The Popcorn Pundits


March 21, 2024 James Peter Season 1 Episode 21
The Popcorn Pundits
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The Popcorn Pundits
Mar 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 21
James Peter

The pundits are back in full swing after the Oscars and what a film to start with! Did Peter enjoy his homework? 

Show Notes Transcript

The pundits are back in full swing after the Oscars and what a film to start with! Did Peter enjoy his homework? 

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera:

Box office. With wanker in June. Yeah. I was just in the UK. Is it shallow?

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera-2:

You were Ted baker. She is that she'll let you. She does a good Kurt Geiger. I love a cat guy going to Ted baker. Ah, only because they never fall apart, they fit. They fit Betty and Berry. The Burundians perfectly. And they're just beautiful. What was the, uh, the shoe brand in. For wall street. I haven't watched it. Cause. I know he's on the needs. Oh, Yeah, that's his name? I forgot. Retro brand. Cause it did in the past. Isn't it? No, it's not that they don't live. Exactly. No, they're not. No, no. Did it. It'll come to me. Pat pat, pat, pat. Popcorn. Podcast 21. Boom, we made it's 21. Old enough now. Well, perhaps not. This is your weekly popcorn pundits podcast. Bringing you reviews. Points of view and laughter. We're back to normal. We were paced Oscars. Yes. So this is the star of the new Oscar. Campaign. We are. Well, I mean to fate the last couple of weeks, you've probably got June. There's going to be in. June is going to be, you're not June. I said. I'm struggling with that. That will hopefully be a contender next year. So we'll look forward to that dedicated sucking suite. It is Thursday. The. 2020. 1st of March. Or are they say. Um, this your weekly public and pundits, and we're here to give you the top 10 of what was going on in the cinema, but going to review a, a new movie at the cinema, maybe two, if Nikki gets a word in edgewise. And then Peter is going to tell us about his homework and then I'm going to be giving Peter some more homework. And that's how you say that. Like, pizza's going to interrupt me. I wouldn't dare. Today. This lid today. Hi, bud. Um, we've got some levy reviews from some fantastic listeners as well. We have one more, well, give us more greedy. I want to hear all of your opinions. Uh, so it's, it's a strange some of the year because they're not quite getting into the, um, the spring and summer. The blockbusters it's a couple of week before half term. Well aging up towards all of the Christmas, Easter. Yeah. All of the children's movies. So we went to see an, an 18. Okay. Yes. And all of the trailers were caught. They weren't really weird. That's the ration for all the parents that. To get rid of their children, basically. That's what it was. Holidays. It was certainly. They certainly didn't affect the film that we watched. And not in any shape or form. We don't have some type of reflection, Deborah. But yeah. Absolutely none. PC, but Pete, would you like to give us a top 10 of the cinema? Releases this week, I would actually love to cure. And number 10. Hm. Is our dear favorite wanker. Good old Timothy. As now in the UK, it has raked in 63 million pounds. Well deserved. Shaffer. It's going to be in the charts until next Christmas. And I'm going to be going to sit, ensuring that it's still that awesome. Number nine. Yes. The Oster, Oscar Titan. Yes. Oppenheimer is back in the charts. Golden Oppenheimer. Yeah. If you haven't seen it, go see it. Everyone goes on about the length of time, but it flies by. And it's a big movie that needs to be seen in the big screen. Hundred percent. Five weeks it's been out. And it's 65 weeks. I stayed in that talk 15. You're trying to work out how much of a year that is. Aren't you? That'd be cool too. That's what I'm going to guess about. As far as the witnesses go with that number eight. So the zone of interest, I was going to rent that. I'm primed as a day. And I thought to myself, do you know what I'm going to wait? Nice cause it's 16 quid. Yeah. I suppose it's an Oscar winner. It was a bit punchy. And he said he talked to the cinema. So Nikki. Tell us all about number seven monster. Uh, okay. It's a new Japanese release, which is. Yeah. So we've got two Japanese movies, which we now need to go and see, I think we should go and see them back to back. yeah. Uh, number six, his driveway dolls. I haven't seen him. Cobra. This has been. Yes. Are you going to give us a small synopsis Mickey, or are you going to let us know what your thoughts about it? Or you could encourage people to go and sit at a cinema. I actually, I would like people to go and see it. I wouldn't know what they think. And then I'll review it next week. I think there'll be some interesting reviews, right? So I will review it next week and I'll definitely watch it before them so we can. Splice splice our reviews together. You like splice up. Yeah, I I'm I'm time bending this. Um, doing this podcast and traveling. so I've got my Hermione Granger. Oh time, Twizzler thing. Back to the future. He was going to. And Dr. behind me. Well, I think that's the point versus. saving private rights. Shaving. yes. If that's me desperately trying to bring us back in. Number five is imaginary. We fail to death. That's the only time we've ever jewel failed to see a movie. It was a, it was a moment. We definitely see it before you. The next review, but number four book Molly's when we chose to not go and see. Yeah, I think we're just going to let that sit there. I think so. Uh, number three is migration, which are passionate about. It's about ducks traveling. Duke's lonely. Got to get that passport. That sort of thing. I'm with you. Number two. I'm so happy to see this at number two. The letters is still the lumber to you guys. That's what I say. Olivia Coleman, Jesse Buckley. And the rest of the crew. It was rated. See how many he'd remember Timothy Spall and all the rest. I don't need to hang here a while. And Bridget Jones's mum. Yes, she was there in there though. Um, okay. Number one, number one is June the second. It's. The second is going to be this it isn't date. And I have to say it is an epic. Extravaganza. Of Safra delights and Nikki pointed something out. Yes. And what was that? Nikki? 10 is a shallow Mason with, oh, it is. Yeah. It's a, it's a shallow may. Wolffer. I might have, I might have. I might ask some Timothy Bussey to put in a pitcher in the middle of that. Before your homework, Timothy has grossed more than 19 million English squids across these two films. Well done, Timmy. He's a smashing man. Isn't he just. Awesome. Right. That's your top 10. code. You got to go and see, uh, June to Wiki. The little letters. Uh, imaginary drive by dolls. Yeah. Is that of interest up at home and Wonka. Yeah. And maybe monster, if he fencing. So maybe one setting. And come back. If you've got the kids with you. Yeah, absolutely. And if. Drop your kids off at the pool. I'm gonna think the other Japanese one was called perfect day, the perfect day or something. Something like that. Yeah. The MGM, the toilet cleaner. Does that mean? They're still around, which you're totally famous. I'm not that. Yeah. No. It's going to get Twitter. I'm here to let you know. Can we carry on. I think it's bad. I want to talk about toilet. So that was our top 10 at the UK at the cinema, the week of the March, the 12th or 11th ish. I actually had a conversation about toilet juice today, and I do want to go back on it just very, very quickly. Cause before you need, you have to see our toilet. Cause we have more toilet accessories. And then I haven't seen on any toilet ever. I'm not quite sure whether that happened. I've been growing. Every time we go into the. Yeah. Perfume. That actually isn't the toilet. There's a new thing, which is like a, like a gumball rack. Yeah. When I'm on my business. So anyway, after the Oscars. I finished. No. What happens is we come back to watching films, which probably aren't going to be nominated next year. Almost definitely. Doesn't matter. It's not about the awards. It's not about the art. This is the art. All of these darlings, all about the arts. So why don't you tell everyone what we went to see this week? We went to see a horror movie called immaculate. Yes. And I was pleasantly surprised. When the age rating came up. Cause obviously initially when we are watching the film. And at the, uh, Obviously it's via the adverts. And it was, it was very childlike adverts, which were concerning me immediately because I thought to myself, what have I got myself into? It's going to be scream seven or something. And then obviously we are. We are reassured when it came up certificates. I thought, here we go. But then, but then we want to look at the BI PFI. Recommendations as to why it is don't we. Yes. Um, it was a short list. Eight, which is gory. No, it was like blood fueled violence. Clearly much summed it up. I would like it to be like tents and brief sex. And you did mention that. Yes. And you were very disappointed. It was no brief sex. Yeah. There wasn't. Okay. So it's a film called immaculate. It's an American stroke Spanish. No, it. Italian. It's Italian. Yeah. Yeah. The American stroke, Italian. No stroking Italians in my B. Okay. Do you want to take over James? Just. Should I take care of. Okay, so it's directed by Michael Mohan. It is. Yeah. And it stars. Sydney Sweeney. Yes. Thoughts. Yeah. Um, so she's from euphoria. She's famous from euphoria. Yeah. And she's famous for being a very attractive woman with massive of boobies. That's exactly what my wife said. And then she added to that. She's got the sort of face I'd want to punch. Yeah, but she has got a voice. Especially in next week. I thought was actually really good. I thought I really enjoyed her vocal performance. You know what I see where it could move up. Cause I was expecting it to be. Overly American and a little bit late. But at that. Yeah. I thought all this way to get a boy. I thought she was her voice was actually pretty goodness. I agree. So she plays a woman. A devout. A woman of devout faith. Uh, we'll be welcome into a perfect picture. Italian countryside, but she's offered. Uh, a spot in this nunnery. Yes. Now what was the, no, the ninja is bad. Start off with, because the very first scene you see neutrally escaped from this. So not giving anything away when it comes to. It's a sound of music is exactly what it was. So my, my first two lines. I actually made notes after this. I want to go home and last night, Really stressful. I mean, it's the most stressful opening to a film ever. First of all, because there's a nun in a box. There is, and she's getting. Like chucked on top of it. Type thing. Yes. She's lighting matches, which we know is the most stupid thing to do. If you're running out of. Yes. She, she she's. She burning all the oxygen. Isn't she? With a match. It didn't really matter in the end. I was shouting at the screen, in my head. Yes. And then my next line was great. Start numbing the box. Yeah. Get it delivered though. So, yes, it starts off as a classic to me when the 18 waiting came up and they, the opening came up with another of the box and the other than trying to escape. I thought it must have. I'm going to necessarily know. Yes, this could be. I know that. Oh, I thought this could be really dark. Initially. I knew I knew nothing about this film. At all. And it starts off and it projects itself as a supernatural Fiddler to begin with. And that's throw a lot of images at you in reference to a demonic dialogue dinner. Rave references. You've got lots of you've got, you've got some. Them as well. You've got some nuns. We've read faces with masks, some hinting in the background with no reference at all. What's going on there. You've got, and then you've got the two male priests. You're not quite sure what they're doing there. What back button they've gotten an, obviously one of the pipes that goes, I used to be a botanist, you know? It was at biology. It was same beat, different gravy. And then you also got the, the old nuns kind of giving, like cliches. Looks from a farm. It was just kind of like knowing glances. Hmm. So basically she comes over from, from the us. Right. And she's basically been gifted a place in this nunnery. And, um, and her welcome. Isn't hugely warm. Isn't it? I think, no, I think, I think it divided, there were some people that are really into it and you go welcome. Almost overly welcomed. Yeah. And there's wood. And then the rest of them and they go, what are you doing here? Yeah. What you did on a patch. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. They don't talk like that. Uh, yeah. I heard her took her initial tour around. I just not a nunnery. What's the word we're looking for? Molly straight. Confidence. Yes. Monasteries the monks. Yes. She's she's given a tour around this. Convent and the woman is showing around Isabelle. Yes, fucking. Bitch. Isn't she. I just would not say anything. Nice. Uh, none. She wasn't very nice. It doesn't matter. Yes. Can I see that bag? She was, she was bitter. I haven't. Anyway, so carry on. Uh, basically. She is. She friends, a friend. She does. And the old nuns are kind of being wistful and Yez around her. And the, the, the main religious figure of the church and the botanist. Yeah. Really good at flowers. I've kind of like really inviting and inviting her in and they're trying to invite her into the world of the convent. Right. And it is, you can see the something fielding. It's obvious that it's all going to kickoff. Simple as that. So do we do the, do we do the thing that happens? Do we talk about what happens? I think, I, I think we can give a fair bit away to be honest with you. I don't think this is going to stretch as far as. Uh, the Oscars, to be honest. So, Hm. Uh, it's called immaculate for a reason. Yes, because there is. An immaculate conception. She finds herself pregnant or is told that she always found out that she is pregnant. Right without having sex. Exactly right. In these she's interrogated as to whether she has had sex. Yeah, I'll come back to that at the moment. Seven times. I think, did she maybe she'd forgotten or something? It depends how good he was. It was a little nuts. Wow, Nikki. I'm done. Yes. Anyway, so, um, so yeah, so that happens and then the story. Well, but you start it, it goes from being a traditional, as you said, omen esque type horror. Yes. To actually quite an interesting modern take on an omen type horror. Okay. I thought, Hmm. I don't want to give too much away. I think that's a good point. The kind of description of what's going on. Basically after she gets off, she finds out she's pregnant. A whole load of shit goes on. That's correct. When it starts going down. So the basic story is an American nurse goes to an Italian. Not Molly, straight convent competent. She falls pregnant. Unbeknownst to her, but not having sex. The, the convent valley router, they get very, very excited because of the immaculate conception. And then the shit hits the fan. Yeah. Okay, good. So should we, should we move on to likes and dislikes? Yes. I was about to make a really bad Bible joke then. Okay. Very carry on. We, we can't now can we. Okay. We'll come back to you. Keep it. Version of this. Keep it. The Bible anyway. The carrier. So go I'm all ears. He liked. As the further you go through this, this Phil. Yep. There are loads of crumbs of the details of the plot going through the guests. Right. So if you're in, if you're intently watching and you're paying real attention. Yes. You can get clues as to where we're going towards the end of this very loose. I really liked that, that kind of took me back to kind of classic horror. Yeah. Now. I don't know if you do you rate your horrors based on. Jumps as in like scary jumps. Shitting your pants. Not at all. In fact. Aye. Aye. But when I'm looking at film, particularly. Not sort of genre. The art element has to really work for me. And the story really has to work for me and. It could be no Dukes in it at all. And I could find it completely terrifying. Yeah. And vice versa. I could lots of jumps in a movie and not be terrified at all. So the jump Panama. Did you have a little bit, it's more of a safety thing. I personally think I like a good joke, but it's not do all that. Okay. So this film for me? Yes. Had so many jumps. It took me out of the film over and over again, because. We seen there was a bike and you're just kind of like, fuck, fuck. So. And you're out of it again. And yeah. Like there's a bird that flies into wind. Reason whatsoever. Perfect. Correct. James. Um, what didn't I like. Um, I didn't like the fact. That I can't believe I'm about to say this. I can't believe that I didn't like five nuns taking a communal bath. I'm sorry. Did that, did that, did it distract you away from the horror? There's no nudity. No, not at all, but the whole film. It's about Sydney Sweeney's tits and it. I head him that every time she's walking around, she's. Looking around in a sheer night dress. Yes. With a massive bang is flapping all over the place and not went out for when bras. Let's face it. So that was the last thing. Do they not wear bra? Is that. He doesn't, they ain't got none. She's been keeping up with the knees. But it's, um, but. But yes. It was so blatant. I don't mind a bit of nudity. I like it, to be honest with you. But this was just T Woodland all over the place. I found it really distracting. to compete for films. So. Okay. What did you like about the film? Sidney Sweeney. And the 10 teammates. To test. My favorite part of the film. Yeah, where the final five minutes. Okay. That was my favorite part of the film was when she was at the end of her burst journey. Yeah. That was post. Or, or the build up to it was literally the last five minutes. The the, the, the, it wasn't really good. And we went straight back to my first line. Yes. Really stressful. It. I mean, I found the whole film. Really stressful, to be honest with you. I mean, I I'm my. Resting heart rate was yeah. Yes. Highly the whole way through. Um, I felt, I thought that, okay, so. It's a very simple concept. The film. And it's very simple story, but I felt that. The screen lights were very confused. And it really annoyed me all the way through the film. To the point where when I left. I personally felt it ruined a film for me. So, um, so give us an example of what was, what was rumination. Right. Okay. So. You know, a lot more details. I. You know, like conclusions, you know, like. Reasons why certain things happen and not necessarily centimeter. Yeah, but they don't. But you don't necessarily have to make sense, but they do have to be done for a reason. Does that make sense? It's not always about making sense. So, however. The question I have to ask you is, is that. The, the priests and the nuns and the fact that the, the whole, the whole setup was set up for a particular event. Particular, um, Uh, conception of some kind. Okay. So what, what. What, what was the knowingly about this film was that fact that. Were they aware that they were trying to conceive a child or were they. Would that be giving you anything a whiteboard. The nuns, but every, all of them. All of them. Some of them definitely were well, and that's the whole point. And so wanting to get it is they asked it's Dallas a seven times. Did she have sex? Oh yes. A really interesting question. And then they would have known. She didn't have sex because we know how the film ended. But. That might not have been for their benefit, James. Even interpreted that one way. I interpreted that another way. Where they were trying to make her convinced that it wasn't immaculate conception, whereas they knew that it wasn't. Yeah. And that's, that's where I got the seven asks from because they were trying to drum it home to her. It hadn't been Trump. Time? Yes. How about with any of the Nunes would come along and get? It was my son. Yeah. That sort of thing. So for me personally, They, the details will not kept an eye on. And somebody got the few balls and. That, that, that, to me, that ruined a felt. I didn't like the fact that Alvero Morty looked like doctor. Dr. Frank confer from the Rocky horror picture show. I could see where you're coming from. Really put me off. Yeah, I can. You see where you're coming from? Absolutely burst into song. Half way through, to be honest with you. A hundred percent. And then he took a step to the right. I mean, it's great. It's it's it's reassuringly gruesome. It is it's it's definitely got, it's got a very good pace to it. Yeah. It's. Did very, very well. The the, the, the, the, the concept of the film is very, very clever and the actual story. It's very clever, but it has to be more focused and I had to be more on the ball. Yeah. I get that there were slips and I, I liked it. And the further we went through you, right. The last five minutes. Um, gripping yes, absolutely gripping. Yep. But then also the crumbs thing I was talking about really did lead you in. You get 20 minutes. The film. Yeah. And even her break for freedom. Yes. I thought it was super clever. And I thought it was beautifully lined up. I thought I just, I thought I was really smart, but. The only other addition to that was that I felt that there was too many horror pajamas. Thrown into that. Melt melting pot. Of ideas. Wherever we equate from this film. And there was, there was the classic omen. There was the Rosemary's baby. Uh, there was, um, as stigmata there's, there's all those classic. Uh, seventies, eighties and early nineties horror movies that will throw it in. And then decided throwing in, um, Th the, the, the, the, the, the last female sort of survivor, uh, Aspect of, of these movies that are coming out with. The female just kills everybody. Yeah. And you've got to make your mind bubble. Sort of filmed issues. Do you not think we're in a, in a period of so much has been done in horror? That they're trying. Find something. Yeah. And so if you look at the holler we've seen, so night's swim. Yes. Was fucking awful. I. I thought this was much better than writing nights with nice swim. Very pretentious. And so little concept. I mean, it was literally an idea that they dragged out two hours. But Lisa kept food to us. This could have been this, this was definitely two hours worth of horror. I've thought. And I thought there were moments of really great horror in it. Even though they did overcook some of the jumping pits. I thought that's where I, that's where I am with it. Wow. The word I've got down is confused and disappointed. As you today, isn't it. Yes. Yes. Today, here we go. Yes. I mean. Yeah. I don't think I bought chicken scores. I definitely won't watch it again. Um, my score for this is 6.0. Okay. Um, I, I, I came out of it. Really not having lights. Very much. And actually when I started making a few notes, when I go home, I felt actually general. There's quite a lot in there that I did quite enjoy. Yeah. I think it's a really good. If you're a horror fan, it's a really good Renner at home horror. And you could go see the cinema. I wouldn't even think it'd be a bad watch if you're a horror fan. Yeah. But if you're not a horror fan, Don't go, just look at Sydney. Sweeney's bangers. Yeah, I'm disappointed. And I give a 5.5. I thought, I thought you'd been in the fires, but yeah, there we go. So that makes it 5.75. So we making that six. 5.8. It's actually 5.7 or nine. Okay. Okay. We're getting good at this for 21 episodes on. I have been better with Samuel L. Jackson in it, but Samuel Jackson is about to be in a movie. He is. You can go and see that one, Nikki. Thanks. It's Garfield. It looks absolutely Horsham. As Christ. At that half animated one. emanated. It will be good, but the, the half emanated one is, um, one metal. Isn't it. Capacity. Is it. Um, How fun to visit. Garfield was talking about. That was our whole economy. Yeah, how's that going to send me? Is it, my name is Earl or something. There was a TV program years ago called. It was hit and miss and it's him. I would just cause a full automated ones. Chris Pratt has Garfield. And they've made his face. Like Chris Pratt. You ever know, as a baby Garfield, if they were. But it's up to Camille. So today you go so fast. Immaculate we've given it 5.8. I'm not enamored with it, but Pete actually liked that as a harmony. Well, you've been warming me up with your blooming. Hi, I have. but no, I actually quite enjoyed it. Good. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Here you go. Yes. So what was the link save? Which is a PTs homework. Yeah. On a weekly basis. I like to delve into my treasure chest of. Cinematic delights. Mathematic. As well. And I started by for dyslexia. And, um, and. I'm pulling up the chest and throwing up Peter and then see whether he's watched it or not. And see everybody likes it or not. You speak is no exception. This. But what's the name of the film this week? PCMO Pete. Uh, the F the name of this week's film. Yes. It's the skin I live in. Yes. Which is a film directed by, oh, I've got to say this property. Pedro. Moldova. So a non dyslexic. Uh, so, um, this is a director that directed Volvo with Penelope Cruz. And probably the other famous one that you might've seen as timey up timey down. Yeah. So that's kind of like his, his fame back catalog. Um, Predominantly. Yes. Ms. Predominantly stars and Tony bandana for death. As far as the activity, you would know it also stars and Lena and Niah, who, um, is, yeah, she, she's the main actress in this chess. Um, okay. So. What day of the week did you watch his film? I watched this on a Sunday morning. You do let you Sydney morning. Time to watch a film. Yeah. So the rest of the family is in bed. The rest of my family are asleep. And I'll make a little cafeteria of coffee. Yes. And I'll make a little bit breakfast. What do you have? Um, so on a Sunday it would be, did you have sausage? I did. Okay. Yeah, it did. I had. Who's at the window. I had three Chilean fennel sausages from the book just happened. Great, actually. That's my Sunday morning, treat to myself. Cook them in the air fry. No, I don't do. um, so yeah. It gives a day. Yeah, you didn't say that to the day. Did you cook me something? I think about it. It seemed like it in my head. I think I have to get one. I don't believe that ever happened. Okay. Yeah. We are. Uh, we, the scene open. Oh, sorry. I rented this on sky. You made me pay for this. I guess. So Katie on sky. It's only on sky. Yep. And, um, Now TV and is it actually called the skin I live in, in English, even though it's a Spanish language film. Or is there a, was there a Spanish title to it too? Definitely a Spanish talking. Don't even ask me to try to put out it. Okay. Cause I didn't think it was. Yeah, I tried to find it anyway. So, um, this is a subtitled film. It. Um, and, um, even though I've kind of begged James after every podcast record to. To change the genre and give me something different to watch. He did. He gave me another film, which is exactly the same, but in Spanish, So, um, so thank you for that. However, I am now a bit of a connoisseur of a, of a James classic. So we, the scene open. Yes. And there is a woman. Making her way around a room, which is clearly a locked white room with some stock furniture in it. Um, and she's wearing a normal in one body suits, skin colored, body suit. Um, and she is. Crafting. Modal face models or head sculptures on a table. Yep. And layering sections of this body suit as if it was skin on the face. Now. Knowing that this is a film that you've recommended. Yes. I'm thinking this is future symbolism. This is where this film is going and we need to kind of absorb. Cookies message here is that there's no confused message. There is a, there is no plot twists. There is no, this, the plot is this. Yes. Antonio Banderas is a botanist. Oh, he's a biologist. Bye-bye. And he has created a synthetic. Skin or alternative to skin. Which is much stronger than skin. And he basically, um, Feels that it could be used to prevent disease and infection and infection and to help. Humanity moving forward. Yes. However he has clearly tested. The growth of this synthetic skin on the woman who is trapped in this room. Yes. It's in a beautiful, um, Spanish Manor house in the middle of the countryside. Totally isolated. There is a housekeeper in the house. Basically helps. Look after him and her, and there's kind of like a tannoy system in the house. And the CCTV in the house, she is curious. So it's a basically. It's almost like it's like a safe house. Yes. It's like that type, of course we, the hospital and a prison. Uh, right at the beginning, the, the, the, the, all the butlers and servants. Fired. Yes. Um, and just give it basically kind of got rid of. And yeah, so basically we understand that there is a. Uh, terse relationship between Anzio and intelligent. Yes. And, uh, and the woman in this room. That's right. And, uh, and again, And they're not getting. And then there is a very loving relationship between Antonio Banderas and the housekeeper. And, um, anyway, so Antonio Banderas goes off and he goes to talk to his medical buddies. Yes. And he starts new skin, new skin. Yeah. He basically, he wants to tell the world about it and it's kind of met with real. Yeah. Questions and, you know, people are thinking it's wonderful, but they're really unsure how he's come about this. And they're basically questioning his ethics. Questioning his morals. And that's the story goes on. We understand that, um, the, the, the skin, the degenerated skin, his called gal and gal is, uh, is named after his ex-wife, who burnt to death. In a car fire. So there's a car accident. She burned to death in the fire, and he's basically attributed this skin product that he's created. To her. Leave the office bird's wife named it after his. Yeah. So, um, so at this point we're kind of thinking, okay, well this is kind of bumbling along. And we're kind of picking up a head of steam. It's all going quite well. And then this way. He is at the front door dressed as a tiger. He does. Does expect that to happen? Did you expect that to happen? No the first time I was sitting there freaking bizarre. Becca. I know. And, um, we realized very quickly that Zika. Is the maid's son. That's right. And, um, he's a tool isn't he? He is evil. Yeah, horrible. Um, nasty and there's a main, main man. We don't like him doing. We don't like him. We don't like him. Um, he's mean to his mom. He's mean to his. Nice. His mum isn't. I like. Um, yeah. Anyway. Um, so he comes into the house and Antonio, Antonio Bandera. It's not in the house when he arrives. Yep. And carnage and choose. Yes. He, uh, he's in the kitchen and chatting to his mother and he's trying to work out how he can bribe money or yes. It's everything. And, um, yeah. The opportunist he is. And then he spots the CCTV. Yeah, downhill really, really. It does. It starts on Raveling quite rapidly. Very good way of expressing. I think so what can I say from this point on with James? Third one is an old film. I think you can give it all away. All of it. Yes. Can I see that Zack or the tiger man rapes the girl in the room. You can. Becca the tiger man rapes the woman in the room. She didn't say that. You got it. He got spotted by Antonio Bandera. Yeah. He shoots him to death. He does shoots him in the buck. It does. He does. And we don't need to actually, we don't need to describe the whole thing because we need to keep some secrets, however, The whole kind of underlying secret. Through the whole film. Yeah. Is who is this beautiful woman? And she is. But you to fall. She's not bad looking. She's a cracker. He is. And the S the last third of this film is basically describing. Who this woman is who they are, where they have come from. And then there is a conclusion that is. And that's, I think that's how I want to leave the review because. We know what happens in James' films. Yeah. We. Yeah, it's kind of normal-ish. Up until the point. And then they'll supernatural though, is it? It's not giving anything away? There's no aliens involved. However, there is. The devil's involved. Dave devils. That you need to. But it is a stretch of the imagination and it is a stretch of the truth. And it's really disconcerting. And it's really worrying. I've seen it three times. Do you know what. Here's the thing. I think I've seen it before as well. I think I saw it when it first came out. Wow. But it didn't stick with you. Okay. And the weird thing was, yeah, I remember the first half and not the second half. So, I don't know what happened for me to not finish it. I think, I think most important. The actual whole kind of the real story. Yeah, absolutely. Um, so there we go. That is, um, yeah, that, yes. Yeah. Would you let some fat. Yes, please. Okay. So apparently. Um, after a few days of shooting Petro, Oh, move the door. Uh, I had a conversation with Antonio Banderas. In which he told him that he needs to drop all of his ticks as an actor. Because he really wanted a restrained character and the actor to play in him to be more typical psycho. Do you know what, in, in this week of, um, new potential bond announcements? I was watching that film and Antonio Bandera, if he wasn't Spanish, it would've made a bloody great bond. He would've done. The whole way through this film. Actually what you said about the removal of ticks and steadiness and smoothness. He is beautiful. As he acts. Blind. Absolutely. Underlying cool. The whole way through it, but also dangerous as well. There's a danger. Yeah. I did it almost like a quiet. Snowden. Yeah. Um, like, like a date, like a, like a dangerous George Clooney. Yeah, no. I just thought, yeah. She it's interesting. You said that because as soon as you said that, oh, actually, yeah. Um, and the man, he goes into the dress shop to bring his wife's garments. Yeah. That is. Oh, Gustine Amelda door. Who's the producer of the film and who say Padres brother. Interesting. Yeah. Instead of 10. You got to give it Mr. Pete Teagan PT. Okay. So if this has dated. Has it in terms of the, the video quality. Um, and yeah, the storyline, I think it's very low, key, very low budget. And I think there. There have been new alternatives to this film. Yeah, I think maybe they've referenced it and made kind of new sparkly versions of that. So for that reason, I'm giving it a 6.2. Okay. I'm happy with that. Um, I, I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the other films you've given me recently. Actually. So, yeah. So now within this racket, this genre of James movies as my family called them. Yeah. Um, it was, it was, it was on the lower end of the scale. Right. It's a 7.6. IMDBs it really well. That's me models away from IDB. I'm normally quite close. Usually. Yeah. It had 28 wins for awards. And 69 nominations. Four of which change. Yes. One of which they won. Did Holly's pricing cause. It's a bit gnarly at one point. I mean, not even know. Learning bloodedly gnarly, just psychologically gnarly. It's fucked up, man. If you think if you go through this film and you think you've got off lightly, you haven't, you've got. Got to see the last 20 minutes. It goes very Jamesy D think. Yeah. So the reason why they talk about films and public. I need the first half. Any given some days. Oh, So talk about that. Um, what we're doing next week. Well, we are doing, uh, at the cinema. We're doing the dolls. Do I have to wait. I'd like to see much Neri as well. And I'm sure we're about to slip into the wind in there before next Thursday. You'll get away for a few days. Hopefully you'll be able to get to the cinema. If not, you have to be catch up. Yep. Homework. Yes, Peter is getting homework. Oh, God. Right. You've got a choice of four films. No, I haven't. I'm going to give you one. But we'll find out when you haven't seen, okay. Your. Okay. I'm with you. Okay. So I do need to read my shit then I know you noticed. So instantly. But he pulled it back. He did. He did. Yeah. Well done. Well, thank you guys. So continue. So we've got. It was soldier. So he's got his own. yeah. So to continue with the Timothy. Wave. Yup. Have you seen bones at all? Nope. No. Yes. That's about. Bones and all came at two years ago. It is a modern take on a, um, Zombie. on a cannibal movie. Okay. Eight. It's it's still incredibly, but if you've ever seen a film, a near dark. From the late 1980s, he's got references towards that. All the way through it. It's a, it's a, it's a dirty, modern horror done in a very low key way. Very clever. Just. Definitely recommend it. It's Timothy doing independent horror movie, which you would not expect at all. Oh, okay. I lost it. You see a different side of them and that's why I said he's going to be the, uh, the butter. In your sandwich. Beautiful. Lovely. Yeah. Are you going to tell me the other three, you're going to hold them back. I'm holding back on holding back. We haven't sketched on run much heavily. Nope. We haven't. But, but this one is not. This one, it is. Um, there's some diabetes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not going to get down there. Okay, thank you very much for watching. The tiny binder with. I'm really enjoyed it. It was good. Good, good, good, good, good. Pizza sent me some of these bats. And then she told me who they're from. Oh, these are from our biggest family owned miles highly. Oh. Yep. So he went to see June the surgery. The second. Yes. And he said you were right about the train, like worms. Sorry about the train didn't fail as long as it was and kept me very grit. I was just about Caz. Definitely once. At the cinema. Also, could there be a June three? Uh, nine for me. So he gave it a nine out of 10. We were pretty much at school. Um, and then he said beehive watched any. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, watch any of the transporters instead, 5.5. Transporters. Yeah. I disagree with them and I thought, I thought the beekeeper was actually better than the last two transporter movies. The first field sports movie was excellent and it was by Jason cable up to the, onto the scene. Yeah. Rolling at black oil and using these bicycle clips in a very, very eventful way. We should favor took his top off leader and everybody went, oh, It's deep, big. So that. The beekeeper thing that annoys me is when the body turns around to him and goes. Is it to be on. Uh, oh, Before we finish. Yeah. And that's cool food Tuesday on BBC. What are your opinions of the ratings for films that are being changed? So apparently. Uh, sex and nudity will be at the except for the 12 or 12, eight, and now more likely to be rated 15. Becoming more stringent. Yeah. Do you think they should? Do you think they need to relax more? I'm really comfortable with where the ratings are at the moment or the, yeah, the. The certification. Isn't a moment to tell you, honest with you. My only question. And I asked this question all the time about the difference between, um, certificates for, um, sexual scenes and horror things. There seems to be a lot more emphasis on not showing ladies breasts or, or adults having sex. Rather than concerned about people having their heads blown off. Quite frankly. And the animals don't die. I'm fine. And I will otherwise confused. How these ratings work. And I'm always confused about how it is that how certain films. Uh, uh, Chest eyes and certain ways of being too overly sexualized. And yet we're allowed to see. You're all volatile on daytime television. You know, television to box it facilitates. If you put, if you look at the samples of the two horror films that we've seen recently, it's a night swim. And macula. Yes. A night swim is a 15. That's right. Accurate. I think that's fine. Absolutely. And then for that, Added goal. And tip swinging. Yep. You got an 18 with a mic. So I think they, I think they got both those. Yeah, I agree. Absolutely. I haven't seen anything recently. I've thought, oh, I wouldn't want my 12 year old. I agree. I mean, ducks migrating. It's just not, you know, there's nothing bad in that. I get calls from customs. It'll go wrong. Yeah. We've all been paid for it anyway. So that's the end of your 21st episode of our popcorn pundits podcast. PT. Repeat. Do the August. Pop pop, pop, pop, pop. Putco pundits podcast week 21. Kiva. Okay. Awesome. Oh, nice.

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera-1:

No, she's always been like this. No. Smacking your pencil. It's been mild. That was fun. I don't mind that I'm wearing them. Where you all three lanes. this is your autumn outfit. This is. I'm layering layering it. This is my, I've got a t-shirt knitwear. And then. It's actually linen. Um, t-shirts. And jackets. Papa par is that? No. Say. What is that? What are we going to do instead? We've got to say hello to everybody and explain what's happening with the podcast is, I don't know if we're doing this. We are doing this. Exactly. So this is an advert. This is an advert for our podcast. Really good at this marketing. I think we should probably have a meeting about this at some point. Yeah, I didn't know. We'd started. Hello. Hi, everyone. Hello there. Hi. Um, this is just a little note to say that, uh, on Thursday we are going to be reviewing a film that we saw this week called immaculate as a, uh, as a preview. That's right. So if you fancy a scoring along with us on Thursday, Try and go and see that before. Um, For them. Yes. It's a horror movie to be careful. It's it's it's terrifying. Yes. Yes. It's an 18. Don't bring your kids. We'll be, we'll be posting our review on Thursday, along with our YouTube. Nikki's going to be editing and. Um, keeping an eye on us. And I'll be talking about my homework. You Ruby. Oh, well, yes. So see you Thursday. Around