of the Snow White shit had come out, so like, oh, we're not supporting you, I'm not going to blame Hunger Games because she's an idiot. This all happened before. All that anyway, the Hunger Games, anyway, the whole pro-palacing thing, it's like that's fine. You can believe that For marketing purposes and what you're doing for an industry? Shut the fuck up. It's like jews aren't gonna watch your movie. Anybody who thinks gal godot is a your fan of gal godot they're not gonna watch your movie. Uh, there's just. She's just all you had to do is just nothing. Just shut the fuck up. That's all you had to do. Thank you for making this movie the highest rated trailer or fastest watched trailer 120 million people watch. Like. You know your ratio in that trailer a million to a hundred thousand, a million negatives to a hundred thousand positives. Right, but whatever. Thank people. All you want for it dumbass.

Speaker 1:

Look, you get that, or you get what's that thing on your leg.

Speaker 3:

That's what you mean, my leg, between my knee and my ankle. I don't know what it is. It's like that thing you know in the ocean and you've got to do this and you slide them down.

Speaker 3:

You slurp it and it makes you horny. Just stop with these actresses, actors, whomever Stop being a dumbass. Is it that hard? I would be like if I'm a studio, you do some dumb shit like that. Amandla, put out another video hating your fans or hating fans of the IP. Amandla, you're being fine and I make you put that shit in the contract. Why? Because it's not that hard not to do it. All you have to do is nothing. That's it. Just don't do that shit and you can have your $20 million paycheck. You fuck it up. You owe us $20 million. Liberals need to go back to being liberals when liberals were good 20 years ago, liberals were actually okay, back in the day, the leftists ugh go to hell, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

internet connection.

Speaker 3:

Screw that, screw that.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to into a theater.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna watch Reagan right now. What are you In Boulder? Black man broke into a theater To watch In Boulder, Colorado.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Thursday At Thursday night, brandishing a weapon, saying show me, reagan, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

When Trump's elected, I'll get pardoned. He didn't even pardon, yeah, but you have to be like Innocent for that, don't you?

Speaker 1:

You didn't do anything. What's that bitch, carol Baskin? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And also you just said what were you innocent for? Going into the theater?

Speaker 3:

It's promoting Republican beliefs. By promoting, I just mean watching, because I don't.

Speaker 1:

I'll post this on Twitter and then Elon will pay for your court case, if he can cover Gina's, he can cover mine.

Speaker 3:

Mine will be less. It's bolder. I'm a black dude. They're going to be like oh we understand, sir, here's a house, while you're at it, and they want to overcompensate Right Right, we're only going to bother you three-fifths of the time.

Speaker 2:

So you're fine.

Speaker 3:

How's your movie going, Jack?

Speaker 1:

I see a box back there. Yep, how's the back? It's coming.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's fine, I'm not moving heavy shit, is it? It's just a weekend where you actually finally do stuff.

Speaker 1:

No, this is disney weekend it was, and somebody canceled it. So mad I wanted to go.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. What the hell, what the hell. How are you supposed to get us our Funko Pops?

Speaker 1:

if you ain't there Next time just leave.

Speaker 2:

I ain't got a time frame, just let me know. I'll fly down and meet you down there, shit.

Speaker 3:

Real though. Roll up in the wheelchair and make sure he gets on the plane first Right why do you need a wheelchair when you're? On a plane, oh, first.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Southwest. Nah, I'm good at that. I'm good at 24 hours at a time to make sure I'm in A group. It's only when I'm not in the A group when I have a foot problem.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I don't think I've needed to play those games ever. Like I said, I set an alarm 24 hours in advance and the worst case I'll do is middle of the Bs, and I'm still fine. Middle of the Bs is still good. If I get C, I'm throwing a B. That's when it's like, oh damn hey, does military independence count for veterans in between A and B boarding?

Speaker 2:

boarding. I need to find my my last break this afternoon. I didn't actually click on the link, but there was a. There was a headline in the news that was talking about a guy who took a hammer to an airplane agent's desk because he bought a purpose ticket from somebody online. That was the agent's fault yeah exactly how is it their fault? Screw that, dude. I tell you who I'll take a hammer to.

Speaker 3:

Those assholes who have a freaking companion pet and they think it's freaking. Ada federal certified and allows for that. Hell. No, those things don't count.

Speaker 1:

Nope, your companion pet your, your emotional support hand can go in the suitcase, bro, it's like going to the damn store.

Speaker 3:

If I see another one of these fucking emotional support bitches or kitties at the grocery store or Walmart, oh my god, I'm going to find the closest Chinese restaurant. Somebody's getting fed. Well, this is some bullshit. It's like the signs are all up there. You know pets not allowed. You know your ADA certified pet. It's real simple. Your certified pet will not be going to say hi to anybody and wagging its tail and be like, oh hey, let's play friends. That's not what they do, it's not federally covered. So God, every play friends. That's not what they do, it's not federally covered. So nope, god, every last one of them nope, not allowed.

Speaker 1:

Hate that shit. Dogs and miniature ponies, that's it, that's all it's covered and some.

Speaker 3:

there's some other, there's some animal looking like sniff, some disease, can't remember what. It's not other than a dog like that that's counted as your adas. Again, no support, no emotional support. Animals that shit don't qualify. People are just like oh, but this is my ADA dog, you have to let me. No, I don't Let me work the door at Walmart Shit Handle, all that shit. Exactly yeah your chinchilla's about to be my freaking coat. Them fuckers are soft.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah.

Speaker 3:

Keep my ball sack real comfy what you wear, chinchilla loin, yeah New from Versace Banana hammock, banana hammock, oh yeah, soft and gray, that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

That'll work too. That'll work too.

Speaker 3:

Better than silk boxers A little loose pouch up front, let it run around. It's like oh so softly wakes up in the morning. It's stuck on the wall, my bad buddy, my bad, sorry, my bad.

Speaker 2:

Chichi, chichi the chinchilla, my bad, my chichi.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, what else? Um yeah, so there's the movie. Yeah, that's what we're talking about movies uh oh, that's right I was gonna go. Something else we're gonna talk about this week and I was prepping for it and then I kept hearing things about how people were walking out of. That movie was so bad I was like, oh, I guess it's not even worth $5. So I'll wait for streaming If, if, borderlands is on streaming as of a couple of days ago.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure crow will be there by the end of September. If this is true, if this I haven't seen any projections, obviously, uh, what was it? Thursday projections, what they were, and and the weekend people walked out of Deadpool and Wolverine too, Also or part two. I was like. That was like when they make a Deadpool part two who's who who bootlegged this shit.

Speaker 3:

Every time I watch, I look up these trailers. Man, I watched that movie. I'm like oh, that's a fake trailer. Damn, it, get on my nerves Like Thundercats how how somebody hasn't been at Thundercats movies. Yeah, though they suck with their reporting, that part is probably true. They're good for posting trailers.

Speaker 2:

I follow Ryan's tomato trailers on the YouTubes yeah, I could see I could be okay with that. I'm trying to find this weekend's scores. The latest one we have is the 28th, so we don't have the 29th yet.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm hoping last week. Yeah, I was looking.

Speaker 2:

Okay, give me a second.

Speaker 3:

Well, did anything come out today besides Reagan? What?

Speaker 1:

were the Tom Servo numbers too. Get those too the.

Speaker 2:

Tom Servo numbers. Okay, I don't know what that is, but I'll do that. Look at it up right now.

Speaker 3:

Let's see, tom Servo, what the hell was the lady's name that had him trapped on that ship. Uh-huh, all I can think is Rita.

Speaker 2:

So Deadpool and Wolverine?

Speaker 1:

No, that's.

Speaker 2:

Karen, deadpool and Wolverine on the 28th.

Speaker 3:

We want last.

Speaker 2:

Wednesday we want that, but I'm giving you the balance between the two.

Speaker 3:

right Deadpool the 28th is the last one that box office told you has they don't go back to the 23rd when the Crow came out. Technically, 23rd is Thursday. Preview night numbers.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so for the weekend of the 23rd through the 25th, deadpool and Wolverine made $18 million, which is minus 39% over the week before. It's made a total of $577 million so far.

Speaker 3:

Because I know it's over a billion worldwide.

Speaker 2:

Domestically correct. Number eight is the Crow and it made $4 million.

Speaker 3:

Borderlands made more than that, so it premiered in 2007.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Borderlands made like $8 million. No, we're talking for opening weekend On the first day, yeah, $4 million.

Speaker 3:

The Crow day $4 million. The Crow only made $4 million, so that was $1,687. I don't need all that, just the total number. They only made $4 million opening weekend.

Speaker 2:

Total debate they made $6 million Maybe people are right about that movie.

Speaker 3:

That's your boy. That's your boy, Bill.

Speaker 2:

That's what you get with getting Bill in there.

Speaker 1:

International it's made $4 million, so totally in debt. The crow is a cultural element. Cornerstone yeah, you cannot remake that. It's like trying to remake Back to the Future Princess Bride. There are some movies that you cannot remake. You think so? I just thought it was because Bill did not look good.

Speaker 3:

He did not look like the typical quote-unquote crow, Like the Joker Suicide Squad. He did not look like the typical Joker.

Speaker 1:

So it's a problem the stuff I've looked up is people. They connected with the, the brandon leaver version.

Speaker 2:

You know that's what we grew up with I think because of the legend of him dying and all that kind of stuff. The soundtrack, the it's. It's like the most 90s movie ever, with the darkness and the despair, the Ghostbusters.

Speaker 1:

But also, have you watched any of the Crow sequels? I tried Crow 2, city of Angels.

Speaker 3:

any of that shit. I gave it a shot. It lasted like 15.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's in there. Fez from the show.

Speaker 2:

He's in the third one or some shit. But I mean, the same could be said for From Dusk Till Dawn, right From Dusk Till Dawn. That movie was fantastic, but all the sequels, have been. I mean El Rey Network did a From Dusk Till Dawn series, which was okay. But just kind of yeah, they expanded on the, but it was like the El Rey Network is like the Spanish. I think it was actually Robert Rodriguez was like one of the people who helped create it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was his channel. So in that regard, I think that's as close as you're going to get to being a faithful kind of retelling of Touchstone, right.

Speaker 1:

The Touchstone movie, the Lost Boys. All those sequels suck too. They're just some movies. Make it. It's good, it's amazing, people love it.

Speaker 2:

Move on.

Speaker 1:

Move on with your life.

Speaker 2:

Titanic 2 was nowhere near as good as Titanic.

Speaker 3:

There's a movie I haven't seen either.

Speaker 2:

Titanic. There's a movie I haven't seen either Titanic. Oh my god, I don't feel so bad about myself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that one knocked Star Wars off the top of the list so that's just hate on that side.

Speaker 1:

Kate Winslet's naked in it. I could watch that Down to the bush bro.

Speaker 3:

That's fine, but you can't because you have to. I just thought she was topless.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know there was some bush in that All right, one of these days we're going to do the top 10 IMDb movies and we'll have to see which one of us has seen the most Don't even need that one, that's.

Speaker 1:

Jack. Yeah, that was actually a bucket list thing. For a while we printed off the top all the Best Picture winners and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Did you do it All? Best Picture winners.

Speaker 1:

Most of them. Some of them were hard to find.

Speaker 2:

This was pre-kids, I assume, oh yeah, that'd be kind of cool.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I could do all. I'd be pick-as-I-ask. That's not my type of movie. I'm not sure which one of those it would be, but I'm sure there's something that's going to be Okay, that's not my type of movie. Other than that, I'm I don't know what the link.

Speaker 1:

You'd be offended.

Speaker 3:

Back when shit was getting done. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2:

They didn't call it the restoration, for no reason at all.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my god, slavery, yeah, slavery, got shit done. Look at the pyramids. Those were dead by aliens slaves? Yeah, hello, they didn't take them all from Egypt, they just took them across the border Just like that. They're aliens and boom slaves. Problem solved.

Speaker 1:

Black people, aliens. Is that what happened? They brought them to build a pyramids and then dropped them off the ship.

Speaker 3:

Hey, we're not coming back, predators.

Speaker 2:

Predators got some of them.

Speaker 3:

Was there another Arnold Predator movie coming out? I thought I heard a rumor about that no, there's a no.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's Romulus doing well, prey did well. They've been trying to get Arnold back since Predator 2.

Speaker 2:

It'd be kind of late for him to do something now. It was funny. We were in chat. I was in my games chat last night. We were talking and one of the guys was like, oh, they're supposed to make a female fight club. And we're like what? And he's like, yeah, it's going to be an exact remake of a fight club, but with females. And we're like, who's gonna be in that? And then he starts listing like margot robbie and scarlett janssen. We're like, dude, that's fucking bullshit, that's some guy's wank material, that's. And then he kept reading and then he's like, oh, there's a community comments to say this is a fake, this is a fake news article.

Speaker 3:

This is not real and we're all freaking female fight club type movie, some B movie. I watched it. I can't remember what it was called, but it was on streaming and I was like, oh, let's just see random shit. I'm like I watched the movie and it was good, but at the end of it I was like this is nothing like Women's Penitentiary Part 3, but whatever it was still a pretty good movie.

Speaker 2:

I enjoyed it. I was looking for Babes in Cages. I didn't get that, basically, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I missed those movies Skin and Max or USA Up all night with Rhonda Shearer.

Speaker 2:

Shannon. Shannon Tweed.

Speaker 3:

Who the hell is Shannon Tweed?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She was in a ton of those movies I remember now she was a.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You'd recognize her boobs.

Speaker 3:

As soon as it clicked.

Speaker 2:

I was like oh, yep, I see it.

Speaker 3:

We're good, oh man, usa up.

Speaker 2:

All right, what else?

Speaker 1:

is going on, guys.

Speaker 3:

Football Opening season.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's wrap this up.

Speaker 3:

Oh shit, Thursday it's the week from tonight, it's the season buddy.

Speaker 2:

Next Thursday.

Speaker 3:

But yeah.

Speaker 2:

We get college football this weekend. Cu had a game tonight.

Speaker 3:

They barely beat, sorry ass, north Dakota State yeah, division II team. And they won because a Hail Mary was four yards short 31-26. They had no business winning that game. Cu sucks, but bet the over. In all their games their offense is fantastic. They had no defense. It's like the last two years of watching USC. The over under 62 and a half. Bet the over, it'll cover, don't worry about it. Next week Nebraska is going to destroy CU and.

Speaker 2:

I'm all here for it.

Speaker 3:

See all the town cry. See the tears. I'm going to walk around with diabetic ice cream. It's going to be great. It's made with all natural fruits, no added sugars, and the tears of seeing you bust, although I will admit what was that movie? It was like the best part about being out here is I keep getting older and the girls keep staying the same age.

Speaker 2:

That's the best thing about high school. I'm telling you that right now. Every year I look around.

Speaker 3:

I'm like man, these co-edges, these hotties, just keep looking the same. It's like whoa another 20-year-old, it's great. It's like what? What? It's another year later and more 20-year-olds what? This is great. Don't worry, I'll take two of them. That'll make a 40-year-old Problem solved.

Speaker 1:

You can get nine. We're needing three of them, Lou, that's fine, we'll get three 18-year-olds.

Speaker 3:

18 is still legal. I'll be 54.

Speaker 2:

Three 18-year-olds will cover it. Is that because you add all their ages up and then that makes it so?

Speaker 3:

it's half your age, plus seven and you're good. In five years from now, when I'm 54,.

Speaker 2:

I'll be three 18-year-olds. That's your date, half your age plus seven. So would that make me 31?

Speaker 3:

So then, if you add the three, 18-year-olds, then they match 31? Damn, that's kind of old yeah.

Speaker 2:

But if you put the three 18-year-olds together, you're good. You got 40.

Speaker 3:

I just did it. I just did it, son. That was the 54, remember? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The two of them would be two of them. Yeah, it was funny.

Speaker 2:

I was laughing at your ass when I saw your text with the volume of the rectangular solid, that was great. I was like, yeah, then we had to do pyramids. I like how he missed your, your grateful affirmation all the math stuff but yet he saw all the all.

Speaker 3:

The problem is, I wake up and I see a bunch of texts at once and it's like then I go back and respond to something. I'm like, oh crap, I was supposed to respond to this too. I've done it before, like in some of the texts I have with Jack on our own, like a day and a half later I'll respond to this. I'm like oh, I forgot to respond to this one.

Speaker 2:

Because I'm going through and it's like oh yeah, he did ask about that. The the worst is when you're in the group text and you're like man I swear that lou said this, but I can't find it, so I was I making it up and then you're like you go to, like your friend, you're like oh, there it is.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's over here my bad that happens, that's funny.

Speaker 2:

Happens way too often um whatever uh what's your white person thing?

Speaker 3:

that was today actually follow up doctor appointment with the neurosurgeon. Well, sort of neuro, they called it something. It wasn't just like, it wasn't neurology, I don't know whatever the word was neurosomething, and it was pretty basic, you know. It's like, okay, oh, I tell you what was cool, though. They got to see my x-rays and MRI on the screen and it's like, oh, this looks fantastic.

Speaker 3:

I was mad when I walked in the room because they had these models of the neck. I'm like man, I don't want this, I want a CGI version. I'm used to watching shit on tv. I've seen enough doctor tv shows. And then, yeah, then they came in and like pull out the monitor and was like, oh, so I got to see where the spine was, where the vertebrae was pressing up against my spinal cord. So that was kind of cool. So bottom line is I'll go back in a month to see, but I have to do physical therapy, um, to see if that helps with anything, because I still have this numbness in the left arm and left leg and the knee down. But we're talking minor. It's one of these things where, on a scale of 1 to 10, it's probably below 1. Like, I notice it's there, but it doesn't really cause any problems, I just notice it. No pain, yeah, no, surprisingly no, my nuts are okay.

Speaker 2:

It's really weird no pain, no, surprisingly no my nuts are okay it's really weird, but I mean, you already have a pimp limp.

Speaker 3:

Actually I don't, that's very dark for me to have a pimp limp. I tried I would screw it up. I look very retarded people. Real word. Look it up. That's how I look when I try to do that pimp walk.

Speaker 2:

Not a pretty sight so what you're saying is that you're saying, out of the three of us, jack has the best pimp flip.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that was ever going to be in debate Fair fair, but yeah, so that was my wake-up shit. Followed up on doctor's appointments and made the appointment myself and everything Went.

Speaker 2:

I know Good for you.

Speaker 3:

Man, I almost gave her my information. Did you have your mom do it for you? But yeah, so it all said and done, it was fine. When I was like, so there's numbness that I've had for a couple of weeks, he's like, yeah, that's not normal, let's go have you x-rayed. So, even though I had the MRI on file while I was there, they sent me down to have an x-ray. I was there, they sent me down to have an x-ray, did all that and they're like, okay, let's do physical therapy and then come back in early October, I think October, and then, if that's still, if I'm still numb the whole time, then they're going to recommend surgery on my neck to get that bone spur from pressing on my spine Spinal cord. So, oh yeah, I thought so too.

Speaker 2:

That sounds fun. That's not terrifying.

Speaker 3:

I'm all I look while you're in there y'all screw up and cut my spine, just kill me, just put me out. I ain't about to, I'm about to live paralyzed, neck down, shit, dude, I'm gonna make sure oh, you're paralyzed. Great. Can I pull the trigger with my tongue? Yeah, can I pull my trigger with a tongue?

Speaker 1:

you wake me up. I got some mad tongue skills.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I could pull the weight of a trigger with my tongue. Yeah, can I pull my trigger with a tongue? I've got some mad tongue skills. I don't know if I can pull the weight of a trigger, so right man.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so again it's one of these.

Speaker 3:

I'll worry about it in six weeks, five weeks, because for now it's just like okay, tomorrow I'll call PT and get that scheduled and do their exercises. I'll tell you what, though? I'm not so as much as I'm stubborn about a lot of shit and even going once you get me there it's like okay, you need to do this, okay, then I'll do it. You need to do this? Okay, then I'll do it. I don't care what it is, just tell me what it is and I'll do it. I'm loan debt for a reason, so I'll I'll trust your opinion on this. So, no, we want you to do this. Okay, I don't don't even care about it, so I'll wait the five weeks. Do what they tell me to do.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of like, like my uh, I'm looking over here because my numbers over here for my diabetic checks my blood sugars. It's like you're at 300, 200, whatever you know what my last one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine checks. So the last five, five days or so, all under 200. Dipping down to the 130s now it's like you just have to eat differently. Like that was pretty easy to do. Like I was telling earlier, marco's Pizza man they make that pizza bowl with no bread so I can have sauce, cheese and meats and not have to worry about the levels from the bread. I have to be careful about the sauce, cheese and meats and not have to worry about the levels from the bread. I have to be careful about the sauce. Obviously I won't dip the extra sauce because that has its own levels of sugars and whatnot. But overall dude this has been. I don't want to downplay it, but it's been a piece of cake Without having a piece of cake. Yeah, it's been a piece of cake.

Speaker 1:

Not a piece of cake.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's been a piece of cake.

Speaker 3:

It's great, I even went to, I even went to golden corral one of these, one of these times and just obviously meat and veggies stayed away from all the breads and stuff, meat and veggies.

Speaker 3:

And then it had sugar-free dessert, which wasn't terrible. It was a jello, so you know can't really screw that up, so it was sugar-free Jell-O. Still tasted kind of sweet. I enjoyed it. I don't feel like I'm missing out yet. I mean, it's only been three weeks, but I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. So yeah, so people out there, if you've got a diabetic issue or you might, or you're overdoing, it ain't the end of the world. I'm telling you right now I have yet to come across with oh, I want this. The closest would probably be because I got an email the other day all you can eat pasta bowl is back at Spaghetti Factory, that's. I mean, if that's what I'm giving up, oh, you know, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

It's like if these are, and it's not like you gotta remember, it's not like nothing is prohibited, just everything in moderation. However, if I want to go ape shit on pasta one day, I'm going to, and then I just will be fine. The next couple of days it's like I'm okay quote unquote, slipping because I know what I'm doing in the sense of okay, I know to keep. If I do it for dinner, I know that my breakfast and lunch are going to be basically almost carb-free type meals, knowing what's going to happen for dinner.

Speaker 3:

So I mean not that big of a deal. So yeah, white people shit would be being responsible with medical shit and actually followed up and rescheduled and things are going smoothly, knock on wood. So now it's just a matter of wait until the weekend, maybe Sunday, and add Hulu Live to my subscription so I can start watching sports ball for the next four months. Important stuff.

Speaker 2:

So episode 33 is when we'll get the next medical update I was going to say would that be right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is a long time.

Speaker 1:

That's a long time from now.

Speaker 3:

You say that, but we were just talking about planning something in September and we were like oh shit, september's here, that's not until two more days from now. Yeah, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, like I said, let's end this with our gratitude project. So again to reiterate my text I appreciate you guys. As a kid moving around a lot, it was hard to keep friends and shit. I've been friends with Duke since 1999 now. I mean I've known him literally more than half of my life. I can't say that we've had a lot of arguments and fights and all that shit and like broke up Shit. We live together. Episode three. Lou, I've been friends with you since six.

Speaker 3:

You got episode one on one side episode three on the other.

Speaker 1:

And same thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So, like I said, it's hard for me to keep friends. Just, I'm very stay atat-home, do my own thing, but I don't seem to annoy you guys. You stick around, you're there for my kids. What could I want? You know what I'm saying. They have zero problem calling you guys uncles and I'm good with it. So I appreciate you guys. I love you guys, you are. When we had to end this class, we had to write down all the stuff that's important. You were second right after my family, and when they started making us cross out one or two things at a time, I think I crossed out vacation and Comic-Cons and I think by the time it was left, it was family home, you guys and the pets.

Speaker 2:

And family was halfway crossed out.

Speaker 3:

I should have did this in pencil. Well, mine's a similar vein. Mine's real simple. As soon as you said it, especially with you two on the screen, it was real simple. I mean as soon as you said it, especially with you two on the screen, it was real simple. It was the fact that I get to be me around you.

Speaker 3:

I don't have to worry about any bullshit. Y'all know exactly how y'all know my OCD. Y'all know all my little particulars, all my bullshit, hate the left, hate the right, hate everything. Just pushing buttons for the sake of pushing buttons. And y'all are just like, yeah, that's Lou, and there isn't any kind of man. I have to be this way when I'm here. Oh, I can't say this or I shouldn't say that.

Speaker 3:

Nope, whatever comes to mind, I can say it without having to worry about offending you guys and without having to worry about are they still going to love me tomorrow? No, I don't have to do that and I can totally appreciate that. I've got two friends, that it doesn't matter, I can go off the rails. And y'all are going to be like okay, we know something's wrong, and you would know that if something really was wrong because you know me well enough.

Speaker 3:

Or it's like okay, losing a mood or whatever the case may be be, but you fact that you know me well enough where I don't have to be like, yeah, all right, I'm just gonna keep this to myself, I don't have to. I could be like, hey, like, with all this shit going, even even taking a step further with mom medical shit. I know I haven't had to do it yet, but I know if this shit hit the fan and I wasn't feeling good mentally about something that was going on, either one of you, I can pick up the phone and there's not going to be a problem having a conversation. That's something that you don't find too often, obviously, and for me, easy appreciation on that one to have you guys in my world.

Speaker 2:

So there you go. Well, now I feel like an asshole if I don't say you guys.

Speaker 3:

You can't say us guys now, so you got to save it for next week. So next week you're by yourself on that one.

Speaker 2:

And we look like the assholes yeah yeah, I was, you know, in the same vein, Like you know it's. You know, I'll just continue. The group blowjob. That's what's happening right now, so I'm good with that. Who's a twin? Is that a circle? It's a circle.

Speaker 3:

It's an aurora boat. What was that Loki thing?

Speaker 1:

It's a pyramid.

Speaker 3:

Is that what you were going to say? What was his name? What's that called?

Speaker 1:

Is that what?

Speaker 3:

it's called Ouroboros, ouroboros.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ob, the snake eating his tail, the snake that's eating his tail. I'm eating that tail. Yeah, I mean it's, you know. And again, I think this came up over Comic-Con, where I was like hey, where's the rest of the group? Because the first time that I met Lou and the first time I went to Comic-Con with you guys, there was like 10 people, 12 people, right, and now that's been 15 years, 16 years, something along those lines, since we've all gone together right, along those lines, since we've all gone together right.

Speaker 2:

And this trip, one of the things that I had to kind of like go, oh, like, these are my boys right, like, because, again, all those other people, none of them made. I'm sure that the conversation was hey, lou's here, I'm here, duke's here, right, jack says that, lou says jack's here, duke's here, blah, blah, blah. The fact that the fact that none of them made any effort at all to come around, right, or at least meet up for something, even to just dap it up and hug and OK, cool, we'll get back in line, right, considering how often we used to come across those guys just in the world, right, so we're all at Comic-Con. How many times do we come across Bill? How many times do we come across Bill how many times do we come across so-and-so right, so-and-so so.

Speaker 2:

The fact that I was able to come with you guys and still have that same experience without feeling like I was missing out on something, if that makes sense the fact that, you know, I think both Lou and I and I don't want to speak for you, lou, as far as this goes but when Jack was like we should do a podcast and I was like, all right, I'm going to do it because Jack wants to do it, right, like at the beginning, I was just kind of like, okay, I'll give Jack a month, he'll get tired of setting this stuff up and doing all the work and then we'll. You know and again, it wasn't stuff that, this wasn't me like being negative, it was just like I mean, we all have lives now and stuff happens and we get excited about something and we're into it. And then you know, for all I know, jack could have looked at the stats and been like, oh, three people have listened to one of our episodes. This isn't worth the time, right? But the fact that we've been able to stick it out for 26 weeks now, the fact that we're able to hang out with each other every week now for at least an hour, hour and a half, and then the time that we spend afterwards talking about the. You know, at some point we're going to have to start recording an after show.

Speaker 2:

You know, with the realness, right, the fact that we're able to still do this and still come up with an hour and a half of stuff, even while talking to each other through text through the course of the week, each other through text through the course of the week.

Speaker 2:

You know I, you know this is time. I value in time, that I that I try to go out of my as much, out of my way to be fully, fully, um, present. For you know, because there's a lot of stuff that I do where I'm just kind of like, you know, you're just kind of you're there and you're kind of paying attention to the conversation, but you've heard the stories before, you've heard the. You know like, oh good, okay, so, and so is going off on this again, cool, but you're not paying attention, right, but with this I'm completely present the whole time, you know, and and so, but it's not even an effort, like, it's just something that I want to do and so, yeah, so valuing this time with you guys. You know the fact that we're making this work with multiple time zones and multiple locations, and you know it means a lot. I totally agree.

Speaker 3:

And I would argue that absolutely. You're not speaking for me, because we talked about it offline before and it was like I'm down, jack wants to do this. I look, I just know who else. Who else would I rather be having a conversation with on on a regular basis? So no problem for me. If jack wants to go for the next 30 years, I'm going to be on for the next 30 years. If you guys want to stop later on, we'll stop later on. But I'm having I'm gonna lie, I'm having fun with this. It's.

Speaker 3:

It's a great time for, like you said, for us to catch up. Yeah, um, the fact like I didn't really think about that, but the fact that we chat throughout the week on our group text and still have an hour, hour and a half to chat with some more, it's like there's so much going on that we get to keep the opportunity to just like oh, I forgot, I didn't mention this to you guys, or I didn't mention that to you guys and then obviously, come next probably not next week, but the week after there'll be shit talking with our Fantasy Football League once we get that going. So there's going to be oh, how's this going? It's like never did. I know I would care about a Rams backup running back because he's on my team or some crap like that, a rams backup running back because he's on my team or some crap like that. So but uh, but yeah, I'm totally down, totally, it's absolute blast, it's fun, um, and it's like I'm already looking forward to next and obviously december, the next in-person meet for the three of us at least, obviously at least the three of us uh, for disney.

Speaker 3:

So it's, it's, it's, it's absolutely gone longer. This pod has gone longer than I was expecting it to, just because it was like we're not going to get anybody watching us. And then the more this went on, the less I even was even worried about that. It was like I don't even care if anybody watches us. It's like I'm having fun with just the three of us chatting. But I think you're onto something with the whole as soon as we log on.

Speaker 3:

Hit record Because a lot of times we're just talking shit and it'd be great for the cast.

Speaker 2:

That's kind of. To be honest with you that's what we did earlier, when we were waiting for you and you were having the problem, and it was like, well, I don't want to necessarily jump into Jack Talking about his class without recording it, because I don't want to have to have him Repeat all of that again. And so we just started recording and then you jumped in. So it'll be a funny thing to see how that pans out.

Speaker 3:

I'm certainly curious what you do is.

Speaker 1:

I know right, it looks like I'm actually going to listen to it this time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I know my first thought was what you do is with that part where I'm out. I know my first thought was what you do is with that part where I'm out. You have to get a screenshot of me, just like this, and then you put that on the screen and it's like the voice goes over. My mouth isn't moving at all, or just a loop of my mouth moving like this, just whatever, and you sit there Like will, madame love you.

Speaker 3:

I'll turn around so you get some shots behind me. So when need to me to say something, I'll just turn around. So it's like oh, that way you don't see my lips but it'll be a quick cut.

Speaker 1:

You won't turn, you'll go from facing forward all of a sudden, we'll just see the back of your head.

Speaker 3:

Stop recording, oh my god, that would be pretty funny actually, oh shit uh so yeah, there you go.

Speaker 1:

So, again, like I said, I'm I'm grateful that we are able to do this, that we we make it work, that you guys did stick by it. I know it was a stupid fucking idea, 100%. I didn't think we were going to get rich off of it. I thought we would entertain a couple people that want to listen to it and then, as it has gone by, yeah, three, four, five people download us a week, but you know what it's fun. When we're gone, this shit's still going to be on YouTube. People. You know, if something happens, we'll always have hours upon hours of just us bullshitting. So if something happens, if Luke gets paralyzed in a couple weeks and he kills himself, we have that. We can look back on it and be like here's what's happening. So if something happens, if Luke gets paralyzed in a couple weeks and he kills himself, we have that. We can look back on it and be like here's what happened.

Speaker 2:

We need at least one Christopher Reeve episode before you go.

Speaker 3:

Luke, there's too many jokes. I'm totally going to hell now, we can't leave all those jokes on the table. Come on now All the living color handyman jokes. Oh come on.

Speaker 2:

That's the littlest thing. That's. That straw is the littlest thing that's been in his mouth in years. I've met some Asians you don't know that.

Speaker 3:

Wait, do we have any Asians?

Speaker 2:

Big difference between skinny and short. Wait, is it a?

Speaker 3:

midget straw, wait, or a dwarf straw Dwarf, it's important shit.

Speaker 1:

You gotta know that.

Speaker 2:

Only you can tell us nevermind real quick, though the comment that I got is that people like it and I think Lou echoed this before people like it when we talk about our shit and not just talking about stuff.

Speaker 3:

It's preferred to have some of our own little stories in there, our personal stories, yeah like I said, as you go through this week, think of something you are grateful for.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't have to be us, we got all that shit out of the way Just something that you are grateful that you get to do. Yeah, you have to go to work unless you're Lou, but you're grateful you have a job to work unless you're Lou, but you're grateful you have a job, you're grateful for your girlfriend, you're grateful for whatever. So I just want that to be a continual thing and it will start off as stupid, I think, but I think that it will affect change in all of us.

Speaker 3:

I can only tell you what next week's is going to be. I'm going to give you all a head start. I'm grateful that this is going to make Thanksgiving prayer a lot easier.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You already have 364 days practice between the year and Thanksgiving Lou's going to be like this is what I'm thankful for.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to splice it all together.

Speaker 2:

Okay, guys, we'll allow the old TV with the VHS connected to it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, what are you thankful for? Hang on Wheel this out, play All right y'all, watch this.

Speaker 2:

I'll be back in 42 and a half hours.

Speaker 3:

Why are there 12 different jump cuts in this prayer? Don't worry about it, it's fine. On that note.

Speaker 2:

All right, gents, have a good week. Oh yeah, we'll do it again.

Speaker 3:

We'll do it again in seven, we'll be able to talk about opening night football.

Speaker 2:

It's all about the schedule app, All right guys, peace out, have a good week, all right, bye.

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