Self Made & Single™
This podcast is all about bringing on female entrepreneurs to talk about why they are at the top their niche. We also want women like you to get behind the mic and spill the tea on the ins and outs on of dating as a successful business owner.
On the show, we explore our self made guests' dating life. We talk about everything from their last breakup, to the dodgy Hinge date from last weekend to that ex that thought it was cool to message your mother on her birthday...
So what is the end goal of this show?
Think of this as a global, on-demand mastermind to help today's Alpha and Sigma women demystify the journey to finding love. By listening, the aim is for the audience to grow from their own experiences and take ownership of where things might be going left.
Self Made & Single™
Weekly Love Energy Forecast: What Are You Manifesting During This New Moon in Pisces?
*Remember to listen to your Sun, Moon, Venus and Rising Sign (and if you feel the calling, also your North Node sign)*
Discover the magic of the New Moon in Pisces as we traverse the celestial tides of love and transformation. Join me in an exploration of the astrological new year, where the promise of new love dances on the horizon, and the fiery confidence of Aries beckons. The cosmos whisper secrets of emotional breakthroughs and the art of solitude, especially as Mother's Day in the UK invites us to reflect and regroup. Whether you're a Cancerian seeking a playful romance or navigating the complex waters of rekindled flames, this episode is a lighthouse guiding you through the stars' alignment toward the shores of your heart's desires.
As we sail further into our cosmic journey, I unveil the mysterious arrival of spiritual mentors ready to lead us toward new awakenings. The cards, ever our faithful navigators, suggest a time of patience and inner work for Virgos, while the scales of Libra balance amidst life's tempests. The narrative of personal transformation is a siren's song, calling you to trust in solitude's healing embrace. For those entangled in the dance of relationship dynamics, the tarot unveils an unexpected twist, beckoning you to reconsider what you seek in a partner and how true connection might just be a heartfelt expression away.
Craving a more intimate celestial consultation? The stars align with an opportunity for personal tarot readings tailored to your energy. Embark on a 45-minute journey with me, armed with the questions that weigh heavily on your spirit, and allow the cards to illuminate your path with precision and purpose.
- Taurus - 08:26 Slow down or BURNOUT awaits
- Gemini - 11:40 You are on the brink of a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING
- Cancer - 14:57 So many OPTIONS but who will be best for you?
- Leo - 20:23 A MENTOR is showing up to guide the way for you
- Virgo - 23:31 You are about to birth something INCREDIBLE
- Libra - 27:13 You are FINALLY stepping back into your JOY
- Scorpio - 30:10 A STRONG love connection is coming (back) your way
- Sagittarius - 34:52 A NEW BEGINNING for you...but it's not with who you think
- Capricorn - 38:35 You are SO CLOSE to manifesting this new cycle
- Aquarius - 42:09 You are DONE with this person and are ready for a NEW LIFE
- Pisces - 45:02 A windfall of ABUNDANCE and CREATIVITY is rushing in
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Did I give it away? Oh, was it persuasion? You are in my space. I, I owe it. I Don't care what you say. I'm loving it this way. I'm hoping that you stay. I, I owe it. It's only you. Was it you? It's only you. It's only you. I love you. I'm loving it this way. I'm hoping that you stay. I'm loving it this way. It's only you.
Speaker 1:Welcome back to the Self-Meeting Single Podcast and I'm your host, rachel Rose. So what do we have for us or you? What do we have for the collective For this week? What is going on? So we have a really exciting thing happening and that is the New Moon taking place at the end of this week. We've got the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th of March and boy is it coming in with all of its glory. It's really beautifully working with Uranus and Taurus. It's just such a dreamy energy.
Speaker 1:Perhaps you've been feeling this already, particularly in your relationships, your romantic relationships, where, if you're single, you're really getting this strong sensation that anything is really possible for you. I feel like a lot of you who are single in the collective are going to be thinking about. You know, I feel February was a bit of a wobbly month, january was kind of like half go, go go and half okay. This is quite daunting. We've got a new year and, as we've entered March, there's been this ridiculous shift. You don't even need to be super woo-woo to feel this, but you can really feel the sense of hope, this sense of new beginnings, and this particular period in our galaxy, let's say, is really shifting us to move past cycles that needed to be ended in order to start new ones. Okay, the astrological new year is really slowly creeping up on us. That's as of 19th of March, that's officially when we start the zodiac signs all over again and we enter Aries. So we, astrologically, are coming to an end. Right, we are coming to the end of an energetic cycle and a spiritual cycle. So, when it comes to relationships, you know you may very well be in a place where you really are getting very sure, if you're not sure already, about what is it that you really want. You know, I feel there's been this collective wake-up call that, yes, it's March, yes, there's a little bit of a scary feeling because it's the third month of the year, but it is literally just that it's the third month of the year and that's all. There is.
Speaker 1:Just the other day, actually, in a very bugger way, I literally looked at the day that we were on. I think we were like day 66 or day 65 or something like that, or maybe less than that, I can't remember, but anyway. And then obviously I'm minus 366, which is the amount of days that we've got this year, because we've got a leap year and I was like, oh my god, like we have so much left of this year, literally hundreds and hundreds of days. So what are we doing, you know? You know, particularly in the Western world, like getting so wrapped up in, oh my God, it's March and you know, sorry for the voice, but it's just, it's crazy. Um, and I think particularly you know I was going to say particularly women in the corporate world, like I'm sure you're feeling it because, yes, as entrepreneurs like we do work in quarters, like that's, that's just the thing. You know, a lot of people launch whatever products they have every quarter. But, particularly like in the corporate world, quarters are just like nuts, like you know, in some jobs you're already talking about quarter three like it's nothing, like it's tomorrow and it's not tomorrow. You know we've we've got a really long year ahead, a long, really fulfilling year ahead and we've got a long life ahead as well, you know, um, so do not get intimidated by this at all. Just see it as multiple opportunities for growth.
Speaker 1:Um, as I said, you know, we may be wrapping up the the tarot readings, um on the podcast, or maybe ramping them down again. Still haven't decided yet. I'm I'm just still like thinking through. You know intuitively what's going to best serve you, but I would love to hear your feedback. If you're just like a straight no, I need my weekly tarot, I need my weekly astrology updates, then, um, let me know. I would love to hear from you.
Speaker 1:So that further ado, let's have a look at what is going on this week, particularly for the new moon. I just want to see you know what is going on for each of you star signed, in terms of what you're manifesting this new moon. Okay, first up we've got Aries. I always start with Aries, I always go in order. I know some tarot readers like to just like when they're doing their zodiac readings, switch it up. Not me, I am a creature of habit. I'm a Virgo earth sign, sun earth sign and I am proud of that. Um, so, anyway, aries. So, wow, really interesting cards that I've just pulled out for you.
Speaker 1:It feels like this new moon. What you're manifesting is this new beginning of how you approach love. It seems like you are going to be looking at love, maybe because you know the days are getting lighter and you're feeling a lot more central, a lot more like it's okay or having that permission to step into your fiery self, but you're really turning up the heat, aries, maybe because it's your birthday season soon, but you're coming into that queen energy here with this queen of ones I've got. What's really interesting, though, is that I definitely see that you're ending a cycle, aries. You're definitely coming out of this repetitive way of thinking when it comes to love that really has not been serving you for a while.
Speaker 1:There's a particular heartbreak from your past, and it's interesting because I feel like this is such like Capricorni, virgo-y, like energy, like I feel like earth signs in particular find it quite hard to forgive the past and move on because of this underlying I don't know this underlying belief system of there must have been something that I did wrong. You know this feeling, but I'm getting this from you, aries. I'm getting that you know there is something in your past that's really kept you up at night. We've got the nine of swords here really kept you up at night. But now you're really deciding to turn this new leaf on some degree. You know that there's a new beginning coming through. You can sense it, you can feel it.
Speaker 1:There is some real hesitation, though, when it comes to this. We've got the full revest. There's hesitation on one hand that, oh gosh, okay, is this a little bit too good to be true? This you know. Can I really just start you? Can I really just change my mindset so easily? And also, there's a part of you that really likes to engage of the created side of your mind, as the queen of ones, and you're thinking, oh okay, you know, maybe anything is possible. So you're kind of swinging from one side to the other at the moment.
Speaker 1:What you're being asked to do with these two Oracle cards I've got here I've got Innocence and I've got Conditioning is that you are being asked to take control of whatever your destiny is going to be. Stop looking for evidence outside of yourself or what is possible for you. You are whatever you decide to be and you aren't whatever you decide to be. That is what you're going to be manifesting, and particularly because it's your birthday month. I really feel like whenever it is any sign, any sun signs birthday month, you're going to be manifesting Birthday month. Like your manifestation powers just become tenfold. I don't know why it is, but that just seems to be this recurring theme for so many people, including myself. So that is what's going on for you, aries. Wow, this tourist energy is so interesting. So what we've got here is the energy of you being very busy. You've got a lot going on. You're in like tick box mode at the moment.
Speaker 1:Tourists, what you're manifesting is something that I, you know. It's something as a result of you really overworking, and I feel the key message here is that you haven't been asking for help. The omen here is for you to turn inwards. It really feels like you've not been paying attention to your spiritual rituals. Maybe you've fallen off them, maybe you haven't been doing them for a while, but what I can see here, tourists, is what you're manifesting is burnout. You're manifesting burnout because you are doing far too much.
Speaker 1:It's interesting because I can see clearly here, with the nine of cups, that you don't need to work as hard as you're working. For some reason, there's some part of you that feels, perhaps, like there's never enough. Like I know you know shadow tourist traits are, you know the hedonistic side of you, but it feels like nothing is ever enough. Like we've got the three of ones here and it just feels like, with that kind of energy, the 10 of swords and we've got the king of swords reverse. It's like you could never do enough. You can never plan enough, you're always waiting for the next thing, okay, and so what Spirit really wants you to know is that you are enough exactly how you are and you're doing amazing.
Speaker 1:Nine of cups energy is just such a high accomplishment energy card that you need to just stop and perhaps you're not seeing your accomplishments because you're not stopping to actually look at what you've achieved. You're very much so focused. And nine of cups as well, like, yes, it's about big achievements, but it's also about, like, the surface level stuff. Right, that you know you may have gotten your house together, you may have gotten, like, the nice things in your wardrobe, the money in the bank account, but still there's this deep yawning. You know I don't see any heart centered things happening in these cards. It's very external focused, okay. So of course you don't want to manifest burnout.
Speaker 1:So, as I've mentioned, turn inwards. Turn inwards even if it feels counterintuitive. Understand that not doing anything and being silent is an active decision. You are doing something. By doing that, you know you don't have to feel guilty that you're not doing enough because you're meditating more and that maybe takes an hour out of your day or half an hour out of your day. Understand that the retreat inwards is actually what is going to be the blessing that's going to move you forward and regenerate your energy so that you can accomplish more things. Because it really feels like you've just hit this stag stalemate and on top of that, you're being quite nasty and snappy. I can see with a king of swords you're really being hasty, like your communication is a little bit whack. So that would be my advice to you.
Speaker 1:Deutorus, okay, gemini, with these cards I'm seeing that you are definitely manifesting a spiritual awakening for the new moon. Your energy here is just so juxtaposed, but if we dive deeper we can really have a look at what's going on. Oh my God, the cards that we've got here, particularly the Oracle cards, are just magnificent. You know, you've got awareness and you've got isolation, but like ice, I, c, e, olation. And then what we've got here. So we'll walk through all the tarot. We've got the Ace of Cups, reverse Four of Pentacles, reverse another one of the Ten of Swords. So you know, facing burnout, facing the end of a cycle, and the Five of Pentacles.
Speaker 1:So I really feel Gemini, like you're, of course, manifesting this end of a cycle, which in itself is great, but you're also manifesting this alone time that you really desperately need, like your energy is literally as if you were two people in it, ironic to say, because you are Gemini. But on the one hand, you know you are ready to let some things go, you're ready to look into a new direction, you're ready to embrace that feeling of building love, building your idea of love and building a relationship on a clean foundation. Then, at the same time, there's a lot of emotions that you still are not yet to work through and there almost seems to feel like, you know, if I go out into the world, if I go into the dating world with these repressed feelings, with this limited amount of self-love that I have, then for some reason I'm going to appear as not good enough, and you know that's not a thought that's really serving you. Hence why you've got this awareness Oracle card here. You've got a really deep desire where I can see, with the five of Pentacles and this ice salation card, to be alone, and if your spirit is telling you that, then do that. At the moment it feels like with a ton of swords. You feel like you have to be in all places at all times, but we can see here what would manifest if you did do that. You're going to burn out, serving everybody else to the point where you would have given, given, given, given, and when you look back at yourself, you won't even be able to differentiate yourself and your own needs from other people.
Speaker 1:So my advice is to take that break. You know, I know we've got at least in the UK, we've got Mother's Day this weekend. Maybe you take a break from that. Maybe assert some boundaries and say, hey, I just want to spend the weekend alone. Gemini, you're so natural in terms of like social events and I'm just being everywhere at all places, but this is just not the time for that.
Speaker 1:Remember, pisces is a water sign. It's a really powerful energy that I think a lot of people underestimate. At the same time, it's a great energy to work with when you do want to manifest, particularly love, when you do want to work through your emotions. So take advantage of that. Take advantage of the fact that with Pisces energy, you can experience a lot of breakthroughs by listening to your spirit and you know, going forth with that isolation period, that you need Cancer. Oh, wow, oh, my God. You know what I really do have so much fun doing these readings because the things that come up, I'm like what is happening? Cancer you're manifesting a lot of potential partners coming your way. I feel like I feel like at least one of these will be a blast from the past. But you really got the pick of the bunch With this new moon. You really do. You're going to have three different types of potential partners you're going to experience in this new moon. Okay, so pay attention.
Speaker 1:This, first of all, is a huge change for you, you know, but you've got the Oracle card change and we've also got playfulness. So, even though it feels like, I can imagine, you can't just hearing this and being like, oh my God, this feels like a lot and yeah, it's not really the kind of thing that I would say cancer would be the best at managing, because I think this could be quite intimidating and maybe you might have or feel the tendency to just run away in a hind because it's just easier to deal with, because you know there's going to be some sort of choice involved here. But the message from spirit is to really enjoy this, you know, for, like this change, omen is like look, I'm here as a breath of fresh air. Like this is spirit talking to you and saying like you know, you can have any type of partner you want. It's really you that gets to the what do you call it? The pick of the buffet table or whatever you want to call it. And I can really sense that this is all a result of a lot of the inner work that you've been doing cancer, particularly beginning of this year. So bravo to you that you're able to, you know, manifest these very different types of men.
Speaker 1:And let me tell you, I don't see any pages here. So normally pages are like really experienced. They're young, you know, they think they're more experienced in anything than they really are. And what we've got here is like the Knight of Cups. We've got the King of Cups and we've got the Knight of Wands. Okay, what? Before I go into each of them, like, what I do see is you've got the Six of Swords. So, as I was saying, with the Six of Swords, reverse.
Speaker 1:Like I see that this might be a little bit overwhelming for you. I feel like you won't necessarily immediately like choose one of these avenues. I feel like you're going to be a bit skeptical, like, oh, okay, I feel like, you know, I'm like a little fish in the middle of this big ocean. You know how can I deal with this? You know what? I've never had this before. And so what you're manifesting with these potential, these potential partners, is one of them is going to make you an offer that you may or may not be able to refuse. It's going to be a pretty good offer, okay. So just have that in mind.
Speaker 1:The King of Cups will also make you an offer, and between the King of Cups and the Knight of Cups, it feels like the King of Cups, their offer is either one that you're going to decline, definitely outright, or it's going to be one that is a less favorable offer than the Knight of Cups. Okay, what's going to be really similar about both of these? So the Knight of Cups is going to be someone who's potentially around, potentially like young, young, like not young, young, not super young, but like, not not like in their 50s, 60s, et cetera. Okay Not that that's old, but you know what I'm trying to say Okay, whereas the King of Cups is going to be a much more mature adult. Don't know why I'm getting this message, but I feel like the King of Cups is going to have quite a lot of baggage. Even though they look like the most or more attractive person between them and the Knight of Cups, they're going to come with a bit of baggage. That is going to feel like a lot for you. You're going to feel a little bit like if you got in too deep with this person, you might drown a little bit, but I'm not necessarily seeing anything too bad with them. And, like I said, they are going to be making you an offer. And then you've got the Knight of Cups.
Speaker 1:The Knight of Cups, I feel excuse me, the Knight of Wands. The Knight of Wands is literally swooping in, like I feel like this is probably gonna be the person that you encounter first and things are gonna get hot and heavy at that fiery energy that they're gonna be bringing in. You know, I've got on this card like an actual lion riding horse. So this person very much could be a Leo, okay, riding in could also be Aries we're entering Aries' birthday season but they're riding in and they just like, got their eye on the prize. They know what they want. They're ready to, you know, use their cupid bow on you and just attack.
Speaker 1:Just beware, though, that the Knight of Wands is one of the fuck boy cards in Tarot Like, yes, this exists, so you just have to watch out, you know, and really discern what it is that you want. You know, sometimes, when you get a really passionate potential partner, you know they might get a bit of a bad rep, like they've been around a little bit and you know, maybe as a woman, you don't want that, maybe you don't mind that, but you know it's up to you to really discern what kind of person you are looking for at this particular part of your journey. But, yeah, very exciting new moon for you, ganza. Okay, leo, so you're gonna be manifesting something that maybe is not necessarily so obvious to you. So I can see that what is coming up right now is a little bit of a how do I explain this? Like your home life is in a little bit of a disarray.
Speaker 1:Okay, this is quite frustrating to you because you've really been working diligently to make this stable as possible, as you can see, with the eight of pentacles, but there is some sort of familiar dispute going on or some familial as in like with your family disharmony. Perhaps it could do. Could wow Speak properly, rachel? Perhaps it could do. Is this a joke? Perhaps this could be to do with finances, with money Excuse me, finances with your family. Perhaps there's an issue there. Perhaps there is a question of someone asking you for money or you owing money or them owing you money, but it just feels like you felt like you'd started this year off with a huge bang, right, you had all your ducks in a row with nine of cups, but actually you're seeing that. No, there's something else going on, particularly this new moon, right?
Speaker 1:So what you are manifesting is what I feel like you have been calling in, maybe through prayer, maybe through meditation, but you are gonna manifest this mentor. Okay, I can see, with the hierophant here, you're gonna be manifesting this mentor who's gonna be teaching you or showing you how there's gonna be this light at the end of the tunnel. And, as I say, like I'm looking at the Creator Oracle card here and I feel like this particular mentor. You know, I know the hierophant in traditional tarot is an actual like priest pope looking figure, but with this Creator card and we've got Buddha I really feel like this is gonna be some sort of spiritual teacher. So either someone who's a religious spiritual teacher or it could be someone who's an energy healer, a shaman Even if we go down the route of just therapy psychologists, I feel like it's someone who's really gonna give you that awakening.
Speaker 1:I feel for some of you it definitely is going to be an energy healer. Again, looking at the messages and all of the graphics from the card, it could very much be energy healing for some of you. Maybe you go to get Reiki done or you go to get some sort of energy work done and there is this aha moment, right, or when you're going through your notes in terms of what the Reiki practitioner, reiki master, saw during your healing, there is this aha moment and you just click and I can see with the totality card that you're really going to have the necessary like download to change all of this. Okay, so you've really manifested your way out of this particular stalemate or conundrum that you've got yourself in. Okay, there we go.
Speaker 1:So what I see you manifesting for this new moon is some real, real me time. So so many omens for this here. It's incredible. We've got the three of swords reversed, we've got the four of swords reversed. We got the Wheel of Fortune reverse. We got the Ice Solation Oracle card again, and then patience. And one thing I really love about this patient's Oracle card is it's not only got lucky number seven on there, but it's got this woman who very much looks like the Virgin, which symbolizes Virgo. This woman is pregnant. She is the emblem of divine feminine. We can see above her head that she's got all of the different moon cycles. So for me, so how many? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. So she's got like nine different moon cycles above her head. So this patient's card it could be.
Speaker 1:I feel like we're talking either nine weeks or we're talking nine months for what it is that you need to heal from or what it is really and truly, actually what you want to birth, because I said, the woman is pregnant, it's going to take about nine months, but you really need the patient and you really need to take this time to be on your own. I see that this time on your own is going to be mostly spent still healing from this heartache that you have with the free of soul to a rest. You seem to have gone through the worst of it at the moment. You've really done a lot of inner work, so congratulations for that, but there's still some work to do and most definitely, you need to to be on your own. I can see that through this hard work is inner healing work that you've been doing.
Speaker 1:You are breaking free from a cycle that you have been continuing that really hasn't served you, and for some reason, though, virgo, I'm seeing that you feel like you almost have to lie to the people around you in order to get away, in order to have that private time. You're kind of keeping you know. When people are asking how you are, you're telling them almost like half truths, because and I'm getting the sense that there isn't anything crazy to hide, virgo but you just kind of want to do this on your own. You kind of want to go through this healing period on your own. You want to manifest all of the things that you know that you're cooking up on your own, without having anybody's opinion of whether it's right or wrong. So that's what I'm picking up from you and I feel like, with the patience, this is what you're going to be manifesting. I think you're not going to manifest the whole birth of what it is that you want to bring into this life and into this world, but you're very much going to step into the next cycle for you successfully if you are true to yourself and do take that time to retreat.
Speaker 1:So I really recommend a weekend away, some sort of retreat, or and that retreat doesn't have to be in the middle of Cuba, somewhere right what could be really good for you is just like a one day retreat, or maybe just book an Airbnb over the weekend. You just disappear and have what I love to call non human days. You just have a non human day. You just run away from people and you do what you need to do for yourself. But yeah, there's, with all of these swords like this, just so much communication, and that's in a world communication that's asking you to ask, spirit is asking you to do. So this is really a time to be like selfish Do what you need to do for yourself and know that you are on track. So, libra, and I love like sometimes these signs kind of weave into each other and there are some themes here.
Speaker 1:You're also going through a little bit of a bumpy ride in your home or with your family. At the moment, something feels very unstable. It feels like, despite what's been happening, you've really been trying to go against the grain and work hard. Anyway, you've thought, ok, let me just put my head down, let me just work hard and things will just work out. You know you are doing really, really well in all the other aspects of your life right now incredibly well. So someone looking from the outside would just be like you know, surely even with this particular issue in your family can't be that bad. But I can see that you are really getting to the point where you are about to burn out. We've got the nine of wands here. You're not quite at the 10 of wands, but you're almost there. You've been fighting so much, so hard.
Speaker 1:I can see with the comparison Oracle card here you've been really looking at everybody else and everyone else's life. Maybe you've been scrolling quite a lot and comparing your life to other people's and you're just like why? Me? You know why is this particular dynamic happening with me and it might feel so counterintuitive at the moment, libra. But Spirit is asking you to really go with the flow with this Oracle card. Going with the flow and if you could see it, you would see that this person is literally. It looks like they're either flying in the cosmos or they're just relaxing and letting the current just take them. You know they're not even trying, they're not even in like a swimming motion, they're just trusting in the divine and letting what's supposed to be be.
Speaker 1:I can also see with this celebration Oracle card that you know you two have really been doing a lot of solo working. I can see with all the Tyra cards we've got here, it's very much you on your own, you on your own, you on your own. And it's interesting because you have been battling between trying to make your home and your mindset really stable. You've been trying with all your might to really fight what's been happening as well, but you've forgotten about the fact that you deserve some time off, like you. Just because there's a difficult thing happening right now within your family, it doesn't mean that you have to kind of torture yourself and not have any fun. So Spirit wants you to know with this celebration card that you need to go out ever, you know, out out, talk to your friends, reach out and ask for help, go and get a drink, you know, even if it's just to juice down the road, like, do something to take you out of this bubble, because that is really what's going to help serve you in this particular tricky period.
Speaker 1:So, like your water sign, cousin cancer, you also are manifesting quite a lot this new moon. It's interesting because I'm not seeing that these you've got basically the Knight of One, the Knight of Cups and the King of Swords. I'm not seeing these as your potential partners, though. I'm seeing these as symbols of different people in your lives who, for some reason, with this Four of Ones which, as we know, four of Ones replicates that one, one, one one. So maybe what you're going to be dealing with this new moon is either Twin Flame or Soulmate Connection. You're manifesting them this new moon. Okay, you're going to experience them on some level.
Speaker 1:I feel like this is going to be a 5D communication. I feel like this is leaning a lot more towards either Twin Flame or Soulmate Connection for the collective listening, and you're going to sound a little bit delusional to your peers. You're going to have people that are a little bit skeptical. You're going to have friends that are going to give you quite cutting remarks and tell you, like that's not very practical what you're telling me. Another person who's actually egging you on and saying, yeah, just enjoy the moment.
Speaker 1:Maybe someone else is telling you, actually you know that this is not going to support you emotionally, spiritually, like you're getting all sorts of types of advice right and particularly from this Night of Cups reversed, it's going to be particularly unsolicited from this kind of person. What's really going to piss you off about their advice is the fact that you have had so much more relationship experience in them. This is how you're going to know this is a particular person. You've had more experience in them. They at the moment are at their own standstill when it comes to their love life, but yet they are going in and giving you a lot of unsolicited advice. And it's really interesting because the Night of Cups Ones and King of Swords all have a face, as we say in the UK, like a smacked ass, like nobody. No one's happy here. Nobody is happy here. No one's happy here for you and your particular situation you're manifesting.
Speaker 1:This is making you feel really, really anxious. You're not. It's not to the point where you're definitely on the brink of burnout, but it is building. Okay, this is something where you're kind of closing your eyes and hoping just kind of goes away. You don't want to be the one Scorpio to make the decision. Maybe it's because you know, as this is, you know, over your sun, moon, rising, venus sign, you know Scorpio, wherever it is, has a very strong influence and maybe there's a little bit of fear of that kind of power. But I can see that if you actually listen to divine guidance we've got the guidance card of as an Oracle then you're going to get the answer, you're going to know what path to really take.
Speaker 1:And what I would like to say is, with the four of Ones, yes, you know, normally this is like a strong connection omen, but in this particular card, you know the house of cards that's built up all the way to the roof in the background. In this particular tarot deck that I'm using, you know the four of Ones, yes, indicates there's a strong connection on the horizon or re horizon, if it's a connection you've already explored and you're going to be re exploring again. But it's a house made out of cards, okay, it's not a house made out of bricks and so it is very delicate in this foundation. These are the beginning foundations of the relationship in total or of this particular cycle of the relationship. What it's really going to require you got the outsider Oracle card is for you to really nurture your inner child. You're going to have to kind of block out the noise and it's interesting because I say this and eight of swords, and we've got the figure here with, yes, their eyes closed, but also their ears closed. You're going to have to not sorry, not closed, covered, you're going to have to block that out. And I can see with this abundance card. Actually, look at the synchronicity. The abundance card has got this kind of hippie man like really enjoying his own space, cross legs, like he's in a very like kumbaya kind of place, but he also has a headband around his head to the point where it covers his ears. So in order to really manifest this particular connection going well, you're really going to have to close your ears and focus on you, nurture your inner child and what it wants and really channel in to see what it is that's going to really nourish your soul, not necessarily what everybody else is saying.
Speaker 1:Okay, sagittarius, a bit of a love triangle going on in your life at the moment. Okay, so what I can see you manifesting is a new beginning. Okay, but hear me out, because there's lots of layers for you here. This new beginning feels very counterintuitive, you think so. There's two people that I can see that are represented here, who it almost feels like you don't necessarily have a choice of deciding who you're going to be with. I feel like one of them has already kind of made the choice for you.
Speaker 1:I feel like your favorite, your, your most preferred person would have been the knight of sorts. You thought, like, with you being nine of pentacles, like very much in your garden, watering your garden, you've done the work, you were very much in your feminine energy, right, and thinking, okay, what's next? You thought that this knight of sorts would be like the perfect match for you to really bring out that more masculine energy in the relationship dynamic. But I can see you've got somebody else interested in you. Okay, represented by the king of cups. They are willing to take a chance on you. They kind of feel like you're a little bit out of their league. You feel a bit like a wild card to them and they feel like when they're dealing with you. It's a little bit of an emotional roller coaster for them, not so much for you, but you know you would definitely have the upper hand in the relationship, but they are. What you're manifesting right now is they're going to offer you something, right. They're going to offer you something, some sort of commitment that's going to be stable, that's going to really work in alignment with all of the work you've been doing with yourself.
Speaker 1:My invitation to you is to look at divine masculine energy in a different way. It doesn't necessarily have to be the definition of divine masculine energy that you've been thinking of. I can see that potentially you've been running away from this particular dynamic. With this king of cups, with this will of fortune. I feel like you've literally been on a hamster wheel, running off to the night of swords, thinking like that's what you want. He brings the thrill, not so much of a thrill as if he was night of want, but he does bring enough thrill. You don't really know what you're going to stand with him. It's a little bit exciting and so far I can see like you've really been on a standstill. With the six of swords reverse. You really, really believed for some reason that this night of swords was a much better match for you.
Speaker 1:I can see, with this sorrow card, this sorrow oracle card, like you have been really upset by this. But, like I said, the king of cups, you know you're manifesting this, you're manifesting this new beginning with this person. Spirit is inviting you to step into the energy of the student. You don't know everything. Nine of Pentacles. Energy is very much like yeah, you know, everything's fertile around me. I know what I'm doing, I've got all my ducks in a row, I've got the stability, money is flowing in and Spirit is inviting you to just step back into that energy of the student again.
Speaker 1:Be the grasshopper, as we can see in this oracle card. Actually, be the grasshopper, be willing to learn, be willing to see things differently, be willing to be given blessings and miracles from Spirit that you didn't even, you couldn't even like. Think of yourself, because they're that good, they're that out of the box and they're that perfect for you. Okay, capricorn, oh, wow. So what? I see you manifesting Capricorn, this new moon. Is you making an offer? You're going to be making an offer to a potential partner. What's interesting is that your offer is where I've drawn this Knight of Cups. It's almost like you're you're making the offer but it's not the whole offer. It's almost like you're trying to test the waters, you kind of.
Speaker 1:This card, the way it's positioned, gives me the impression that you're kind of practicing in the mirror. Even the horse in this particular card is like not 100 standstill but not 100 in motion either. It's kind of one foot, one out. And you're really kind of practicing like, okay, you know, you know right, let's step into this next cycle of commitment. Or you know, let's do this, let's move the relationship in this particular direction. And I can see why you're practicing this.
Speaker 1:First is because, with the Queen of Swords reversed here and the Page of Swords in terms of communication, you know it's there's still some things that need to be ironed out. Communication really needs to be key. So, as much as you're practicing the way that you're going to communicate, what it is that you want to communicate and the offer that you want to give, what should be the focus, what Spirit really wants you to do, is really focus on the delivery and the words that you're using. Because I can see, with the four of wands, by doing this you are going to manifest again. This is again another deep connection, to inflame soulmate connection. You're going to manifest this new cycle.
Speaker 1:Okay, as I said before, where I just drew the four of wands card, you know this is based on, yes, a tall foundation of cards, but they are cards, so the whole dynamic is very sensitive. But I can see, with the totality card, with the Oracle totality card and also the dream card, this is oh my god, oh my god. I did not see this, I did not see this in this Oracle card. But like this dream card, like this, this is you really manifesting your wish control, like it just feels like with this soulmate slash, twinflame connection, like you have been like having sleepless nights about this. This is a really vivid dream for you. You feel so close, like in this totality card. You've got these acrobats and like they're swinging back and forth and you're you're so close to achieving this.
Speaker 1:But the real key is just you making sure you know exactly what you want to say. You know, don't be reduced to the page of swords. Don't be reduced to the page of swords who again has a message but you deliver it. Or, like the page of swords in this picture, for example, in this card even has this like rolled up, scroll with a message, right, the same kind of offer that the knight of cups is coming up with, but because the queen of swords, this energy, that of the person that you're dealing with, that person's going to be quite cutting. You know, for whatever reason, perhaps they haven't processed all of their hurt or upset before speaking with you. This doesn't necessarily mean it's an omen for bad timing, but it does mean be prepared. It does mean make sure you have your defenses in check, because it's not going to be an easy conversation, but there's such a strong omen that it could go very, very well.
Speaker 1:And this is a wish come true. Wow, aquarius, aquarius, honey you, this is a huge transformation happening for you, for this new moon, and I feel like you are. Wow, if you could see these cards right now, I am tempted to start doing zoom and like YouTube. So, like, drop me a note if you would love that like, because I would love for you to see these beautiful cards. There's so much happening for you with this new moon, okay, so so, first of all, let's start with the Ten of Swords. You may feel like you have been beaten up so much by the universe right now because there's just loads going on. We've got the tower card like very weak foundations within your love life have been, or are going to be, ripped to shreds. And what's interesting is the person you're going to be dealing with when you know the the rug is ripped from both of you, from under both of you, is that they.
Speaker 1:There's so many offers in this reading, in this collective reading, right, but we got the night of cups again. Who just does not want to go away? There's, like I said, that Pisces new moon is all about like really revamping relationships. Like there's so many of you that are going to have these aha moments, or so many of you who have potential partners or partners that are going to have these aha moments that they're going to wake up because Pisces energy Pisces energy is all about being in love, with love. So it's almost like this oh shit, love is important. Let's redirect our priorities. And so, aquarius, back to you. This night of cups is going to offer. You make this offer right, you are not going to be accepting this offer like that is for sure. Here.
Speaker 1:What's going to happen is it's going to manifest a lot of anxiety for you. Okay, you are really one. Are going to disappear from the world for a while. Some inner child things will be coming up, some inner child wounds that may just need your attention. Because your quest to go with the ordinary nest card here, your quest is just to have a new, normal life in this new cycle and I can see with this Oracle card that you're going to manifest it. But you're going to have to go through quite a few different motions in order to get there. And spirit wants you to know. With this receptivity card, which shows this very Kundalini like influence, and you know this woman who's basically naked with her arms up surrendering to the divine with the lotus for her head, like you are asked to step into this really amp up your spirituality because this is a divine awakening. It may feel chaotic, it may feel like the universe is picking on you, but all of this is a massive blessing that you're soon going to see what the fruits are of it eventually.
Speaker 1:But just hanging on in there, okay, pisces, so I can see very juxtaposed, even energy happening here. I can see like you're coming into a very creative mode. You're really manifesting this turning of creativity, this new moon, pisces happy birthday, by the way and that has really brought about so many blessings for you. See it, with the night of pentacles, like you're just in, you're in a good place from that perspective. But you're almost in a place where you're like, okay, I just want to protect my energy, I don't need any outside noise, okay, so that's the three of pentacles reversed.
Speaker 1:You're almost like a little bit distrustful of anyone trying to come in and collaborate with you in some way, or maybe there's even someone in your life that's kind of trying to take what's the word I'm looking for. So my brain's gone dead. Try and take the credit. That's what? The credit for some of your hard work, and you're being very defensive about this. This hasn't worked out well. It feels like in the past, the four of cups of rest. Like you, this hasn't worked out well when you've had that outsider kind of input. So you're kind of you're very protective. I can see. I can see like you're.
Speaker 1:What you're manifesting is a cocoon period with the Oracle cards. Here we've got patience, so again it looks like you're birthing something amazing. The colors in the patient Oracle card really match the night of pentacles card where there's like all of these beautiful pentacle flowers flowering like the. The person is caught is like literally walking through this really bountiful garden and really doing their thing. And I can see with the harmony Oracle card as well. You know this is, you know you just focusing on you, like maybe turning down this, like extra external help is what you need. But just be discerning, you know some we all need a little bit of help. So just really be deciding and ask yourself when you do get this silence that I'm getting from this other Oracle card here, so interesting, sorry, let me just point out. So the harmony card is got like these dolphins swimming from this person's heart over above their head, and that one of the dolphins is like focused on the third eye. Right then the silence card is like it almost looks like a Buddha, but it's someone with their eyes closed, with like the moon in their third eyes. There's a lot of third eye work going on. So I would really recommend like listening to some self-adjusted frequencies and healing your third eye or really tapping into your intuition the best way, you know how, because it feels like this is what's really going to push you into even more of a creative and abundant mode, this new moon. But it really feels like this is some selfish you time at the moment, and in which case I would say enjoy, because this is your birthday season and you deserve it. So that's all that we have for this week for all the zodiacs, what you're manifesting for the new moon.
Speaker 1:If you would like your own private reading, then please check the link out below. This is for a 45 minute reading, very specific not only to what's happening for the new moon, but what is happening specifically for you. You get the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like in the 45 minutes. I usually recommend like maximum of two for 45 if you really want a deep, deep reading.
Speaker 1:For some of you that I've already had a reading before, you know I have decks upon decks of tarot decks oh my goodness, it's ridiculous and so I use I think I've got at the moment, six different tarot decks, and don't even get me started on how many oracle decks. So we really go deep, we really look into what's going on. We ask several questions within the questions to find out what's going on, what you can do and, of course, what advice spirit has for you. So if that is really resonating with you, if you love this reading, if you've loved my readings so far that are more for the collective, but when your own personal one, then you know what to do. Hit the link in my show notes and I would love to speak to you one-on-one about what's going on for you and how we can give you a little bit more guidance to move forward.