The Popcorn Pundits

The Iron Claw

February 14, 2024 James Peter Season 1 Episode 16
The Iron Claw
The Popcorn Pundits
Show Notes Transcript

Something is different about the pundits in this episode. 

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera-2:

We need to name this country. To be fair. It was based in Texas.

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera-3:

He was pretty, he was pretty hands-on. Tension naked pretty much. And did you see the girl food off the pole? You know, you had the girls. All around him. Climbing up and down. Post any of them, one of them fell off the pole.

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera-4:

It's just because you enjoyed this Superbowl. It's not all gold. Did you get a fucking Taylor swift? Yeah, he didn't. Cut me off in my prime. You off. As soon as he's cut off your, um, your glasses. I'm going to do this. I'm not wearing glasses. Hey. I just put my glasses on. We now do look like Samuel Jackson. It's amazing. Tell him that. It's epic. Oh, God. Yeah. I don't wear glasses anymore. Hmm. That doesn't change it. no, I haven't got a cushion. I definitely am leaning away from you. I've got a better breath today. You might have brush my teeth. should we do a podcast? Yeah, I think it's best to. last week. 15 16, 16. Yeah. With 16 weeks. Version from the looks of it. retro. Podcast coming from you straight from the 1990s. What's the date, James. It is the February. The. It's February the 15th. amazing. My wife was shouting gifts. Awesome. Wasn't she just, did you practice some soft cupping? I did actually. Yeah. I had to fight. asking for. Well, you James. I'm James Michael Moore Chrome. And this is the pop company. That's weekly cinema tick updates. I just asked who you were. Can we, you find peace James on gov. The kids, my eyes. Can we you Nikki smile. Hi, Nikki. Smile. We are here to update our listeners and viewers. Hi viewers in. Entertainment, man. I'm just going to do it that way. Oh, More hip. Just carry on James, please. Power through. We are here to keep your data what's going on at the cinema at the moment, giving you the top 10, giving you a review of the film that we've seen this week. And also looking at what homework are getting pizza this week. Oh, it's been a week. Hasn't it just, it's been a week without take you on a rollercoaster ride of the top 10 films that have been released at the cinema, letting you know what's worth watching. What's not worth watching. We also would like to highlight one of the movies that we can give you a small review out of Tim. How many movies have we seen at a cinema so far? This year, this year. Oh, I reckon it's probably 20. It is 24, 24 centers. This week, you went off the page and started going backwards in time. He started watching everything that was like on historic release. I did in between all this stuff. Was absolutely. Beautiful. Yes. I was wearing a vest. And everything. Honestly, it was incredible, but we'll talk about that later. You recommended that to me a few weeks ago. And I watched it and then halfway through realized that I'd seen it. And loved it both the first and the second time. I bitch about, instead of now, by the way. Brief what. They seem like interstellar. I live. I love Krista Nolan adore him as a dirty. Possibly one of my favorite directors of all time. However, on the way down to the cinema, there was this overbear. We feel like that. It feels like a really big movie and it's very big. There's one particular moments in it where one of the cast members in one of the actors is one of the cast members, one of the croup. On the, on the onset ship turnaround is if there's any millimeters of, of, of, uh, of steel between us and eternity. And that's how I feel about that movie just feels so vast and so massive. It feels little bit. Imposing, and that's a bit terrifying to go and see. Overwhelming, but yet when you're watching you silly thing, you sent me, remember, how does. Gorgeous acting all the way through it as well. So I went and saw the holdovers this week as I'm sorry. I went and saw the whole day was this week. Right. That's it. Which I know you haven't been able to see yet because apparently. You need to travel. 150 miles solidarity, brother. To go and see it. Yeah, it's, it's really, it's very good. We need to, um, we need to review that at some point. And did a month or the week or so. Just keep your powder dry. Uh, it's not quite in the top 10 yet. Is. If you type to join us on the sofa. Instead of. We now have cooling to. Getting close out with a damn mate, DME. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Should we get on with the toilets? So the top 10 let's do a movie the weekend. Let's do our homework. GPTP. You good at numbers? Yeah. Is the UK top 10. On the 12th of February 20, 24, 24. And number 10 is June. So this is obviously a precursor. Did you. To coming out on the 1st of March. All booked seats, reserved scars. Wait, absolutely going to be epic. Yes, it is. Number nine is one of the films we're going to go see this week, which is the zone of interest. We much look forward to that. Yes. story. Incredible story. Absolutely. Um, number eight is one car still in the charts. Um, another installment by our friend. Um, Timothy. Yeah, absolutely. And then I've got that number on the right house. It's a 16 must be very pleased. A lot of shares. And 10 weeks it's been. Uh, number seven is anyone, but you really pleased remiss that Naomi. Yeah. Number six is mean girls. It was brilliant. It divided opinion. Uh, number five, this is the look of it. This is your film with. Very exciting peppers, cinema party. You know what? My dog thinks he's Peppa pig. Every time he goes near a puddle. He. Just listen to it. First of all, you've got two dogs. I think that's really disrespectful to whichever one you weren't talking about while the other one's great. In this movie? Yes. Pepper celebrate 20 years with 10 new episodes in a three-part wedding. Special peppers, 20. Within marriage. So university has a mix of animation. Action where pepper enters the real world. Yeah. Party bus bonus episode and five sing along songs. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's Bobby. Yeah. That is a Bubby cube. This is normally the moment. I had pork belly tonight. Yeah, that sounds exciting. This is normally the moment when Nikki would drag us back to the top 10, then say, you're going off piece now. I was telling you about all of the strangers. Number four. Yeah. Number three, this week's review the iron claw. Can I just point something out to you? You are okay. Can you see that? Um, How much did it cost to make. No. What, what did it do? I have a turtle weekend. Now, none of those are word Jas. I'll ask the question. So basically look at these two figures. Yours or mine? Good to say, because there's two things there and they're identical. That's another miss this, this. Honestly, where we get this from is dreadful. I like it so much. It makes me feel better. Unless it's actually just coincidence mistakes. Sorry. Ah, it's the worst thing ever to be put on anywhere ever, ever. Do you know what I've heard people say to me that they've heard that it is the worst deal ever made. Yeah. I actually, I don't want to give it any accolade. No. Any positivity whatsoever. You were not the best at anything. Number one migration. Yes. Yes. Second. Into a dark movie. How badly isn't. The dogs they're just migrating. Hence migration. Yeah, I'm getting this now. You were actually going to know. Don't ask a silly question. Top 10 in the UK. Here we go. Should we have it. Uh, should have a chat about number three. Number three iron Chlor. Okay. It's been a long time coming this movie. Yes. A lot of efforts into what I think has been trailed forever. Yeah. And we've been seeing that picture of him coming out of that trailer with his brown. you don't recognize him. He's like a Hawk. He's actually, he's actually so big. Yes. I'm comfortable to look at. He's got that straight. He does. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And. Okay, well, that was it. That was the iron claw. it's a big movie. That's this? Let's give a quick rundown of this store where you line. It's based on a true story. It is a bad infamous infamous wrestling family. So were you a wrestling fan when you were a child? I wasn't Saturday morning where. The joint haystacks. Okay, so this is the period just after that. It is absolutely. So. Mid eighties. Yeah. Um, Southern America, Texas. Kikis the Texas toast. Um, Incredibly and it started, the story starts off with Zach's dad. Yeah. And black is any contenders. It's still it's in the back in the history. Cause it's in black and white, so smart. How they do that. Isn't it. Oh, whatever this is in history and that's free. It's generic. It is. And he is obviously. He's obviously historically a very successful in his own mind. Uh, wrestler of it. And he's so obsessed with winning the world title championship. And he just missed by millimeters away. As far as he's concerned. That he's, he's done a dedicated his family. Yeah. That's what he basically did. They dedicated to this family. To win the world wrestling Federation bout what was that comedy sketch show in the nineties where they had competitive dad, Reese played cricket with his sons. Right. Yeah, it was. Pretty much that isn't it. Right. And these. And so, so you, you you're, you're following the story of how many brothers. There were five brothers. Wasn't that? Yeah, six w will died in childbirth child when he was a child. So they, they, they sort of rested her brothers, always look at. The child had died. That was his brother, the oldest brother. Um, So even, even when we talk about Fritz and black and white, He refers to the fact that there was a family curse. And his mind, the family curse was the fact that he never got a chance to have his opportunity to take the world wrestling championship. Heavyweight champion. But there was also something mentioned about. If I, because he changed his name. That's the reason why the curse. Started continued with the rest of the children. Yeah. Um, Interesting concept. I personally went to just film, hoping it was going to be of a similar ilk to the Fox capture, which I adored. Dark dark film. And almost the sport itself is almost a side story to what's actually really going on. In the story, which I think that's the case in this. It definitely has a vein of darkness running through it. Yes. And it's not necessarily the, the plot. That's the dark side of this film of the plot. Should. It's quite a, it's quite a linear film. Isn't it really it's. Um, So you've got, you've got a combination of it's a sportsman. It is a sports movie. At the end of the day, it's a sports movie. It's heavy. It's dark. It is. It's moving, it's tender. And, and, and also it's quite theatrical in its. I did. There's a lot of close face action. There is, and yeah. Yeah. There is no, no. I don't. I, I didn't, I didn't get as much important. What I liked about. What I thought was really great about this film was that there were. When they were interviewing the cost or you. The act is like, In their characters. Like, for example, when they, they talked to Zach Efron about wrestling. And his girlfriends talking to about wrestling. Yes. And she goes, what? It's all, it's just, it's just theatrical. Isn't it? Yeah. We just meet up and he like stone faced says. It's absolutely not fake. It's just like the realest thing ever. Yeah. And you kind of, it was almost like you were. What you were supposed to believe? They believed. And they did that quite a lot through the film and, um, yeah. I mean, I felt, I felt that the, the, the action is the, the, the amount of effort. Particularly Zach and. And also from Jeremy as well from the back. You could really see that they've played a lot of wrestling. This was they didn't. Just turn up and go. I'll pretend I'm a wrestler. In this film. I said to my other half on the way home. I actually thought this was the first method acted, film. That we're reviewing. Really because they, they got, they had, they, they pumped up massive. They had to become the character. Yeah. As you said they didn't just prepare for this physically. They prepared for this because they were. As good as restless. No. I agree with you. Completely. But putting aside the fact that how much effort he put into it and how much they bought out and how much they trained and the right sort of train didn't book out, just for the sake of it. They booked out to look like the characters could have very vague. Unique looking a family. Okay. So you've got all the wrestling and that keeps you, that keeps your activation. It keeps it the, the, the, um, I was still going in between. Very very heartwarming. Family moment, but also the. Cina brothers himself. There is the brothers themselves incredibly tight, which with each other, they could be living with each other. However, the complication comes in is the relationship between the mum, the dad and the children. Yes. Okay. So I, I, I include the children in that because I think by. Acceptance your complicit. Yeah. Okay, so, but yeah. Sorry, carry on. Because this is, this is the best thing about this film. So you've you've, you've got this, you've got this incredibly close knit. Uh, a family of brothers that will do anything for each other and they will, they love each other then. And they very rarely fall out over anything because they've just had this. This love for it to the completely, but what that, but their love is fueled by that. They're wanting to be accepted by their father. Yes. And their father has put them into, and he's very honest with, and he's put them into a tear level again. You're my favorite. You're my second favorite? Your. My third favorite, but this is all fluid boys. The harder you try, the more you bid the top of my league. One of the first. Everything. He basically says, you all know my order of favorites. But, you know, that's fluid. oh, so. It's brutal. You and your dogs. You got one face. So that tells the viewer or. At the audience, what, you're, what you're contending with as, as a, as a film, as the film goes on. You've learned. You've got the action. You've also got the. The, uh, the relationship that they, they did the shit dog. Th th the father being so overly focused on that one prize. And then you've got the mother. Yeah. That the mother is probably the most. She's supposed to mother like mother, but she supposed to unload. It's a very complicated character. I think the money is, yeah. It's I mean, she's killed for them. She'd kill them. But she'd also not get involved with any issues. Just like what? Like, no, it's this that's not. You guys sorted out and yeah. And come back and let us know what's going on. Exactly. Yeah. But yet the relationship with between the father and the mother is very tender. At the by day. And so on and so forth. So, so for me personally, it is, it's a beautiful story of a family that is. Self-focused. But also incredibly lucky, but they also cursed. They are. Because we haven't actually mentioned that, you know, the fact is that. Yes, and it doesn't really go very well for many of them. Not at all. I mean for anybody new that, anything to do, the history of the family, I knew. Missing about the family. I knew nothing about it, that wrestling parts of the world, basically. Part of the family die as the film goes on. And it becomes more and more parents. That they are cast at the end of the day. And it's that closeness that it brings them to, it goes on. And is their obsession with the sport that continues on as well? It is a, yeah, it is a blend of. Brothers' trying to please their dad while also seeking their own journey for perfection. I'm there. Father living his life. Vicariously through them. And not really caring. He refers to the title is the family's title. Rather than whoever's going to win it. Yes, it is. It is the. Weirdest juxtaposition of people. Absolutely unquestionably, loving each other and having no respect for each other. Yeah. Whatsoever. The goal is more important than the family. Yeah. They refer to each other as the closest family ever. And they do actually. It's not like it's a, a contradiction, which is like uncomfortable. It actually somehow works. It's just, it's just really bizarre. Yeah. It's a fascinating, fascinating family. Yeah. I think there's any certain parts of the world where you can get families. Yeah. You've got to go struggle. You've got to have that. That sort of overly focused to the point where nothing else matters, but it has to be in like a Texas type state. Yeah, I think maybe Austria. Yeah. Yes. You came out with this film. Considerably befuddled. Came out and you weren't quite sure what you'd seen. As I said, I was hoping it was gonna be like the Fox catcher, but it really, it was in between the Fox catcher and the wrestler. Yeah. And it wasn't quite sure where it was. It was to me it's a bit lost. As I felt. Yeah, I did. I mean, I even said to you tonight when we turned up. I'm not quite sure what type of film we were supposed to be watching. And, um, I knew that I enjoyed it as a visual spectacle. And I love the, um, I. Yeah, and I love the contradiction. I mean, he's feeling very much in that kind of like 1970s, early eighties type of, um, yeah, cinematography and it's it's, it's it's really. I think the empty cameras. It wasn't glamorous at all. Yeah, but so I used to watch wrestling on a Saturday morning. And I remember thinking it was. Was this thing on the entire planet. They were wearing masks and tiny whities, tiny parties. Haystacks. He will whities and big daddy. Yeah. So, um, so, um, I. I still haven't finished processing this. To be totally honest. Um, I, I don't know that seeing it again is going to change my opinion on it. I think maybe I just need to sit down with a nice cup of tea. And I have a little think for 20, 30 minutes because he might be right. I haven't, I haven't quite processed it. However, I be thinking about the name of the film. Yeah, I think the name of the film is really, really important. Okay. On several levels. It's in the firm's called the iron claw. And the field that they're the own cloth was the father signature. A signature move, where he would grab hold of. The opponents had submission move and basically get up to the floor and they would submit. And then of course he passes out, move onto his sons. And they have to use that move as well. However, my thoughts are that the iron claw also is the father he's paternal, his paternal acts. Exactly. And these. And he's holding them. Really, really tightly. It's almost like they thought about, do you think so a hundred percent. I thought I was just making it up. Oh, that's very smart. But yeah, I think someone thought. So Weldon is that care from. Yeah, well to understand. I don't think Jeremy changed that much from the beds because. I know he's baked, but have you seen the bear? I've seen all of the bad. And I think we do have to discuss. Is how tall is Jeremy? he's not six foot two, because he's described as being six foot two. He's wrestling and we know that he's not six foot two. I thought he was in the forefoot, something. But apparently he's five foot seven, allegedly, but I don't, I think that's, I think that's him changing. Seven meters. Okay. Hey Siri, what's 1.7 meters. Feet and inches. If you've got to get in contact with us and let us know what. Yeah. Um, it is 5.5. Why aren't you sure for me? Yeah, he's teeny tiny. That's what I said. Did you say. Five seven. The bed. Oh, really? These teeny tiny, well, they need to do Zach's character as a six foot two. Yes. That's right. Yeah. When. When he walked into the rate. Yeah. And his opponent must've been 10 feet then. Yeah. But I think. But in a way, I think they kind of did it on purpose because I think They're all part of the theater. So I've got Zach Efron and Jeremy Allen white. Ah, the acting is phenomenal. And like, you know, when they're fighting, it's brilliant. When they're not fighting, it's brilliant. They are proper character actors and they. If they weren't in this film, it wouldn't be a film. Oh, great. One is five foot and six inches. We shot with me. Wow. It's two people. Sure. The news. You heard it here first guys. Amy ever happens in an FMRI. So. Do you know the original name of the fun. And rich family. But before they changed it. Yeah. Uh, no doubt. If they definitely mentioned it mentioned in the film. At kiss on. Yeah. So the. Throw those originally Jack Adkisson. So that would be, the name is at kiss on. Do you think it would have been cursed if they kept the name? Really? I don't think it would've made any difference at all, because that's just Hocus papers. Exactly. I mean that bikes still wouldn't do the same damage. There is some amazing moments in. Yeah. The surviving member? Yes. They went on to have three children who are all pre restless. Oh, wow. Give up today. Just carried on. We don't on the Von Trapp family. And curing beautiful right show in case. Should we numerous. Yes. I've given us a 7.8 and, um, I, I really, I came out really enjoying it and then it kind of. It was the type of story that I thought I was going in to see. I thought. I thought they delivered it really well. 6.8. Yeah. No. I can understand it. Six point a it's. First of all, as a movie lover, I just felt it didn't quite. Hit the mark. You also really struggle with any film about sport. And I do think. Do you think that that necessarily. I do think. I love days of thunder. I'm the champ who does like the champion. Everybody, all blokes. Surfing one with Keanu Reeves. Oh yeah. No. Yeah. We get to make these scores better, quick. Quick break. How are we gonna meet a school? I think. Some of the Jacksons are going to help this car phone. Cause there was no. If they submitted Jackson's in that movie. It's funny that, um, there was an Arab. There was. Yep. Yes. And the Arab. Yeah. 1980s. Um, I think, I personally think the thing that it should've made his mind up. It should have been darker or lighter. It was kind of in between personally. Yeah. Yeah. I just think it was, I think. It would have sat more comfortably, exclusively, dark. Yes. Rather than bringing the comedic side. I do believe that apparently looked into research into this apparently. The director actually held back on a lot of, some really dark, dark material that he could have added to the curse in some of the table, but how would it back to make it more commercial? So I'm not, I'm not Zac Efron's, um, biggest fan on. And I didn't actually realize that he was. He did differently. I didn't realize you'd been in quite a serious accident and that stuff that's. That's how he was kind of quite physically. Has changed. I think it's his. It's not going to be his Oscar film, but I think it's definitely the film that is going to make. People could seek, take a minute. A. A lot more seriously. I think this is the film that he was hoping we'd get him a NASCO. Sadly Zakat way. Nope. Jeremy pulled out to get the Oscar that he has. Okay. So w what's the, what's the combined scores. Uh, 7.3 7.3, not a bad score. Um, I'm Florida chicken man. Um, I don't, I don't have a diagnosis to watch it. Do you prefer that or any given Sunday? If you had to just watch the other path. Yes, this definitely. Okay. So that is our Roundup of this week's film that we've watched at a cinema iron clothes. Um, I get pizza two bits of homework, and hopefully you guys looked at my whole look or so. Um, Peter looked. Would you like to give us the two names of the films I've given it to watch? Uh, wait this week and then decide which one you going to really first. Okay. So you gave me the 2013 film lock. Yes. And you gave me the film from 2020, which was the devil all the time. Which one do you get to do fast? Why don't you choose James? I'd like you to do lock first. So I'd like to enter the high. I think you've picked well, yes. Give us a low down unlock. Okay. So I downloaded there were stream this on Amazon, Brian. Yes. Um, and this film is directed by Steven Knight. Um, I didn't really know who Steven Knight was. So I had a bit of a look through his back catalog and apparently Steven Knight is Tom Hardy's biggest fan. So he's basically. Directed and produced the majority of Tom Hardy. Yeah, absolutely. So this film. Starts off. It's basically a stars, Tom Harvey, and, um, Tom Hardy starts off by getting into a car and she got range rovers now. It's a BMW of state. Yep. and, and, uh, and he starts making phone calls to different people. So basically he is. A site manager on a construction site. And it's very apparent that, um, the job that is beginning. Early tomorrow morning. Before 6:00 AM. Probably the most important job of his career. Um, and then, uh, he takes another cool and it's a slightly distraught woman. Who's basically asking him when he's going to get there. Yes. And he says, don't worry. I'm going to be there soon. Yes. I'll be there as soon as I can. The journey takes about an hour 45 minutes. Is this film is there's not much traffic. Yeah. The film, the film is the length of the car journey. Yes. Um, basically, this is a film like. Um, phone box it's, um, or, uh, Bronson is basically a, a one man show. And Tommy. A bit croaky. I apologize. One second. So I'm Tom, Tom holiday is basically sat in the car. Yes. And it's a, it's a face on piece and this is, uh, Tom Hardy Wonka thumb. If he's like Tom Hardy as an actor. You have to watch this film because he is absolutely sensational, basically. Uh, in a, in a brief form. His life all about him is falling apart. How much can we say about this film? I think, I think. To me, to be honest, there's no spoilers really to be, to be had. Early enough. And at the end of the day, it's the acting that draws it through rather than any twists. So I think. It's an older film as well. Okay. So, um, the distraught lady on the telephone pool is a lady that he's had a one night stand with. Um, because he felt sorry for her. She was very sad. Lonely women. He slept with her. She got pregnant decided to keep the baby. Which we have to put it. It's not the reason why he has to sleep. Somebody? No, no. It's. The broadcasting point of view. Other types of women are available. Can. Great last. It's a lost top company anyway, so he's on his way down. He's basically not seeing this woman since she, uh, since that one night. Um, and he's basically trying to do the honorable thing because his dad was a shitbag. The cough, the family very well. And he's trying to do the right thing. Hm. And in his mind, the right thing is to help this lady give birth to his child. Yes. And then breaking the news to his wife and children. Yeah. And boss and employee. That this is the reason why he can't turn up to work the next day and, uh, run this hundred million pounds. Concrete concrete for in project. And, um, the, uh, his employee who's is a little bit drunk on cider and a little bit shitting his pants. It's basically told that he's got to run this project and he clearly has no capabilities. Yeah. Yeah. So he's trying to do it. I think it's important to Lexi. You don't see anybody. You only see Tom Hardy, Tom Hardy's only on the phone. So in the credits, this film says that starring Tom Hardy, Olivia Coleman, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, Tom Holland, and others. Which is a phenomenal cost. But I didn't write that. I wrote this film is starring Tom Hardy voiced by Olivia Coleman. That's exactly what the Angela and the voice, the voice characters, the voice actors in this. I mean, that's a, that's a cost. I mean, Love Andrew stop. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. what's lovely. Is. Is that. The phone calls or so. So natural. I personally felt that the phone calls would, would didn't feel staged at all. So, no. So basically he's trying to stay. He just wants to fix a problem. Yeah. And while he's fixing the problem, he loses his wife, his children, his home. His job. All of these things disappear. And he's still trying to keep it calm. He's still trying to keep it together. So yes, the phone calls. Are calm, cool and collected. Punctuated by him losing his shit. And it is. It is just, it's a mass class of acting now weather. Because I recommended it. Now if it's your type of film or not. It's not going to be everybody's cup of tea. It is. I suppose non-party. There's nothing wrong with Sloan bloody film. It's um, But. It's my type of film, a hundred percent. And I love that kind of. Opening of an envelope of a character and you learn more and more and more. And actually you'd imagine like, as you're going through a story like this, that you would grow to love the character more. I don't think it did. I don't think I did a tour. I think Tom Hardy, the actor though. As the film goes on. I mean, I was already there. If you could be laminated card and everything. You really get your teeth into, with acting chops because you just see him. Yeah. There's no mask. There's no special effects. No. There's an accent. Yes. Which he plays a very well. What extend does he do? He's got a good voice. It's um, so. Yes exactly. I don't think It stays 100% at the time. But he did pull it off for 145, not under five minutes. That's not maths. One hour 45 minutes. When I was 25, couldn't join DB. Oh, okay. You must wait faster. But I just thought, I thought it was really good. I'm really pleased. You enjoyed. Uh, what night is it? It's a Tuesday night. And it's, um, it's it's if you're. If you would like to sit down and watch. An intellectual development. Of a situation that might be handled in a way that you would, or you wouldn't handle it. This is it. I like to think that if you were caught short and he didn't get chance to go to see a play this month, this is the fantastic opportunity to go or what to see something. Beautiful. Yeah. So now we have 15, 15 pods in. Yes. Now I am learning that there are certain blocks of films, types of films that you like. You like something which could be presented to the stage plain. Yep. You're a massive fan of horror. I am. And you like some other weird. ribbon delve, deep into like buddy stuff yet. But we'll go book. Exactly. And validate their daily tonight. Nice recovering. So, so that's look good. Score seven. It's um, I wanted to give it more. Why do you need. I didn't even give you a reason why you can give eight. Uh, because it wasn't good enough. No, it was, it was. Ah, I. He's such a. Pragmatic human beings. Sorry. I had to think about the right way. That was a long pause. He's a very pragmatic character. And I can't say that, I believe that this would be the way that he would resolve this problem. That's the only reason. Why. I lost. Yeah, I lost it a little bit, but, but I think you, you have a tendency of. Of chastising a plot or a movie, if you don't believe it is a hundred percent authentic. I'm picky, picky. However, I oversee the opposite. I go, oh, that doesn't matter. No, I just get drawn away with it. And for me, the fourth ward and everything else. Can I can let a detail ruin my enjoyment of a whole film. It's actually 100%. Interesting. Well, when the subject of detail I van looks code was written into the script because Tom Hardy actually had a code jury in production. Okay. He believes his nose a lot. The BMW used in the field. Is it stored with a low fuel warning alert and would make a noise whenever the car was running out of Petro? Uh, the noise disrupted to Hardee's performance during takes, but direct to Steven Knight actually kept the actors frustrated about. In the movie and substituted because noise for you have a call waiting instead. Okay. That's fantastic. Yeah, cause he does get re. Now, you know, why. we're so lucky to have him on this planet. I. So what's your, what are your, some of your favorites? Sorry, what some of your favorites. Tomorrow go down that kind of worms. We're going to do a special. Let's do it. Let's do a, let's do a special on exactly like last. Let's do that. Yeah. Not today, today. Because I want to know. Gotcha. Giving it a seven, but have you been. I'm trying to delay. Before amateur. Here we go. So. We've gone into, we've got one stage play in a BMW. Yeah. And we're trying to, and any in England? Yeah. Going from the north down to the south. Okay. Super realistic, super low key. Uh, quite. In-depth into symbolism in his mind. Over to you, Peter for the next film. Okay, so what's it called? Okay. This film was released in 2020. It's called. The devil all the time. Have you ever seen them before? No, I'd never seen it before we use a prize. How many styles were in it continued, ever seen it before? Yeah. I mean it's, I mean, it. I should have heard of it. And I probably should have seen it. Right. I don't really know how to talk about this film. Okay. So. I was trying to work out how to synopsize. Yes. And I can't. It's a long story. You know, you're in for. You know, buckle your seatbelt and yeah. And make yourself comfortable. Cause you are going to be here for some time. It's it doesn't really feel like a story. It was like a cramming of. Every fucking lunatic you've ever met on your entire life. Okay. So I was trying to work out how to describe this film for our viewers. So I couldn't. I think so. This is the best. This is from, this is directly from IMD B. Okay. This is what, you know, when I MDB, they give the full summary of the film. Yeah. And then just to kind of give you a little taster. Yeah. They give you like a one-line version. Yeah. This is the one tagline almost. As soon as the characters converge. Around a young man devoted to protecting those. He loves in a post-war backwards town teaming with corruption and brutality. Yeah. That is it that, that is it that. It is what it is. That's what we want you to watch. That's not it is it. That is the empty jars. With which we fill with character. Yes. And the characters. Oh, fucking. So rich. They are like, okay. So let's talk about Sandy and Carl shell. Yeah. I mean, suddenly in car. They start off really normal. Weirdly, they're not really major characters. That's a tool. They are multi murderous, serial killers. And, um, yeah. Yeah, it is. It's just like, where did that come from an every time you think you've met the body? They dead and you meet the body. It's just, and it's not like everybody dies in his film. Everybody dies in this film. But yeah. Apart from one person. Yeah, well done. Yeah. It's all right. If he's drinking for awhile. Um, Yeah. It's you meet two preachers. Do you think has to be the baddies? Yes. Um, yeah, exactly. You automate, you automatically go. Well, as soon as you see. Um, He's a Roman. Yeah. As soon as you see a what's the name for Batman? Let me see. As a preacher. And he's overly confident and overly charismatic. And he's there's hands, all over place. Hands. Hands on the wrong places. And you've heard himself, he's going to get it. He's going to get. Big time. I don't know which way you mean. Um, it's every way. So it doesn't matter. Please Sandy as officers granddaughter. Oh, I can. I need care and I was trying to run away. I've seen her in something else. Easy Jones in the six. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, um, yeah, so, um, this starts with Tom Holland and, and the, and the theme this week was it was to Tom Holland movies. Very clever. Very clever. He doesn't actually visibly. Yeah. Please a six year old. A seven year old boy or whatever. Yeah. In this, he plays. Arvin. Who's the son of a couple who are the first couple in the, in the movie. So. He comes back from the second world war into like a Texas type state in America. And they're all. Really quite messed up already. Yeah, it's just a really. Yeah, mixed up post-war environment and there's not a lot of joy or happiness or money. However, there are kind of glimmers of joy with new romance and love and lust. And. Yeah. And then you, then you meet. And then it's just. I mean, it's exhausting. It it's it's. I mean, it was three bits for me. I couldn't watch all of it in one go because it was no. Yeah, I did. It's a toilet. What's the whole thing. Ah, I mean, you probably sweat in your pants. I mean, Is it possibly baggage is fine. It's constant. Pattinson in this. Is he plays, um, uh, a preacher that comes to town and yeah, I mean, as James. Really well. Really really well. And the second he comes on to screen. You know, he's not right. And you know, the type of preacher that he is, and he does these kind of. Oh shit. Yeah. These type of things about you, Chuck. Cans at the Telium. You know, that type of shut the fuck up, you know, that. But people believe him and yeah, and he, he's a womanizing electric raping shitbag of a prick. Yep. And meet our friends with the camera. So it's fine. Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. So, um, so this film is exhausting. Yes. Uh, It's like every time you kind of feel. Uh, breadth of relief. That's over. It's not over. It's literally just beginning again and again, and again. Um, and I. It's two hours. Yeah, just wanna stop it. Doesn't I mean, there is no, it's not fast. It's not, it's not high action. It is all of those things. It is quite fast and it is quite high action, but it's done in a time where we're not in jet planes or, you know, Spaceships. And this is not particularly a. Uh, crescendo. Yeah. I mean it's a two hour crescendo. Literally the, I mean, they couldn't have fit any more plot into this field. Yeah. In fact. I'm going to go. How could they make it better before I score it? Yeah. It kind of could have been like a true detective. Yeah, easily. Series. We could not get into five easily. And it would have so much content. And then what they would have needed to do is add a little bit of background. Like people stepping into these spaces, not. And then they could, they wouldn't have even had. It's incredible. Was a Marvel film. Yes, they would have made like 18 spinoffs from it. Because every, every bad guy. I mean, I wanted to know where Robin Pattinson came from. I wanted to know. Uh, Sandy and coal came from it. Yeah. Roscoe's in it as well as me. I think so. Um, no. okay. I thought he wasn't it. He's in everything he's in one of the spin-offs. Yeah, so. Uh, yeah, again. Another. Another tough. Another tough watch, James. Do you watch at home with your family? Yeah. They watched some of it. Yeah, scars God as well. I thought it was only two scars gods. They're everywhere. And this is only actually been nominated for three awards. Bizarre. Um, which, which awards. It's not the change that was coming and let's have a look and see. They were. Not even big ones that you would have heard of. So the Alliance of women, film, journalists, And the Indiana film journalists association. So did this come out 2020? Was that locked? Yeah. And look what happened. It came out a lot anyway. Straight to Netflix. Oh, so the other interesting thing about the films we've watched this week and another film, which we different. It's weak. Was M Oppenheimer and the iron claw. They both had their premiers on the day that the writers' strike came out. So let's say. They were both on the red carpet. And then withdrew from the red carpet. Yeah. Yeah. So both Oppenheimer. They both walked off to begin the strike. Wow. Interesting. There we go. That's my little factoid. Thank you very much. Are you going to give it a score for this, this. Let's let's remote because it's been a long with you. It reminded the people what the film's called. Where you store it and what's going on. This is the devil all the time. In 2020. It's basically a Tom Holland and Robin Pattinson movie. Um, about all of the killings in every method ever. Yes. Isn't it doing really well? Yes, really good. Really good film is 7.5. Good. 7.5. 125. Good. Would you recommend people to watch it? Uh, yes. And what day. Okay, this is for all of you who work from home and pretend to work after two o'clock on a Friday. Yeah, it's three o'clock on a Friday afternoon. With a couple of bevies as some. Pizza from Domino's or another. Other pizza. um, yeah, I think I'd crack on with it early on a Friday and a, and then you can go to the pub to relax afterwards. Cause. Bad afterwards. Brutal. And brilliant. So what's happening next week. So we've got screen and seen you have, and you've had your first clue. I've got a funny idea. What I do to fill this. It's the body shop. Yes. Okay. So you already know what you think it is. I think I know what it is. I think it's going to be, uh, from your new favorite, uh, Irish actress from men. Oh, yeah. Oh, brilliant. Okay. I hate the shitty letters or something. The sweary English film. But it basically is basically. I think it's the film that is basically. Eh, it's based at. I think it's based just before or after the second world war. Yeah. When I saw the Texas types. Yeah, just about me. Um, it's about a little village. And someone's writing shitty. Somewhere like that. Yeah. But like really kind of. Brutally pointed naughty. Nose hair and your breath smells your bed. Yeah, exactly. But I think late. Did you write them to Jane? It's like how it's like a group WhatsApp, WhatsApp. Yeah, but, um, but yeah, so. I, they, they. They released a new trader this week. We saw them. We wish was a little bit longer. You kind of get a bit of a sneak preview as to what actually happens. Exactly. I don't wanna give too much. I don't want to watch any more trailers. And then what homework is everyone gets in James. Well, I've got, I've got two films that I want you to watch. Cause we're going to hit the hour. Really quickly. It is. The first one is a 2004 movie called primer. It is the most unique and high brow. Time traveling Navy I've ever seen in my entire life. Okay. I've watched it several times. I love the director. They're just called Sean. He I'm going to give you more failures by him because he's so. And he was starting his movies about why wouldn't it. Um, so it's called primer. Okay. Yep. And then the second film it was. Have you seen primer? No, I haven't yet. Okay. And the second. Just laughing about you taking credit for lock. Thank you. Um, and the second film is a Jared Leto movie. Uh, 2000 maybe recommend for a dream. I have, I've seen that. You've seen that one. Okay, so this is the code. Look for you guys. Uh, in television land and in podcast land as well, you got primer from 2004, and you've got recommended for a dream, which is a roller coaster of a ride. Fantastic. At the end. As well. Head over to YouTube and to Instagram, the put-call hundreds to find us and leave your comments. And we have had one from Leo miles. Hi, Leo. Yeah. He said bit late to the party, but just watch June. I like to allow 8.2 for me. Well, how about we invite, uh, Mr. Leo miles to come and join us to what, June two? We could do that if I've got somebody else to live with me as well. So we've got a little gang of us going along with, for June to you. Didn't run that past me. I don't think we should allow that. It didn't run it past me either. Say. If you'd like to join the Pope, come play. Shall we say, why didn't you ever go. I think he used to have a bit of James. Are you ready? Are you steady? 1, 2, 3. Pop pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Uh, popcorn. And it's podcast week. 15. To say 16, actually, I want to create. we'll report back to you on that episode.