Budget Effect: How to Save Money, Pay off Debt, Improve your Mindset, Love your Life, and start Budgeting as a Single Mom

26// How to budget for self-care | Building a sinking fund for your personal wants and needs

July 23, 2024

In this episode, we're getting into the importance and the how-to of budgeting for self-care. A little work up front can help you get exactly what you need and want for self-care in your monthly budget. Tune in to learn how to prioritize your well-being without breaking the bank!

I will also walk you through how to use this FREE self-care budget builder.

Click here to get the SELF-CARE BUDGET BUILDER

This episode is for you if you’ve ever asked yourself:

  • How can I budget for self-care?
  • What are some tips for self-care on a budget?

Click here for the free Budget Foundations Jumpstart!

Click here for information about the opportunity to be the first "small test group" for the new budget course.

Let’s Connect: 

Instagram @budgeteffectpodcast

Email hello@thebudgeteffect.com

<<Question of the Week>>

How are your spending habits on the stuff you want and need for self-care?

Text 1 -  if you are spending way too little, you don’t get what you want or need. 

Text 2  - Just right you are spending the amount you need and want

Text 3 - You overspend and overbuy

Click below to send your answer to the show. 

Click to Send a Text.