Star Wars Sucks!

Young Jedi Adventures: Someone Please Call Child Protective Services

May 11, 2024 Circle of Nerds Season 1 Episode 2
Young Jedi Adventures: Someone Please Call Child Protective Services
Star Wars Sucks!
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Star Wars Sucks!
Young Jedi Adventures: Someone Please Call Child Protective Services
May 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Circle of Nerds

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Disclaimer: There will be spoilers!

This week, we’re going back in time to the High Republic Era and looking at Young Jedi Adventures. Is it just a kid's show, or does it have actual value to Star Wars fans of all ages?

We discuss poor Jedi parenting skills, the show's educational value within the Star Wars universe, and the potentially dangerous message it sends: Kids flying across the system without adult supervision? Really, Master Yoda?

Tony creates a drinking game based on a kid's show, and we wrap things up by getting completely derailed by pondering how the use of the Force may impact a Jedi's lifespan. 

Key Moments

15:39 Children's Show Review and Drinking Game (wait..what?!)

31:36 Star Wars Younglings and Jedi Training

38:06 Jedi and Star Wars Lore Discussion

Share this episode with a friend or an enemy.

Young Jedi Adventures: The Drinking Game!
When a character repeats back a line or "learns the lesson," drink (x2). 
Whenever multiple characters have to use the force in tandem, drink. 
Whenever Nubs speaks a single syllable, drink.
Whenever an adult sends a child into danger, drink (if It's Zia or Yoda, drink twice), Whenever a conflict ends without a weapon drawn, drink. 
Whenever Kai is impatient and gets into trouble, drink. 
Whenever Lys is distracted by a creature, drink.

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Reach out to us with the Force...or just text us.

Disclaimer: There will be spoilers!

This week, we’re going back in time to the High Republic Era and looking at Young Jedi Adventures. Is it just a kid's show, or does it have actual value to Star Wars fans of all ages?

We discuss poor Jedi parenting skills, the show's educational value within the Star Wars universe, and the potentially dangerous message it sends: Kids flying across the system without adult supervision? Really, Master Yoda?

Tony creates a drinking game based on a kid's show, and we wrap things up by getting completely derailed by pondering how the use of the Force may impact a Jedi's lifespan. 

Key Moments

15:39 Children's Show Review and Drinking Game (wait..what?!)

31:36 Star Wars Younglings and Jedi Training

38:06 Jedi and Star Wars Lore Discussion

Share this episode with a friend or an enemy.

Young Jedi Adventures: The Drinking Game!
When a character repeats back a line or "learns the lesson," drink (x2). 
Whenever multiple characters have to use the force in tandem, drink. 
Whenever Nubs speaks a single syllable, drink.
Whenever an adult sends a child into danger, drink (if It's Zia or Yoda, drink twice), Whenever a conflict ends without a weapon drawn, drink. 
Whenever Kai is impatient and gets into trouble, drink. 
Whenever Lys is distracted by a creature, drink.

Follow us on social media @TheSWSShow. Once we get our poodoo together, you'll find show clips, behind-the-scenes shenanigans, Star Wars news, memes, updates, and more!

For full episodes to include pre and post-show randomness, join our Inner Circle at

For questions about affiliate opportunities, guest booking, public appearances, or collaboration, reach out to us at

Speaker 1:

Howdy Succulents this week on Star Wars Sucks, we're taking a long look at Young Jedi. Wait a minute. That didn't sound right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Young Jedi Adventures.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, let's roll All right. Well, howdy there, succulents, welcome to Star Wars Sucks, a non-toxic, low-sodium Star Wars show. That doesn't make you feel bad for not knowing that parsecs are a unit of length equal to 3,000, I'm sorry, 3.258 light years and not a measurement of time. So, from hardcore fans to the swarzy curious, this is your Star Wars safe space. And of course, we are the circle of nerds and we love Star Wars wars, even if we don't always like it and we don't know everything. We're still learning ourselves. So some of us are hardcore, some of us not so much. So let's meet the team, shall we? From my left to your right, star of stage and screen, it's the sensational sherry. Hello everyone. And daddy lou probably pick up that reference, tony too as well. Man, sensational, of course. Of course you do. And from the outer rim territory of boss to wean, it's daddy louie hello children rocking the.

Speaker 1:

Was it a hogan pose?

Speaker 4:

that was a hogan pose, yeah real american real american and hailing from parts unknown.

Speaker 3:

It's bantha baloney, tony welcome to the galaxy again, everybody I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just thought that bantha, baloneyna and Tony. If you eat bologna in the Star Wars universe, it's going to come from a bantha. But what Bologna rhymes with Tony? I couldn't come up with anything else. I can't always come up with nicknames for people. You guys got to do it yourselves Sometimes I don't know about that. So Tony, bantha, bologna, tony, no.

Speaker 3:

I'm good with that. You sure I'm good with that.

Speaker 1:

All right, and I am Tommy D. You're more than slightly obnoxious. Star Wars know it all. So there you go.

Speaker 2:

So what are we doing here? Well, I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be watching all the canon star wars films and tv shows in chronological order, breaking them down, connecting the dots and maybe even learning a little bit about star wars and something about ourselves along the way I was gonna say that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, disclaimer there will be spoilers, uh, lots of them. So, uh, be prepared for that. Last week, we gave you some homework and your homework was to watch the young jedi adventures, uh, so we're going to be diving into that, um, but before we do that, there was a post I think it's it's a little bit older, but it's the first time that I've seen it. Uh, it was a post from um, uh, almeid ubtahi. I'm sure I'm butchering his name. I apologize if I did, but he plays Dr Penn Pershing.

Speaker 1:

You've seen him on the Mandalorian and he's been all over the place, so he is a great actor. But anyway, he posted a picture of him and his son on set on the Coruscant set and he said my son got to work as an extra on set. After kissing him good night that night and turning off the light, um, he said to me hey, daddy. I said, yeah, baby. Uh, coruscant is real, I've been there. And then, teary-eyed, I said, yes, you have baby. So best day of my life, thank you. Star wars universe that is good stuff, that universe.

Speaker 2:

That is a good stuff. That's super cute.

Speaker 1:

That is good stuff and that's uh, that's why we're doing what we're doing, because there's a lot of cool stuff in the Star Wars universe and little connections and things like that. Love it, Love it, all right. So anyway, as we said, this week we're talking about young Jedi adventures. It's young jedi adventures. It's a disney plus and disney junior show that follows a group of younglings as they learn to be jedi knights during the high republic era. So it launched may 4th 2023. It has 25 episodes, currently in season one, and the series takes place 232 bby and features a 664 years young Yoda. So, and a quick note on BBY ABY for those of you who are new to all of this stuff- yeah, I didn't know what that was.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to learn about it together, shall we? So BBY is before the Battle of Yavin, aby is after the Battle of Yavin, and it is a dating system used for historical galactic events along the Star Wars timeline. The system was first introduced in 1996 in the Star Wars role-playing game second edition and was first used in Star Wars canon oddly enough, in the Star Wars workbook second grade reading, and that came out in 2014. So a lot of us have been using bby aby for a long, long time, but it wasn't made canon until 2014 and it was in a second grade workbook okay, that's that's crazy right that's pretty cool, weird.

Speaker 1:

so the events in star wars, a new hope, which came out in 1977 um, that is considered year zero on the timeline. Anything happening before that is BBY, anything happening after is ABY. So you're going to hear us using those terms quite a bit as we continue on with the show. So let's go ahead and get into it, shall we? What's funny?

Speaker 2:

I'm not using that. I still don't get it.

Speaker 1:

That's okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm kidding, I'm joking.

Speaker 1:

No, it's okay. And if you don't get it, then we'll talk about it. We'll break it down, shall we? No? Then we shan't.

Speaker 4:

Then we shan't Then we shan't.

Speaker 1:

So, as we said, last week, our homework assignment was to watch Young Jedi Adventures and I don't think we watched all 25 episodes. We watched, I don't know, like about six, seven, eight-ish.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I got through it. That's about what I got through too.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's cool. So in the beginning we get the gist. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, and basically the way the show is going to work as we, as we move forward is again, we're talking about the stories in Star Wars. We're not talking about the behind the scenes politics. We're not talking about producers, directors, film studios. We're not talking about the mouse. We're not talking about anything like that. We're just talking about what's on screen and what we're watching.

Speaker 1:

So, each week, what we're going to do is we're going to go around the room and we're going to have a little discussion about it and we're going to ask you your, your light side opinions, which are your pros, your dark side opinions, which are your cons, and then some blast points, and your blast points are going to be anything that was impactful, meaningful, or if you have a hot take um on what you watched, then and this is all opinion based and if you've got some, some facts to to back up your opinion, um, then we'll do that. But ultimately, what we want is for um, you, all of our faithful listener to uh to make your own opinions and come up with your own feelings about uh star. So let's get started Sensational sharing. Yeah, what's your light side opinions on this kid's show?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I think it's a great start for young children to watch. I think it's perfect because it teaches you friendship, it teaches you sharing. Um, you know it has all the typical um, kids programming, um, but I think the story is. It's cute, I think it's interesting. Um, you know, I didn't know that little kids could just fly around in their own ships, so that was uh like wow, she just has her own ship. That's pretty cool. There seemed to be a lot of poor parenting choices.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot.

Speaker 2:

It kind of reminded me of like you know, dora, of course, just you know out in the woods with a monkey, but like where the hell are her?

Speaker 1:

parents yeah.

Speaker 2:

But other than that, I, I, I think it's interesting. I mean, I'm obviously kids aren't going to just be doing that, but um, won't they though? No, I mean what?

Speaker 1:

I did as a kid. I mean, would this encourage kids to pick up a stick, pretend it's a lightsaber, oh yeah, and then just leave. Leave home to go off on an adventure, like get into a car and just take on with a stranger, because no, nash durango, I mean, as cool as she is, she's still a stranger. They got into a car and just take on with a stranger because no, nash durango, I mean, as cool as she is, she's still a stranger. They got into a, a ship with a stranger and and and jumped to light speed like they didn't, they didn't just go out of the village, they literally left the planet. They left the planet and they sure did they did to fair.

Speaker 3:

They were instructed by their master to do so.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and Yoda told them to do it. It's cool Like yes, go with your feelings.

Speaker 1:

With their training lightsabers. They can't even do any damage.

Speaker 2:

Well, now Kai, he's got Yoda's training lightsaber, yes, which I thought was pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

I did like the Yoda, he's got.

Speaker 2:

Yoda's training lightsaber, yes, which I thought was pretty cool. That is pretty cool. I did like the Yoda only because I like you, obviously, and I know Louie loves Yoda, but no, I thought that was very interesting that the whole premise of it, of them learning and going to another temple and I don't know, did you learn anything? I did not.

Speaker 1:

did you learn that friendship was magic and to trust in yourself and your friends?

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, always trust in your friends. No, don't do that so what?

Speaker 1:

what's the dark side for you? I don't know really. No, no, uh, cons for this. I didn't. It spoke to you.

Speaker 2:

I liked it. I thought it was fine. I thought for a Star Wars, you know children's program. It was like all the other children's programs. You know Friendship teamwork, you know learning friendship teamwork, you know learning um. But I mean watching it as an adult. I think it's, you know it's a kid show. I don't know, I don't really have. Yeah, I didn't think too much over there. I mean there was I guess some cons were like we'll be safe here, but then go climb a tree by yourself Engaged with wild beasts?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it was weird, because she'll tell them like, oh well, make sure you're safe, but then you're sending them downstream in lands unknown to some nutmeg tree or whatever that tree was, I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

Well, to be fair, they did have life vests on. They were wearing life jackets when they were doing the race. Safety first, even though they went off of a 500-foot waterfall.

Speaker 2:

No, not the race when they went to the tree to get the tea.

Speaker 1:

The tea tree, yeah, to get some tea tree water.

Speaker 2:

Nubs yes, because he was sick. I mean she just was like, well, tea tree, or um nubs yes, because he was sick, yeah, but I mean she just was like, well, be careful, I'll be over here. See like peace out yeah, this beat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just be home before dark. They don't even say that. They don't even say be home before the street lights come on. It's just like, hey, you know what?

Speaker 2:

so I think the the you know potentially a con there yeah, that that could be your dark side point that, yeah, because what are you doing? Like shouldn't you go with them, like aren't you? But they're like what? Nine and ten?

Speaker 1:

that's the premise I'm thinking yeah, ish, somewhere around there.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not gonna lie as gen x um, I was walking to school at five by myself across the major street.

Speaker 1:

Six years old stealing cars.

Speaker 2:

So I wasn't stealing cars, I was going into weird houses that were empty to get like to make forts outside with old furniture. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

You were going into abandoned homes at six years old to play fort yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, get the fuck out not even I pulled. We pulled a chair out of some random house down the street and put it in our backyard and no one questioned it. No one was like where'd you get that chair?

Speaker 1:

see, nowadays, if you walk into an abandoned house, you're gonna get kidnapped and sold into human trafficking, or a meth head is going to kill you for 50 cents or your iPhone.

Speaker 3:

I guess that's the key thing, considering this was a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. They didn't have to worry about those safety things anymore, so they were just like, let the kids do it.

Speaker 2:

There was a lot of kids getting kidnapped in the 70s. You just didn't know it. You didn't have social media.

Speaker 1:

Way before. This is before the 70s. This is like Tony said this is high Republic era.

Speaker 2:

We're talking about the show my bad.

Speaker 1:

Do you have any blast points for this, anything that really touched you in some way or it was impactful to you in some way?

Speaker 2:

no, I I thought the whole interaction um with all the children, like with yoda and him embracing them, I thought that was super cute, like I thought that was a good I don't know, because I mean it's yoda everybody loves yoda, you know what I? It's Yoda. Everybody loves Yoda. You know what I mean? It's Yoda. I mean, yeah, you can't go wrong. But yeah, that was my take on it. I think it's a good starter for parents that want to have their kids watch Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, and there was quite a bit of action, yeah there was a lot of action. A lot of action, a lot of action, and it was star wars vibe action. I was really surprised it was. It was very, very swarzy throughout. So would you, so you would recommend, would you recommend this to, to, to fans, young and old? Maybe would you recommend this as a starter, for, like, even as a new adult fan, is this something that you would recommend for a new adult fan to watch?

Speaker 2:

um, I don't know if I'd say I'd go that far. Okay, um, I think people with, I think would be better with people with children. Okay, to be honest, because it's not. It's not a lot of history. There's a con. I I, you know how we watch the movies. There's a lot of history behind it. Um, but this there's not really history, it's just learning how to be a better person a better person and, yeah, believe in yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's for an adult, no, I mean, I think for children. People with adults, like I know, we watch this homework, which is fine, sure, um, but yeah, I think, uh, it should be, just probably for you know or even grandparents. I mean, okay, you know, they have, you know their grandkids and they want to introduce them to Star Wars or something like that. I think that would be a good bonding moment to watch with your children.

Speaker 1:

Now we only watched a few episodes. Would you finish watching the series? Would you finish going through all 25 episodes?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean no. So nice for familiarization, nice to get a little sample taste of it, but you're ready to move on?

Speaker 2:

I mean I do like the pirate. I mean I think he's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Tabor. Right, that's the name, Tabor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's kind of my favorite.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I want to watch it just to see how he progresses. I feel like, oh, that's true. Like if he becomes good, right, is he gonna have a redemption arc, like everybody?

Speaker 2:

else? Or is he gonna be like gargamel and just right he's?

Speaker 1:

just gonna. He just has to stay the protagonistic asshole throughout the entire series. I don't know, all right, so, okay, moving on, so we're gonna. We're gonna go to, uh, bantha baloney, tony, all right a slice of that bantha baloney.

Speaker 3:

So my thoughts.

Speaker 3:

Uh, first off, um, it's a cute little show, you know, I mean, you know that's. You know cute little animation for what it's supposed to be. Um, you know, I think it. You know for pluses and minuses, for for new fans to star wars, I mean outside of yoda, in the eight episodes that I watched there is only one thing that was recognizable from from a pre, from other star wars things that I've seen, and that was the space slug that attacked their ships at one point. Like there is not another character that I recognize from anything else I've ever seen, there is not a location that I recognize from anything, there are not creatures I recognize from anything.

Speaker 3:

So for you it's all fresh, yeah, and that's great, it's fun. Like I said, cute little show, entertaining for the target audience that it's meant for, and that's great. Downsides For me, I guess and I will preface this by saying that I do not have children of my own it has been a long, long, long time since I watched any type of children's programming. I don't know when they started going to these half episodes within the structure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like two episodes in one episode, correct, yeah?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's more of a recent thing, but I have noticed that other kids shows do that.

Speaker 3:

I read a little bit into this because I was curious and, yeah, it does seem like this is something probably in the last 10 years or so that they've started doing. And for me that was definitely a downside because it meant that there was no time to really develop anything. Time to really develop anything. I got to me this show was very much in the nature of all the cartoons that I'm used to for my days, where you know, there wasn't, there's not really any carry over between one episode to the next, like they finish up and that story is done, we're never going to talk about it again, we're never going to reference it again. Um, you know, outside of just very generic traits of the characters themselves, like lists being super affinitive to animals, like that's something that carries on episode to episode, but like they're never going to reference what happened to the previous episode in the new one. So for me that's kind of a downside, but again, for children, that that makes sense downside. But again, for children, that makes sense, okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

Um so no art, so no story arcs. No, like big character development, it's an attention span yeah, yeah, for all days. So yeah, I get it they're not going to retain that right. They're not going to retain no, the arc, the idea of an overarching story maybe, yeah, and that's why it's that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I don't like, and that's why they changed it I don't like it either.

Speaker 3:

That's totally fair. It just doesn't work for me because I'm 40 years old, correct? Let's see, I guess blast points for me. I did find it interesting that of the, kai is definitely the main character and they do a decent job of, you know, giving him some key character traits and and learning things. Um the list again, they've, you know, developed a couple key traits into her, uh. But I mean, I've made episodes in and I know nothing about nubs outside the fact that that it's a cute little, cute little creature that apparently is strong enough to be able to throw kai around when he wants to. But outside of that I know absolutely nothing about this, about this character which is supposed to be like the third main character of the show.

Speaker 2:

So that's a little disappointing to me um, he's kind of like their chewbacca yes, he's kind of like they're chewy a little bit yeah, but he's voiced by d bradley baker.

Speaker 1:

Like I, I found that out and I was like, wait what? And of course, d bradley baker. If you're not aware, badly easy for you to say tommy d? Uh, d br Bradley Baker, he is the voice for all of the clone troopers. He is a prolific voice actor. So he is, the guy is just amazing. And then so when I found out that he did the voice of Nubs, who just like he, just kind of yeah, he just.

Speaker 1:

Chewbacca'd it up a little bit. But yeah, I agree with you, tommy. I think I'd like to know a little bit more. Where does he come from? You know what?

Speaker 3:

yeah, you know, I know they're Poobian Poob yeah, I think that's right, poobian.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the other thing for me, and the reason why I only made late episodes in, was because I started a little game with myself. You know, I got a little game with myself. I got a couple of juice boxes as we talked about and drank those while I enjoyed the show and the game that I played was okay. So we're 30 seconds in and we're getting the lesson they need to learn. How quickly is it going to come back? And I swear in the eight episodes that I watched, it would happen within three minutes. Like you know, I'm used to like okay, you know you get this lesson and you know we're gonna get to the end of the episode or maybe a couple episodes in and that situation is gonna happen. You gotta react and learn from your mistake. And no, it happens five minutes in and I'm just like oh, fuck, time to drink again. And I was like fuck, I got to go to bed, god.

Speaker 1:

So so wait a minute. Let me let me, let me get this straight, Just so I'm perfectly clear drinking game. And just so our listeners are perfectly clear you developed a drinking game out of a children's television program. A children's cartoon and you turned it into a drinking game. Yes, that is correct. Bless your little heart.

Speaker 2:

Bless your little heart. You might need to put the rules out so that way, that way when new viewers watch it let other people enjoy this game as well.

Speaker 4:

Don't keep it all to yourself. I wish that I would have known about this game before I sat down and watch this show.

Speaker 1:

Same. So, tony, that's going to be, that's your extra credit. Homework for this week is to develop the the rules, and we'll post them on our website so people can play along with us. So, circle of nerds dot com slash WS show in the description of this podcast too.

Speaker 3:

So I should do that.

Speaker 2:

You are. I love it. That's I mean, that's thinking outside the box, right, I kind of box right.

Speaker 1:

I gotta tell you you're supposed to be the wholesome one. You're supposed to be our, our rock, our guiding. Here you are. You are the bad influence.

Speaker 4:

I don't want to re-watch the show now it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

Now I am gonna watch all 25 episodes.

Speaker 3:

Right, I'm in it, I'm in it and that was gonna be the next one, like if you going to ask me that same question, that would be. The answer is, that is the reason I would finish watching the show.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's just continue the game so we need to do like a live watch party. Oh, my god, the four of us need to sit down. We'll, uh, maybe we'll stream it live or put it up, uh, for our inner circle members, and then, uh, we'll just get hammered while we're watching a, a show that is meant for the, you know, the six-year-old set well, as a mom, you need to sneak those drinks in.

Speaker 2:

So when mom is watching the show with the kids, you know you can have. You can have your little wine. It's fine, that's okay, that's fair.

Speaker 1:

All right, so, tony, would you, would you recommend the show to? To brand new adult fans, maybe people that aren't familiar with star wars at all? Is this something that, like again, our listeners sit down, maybe watch a few episodes does? Do you feel that it gave you any familiarization with the high republic era, or did it just feel like just regular-ass Star Wars to you?

Speaker 3:

Again, without having the background of anything. Going back that far, it really didn't give me much, like I said, for me, outside of Yoda himself, there was really no link to anything that I was familiar with. Okay, that being said, again, if there's an adult out there that's interested in getting into Star Wars, that has a child, I think it's a great way just to get familiar with the concept, understand the concept of what Jedi do and the good versus evil and all that, but beyond that, okay, that's fair, that's fair.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sir, daddy Louie, light side and blast points. What you got for us, what's?

Speaker 4:

your, what are your? Lightside, okay, um, like we had kind of talked about very briefly in the beginning. Um, I have nieces and well, I have a niece and a nephew that are in that age range that you would expect to watch a show like this. So I'm familiar with things kind of in that genre that are currently out. There's like a spider-man show, like spidey and friends or something like that, and it's like, yeah, so there's shows like that. You know the, the animations, all the same, big heads, little bodies, that chibi kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

Um, uh, I, I I enjoyed it more than I thought that I was gonna enjoy it. To be honest with you, um, yeah, I, I kind of like I, I don't have anything bad to say about it. I'm trying to think of like light side, like things that really stuck out with me. I did appreciate that there was a little bit of um, like nubs is is a creature that we haven't seen before in star wars, you know, like blue teddy bear thing at least I've never seen it in star wars um, so I think it's a relatively new alien. I guess that they've created for Star Wars, but aside from that, I appreciated that they've also thrown in other aliens that we are familiar with. Like going back to what was the bad guy's name, the bounty hunter kid or the table table.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Right, so he has that, the Gamorrean, who's a cute baby.

Speaker 4:

Gamorrean Super right, yeah, so it's things like that that I appreciated. Obviously, yoda giving him his, his training lightsaber, that's super cool, that that's a Canon thing. So now Yoda, one of the biggest characters in all of star Wars, you know, has a tie, like a real tie into the show, which I think is, yeah, is great. He's not just a cameo. He literally gave his training lightsaber to this kid and I would not be surprised if at some point in time in the future probably the near future, where that kid gets named, dropped in a live action or a more adult show. You know, like, remember that Jedi named, you know what I'm saying. Like I think that he, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens, especially now that they've tied him directly into Yoda, like that. I mean, I feel like that's that could be a Canon thing later down the line. Yeah, I really appreciate that A lot. Be a canon thing later down the line yeah, there was.

Speaker 4:

I really appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people online were talking about and again, these are people that aren't familiar with the timeline but people were asking what happens to these characters once Order 66 hits. Chances are they're, you know, depending on you know their species, uh, they probably have died of old age, um, but I, I, I agree with you, lou. I think that there's, there's definitely some potential to see, you know, our three younglings, uh, in something else, as adults, even if it's just like a background thing, or or maybe we get to see you know kai's adventures, you know, maybe, maybe we'll see him as a, as an older jedi master or something, but I think, and and he's still got yoda's training saber. I mean that would be cool, right, that's like the coolest collector collect ever. If you're like a, if you're a fucking youngling and yoda gives you his training saber yeah, that's a training saber that's probably 600 years old. Here you go, use yours, cause you lost yours, like mine too. I lost mine too, right, throwing away training sabers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree with Louie he's he's probably having to drop, hopefully somewhere. That'd be great.

Speaker 4:

I saw a piece of art today when just scrolling facebook and it was, uh, an art piece that somebody had done, and it's the jedi temple and the steps that are going like up to the jedi temple. And then there's like, um, a few very distinct historical characters, the standing on the steps together, taking like almost looks like it's a group shot, right. So you got there's like luke and anakin and ray and yoda obi-wan I'm trying to remember who else was there, um, the guy from the current video games, the jedi survivor games, I don't, I don't know how castus cow, cow, cow, yep, so cows on there, um, and then off to the side as little nubs with his lightsaber hanging up in there. Oh, ezra was on there and where did you?

Speaker 4:

see that it was. It was just scrolling facebook, as somebody had done, like a piece of artwork, and it was like the jedi temple and you know, there's a big long staircase that goes up to jedi temple and there's like, it's like a group shot, almost like the you know, the all-stars standing together like on this photo, and and one of the one of the Jedi in the photo was nubs, and you know he's obviously the smallest one out of all of them.

Speaker 1:

So I want him to grow to be like a nine foot tall making Chewbacca looking beast like a gigantic with tusks or something. But yeah that his particular species was created for the show, so we've never seen this before, right?

Speaker 4:

Right, he's like a fricking care bear.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Like that. So as soon as I saw him I was like, oh, he's like a care bear, like that's what he looks like, and that's your jam too, right.

Speaker 1:

I mean you like the monsters, but he's a baby. Well, right now he is, but I mean you know, a baby can grow up, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, it doesn't look like what he looks like now. I don't see him getting too much bigger.

Speaker 4:

No, to be honest, like ewok size maybe.

Speaker 2:

yeah, ewok size yeah, yeah, because he's too cute. No, that's fair, he's just just. That's fair. Um, and I think there was um like twilight's in there too, right, wasn't one of them a twilight?

Speaker 1:

um, I, one of the younglings I don't, I don't kind of remind me know, but I don't think she was.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, no, like in the background with the kids. I could have swore, but I could be wrong there.

Speaker 1:

I mean there might have been like you mean, like one of the one, of the one, of the background younglings.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, one of the background.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I think this was a pan P pantoran, pantoran, pantoran, is that what it is? Yeah, and we've seen them pop up before. Uh, george lucas played one of those. Um, he, he was in, oh my god. Um, I want to say he was in episode two and he was like, uh, like a diplomat, um, and I believe that they, they did feature heavily in, um, the clone wars. I think the first couple of seasons, the clone wars, I think there was uh, um, some stuff where they went to like a snow planet and they were there. It might have been their planet, tenu, tinu, I don't know, something like that. But yeah, we've seen them, they've been, they've featured heavily, heavily, heavily I can talk I can english, I promise I can english.

Speaker 1:

So, louis, any, uh, anything impactful for you, anything that, like you know, you know, hit your, hit your insides, just right, or do you have?

Speaker 4:

a hot and I think it's got to be the lightsaber, the the, the yoda lightsaber that was.

Speaker 1:

That was crazy cool and you being you being a fan boy, I mean you love yoda yeah, yoda is my favorite character for sure, so seeing that was really cool were you a little jelly? Were you a little bit jelly, a little?

Speaker 4:

jealous. But I gotta say like that was really like that the way that that episode ended, and to like what Tony had said about how the episodes are kind of like two stories in one episode and if I remember correctly, that was the first story of the first episode. Really the way that that ended made me want to keep watching. But then by the end of the second episode I was kind of digging it. Like I was kind of digging it, like I was kind of into it and I wasn't. I didn't feel myself, I didn't feel like I was forcing myself to watch it, right, like when I first sat down I was like, oh, we're doing the show. I got to sit down and watch this kid show and then an episode happened. I was like, oh crap, like that's pretty cool. Right, let me watch the second one. And by the end of the second one, like I said I was, let me watch the second one.

Speaker 4:

And by the end of the second one, like I said, I was like, all right, these kids are kind of cool, right, all right, um, yeah, um, as far as like dark side stuff, um, kind of to sherry's point, like some of this stuff is like extremely unbelievable, um, like episode like the first I think it was the first or second episode Nubs gets hit in the face with like some noodles and he like gets taken out for like the whole fight because he got hit in the face with like some noodles. It's like so you're a Jedi in training and some noodles are gonna take you out. Like come on man. Like it was like the whole second half of the episode. He's like ah, these noodles are on my face.

Speaker 4:

Maybe he was embarrassed, maybe he was. It was like the whole second half of the episode. He's like ah, these noodles are on my face maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he was dealing with some things, louis no, because then he was like trying to like eat him, like off his face. He was, you know, trying to like suck the noodles into his mouth I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, can that, can that guy come?

Speaker 4:

on and then the? Um, the main jedi. That's kind of like their master, like the female I can't think of her name um, yeah, yeah, she is just a terrible jedi like she's just like or jedi like I don't like.

Speaker 4:

I can see her like pulling like a karen at the grocery store, like she's in the, she's in line at the grocery store getting the blue milk for the, for the things, and she, you know, she's all sweet and kind in the beginning and then somebody like cuts her off in line and all of a sudden she goes like full, like well, but think about it, though it's like most like when you, when you're in a situation like that where you're watching people's kids or you're, you know, you're, you know, but they don't have parents, they've been kidnapped, like all of the all of the younglings have been.

Speaker 1:

They've either been kidnapped, um, they've been bought and purchased by the jedi temple or they've been found, so they don't have parents to complain about the treatment or if they go missing, or if they're flying around with tweens in their hot rod ships and going to other star systems Pirate space missions.

Speaker 3:

Pirate lairs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

They went to a pirate lair Right.

Speaker 1:

With adults and just chilled. They were just kicking it in the pirate lairs. Yeah, I mean they went to a pirate lair right with adults and just chilled. They were just kicking it in the pirate lair with grown pirates so that's yeah.

Speaker 4:

You're right, louis, that's totally come on, she's a terrible, terrible jedi okay, well, they all are, because yoda's gonna do it, yeah, yeah yoda's like oh, go, go across the galaxy.

Speaker 1:

Go get me some peanuts. Oh, that's right.

Speaker 4:

The seeds Go, get me some sunflower seeds.

Speaker 1:

I thought for sure that when they brought those seeds back he was going to be like favorite snack. These are I totally thought that they were going. They were going on this potentially hazardous, deadly, deadly mission to get Yoda some snacks for the festival.

Speaker 4:

Some snacks for the festival.

Speaker 3:

This is so important?

Speaker 4:

No, it's not.

Speaker 3:

I personally, like I thought about the timeline for this. Don't get me wrong. There's a part that you just have to ignore common sense, because these kids show and like none of these adventures would happen if they properly took care of these kids. That being said, like for me it was kind of the well, this kind of makes sense as to why the fuck they let Anakin get so far down his path without doing shit to stop him.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I guess it makes sense. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're, you are not wrong.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? It's the force taking care of them.

Speaker 1:

That's what it is yeah, that's it. The galactic cheat code for everything is the force.

Speaker 4:

Speaking of the force, speaking of the force, I know that they were only using it as like a you know part of the story or whatever. Like you know, don't, don't take advantage of your your whatever yeah.

Speaker 4:

But the episode, which episode was it? When they were doing the race right and they decided, and the the? When they were doing the race Right and they decided, and the Jedi, the younglings, had to help, but they couldn't use the force to help or whatever. I get that, like you know, friendship, teamwork, teamwork makes the dream work Right. But come on what? And what universe. I shouldn't say what universe. But when have we ever known the Jedi To not just go whoopop? Yep, that's in my way.

Speaker 1:

Let's just move that out of the way. I agree when, both, when the what is it? Team Crimson Phoenix, and then the bully when they were both, when both Skiffs were stuck in the mud.

Speaker 4:

Why couldn't they just lift them both up at the same time Come on.

Speaker 1:

They could have at least used the force to do that, but instead they tied a cable between the two and their little bodies pulled these two skiffs that were let's work together, but we're going to double the weight that we're trying to pull, so it shouldn't negate it.

Speaker 3:

It shouldn't be able to do anything but double the weight that we're trying to pull, so it shouldn't be able to do anything.

Speaker 1:

But okay, it's the power of teamwork, we're gonna make it work. Well, it might have been. It may be a low gravity planet, and they and of course you know both gifts do have repulsor lifts, so they um, I don't, I got nothing. So, daddy louis, is this something that you would recommend to a new fan or an adult? We're talking about adults, because obviously children should not be listening to our show, unless you, of course, are one of those Jedi caretakers and you don't watch the children properly and they're just on their iPads.

Speaker 4:

Right, yeah, so I don't. I wouldn't recommend it. I wouldn't recommend it to someone that's never been exposed to Star Wars before. But if you're a Star Wars fan already and you're out there and you've seen all the Star Wars stuff except this, go watch it. It's fun and it's worth at least the first couple episodes to at least familiarize yourself. I I like tony said like okay, we're x amount of episodes in and we haven't learned about nubs. What if there's an episode in there where we do? I kind of want to see it. I kind of want to learn about nubs. You know, just after watching the first couple episodes of the season, like that's a cool looking character and maybe there's some history there. And again, these are characters that I want to see in live action stuff. You know, like I don't know when the Acolyte takes place. Does anybody know?

Speaker 1:

like the Acolyte.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Hierophant Gara.

Speaker 4:

Right, so is it around the same time that this would be happening? Because if that's true, there's possibility of characters. You see what I'm saying. Like I, like I mentioned earlier, I would not be surprised if we saw some of these characters portrayed in a video game, at least name dropped, you know, as a little as a little nod in there for people who know the acolyte is 100 years prior to episode one right, so this is what 132 bby? Right, so this is before that and this show is 232.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this is so it's very possible that some of these characters could be adults in the acolyte they would be very old.

Speaker 1:

They would be 100 years old well, I mean some species nubs nubs could be right but.

Speaker 2:

But even I mean then even the um, oh, my goodness, what's the main character's name, though?

Speaker 4:

of what he could be.

Speaker 1:

He could be, I mean, because we don't know, even though and this is the thing about star wars too, the beautiful thing about star just because someone looks human, well, they're humanoid. They're humanoid. They're not from earth, they don't have an earth lifespan, correct?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I mean cause, like when we see Obi-Wan Kenobi, like when we see him in a new hope, you know, versus him in the clone wars. That's like 18 years, years, and my dude, horribly, I mean it's those twin sons right, it's no, he had a hard.

Speaker 2:

You know, anakin fucked him up emotionally.

Speaker 1:

And he was, he was working, obi-wan was working in that that, that, that fish processing plant, that that couldn't have been easy.

Speaker 3:

That's hard oh yeah, I forgot about that yeah, so that's hard labor, but yeah, 18 years he spends on tatooine and he is looking rough by the time we see him in the new hope so I actually have a my own kind of headcanon for this, okay, and it's that the more any jedi uses the force, the more like it deteriorates their natural life force, so it drains them, it puts a strain on their body.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's interesting. I like that.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know, because that's part of their DNA. They're midichlorians.

Speaker 1:

And the force does sustain us. The force binds us, penetrates us, it sustains us. But that's an interesting theory, though Could it drain you?

Speaker 2:

You know what I? I don't not the light not to me, to me like I know that this goes to.

Speaker 3:

This goes to a movie that some of us are not big fans of, but I and I know louis are like the way that luke dies at the end of, uh, at the end of, last Jedi. He's doing something very extreme with the Force, yeah, and he's not a particularly old man at that time, but he does that one thing. And don't get wrong, it's an incredible fucking thing, but he does that one thing and that's it. He is done.

Speaker 4:

I wonder, you know, I mean, mean, if you think was he tapping into the dark side to do it?

Speaker 1:

no, I don't think so, not at that time. I I don't think so. I don't think luke was tapping into the dark side at that time. Luke has always been kind of lauded as the most powerful light side jedi in star wars canon. So I got. But you know. So it's like people are like, well, you know, peak Anakin versus peak Luke you know I.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I mean that's, that's a debate that's going to be as old as time, but I I don't think that I've not heard of that debate, actually, you know what?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, maybe he used up like all his midichlorians because, like darth vader, was just straight up born from midichlorians so allegedly maybe you okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, she said, there was no dad um maybe she was just embarrassed, maybe maybe it was wado and she didn't want to if you want to put her business out there

Speaker 2:

that's embarrassing she maybe it goes off of that maybe like how many you have, because allegedly everyone has them, but they don't have the force. Yes, so that means everyone has many chlorines.

Speaker 1:

The higher count is more force, right, right well, they're kind of they're trying to retcon it a little bit. Here and there they're trying to adjust it because they, they won't even say midichlorians anymore. They, they m count, your m count. Now I mean, it's still, it's fine, still midichlorians, yeah, but they're just trying to yeah, I get it I know, because there was such a backlash about that, but or maybe luke was just tired he might have.

Speaker 2:

He was like listen this is my last hurrah and I'm out.

Speaker 1:

I mean he, I agree with Tony. I think it was just.

Speaker 3:

I don't think they say right or wrong To me. This was just always the way that I interpreted it in my head.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a good interpretation, and I don't care what I mean, I've always interpreted it that way as well.

Speaker 4:

He literally drained the last of what he had left and I mean, hey guys, I'm just throwing this out there. There is supposedly an Obi-Wan season two in the works. How cool would it be if we saw him do something that would explain the aging.

Speaker 1:

Yes, sure.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I wouldn't put that past Filoni to do something that actually signifies, you know, maybe yeah, but I mean cool.

Speaker 1:

So, luke, that in my opinion, one of the most badass scenes in all of Star Wars, whether you love that movie or you hate it. When he, when he, the fact that he did that across space time. First of all, that was bad, because it used to be badass that darth vader choked out admiral ozzel over over tv. You know, I mean it's like right, but luke, luke did this thing and then he just he brushed the dirt off his shoulder like the dirt that wasn't even there. He just did that just to taunt kylo ren and you, you know what you say, what you want about, you know, you know, farm boy luke, pick up the power converters at taji's day yeah, he was a wuss, but sure and obviously he turned badass you say what you want about him hiding and like leaving the jedi path, but I get anyway.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk about that once we get to that film. He brushed the dirt off his motherfucking shoulder.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even know it was coming at me, bro.

Speaker 4:

Oh. I didn't either I didn't either Of course, watching it again, you notice the things like when his foot moves, the salt doesn't move. His lightsaber is not green, it's blue.

Speaker 2:

And his haircut, haircut.

Speaker 1:

He had his farm boy haircut oh right, right, his hair was cut too. Yeah, it was different but you're not thinking about that, you're just like holy fuck, here's luke.

Speaker 4:

He's gonna so good bring some balance.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, so good I don't know if I could find it anymore because it was a long time ago at this point, but I do remember seeing some of the clips that somebody put together where, right at that point where he goes to brush the dirt off shoulder Awesome, that Jay-Z song kicks in.

Speaker 1:

I was like yeah, I love it. I love it. All right, let's move on to homework. It's homework time, y'all Homework time. So this is this is your homework assignment for next week, and this is going to be very specific. So your homework assignment for next week is to watch Tales of the Jedi, if you haven't already. Episode two, three and one in that order Listeners, viewers, same thing for you. If you haven't watched tales of the jedi, watch it episode two, three and one, in that order specifically. And there's a method to that madness and we'll uh, we'll discuss that next week next week as we get into it.

Speaker 4:

So also the episodes with yep okay yep, yeah, yeah, yeah so now.

Speaker 1:

And so why are we? Why are we doing this? It's because star wars jumps around when, when things are released, things aren't released in chronological order, they're just released. So the whole point of this podcast is that we're watching these things in order in the hope that not only are you going to learn some things, but you're going to develop a deeper connection with these characters, because you know you're seeing this character do do this thing in this film. But then there's all this other backstory, that part that they did in this TV show, you know, like the relationship between Ahsoka and Luke and Anakin.

Speaker 1:

You know why do you care? You know why should you, why should you care? You know you care. You know why should you, why should you care? You know all these things.

Speaker 1:

So I think by the time we get deeper into you know the star wars franchise, the hope is that you will start to develop a more emotional attachment. And then, by the time you see certain things, by the time you see you know, spoiler alert by the time you see the, the battle between ahsoka and anakin, it's going to punch you in the chest, you know, and at this point it's not going to do that if you were just to watch it. Now it's like, oh okay, that's cool. You know the relationship between obi-wan kenobi and darth maul. You know that is a long, that's a spanning, far-reaching relationship, but but why do we care, we're going to help you get get on. So all right. Uh, before we do our, our pimping out, does anybody have anything else they'd like to say anything? Uh, interesting that they saw anything that they felt. No, no, all right, I'll look forward to this next round yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

So again, homework tales of the jedi 3, and 1, in that order, and now it is time for our obligatory pimping. So please check us out on all social media at the SWS show and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and our YouTube channel, which is also at the SWS show, over on YouTube. If you'd like to get some of this merch, head on over to CircleLead nervescom slash merch. And if you'd like to know what's coming up next and follow our roadmap, you can check out the timeline, which is going to be in the show description, if I remember, if I remember to put it there, or you can head over to to the SWS website. So that's going to be circle of nervescom slash, the S W S show. So, as always, thank you so much for tuning in this week. We really appreciate you taking the time and, as always, my little succulents if nobody does anything nice for you, do something nice to yourself and we're going to see you all next week.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye you.

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Children's Show Review and Drinking Game
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Star Wars Younglings and Jedi Training
Jedi and Star Wars Lore Discussion