February 08, 2024 Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson
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Feb 08, 2024
Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson

You need to heal your trauma to heal your child. But trauma healing is tricky. You can get sucked into an addiction to pain, a healing hamster wheel, and a dark world of alternative healers who keep you in and endless loop of pain.

There's a dark way to turn autism symptoms around and there's God's way. Do you know the difference? Trauma will either facilitate healing or destroy your child, your autism recovery process, and you.

Your unresolved trauma is a portal that dark, demonic influences can use to enter, destroy, and manipulate your child and you.

This can lead to dysfunctional relationships, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, self-sabotage, addiction, and - ultimately epigenetic damages that lead to autism symptoms in our children. That happened to me.

These dark influences can also destroy the recovery process by turning you away from true healing modalities and distracting and tempting you into new age practices, fruitless autism therapies, autism diets, etc.

God uses pain and trauma to shape you and to test you. God has a perfect plan for you and He shapes you in dark valleys, he has created nature, healing tools, and healing capacities within the body to restore balance.

Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's symptoms around and was saved out of New Age spirituality and came to Christ. She shares specific signs and symptoms that reveal whether you're currently tricked into the dark realm of false healing that will never lead to lasting results. Unfortunately, many practitioners, alternative healers, and therapists unknowingly play a role in the deception.

She also shares how The Bible, God's word and God-given healing tools are available to those who know how to recognize them.

If you need help and you're struggling with trauma and a child with symptoms of autism, email me at

Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready...

1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles.

2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers.

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.

Show Notes

You need to heal your trauma to heal your child. But trauma healing is tricky. You can get sucked into an addiction to pain, a healing hamster wheel, and a dark world of alternative healers who keep you in and endless loop of pain.

There's a dark way to turn autism symptoms around and there's God's way. Do you know the difference? Trauma will either facilitate healing or destroy your child, your autism recovery process, and you.

Your unresolved trauma is a portal that dark, demonic influences can use to enter, destroy, and manipulate your child and you.

This can lead to dysfunctional relationships, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, self-sabotage, addiction, and - ultimately epigenetic damages that lead to autism symptoms in our children. That happened to me.

These dark influences can also destroy the recovery process by turning you away from true healing modalities and distracting and tempting you into new age practices, fruitless autism therapies, autism diets, etc.

God uses pain and trauma to shape you and to test you. God has a perfect plan for you and He shapes you in dark valleys, he has created nature, healing tools, and healing capacities within the body to restore balance.

Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson turned her son's symptoms around and was saved out of New Age spirituality and came to Christ. She shares specific signs and symptoms that reveal whether you're currently tricked into the dark realm of false healing that will never lead to lasting results. Unfortunately, many practitioners, alternative healers, and therapists unknowingly play a role in the deception.

She also shares how The Bible, God's word and God-given healing tools are available to those who know how to recognize them.

If you need help and you're struggling with trauma and a child with symptoms of autism, email me at

Here are 3 ways we can start turning autism symptoms around together, whenever you're ready...

1. Send me a voice message and get my feedback on your most pressing struggles.

2. Check out the free video series "The 5 hidden messages behind autism symptoms" and find your child's unique triggers.

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to turn as many symptoms around as possible in my Autism Turnaround Coaching and implementation group..send me an email with "coaching" in the subject line and tell me how old your child is. I’ll get you all the details.