The Popcorn Pundits

Poor Things

January 16, 2024 James Peter Season 1 Episode 12
Poor Things
The Popcorn Pundits
Show Notes Transcript

Was Poor Things too weird or not weird enough?

And then you say cough. You've been doing this for how long now? 12 weeks now. Hey. 12 weeks. Bali or Berbee. Well, doesn't he say at Crowley? Not anymore. Thank you. Did you have to press the person? my wife is. Yeah. I was gone. All funny, my fight. Because mine's my fight. Not your fight. We're not as good. Just. I want to go slow troubles of wifi. We've had a new role with us. Haven't we James, on super small today to try to impress you when you've come in your room. Japanese salvage denim. I want some of these genes. That's really cool. They comfy. Not when he first put them on. It's like wearing cardboard trails. I, sorry. Um, I saw a really great YouTube video first. First from a company who make. Unwashed natural damn jeans like that. Anybody said don't buy jeans. They're rubbish. Um, also don't listen to your music on vinyl. It's scratchy. Yeah. Yeah. And he had like three or four other kinds of versions of. Do you like that? I'm reverse advertising, but it was like really, really good. Drive electric cars. yes. Can we take this? Shall we shall we, shall we. With the hour today. With the promise. We will. We have the 53 minutes. Almost pop. Popcorn pundits podcast, week 12, we did a different, we did. Just to keep them on their toes. And I knew LA out there. Hi guys. In television land. Ah, so this is your. Okay, this is your popcorn. It's podcast. A weekly review of released movies on the silver screen and also on the small screen at home, I've got a bigger screen than it was before. Well, I've got screed, MB. All of a sudden. Yeah, we like to, uh, highlight varies, give small facts. And ensure that people know. What movies they should be watching or what movies they shouldn't be watching. Through our personal points of view. Yeah. But she's got to look an unsafe NABI. Um, description and kind of review of what we've seen. And sometimes we agree and sometimes we don't and if they agree or disagree with us, get in contact with us. Wait, we are getting more comments. We're encouraging you to get in contact with us, encouraging you to let us know what films you see. Uh, coaching you to comment on our reviews. Um, I'm going to start. I'm asking you to start posting all of the, um, Reviews that we're doing as in like new blood marks out of 10. Okay. I see. From from, from, from week one, I think we started doing that. Um, so, uh, tonight, Thursdays, Yes. Podcast on the. 16. Of January. Yes. 2024 and 24. We're going to be reviewing. Thursday the 18th. Nope. No, no. Yes, the 16th tomorrow. Is it a. Somebody at court. oh yeah. Cause you're doing a nice one. Oh, gosh. That's fine. He needs to know. If you are a regular listener or viewer of the popcorn pundits, you know that we're going to be doing the top 10. I'll just send them a releases. We're going to be reviewed Peter and I are going to be reviewing your movie, the other book seeds together or individually. And then we'll get you to about homework. Yes, we are showy. We show. OTPT. Okay. So this is the UK top 10 as of the 15th of January, 2023, which is a Monday. Number 10 is the boys in the boat, which is the George Clinton three. What did I say? Oh yeah, it's nice. 2023. But the films right. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry website. We got all the resources for them. Not updated the year. I'm having a really bad start. rubbish. Um, the one that was filmed locally in Marley, what is podcast? Yes, it is. Yeah. George was hanging around like a bad smell. And they had a, they had a preview. Yeah. They had a launch. Yeah, every man cinema on Sunday, we didn't get invited. All of my contacts and got. And from every single one of them. So George, next time, man. Seriously. You could give me a good review. I'll give you any review because neither of us had been to see it. No, we haven't. We also haven't been seen number nine wish. Which the Disney film, which is rolling. Number eight. Cause it's a whore shit. Not going to see it. Aqua man. And the lost kingdom. I haven't heard a good word said about this. But, I mean, it has, it has raised a bit of cash in it, but anyway, there we go. Um, so number seven is the boy in the Heron. Yes. I went to see it yesterday afternoon. And it's, it's a, it's a really beautiful thing. I have to say, I am. Is it as beautiful as the early Gimli movies. So I, I'm not, uh, I'm not an expert at the studio. I'm, I'm not, my daughter is a huge fan. And so she wanted to go and, uh, achieving. She thought was really good. I mean, we all came out, not really understanding what the fuck had happened to be tailored on. So you, because you think it was a gimme movie that wasn't it, you think the boy and the Heron is kind of like, is quite a good description of what's going to happen in the film. Yeah. At the heroin, isn't it. Heroin. Yeah. No. It's straight in. Council's not castle. No. But yeah. Yeah, but anyway, I really enjoyed. It's really, really good film actually beautifully made. And the animation was incredible. What I love is the fact that. The. The animation backdrop animation is super, super detailed. Like very, very fine art backgrounds. And then the main characters in it. top, but weirdly it just, it just works. Fantastic. I love the fact that it feels like it's been translated from Japanese into English, which I needed to meet with whatever, but it's not at all. What do you mean? As in like, it's not. When I first started watching these movies. Yeah. I was under the impression that it was either. Tie a tie or join some Oriental movie Japanese. That'd been translated into English. Yeah. It's not it's written in English to start off with and voice in English. Yes. Anyway, what was your school? How can you see that either dubbed or with subtitles then? I don't know. Unless they turned it into. Um, very confined. Exactly. More to come next week. At school. Oh, I'm the coolest straight in there. I'm going to give it a 7.1. Ooh. Yeah, it's made me want to go and see more of his films. So number six is Priscilla Priscilla switch, push, refresh. Um, which I shall, I really want to see, I think it's starting. It's going to be quite interesting, but you really don't. So I'm going to see it on mine so you can go and see number five, the beekeeper on your own, weirdly that has some good reviews. No, it hasn't. That was my, your mate. We went to cinema yesterday, but yeah. Yes. It's a B-movie number four is one life. It didn't. I didn't get it. I don't know what's wrong with me today, but it's brilliant. Can you ignore that? So sorry guys. I did some more of these today, please. Thank you very much. One life brilliant movie, but it's dropping like a stain. So please go and see everything. Yes, please do. Uh, number three is anyone but you, which I haven't been to see, I don't really fancy it to be honest. Uh, number two is poor things, which we both went to see, uh, After I think the boys, the heroin actually. Yes. It's. Yeah, it's definitely a movie to talk about. Yes. This will be reviewed in a moment. So hold your horses. Uh, number one is one car. I was going to try and let you try to cut you off before he interrupted me again. But anyway, there's no raised 56 million quid. Well done. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't know. Yeah. Yes. Awesome. Fantastic. This week's top 10, whether it's the 15th of January 20, 23 or 24 now. Yeah. Sorry, poor things. So, this is now the, your weekly review of the latest release. And we're talking about the number two in the charts. It's going to top tow charts and you don't get giddy about going to see if it was very much because. Do you watch everything all the time? It's been a little bit giggly girly about going to see Emma Stone in this for the last kind of three or four weeks. And knowing it's coming. We've seen trailers and the trailers are. I mean, they are. Hysterically funny on me. They're very, very good. Weirdly, it's not Emma Stone weirdly. It's not a rough, lonely. And it really is not even willing to fight. It's the director. Is it, uh, yeah. Um, Uh, a Greek friend who I'm going to butcher pronouncing his name. Low costs. Less than no monogamous. Let's just leave it like that. Something like that. Or it's not. Yes. Um, he's responsible for the favorite, which is. Juul blindingly. Beautiful. Um, the lobster, which is fantastic and the killing of the sacred day, which is dark, dark, dark, and dark tooth, which I haven't seen yet. But those, those three films go, go street, go. Need to download them and watch them on, on, on, on, on a small screen at home. They are a beauty to have. Fair enough. Have you seen any of them? I haven't seen any of them. Favorite. You will love. Okay. I like the flavor I'm, uh, I'm away this week. So I'm going to, I'm going to watch that one. I'll be keeping an eye on. Yeah. Perfect. Thank you very much outside your cabin in the woods. That's a different sale. Yes. So this movie, yes. It's, um, it's a really kind of basic storyline, isn't it? So it's kind of like a Frankenstein esque type story. Very, very much so. So the, the, the, the kind of concept is that, um, the first opening scene is Emma Stone. Uh, as a depressed grown woman, flinging herself from a London bridge. Into the, into the 10. Yep. And then, um, it cuts to Willem Defoe's. Whose house guests, where basically he has removed Emma Stone's brain and replaced it with a baby's brain. Um, and I think that's what you kind of get from the trailer. Isn't it? Yeah. That's kind of the point we went to the trailer where you kind of see her as a grown woman. That's right. Um, but with the mentality of a baby, That's right. Um, and then it's kind of the development of a human grown woman with a baby's brain, which has kind of accelerated to, I think, to add kind of drama to the film. But that. It'd be a really lonely, it would be, it would be BARR. That doesn't kind of really explain what this film's about. Yup. So w when you go into the darker side of what, we're, what we're looking at. So it's produced by a mistake as well. It is. So she's had some, she's a. And rightly so because she puts so much of a self into, I felt. And she really laid us out completely back there in more than one way in this movie. In every possible way, physically, mentally, and now. I've always really liked Emma stain. Right? And I love her as an actress. I can't think of anything like don't like her in. Right. But as soon as the storm started, I really struggled with her as, as the infant Emma Stone. I found it really, really uncomfortable. And I didn't actually to start with, I didn't. Really like her acting in it, it kind of felt really hammy and forced. But then you realize that you actually just doing a phenomenal baby. It's so incredible because you see, I, you know, I said about that autobiography the other day. Yes. The more you get to know them, the more you love them. Yep. It was that kind of experience. I think that's exactly what the director was trying to do. So what you have here is you have a, you have a, a development of a character within a character physically. Um, over over two and a half an hour period. And you're literally watching. The that you lit. You're literally watching the brain of a child inside an adult. Fascinated with the world. Purely as a whole world as a giant experiment. But with that fearlessness. Yes, I have an infant. Absolutely absolutely hysterical because she doesn't act like an infant. Now, this is, this is the second moment where I felt really quite uncomfortable. Well, yes. Controversy. Yeah. It's basically there. Men are portrayed. Fantastically well in this film, Apart from wound guy. Yeah, one guy sort of stands out and. Does this shining beacon of yes, just true. And a nice guy. Yeah, absolutely. Played by Ramzi Yousef and yeah. It's again, a really beautifully acted part, actually. It's great. It's very difficult for him because everybody else around him is. Completely insane. he's fun. He's fun to do. He's found a new place in my heart reef. In in, in this. And it's maybe because I've never seen him. So honey. And so Dick dastardly. In my entire life, absolutely hysterical. And you can even see that he thinks he's hysterical when he's acting it. You can imagine the offcuts of this film. Yes. But on the, on the cutting room floor, because they've just pissed themselves laughing. Yeah. Through the so much. It's um, yeah, I mean, it is absolutely brilliant mark, roughly, basically. So as she developed. As that Mustang develops as a, um, As a character and becomes a woman. Baby inside Emma. Absolutely. Right. And, uh, and basically as she, as she kind of developed into an adolescent and to her, like her, her mature years, What's the phrase she uses for Shagun. Oh, fit fit. Bouncing or jumping. Um, or doing the job. I'm going to do, I'm going to do the job on AbleTo. There was a lot of furious jumping. There's lots of, Hewish jumping a lot to doing the job absolutely more so than I would ever thought that would have been. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, if there. It just definitely wouldn't have had the BFI brief sex scenes with. Like I didn't expect it to be an 18. No, I mean, that's all, there was a lot of nudity in it. Yes. And a lot of sex scenes are now. It looks better in black and white. We had the audit in a way. I think we all do. Yeah. So, so with this director, is he known for like his set design and that type of thing? Because very much so. It was absolutely stunning. I was going to give you some references with particularly the. The traveling journey and the city scapes and sort of say force. Have you ever seen a film called delicatessen? I have. Well, does it. References to, to those two French brother directors and obviously last city. Uh, is it it's the same under the same director as well? And aliens free as well, weirdly. And it's always that sort of steam punkish, but really stylized. So it's kind of creepy, but. Realistic at the same time. Yeah. I mean, it is super steampunk, but there's also like a lot of Goudy esque architecture. When the ceilings in Willem Defoe's house, I like this rippled. Um, fabric type C I S actually stunning. You're in. It's just absolutely fascinating. And you're just kind of like looking around everywhere. Everything is absolutely incredible. I think, I think. In a way, I think her costume design. Reflected the whole design of the whole film. Yeah. CPU. But even, even the guy he's addressed absolutely impact me. I mean, mark, roughly. The suits were incredible. Sure. Dress shirt without waffle. It was amazing. Wasn't it? Absolutely incredible. And I was checking out the buttons as well. Really quite amazed by. So all. No, I think they, they, they all did an incredible job. The, this is still going on, obviously follows her. Um, Maturing. But also I felt that there was an element of. I think there's one of the main stories. One of the main stories I thought. I came from that. There was so much laughter at the start of the film because she was an adolescent. She was so young and everything was shiny and new and everything was funny. And the more she learns the knowledge took away a lot of that joy. And at the end, there was new Julia at all. In fact, She at the end when she's speaking coherently. And cheese. There's no laughter. At all. And I said, that was quite an important message. Yes, I think. So she kind of relearn what the world was about. Um, and she'd come got back to that adult life, as opposed to the joys of infancy when you don't have any stresses or anything. Yeah. Also the, the, the role, the reversal of men's treatment of her when she starts developing a brain is. I mean, it's a very, very interesting, yes, it's a very interesting development. And yet again, another film. That has. Using a stage presence as a very direct. Way of portraying the story. But it was Crispin. Did an act several different acts as a filter on. I mean. Uh, to me, this was more, this was, this felt more book like them play like. It did kind of feel like we're on a journey and, um, yeah. Um, and the different kind of. The different scenes that we were kind of watching her in. And I mean, when they got to Paris, I. It's just hysterical. I mean, it's just incredible. And the ex-husband came along and they, they, they, they. So that was so at the beginning of the film, They, they. Start straight away with Emma Stone story. And I must admit my first thought was where's she come from? And there's no reference to that the whole week. Cleverly. Yeah. Yeah, towards the end. The history is kind of brought back to kind of round off the Roundup. On top of this president, isn't it for? Yeah, absolutely. And, um, yeah, and I I'm, because I must admit the most of the way through the film. I was concerned as to how they hadn't addressed. Yes. Her past life. Yes. We're trying not to ruin kind of spoiler in the film. So it's um, but yeah. Based on a book. Yes. So because, um, Alistair gray. You right. Um, he was approached by yard Goss. Leslie Moss. a couple of letters out. Yeah. About adapting, poor things in 2009. It's three more in it. Right to him on a person. Sort of Glasgow and showed him all the locations that eat included in the novel. Oh, really? Gracious and left them was. Said he was a lovely man. Unfortunately he died a couple of years before we actually made the film, but he was very special and energetic. He was an 80 something when we met. Uh, and as soon as I got there, he'd seen dog tooth. Uh, and said, I have my friend put the DVD, or because they didn't know how to operate these things, but I think you're a very talented young man. Ah, so he said to him, adapted it into a field. So if you'd like, if you'd like to delicatessen, if you like, uh, The film references, would you give it? Um, the ReAnimator so basically all of the kind of early Willem Defoe stuff was done in black and white and the, the reanimation scene was a very much direct that direct tape from the animator. I thought Willem Defoe was. Outstanding. Absolutely under. Do you mean he kept it low? I felt she did keep it low, but. He played it at what apps you spot on. Right? He's got this really. Grueling Glaswegian accent. And it's, um, and, and. The more, he kind of explains about how he became this Frankenstein kind of character with his relationship with his dad. The more you can. He comes across. So sorry for him. It's just like, Because it could be a nice chat. But he didn't. At all, actually. Because there's the ethicalness of what he was actually doing, which is quite, he was a scientist. Bravo wasn't he, he was trying to remove emotion from his life. Yes. However, I mean, the, the creations. Brilliant. Yeah. I mean some of, some of the special effects in this film, the goat. So good. These weird and subtle and dumb. So well. You look at it. It takes a double take some time. Did he get. I know you're looking at a screen and they're going. Well, we want to duck in a, yeah, we went with a friend of yours. And when the pig chicken. Appeared on the screen. Yes. He shouted out what the fuck is that? It's like some Debby buddy's idea. Good point. Well, you've got to point out the mixture between the black and white and the color. Uh, film used, which, which. Which was subtle, which was really subtle to begin with. And then so subtle, halfway through, do you didn't even notice the change? At what were you waiting for? Like a wizard of Oz moment. I was, I was waiting for that. Um, where are we going to go to color? And yet it kind of did, but it just wasn't. Yeah. And it was used the reference point for past. And then it was using present. I never knew this thing was explained. And I really like that. Yeah. It was revealed as September 20, 23 and an issue of empire that last, the Moss gave the screen, like to TD map. Namar. Three films. The tone. Like for references for tone and feel of the film. What films do you think he was? If Jay Jason mail this weight and he. Maybe you should do. So we're asking for films that will say. When I'm laughing more scape the screen by to. Some references saying, I want it to be this tone in this. Well, I'm going to say the delicatessen a hundred percent. Yeah. And, um, the third one, I don't know, go and give us a third. Frankenstein. What you got. So it was, and the ship sails on the 1983 film. the 1967 film. And young Frankenstein, the 1970s. Frankenstein. Yes. Um, There, there is, there is obviously a bit of controversy in reference to, um, The sex scenes and what was going on and so on and so forth. Yeah. Um, I personally feel that that, that there's there needs. For the director behind you on. I caught it in, in, in a filmer tool, because if this ever were to happen in real life, There's two, there's a bigger issues to do with. Personally. Also the, the contentious moment. Which is basically a man trying to have sex with a woman who, a beautiful woman who has an infant's brain. Yes. It leaves you hanging so uncomfortably when you're watching it. But I think it addresses it pretty well. And also I'm not being funny. We live in a pretty dark society where. It's not a, it's not an awful thing to address problems that we haven't. And it's certainly addressed them head on. Um, is it time for your schools before we going? I got I. Can I, can I get, can I just give you three quotes from the film, please? That will inspire people to watch this. Are you going to do it in Emma Stone, baby talk. No, no, no. But it's really them all from Bella. Okay. So better. These are my favorite quotes from. For the film. Okay. I must go punch that baby. That's the scene. Where they're out for dinner and it's like a dinner dance. Isn't it. Oh, I is. It is absolutely brilliant. And it added context. That doesn't sound that funny, but when you first, when you see the film, it is. Absolutely fantastic. And we've all been there. Um, I have adventure debt. And found nothing but sugar and violent. the whole world, which is absolutely beautiful. When I get my shit guys. Exactly. And it's continue with a sugar and violence. Um, why keep it in my mouth when it's revolting? Yeah. I love that comment as well. A life motto. And then I've got one for Peter divvied out because this is more pizzas. A world where, um, that were there. Okay. But Roscoe are you exposed to between all of that? Yes, we're all masters of our own ships. You can't come face depths yet. And that's pretty much. It's the whole speech all the way through the whole. He is. That his characters is phenomenal. Yeah, absolutely. I know. Really interested what you're going to score this? Yes. Did you think there's anything? Okay, we're going to ask what we're going to prove it. Did you think, do you think it was too long? No. Yeah. In fact, uh, our colleagues with this. It was tough an hour too long. I think you could have added into the half an hour to what I was in. Other than deep I was into now, the boy in the Heron. Aye. Struggled with the last, like half an hour of, of that. Okay. I thought it wasn't a little overlong and then I was kind of, I was kind of concerned that we're going to be going to like a two hour plus kind of epic after that. It wasn't too long at all. And in fact, I think that, I think. Because it had such strong. Seeing that we're different from each other. The journey was so different from it. Each path of the journey was so different from each other. And so intriguing and also it wasn't just the aesthetic. So it wasn't just, it was the whole, the whole storage changed from clearly to certainly say, because her. Fascinated with, with experimenting and learning about the world. And took it. Completely different directions. I felt. Yeah, I thought I can engage. It kept me very, very much engaged. Give score, James. I'm giving it a. 9.1. Wow, honestly. Honestly, I adored it. I adored, I adored it is fresh. It is groundbreaking. It is watchable over and over and over again because so many small things that are, that you would miss. I'm definitely go to the cinema to watch again. And if anybody wants to come see me, whether it be, let me know and Instagram, and I'll happy to come with you. Awesome. Pizza. At school. So my score is based on the fact that I, as soon as the film started, I thought I was going to hate it because I couldn't stand the way that Emma Stone was in it. And the fact that I then realized that actually I'm stupid and that's what I was supposed to do. Yeah. And then fell in love with her doing the film. Yes. I'm scoring a nine. Yes. It's absolutely incredible. So divided. To that is at nine point. Yeah. Call it a 9.1. Yeah. Cool at 9.1. Yeah. Nice. It's actually the, I M D B score is 8.4. Oh, okay. So we're actually, as a combined score, that's pretty close for us. Yeah, that's pretty decent. Had 301 nominations of 58 wins so far. Just got to mop the award. I remember when we first saw killers of the flower moon. And I said, I didn't feel like it was going to win an Oscar. Yes. Um, I feel absolutely vindicated in that now, because that was nothing compared to this day, the acting was nothing as good cinematography has. No, it was good. The sets were nowhere near as good. This is better in every way, shape or form. Yep. I put this. I find it quite happy. Next assault. Yeah. And the, and above. I mean, the, the score in this was. Yes. It's tricky though. No, but actually why. I felt that. The music or just did the score to begin with. Was actually more important. Dan the script and the text to begin, but that's the reason why, because she hardly said that in a sec. Hmm. And it was the, it was the. It was the introduction of each scene with the music and that clinky cranky and it slightly weird. And it was kind of, we Stitt. It's not like songs, is it? It's used as a, um, as a scene setter. I mean, I still like, you know, I said to you that I have a Spider-Man through, despite of it as a, as a, as a playlist. Yeah. Oh, my I'm on my spot. If I want to go to the gym, I wouldn't have this. And it's not some value and you nervy. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't even know. You could listen to it to be honest you, but it does work so well in the film. It's a real, it's another character. It's incredible. I. I agree, a hundred percent. Yeah. I agree. And that scene in the avatar. When she's looking at a dead bodies. With a question. With a cross on it before you give it to you. In a way. Yes. Can we leave it there and move on to your homework? Yeah. That should be being done because otherwise you're going to make it a two hour. Okay. Thanks mom. Right. Go and see it. So homework. James. Do you want to go fast? Yeah. What were you given by feet? I was given any given Sunday, which I wouldn't see on with Sunday. Which I, if you watch, I downloaded, invented this movie because it was no way to pay you back, whatever your reviews, I'll give you the money back. I'm really sorry. But, um, it's not a Sunday movie, is it? It's not meant to be a Sunday. Movie is. It says Selena title. Yeah. Any given Sunday or Friday night film. It's a Friday night. Chino. I mean, he's got a gigantic cast. Yeah. Oh, Bertino James Woods. Uh, Kevin Diaz. Um, pronounced, pronounced that name again. Diaz. Cameron Diaz. It's like the drag queen Cameron Diaz. LL. Cool. J ladies love. Ladies love cool, James. That's what it stands for. Yeah. Um, yeah. I mean, as Jamie Fox. Yeah. It's um, It's it's, it's a massive, massive, massive film. I mean, it's gigantic. Hates to film. Um, all of a stone plays would have the commentators. Drinking whiskey from a bottle and high-fiving his fellow. Um, pundit all of the sports. Um, Macy boy who plays to face. And Batman. He is. He's one of he's one of the, that not quite pundits, but he's one of the Tommy Lee, James. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Yeah. Anyway, um, And obviously appetito. Opportunity. And it needs youngies slightly young years. Mid two thousands, you know? Yeah, it hasn't quite turned into that little sort of poison to Wolf character. They were using just for men at this point. Wasn't he just about. Just about it. A lot of black hair. He'll go to bed. That sort of thing. Um, There was, there's a massive. Avalanche of mid to late nineties, heavy rock. Um, there's lots of nine inch nails. There's lots of heavy rap. There's lots of public enemy and which is great stuff. But immediately, you know, you're watching an old film. Immediately, you know, that you're watching this. Um, and to, to, to emphasize the brashness of the sports it's American football film, by the way. Which is always going to knock a decade or two of taste-wise anyways. I mean there. In America, they're always. Yes. Stuff overseas shirt, that sort of thing. So the premise bernfeld is, um, opportunities playing a coach. I have an American football team who any the uncle of the owner's daughter. And it's all about. It took me 15 minutes during the film to figure out who was, what carried, because there's no characters introduced at all. And let you just go straight into it in the middle of an American football game that. Uh, opportunity's team is losing quite significantly. And it's all very shouting and it's all very loud and it's all very big passion button. There's lots of men smashing into teams of each other with balls flying in the air and some of the stuff. It's not a good school. It's not so bad. It's not so bad. It's um, I stopped. At one hour, 43 minutes to make a cup of tea. Okay. And I didn't turn it back on again. Yeah. It's the first time I've ever done that with a film, you didn't finish it. Didn't finish it. Well, the story is, yeah, I know. American football. It's American football. It's it's it's shouty, man. At each other. Shouting about how much money they're earning shouting about how much blockage they're doing shouting. How far did he throw a ball? And they're already rubbish, but they're already good at the same time. You will hate each other, but you all love each other. So my favorite part of the film. It comes about one hour 47. Of course it does. Is that when the aliens come down, am I missed out there? The premise of the film. Yeah. There is, uh, an old quarterback plays for the team. And it's quite Dennis Quaid. It's always been there. Talisman. Yes. He's been wrapped with injury cap and is basically at the end of his career. And then there's a, you near Wippa snapper. Um, quarterback. He's come in and taken his place on the team. And, uh, and it's the story of how the new wiper snapper one basically. Has to drop out and Dennis Quaid comes back. And it's exclusive. It's a brilliant story. It's just got loud music. American football. I don't mind that music. However. You weren't a bloody car. James. I've heard of what a man do you want your car to get. So I sent it, but you didn't finish your homework. Very much. Um, I, I paid for this phone. Yeah, don't get out to score it. I. I was crocheting. It's it just didn't. It just did I live up, which I live. All the actors in it, all that does. I love Jamie Fox. I let them all. I mean, even LL cool J in that the Halloween 10 movie that you, you know, He tried to come back and out and think, um, Didn't it didn't work for me. It didn't, I'm sure. In the nineties, it was acceptable to watch movies like this. But I don't see this. I just think there's a tournament, a place for people's lives to watch is maybe, and now. Yep. James is wrong. Just to say, oh, It's 3.9. Oh. You stuck a three on it. At scoring. What would your school be? Oh, I'd be at 6.8, six points, 6.9, somewhere on that. I just think some films, I feel, I feel that it was. I personally felt that that. The technical aspect of it was a given. In Memphis, given every given to them. Um, For people watching it stage. Don't try and get back from like a book. Never seen Peter Sarah angry. Absolutely furious. What did he score? Next goal wins. I mean how we can compare this badly. Yeah. Believable. Yeah. Shocking. Yeah. It's an, all of the stone. We made 12 episodes. I've given it all of the stone, the. Uh, 3.9. And I love. I mean, all of the seventies is. He's a big, big director. Let's just move on. I'm really upset. I am DB score is 3.9. The 6.9. As pizza school. I love it. Yeah, unbelievable. Are you getting from it? Oh, okay. So I was set. A out well, A new direction in my homework this week. And I was asked to watch Marcel the shell with shoes on. Say it quicker. Marcel the shell with shoes on. It's quite difficult to say fast. I said it right. I'm like, come here on Diaz. Anyway, she came from. Oh, okay. I had a, I had a Sunday. Of watching quite intense cinematic. Yes, it was, uh, it was, it wasn't hard work by any stretch of imagination, but it was intense. The second film was more gripping and yeah. And, um, so I woke up this morning and, um, and I decided to watch this. Nice and early doors before the family. I didn't get the message. First thing this morning. I was a good message that wasn't. It was very well paced. On Instagram, I think. Quite chuffed about this. Um, so this is an animation. Um, it's the simplest of concepts. Isn't it. Basically the guy who wrote it, directed it and also stars in there. Yep. Um, just thinking voice Fleischer com. Is, um, is basically a filmmaker who rents an Airbnb. And it's, he's got a little mosque friend who he basically chats to and decides that he's going to make a documentary about the shell mate. No. It's really simple. And basically the concept is that they've basically, they live in this Airbnb and they got to meet like hundreds and hundreds of guests in this Airbnb. And they've got this whole little world that kind of works around the house. And, um, the heat, the show moves around in a tennis ball with a little hole in it. So you can get from one place to the other and I've got all these different. He started things. And he makes rope out of hair. You have just a special. Party hair or something. The curly heart, the Perth. Yeah, it's very curly hair. Because apparently that's the strongest. And they could hit it. That was one of my favorite bits. Yeah. Yeah, that was a lovely bit. And, um, so yeah, so this is basically, um, um, there is, uh, I forgot what the chaos is that causes all of his family to be removed. Oh, it's. So basically the original couple we were in the house. Have an argument. It was massive and he. Did they move out of the house? And they're tipping out drawers and by accident, they take all of Marcel's family. Also shells as well. Yeah. And these poor Marcel, and he talks in this beautiful, soft voice, which, which not knowing your admission immediately, you think. It really annoyed me. I didn't know. So I didn't, I didn't get that feeling toys. It's just elegant. Cute. It's just really, really cute. I like that elegant. Yeah, it's just nice. It's just really lovely. And then the story starts to kind of develop and it's how to describe the story. The story is basically everything that you need to know about life love and relationships told by a one-inch shell. It is one of the most beautiful things I think I've ever seen in my entire life. We had. Yeah. Just the last few months have been a bit. Shit. I have an AMI. There's been quite a lot of bad stuff. That's happened around. Absolutely. And we use cinema as a. As an escape. Absolutely. I didn't cry. John Hughes film. I felt very, very close, pretty much the whole way through it. If you have had. If you've had a shit time, or if you said anything bad going on in your life. Watch Marcel the shell with shoes on. Because it will just let you know that you're not alone and you will just let you know that this is actually what life dishes up. And yeah, it's just one of the most. Wonderful. She's got a little bit of not, and yet again, it's not annoying. It's like, come on, we can do it. Let's do it. And he's a bit cheeky with the, with the director. And yeah, it's just, honestly it is. And the basic, the journey goes along the route of them trying to find the FA. This sounds like a Disney or Pixar. Yeah. Couldn't be further from that because it is. It's almost like this is what picks are watched when they started making toys story. Yeah. It's it's the same plot, but it's done with an elegance and a maturity and a professionalism. Which I've never seen anything before. It's a totally different animation to anything I've ever seen me. It was almost as if, if the, the 1970s animators from morph decided to actually make something, something simple. Could that. I had an element of realism and cheekiness and so on and so forth, but expanded on it. And actually we've got something here. Let's make it. But really poignant was kind of the animation of the moment. Wasn't. He bought this. Is apt it's modern more. It's it's no, it's not. It's light. It's timeless. I think. It's like. He had a story that needed to be told, and this was the best way for him to get that story onto a screen. And it was perfect. Good. I'm going to need to school. I can't give it a 10. I can't give it a 10. Um, I am scoring, I am scoring it high because it is. It is the right time for me to watch this film with everything that's gone on in the world. It's it's 8.5. It's it's a big score. I don't know that I would. I don't. Yes, I am. I'm always going to score that film 8.5. It's beautiful. Yes. Yes, it's an, it's an emote. It's the emotional roller coaster. That you would never expect to have as an emotion. Yeah. As a overfill, it's just the. Just bumbled all of that out, but you got. It's an absolute unknown cracker. He took me about three months to hit the play button on that. When I was watching, when I was considering watching it over and over again. And I'm not, or they usually do that. Usually go all to try that again. But even, even with what we watched yesterday, I was actually quite happy if it was going to be like a Pixar rescue type perf. You know, animated Julie's story. I could just smash. The noise in the background almost. Yeah. And I was much more than that. Wasn't it? Yeah. I was, I was actually getting angry with family members when they were coming into the room and making a little bit of noise because you talk so quietly. I was like pausing and huffing and reversing little. And yeah, and it sounds like. There we go. Okay. Nice. Good. So you recommend people to watch it. Oh a hundred percent. It's seven on the AMD B. Yeah, I see that that 1% extra is because. Because of the moment, but that's fair enough. I think that's fair enough. Yeah. Is that us. Really done pretty much. You need to. Up next week. That's correct. I'm going to be setting Peter another piece. I'm doing Quavo Bahama now. The last few weeks have been said, we've had this discussion haven't we, we might as well, we might have put it out to our listeners. What we're doing and why? Yes. James has seen every film. That's ever been made, ever. So. I'm not going to say I'm homework anymore. No. It's not going to watch anyway. So I. I think the cheese I don't want you to always just going to press stop and walk out and make yourself a cup of tea. Yes. So we're going to use this format. The basically James is the movie Maestro and I am his paddle one. It's going to educate me in the way of films. Exactly. These grow a little plaque down there. Right. And then we're going to discuss one film like this in a little bit more depth. Yeah. And then on top of that, you're going to continue your search for movie and cinematic perfection. Yes. And you're going to tell us what you've seen on a weekly basis. Absolutely what I'd like to do it. My dream would be and boobies experiments with pizza. Is too. It's a really. You see it's to me, it's very similar music and other bits of bubble of that. I automatically assume that everybody's watching this stuff. And then when I started talking to people about it, they. They look at me, blankly. And they say, I have no idea what you're talking about. 67 movies last year, James. That's quite an unusual thing. And we'll get the cinema that'd been. All the movies to watch at home. I realized is, is that I used to be a huge cinematic NA yes. And then for the last 15 or 20 years, I just haven't bothered. Yeah. And now I'm getting so back into it. Absolutely loving it and actually the homework for me. Yes. That's been really weird. And at the beginning. But we're getting to a place now where I'm really starting to understand why you like films. And I've got to say last week and this week, I mean, He couldn't get any more opposites. Setting him next week. I sort of filmed last week. It's a brand new film. Uh, it is out on Netflix. Uh, it is a, another mammoth, big movies, another good two and a half hour long movie. It is epic. It is. If you don't feel cold while you're watching this, there's something really wrong with you. Okay. And if you don't feel hungry while you're watching this. This has been really wrong with you as well. Okay. Oh, I think I know what these. That's what I'm talking about. That. The snow travelers or some of the society in the snow. Yeah. Is it, so it seems as though she'd like to double-check the buffet. And is this a remake of alive? Well, alive was a, an American. Version of what same story. Exactly. Being soccer team or something and they crash. you quarried, you will. What you want. you're acquiring. I think. Exactly. Come around the yard. It's been Society of the snake. The button up. You have honestly I've and the reasons why I get really excited about certain films and it's not always the genre, as you can see with, you know, Bose afraid and, and myself, it's not always the, the. The digital ways. Not always yet. And it's not always. The director, she, me personally, it's the art of what's been achieved. Okay. And this is a disaster movie it's sort of bigger than my wife would usually like watching it's big. It's epic. It is it's it's it subtitles, which makes it more authentic in that respect. The acting in it is incredible because you've got these unknown actors. In their own language. From a story from that positive world. It's just what language is that? You acquiring. That's what it is. Awesome. Okay. Well, I saw her alive when it came out to cinema and I really liked that. Walking it weirdly. Yeah. Again, Okay. Cause he was in maybe last week. It wasn't me. Yes, but not the one you sent me, but the one I saw because you've watched it and I wanted to watch it and I didn't want to feel left out. I just want to make it a little special mention actually. I've got a special mention. I feel like that same person. Why don't you go first? Um, it isn't Mr. Leo mind. Oh yeah. So basically, I don't know. I don't know whether we've converted him to like the biggest film buff ever, but he kind of texted me about three times a day. Now basically telling me what he's currently watching and giving you a score and I'm in Lebanon. He contacted us on our Instagram, which is at the popcorn pundits. You two can contact us. And he's he contacted us on Saturday afternoon and said, uh, SISU has been downloading. the night view and yes, we said we can't wait to hear what you think. And she just told us what he. Here we go. The boat before we go into detail, uh, Peter did a review of physio because that was one of the homeworks I gave you. And that was that last week or the week before? That was two weeks ago, I believe. Yeah. So if you want to get a recap of that, go back two weeks and listen to Peter's review. However review, why. Okay, carry on. Um, so he said crumbs 6.5 for the flying mine in the. Guy's hair. The plane crash was a little too much, but quite enjoyable. If not gory. And then he messaged again. He said this was. Uh, on the Sunday. Also watched a man could auto. Really heartwarming. And although I knew what was coming, it got me in the end score of 7.2. Nice. Got a 6.5, four SISU and 7.24 Manco often. Nice. He told me that he basically. Um, nearly cried the whole way through a man called auto. No, no. Um, and then the other, the other review though. I got from earlier this week. Uh, just watch retribution a sky original with Liam Neeson. Don't bother five. Yeah. Emoji. On that note. I think that's a good day to end on it is. Popcorn pundits podcast car. Oh, 12. Yay. Who knows what day it is. It's definitely Thursday. It's a Thursday, eight 30 to eight 20. 24.