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All's Fair in Love and Karma with Serial Entrepreneur and Psychic Medium, June Edward

Rachel Rose Season 1 Episode 39

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In this episode, we delve into the world of love, karma, and spirituality with special guest June Edward. In this fascinating conversation, June discusses the importance of self-worth, trust, communication, unconditional love, and money balance in relationships. She also shares insights on the different types of relationships, including twin flames, karmic relationships, and soulmates.

June, a relationship expert, psychic medium, and bestselling author, shares her unique journey of self-discovery and how she helps others connect with their souls to make the right decisions in life.

  1. The Power of Soulful Decision-Making: June shared her journey of transitioning from making decisions based on fear to making decisions from the soul. By tapping into our soul's energy, we can make choices that align with our true purpose and lead to positive outcomes. Remember, decisions made from the soul are always the right decisions.
  2. Lessons from Past Lives: June discussed the concept of carrying traits and experiences from past lives into our current existence. Understanding and healing these past life traumas can have a profound impact on our present life. By connecting with our soul and accessing knowledge from past lives, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our journey.
  3. Balancing Energy and Manifestation: June emphasized the importance of balancing our energy and maintaining a high vibration to attract positive outcomes in life. Through practices like meditation and understanding the law of attraction, we can manifest our desires and create a life filled with abundance and joy.

If you're ready to explore the depths of love, karma, and spirituality, this episode is a must-listen. Like, share, and subscribe for more!

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Speaker 1:

Did I give it away or was it a persuasion? You all in my space.

Speaker 2:

I, I owe it. I don't care what you say, I'm loving it this way. I'm hoping that you stay. I, I owe it. It's only you, it's only you, it's only you. I love what you say. I'm loving host Rachel Rose. So today, loving today's episode, all's Fair in Love and Karma We've got someone to talk to us all about that and she's a woo-woo sister.

Speaker 2:

So you already know that this conversation is gonna go in all directions, which I'm so excited about. So we have June Edward, all the way from Massachusetts, who's a relationship expert, psychic medium and also a bestselling author. Welcome, june, hi. Thank you for having me. Welcome, I'm so glad you're here and, you know, glad that we've linked up. We had a big old chit chat before talking about how bland British food can be, unfortunately. Sorry, guys, but it is the truth. But we're not here to talk about food, we're here to talk about everything that you do. I feel like we're almost like in the same worlds. Very much we talk about love and we're also into the spiritual world. So let's first talk business. So talk to us more about what you do as a relationship expert and how you got into this line so first let me tell you that the planet Venus is all about love and money.

Speaker 1:

If it's in your chart, it may not be love, it might be money. That's what happens for me every time I go to my. I do astrology charts and things like that, and when I read my chart and Venus is popping up, it's not a guy, it's money. Okay, so what do I do? I've been in business my entire life. I'm a trained chef, a class one cosmetologist, a medical esthetician. I've owned large group daycare centers, restaurants, all kinds of things. And I died when I was 27.

Speaker 1:

I went to the other side and I came back here by choice and I was born with a lot of ability, but it didn't really open up for me till about 10 years ago. Quite honestly, I really tried to block it most of my life because I wasn't comfortable with it. I was afraid of my abilities and I was having a lot of trouble in my business about 10 years ago, going through a second divorce and making decisions from my head, not my soul. There's a big difference. So when you make a decision from your soul, that's the knowing. Okay, that's that. Oh, I know I shouldn't go this way today to work and you avoid a 10 car pileup. That's the knowing. When you make a decision from your brain, your brain is nothing more than a computer, okay, and its primary purpose is to protect you. So most people are making their decisions from fear. Well, when you make your decision from fear, it's a 50 50 crapshoot. Sometimes it works out, a lot of times it doesn't, but either way, you're always questioning yourself. So I teach people how to get in touch with their soul because it's pure energy and make the decision from their soul. So it it's always the right decision.

Speaker 1:

And I was making decisions at that time from my head, not my soul, out of desperation because my business was in trouble, the economy was horrible and I knew I wasn't doing the right thing. And I went to a Reiki practitioner to have some energy work done to relax. And she recommended that I meditate. And I'm like I can't meditate. I'm running five businesses right now. I had a sports bar, a very high end day spa, a construction company, a real estate company and a consignment store, and I'm like I can't. As soon as I started to meditate, boom, it was like they kicked the door in from the other side again and I did not know how to turn it off. I was walking around seeing people in front of my bed in the morning again and doing hands-on aesthetic services and knowing everything there was to know about the people that were coming in for services. You know the first woman. You know that I'm doing a facial on.

Speaker 1:

I'm like um did your aunt just die and she's like yeah, how'd you know? And I'm like I have no idea, just die.

Speaker 1:

And she's like, yeah, how'd you know? And I'm like I have no idea how I know. I said, but I suddenly know all kinds of weird stuff. I said did you clean her house out this weekend? She goes. As a matter of fact, we did. I said, no, did you find one of those old sock puppets from the 1950s that looks like a monkey? She goes. We did in the attics. It looks like a monkey, she goes, we did in the attic. I'm like, oh, my god, right, I'm going crazy. God, I've been next. Yeah, it was, and it's just continued. Person after person.

Speaker 1:

It was like if you don't get training in order to learn how to turn it off, you just go crazy, I feel like covering myself up right now.

Speaker 2:

I'm like.

Speaker 1:

I spent a year and a half learning how to turn it on and off like a light switch, and I'm able to do that. So when I'm working, I'm spot on, and when I'm not working, they cannot come to bother me, unless it's an emergency. Goodness.

Speaker 2:

Wow, are these like specific guides or you know how does it work?

Speaker 1:

So everyone has guides on the other side. Guides were humans that passed over and they just want to help. Um, we all have a guardian angel, which is not really an angel, but a relative that passed before us, that stepped up to the plate when you were born and agreed to be your guardian angel and jump in and help you at any time. And then we have angels on the other side, which is a separate race. They were never human and their entire existence is to help us, but the rule for them is you have to ask. If you don't ask, they can't help. So one of the things that I do is I teach how to talk to angels, because they're constantly trying to give you information from the other side and they speak in binary code, numbers and symbols. So that's one of the things I do, so people get on the path, the life path that they're supposed to be on. That's all they want.

Speaker 1:

Everybody on the other side only wants the best for all of us, and people have to realize that. You know, nothing is ever done to you. It's always being done for you. Ever done to you, it's always being done for you. So if you're not able to make the decision that you need to make for yourself, the universe is going to step in and make sure it happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah sometimes you're not going to like the results so you know, if you can do it for yourself, it's a much better way to go, because that way at least you feel like you have some control, even though you really don't yeah, no, I like that notion because I feel sometimes we can fall into victimhood when with more like serious situations and it's so natural to think, oh my god, why me, where is me? But so people need to turn that around, say why not me right?

Speaker 2:

why not me?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you know we planned this life before we came here. So if you don't like what's happening in your life, you really have no one to blame but yourself. Seriously, and if you so, my book All Sphere and Love and Karma talks about the five soul lessons that we're all here for, because that's one of the reasons we're here for our soul to advance. But, you have to learn the lesson for your soul to advance, or you're just going to keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you know, let's say, the universe offered you door number one, two and three. You take door one, you go through, you get married, you have a couple of kids, you get divorced Right, you're back in front of door one, two and three again. What do most people do? Take door number one again, they take door number one again, they're going to go through, they're going to get married, have more kids and get divorced a second time, right? Well, if they learned the lesson they were supposed to learn, whatever that was, they're not going to take door one again. They're going to take door two or door three, and they may get married again and still have more children, but it's not going to end the way it did before because they learned that lesson. Okay.

Speaker 2:

So do you mind talking to us briefly so that we don't it's not spoiler alert for anyone who wants to go and get the book but what the lessons are. Yeah, we'd love to hear that.

Speaker 1:

So the first one is self-worth, and self-worth is not value. Value is what others place on you. Self-worth is knowing that you are the only one of you in this whole world. How special are you that they thought that we needed you? Okay, that's self-worth, and it's not. It's not narcissistic to put yourself first. It's not selfish. It's where everything else comes from. If you can't take care of yourself, you're not going to be here to take care of anybody else, are you, okay? The next lesson is trust and communication, and you have to be able to communicate your wants and your needs to another person I don't care if it's in business, to your employees, to if it's your significant other in a relationship or if it's to a family member and you have to be able to trust that there is a plan, there is a higher power and that everything that's happening again is happening for your highest and best.

Speaker 1:

And then you have to be able to trust the person that you're communicating with. So sex is just another form of communication, right? If you can't communicate outside the bedroom, you're not going to be able to communicate inside the bedroom. It's just a problem that flows over. Then you have unconditional love, and you know a lot of people. They'll be in a bad marriage or something. They'll have a couple of kids. They'll get divorced. Oh, they hate each other, right? All they do is spew vile. Well, wait a minute, let's look at perspective here. You couldn't have those children with anybody else, right? Maybe they taught you something amazing, you know, you had maybe a few really amazing years together, or something.

Speaker 1:

Most relationships are not meant to last a lifetime. They're meant to last till you get your lessons learned. Exactly, preach, the one conditional love isn't saying playing the modder and saying oh, oh, I have to stay with him even though he beats me every day because I love him unconditionally, right? No, it's saying I love you, I'm grateful that you came into my life, you're not bringing me joy any longer, or we're not a good match any longer. We need to go our separate ways and I wish you well. I wish you all the best.

Speaker 1:

That's unconditional love. You know a great. Another great example would be what if you had a child that you love and they do something horrendous like, I don't know, a hit and run accident, and they go to jail for the rest of their life? You don't like what the child did, but you still love that child unconditionally. Right, that's unconditional love. Then you have money and balance and you know we're in a 3D world here and everything in the universe has to stay in balance. And we use money in this universe, in this 3D existence, to show whether or not your life is in balance and to teach you balance. Money is energy. That's why it's called currency. Okay.

Speaker 1:

And there has to be an even exchange of goods in order for there to be a benefit. So if I, you know, but I could give you a house for free and guess what? You're going to go live in it and trash it. That's what most people are going to do. It has no value to them because there was no exchange of anything there, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So there has to be an even exchange of energy and everything and money highlights that. Suppose all you do is work right, just because you want to earn as much money as you can. Well, now your life's out of balance. There's no time to spend with your friends and your family or things that you enjoy, and then you just hoard your money. So now the self worth lesson is going to kick in, because you don't even value yourself enough to spend the fruits of your labor on yourself. So each lesson intertwines and reinforces the other lesson, and then the last lesson, which is very difficult for a lot of people, is patience.

Speaker 1:

We live in a world that is instant. Just, you know instant gratification and you know you made the plan a certain way. Things happen in your life when they're supposed to happen and they're not going to happen before. You're not going to be able to force them to happen. They happen how they're supposed to happen. Life you have to sit back and let life play out a little bit. You have to learn how to be the magnet, and that's the law of attraction, because we're always either repelling or we're attracting in any given time and when you raise your vibration by getting in touch with your soul, which is the other thing that I teach. I teach how energy works. Then you're attracting to yourself, you're attracting money, you're attracting love, you're attracting people and situations and when you balance your energy, you maintain that, because if you don't balance your energy, you have a high and then you crash.

Speaker 2:

That's the balance, and this is what people complain about when it comes to manifestation. Oh yeah, I tracked it x and now you know I'm not tracking that anymore. Yeah, because you know it's not a one and done situation, it's a maintenance.

Speaker 1:

Well, because you have to balance and balancing your energy is not as hard. It's not as easy as people think. To be honest, I have a seven week program that's online, called the relationship mastery program, and it teaches you how to get in touch with your soul and it teaches you how energy works and it has to be done. It's intense work for seven weeks and if you don't do it in order and if you don't do it in a timely manner, your vibration does not shift. Yeah, you don't shift and then you don't balance. I've had people have had to do it two and three times in order to learn how to balance that energy and then maintain it, and you have to follow the program in order to maintain it. It's a life change.

Speaker 2:

It's not something that you do today and don't do tomorrow high vibrational, high transformation courses, like the one that you've designed, and not finishing and then wondering where the results are, and you know you have to see it all the way through. But I love what you've mentioned about actually you have to keep the pace because I'm sure the lessons are incremental on each other and if you're dropping off and then oh, actually I fancy something else, then of course, yeah you, you kind of lose the momentum there well and I'll be honest, I've had hundreds and hundreds of people go through the program and I geared it towards people having difficulty in their marriage or relationships originally because those are the people that seemed more motivated to me to work on themselves and make the change.

Speaker 1:

I recently had a lot of people that are in business do it just to better their business as well, but every time I recommend everybody redo the program every year. They have lifetime access to it once they get the program and every year when you do the program, you're starting from a higher vibration and you're still leveling up higher every year and every year and every year. And what my students come back with and tell me is absolutely amazing, because each time you do the program there's a lot in it, but your brain is going to take in what it is you need at the time. Every time you do it, every year, when you learn, you relearn, you take in new things that you didn't take in the time before because you weren't ready for it, and your soul just keeps leveling up and leveling up oh, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Love that because I've had that before as well. I've had that on other courses, where you can listen to the person 101 times but you hear different things. So that's nice to hear, like what the brain is is basically muting and amplifying, it's just going to take what you need at the time.

Speaker 1:

But as you change, everything else changes and then your needs change. You know I had I could tell you story after story of people that have done the program. I have one guy out of prison ready to commit suicide, because he'd lost everything his family, his job. He came from a small town, his friends shunned him and I popped up on the screen in the middle of the night when he was contemplating suicide. He prayed for something and there I was. So he did the program and within a year he wrote a book about his experience. All his kids came back, all of his friends started to come back because he made a concerted effort to pay them back and he started his own business. He did the program again like a year or two later, leveled it up, up again. Now he's got a full-fledged restaurant, he's got two food trucks. He's got I mean it just continues it just continues, yeah that's so good, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's no question that this kind of work is really rewarding, isn't it? And um, I just love that, that really heavy element of spirituality that you incorporate into your work, because you know, as another relationship expert, I don't really understand how anyone is doing it without the spiritual stuff. Like, don't you feel like it's? I feel like you're doing love blind if you are not incorporating the spiritual element.

Speaker 1:

Well, they're doing the 3D thing, which is just drama.

Speaker 2:

So we are not, you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we're not the body that's sitting in front of you. We are here like an actor in a play. This is our avatar, literally, and we are the energetic soul that's inside.

Speaker 1:

So, when you can listen to that and everything changes. So I only work with one person in a relationship. If two people are having a problem, I work with one. It only takes one person to make or break a situation. When you change, they change because the same old, same old doesn't work, does it? Every action is an equal or greater reaction, so it only takes one person to change the entire dynamic and what the result of the program is they usually the other person is just so blown away by the changes that have been made. They want to know why. What are you doing? And when they explain it what they've been doing, then they teach them what I taught them. And now I have people that teach their children, so their children don't have to go through this messy muck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's. I really enjoy hearing that as well, because I think one thing that we will understand is like trauma is inherited, but also we can pass down healing as well. So if that can be of help, then that's amazing. You know, our children can focus on other things other than healing the mess that we will been, you know, passed down from.

Speaker 1:

So we kind of live what we learn, but we bring through from lifetime to lifetime different traits and it kicks in in this lifetime, believe it or not, when it correlates to your past lifetimes. It's kind of crazy.

Speaker 1:

But, I've seen it over and over again, even in myself. You know I used to love to swim as a child and at 12 years old I couldn't go in myself. You know I used to love to swim as a child and at 12 years old I couldn't go underwater. I would panic, I was afraid of the water. And you know, here we are, 40 years later.

Speaker 1:

I find out how I drowned and I literally had been in a past life. I was the person that they would go to to have healing done and I would make what do they call it? Tinctures up and things to help them heal. And I had picked the wrong mushrooms and I killed a 12-year-old girl. So what my punishment back then was? They tied rocks to me and threw me in a river and I drowned. When I re-experienced that I have no fear of water anymore. But it's interesting that it hit me at 12 years old, when I was 12, because the girl that I had accidentally killed was 12. Oh my goodness, and I've seen it over and over and over. And when I do past, I do Akashic Records and help heal people from stuff they've brought through from past lives and there's always an age correlation.

Speaker 2:

It's really crazy through from past lives and there's always an age correlation. It's really crazy. Wow. So that's the. That's the first time I've heard of that like um age carrying on or having at least a theme in different times.

Speaker 1:

I love that yeah, it's really very interesting work it is.

Speaker 2:

It really is, and you know. My curiosity is how does someone who can switch on their psychic abilities, how do you deal with dating, because it must be really interesting and also frustrating at the same time. I really would love to hear your experience yeah, it is.

Speaker 1:

So. There's only three types of relationships. There are twin flames, which are extremely rare. Okay, there's so much misinformation out there on the internet. Everybody thinks they've got one. No, and I don't recommend them. They're extremely difficult relationships they are literally two souls that split into one on the other side and came back in two separate bodies. Okay, at some point in life you meet that twin flame and when you do, it's like a karmic and a soulmate on steroids it throws you into the biggest loop of your life.

Speaker 1:

They only last for a very short time, a few weeks to a few months, but once you and it puts you on the path that you're supposed to be on in life. Hence the reason I'm doing what I'm doing because I had met mine. But every you know that's the standard for everyone else, unfortunately, and for me I know. Once he learns his, he has to learn his five lessons. And he, I've learned mine, he has. I don't know that he's learned his yet. It's been nine years. Hopefully, when he, you know, we'll learn them. If he learns them, he'll come back and we'll have an opportunity in this lifetime again. If he doesn't, then we won't, and most don't get back together in this lifetime.

Speaker 1:

Then you have karmic relationships. Karmic relationships are literally someone that owed karma from another relationship. They're here just to teach you. They're not always comfortable. It feels like there's, you're always looking over your shoulder, you're waiting for the shoe to drop, there's just something you can't put your finger on, that you don't trust. And when one or the other learns the lesson, the relationship ends immediately. And if it's like, you wake up one morning and you look at them and you're like why in the hell am I with you Seriously? And if you both learn the lesson, it will end amicably. If only one learn the lesson, it will end amicably. If only one learned the lesson, it will end, but not amicably.

Speaker 1:

And then you have soulmates, and soulmates feel really, really good, and you have 1000s of each of these, except for the twin flame. And soulmate relationships are also meant to teach you something, however. They're meant to afford you love and affection and caring at the same time, so they feel really good, and any of these can last a long time or they could last a short time. It really depends on what you wrote into your life plan. Okay, so for dating, you know, for the longest time, I consider it to be a big joke from the universe, because everybody I went on a date with was just starting to awaken and I was the missing link for them to understand. And I'd give them a copy of my first book and say good luck. And a lot of them end up becoming clients. Believe it, or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hope people are listening because I always say look love and business they. They are not separate worlds.

Speaker 1:

Okay, like not all part of the same life, exactly exactly. Just like money is not separate, it's energy, it's all part of the same thing venus. Venus rules money and love together. It's venus rules and both. So then it got to the point where, um, I really I mean, it's been nine years so I really make a concerted effort to meet somebody and I'd meet somebody that I kind of got along with, and then you know it takes, it takes a little while to get to know somebody. And you know I, you know I end up dating doctors and lawyers. For the most part I like intelligent people that can challenge me and you know you find out that they've got drug issues or alcohol issues or things that you know I don't want in my life, so I end them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it's just how it is. You know, I have a lot of really good friends, male and female, that I go out with and I socialize with and I can talk with, which fills the void.

Speaker 2:

That's all I can do.

Speaker 1:

And I will tell you that all of my businesses, when I was married, suffered a little bit because I had to focus on the marriage. And when I was not married, boy, did I go gung ho in my, in my business? So, take that advantage if you're not with someone and really focus on your business so that you can build it, that when that other person comes in, you're already where you want to be.

Speaker 2:

That is really sound advice as well, because, regardless of what your niche is, relationships do take a certain amount of energy, don't they?

Speaker 1:

They do.

Speaker 2:

It's a give and take Exactly. And if you are not in a stable place in your business where you're getting recurring revenue or you know you've got your sales strategy in place and your messaging like that in itself takes a lot of work, so you know you've only got enough energy Sorry, excuse me, a certain amount of energy per day. I think people forget that as well, because it's just so easy as a high achieving woman to just be like, yeah, my to-do list is like 20 things, but you're not going to get through them. And it doesn't mean that you're not good enough, it just means that you've got to prioritize exactly you have to take thing in pieces.

Speaker 1:

You have to. I mean, if you, if you look at the entire picture, you're going to just go, oh my god, and that's it, you're done you can't you.

Speaker 1:

I mean I was. I was running two daycare centers at one time, with their each license for 125 a piece in two different States, and raising my three little children by myself, living in a two bedroom apartment. So because I got divorced and I basically lost everything, couldn't afford anything but the I had kept the daycares I started after and I did my college work online at night because it was the only time that I could do it. And businesses you know, everything in life can be stressful. If you look at it that way, or you can look at it, business is an art, it's a form of art and it's an expression of who you are. So and you're doing.

Speaker 1:

No matter what business you're doing, you have to do it for the right reason. You have to do it with a good heart. You can't go into business saying, oh yeah, I'm going to see what I can get out of these people. You know it doesn't work that way. You have to be giving and getting that equal exchange of energy Exactly. And I always tell people don't be afraid to raise your prices right, because it's the value, it's an equal exchange of energy. If, whatever it is you have, your service or your product is worth more, then you should be raising your prices 10% a year. And if you raise it 10% and you lose 10% of your customers, you haven't lost any money, have you?

Speaker 1:

You're just doing less work. Exactly, yeah, and word of mouth will continue to rebuild that base. So you're always getting ahead that way. You're always growing your business and reinvesting your business. You can't take all the money out, not put anything back in. It doesn't work that way either. Again, if you want to get something out, you've got to put it in that equal exchange of energy. So put into your advertising. Best thing I have to do with my business is we'll put into advertising. It works Well tough right now with the environment going on, because you know, depending on what you're advertising, you're not allowed and it's getting worse. But yeah, everything goes around in cycles and the universe will make sure that if you're supposed to stay in business, you will.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. I love that and I think also, you know, just to add to what you said this idea of I'm losing something by putting something in needs to go right. Like you have to think forward in terms of I'm pouring something in, it's going to grow rather than you know. I don't want to spend money that I already have to in order to make money.

Speaker 1:

You know, for example, you can't do that. If you want to grow, you always want to pay yourself first. Make no mistake, pay yourself first, but then you have to reinvest in order to grow, otherwise you're going to end up depleting everything. You know you'll run out of energy.

Speaker 2:

And so back to your very interesting dating life. And you know, if you could order your dream partner on uber eats, if only um, what would? What would you add in? You know this. The special ingredients what would you want to order? The special?

Speaker 1:

ingredients it has for me it has to be intelligence and affection and honesty. Yeah, those, those three things really have to be there, and they have to have self-worth, they have to value themselves and their bodies and take care of themselves. I don't want to be, you know, taking care of somebody in their old age. I want to be out cruising the Bahamas, exactly.

Speaker 2:

And and what about? Like the spiritual side? Because you're such a deeply spiritual person, I always find it interesting asking other spiritual entrepreneurs are you someone who wants, someone who's like deep in a spiritual trenches with you?

Speaker 1:

or not really, not really. I'm good on letting them have their own journey.

Speaker 2:

That may not be their journey yeah, yeah, I like that because, uh, don't you find sometimes that sometimes you can get the extreme, isn't it? You can get someone who is really very spiritual, but perhaps they're it's it's very extreme. I personally am someone who's you know, there are days where it's not all about that. You know, you're, you're a lot more um. What's the word I'm looking for? I don't want to say worldly, because that sounds quite religious, but you know what I mean. You're not. You're not so woo, woo. You're not so into it. Um, and I love I think it comes from my Gemini rising where I can adapt, whereas if you get a someone who is just so live, breathe it they can't really adapt into other situations where you're going to be amongst other people who aren't that deep into the woo you know I have to do.

Speaker 1:

This is what I do for work. Basically, I mean, I do it for life as well. But do I want to come home to my partner and have to do it at night as well? I kind of want a break from that. You know, I just want food and sex.

Speaker 2:

Exactly A good pizza, a good film to Bali. And I asked another lady this as well, just out of curiosity, and she said no, her husband is not Wu at all, um, but is very respectful and I think, it's the perfect balance, to be honest, because you can teach them things here and there, but also they teach us stuff as well, like when they're not fully in the Wu. We can step out of that and have a different perspective as well, and it just adds to the way that we view the world.

Speaker 1:

I think they also keep me more grounded. So, you know, I do attract even girlfriends that are of higher vibration but want to learn, want to know, and as much as I try to get them to follow the right practices of meditating three times a day, things like they, you know, don't drink as much. Things like that. They don't want to hear it, but they do notice that when they do follow my advice and do what I tell them that amazing things happen in their life. So they can't negate it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love meditating three times a day. Is that part of your book? Is that something that you recommend?

Speaker 1:

So I recommend meditation to everyone. It is in every one of my books. This is my fourth book. They're all on my website, juneedwardcom.

Speaker 1:

But most people do not meditate properly and most people don't teach it properly. And it's very dangerous if you don't do it properly, because when you're opening yourself up to the universe, you're opening yourself up for good and evil and evil is a real thing, make no mistake. And if you have a good heart, you will be attacked by evil. You will be attacked, so be prepared. But when you meditate properly, then you get in touch with your soul, and your soul is way too big for this body, so you have some of it's in your body.

Speaker 1:

People talk about seeing an aura over your head. That's the part of your soul that's right outside your body, and then the majority of your soul is in what we call the fifth dimension, which is the lowest level of heaven, and that orchestrates the timing of the events that happen in your life. So your soul is always the one in charge. And when you get in touch with your soul, you'll start accessing the knowledge that you have from all your of youretimes. You'll start getting downloads and start knowing things that you didn't know. You'll be able to literally see and talk to souls on the other side the same way that I do. I used to teach mediumship and psychic development and everyone that's ever gone through my classes has the ability. You're born with it. It's a matter of developing it, and when you can see life from a different perspective, you start to realize you know what. Who cares if we didn't make that for dinner tonight? We'll make it tomorrow night. Who cares if you just broke the door, we'll fix it.

Speaker 2:

It's not a big deal it really is not. Yeah, because it's just so the 3D, when you really connect in that level with all the different spiritual realms, it's just so the 3d, when you really connect in that level with all the different spiritual realms, is it's just extra. I think it's just ego that we, we make it so important, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

we make it like it's the be all and end all and it's not well, it is ego and you know that's the one thing that people really have to learn how to let go of. Not that you're not important, but it's not about you, it's never been about you, it's only about you to the extent that it's your life. You chose it, you planned it, you wanted to experience it. You have to ask why? Okay, but at the end of the day, people forget. We're really here to help each other. Yeah, we're here for each other no one is an island.

Speaker 1:

No one got their business off the ground by themselves. No one became successful in this world alone. Everyone has to help someone else and everything is a relationship. Whether you and I are having a relationship here, I'm having a relationship with all your listeners right now and they're taking from this discussion what it is they need right now if they're listening to this podcast your employees. You have a relationship with them. You have a relationship with your suppliers. You have a relationship with your customers. You have a relationship with everyone you come in contact in this world and there's a reason for everything. There are no accidents accidents everything happens because it's supposed to, and if you let the ego go, you can start looking at it from the higher perspective and saying why is this happening? Why did this person come into my place? Why did I just walk into this store? Why did I buy this? Why am I? Why do I not want to buy this?

Speaker 2:

why exactly? Oh, I'm sure we've given people like so many insights and goosebumps and breakthroughs. I love that.

Speaker 2:

I yeah. As soon as I saw psychic media I was like this will be fun, this really delve into this. I think your book sounds bloody fascinating. So, um, there will be the link. Um, ladies and and maybe gents, but probably mostly ladies, in the show notes, so definitely dive in there. As june said, it is a best-selling book. You can kind of tell why it sounds really, really good. I've got a plane to catch soon, not not right now, but like I wish that would be jet saying, wouldn't it well?

Speaker 1:

it's in audio as well for people? I was just about to ask you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's in audio I'm a, I'm an audible girl. So, um, and it's what it's read by a wonderful british woman, oh yeah okay, all right, that makes it easy, easy, uh, easy listening. Even so, june, I'm sure you know I I find you fascinating and I'm sure my audience does as well. So where can they find you, so they can find out more about you they can go to my website, juneedwardcom.

Speaker 1:

I do work with lots of people overseas. They can schedule appointments there. They can purchase my books. There's plenty of videos they can watch and there is a free webinar on there as well that they can watch about energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, got you Fabulous, all right. I'm following you, amazing, and it's only love you.