​"Your Path To Career Success"

S3 Ep9: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Owning Your Achievements and Building Confidence

July 02, 2024 Kathryn Hall "The Career Owl"

Welcome back to "Your Path To Career Success," the podcast guiding you through the twists and turns of your professional journey. I'm your host, Kathryn, also known as The Career Owl. Today, we tackle an issue many of us face: Imposter Syndrome.

 Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their achievements and fear being exposed as frauds. Even accomplished figures like Maya Angelou have experienced this. In this episode I explore why this happens, touching on factors like perfectionism and fear of failure.

 To combat Imposter Syndrome, I will discuss five practical steps:

·       Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognise your feelings of inadequacy and understand they are common among high achievers.

·       Reframe Your Thoughts: Challenge negative self-talk by affirming your skills and reflecting on your accomplishments.

·       Celebrate Your Achievements: Take time to acknowledge and savour your successes, big and small.

·       Seek Support: Talk to trusted friends, family, or mentors to gain perspective and reassurance.

·       Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: View mistakes as natural parts of growth and opportunities for improvement.

Remember, overcoming Imposter Syndrome is a continuous process of self-awareness and mindset development. By consistently applying these strategies, you can build confidence and embrace your achievements.

So, grab your favourite drink, settle in, and let's embark on this enriching journey together. 


What next?

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Useful Resources:

🔗 Achievement Journal

My previous episode on Navigating Imposter Syndrome in the workplace

My blog on Fine Tune Your Personal Pitch


Stay tuned for more golden nuggets to help you navigate the winding roads of your professional journey. 

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Owning Your Achievements and Building Confidence

Welcome back to “Your Path To Career Success”, the podcast that's your compass in navigating the winding roads of your professional journey. 

I'm your host Kathryn aka The Career Owl, I'm thrilled to have you join me today as I delve into a topic that many of us grapple with at some point in our lives: Imposter Syndrome.

Have you ever felt like a fraud, despite your achievements? 

Like any moment now, someone will call you out for not being as capable as they think you are? 

That's Imposter Syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud."

Today, I'll discuss how to overcome Imposter Syndrome, own your achievements, and build lasting confidence. I'll cover what Imposter Syndrome is, why it happens, and most importantly, practical steps you can take to combat it.

Grab your favourite beverage, cozy up, and let's embark on this enriching journey together.

Let's start with understanding Imposter Syndrome. 

It's not just feeling inadequate or having low self-esteem. It's a specific feeling of being unworthy of your success, often coupled with an irrational fear of being discovered as a fraud. This can affect anyone, from students to seasoned professionals, and even celebrities.

A quote that I have come across is and which I find quite relevant is

“Your inner gremlin is not your enemy. It’s a misguided protector trying to keep you safe from harm by keeping you within your comfort zone. Acknowledge it, thank it for its concern, and then move forward with courage.” 

For instance, did you know that even renowned author Maya Angelou once said, "I have written eleven books, but each time I think, 'Uh-oh, they're going to find out now. I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out.'" If someone as accomplished as Maya Angelou can feel this way, it's clear that Imposter Syndrome doesn't discriminate.

So, why does this happen? 

There are several factors at play. Perfectionism is a major one. Perfectionists set incredibly high standards for themselves, and even a minor mistake can make them feel like a complete failure. There's also the fear of failure, and sometimes, success itself can be daunting. When we achieve something significant, the pressure to maintain that level of success can make us feel like we're not truly capable.

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter: How do we overcome Imposter Syndrome? Here are five practical steps to help you own your achievements and build confidence.

Step One: Acknowledge Your Feelings. 

The first step towards overcoming Imposter Syndrome is to recognize and acknowledge your feelings. It involves becoming aware of the signs and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome within yourself. This self-awareness is crucial because it allows you to understand that these feelings of inadequacy or fraudulence are not uncommon. In fact, many accomplished and successful individuals encounter similar doubts and insecurities.

By acknowledging your experience of Imposter Syndrome, you validate your emotions and begin to separate them from reality. This recognition marks the beginning of a journey towards overcoming these negative thoughts. It empowers you to confront and challenge the beliefs that contribute to Imposter Syndrome, rather than allowing them to control your perceptions of yourself and your achievements.

Understanding that Imposter Syndrome is a shared experience among high-achieving individuals can be liberating. It helps to normalize your feelings and reduces the isolation that often accompanies such self-doubt. This awareness serves as a powerful tool in combating the detrimental impact of Imposter Syndrome on your self-esteem and professional growth.

Step Two: Reframe Your Thoughts. 

When you catch yourself thinking that you're not good enough or that your achievements are merely the result of luck, it's important to actively challenge these thoughts. Negative self-talk can reinforce feelings of impostorism and undermine your confidence. Instead, practice reframing these thoughts with positive affirmations and reminders of your accomplishments and efforts.

Start by recognising the negative thought patterns. For example, if you find yourself thinking, "I don't deserve this success; I just got lucky," take a moment to pause and reflect. Acknowledge that such thoughts are common in individuals experiencing Imposter Syndrome, but they do not accurately reflect your abilities or achievements.

Next, actively challenge these thoughts by reframing them in a positive light. Replace "I just got lucky" with affirmations that highlight your skills and dedication. For instance, tell yourself, "I earned this success through my hard work, expertise, and perseverance." By consciously changing the narrative, you shift your focus from self-doubt to self-empowerment.

It's also helpful to remind yourself of specific examples where your skills and efforts have contributed to your success. Reflect on past accomplishments and the challenges you've overcome. This reflection not only reinforces your confidence but also provides evidence against the belief that luck alone dictates your achievements.

Moreover, seek validation from trusted colleagues, mentors, or friends who can provide objective feedback on your capabilities. Their perspectives can offer reassurance and help counteract the negative self-perception associated with Imposter Syndrome.

Step Three: Celebrate Your Achievements. 

Taking the time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem, is crucial in combating Imposter Syndrome. Often, individuals with Imposter Syndrome downplay their achievements or attribute them to external factors rather than recognising their own capabilities and efforts. By intentionally acknowledging and celebrating your successes, you reinforce a positive self-image and cultivate a sense of pride in your accomplishments.

Start by identifying and appreciating even the smallest achievements. Whether it's completing a project, receiving positive feedback from a client or colleague, or mastering a new skill, each accomplishment deserves recognition. Acknowledge the effort, time, and dedication you put into reaching these milestones.

One effective way to maintain awareness of your achievements is to keep a journal or log. Record your successes, big and small, in this journal. Include details such as what you accomplished, the challenges you overcame, and how it contributed to your personal or professional growth. Reviewing this journal regularly serves as a powerful reminder of your capabilities and progress over time.

Celebrate your achievements in ways that are meaningful to you. This could involve treating yourself to something special, sharing your success with supportive friends or colleagues, or simply taking a moment to reflect and savour the feeling of accomplishment. By celebrating your successes, you reinforce positive emotions associated with your abilities and build resilience against the negative self-doubt characteristic of Imposter Syndrome.

Moreover, integrating a practice of gratitude can enhance the impact of celebrating accomplishments. Express gratitude for the opportunities, support, and resources that have contributed to your success. Gratitude not only cultivates a positive mindset but also fosters a sense of humility and appreciation for the journey towards achieving your goals.

Step Four: Seek Support. 

Talking to trusted friends, family members, or mentors about how you're feeling can be incredibly beneficial in managing Imposter Syndrome. These individuals can offer a fresh perspective, reassurance, and valuable insights into your abilities and achievements. Often, sharing your concerns with others can help alleviate the feelings of self-doubt and isolation associated with Imposter Syndrome.

Choose individuals whom you trust and who understand your personal and professional journey. Share your experiences of feeling like an impostor, explaining the specific thoughts or situations that trigger these feelings. By verbalising your concerns, you may gain clarity and realise that others have encountered similar challenges.

Trusted friends, family members, or mentors can provide objective feedback and remind you of your strengths and accomplishments. They may offer examples or anecdotes that highlight your competence and the impact of your contributions. Their support can serve as a counterbalance to the negative self-perception often associated with Imposter Syndrome.

Moreover, these conversations can foster a sense of connection and belonging. Knowing that others understand and empathize with your feelings can reduce feelings of isolation and normalize your experiences. This reassurance can boost your confidence and provide motivation to continue pursuing your goals with a greater sense of self-assurance.

It's important to approach these discussions with an open mind and willingness to receive feedback. Listen to their perspectives and consider how their insights align with your own self-perception. 

Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards addressing and overcoming Imposter Syndrome.

Step Five: Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity. 

It's essential to recognise that making mistakes and experiencing failure are natural and inevitable parts of life and personal growth. Instead of viewing mistakes as reflections of your inadequacy, shift your perspective to see them as valuable opportunities for learning and improvement. This mindset shift not only reduces the fear of failure but also enhances your ability to approach challenges with confidence and resilience.

Firstly, acknowledge that mistakes are a universal aspect of the human experience. Every individual, regardless of their accomplishments, makes errors and encounters setbacks along their journey. These moments of imperfection are not indicators of your worth or competence but rather stepping stones in your development.

When you encounter a mistake or failure, take the time to reflect on what went wrong and what lessons can be gleaned from the experience. Consider how you can apply these insights to future endeavours to achieve better outcomes. Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities allows you to grow stronger and more capable over time.

Furthermore, reframing failure as a necessary part of growth fosters a growth mindset—a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. This mindset encourages perseverance in the face of challenges and promotes continuous improvement.

It's also beneficial to look to role models or successful individuals who have openly discussed their own failures and setbacks. Their stories can provide reassurance that setbacks are temporary and can lead to significant personal and professional growth if approached with resilience and determination.

By embracing mistakes and failures as opportunities for growth, you cultivate a more positive and constructive relationship with your achievements and setbacks. This perspective shift empowers you to learn from experiences, build confidence in your abilities, and navigate challenges with a mindset focused on progress and development.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome is a journey rather than a destination—a continuous process of self-awareness, growth, and mindset development. By implementing strategies such as acknowledging your feelings, reframing negative thoughts, celebrating accomplishments, seeking support from trusted individuals, and embracing failures as learning opportunities, you can cultivate a more resilient mindset and strengthen your sense of self-worth.

Acknowledging your feelings involves recognising when self-doubt and impostorism creep in, and consciously challenging these thoughts with positive affirmations and evidence of your capabilities. 

Reframing negative thoughts helps you shift from a mindset of inadequacy to one focused on your strengths and achievements, fostering a healthier self-image.

Celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small, reinforces positive emotions and affirms your hard work and dedication. Keeping a journal of successes can serve as a tangible reminder of your progress and growth over time.

Seeking support from friends, family, or mentors provides valuable perspectives and reassurance of your worth. Their encouragement and feedback can counteract feelings of isolation and self-doubt, helping you to recognise and appreciate your achievements more fully.

Embracing failure as an opportunity for learning is crucial in developing resilience. Understanding that setbacks are natural and necessary for growth allows you to approach challenges with confidence and perseverance.

In conclusion, overcoming Imposter Syndrome requires ongoing effort and commitment to nurturing a positive self-perception and resilient mindset. Remember Eleanor Roosevelt's wise words: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Your capabilities are real, your achievements are valid, and you are deserving of success.

By applying these strategies consistently and compassionately to yourself, you can gradually diminish the impact of Imposter Syndrome and cultivate a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence in your abilities. Embrace your journey of personal and professional growth with determination and belief in your potential.

If this episode lit a fire within you, hit that subscribe button, share the love with a review, and spread the wisdom with your friends and coworkers. Alternatively follow me on LinkedIn Kathryn Hall “The Career Owl”.

Stay tuned for more golden nuggets to help you navigate the winding roads of your professional journey. 

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