The Popcorn Pundits

The Fall Guy/ Back to Black

May 09, 2024 James Peter Season 1 Episode 28
The Fall Guy/ Back to Black
The Popcorn Pundits
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The Popcorn Pundits
The Fall Guy/ Back to Black
May 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 28
James Peter

The has been a slight shuffle around at pundits HQ. How will Nikky and Peter cope with James producing? Peter is letting you know his views on The Fall Guy and what did Nikky think of Back to Black.

Show Notes Transcript

The has been a slight shuffle around at pundits HQ. How will Nikky and Peter cope with James producing? Peter is letting you know his views on The Fall Guy and what did Nikky think of Back to Black.

Wireless GO II RX & james's iPhone (4) Camera:

So does that mean I have to do your voice streams? Hello. Hello. I'm sat in the. Darcy James in the hot seat. I'm going to say to you. You look very chilled out there. Do you want to start producing? Go home. I'm fine. Crack up front of you. Uh, for any of you viewing on YouTube. You'll notice there's a little bit of a change this week. We have, um, we have a. A seat shuffle. I don't like him behind us because there's no way of knowing what he's doing. We could just watch it on the screen. But then how do I look at you then? Yeah. We might just not know if he's left. That's the only thing. Smash he's jumped out the window. Uh, we've had a change around for some reasons. And, um, yeah, we might, we might not discuss them later on. Should we get cracking. Yeah. Are you producing halfway through to propose. I already prefer it. When you joined in the pause. Get on with it. Okay. Brilliant. Sorry. Hi everyone. We are the popcorn pundits. This is episode 28. Yes. And today's date is James. Today's date is Thursday. Um, something in may nights. No. Ninth, 9th of May. That's what it is. As a, as a producer goes. What year are we. It's over. To 2000. Yes. So we need to net 20 odd years into. 20 years. Okay. Um, this week, James has been poorly. Pop's. I'm happy that this is pulling your buddy has not seen any films or television all week. I'm seeing. I'll sit on a lot of television, but because he hasn't done any actual work for this, we've relegated him to the rehab to. I know we sat in that relegated in the. The naughty chair. Shifted around. My lack of knowledge about this year, this week's cinema releases. There we go. I'm quite excited about being interrupted slightly less than usual. Sorry. I don't know. and on my laptop. So anyway, we are the popcorn pundits and this is what we do on a weekly basis. Yes, we are encouraging people to get out, go to your local cinema, support, your local cinema. There's some great films out at the moment. There are sound some absolute shit ones as well. Well, yeah, that. I didn't want to say that. Cause I'm a good girl. I don't sweater. Well, we're going to review how good and how shit those films are at the top tend to begin with. Okay. I would see the fall guy this way you did. And, uh, yeah, I wouldn't see that last night. So I'll be reviewing that afterwards. And I saw back to black, uh, of course, you're going to review that after I've done. Awesome. And then, uh, we're going to talk about any, uh, any listener reviews that we had and then just ignore him. He's. And then I'm going to read my homework. I'm not going to review my homework this week. We're going to discuss my homework. Oh, wait. We are. Between the two of, you know, Karen. If you've seen it. But should we kick off with the top 10? So number 10 is Beth with Ralph fines and Indira Varma. Love. No, no. Excellent. Perfect. Number nine Godzilla X Kong colon. The new empire is also not really a film. no, there's no, uh, love lies. Bleeding is number eight. We'll be seeing that as weekend. What's that about please producer it's about a, about a body building, a lady lady who has a relationship with another lady. And it's all very dark and city staff. Oh, wait. Yeah, actually, the, the trailer for this is quite nondescript and not. Non-descriptive isn't it. So. And a very subtle sort of like. I would say, call me by your name, sort of Staley. Yes. Low low key. Uh, seductive come and see it. You ain't know what it's about, unless you need to talk about. I asked him, what's the name to number seven, civil war. Film the proof, Pete. Wrong. Yes. We have a record. Number six is tarot, which I've not seen it. Do you want to go see that this week? It does look like a fantastic sort of generic, horrible over here. It's quite new. So hopefully you'll be in the top 10 for, for a few weeks. Yeah. Not as many weeks has come through Panda. No. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm fine. Six weeks has been up to. Uh, yeah. Number four is a back to back, which is a Nikki's with you later on. And it is a film because it doesn't have that many songs in it. That's all her songs in it. No, but not the full songs. Anyway. We'll discuss that in a minute. I tricked you into starting your viewer. Number three is challenges. Yes. Number two. Why is number glazing number two, James. Well, because on Saturday it was may the force. And what's significant about that because that's going to be with you. And we say with you, yes. Episode one. I would full red shirt and I watched a new hope. I'm sorry. I thought you were going to say you went in and out in uniform. And then straight in, and number one is the film that I'm going to be reviewing, which is the fall guy, which I'm actually really excited to hear about this review because I really want to go watch it. So no pressure. Because it looks good. Not because of. Ryan Gosling. Kevin's an active, but not an icon. Like he's not one that I would perform and I just think he's good at. I would certainly perv on him. What'd you have. The right now. Is that what. It's actually so glad that. I'm going to have to like delete my browsing history on time. So there we go. So that is the rest of this week's top 10. And I think out of that lot, I would probably, well, I can't say if I would re. Review or suggest going to see the full guy and not for a little while, obviously star wars, all the. Pretty epic challenges. We kind of thought was all right. And, um, no. We didn't. And we'll find out about. No, we did not. We haven't seen country pan. Maybe we should go and see country pounder. You don't have to have seen the first three. Are you sure? Yeah. Okay. Jack Black quaint mind. Okay. So there we go. There. Let's talk today. Do you want to kick us off with full guy? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So full guy. Yes. Uh, this is a film directed by David Leitch. I believe the pronunciation of his surname is, and, um, he's, uh, he's. Uh, his description on IMD B is billion dollar film director. Actor stump, man writer, producer, and stunt coordinator. That's his actual description. I am DB. Why wouldn't you be. Well, this basically, this is, this is his film. Like such to celebrate everything he loves and everything he does. Why not. Before we started this podcast, you made a, you made a comparison between this field and bullet train. Yep. The director of bullet train. Was it originally? Brad Pitt's stuntman. And what was it? It's a crossover. There you go. That's mine. There's a bit of production. Oh yeah. Cause cause that was co directed with David Lynch. Wasn't it? The two of them directed it together. I'm gonna leave. But, um, yeah. So anyway, so David Leach also directed atomic blonde with I can't speak today. Charlise the wrong? Yes. He directed the first John wick. He directed the second Deadpool. And he directed one of the fast and furious, like later latest equals like Hobbs and Shaw. And this is exactly what you're getting with this film. It is, it's a stumped Fest. It's um, it's Bayer, it's basically a celebration of stuntman. So, um, Ryan Gosling is basically the film starts and he's getting blown up and chucked out or this and that's happening, and this is happening. And he's on a film. Um, with, um, Aaron Taylor Johnson, who plays a character called Tom rider. And he's his stunt double. And, um, basically, uh, Tom rider. Is a typical super superstar. And, um, and he basically, uh, thinks that, um, Ryan Gosling's character, which is Colt Sievers, um, It's just a stump, man. It doesn't mean. I didn't give anything of significance and he's not as pretty as he is, and he's not as great as he is. And, um, and he, the film starts off with him having to do this high fall stunt. And it ends up badly and cult C. There's ends up having a very, very serious accident and breaks his back. And then kind of disappears into the Netherlands for, uh, for a year or 18 months. What he's kind of sorting his head out and getting yourself back together. And he ends up as a, a car valet in the, in a restaurant. And then all of a sudden he gets a phone call cause he needs to come back and. Um, when he's, before he has the accident, there's also a huge kind of love story between him and the beautiful Emily blunt. And the two of them are kind of just like the best couple ever, and they love each other and it's all kind of fantastic and awesome and brilliant. And then when he has the accident, he obviously thinks that he's rubbish. No good to anybody anymore. And basically just cuts her off and doesn't call her anymore. She had to prove Blake. Typical bloke. Exactly. She becomes the, uh, the director of this film and, um, and, uh, the producer of the film phones up cult Sievers and basically says that Jody wants you to be the savior stunt person on this movie. He said, fly over to Australia and come and save everything. So he is obviously very happy that he's had to call flight over to Australia. And then the kind of dark plot begins. And actually when he gets there, the producer turns around him and says, actually, uh, Tom rider has disappeared and we need you to go and find him. And then basically there's a whole story based around why he's disappeared and trying to find him. And it turns into more of a kind of like adventure plot. Did he soak because they broke up. Uh, he was soaking for quite some time. Yeah, he was. Yeah. Yeah. And that's it. Um, so that's kind of the, the plot of the film and it's. Yeah, it's pretty, pretty good. No. Okay. Any, any fats producers? You say that because the top line is don't think too hard about the plot. Yeah. That's the first one that comes up. It's basically just a huge celebration of jumping off things. So I think this film has got more. Cole roles than any other film that has ever been made ever. Well, I'll back you up on our phone because it's got eight and a half car rolls, which breaks the Guinness world record. How do you have. No depends on how big cars. Surely then surely that's a flip. A role. 360. The whole way around and find out exactly what they were claiming. Yes, because 180 would just be a flip. However you want to hear. Do you want to have a quote from cult fevers? Yes, please. I'll buy you a drink after this, engage your core. Yeah, but do you know, who's talking to. Uh, Eric Johnson, Tyler, and he's talking to a stump dog. Who's strapped into the passenger seat. Yeah, it's. Um, so can you do a call to the dog? So this film is, is so light and it's so entertaining. And we kind of, um, we've seen like thousands of trailers of this film haven't we? So basically we've seen the trailer over and over again, every time we've been to the cinema and it pretty much delivers exactly what it does in the trailer. It's really, really good fun. Um, it's, it's a pretty decent plot line. I've got to say actually, Ryan Gosling. Is just absolutely miss stunningly. Beautiful. And, um, and I think if you didn't love him before, you'll certainly be loving him again in this, because it is, um, yeah, he's just brilliant. Actually. I love that. Hmm. Emily blunt. You're clarifying that. I love both of them. Yeah, I wouldn't want to get a sandwich. The filling in. Yeah. If it goes then. The jam. Yeah, she's. We'll be achieved. Maybe she plays a really kind of smart directory character. She's really good acting in it. Yeah. Would be a high protein sourdough bread. You'd put the mama in there. yeah. Any, any excuse for. Instruct. I don't need to know about your yeast infection. Thank you. Um, and then, uh, and then the other P the other main actor, when it is a guy called Aaron Taylor Johnson, who we were discussing earlier on as well. Because there are, there are room as a foot that he could potentially be the new James Bond. Do we know if he's related to two director, Sam Taylor Johnson. Uh, producer James. We've got to find out right now. Okay. While he's finding out. Uh, and he actually told us about the. What score did you give it? I really enjoyed it. And I kind of went in kind of thinking it was going to be exactly what it was going to be. And you sit down and in all honesty, you just kind of, you sort. On the roller coaster for like an hour and a half. You just absolutely brilliant. For 7.9. Okay now. What day of the week would you recommend it for? Oh, well, I went to see on a Monday evening, which was not necessarily the right evening, or you think you could see this on a Friday or a Saturday? Yeah. That's it. How would you improve it? Samuel L. Jackson, some hell intelligent. We haven't had. I should have, I should have clubbed it as Cindy said it, but that's the ongoing relationship that day. Touch. They got married years and years. Is her husband did. He was on 12. And she said, yes. Maybe she some. She's a director. She actually directed black. Tabak. dyslexic teeth. And so you recommend go and see it then Peter, I would absolutely recommend go and see this absolutely brilliant. It's definitely a cinema movie. If you can go and see it in one of the big, loud cinema screens, all the better, it's got some wicked, wicked, wicked fun scenes, and it's absolutely brilliant, but that's what you're gonna get. You're gonna get Ryan Gosling, looking gorgeous, Emily blunt, looking stunningly amazing and acting really well. And loads of stunted. She always asked me to, well, to be fair. How would you improve it? Oh, do they? I think it does exactly what it does. There's even, there's even a beautiful cameo by Lee majors. It's one of those beautiful right. Sing the song. Um, it's sung at the end. to kind of see you out for the movie yet. It's um, yeah, I love it. Good. Good. Good. Right. Do we know what the school. It was on my MDB. Dave, I'll tell you. Oh 10 years. The school was top of the screen. Top of the screen. It usually is. And can we get map 7.3. Okay. So not too far off. Well, we can, we can amend the school when JJ. I used to see it and it probably ended up roundabout there, but. Do you know, if it was pretty, pretty good. Good. Nice. Good. Good, good. That's just cool for full guy, the full guy. What's next. Thank you, Nikki, you went to see a back in black. I did. Yes. Did you go with anybody? Did you get. Any food with you? I worked with my best DB anchor. Right. Uh, and we bought popcorn there due to. Well flavor popcorn. Did you have. For sweet. I think she went for a mix. Did you have a drink with it? Just the diet Coke, right? You didn't. okay. Why would I support. She's important. We've not done food edits for. Sometimes she might be reintroduced. I wait to see back to black. What day did you have to see it? I went to see it on a Saturday night. It was a nice Saturday afternoon. No, it was, uh, when stay was it? Yeah, Wednesday even I would see it. Okay. Wow. Um, I, I don't know what day. It must've been a Thursday cause you went to see it straight off. We finished recording the podcast actually. Wednesday Thursday, Friday. There was a way in the data. Exactly. So the tagline is the life and music of Amy Winehouse. Through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best selling albums of our time. So it's all based on her back to black album and of course, The lead up to it because she'd had a lot of other albums out before that. Um, and it was really interesting because even though people know the story of Amy Winehouse, Um, it was interesting to kind of see that. And like, I know it's not from her perspective as in they can't ask her how she felt. You know, it was, um, yeah, I really enjoyed it. I found it really interesting. So they start. Um, I think she's about 14, 15, and she's just been, I think, kicked out of like music academy or whatever and stuff. And, and then obviously it's all like how she met Blake, who is the. Um, the man she eventually ended up marrying and the love of her life and was blamed, I say, in air quotes for her, her untimely death. Right. Um, I'm actually the guy who plays him, I really liked him. Um, he is called Jack O'Connell and he played Blake. He started acting on British TV, like Hoby, the bill Waterloo road. And he was most recently in Ferrari, which you boys have reviewed recently. He put, did he play a car? He played Peter Collins. Nobody played a car Ferrari. Like lightning McQueen dead. No, not in Ferrari. Um, did she actually make loads of albums before back to black? At least two. She said she had one album, girl. No. So she had a lot of the jazz ones cause she was all into that jazz. I think it was her aunt who got her into that. Um, the lady who played her is Marissa Arbella, who there were some points in the field. If you didn't know, Amy Winehouse had died, you would have thought it was Amy Winehouse. Wow. She spent, apparently she spent quite a while trying to get like the tone of how Amy spoke. And there are a few songs in there. It's not the full song. Um, And even the way she sang and the facial expressions, it was honestly like as for her acting skills, I would say 10 out of 10. Oh, wow. Because I've seen the trailer for this. And I agree she. It does look so much like her because did she, she was she in house of cards. There's that? There's that the actress from house of cards. I'm not checking now. I think she would have to ask the producer. Wow. Just check in. Uh, Amy's dad was actually paid by Eddie Maza. Who is in things like tyrannosaur he's in loads of film and TV, especially in UK. And he was also in Deadpool. Two. What was the one that you've got me to watch, which had him in it, trying to solve. And it was just really, because even though, you know, the story of Amy. It's kind of, it was just really fascinating and. Yeah, I really enjoyed that. Uh, The directors I was saying earlier was Sam Taylor Johnson. And she is, uh, known for nowhere boy, 50 shades of gray and love you more and being married to. Aaron teenagers. Yes. Um, but yeah, I actually really enjoyed it. Um, yeah, there were points where I was convinced it was Amy. They bought her back and honestly the girl who sang it, because apparently they remiss that they were just gonna, she was gonna mine. Yeah. But I mean, When you, when you are, I think when you were reproducing, the vocal chords have such a strong singer like Freddie mercury or Alfie John's. So forth. I think the director has to make a decision. Is this going to be a true representation of the singer? And if, so there has to be a single voice or is it going to be a, an artistic. Yeah. And handstands where Alan, John came in. So I see now I think there's a, there's a valid case for both occupants. Yeah, I totally agree. I think it has to be one or the other, because you had concerns about this. Didn't you, you, you. You were concerned that this was just a, a means to generate money to the estate of Amy Winehouse. Yes. And I'm, I mean, it's doing a good job at that. I mean, it's it's number four on his grave saver, 10 million pounds, total box office takings, which is, which is pretty decent for a low budget film. Like. No surprise. I really enjoyed it. And as I said, even though I know the story, as in what happened to her in the end, it's kind of. It's all those bits in between, like the inspiration she got from her aunt and then her all gets really poorly and stuff. And, and she, even throughout the film loses weight, like, like Amy lost weight and apparently they, um, they actually filmed those final seeds first. So she'd had a really. Uh, strict diet and food regime. The run up to them first and then let her feed. Her weight back on. So it kind of, I guess they filmed it in reverse in a way, so, yeah, because everyone else was part of the 27 club wasn't she was. Yeah. Interesting. However, the apparently, um, Jeff Turlock was claimed to be cast as Mo. Ronson. And it says here in the trigger that mark Ronson was never counted in the film. Do you see. Mark Ronson in the film Mickey, but Mickey, no. They reference him and they talk about her flying out. I think it was LA. And you sit there thinking, oh, Nonsense and he wasn't in it. Interesting. So they talk about her flying out to LA to go with this producer that's up and coming called Mark Watson. Yeah, cause that's the one she did Valerie with Aspen as if the whole bag black was here. Oh yeah. But it, or the whole issue that the reasons why there's homes on that, the reason why it's got that. We've got an extra sound is because he's obsessed with halts. Yeah. Like all men are pretty true, but it's nice as well. Cause it's the whole, like the jazz scene and how she got into the jazz scene. And. Like her background is the jazz scene. I really enjoyed it. It is two hours and two minutes, but I think it was worth it. Um, I would go sit. I would sit on a Friday or Saturday night, actually. Okay. Um, how would you improve it? How would I prove it? I think mark Ronson. Yeah. Yeah. You probably deserves maybe. You know, sorry. It was a Disney tunes. Yes. Was it? Yeah.'cause they hate it now. Don't they? Yeah. Yeah. Well, because it's only really have a version that's played. Even though they get royalties for it. Yeah, of course. Yeah. They can't do anything else. Lily Allen did all my gosh by the Kaiser chiefs. Yeah. Is it close the cheeks and obviously has this played more. Well, no, I know. Because that was the covers. Version that he did. Album. Yeah. Um, what score did you give it? Nikki, Nikki. Point nine. Oh, okay. Wow. Is that a good school for you or a basketball for you? Actually a good school for me is 6.6 or nine DB. How would I? Pre-visit very good. I don't know, actually. It's interesting. There have been a lot of musical biopics haven't there recently and, um, it's gonna be a lot more is that there's going to be a lot more. Because apparently there are rumors that, uh, Leonardo DiCaprio. Who's going to be playing. He's going to be playing. Um, what's his face. Nope. He's really cool. Uh, chair. It's shared Frank Sinatra. Really. Frank's and, uh, Hey, good looking. Okay. So why don't they get someone who's kind of UVA? That's how old he plays. Frank Sinatra. Timothy. Oh, yeah. I don't want to see any of these. Sorry, but you're going to go and see any of these. Oh, yeah. I'm like waiting for the Beatles ones. Come out. Right. There you go. So that's our two cinematic reviews for that. Is in D D D D. So has anyone else been see any films this week? We have had a review from. Who by best friend, Bianca, who I went to. Um, she said the person next to him as he can put con to that. I sat next to some weirdo. Um, she said more enjoyable than I anticipated. It's romanticized rather than graphic. Both approaches would have their pros and cons Marissa Arbella who plays Amy puts on a great performance as Amy Winehouse. Although her version of a rehab is slightly SU subpar. Which I think you'd find interesting. Uh, the film is sensitive. Rather than voyeuristic, um, overall an enjoyable. Watch the acknowledges wine houses, tragic floors or celebrating. Music power and beauty. Oh, very good. Did she give a school? She didn't know. I did tell her to, but. Yeah, I let her office. She's my best friend. Fair. Okay. Fabulous. Amazing. So there you have it. That is. Uh, full guy. And also back to black reviewed as well in a brand new styley. And it curly had sort of silently. I know you look good with Hayley. Very much. I don't know that he's getting a seatback I'll have seen with coding. So do you want to do a swap where. Do you discuss piece the same way? Um, I feel comfortable here. Say pizza. Last week I did have, what was your home? That's where he, oh, that one I can't pronounce my homework. This week was a Chilean film called El condor. It was emptied. Is that pronounced correctly? I think it is. Yes. El condor stand for. Is this because you Googled it. No, no it's cause it's quite obvious. Cause it's a one platform. Yeah. Uh, conduct probably means. Um, To 20 count. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. It's in the Sesame street one. Yes. Cool. Netflix. It's a black. So it's a Netflix produced film. Isn't it? I think it was a Philly for Netflix. How did you come about this film? And when did you watch it? I watched this Phil about two, two and a half. Okay. I literally just come out just 20, 23. Isn't it. Literally just come out. My wife and I were flicking through and we thought we would just be lighthearted, but we still want to keep on that. Start to holler. Sort of jumped. I'm always quite favorable towards a, uh, a subtitle levy. And also I've got a small sort of heart flushing when I see a black and white film. Yeah. So then it ticked all the boxes it'll stop. How can it possibly not the field for me? Cool. Right. And in fact. Initially, I, I didn't watch it. We did. She started watching another film industry. I wouldn't know. Let's get back to this one because we've got to stick to our convictions and we would look disappointed. Pizza pizza. When did you watch it? And what did you think about? So I watched this on Monday morning because it was a, it was bank holiday. And, um, and yeah, so I got up on Netflix and it starts off black and white. And your, you kind of start off in a, like a remote farmhouse. And you basically meet, um, the count who is a 250 year old vampire. Who's basically. Been there. Be seen at all. Yeah. Done it all. And it's pretty much ready to go. He's exhausted. There's nothing left to do is tell me what is, is it. If you ever want an advert for not living your life to the full potential. You'd have to deploy by if you've done everything I need. Just want to do. Don't. Go down. Yeah. Finished. Yes, that's it. Honestly, he's spent completely. And he's kind of like shimmy around in a pair of track suit pants and a pair of trainers, like, you know, Essex. Six trainers. And he just kind of like, this is like brilliant. It's just like, it was just like, that is what I want. All 250 year old fellow employees to be walking around. Like, it was pretty nice. So anyway, so let me, then we draw it a little. We reversed in time and he is a, he's a, a soldier in France. Uh, just before the French revolution and he's Vampiro. And, um, and he basically. Uh, witnesses, the French revolution and the, uh, the Giller teaming of, uh, Marianne twin it, yes. Um, And then he's becoming more and more important in the, in the French resistance. And, uh, it got to a stage where, uh, his life was in danger or. He's been in danger of being caught out. So he fakes his own death. And then basically spends the next few decades. Aiding resistance is all over the, all over the world. Yeah. Is he a vampire at this P is a vampire at this stage. So this is the beginning of his 250. Yeah, absolutely. Anyway. So, um, he ends up in Chile. And, uh, and he is then, uh, named, um, what's his first name forgotten his first name is James. Um, it's Pinochet. So basically he becomes general Pinochet. He was the revolutionary who over through the Chilean government and basically becomes general Pinochet running. Uh, Chile, I lived a cultural references all the way through is absolutely divine. I love the fact that, um, that they're basically suggesting that all the evil world leaders. Are basically vampires. Security end. Oh, are we going to discuss the end? I think it will ruin it. I. It's a newish movie. It might ruin it. Okay. There is a voiceover. Um, The whole way through the film. Which ends up being. Another. Tyrannical leader. Yes. Who, um, who has a. Relationship with general Pinochet. And, um, anyway, so that, that, that happens at the end of the film. And it is, it is a plot twist, which you won't. See coming tool. And he's actually quite what. I will stop. I started calls. So, yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's covered. So, yeah. So anyway, so that happens. However, during the price to this all happening. He ends up in the farm house, being like this old vampire who definitely is ready to kind of, you know, pop his clogs. Um, so he calls his kids. To kind of discuss the financial affairs of all of the illegal gains that he's got from being, um, yeah. Being these kind of like evil tyrannical leader and, um, and the kids come round and they couldn't. They basically just, they're not vampires. They are just like trust a fairy and spoiled brat kids. My succession, but it was cool. How long after he's died is this he's not dead. He's a vampire still. Yeah. But are they vampire kids? Are they they're they're real kids. So he's 250 years old and the kids are, I would say in their early forties. Yeah. Yeah. So he fathered children. Quite old. Yeah, absolutely. But how are they? Not half I'm player. Then. I don't know. But this is one of the things in the film is like they, they into. Between absolute banality and normality and the, the weirdness and excitement of vampire prism and it's um, and they just blend between the two, like seamlessly. Like it's like, it's nothing don't need that. You have some characters. Just normal humans, but are accepting the vampires. And there are vampires who just know that their kids are just. Just average. I mean, they all come with their own kids, but they are totally trust a fair in because they got. W what then happens is that they don't know how to decipher, um, general Pinochet's books and his accounts and what he asks. Like in the bonds and the properties, but yang. And everything. So one of the children, this daughter basically. It decides to invite her friend over. How many does that? And her friend. Is, uh, Beautiful. None. And we'd like, and none at the moment. Dig into the habit. Swap seats. And, um, yeah. Anyway, so, um, basically. The church with me. Oh, no, it's this it's always got like into cinema with them. Oh, yeah. Anyway. So, um, so, uh, She is basically a nun and the numb picker because she's stunningly beautiful. And then also that she has, um, numeric genius. She's uh, she's uh, she's uh, an, uh, an accountant of dreams, basically. Yeah, she wouldn't be absolutely. And, um, and it's quite apparent that the, the church is sending this particular person because they think that she can infiltrate the vampire and. What's the word I'm looking for. Remove the badness from him. Exercise exercise. Because they don't think the vampires of empires, they think they are the devil in the human being and he is saveable in some way, shape or form. Yeah. So she spent sent as a church spy and the church basically say, and if you can Nick anything from the, for the church. Oh, yeah, exactly. That won't be frowned upon. Nope. Anyway, so I'm sorry. Habits have pockets. Could she put anything in their pockets? Anita habit. Shop shopping Shalia. W just servicing your pregnant. Exactly. Anyway. So while we're, while. Uh, deserted farmhouse in the countryside. We also meet what is his name? His name is, um, fire door. Who's the white Russian Butler. Basically, his looked off the general Pinochet and his, um, and his wife. Uh, Lee, what's her name? Lucy, or isn't it? And, um, for, for decades and decades and it kind of transpires that Lucia and the Butler I actually having. And, um, so there are lots of webs. Woven. There it is. Um, it's brilliant. And it sounds complicated, but it's very simple at the same time. It's quite complicated. But, um, but it's not, it's not, it's not, unwatchably complicated. It's not a fast sort of way. It's, it's very, very small. And it's very, very, uh, it's very, very elegant and, um, it's visually, visually stunning. There are, um, there are scenes of, uh, so one of the things I love about it is that, um, they don't drink blood in like traditional ways. Um, so they do have the means. Do they have the, the sharp pointy teeth? Um, however, they decide that they, uh, they're going to basically have heart smoothies instead of, uh, instead of drinking blood. Yes. Um, they use your blender. They take live. Beating hearts from chests and blend them and then pour them into like smoothie cups and drink them. And that's their kind of way of consuming. Okay. Anyway, so we've got a nine. Yeah. Um, we've got a couple of empires and we've got some trust affair in children. In a farmhouse and then it turns into a bit of a, uh, um, Kind of a bit of a sleuthy thing. Yeah. And she's kind of like the nun is kind of hunting around for information and trying to find out what's what, and I'm yeah. All sorts of different things happen. There is a. There is a random vampires, vampires, ation of somebody, and they learn to fly for the first time. And it's one of the most beautiful scenes. Ever see, in a film ever. Uh, it is, uh, yeah, it's magical. It's really, really magical. And, um, Oh, God. I mean, And there's another little twisty bit. Isn't it? I don't know whether to go into that twist. I thought the way I can say it without saying. Something happens to general Pinochet, which basically realizes that he doesn't. Want to die anymore. He's actually realized he's there is a lust for life. I know she's wanted the V and a, and he kind of comes back and, um, basically decides that he's gonna take his tracksuit bottoms off and his ACIC trainers off and put on his. Y'all cloak out getting the old generals. Uh, yeah. Jim was outfit back out again and, um, live life again. Yes. Nice. This, this film is bloody. It really wasn't it. It's a little jam. I can't. So first of all, this is really poorly scored on IMDBs right. And I think they've got it. Absolutely, totally wrong. This is by far the best James James film, but I've seen so far. This is brilliant. This should be one of the best films ever made ever. It should be reviewed. Ah, massively. It is witty. It is small. It's the twist at the end. But there's so many stories go so sorry. I am making it sound really complicated. Cause I'm blabbering about it. But all of the stories work so elegantly together and it's. The story I was thinking about was there's something anew, musty. Um, what's that. I'm kind of detective. Glass the glass on. Yes. It's that type of just have that. Lucille to it. Yeah. It's got that kind of Snoopy field. So exactly right. But on top of that, you've got a beautiful vampire story and like, I don't think I've ever seen a film where it starts off with a knackered vampire and what a great, great thing to do. And it's um, yeah. Do we know if it's connected to the onion? In any way. I won't be at all. I don't believe, I don't believe. Interesting how it's similar with. The production. I mean, I don't know where the, um, The gloss on noon was a Netflix film. Was it. It was. I would say that this definitely has. Netflix. Netflix feelings about it about. The production and everything. The cinematography is actually beautiful. And that scene of this particular person learning to fly, I will take to the grave with me because it is it's, uh, it's a scene of just pure. Innocence and delight, and it's just lovely. It's absolutely gorgeous. Looked at. Why read like about his failures? What is your sort of creeps? You get the first, as you said to get the first thing you get. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to go with it. I'm not too sure what direction is going in and it just blossoms. I haven't mentioned a single actor. No, I haven't mentioned the director of this film. And I've done that on purpose because it absolutely doesn't matter. I know everyone is fantastically cost in it. It's so beautifully directed. Exactly. I wasn't familiar with any of the, I know. It's a totally unknown cost. And you know, and I'm not, I'm not particularly faced with Chilean cinema. Um, but it's, uh, it's, it's pretty good. Good Chilean cinema. It's pretty awful. I've given it an 8.9. Well, I would say it's probably, it's probably one of the best films I've seen in the last six months. It's amazing. It's absolutely amazing. The week, any day of the week, every day is a week, honestly, because. It doesn't necessarily have a say. Could want you to start your night? But. It's not, it's not strictly to Saturday nights, not like a little like a, a blur training or. Like a full guy or something like that. Could you could watch it, as you said, I'll just still. The afternoon, I think. This is the first film that I've watched. That I'm really upset. I couldn't watch it for a second time before I've reviewed it because. The second, you can forget about all the, oh my God, what's this about you? You know what it's about? You can settle down and you can get all those little nuances and twists and story and everything like that. And I really can't wait to watch it again. It is absolutely. And it's black and white. And it wouldn't be it's so needs to be black. And it's just, yeah. The wild parts of it is so, so important, but also I think it also works better because it is supported. So then you're not distracted by. But it's not exclusively subtitled. I mean, it's so good that you, you flick between subtitles and English language. Effortless. Yeah. There's no, you don't struggle to go. This is an English bit. It's just a foreign language, but you literally just, you're just transfixed at the screen the whole time. And yeah, you have to watch this film. Would you like to let the viewers know where you saw it and how it could be straightforward? Just click onto Netflix. It's there. It's waiting for you. It is E L new word. See? C O N D E made in 2023. You have to watch it a go that's our recommendation at the week. Nice. And I'm really, really pleased. I feel like I've done some good this, you have. Even from behind. Um, so what are you setting Peter for his homework for next week? Uh, It's it's it's yet again, not an old film is a 2020 would film. Okay. It is. And th the reason why I did it. She said, because we've actually got references to a recent for Luis obesity as well. Have you seen the green Knights yet? No. Good. So, uh, Direct, uh, David Larry, however, it's got dead. Dev Patel. eight. It's loosely follows the legend of the green light, which is an English. A legend. But it's got lots of folks lore, lots of, uh, beautiful storytelling, but most of all the visuals in this film, I've breathtaking. And I feel that this is what are those hidden gems yet again, that people read.'cause he's a big baby is a beefy movie and has a lot to take care of. And it's very serious. It takes itself very seriously. But it's to me, it's, it's everything that's to give. The television series, the Witcher. It's everything that you bought out of that, but condense into an hour long movie. Following the travels of the green Knight, which are paid by David towel, go through mystical land was going through hold tit. Parts of achieving the big, you never knew existed. And it, and also having his development as the, they had the green DMX. And having that relationship with this folk blue, I think is really, really, and I think this is his precursor to obviously Mooky man, honestly. Brilliant. It can be seen on I'm just looking through it now. I think it can be seen on Netflix. Okay. I will double check that I can go back to. Thanks, James. Thanks. Absolute pleasure. There we go. So that's all we'd done. Week 29, 28, 28 in a bag. And what are we going to see you this week? We are going to see a love bleeds and something, or that. And also we're gonna be able to see, uh, I want to go see back to black and the other monkey man film. Oh, yes. The other a bit, bit the planet. and all the time as well. Goodness. You're going to have a busy week this week. Did you just try and see taro? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, team dyslexic. Thank you so much. The green guy. not dyslexia. What's that mean? It's okay. How you spell? Okay. Okay. Got it. Yeah. So the green Knight and it's in the latest in Knight in shining armor, not daytime, nighttime. Um, is found on Amazon prime and Google play movies. That's okay. Um, where can people find us? How can people. Listen, you could see your gorgeous faces on YouTube. Hi. Hi. Yeah. Anyway all, if you want to have. I'm just jealous that he's not near the camera. Deni Dyneema. He's going to get the video and the whole. We can edit. Well, you can listen to us on Spotify. We have a fantastic channel on Spotify. I live also on, uh, Uh, apple co-taught. And also Facebook. Yes. And Instagram as well. So you don't just slide into my DMS, send us any messages. Let us go. We use a lot of the films that you've seen this week. Well, let us do we sort of add to our reviews as well. You can comment on YouTube. Yeah. If you've got any films you want us to review? Get. Contacts. For Peter? Yes. And the birthday shout outs, that sort of thing. Mine's coming up. CNN pizzas is in two months. Is it next month, Peter. A month after. No, we're good. Peter pop a pass out. I think Nikki should do it. Oh, no. Oh, Popcorn pundits week 28, you especially PO. Calling pundits. Podcasts. That's it. That's it. I like this format.