Manifest with Ashley

11 Tips To Become A Powerful Creator

January 01, 2024 Ashley Vaughn Season 1 Episode 3
11 Tips To Become A Powerful Creator
Manifest with Ashley
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Manifest with Ashley
11 Tips To Become A Powerful Creator
Jan 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Ashley Vaughn

On this podcast we discuss 11 tips to become a powerful creator...

Show Notes Transcript

On this podcast we discuss 11 tips to become a powerful creator...


Welcome to the manifest with Ashley podcast. I'm your host, Ashley Vaughn. I'm a mindset specialist and intuitive business coach on this podcast. We dive deep into the intricate realms of mindset and manifestation. Here we uncover the profound connections between our thoughts, beliefs, and reality, unraveling the secrets to unlocking our highest potential. So prepare yourself for a deep experience as we embark on this journey of personal and spiritual growth. On this week's podcast, I'm given 11 tips on how to become a very powerful creator. So the first few tips that I'm going to be giving have to do with using scripting as a powerful manifesting method. And if you follow me on any platforms or anything, then you know how often I talk about scripting. Scripting is one of my favorite methods to manifest. I do it for sometimes. One to three hours a day. I really believe in the power of it and I love how it makes me feel and how it makes me really dive into the details of that future reality and bring it into the now. And for those who aren't really familiar with scripting yet, scripting is just journaling like you're already living in the manifested reality and you're going into vivid detail about what it looks like, what it feels like, all in present tense. So tip number one is choose a future event that you want to experience and start to script about it. I want you to really imagine that you are in your body looking around, having that beautiful experience. What does it feel like? What does it smell like there? Go so deep into the details and just script about it like you're living in it right now and you're so grateful to be having that experience and start to do this ever so often about that day and really ground it into the now like just feel like when you're done visualizing this like this is my reality this is what I choose and then let it go. Tip number two, whenever you're scripting, use words with emotion often. You want to deeply feel into the future you're creating. I can't tell you how many times I have been visualizing certain scenarios playing out in my future, and I feel so happy that I'm like crying. That is when like major shifts are taking place within you. The more emotions you feel while doing these exercises, the better. Emotions are what really cause your manifestations to come in. Tip number three on how to become a very powerful creator. Visualize everything you want, script everything you want, and never limit yourself. Because we live in a very abundant universe, and it's very easy for the universe to give us things better than what we are requesting. So if you want 50, 000, say, I'm so happy and grateful that I'm making more than 50, 000 a year now. Whatever it is that you want. Just don't limit yourself. Don't put a cap on it because it's very easy for the universe to deliver something even greater. Tip number four, believing is key. When manifesting, you want to ask for things greater than what you have now, but not so great that you don't actually believe that they are going to become your reality. Belief is everything. So work on your belief system. Make sure it is in complete alignment to whatever you're manifesting. If you want to manifest triple the income that you have right now, but you don't feel worthy of it, then it's never going to come. You have to feel you have to believe like you are worthy of manifesting all of these things and you have to believe that it's actually going to happen to you. The belief is really the key to all of this. Number five, the universe loves details. Be as specific as you can about what it is that you desire. I like to think of it like we as human beings give off like radio signals and that's what the universe reads. So when your radio signal is very clear and you know exactly what you want, it's very easy for the universe to pick up on that and deliver it to you. But when you are like, you kind of want it or you kind of believe it's yours and you're kind of all over the place with it, then that's not something that you are strongly manifesting. So decide exactly what it is that you want and be locked in on it and then it'll become yours much faster. Number six. Don't ever worry about how your manifestations are going to come in. Just trust the universe completely and know that your manifestations can come in so much faster when your belief system doesn't limit how they have to come in. I've really learned over the years to not care at all. Just trust it and when you get in that mindset, you really can manifest things so much easier. Just let the universe do its thing. Don't try to control it at all. Number seven, get clear on your intentions around your manifestations because your intentions hold so much power within them and when your intentions are beautiful and pure, I feel like it really helps your manifestation to be so much more powerful and When your intentions are pure, it's usually in alignment with your soul and your purpose. And I just feel like when you have beautiful intentions, the universe really has your back and helps you align with those things so much faster. Number eight, create space for your manifestation to enter your life. To me, like, this is a big one. This is you prepping for the manifestation before you even have evidence that it's coming. So you're just letting the universe know that you believe so strongly that your manifestation is coming in, that you're going to go ahead and act on it. I've had clients who couldn't get pregnant and they started buying baby things and just feeling the excitement and letting it go. And then, you know, they're pregnant. And I know one thing I used to do is. I used to buy things for my home before I even had it and I just started storing them all just knowing that I was going to get this home and knowing that I wanted to have all these things ready when I got the home. Like every time I've ever prepared for a manifestation to come in, it always comes in. Number nine, and I talk about this often live in a state of gratitude for everything that you already have as often as possible. The universe loves a grateful heart and the universe will deliver everything to you if you walk around in a state of bliss, never complaining or anything like that, like just have a beautiful attitude and a very grateful heart. And you will manifest everything that you desire from being in that beautiful state of mind. Number 10, you want to make sure that your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are all in alignment with you already having the manifestation. And this is really the tip that comes with the most work because as you want manifestations and you start to attract that reality, all of your old beliefs. Will come up that are not in alignment with that version of you that has the manifestation. So you want to notice those beliefs when they come up. This is a very good sign when you start to have all of these negative beliefs surface, because those are coming up for you to observe and to, what I do is I write them down. And then I, like, mark them out and underneath them, write down every reason why those beliefs are false and why I choose not to believe that anymore. And then I list all of the new beliefs that are in alignment with that version of me who is living out the manifestation. So same thing with your thoughts. When you have negative thoughts come up, like you don't deserve it, Same thing, just be like, no, that's actually false. And I deserve it very much. You just take control and you kind of dismantle these old systems and rebuild it within yourself to become that version of you who's living that life that you're manifesting. And when it comes to the emotions, notice when you have negative emotions come up, I like to think of those as a tool, guiding me back to thoughts that are actually in alignment with the life I'm creating. So, you know, if I have a negative emotion come up, that's because I'm Actually starting to move forward to not receiving my manifestation because I might be doubting it or feeling like, Oh, where is it? It hasn't came in yet. Things like that. So the negative emotions come up to show us like, Hey, you're not. In alignment with the desired outcome, so then I will just check myself and be like, okay, let me reach for thoughts that feel better until my emotions actually reach like a neutral state, and then I'll work it up until they reach a positive state that is actually in alignment with me having received the manifestation. And the last tip that I'm going to give you today, tip number 11 is get very clear on what that version of you who is living in the manifestation looks like, feels like, thinks like, what are their beliefs like, what do they think every day as they move throughout their day, how do they feel, what do they wear, like get very detailed on what that version of you who's living out the manifestation is like and start to be aware of that. Like that version of you right now. Do it every day, all day long. And that is how you really ground in your manifestations and bring them into your reality very fast. All right. So that is our 11 tips to help you become a very powerful creator. That was a short episode, but a very powerful one. If you really pay attention and apply all of those steps, you are definitely going to be able to manifest a whole new life for yourself fast.