Zero Fear English Podcast

#2 Daily Routine | English Listening Practise

November 23, 2023 Zero Fear English
#2 Daily Routine | English Listening Practise
Zero Fear English Podcast
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Zero Fear English Podcast
#2 Daily Routine | English Listening Practise
Nov 23, 2023
Zero Fear English

In this episode, I tell you about my daily routine. Spoiler alert, it's not very exciting.

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Looking for some English listening practise? Well, you're in the right place. I will speak to you using clear and easy to understand English. This will help you develop your pattern recognition so you can listen to English in other places!


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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, I tell you about my daily routine. Spoiler alert, it's not very exciting.

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Looking for some English listening practise? Well, you're in the right place. I will speak to you using clear and easy to understand English. This will help you develop your pattern recognition so you can listen to English in other places!


Hey guys, welcome to the Zero Fear English Podcast.

A podcast to help English Learners improve their listening skills so they can acquire the English language.

In this podcast, I will tell the same story twice.

First I’ll tell the story slowly and clearly and then once again at natural speed.

Remember to stay for the natural speed version after listening to the slow version!

Today, I’m going to tell you about my daily routine.

To be honest, this podcast won’t be very long.

Why? Because my daily routine is quite boring.

I don’t have an exciting influencer lifestyle like people on instagram.

Every morning, I wake up at a different time.

It depends if I have an early student or not.

If I don’t have any early students I usually wake up at around 8 or 9am.

Of course we all go to the bathroom after waking up so lets skip that part.

The first activity of my day after making a cup of coffee is usually to do my Anki flash cards.

Anki is a computer software that allows you to make digital flash cards that help you remember things.

In my case, it’s for language study.

I have 3 decks, one for Japanese, one for Spanish and one for Mandarin.

This usually takes me around 45 minutes to complete.

I usually have students at different times every day so I don’t have the same routine every day.

If there is time between students, I like to go for a walk.

During my walk, I listen to podcasts in Japanese and Spanish.

That way, I can also get some listening practise while I exercise.

I spend a lot of the time between my classes either studying or watching youtube videos.

I also like to take a nap if there is time.

Another thing I’ll do if I have time is use the gym equipment I have in my house to workout.

I have a stationary bike, some weights and a weightlifting bench.

So I’ll do a workout with this equipment too when I have time.

Although, I’m saying this is my routine but there are lots of days where I don’t do these things.

Most of the time, I’m quite lazy and like to relax.

I usually go to bed really late.

Not on purpose. It just seems to happen every night.

Even when I have to wake up early.

So the result is, I’m tired all the time.

Which is also why I like to nap if I have time in my day!

Anyway, that’s all for today!

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions to make this podcast better.

Take a look at the transcript if you’d like to read what I’m saying.

And we will see you in the next episode!

Cheers guys and bye for now!

and now for the more natural version

Today, I’m going to tell you about my daily routine.

To be honest, this podcast won’t be very long.

Why? Because my daily routine is quite boring.

I don’t have an exciting influencer lifestyle like people on instagram.

Every morning, I wake up at a different time.

It depends if I have an early student or not.

If I don’t have any early students I usually wake up at around 8 or 9am.

Of course we all go to the bathroom after waking up so lets skip that part.

The first activity of my day after making a cup of coffee is usually to do my Anki flash cards.

Anki is a computer software that allows you to make digital flash cards that help you remember things.

In my case, it’s for language study.

I have 3 decks, one for Japanese, one for Spanish and one for Mandarin.

This usually takes me around 45 minutes to complete.

I usually have students at different times every day so I don’t have the same routine every day.

If there is time between students, I like to go for a walk.

During my walk, I listen to podcasts in Japanese and Spanish.

That way, I can also get some listening practise while I exercise.

I spend a lot of the time between my classes either studying or watching youtube videos.

I also like to take a nap if there is time.

Another thing I’ll do if I have time is use the gym equipment I have in my house to workout.

I have a stationary bike, some weights and a weightlifting bench.

So I’ll do a workout with this equipment too when I have time.

Although, I’m saying this is my routine but there are lots of days where I don’t do these things.

Most of the time, I’m quite lazy and like to relax.

I usually go to bed really late.

Not on purpose. It just seems to happen every night.

Even when I have to wake up early.

So the result is, I’m tired all the time.

Which is also why I like to nap if I have time in my day!

Anyway, that’s all for today!

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions to make this podcast better.

Take a look at the transcript if you’d like to read what I’m saying.

And we will see you in the next episode!

Cheers guys and bye for now!