August 30, 2023 Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson
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Aug 30, 2023
Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson

While you're watching this video, another autistic child is in a clinic to sign papers to get medically or surgically castrated. Possibly scarred and changed for life in an experimental, dangerous procedure. Regret-rate? Unknown. Parents are lied to and told that their child will commit suicide if they say no (there is no data to back that up.)

It's borderline insane what's being done to parents and children in schools and gender clinics. No informed consent is the norm. Coercion, negligence, manipulation are common characteristics. Autistic teenagers are coming out as DE-transitioners on Youtube full of regret and anger towards parents and doctors who allowed this to happen before their brains were even fully developed. 

Meanwhile, some people are trying to turn psychologists, parents and nurses into criminals if they question a 14 year old boy who thinks she's a girl or vice versa. Some States want to take parents out of the mix. Sex change without parental consent here we come. 

Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready...

1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles.

2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers.

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.

Show Notes

While you're watching this video, another autistic child is in a clinic to sign papers to get medically or surgically castrated. Possibly scarred and changed for life in an experimental, dangerous procedure. Regret-rate? Unknown. Parents are lied to and told that their child will commit suicide if they say no (there is no data to back that up.)

It's borderline insane what's being done to parents and children in schools and gender clinics. No informed consent is the norm. Coercion, negligence, manipulation are common characteristics. Autistic teenagers are coming out as DE-transitioners on Youtube full of regret and anger towards parents and doctors who allowed this to happen before their brains were even fully developed. 

Meanwhile, some people are trying to turn psychologists, parents and nurses into criminals if they question a 14 year old boy who thinks she's a girl or vice versa. Some States want to take parents out of the mix. Sex change without parental consent here we come. 

Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready...

1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles.

2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers.

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.