See Your Toes Again

22/3 What would it be like to have voices preventing you from eating? Part 3 of 3 parts

May 02, 2024 Pete Robin Season 1 Episode 24
22/3 What would it be like to have voices preventing you from eating? Part 3 of 3 parts
See Your Toes Again
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See Your Toes Again
22/3 What would it be like to have voices preventing you from eating? Part 3 of 3 parts
May 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 24
Pete Robin

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If you haven’t listened to Parts 1 & 2 then I strongly suggest you do so. This is the story of the struggle of a person with chronic, debilitating anorexia that led to all sorts of other illnesses, and almost killed her. She endured this life for 40 years before literally finding her own way out of the dark hole. She talks candidly, and some of her stories are nothing short of horrific. 

In this final part of the story, Valerie discusses her cure, and how she changed her entire life simply from choosing what foods to eat. It sounds overly simplistic, but Valerie is testimony of the power of the foods we choose to eat… and choose to not eat!

This is the true story of a woman who has spent 4 decades suffering from anorexia, OCD, self-harm, hair-pulling, cutting and schizoaffective disorder. She spent parts of her childhood locked away in a ward of the hospital as she withered away in her anorexic world she couldn’t escape from. 

As an adult, still anorexic, she developed chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, prolapsed organs & hypothyroid (to name a few chronic illnesses) from her lack of nutrition. At 30 years old she weighed 75 lb (34 kg or 5.3 stone). 

It’s easy for a healthy person to say that she should “just eat more”, but these illnesses are more than just physical; they are diseases of the mind, forcing the participant to watch helplessly as she falls apart from the inside out. 

This story will have you bewildered with what Valerie coped with for 4 decades of her life, and it’s a miracle she survived. But survive she did, and eventually she found her own way out of the dark hole, DESPITE all the drugs & rehabilitation that the medical & psychiatric establishments dealt to her over the years. 

I have divided our original conversation into 3 podcasts because it was 1 hour 35 minutes long, so now each of the 3 podcasts is about 35 minutes long. We delve deep into all her issues throughout her life, how they affected her, and how the current medical establishment’s methods just made her into a walking zombie. 

This story miraculously has a happy ending… but you’ll need to listen to hear it! There is light at the end of this tunnel! If you suffer from any of Valerie’s chronic mental or physical illnesses, these 3 podcasts offer you the chance to finally get your life back. 

I hope Valerie’s story can motivate other sufferers to climb their way out of their darkness! It’s a terrible world they exist in, where the only escape is while they sleep. Valerie’s journey leads the way to a truly remarkable, completely natural healing process. 

Valerie’s social media name is @ValerieAnne1970 

In the coming weeks I will have other guests chatting about both mental & physical chronic illnesses; experts in their fields, so if you are interested, or you think it might help others, then please subscribe to this podcast; See Your Toes Again. This is a non-profit podcast, and I aim to help people get healthier, both emotionally & physically; you’ll be surprised with how similar both results (mental & physical health) are, and how simple the recipe to better health is!


Thank you,


Pete Robin

Support the Show.

For more information go to, or visit me on Instagram, Facebook or You Tube on "See Your Toes Again". Feel free to leave a message, especially if you have questions relating to weight loss, muscle gain, or the ketogenic diet.

You can follow me on X (twitter) at @ketopete2023

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Show Notes

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If you haven’t listened to Parts 1 & 2 then I strongly suggest you do so. This is the story of the struggle of a person with chronic, debilitating anorexia that led to all sorts of other illnesses, and almost killed her. She endured this life for 40 years before literally finding her own way out of the dark hole. She talks candidly, and some of her stories are nothing short of horrific. 

In this final part of the story, Valerie discusses her cure, and how she changed her entire life simply from choosing what foods to eat. It sounds overly simplistic, but Valerie is testimony of the power of the foods we choose to eat… and choose to not eat!

This is the true story of a woman who has spent 4 decades suffering from anorexia, OCD, self-harm, hair-pulling, cutting and schizoaffective disorder. She spent parts of her childhood locked away in a ward of the hospital as she withered away in her anorexic world she couldn’t escape from. 

As an adult, still anorexic, she developed chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, prolapsed organs & hypothyroid (to name a few chronic illnesses) from her lack of nutrition. At 30 years old she weighed 75 lb (34 kg or 5.3 stone). 

It’s easy for a healthy person to say that she should “just eat more”, but these illnesses are more than just physical; they are diseases of the mind, forcing the participant to watch helplessly as she falls apart from the inside out. 

This story will have you bewildered with what Valerie coped with for 4 decades of her life, and it’s a miracle she survived. But survive she did, and eventually she found her own way out of the dark hole, DESPITE all the drugs & rehabilitation that the medical & psychiatric establishments dealt to her over the years. 

I have divided our original conversation into 3 podcasts because it was 1 hour 35 minutes long, so now each of the 3 podcasts is about 35 minutes long. We delve deep into all her issues throughout her life, how they affected her, and how the current medical establishment’s methods just made her into a walking zombie. 

This story miraculously has a happy ending… but you’ll need to listen to hear it! There is light at the end of this tunnel! If you suffer from any of Valerie’s chronic mental or physical illnesses, these 3 podcasts offer you the chance to finally get your life back. 

I hope Valerie’s story can motivate other sufferers to climb their way out of their darkness! It’s a terrible world they exist in, where the only escape is while they sleep. Valerie’s journey leads the way to a truly remarkable, completely natural healing process. 

Valerie’s social media name is @ValerieAnne1970 

In the coming weeks I will have other guests chatting about both mental & physical chronic illnesses; experts in their fields, so if you are interested, or you think it might help others, then please subscribe to this podcast; See Your Toes Again. This is a non-profit podcast, and I aim to help people get healthier, both emotionally & physically; you’ll be surprised with how similar both results (mental & physical health) are, and how simple the recipe to better health is!


Thank you,


Pete Robin

Support the Show.

For more information go to, or visit me on Instagram, Facebook or You Tube on "See Your Toes Again". Feel free to leave a message, especially if you have questions relating to weight loss, muscle gain, or the ketogenic diet.

You can follow me on X (twitter) at @ketopete2023