Budget Effect: How to Save Money, Pay off Debt, Improve your Mindset, Love your Life, and start Budgeting as a Single Mom

21// How to Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle | How to create a weekly budget

June 18, 2024

Many people are stuck in a cycle of living paycheck to paycheck with seemingly no way out. But there is a solution! Of course you need a budget, but even more specifically - a weekly budget. This will help you get so intentional with your money and move forward with money and in your life.

Do you want help getting started with a budget?

<<Question of the Week>>
What is the most challenging part of budgeting for you right now?
Is it something with getting the budget set up? Or does it have to do with sticking to it? Let me know by texting your answer into the show. 

Click to Send a Text.