Savvy Anto's Money Moves

Breaking the Paycheck Mentality: Empowering Real Estate Agents to Thrive as Entrepreneurs

December 13, 2023 Antonette Season 1 Episode 4
Breaking the Paycheck Mentality: Empowering Real Estate Agents to Thrive as Entrepreneurs
Savvy Anto's Money Moves
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Savvy Anto's Money Moves
Breaking the Paycheck Mentality: Empowering Real Estate Agents to Thrive as Entrepreneurs
Dec 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4

🎙️ Welcome to "Savvy Anto's Money Moves" – the podcast where finance, real estate, and bold thinking converge. In this episode, join your host, Savvy Anto, as she delves into the critical mindset shift needed for real estate agents to transcend the paycheck mentality and embrace their true potential as entrepreneurs.

Sponsored by A.E. Pinnacle Accounting, Savvy discusses the common traps of viewing commissions as mere paychecks and how this limits growth and innovation in the real estate sector. She shares the compelling story of a real estate agent who transformed his career by adopting an entrepreneurial mindset and smart financial management.

This episode is a wake-up call to all real estate professionals: it's time to think bigger, plan smarter, and act boldly. Tune in to learn how shifting your perspective can lead to building a sustainable and thriving business empire in real estate. Prepare to be inspired and motivated to take control of your financial future and reshape your career trajectory.

🌟 Remember, you're not just selling homes; you're building a legacy. Don't miss this empowering episode of Savvy Anto's Money Moves! 🌟

Show Notes Transcript

🎙️ Welcome to "Savvy Anto's Money Moves" – the podcast where finance, real estate, and bold thinking converge. In this episode, join your host, Savvy Anto, as she delves into the critical mindset shift needed for real estate agents to transcend the paycheck mentality and embrace their true potential as entrepreneurs.

Sponsored by A.E. Pinnacle Accounting, Savvy discusses the common traps of viewing commissions as mere paychecks and how this limits growth and innovation in the real estate sector. She shares the compelling story of a real estate agent who transformed his career by adopting an entrepreneurial mindset and smart financial management.

This episode is a wake-up call to all real estate professionals: it's time to think bigger, plan smarter, and act boldly. Tune in to learn how shifting your perspective can lead to building a sustainable and thriving business empire in real estate. Prepare to be inspired and motivated to take control of your financial future and reshape your career trajectory.

🌟 Remember, you're not just selling homes; you're building a legacy. Don't miss this empowering episode of Savvy Anto's Money Moves! 🌟

Welcome to another episode of Savvy Anto's Money Moves, the podcast that dares to challenge the status quo of the world of finance, accounting, and real estate. I'm your host, Savvy Anto, and today we're diving deep into a mindset shift that could revolutionize your career in real estate. Before we begin, a quick shout out to A. E. Pinnacle Accounting. They're your go to experts for top notch bookkeeping services tailored for real estate professionals. I'm going to discuss the paycheck mentality, which is a roadblock to success for many real estate agents. Treating commissions like a paycheck is the biggest mistake a real estate agent can make. I'm just going to dive into how this mindset limits your growth and hinders the development of a true entrepreneurial spirit. The first reason why it does is just that lack of reinvestment that they do when they think of a commission check like a paycheck. So for a moment, imagine your commission like a seed. If you eat the seed, which is spending your commission, you can't plan it to grow more seeds and growing more speeds as akin to expanding your business. So when real estate agents treat their commissions just like a regular paycheck, they often just use it to cover their day to day expenses. This means they're not putting any money back into their businesses to make it better. It's like having a car, but never servicing it. Eventually, it won't run well. If agents don't invest in things like advertising, learning new skills or using better tools to make their work easier, they'll miss out on chances to attract more clients and do their job better. Another issue is that real estate agents are risk averse. This point is just really about that. They play it too safe. If you're always scared of losing what you have, You'll never take the chances that could lead to bigger wins. For real estate agents, being too cautious means that they might avoid trying new ways of doing things or exploring new kinds of deals that could actually end up making them more successful. It's like never leaving your hometown to explore new places because you're afraid of getting lost. Sure, you're safe, but you'll miss out on all the amazing things that you could discover. Another issue I see is like so many agents are just dependent on the market cycles and the real estate market is really like a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down. If real estate agents rely solely on their commissions as income, it's like Having only one type of food to eat when the market is good. It's like having lots of food. You're fine. You're happy. Life is great. But when the market goes down, it's like running out of food. You could be in a lot of trouble because you have nothing else to fall back on. It's risky because you can't control the market just like you can't control the weather. So in bad times, you might struggle financially because you weren't prepared for the lean periods. Real estate agents are entrepreneurs, but many, they don't act like it. Think about it as a real estate agent. You're not just showing homes and closing deals. You're managing your own business every day. You're marketing yourself, handling clients and making strategic decisions. That's what entrepreneurs do, but here's the kicker, many agents don't see themselves this way. They think that they're just working a job waiting for commissions like it's a regular paycheck. That's a huge mistake. Let's just break it down in simple terms. Imagine you're running a small shop. Every decision you make, from the products you stock to the way you advertise, affects your business. It's the same in real estate, the houses you show. The relationships you build and the way you market yourself. These are all crucial business decisions. When you start seeing each of these actions as part of running your own business, that's when the magic happens. Now, here's the part that might sting a bit. If you're not thinking like a business owner, You're just another employee. Harsh, but true. Being an employee means waiting for things to happen. Being an entrepreneur, that means making things happen. As an entrepreneur, you're the boss. You set goals, you make the plans and you reap the rewards. It's all about taking control. It's about looking at the big picture and not just the next commission check. It's about building something lasting, something you can be proud of. So what does this mean for you, the real estate agent? It means it's time to shake off that employee mindset and start thinking like a CEO of your own business. Plan your growth, invest in yourself, and don't be afraid. to take risk. The real estate industry is full of potential, but it's up to you to tap into it. Remember with great power comes great responsibility and embracing the role of an entrepreneur means that you're responsible for your success, but it also means that you have the freedom to shape your career exactly how you want it. So let's start thinking bigger guys. You're not just selling homes. You're building a business empire. Financial mismanagement is why many real estate agents struggle. Let's dive deeper into why mismanaging your dough can be a silent killer for real estate agents. It's a common trap. You make a sale, the commission rolls in, and it feels like success. But here's the twist. Making money and managing it wisely are two different ball games. Many agents fall into this earn and spend cycle. You close the deal, celebrate with the splurge, and before you know it, you're back to square one, hunting for the next sale to refill your pockets. This cycle is like running on a treadmill. Lots of effort, but you're not going anywhere financially. Another common issue is looking at commission as it's a standalone win rather than part of your overall financial journey. It's like celebrating every yard gain in football. Without a game plan to reach the end zone. You need a strategy that looks beyond the immediate cash flow And often real estate agents don't even track where their money is dripping away. Unnoticed expenses like fancy marketing tools, lavish client dinners, or even just not keeping tabs on their day to day expenditures can really eat into the profits. Think of your earnings as a bucket of water. You want to plug those leaks to keep it full. Real estate can be a rollercoaster ride, big paydays, followed by dry spells. Without smart money management, you can find yourself in a financial drought, using your savings to get by until your next big sale. So it's crucial to plan for these fluctuations, setting aside funds during the good times to cushion the bad times. And many agents miss out on using their earnings to invest in themselves and their business. So this isn't just about stocks or real estate investments, It's about investing in better tools and training and services that can really elevate your game. It's like having a powerful car, but never tuning it up. You're not leveraging its full potential. Real estate isn't just about closing deals. It's about what you do with the money after the handshake. And by understanding and avoiding these common financial pitfalls, you can navigate your real estate career with more confidence, stability, and long term growth. That means being a smarter driver at the wheel of your financial car, steering your earnings toward a more secure and prosperous future. I want to share a story that perfectly illustrates everything we've been talking about. It's about a real estate agent that we know, and his journey from struggling and to thriving. And this is just definitely a testament to the power of smart financial management and the mindset shift from a paycheck mentality to entrepreneurial thinking. So this agent that we know, started out like many agents, just treating each commission like a paycheck. And he lived from sale to sale. Often spending his earnings as soon as they came in and this cycle meant that there was no growth There was no savings just constant stress He was always stressed out about where the next paycheck would come from he said it brought a lot of stress on him His wife his kids his families because he was just always stressed and he was always playing catch up never getting ahead Everything changed for him. He said when he attended this real estate conference and a speaker was talking about how agents are essentially their own business owners. And this was a light bulb moment for him. He realized that he was more than just the salesperson. He was an entrepreneur in charge of his own financial destiny. So in his mind, he knew he had to change his approach to his finances. And so he started getting serious about his bookkeeping and he began to track every income in every expense. And this was just an eye opener. He was seeing where his money was going and identified areas where he was overspending. And then when he got too busy cause he really started to grow, he was unable to really just handle it all on his own. And that's actually when he turned to our firm, 80 pinnacle accounting and we helped them understand his financial situation in depth. we implemented strategies for better money management and we showed him how to plan for the future. With our guidance, he started making more informed decisions. He was investing in areas that would bring him long term returns. Now let's fast forward to today. He is not just surviving. He is thriving. He has a growing savings account. He's investing in property himself. He even started a small team of agents under his brand. The biggest change? Well, he's no longer living sell to sell. Yay! He's planning and growing and building a real estate business with a solid financial foundation. So, Hestore is just a powerful example of how shifting your mindset and managing your finances smartly can completely transform your career in real estate. Remember, it's not just about selling properties. It's about managing the money you make from those sales effectively. Thank you for listening to this episode of Savvy Antos Money Moves, and if this story has inspired you, or if you have a similar experience, I'd love to hear from you. Also, remember that good financial management isn't just for the big players. It's crucial for everyone in the real estate game. By paying attention to your finances and making data driven decisions, you're setting yourself up for success for the long term and long term stability. So wonderful listeners, I'm here to ignite a spark within you today. You've been on quite a journey. Exploring the vast landscape of real estate and finance. But I just want to hit something that's closer to home, which is your mindset. This is the powerful engine that drives your actions. It shapes your decisions and ultimately carves your path to success. So today, I challenge you, yes you, to take a moment and really reflect on how you view yourself in this vast and exciting world of real estate. Are you seeing yourself just as an agent who waits for the next commission check? Or are you ready to embrace the truth that you are a business owner, an entrepreneur with the power to chart your own course? This shift in perspective, my friends, is not just motivational talk. It's the cornerstone of transforming your career from ordinary to extraordinary. Think about it as a business owner, every decision you make, every property you sell and every relationship. You build shapes your empire. Your actions today are the foundation of your future success, but it doesn't stop there. It's about thinking strategically, managing your finances with intelligence and foresight and constantly seeking growth. It's time to step out of the shadows of doubt and uncertainty. It's time to stop thinking small and start dreaming big. The world of real estate is not just about selling properties. It's about creating a legacy, building a brand and making an impact. So I ask you, Are you ready to take that leap? Are you prepared to transform your mindset and start acting like a true business owner? Are you prepared to transform your mindset and start acting like the true business owner you're destined to be? It's not just a change, it's an evolution, a rebirth into a world of endless possibilities. So, as you reflect on this, Remember, you're not alone. This journey is yours, but the path is shared by many people who have walked it before and many people who walk it with you now. And if you ever need a guide in hand, remember here at Savvy Anto's Money Moves and our community, we are here to support you every step of the way. So thank you so much for tuning in today and just keep pushing, keep growing and never stop moving towards your dreams. Savvy Anto signing off, but always cheering for your success. And don't forget to tune in for our next episode where we dive deeper in the world of accounting and finance and real estate. All right, till next time.