The Popcorn Pundits

Godzilla x Kong

April 04, 2024 James Peter Season 1 Episode 23
Godzilla x Kong
The Popcorn Pundits
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The Popcorn Pundits
Godzilla x Kong
Apr 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 23
James Peter

It was Godzilla X Kong time at pundit HQ and why are the pundits talking abput Uri Geller? 

Show Notes Transcript

It was Godzilla X Kong time at pundit HQ and why are the pundits talking abput Uri Geller? 

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera:

Did you really shaved him like that? No, no normal. No. Normal. Normal level of followup. No tapping your pen today. I'm going to, I'm going to good mates there. I'm not going to lose my shit about anything. Really interrupted. Every time. There's a person's I haven't touched yet. And I was like, let James speak. And then you change your mind. It's not like she stopped. We stopped over to you, Peter. Pete. Papa. Pop gum pundits podcast week 23. Yeah. That sounds about right. no. According to my blink boys. Oh, no, it wasn't a date. The date today is Thursday, the fourth or 5th of April. Yeah. My national. The first Thursday, it's the person that really sees your pop component. And I'm James Michael Crow. Who are you? I am Peter James OnGuard. Hey, I'm Nikki, Nikki. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. We are your top gun pundits. Yes we are. That's right. And we are here to enforce. The need to watch this cinema. On a weekly basis. We're here to watch the cinema. Stare at the building. It might move. We're here to ensure that you keep the, uh, the cinema tills flowing. Yeah, nicely. Absolutely. We didn't go together. No, no. This week you've been to the cinema a lot, a lot. This week, I have a date. Yes. And, um, yeah. And I've done a bit homework. You haven't deed. Yes. Which you left. I might not love. We'll find out. In some degree. Nuclear. Yes. So we are your pocket blunders. We like to put out to exactly what's going on in a top 10 in the UK. A cinema chart. We're going to, uh, quickly review a couple of films are out of a cinema at the moment. So new releases. And then an old film or an old. Older film, which you said sent me yet as to, uh, to watch at home. Streamable movie that you're going to tell us what you thought about it. Absolutely. Is that okay. Editor producer. Sounds good to. All around good guy. Good guy. Yeah, Nikki with my kid. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, it's they, as in it anyway. Pizza. But Pete, would you like to give us the top 10, please? I started, well, I say starting a number 10. The famous duck animation migration. Oh, I'm poet. Isn't it. Accidentally rhymed. And I'm really proud of it. There's still more grazing. Yeah. Absolutely. If you release the weight back soon. Exactly. Number nine wicked little letters. Number eight is crew. No idea what cribbage. So we live naked. We get the letters. Indian Hindi language, heist comedy film. Oh, okay. It looks quite good. Sounds brilliant. It's a macula. Yes. It's not one moment. But a distributor black bear. Yep. Beautiful. You have a sick is number sick. Number six is mother's instinct. No, nothing about this. Let's go and Hathaway. I haven't seen it. And, um, yeah, it's one of those ones I have, I've been struggling to see again. But okay. Number five, a. I'm gonna do that again. Uh, do poorly. Nice. I mean. It may sound missing like his post is. Now, but you sounded very impressive. It's a well-known businessman experiences, seven disturbed, several disturbing visions. He decides to meet a Yogi. Yeah, the Yogi. Further tries to help him fight a vengeful spirit. Right. And it translates to goop and tiger game. Amazing. What does the name of the field? Does that go down? St Peter and tiger game. Right. If the translation. Okay. Thanks for that. That's in the five. Number four is June the second. Number three. Ghost busters, frozen empire. Correct. Number two is Godzilla X, the new empire. Not the frozen empire. No, this all by empires. We noticed. Yes number. Number one is Kung Fu Panda. Which I have to say I've only ever watched the first one. We have to go and see. It's still with jet black, silver, Jack Black. Being with Jack Black. Well, yeah. I think people were still watching it. Yep. I want us to get an AI thing doing here. That's the book deep, quick dinner, James hooked right there. I think that's another. To strike coming up. Exactly. Yes. So, yes. That's your top 10 at the center now, obviously we've got to take in consideration. This is during half term. Yes. As well. So obviously the films that we'd recommend for the half tourneys, I've gotta be comfy pander, obviously. Correct? Uh, Godzilla. Uh, good questions. Yeah. Um, immaculate. Not with the devil. We're not recommending that. Going off to the cinema. Why is daddy? How did a kid. I have no idea what his dad going into a different screen. Awesome. There you go. Get your top 10. At the cinema I've been Boba. To April the second. No, I put the first. April the fourth, April to fifth, and that sort of dates. April the fourth. Thursday is eight 30 in the morning. Right. So. Yes. You and I, yes. Well, you would see two films. This. Did indeed. And I went to see one film. Yes, I was going to go with you. You. I was a bit sleepy by those. Decided to not go. You need to get your good, you need to get your beauty sleep in new. I did. Hmm. Yes last night. At nine o'clock. Did you go last night? Did you. I went in the afternoon. And he's going to do that with you, but I. Um, I had, I had, um, some golf to play yesterday, so I decided to go to the late night showing. Right. And, um, of Godzilla ex. Bash the new empire. Yes. How you say it is. I think so. Yeah. And I think X is obviously cause. The field before was versus. And that was ex in, like in almost like a collaboration when Addie Dassault will merge with. A label to make something very groovy. But the next one would probably be why. Why. No, my question. But we'll come to that in a moment. Yeah. Should we start off with some information lies. Directed by Adam wing ARD. What did we. Why did we admit initially that we have been quite verbally slagging this movie off even before we watched it mainly through to, through the trailers and also for the fact, cause you've seen the first two. When you think you've seen, you've seen the very first calm movie. you've seen. I didn't see the pre the last one. I didn't see the Godzilla versus. Okay, right. Because the story was quote, input. Yeah. This is one of the things I was quite worried about. I mean, I don't think that the plot line was too difficult to, to kind of pick up. So unfortunately for the makers of coal X, Godzilla, Pizza night always have seen com. Uh, Godzilla minus one this year, which was incredible. Uh, with his retro quality and his attention to detail and his homage to. All historical good things about Cortana. I think we should start this review. With the review of the film before. Before we start talking about how we feel about it. I just, I'm just playing. I'm just, I'm just laying the ground out. Okay. Because we've, we've been quite vocal about this movie before we watched it and I'm just making it sure that we all are listened. Just worried that I'm going to start going. People to understand what the film's about before I start renting. Oh, really? Yeah. What was the film about James? Well, it's about these two big monsters. Yeah. I go to save the planet. Yes. Okay. So it's it's it's, it's directly straight after cold versus Godzilla. Where they've obviously Colin and Godzilla have of course, some sort of Alliance together. It's it's it's, it's a, it's a, it's an Alliance from distance. So God has to live under the ground. In this underground world place that we didn't know about. And Godzilla is allowed to walk around Italy and have a slip quick Kip. Did you, did you know about the hidden world in the last that's correct? Yes. I wasn't just at a very talented to move. You. We found somewhere for him to live. Can we found this brand new, can it within a planet? Yeah. Okay. So just always start off as if you would know this already. Yeah. As I said it wasn't that difficult to kind of motion. It was no. No. So it's obvious that, that you're when, when you've got the two big monsters getting together a third month has to come into play to kick off. But it comes in later. Yeah. So, uh, so we're, um, The Godzilla beginning bear. Yes. Basically. Godzilla is kind of going around the planet. Sucking up, um, Radiation. Nuclear radiation from different places. And he's beefing up, basically his is going to the gym and like, yeah, doing. Some of these dirty taking these protein shakes from all different parts of the world. He is getting ready to kick some monster ass. The whole apparent, uh, watching him do this. Yeah. And they have no idea why he's doing this, where it's going to happen. They don't really mind, even though he's wiping out entire cities while he's doing it. Oh yeah. He's walking through and it literally is if it's nothing. Yeah, absolutely. Because it's little and he's big. Yeah. But it's really Italy. Yeah. Hey, I got it. Yeah. Yeah. He got it. Yeah. So anyway, so yes, so. So you've got Godzilla beefing up. You've got, um, you've got king Cole who is. So human now it is in the way heat. He's animated. It's animated. Yeah. It's always not worth you putting from when you have. Now, once you to be quite honest with you, because. These so humanized. Yeah. So much more than the first couple of Congolese sort of point where you almost expected to talk. He looks vague to me. It's just broken. Yeah. He's got the beard. He's got a bad, you know, he's got a bad tooth, that sort of thing. And it's all very, uh, And, and what, what they're doing is as directors and filmmakers that they did, she would always in the most is called and Godzilla. To obviously sell toys to continue with the storyline and to. Uh, to bring a new, younger audience. That's how I see it. Even Godzilla was really quite humanized. To the point where in the advert. It really annoyed me. Yeah. But I'll explain what happened in the movie in a minute. Okay. Right. Yes. So. A little bit more plot. Yes. So it's not complicated plot. So at the end of the day, you've got, you got gods that are getting, getting beefed up, coal becoming more and more human and, uh, living in his underground earth. He comes back to top earth. Could his teeth. It's got to see the dentist. Yeah. Um, they fixed it tooth. And then they basically come up with the assumption that Kong is feeling lonely. Yes. And it's trying to find other monkey folk. That's correct. And he's doing it very, very well in his facial expressions that he looks lonely. Yeah, there's a lot of that. Oh, I've a bit lonely to watch this on YouTube. You want to see that Facebook? Exactly. Oh, yes. Um, so, so the story continues and then it's then. It's becoming more and more relevant that there is going to be some other motors coming along fairly soon. Yes. Godzilla's. Pretty busy, still, uh, not only beefing you, but also focusing on one or two of the smaller boxes that are just, yes, I heard. Thinking around the earth at the same time. The power up. Yes. What they said exactly. Yeah, exactly. Like the power Rangers. Yes. It. It was morphine time. He did a lot more finger time. Yeah. So eventually Kong comes across, obviously after having his tooth fixed and take going back to, uh, under earth, he comes across a tribe of Godzilla. Uh, king Kong, just the same size as him and everything else. And it wasn't anything he said, oh, he's. He's made some mates. And it does work out that way. Does it pizza? What happened? It doesn't. Um, well, there's a bit of a alpha male off isn't that? Yeah. Yes. And did you notice that it's the, it's the Ginger's versus the login to. It's like your household. So do you have rang attention? The ginger. Versions of the con of the, of the, of the king Kong's are evil. They're angry. They're that? They're humanities the last single day. Or they chat list. That, that they're quite a glace at it. That means that they're allowed to be evil because. They're quite ugly, bad monkeys. Bad bad ape. Yes. Bad ape. I said, obviously that's all kicking off. And did you suddenly realize that cold and Godzilla have to team up? To beat set, naughty, giant. Orangutang. Yeah. That's brilliant. That's what I'm. That is? Yeah. That is pretty much, yeah. However, He's got a, he's got a, he's got pack. Woodside. He's got a gun. He's got a Godzilla version of his own. Yeah. That he is able to manipulate with the power of a giant. Gloving sector at the end of a wispy Whitfield. Um, glue sticks that you get from, from the high street. That's exactly what it is. He's able to control this Godzilla type creature that is apparently is, is, is, uh, responsible for the last ice age. So realistically what's happened is you've got the orangutan king Kong and king Kong. You've got the ice age. God. And Godzilla. And they have, they're basically, it's like a wrestling match at the end of claw. What was the worst bit about this film? I'm done now with unplug. Yeah, I'm going to run now. Do you know what. Can I just say something. The worst bit about this movie was my police conception of it. I felt personally liked it. Well, It got to a point. I went with a family. And I'm going to ask them to send it. Uh, a review for next week's. We can have a recorded review of this. I went with very open eyes. He the most up, do you know what I've been sliding this film off relentlessly for the last couple of months, because every time I see it on. This looks rubbish. They're really not humans. So on and so forth and yes, the Albany like humans and the access road, all of the conventional books out of the window, reference to any stylized coal, any historical reference to any decent Godzilla's, it's all thrown out the window. There's lots of bright purple. There's lots of bright green, and he might as. I'll come out. The Marvel. Uh, most recent sort of color palettes. However, yeah. However, saying all of that, this movie knows exactly what it is. Okay. It's unashamedly cheesy, it's unashamedly sort of just living off the backbone of all the other The movies. But. The animation's not brilliant. The, the, the, the, the, um, the head buddy is not scary in any way, shape or form, but it's not for us, Peter. This is this film's not for us. This, this, this film is for the family that I won't live with. With two, you boys wanted to see two giant dinosaurs. Did they love it? They loved it. Absolutely loved it. And even the annoying little ginger. A. Eight type creature. That was following codes around. The baby. Yeah. Initially incredibly doing. To human far, far too human to, to play. It's up to myself. Is that Chris rock? So Campbell point. Um, And you. I think for now that we'll put aside all those myths. Uh, there's angry feelings towards the fact that it was too human and cheesy and so on and so forth. And I was able to embrace the whole movie. And I actually really liked it. No, you didn't. I did. As a levy as a standalone levy as a cheesy bank holiday Monday. Uh, lobster Fest. It works for me. For what level of was really disappointed. So disappointed. The animation is like, it's the worst animation. I've ever seen. Very bad. I agree. The opening scene. Like, which we've seen on a trailer. Yup. So probably a thousand times when you actually see on a big screen like that. Yeah, it looks like it's been done with wax crayons. Yes. And it's, it's terrible. The monsters. Yes. They don't have a consistent size, depending on who's around them. Yes. They're either the size of a skyscraper. Well, they're twice the size of a man. And I kept looking at. He was the size of that man's finger a minute ago. And now he's like coffee size. It doesn't make any sense. I was changed size. Then they find the hidden, hidden place. And the expert goes all. Look, this place is covered in iwi. Hieroglyphs. And they weren't worthy. Covered in digestive biscuits. Yeah. And then from these digestive biscuits, She never said that. That, that parts of it, that part of the universe before. They've stood up to read it. Like she's been reading that language for the whole of her life and all this happened and that happened. I'm just like, this is actually terrible. And the monster comes out like the bad, bad ginger monkeys comes out and you just like. Oh, that's the worst. I mean, it was like a cartoon ginger monkey. It. Salut. Thinking why. I just got Zilla, Nita, like power up for this tiny. And it wasn't was it, it was for the ice age, Godzilla that you have to power up again. He did, but he didn't mean he didn't. And the ice age looked really tame. I thought. He was like, he could have been from Twinkie, Twinkie land. I've seen game of Thrones. Yes. Have you? Yeah. I have seen a few episodes. Have you seen, did you see the climax of it at the end? Just sort of done it. I sort of looked. did you see when those a good dragon and the bad dragon? No. Okay. There's a good drag on a bad drug. Okay. And that's what this was aspiring to be, except in. Harry Potter game of Thrones, the good dragon and the bad dragon. Or epic. There's one that has got blue eyes and breathed out blue, and the other one is red. And this is just kind of like, it's almost like. A kid's drawing. Yeah. She's like the director. He's drawn a monster and they've got all your we'll put that in. It's better than what we got. You're right. Yeah, but I still thought. It did its job, but it was meant to do. Okay. I hate this. Because. If you put the name Godzilla. Yes. Into the title of a film. Yes. I feel you are obligated to follow certain rules. Wow. There are no Godzilla rules for late in this we saw minus one, we did. We well, I felt that minus one was a Godzilla film, which is so not about Godzilla. And that to me is so Godzilla. What about the people? The civilization. Yeah, this is just a story list plot. This effortless. Absolutely back a nonsense. I hope it falls out. Gavin. See it. Yeah. Seriously. If you've got children go and see it. Put aside Peters. Um, snowbird I've created a monster. I, I don't very often come out the cinema cross, but I was really. Pissed off when I left the center. Because I went in with such low expectations. Looking forward to, I think I'm more disappointed about your review of this than I am the film. I was expecting you. Actually to tear up your. UDI in the subscription. The tool in front of her face. I told him he's more because as I said, right at the very beginning, It knew exactly what it was. It did pretend it was anything else. Not in any shape or form. Unlike, uh, immaculate friend that they pretended it was a decent horn. Maybe it wasn't a decent. Cool. back then we saw. That missed it. Missed the mark. That was a poor film. I thought this was a fraction of the quality of ghost. There was elements of. Good and Ghostbusters. I couldn't find anything redeeming about this film. I think the whole package. Is the thing rather than. You're right. Sites. This site. The special effects are shocking. The storylines or for, um, the, the plot is, is, is, is very feasible. Um, and the, an enter, but. The one of the characters, one of the lead characters. Is brutally murdered in one scene. They don't even mention it. It's just like tells you or friends who were up to. Yeah. But it's true though. Well, I don't understand really emotionally invested. And the level of hatred towards this movie. I think you just need to display. Just breathe. I'm giving a three. I'm giving it a 5.2. What did you give from Ghostbusters? You can't eat. Actually giving it a three. Yeah. Absolutely horrific. This is when I score a film. Okay. I do not rate it against, under the film. I wrote tickets, how I feel about it. So you've given it. Yeah. One in total Vega, but they have to say. What a 4.1. Okay. That's fair enough. Um, but, but this ask. Grading system is supposed to be relevant. One film to another. Yes. So, yeah, we can't just pick a random number out. Today. I feel like. I forget we are, we are judging the movie as it is easily. And we're not judging movies that against each of the book. We just, you can do these, how we feel about it. I'll tell you to agree. And John was complete different filmmaking techniques, completely different audience as well. Ghost busters and this, yeah, no, I think Ghostbusters, I think guys. We have a slightly older audience, a broader audience. It's still, it's still supposed to, to, to, these are both. Easter holiday movies. life is a rich tapestry of different characters of people. Peter. Yeah. I don't fit this square pegs in round holes. What does that show? The school is 6.7 6.7. Do you know what? It will be packed in the cinema? It was packed when I went to it yesterday afternoon. I'm sure it was not packed last night. So, um, it was, uh, pretty, uh, third full. Yeah. And I, I like to listen to the hubbub on the way out. And there was one group who were massive Godzilla fans and they were talking about. Moth Zinner. Yes. And apparently there was a morphous in the movie. And, uh, Or Mozilla is a, is a baddie in one of the original Godzilla. That's right? Yes. And, um, and they were the only people who were remotely complimentary about anything in the food. That was a. Put it this way, my crowd wasn't a 6.5 crowd. Well, the, the family that I went with, what does it add to give it a 10 sick? Oh really? Oh, that's good to hear. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They enjoyed it. And do you know what? To me personally, it's it. And it's supposed. We did this podcast for you. And it's important that pizza noisy things from completely different perspectives, because if we both still thinks. Exactly. I'm saying. Thanks James sometimes need to make these wrong. There's a. It's not a Mozilla that I can see. Yeah. I think he was. That's what I say. That is it. Godzilla's love life. It's a more flight monster. Um, and according to a website, she's got Zealand's wife. Can we also talk about the Angus Redmond child who was aspirin for no reason whatsoever the entire way through to film. Hi, do you have a good day school? Like stop out. Well, she had to keep it up. Didn't shake. Oh. A few quick facts. Okay. So there's actually 38 films in the franchise. 33 of them are Japanese and. Yeah. Uh, American. And this film was released exactly 10 years after the release of Godzilla. Yeah. And the film that launched the American franchise side of it, right. Likewise this year marks the 70th anniversary of the godsend of franchise overall. Interesting. Good facts. Knowledge. Thank you. And then the change of color for God. Sillars. Atomic breath going from light blue to a veggies tint. Signifies. To, to boost, empower. Paul, you also ate a pink monster. movements and manners. Mannerisms, namely in the scene where he is sleeping. Code up inside the Roman Colosseum is based off the director's cat could mischief. Yeah, that was, to me that was very tall, Kim. Very token. Right? So we've got that. We've taken care of Godzilla ex. Oh, there was a gap as well. It wasn't him. Within, including the Coliseum. So, so when he sleeps, he sleeps in the Colosseum twice. The first time when he gets out the Coliseum, he destroys it and then he gets back into second. Evie built it. Yeah. I think they rebuilt it or they had two of them. Yeah. Just in case. There's Roman Colosseum. It doesn't say which one. So anyway, so we can't always save cinema. Sometimes we need a little bit help from the filmmakers, but maybe the second film you saw this week was better. Well, the second film that I went to see at cinema. It's a, it's a classic 1970s horror movie. And I was. And I purposely tried not to watch. Any photos for this? I, as soon as I saw the first couple of, um, Um, frames. Without that I thought I've got to turn this off. I've got it turned off because I don't want it. I don't wanna get too excited about this fair. Uh, I love the actor in this movie. And how about, you're going to have to pronounce his surname. Okay. Let me have. Yeah. His name is. And it, so it's best to date by the way. Have a. To get your master of that. I can't so dust Mulkey shit. Yeah. Yeah, what an incredible day. Yeah. He's incredible. He pays it. A chap called Jack Delroy. It's a lot easier to pass. So pronounced. Generally Delroy. Yeah. Frank who just called Jack. Okay. He's a, he's a host of a television series, a television. Talk show and the night, 1977. And has this film the same way as the whole day is like in that 1970s. Yeah. We very much so. And I'm what. What w Nicky's hungry. I really got into the storylines. What I really, really love about this, this film. It encapsulates everything that I love about filmmaking. It just goes in me deep into the whole. And the vibe of it is so seventies, it is. It's better than the seventies. That way. In the seventies. Very similar to that. The. Um, the whole day, isn't that respected? Now the premise is of the, of the, of the film it stood on this film is that Jack plays a television talk show host. And he, I think he was a, um, I think he. I'm not quite sure what you did before, but he was, he was, uh, he was a successful business with anybody into TV shows. Uh, and then D. During the 1970s, it became incredibly popular and then it became integrated. It became a classic ratings war. Between himself and Carson. In 1970s. And that they using old footage just to show the fact they do a battling out to the ratings. And so. And it was a late night television show. At, at flatting 1970s vibe. He wasn't quite getting there and they will obviously showing you his background about how well he was doing on his personal life. He was married to a very successful actress. He was also part of a gentleman's club. That met in the woods ever so often and had like secret meetings and sort of so forth, but in a gentlemen club sort. Wow. It was insinuated. There was a little bit of secret meeting going on there. Okay. So that that set the story really, really beautifully. And you, you, you find Jack. Virtually. A couple of years after the date they've launched this, this, this gate, this, this tech talk show elated. Let's at night and he comes across as even under his very first episode. He kept because his mother be desperate sort of point by he would deal with. I hope you like this show, you know, this is gonna be fantastic. And he's trying to sell it all the time. He's like a salesman all the time. The, the only thing I took, everything I took in with me to the cinema was a quote that I accidentally vet. Which was this film is Alan Parker goes to hell. And it is. And it is, and it's terrifying. It's absolutely brilliant. It's terrifying in its conception. The storyline is, is, is, is as scary as anything you'd want it to be. And the concept is scary as well. So it's a, it's a classic storyline where he's bringing on coasts and he started to raise his, his, his, his ratings. Obviously he's getting more and more risky with. With his host sees bringing you on. And you've got a Halloween special. Okay. So that's where that sort of story is set. And, you know, it's all good to go wrong, you know, D. Th th the story set up. The stage is set. And you know, something bad is going to happen. The carry special eight. Pretty much. So, yes. So he said, So he brings on a, uh, You brings on a clairvoyance. And this level in is exactly what you want him to be. He is, uh, dive, write his name down here somewhere. Um, Uh, Chris DOE the mind reader. Okay. And he's exactly what you want him to be walk. So then he goes, hello. Hello, can I, I've got something here. I've got to be. Can I, can I hear Barry's? Is there a main radio audience? And it's exactly how you want it to be, and it goes wrong in a way that you wanted to go roll. And then things have to happen at any that he's told that somebody else is coming along. On the show later on that's. It's also a cloud void, but from, from, from a demonic level, Okay. And all of a sudden he stops and he goes, oh, hang on a minute. I'm feeding something. Okay. And then he starts losing himself and then you can really see that he's not acting anymore. And he gets it and he gets quite ill. And you don't, you know, something's happening and immediately puts you on that sort of tend to Huck. That's throughout the entire film. It is. It is literally set as if it's a television program in 1977. Okay. So you get the adverts, the NBA. Dad dad sort of breaks and every time you have an ad break, Uh, it goes into black and white and this is hidden footage of them. Talking and that obviously every time something goes wrong and you could see the backstory of a bit of. The ratings. Oh, yeah. And there's so many people that are watching at the moment, we've got to do this and we're going to heightened up and we've got to really push the audience and so on and so forth. And it makes it even worse that the studio executives are also in the audience rating it as well, because. He's at a point where he's near the end of his career. And. We're quite high energy and quite stressful. It's it's. Th the stress levels is, is it's an undercurrent. I'm probably making it sound more animated and it is because the, the, there is. The love animation with it. And, um, I do anyway. So, so Cristo is, is, is ha. Having issues with, with, with, with the voices that are coming to attack him from, from, uh, all sort of different sites. And then to, to, to mix things up even further, they bring a skeptic. You see. So let's get, he comes out and he is a, it's an illusionist that's turned into a skeptic. Okay. So David is a couple of gauges like hunter. You know, pile of tricks with cards and so forth. And he's a real piece of work and his personality is clashing with the host. And he's All of, uh, of the, of the psychic readers. And then eventually they bring on this girl. Who has been, uh, we've been released from a cult and she spent her entire life in his coat. And this woman is basically adopted her. Okay. And this woman is also a journalist. Okay. So. The journalist. And the cohost Jack, or obviously get gone quite well. And he's bought it on say. You obviously know this girl she's possessed. Would you like to, we'd like to do a deep possession of a live on television. And all, and it all kicks off. And annoying it is it's it's it's to me. It's it's clever. It's. It's slick. If you'd like to scan it, if you'd like to, uh, If you'd like any of the open filtered 1970s, if you like Rosemary's baby. Uh, it's, you know, Scott. This got at least 90% of the Muslim tomatoes. It is. Uh, almost perfect horribly. Ah, very good. There you go. And that's a little bit the same. Perfect. Did you notice based on a true story? Godzilla. The karma who character. Yes. It's very clearly based, including physically on the real life. James, Randy, who was a talented musician, he became a famous psychic debunker, right? And he started an Institute that offered a large reward to anyone who could reproduce the suppose paranormal powers in controlled conditions. Right. Uh, over the decades, nobody was able to win the money. Um, and. I saw somewhere here. Apparently the actual specific episodes of the Don lane show, uh, that inspired this horror movie with those that featured a Mr. Year, we gala. Uh, and, uh, Doris Stokes, he was a British spiritualist, professional, medium, and an author. Um, And sorry, one last time. Um, famed horror novelist, Stephen King. Has actually praised the movie and he said, I got a screener. It's absolutely brilliant. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Your results may vary as they say, but I urge you to watch it when you can. Stephen King of precedes. The classic is a classic. go see it again. Um, it is, it is a, is it true? Homage. And it's respectful and it is done so that the pace of it is perfect. Oh, well, let's go see it again this week. You got to say it again. I'll go see it. Giving I'm giving you an 8.9. Yeah, that's nearly a big old nine. Yeah. And I may, but I do, you know what that CR. The score may increase after I watched it a second time. Do you think you can improve that score? I can do, because I think. I think I was so in the world watching it, I feel probably miss a lot of stuff that I shouldn't have missed. It's very new, just because. I was relishing in it. It's one of those fell was. Well, I was sitting there and go, I don't want it to stop. Yes. With the climate it's came. I just thought no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just surely there must be more. So why do you think that there are two films of this kind of seventies type production? They've come out in such close succession. Is this going to be like a new genre? Do you think then we're going to kind of be reliving the seventies and eighties. I'd like to see. If they're able to, if they're able to put a decade. On a cellulite screen. In, in a. In a, in a starter is truly, um, true to it. To that decade. I'm all in. Well, um, well, it sounds like that was amazing. And the holdovers was also brilliant was so. Yeah. Great. Yep. As long as it's used, it is a 7.5 or. I am DB. Oh, wow. Yep. And I that's, that's what it should be. No. Rotten tomatoes is usually by the way. Let's go see one good films really, really enjoyed it. And then the actor has been waiting for this role for a long, long time. He's the same. Have you seen the new version of the, of this suicide squad? Uh, no. But he plays a very creepy character in that. Just basic immersive bubbles. And, and, and he actually made that movie because he was so creepy. And for him to come into this cool. I thought he might be his own baby. Very, very pleased that he was also in the dark night. He JPS thug. Yes. That's right. And he was also in June as well. You can put one yet. To June 2nd. The second piece that was, that was late night where the devil go and watch it at the cinema. It's only at the cinema is late to leave things in the moment. If that was the only time you should watch this movie. Uh, very late one. Would you give it day the week? It's a Friday night horror movie. Yeah, it's a Friday. It's a Friday. Horribly. No. PT, Pete. Hello, James Michael McQueen. I gave you some homework the last couple of weeks, you didn't watch it the first week. Um, Did bring that up again. It's important. One week I went. I throw stones. Yeah, very rare. Very rare. And I'm sorry, I came back. You gave me homework. I'd seen one of them. And I've watched the other one. I don't know why. He putting facts out. These, just the facts, just the facts. So this week, James. You sent me the, uh, Timothy LMA film. Bones and all to finish off your shallow bay sandwich before it disappeared. Yeah, this is like the, the custard annum. Chalami trifle. It is indeed. Yes. 2019, I think it was. Lisa movie 22, that is a fairly recent meeting. I forgot to, would you like to let the listeners and viewers know what the name was? Federal laws. Also, you can say something else now. Um, I saw bones and all bones at all. Make a note of that to get a bit of paper, write it down. Um, TV, Google play and prime. Sorry, pizza. No. I was just about to say that I watched it, um, Uh, on a free stream on prime. And, um, which does have adverts on it. So maybe choose one of the other streaming options if you can, because we've come quite annoying that houses. This, this is one of these films in particular. it's a sit down. Make yourself comfy. So, you know, You know, I tend to watch my homework movies on a Sunday morning. family are fast asleep. And, um, I did the same. Yes. I had a couple of sausages. Ready? Nice, nice pot. Coffee, ready to go. It is the best option for this movie? Definitely not. Um, so. Uh, the plot of this film. Yes. Well, the start of this film is it's a small town, American town village. And there's a father and daughter. And the daughter kind of is, is. Appears to be quite misfity she's got an unusual, uncomfortable haircut. Definitely. And, um, she dresses a little bit. Out there. And, um, and she goes to school, let's get Ms. Quite power that she doesn't have a huge, not crazy. Yeah, she's a little bit of an outsider. But, um, but that kind of quite lightly taken and there's people that want to bring them into their, you know, their friendship groups. Completely alone. No, no, no, no. We have a bit on the edge. And, um, anyway, so this, this girl very kindly pre friends. Aaron says, look, we know you want to have more friends. I'm having a bit of a get together at my house on Saturday night. One, why don't you come along? Exactly that you guys were more calm at that doesn't really like, let me get out a night. Yeah. And, uh, and you guys will, when. When you just wait for him to go to bed and then jump out your window. All the Americans do in all. These little lower roots. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. You can come around to our house. Exactly. So this is all feeling. Quite mean, girls. It's kind of feeling like it's just like little kind of girly loving, and it's all quite sweet and yeah, it's just kind of peaceful. I'm just like, And it's not loud and it's quite sort of Pacey as well as. Yeah. So the pace of this film, isn't, it's a slow and bloody classic. Anyway, so she's running to her house and they're kind of paint each other's nails and lying on the floor and on their backs. Dina chatting to each other. And then our main staff. Choose the finger off the befriending friend. She does, which I've got to say. It's the most shocking thing I've ever seen ever. It's a credit to the contemplates. Isn't it? So it's so unexpected. I didn't see anything about this film before had apart from the name. I mean, obviously it would suggest that there was no. I think there was, there was suggest them to some to come. But it wasn't quite Tomahawk. No, I was kind of expecting her to be a victim and she's not, she is. Uh, cannibal G is and. Um, Uh, basically. Did she? No, she, she was born accountable. And, um, so. She changed. The finger Easter finger realized is what she's done. They said the whole shit just ain't my friends finger. That's not going to go down. The friend's not happy about it. No, it's. Yeah. Just lots of screaming. Yeah. And, um, then she runs home and he goes out that I did a bad thing. and then basically that says what you got three minutes to get your shit together. We are out of Dodge. Yes. Because this has happened before. It's happened sometimes before. Absolutely. Anyway, so, um, so then they go to some type of safe house somewhere. And, um, and then the dad leaves her a letter and the note, and basically I've had enough, can't be dealing with this nonsense anymore. You can't just be going out and eating people. Goodness sake. How many times have I told you? Anyway. So before you step up. And, uh, And basically he tells her that her mother was of a similar ilk. She tries to find her a call. Remember she has. She wants to go back and find her mum anyway. And her mum is thousands of miles away. Yeah. On the other side, I do have America. And so, um, so Marin basically decides to take a bus trip. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Um, okay, so this, this movie. It's kind of two movies spliced together. Isn't it. I agree. This is the most. Boring. Romantic road trip movie in the slowest of Claudius paces. Intercepted by the most gruesome. Bloodbath you've ever seen in your entire life. And also creepy. Scenes with the characters. So basically the, so the first kind of extra character she meets in this. It's the first town she goes to she's um, met in the street by Sally. Who's this basically old native American guy. Um, played by Mike, mark Rylance. Um, and he, um, he basically is kind of weirdly there and. Comfortably there. And, um, and then it kind of transpires, but he bakes turns around and says, I could smell you. Yeah. And he knows what she is. Yes. And basically he is the same. And so. Um, That's the thing, isn't it? Yeah. He kind of befriends her a bit or kinda brings her in a little bit. Yeah. And offered some shelter. Yup. They dine together. And, um, and then in the morning, As Kountable would normally die. Um, and yeah, and then in the morning she gets a bit freaked out and basically. Disappears. And, um, and then the net sheet. I'd say there's a thing in this way. They're basically, they keep putting up two letters on the screen, which I, I, after about four or five, I realized with the American states and I thought it was actually spelling something out. And so I wrote them all down. And then halfway through realize I was just being. And the steep head and, um, yeah. And then, yeah, it's still dead. And then the last one says July for some reason, but anyway, Okay. Um, I just went off on a track. Sorry. Um, anyway, so then she bumped into Timothy shutter. The chocolate in this pocket was that. Um, so, um, so Finn came down when I was watching this movie. And, um, and he was just like, is this. Jane just homework. Okay. I said yes. It's a moment where they were just at a FunFair. So I'm just chatting away. Uh, this is a, this isn't as James is normal. This is all right. And it goes to. Every time. Is that the Timothy Sharp. Yes, it is Finn. Good spot. And he goes to. That's unusual for James. What'd you think of his outfit? And I was just like, what do you think of his outfit? And it was just like, he goes, sir. I quite like it, the genes are quite cool. He's got big. it's got quite cool. Waffley t-shirt. And the knuckle really kind of funky is kind of almost like you'd call it a, a full button net. It's almost like, um, Harry styles. Well, he's got to sit with a perm, the chic. Yeah. It's a constant. This is very much designed. look absolutely beautiful. Yes. We do need to talk about the, uh, the director Newkirk, glad. clearly has a little bit of a thing for Timothy Charlemagne slate. And call me by your name. yes. Um, and then, yeah, and then basically some bad stuff happened. It was just like, I'm just going to leave you to it. but anyway, so this is a, this, this is a, as I said, a very slow paced road movie. Um, with a very interesting. Uh, twists to the love element of it is because it's basically can. Can romance survive when your human flesh eating monsters? Yes. And they do. Or they meet other, um, they do. Um, cannibals along the way. Indifferent. And there's a real kind of scared respect between them because it's not like in, um, Uh, true blood. When a fam pies are kind of like bestie mates. Then again, It's massive trust. There is, and also. Because they're transient. Um, obviously the, the, the, um, Marilyn Lee who like the main couple of, yeah. They're worried that they feel like the other fleshy. Is it going to think that they're going to be stealing their food? Is. And things like that. But they're all weird. Oh, you will be with you after a while. How many times have you seen this? Okay. So. The bit I don't get is when they're talking to the hillbilly D. Yeah. And they're talking about a campfire. Yeah. That's where the combination of bones and all comes at all. Correct. I don't get the quote. I don't get the thing. So basically the, the, the main hillbilly. Has it has a sidekick. So it transpires actually, isn't he handle? Not chemical, cat and vampires. Exactly. Eat. Humans. Alongside this cannibal. She's a human that doesn't have that need to eat because all the other cannibals. They can't eat anything else? Have a Neato like vampires. There that needs to eat human flesh. They do eat other stuff. Actually it's not as, but they. But they are, they have to eat human. Flash to survive. And it's that it's not a want. It's a, it's a need. Yeah. Whereas the human who's tagged along with them is a free quote. The more evil is more of a freak than the California. Absolutely. His hobby, he's chosen to eat human flesh. Yeah. Anyway, so the, so the guy who is actually kind of all refers to this one, who isn't. And says something along the lines of, well, he was doing okay. Especially considering he did the bones and all. Yes. And then Lee, the Shalimar character basically turns around and goes, what do you mean bones? And, uh, and then, um, any test says there's before bones and all, and there's after. Yes. And he basically says that once you eat a human bones and all yes. It's like the first time you. Yeah, no, I didn't get that. So, so initially you see, you see the. Um, They're just basically, they're just eating flesh out. They are. Wherever they're cannibalizing. Yeah. Cannibalizing cannibalizing either. Anyway, whenever they can. Cannibalize it. They just don't they just go straight. They go straight to the guts because that's. There's a softness to. Yeah, exactly. And then the legs and some of the so forth and a bits of applied. But I've never taken apart for the east and the bones and all. Obviously. And then the next level. Is the boat. Apparently the wouldn't you have had bones as well as flesh. You don't go back right. Literally that's it. Okay. I wasn't sure whether that was kind of like a reference to another. No, no, not at all. It's simple. It's quite, it's almost overly simplified. When they explained it to. Yeah. And basically this movie kind of, um, moves alone and, um, and there's a really, really great twist at the end. That is, yeah. It's um, It's a. Yeah, it's a. It's a really interesting, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, to me, it felt very American. Yeah. It tells where to say that, but it felt the vastness. Okay. I'll tell you how this could happen. Right. So if w if I went to the cinema with you, Yeah. And you had your usual three weeks stops. You might think it was just an American road trip. Exactly. What does it kind of, but it's being betrayed. Yeah. Yeah, because th the, the. Th the actual cannibalism scenes are so short and. So infrequent that it's it's it's, it makes it really shocking when they occur, because you're kind of just like, oh, there's gun to this. Got to be once. No. Maybe it's over two hours long. It's two hours, 10 minutes long. Yeah. And it, it, I mean, it's, it's, it's not too long. It's. It's a really, really well put together movie. And it feels the right lens. I actually really enjoyed it, but it was just really weird that. They really, there's no explanation as to why, or, or what's happened to them or anything it's you just have to take it. Yep. Is as that's. And the things truly explained nothing at all. Uh, why they cannibals? No. How did they get it? End up. And so on and so forth, they're background data. And that's what I really, really like. Because I really detest films that just overly explain. They idiot proof. The whole film where it is on this case was missing, was explained. No, you literally just landed there. I do. Just watching. Cannibals. Before. Yeah. The earliest we've ever had a James moment. I mean, In the movie. Yeah. And, um, yeah. I was quite happy about that. Yeah, it did make me worry about what was to come. When we get James. About four minutes into a movie. But how is it going to get. But, um, it was, it was actually really good. Good. I'm really pleased. You like it? Yeah, it is. And I think it's one of these films that you will be. You'd be scrolling through your, your, your, your, your various screenings channels. And it's quite easy to skip over. Because the image is necessarily engaging that that's advertised in the film bones known itself. If you don't know anything about the film, it could be. Generic horror movie. It doesn't really push the fact that it's got Timothy Chevrolet. On that as well. And I think it did not purpose cause he is sort of stuck in a. It's like a family. Type of thing at the moment, you know? From a consumer point of view. So when somebody doesn't that. But overall, I think it is a, it's a very clever. Very cleverly paced, vape flavor, cannibal movie. That's going to be very for a long, long time. It's really intelligent. It is. It doesn't, as you said, it doesn't put everything on a plate for, you know, and it doesn't try to explain things for. It's just, this is just what it is. Yeah. Deal with it. Yeah. It's 6.5. Good. Okay. I'm happy with that. Yeah. Yeah. It's just a, it's just a really good movie. I'm not going to watch it over and over and over. But I really enjoyed watching it. There is a description here that says the mood fairs sharply from tender romance to extremely intense violence and horror. I'm back again. It does. And you almost forget the extreme. When it goes back to the right side. It's just so it's the same luncheon. They stick together. Good together on. There was a little bit. Really done out of malice, apart from the bodies. I live in a bit Molesey but none of it's an out of, they never tell me a sentence. There are elements of guilt that they talk about. Yes. And there are, there is, there is viciousness without. It has to be. Yeah. And because they, they have to consume at the point of death. Yes. It was like, the heart is still beating. Yeah. I mean, the, the, the guy from the fair that they. They took him out quite badly. Definitely wasn't a happy ending. Was it nearly, was nearly. He was. Then he was exactly. Starts off as a happy ending. And those happy ending. It has one full. Boards and had 75 nominations. Three of which we know what this is. Oh, actually. Actually I was looking through the rewards earlier on. Yeah, one of them changed or awards was for the, um, the, the music. I've forgotten what the, um, The score. At school, it was the best supporting performance for mark Rylance and best lead performer for Taylor Russell. Nice. Got a score. You would've loved. It was brilliant. The music in this film is absolutely. Very good. Very out of left field. It's very, very ambient. It's very cool. With, like it's been made by air. Yeah. The French group. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was thinking. First thing, a flaming lips. And that type of. Yeah, pretty good. That low, that low key. Um, keyboard. Right. Okay. So we've got, we've got the, uh, the, the scores for that. We like that we're encouraging people to stream that on prime or watch. Maybe on apple. Just one apple, because then you won't get the adverts exactly. Or pay for crime. Is there an option to pay for? I think, I think there's only thing. If you pay for it. An advert lifts. This version. Yeah. But do, do not watch it without the. It just couldn't you off. Yeah. It really kicks you out the. It does. So remember all of the acronyms for all the American states by next week, if you don't mind that the. Yeah. From top to bottom. Uh, before we get all the people. So before we get on to the, uh, my next week's homework with you, Peter, with Pete. Yes. Which is you be clear, please. It's going in a slightly different direction. Okay, cool. Okay. Look completely. I can't. Chip too far, but. Um, But we, we tipped off last week, briefly off, uh, some television series of books. It's. Very very briefly. And I didn't mention this before we started the podcast. I do apologize. Uh, I've mentioned, uh, the three body problem. You mentioned the gentlemen. What would you recommend streaming at the moment? I'm not assuming any films. That link. So I'm watching trashy reality TV. Well, that's fine. Wait. Just to be filmed because we talk about television series. Just really briefly. So I've just literally just finished the three body problem. And if you'd liked. Gave us phones. I've got a little bit of a guilt. No. I am. I am three N really. He started watching it because after I've mentioned it. Ah, now. Thoughts just don't give anything away, but thoughts. Um, it's really unique. It's really, really different. Yeah. So one of the reasons why I have slight issues with TV over movie. Is that it. It always feels a little bit, um, kids stage play. For me. And it does feel a little bit that for my enjoyment of it, but, um, what I've seen so far, I really like the concept is incredible. Yeah, it's really closer to the creditors. One or two characters into that. Ruined a bit grating. We'll talk about the affair later. Uh, but the overall concept sees true all the way through the series and it's very, very clever. So I do recommend if. From a clever book set, they involve Saifai and so forth. Put aside the, this, this, some of the Fetty tenuous acting in it, and some of the families that are. Hemmed up sort of performance. Isn't it. It is a very, it's a very solid series. I'm really enjoying it. Cool. Okay. Well, I'll finish it for next year. If there is one that I want to watch, which I believe came out on Netflix, the stuff this week is called cleaning up. It's a 2019. I think it was on ITV with Sheridan Smith. And it says, well, cleaning offices for a London financial company. A single mother with a gambling compulsion resorts to insider trading to pay her debts. Sounds quite interesting. So I think I'm going to give that a try. It's only about six episodes. We talked about it. I'm not finished it by the heading, but good. And actually, sorry, I just thought there was one that I watched that I really enjoyed and it's called dead water fail. Um, and it's a rural Scottish community. It. of drug crime destroys a seemingly perfect family, but leaves behind a single survivor who is also likely a suspect. It stars David Tennant. So, oh, I've seen that. I really enjoyed it. Okay. Yeah. So that tenant does always give good he's actually isn't he? Isn't it. He leaves you feeling really uncomfortable. He plays evil so well. Cause if you see when he played Disney Nielsen, No. The serial pillar. Oh, if you ever watched that. Yeah, I agree with you completely. Okay. So that's still word. As our top 10. I have. As a top temperature. It's a two movies that week have been goods. Ex, uh, Kinko. And then obviously we've had, uh, Even that annoys me, the fact that a title is so shit. Just try it. Uh, late night that the devil is definitely worth watching. And then Peter has obviously given us the, his rundown of, uh, bones and all. Two hours, 11 minutes. That was, if you. I've got, I've got, I've got Peter's homework and then we're going to be encouraging you guys out there to get in contact with us. Have you seen I've I've I've read. There'd be no. No. Oh, it's just an agile nature. Oh, tremendous. We recommended the streaming. What do they call that extra bit of homework the kids get to do now? It's like, Uh, merit points or something. That's just like my. Been to school in years. Yeah. Sorry, James. Coursework. It was, it was on chalk and slates of slate split. I was at school. So PTC. This week is, uh, I've yet again, very unusual for me as a dyslexic individual. I'm going to recommend a film for you that I've read the book first. And then I saw the film afterwards, right? Okay. And then it's a film. And then I was so pleasantly surprised. How well did the field was? I'm now asking you to watch the film. I'll read the book. Okay. It is a film that, uh, stars, Dustin Hoffman. Uh, Ben windchill. And at the whole mixture of an inmate or an, and also at this. It's also under that gigantic activity as well. Uh, there. It's just J Ganti anchors all over it. It's sets. Started a century. Uh, last century. 2000, uh, in Paris. Have you ever seen the film? A perfume? I don't think I have. I think you'd remember it. Okay. No, no. Um, Admittedly. Yes, it is a James film. Okay. It's not horror film though. Okay. It's more of a social. Commentary. Okay. Have you got any facts on it? Um, I'm trying to find some that won't give away what it's about. So what year was, what year was it still? Really? So it was released in 2006. Two and a half hours. This one? Yep. Yeah. We had to buy it on prime. Unfortunately, not very expensive. And it might, if it's good. Did it, the, the, um, the tagline is the story of a birder. Um, it's got, yeah. As James said, Ben, with issue. Who is Paddington bear. And he didn't date. Dustin Hoffman and the ever wonderful Alan Rickman. Oh, amazing. Yeah. Cool. Great. Good good cost. Oh, and, uh, Rachel. Heard word, who I think played. Um, One of the weeklies in Harry Potter. Surprise me. Ginger. There's a lot of ginger in this movie. Fair enough. That's a good way. There's any good way. okay. So now we have it. Uh, films are good to watch at the cinema this week. Oh, that's a good question. What are we going to see at the cinema this week? You haven't booked anything yet? I have, I've got, uh, the I've got the new open movie. Okay. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that looks good. Very excited about that. Can't remember what else? But original omen. Least. Uh, this is the, I think it was called the first open. Oh, okay. Well, I just read that and thought it was the first day. First open. I've got. I've got that book for Friday night. I think. Okay. I can't remember what else I've got booked out for the week there. Okay, well, we'll, um, we'll put a little teaser out in the week. Let's see what we're going to see. I'm not sure if it's out yet, which is quite good. A monkey man. Oh, I'm very excited about max. Patel. Isn't it. Yes. He's direct to that. Yeah. Yeah. If that's what it is directed. One of his projects and the, I think he's been watching a lot of Bruce Lee movies. That's his obsession with it. Um, it looks like it's going to be out, especially at the, every man's from today. We're going to see monkey man. We are. Right. So which factor of apart the power's out. No. Okay. I think we should, James. No, but doing it. I think Nikki. Okay, I'll do it. Bah. Especially for you, Lawrence. Dot point too. It's your popcorn. Thank you so much for listening. Say goodbye, pundits. Give us a follow on Instagram and find us on YouTube as well. On Facebook comment, review anything you've seen in the movies, let us know. And we'll shout you out. And if you want to send me any voice messages to say. So just a voice kit, we might play it. We love a good voice. Yes, let us know what your thoughts. Particularly, if you don't agree with our point of view, Well, either all. Similarly, if you don't do. I'll be gone next week. Nice. NA St. Jack as last week. Is it? Yeah. again.